Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Sep 1902, p. 6

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ctor ORE THE pA Y WHIG WE.NEsDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 ° (1 lnm Some Guns , Don't Kill No matter "how good a shot you may be, but by buying from MITCHELL your gun is guaran- teed as every gun is thoroughly tested, and you can try it before you buy. Powder, shot, loaded shell and rifles. Mitchell's Hardware, 68° Princess Street, Kingston. She S ys . Our Egg Drinks are Delicious. We have a full line of Note Paper and Envelopes, Harry Webb's Chocolates, Pure Diuecs and Chem- icals, Finest Toilet Articles, etc. E. L. EBBELS, Chemist ard D uggist, MARKET SQUARE DRUG STORE, King and Market Sts. - Kingston THE GENUINE CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATER HAS-THE' WORD MAGI PROMINENT ON THE LABEL OF EVERY BOTTLE. DISCOURAGE THE PREVALENT FRADULENT SUBSTITUTION. » BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern conveniences, cen tral, not far from City and Macdonald parks. Suitable for a party of from three to five. 1956 Earl street. {THE & 1M. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. : COMMERCIAL MATTERS. a What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Crop. bulletin No. 2 estimates the N.W.T. wheat vield at 14,649,000; oats 10,725,500, and barley, $44,000 bushgis: Thomas Fyshe, general the Merchants bank of Canada, announces that two new branches are to be openud, one at Carnduff in Southwestern Manitoba, and an- other at Morris, making in all fifteen in Manitoba ad in the territories. , The mines of British Columbia in 1901 pro- duced 820,086,780, compared With $18,000, 300 by the mines of the Yukon district. In- is shown in almost all manager of creased production brapches of the mining industry, especially in copper, coal, coke, gold and silver. It is announced that the Imperial Glucose and Starch company, of which C. M. Warner, Syracuse, N.Y., is chiel promoter, has placed $1,700,000 of stock and will soon be incor- porated under the Jaws of New Jersey and operations South be in at its factorv in Chicago. v A Dangerous Customer. An Ontafio=street hotel keeper is nursing a sore head as a result of an encounter he had with a former well- known footballist. The young man was in the bar and became noisy. The pro- prietor asked hm 0) keed quiet, and the answer came in the form of a beer tumbler "'shied" at the head of the proprietor, which it missed, but it struck a mirrow and smashed it. Then the young man picked up a hea- vier weapon, a cuspidor, and threw it at the hotel man. This time the aim was gmore . correct, as the cuspidor struck the hotel keeper's head, inflict- ing a gash which' required three stitch- es to close. ee Had A Fine Outing. The Kingston fat men returned from Watertown at noon' to-day, flushed with their victory over their Water- town opponents. The baseball match was witnessed by a very large crowd, and was played in the most friendly spirit. The Kingston team succeeded in ! cutting out a win by a score of four- teen to nine. They speak in high terms of praise of the good treatment ac- corded them by 'their hosts. They were driven areund the city, shown the sights, were accorded every colirtesy, and say 'the Watertown boys have no- thing to learn in the matter of en- tertaining guests. + House Ek How Furnishings. There is a vast qualities of House Furnishings. difference in the The Dependable Qualities are what we sell. Theyalso havestyle which is.much desired, The prices are always Low. Carpets, We show some exclusive patterns in Brussels and Tapestry Carpets in large and small designs, suit- able for Halls, Stairs and Rooms of all Kinds. o> Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs All wool art squares, in all the desired sizes from 2% to § yards long; Prices $5.50 to $25 each. "LAGE CURTAINS Not another retail house in the city sends a representa- tive direct to the factories. We send one every season; and therefore we are able to select exclusive designs, which are a complete change from the styles you see elsewhere Irish Point Lace Curtains, Worth $5.00 for §3 75; worth $6 oo for $4.75 Nottingham Lace Curtains, Worth $1.75 for $1 40; worth $2 50 for $1 go. Swiss Net Curtains, Worth §6.50 for $5.00; worth $8.50 for $6 75. Fancy Sash Nets and Frilled ~ Muslins in Large Variety. Floor Oilcloths, A new lot' to hand, SPLENDID DE- SIGNS, at low prices. oa VISIT BRITAIN ALLIED FOOTBALL CLUB WILL HAVE TOUR Three Thousand Dollars Guaran- teed--What is Being Done at Dental and Medical Conven- 'tions. Montreal, Sept. 17.--The British clubs interested in the visit to that country of an allied football club have guaranteed $3,000, which will be at least enough to pay travelling expens- es. The Canadians will leave for Eng- Jand in the latter -part of November, and the first game is scheduled for the 13th December. The deiegates to the Canadian Den- tal convéntion took a trip dowh the Lachine Rapids this morning and af- terwards listened ?o a paper by Dr. Johnston, Chicago, on filling teeth with 'gold. A discussion on that sub- ject followed and was taken part in by several delegates. This afternoon the important business regarding do- minion recognition of dental certific- ates will be take up with object of securing legislation to that end. At the Canadian Medical Association convention this morning the subject for discussion was diseases of the gall, bladder, and bile ducts. Papers on the medical ana surgical sides of treat- ment were read by Dr. McPhedran, To- ronto: Dr. Blackader, Montreal: Dr. James Bell, Montreal; Dr. J. F Ww Ross. Toronto; Dr. G. E. Armstrong. Montreal, and Dr. Dudley Allen, Cleve- land, Ohio. This afternoon the con- vention is meeting for general busi- ness. ee METHODIST CHURCH. The General Oonference Elects Its Officers. > Winnipeg, Sept. 16.--The time of the Methodist conference to-day was large- ly taken up by the selection and elee- {ion of its numerous officers for the ensuing term. For the general superintendency, Dr. Carman was re-elected on the first ballot. the vote standing as follows : Dr. Carman, 144; Dr. Sutherland, 37; Dr. Potts, 19; Dr. Rose; 21; Dr. Ryck- man, 3; Dr. Allan, 5; Dr. Williams, 4; Dr. Ross, 2; F. R. Young, 1. The following were elected to Gener- al Board of Missions': . Ministers, Dr. Ryckman, Dr. Gaetz, Dr. Briggs, Dr. T. G. Williams. Rev. W. R. Young, Dr. Huestis; laymen, C. 1. Massey, N. W. Rowell, J. A. M. Aikins, Senator Cox, .J.'W. Flavelle, J. J. Maclaren. After this the long: lists of newly elected members to the boards of the Educational society and the several colleges were announced The educational committee recom- mended "that the Weslevan college, Montreal. and the British Columbia college, be gecepted as connectional in- stitutions. Carried. That the conference protest against the giving of aid by the Ontario gov- ernment to edueational institutions, which are denominational and strictly provincial, and not under the control of the government. Carried. That the Methodist college of New- founcland he accepted as a denomina- tional institution. Carried? No action was taken in the matter of. the publication of a new hymn book. Rev. G. J. Pond was electea eaitor of the Christian Guardian. The vote stood : Bond; 124; A.C. Crews, -114. Other elections were as Tollows : Editor Methodist Magazine and Sun- aay school periodicals, Dr. Withrow. General secretary board of missions, Dy. Sutherland. Assistant seeretary, Dr. derson. Clerical treasurer, Dr. Lay treasurer, A. E. Ames. Corresponding missionary etary for Manitoba and North-West Terri- tories, Dr. Woodsworth. yo. Secretary of education, Dr. Potts. James Hen- Sutherland. Sceretary Sunday school and Ep- worth League, Rev. A. C. Crews. Treasurer © of the superannuation fund. Dr. Griflin: assistant, Edward Gurney. CANADIAN CAVALRY. Military Order Issued--Use Sword Abolished. ' Ottawa, Sept. 17.--A militia order of just ,issued practically abolishes the use of the sword as a weapon in the Canadian cavalry forces. Its, reten- tion is permitted only on parade, and swords are not henceforth to be taken into the field. Hon. Mr. Tarte has been invited to address the Ottawa Board of Trade at its frst regular meeting this fall, which will be held on September 23rd. Mr. Tarte has been asked to select his theme and he will probably speak on the "trate question and the develop- ment of the Canadian waterways. Interest in the shooting of Emery, an Ashton farmer, by a nine- teen-vear-old lad placed in his home through the agency of Orpington Lodge, engaged in the work of res ening boys of 'the submerged tenth' class in England, and getting homes for them. in Canada. has been revived by the condition of the farmer, who now lives in the Protestant hospital. James and an uncertain ne. in.the city interviewing the crown au- thorities. feels intensely the apathy of the law officers in investiga- ting the facts of the shooting. At the next meeting of the city council a motion will be made to in- over PITH OF THE NEWS. ------ The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. It is announced that the czar will visit Rome next May. Ah The collapse of a reservoir at Utica, N.Y., undermined g road and wrecked a trolley line. > President Roosevelt is to receive the degree of doctor of laws from Chicago university during his visit to Chicago on October 3rd. The statement made by the French minister of marine that Corsica should pe fortified is not taken seriously in London, and no ill feeling is felt. * United States Senator Bard is seri- ously ill at Los Angeles with typhoid pneumonia. Senator Bard is a repub- lican and "his term will expire in 1904, The: Harmsworths, the principal owners of the London Daily Mail, Evening News, and several other pub- licatigns; have bought the Leeds Daily Néws, a prominent . northern evening paper. A new line of stgamships to ply be- tween Odessa, Naples and New York, will be inaugurated early in Novem- her. Three large steamers, the St. Petersburg. Saratoffi and Oret, have heen detailed for this service. Communal schools are being opened this week in Brittany and elsewhere with disturbances. At Auch a priest has been fined one franc for hoisting in front of the church a tri-color, bearing the emblem of the Sacred Heart. The gréat Russian army manocuvres closed on Tuesday. The czar. the grand duke. ana four thousand offi- cers, subsequently lunchea together on the manoeuvre ground. His majesty toasted the troops who participated in the operations. WITH SPEED OF LIGHT. Sun And Mountains Do Not Re- tard Messages. Rome, Sept. 17.--Sig. Marconi an- nounced Monday that neither the ef- fect of the sun nor the barriers of mountains can interfero any longer with the transmission of wireless mes- sages by his method. They will now travel gnywhere with the speed of licht, or at the rate of 300.000 kilo- meters (186,400 miles) a second. The inventor is sufiering from ma- laria, and, therefore, is compelled to defer his departure for Nova Scotia. Lansdowne Weddings. Lansdowne, Sept. 15.--At her fa- ther"s residence last Wednesaay, Ger- tie, eldest * daughter of Frank Cole, was married to John Allen, a success- ful farmer. A large number of guests were present. The number of valuable presents the young couple received tes- tified to the high regard in which they St. John's church, to Joel Webb, a prosperous main road farm- er. Though the wedding was a quiet one. a large number of frienas were present at the church to wish them a long and happy life. They left on the afternoon train for western points of interest. ried in W. H. Leacock, painter, ill since last fall, passed away Saturday morning last. He was widely known through this section. being one Of the best painters and decorators. Much svmpathy is felt for his widow ana three small children. The funeral oc- curred Monaay under the auspices of the L.O.L. Rev. Mr. Heeney is enjoy- ing a vacation at present. Lansdowne its size on the G.T.R. Run-Away Couple Caught. turday when Sheriff Miller, of Canton, was informed that the parties were in Ottawa. The sheriff took the first train for Ottawa Saturday and found over to her father, Martin had three hundred and sixty dollars left out of the four hundred he took from his | father-in-law, when arrested. . om "Won Good Prizes. Robert Ireland, who will again get as instructor in butter making at the Kingston Dairy school, has been sue- cessful in winning 5 large number of prizes on. butter at the fall exhibi- tions. At the Toronto fair he secur- ed two first prizes and one second prize on creamery butter, and at the London fair his butter took the first place. How It Was Effected. | been brought [of Emperor | and with the bullet embedded ip his lung, | issue of the shoot- | Rev. Father Volev, who has been | crease the salary of the mavor of Ot: | | have been summer holidaying are re- tawa to § HM a wear. commencing on the 'Ist of Wanuarv., The present sal arv of Ottawa's .chief magistrate 1s 21,000, and the alderman who will move the increase, ex-Mayvor Payment, will present figures in mopesak, which" will show three-fourths of the men who have been mayors ofXOttawa in. the lyst twenty vears have suffered husiness re support of his that about verses thronch the demands made upon them by their civic redponsibili ties. Had Not Bad Feelings. 17. M. | Pelle minister of marine, anti-British and anti recently avira, Tunis,' tan, the French reported Sept, Ww hose Italian somewlrat of ation in a speech at the Reprhlican Club, last night denied that he had anv such feelin: as 'Were ascribed to him. statements cause | a sen London, 17.-- Truth says that a quasi-reconciliation, between King Edward and the Duke of Orleans, has about by the influence Franz Josef of Austria King Christian of Denmark. Sept. Situation Is Critical. Willemstadt, Island of Curace, Sept. 17.-- President Castro, of Venezuela, has retreated from 'Ocumare before the advance of the revolutionists. The Venezuelan government's situation is critical. Fast Filling Up. The House of Industry is fast filling | up again. The former inmates who turning to secure a comfortable home for "the winter, which the institution affords, Coal Mined Last Week. it one of the best business places of" SEA SERPENTS WERE CAPTURED BY JAP. ANESE AND KILLED The First Car Shdrtage is Re- ported on the Canadian Northern RR.--Suicide of a Girl. Winnipeg, Sept. 17.--A Vancouver dispatch says Japanese fishermen cap- tured two sea serpents, killed them apd-sent- them to Osaka. One-is forty and the other thirty-nine feet long. A young Galician girl, aged four- teen suicided, at Estovan, by hanging. Cause unknown. The first car shortage is reported on the Delta Branch .of the Canadian Northern railway, at Oakland. Hund- reds 'of bushels of wheat are piled in bags around. the elevators. Many farmers through the west are feeling The weather this morning is ~enerally, clear and cool. GEN. SMITH-DORRIEN. 'He Was Married in London on Sept. 3rd. Major-Gen. Horace Lockwood Smith- Dorrien, D.S.0., son of the late Col. R. A. Smith-Dorrien, and Mrs. Smith- Dorrien, of Haresfoot, Berkhampsted, He#ts, was married to Olive Crofton, only daughter of Col. and Mrs. Sch- neider, of Oak Lea, Furness Abbey, at St. Peter's church, Eaton Square, London, on September 3rd. The bride was attended by five youthful brides- maids and a page, namely, the Misses Dorothy, Mary, anda Kathleen Con- stable Curtis, and Miss Gwendoline Kirby, nieces of the bridegroom, and Miss Dolly Fairholme, cousin of the bride, Master George Repton walking with the youngest bridesmaid. Capt. Weldon was best man. Rev. Walter Smith-Dorrien, brothér of the bride- sroom. performed the ceremony, as- sisted by Rev. J. Kirby, his brother- in-law. The reception was held hy the bride's mother at 75 Harrington Gar- dens, kindly lent by Lady Stewart, and was attended by numerous rela- tives and friends of both families. Major-Gen.. and Mrs. Smith-Dorrien subsequently leit for the Priory, old Windsor, the residence of the bride- groom's sister, Mrs. Tyrwhitt Drake. The presents included a massive silver tray frojp the bridegroom's '"'com- rades, past and present," in the 2nd Battalion of the Derbyshire Regiment; a large silver salver and diamond star from the headquarters staff in India; a similar gift from 'the officers of the Duke of Cornwall's Light infantry, who served under him in the 19th Bri- gade in South. Africa, and are held. They léfit for a westérn ioc f Bory a a hand- . , s . some cup y r-Gie pens towr. Tuesday last Miss Jennie John- | (vp AD gon is Sh pt I n, Spens, ston, 4 popular young lady, was mar- J, ADL, Lieut.-Col. Doyle, and other officers of the S5th Light infan- try. 2 3 About Autumn Skirts. At last something definite is an- nounced concerning the coming skirt. It is said the vogue of the flare has passed, and that the new skirt is to be : Guiltless frill. Plain and somewhat full. Touching all round, with a and shortened train, Jordered with bands and brails. In walking skirts there are these three models to be followed: One quite short, which reaches just midway between ankle and sole; ana ror which the new plaids in" Totten efiects--green and blue combinations, the: roughly fin- ished boucle goods and dress cords of of flare and flounce and round to boot small Ogdensburg, N.Y., Sept. 17.--John | 4 : : Martin, forty vears Sih and Lottie Solver rriay be used, is cut either in- Clark, an eighteen-yvear-old married e pleated, bok pleated-or yoke ef: woman, both residents of Rensellaer Jocts. Another as nearly a round skirt Falls, near here, mysteriously disap- mn form, full in width usually, show- peared 'carly hist week. "Martin took ing vertical tucks, bands. or avpli-, with him four hundred dollars which aues. And the third style has a long- belonged to his father-in-law. Their | ¢F trained effect, full' rather than con: whereabouts was uhknown until Sa. | 8Y% about the knees, and full in the back from the waist down. Helpful Hints. One part of beeswax to two. parts of Martin and the Clark woman. They | turpentine dissolved bv heating. makes accompanied the officer back to Can- | 2 good paste for polishing floors. ton, where Martin was lodged in the A small quantity of bakine soda county jail, and Mrs. Clark turned mixed with the brick dust will ren- der the scouring of knives easy. A piece of chamois skin saturated with oil will remove finger marks from fresh' varnish surfaces. Never try to freeze ice cream in a cool place THe faster the ice: melts the sooner the cream will freeze. Dry oatmeal, corn meal or bran rub- bed 'on the hands after washing 'with -| warm water and soap will gradually soften and whiten them. Big Lake Freighters. Ei ening. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, The planning at Cleveland of a steel freighter 550 feet long, 56 feet wide, and 32 feet deep is evidence that the limit of size has not been reached on the great lakes. Most of th: carriers of 1901 and 1902 are than 500 feet long, and it has been sail that the 400-footer is the hand- jest craft of large size: also that there Lew less would he a reversion of enterprise to vessels of that length of keel. But the length will probably go to the limit of safe constriction with = the maximum depth permitted by the lahe channels. »~ Will End By Agreement. Wilkesharree, Pa., Sept.. 17. Presi dent Gompers. of the American Feder- ation of Labor in a statement to-dav says: "At this timegit is impossible to say exactly when the strike will ter: { minate, but after careful inauiry into the situation at' the mines, I am con | vinced, that the struggle will end hy -agreement."' Joy of Self-Sacrifice. Chicago Tribune do be'ie little Mrs, Higgs Wilkesharre, Pa., Sept. 17.--1t is es" | worthy loves her brute of a husband timated that the output of coal for | &, well that she would cheerfully die 1 last week was 130,200 tons, an in- | for him." a 'crease over the second week of Aug "More than that. -She love: him so Lust of 105,200 tons, well that she cheerfully lives with { him." | Grapes. Grapes. Grapes. -- | Two hundred baskets sweet red and Rev. George J. Bond, the newly el | blue grapes, received to-day at Carn ected editor, of the: Christian? Cuardy ovsky's. ; an, and who will take oflice nes: uly, > 3 i= a brother of Sir Robert Fond, | | | | | Justice Britton has been appointed mier of Newfoundland, a 'member of the board of. regents, | anc ient colony, and rescaved his co Victorin college, by the Methodist | lege education, at Mount Allison win General Conference: Dr. W. G. Anglin, | versity, Sackville, N.B., ¢iterting the a member of the senate of Wesleyan | ministry in Nova Scotla twelve years Theological college, Montreal, . ago, - the want of sufficient help very badly. the Dominion Soap Prof. W. Hodgson Elis, Official Analyst to ) i Government, reports that "Sunlight Soap has u thorowsh cleansing power without danger to the clothes or skin." SUNLIGHT REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar 4S Eee $ Come and See Them ! If not prepared to buy you can choose one: and have it placed aside until required. New Fal Jackets Have arrived and they are the best values we have ever offered. Special | ttraction. fet and Winter | e 2 | E 3 Come early and get a choice. ae = R C g y SOE PoE S S: (3 > FE eX ia =) SS / g JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-1272 Princess Street, Kingston. 'NEW STOCK by 4 SLATER BOOTS 'For Gentlemen. No shoe ever made in Canada has stood so long in popu- lar favor. We always feel that we . can conscientiously recommend this make. They are good enough for a King, and we doubt if all Kings wear as good. Wear THE SLATER SHOES and be equal to Royalty. & F ® a. LOCK E I I . E. B. Eddy's wot s . A, y & Wire Hooped Are made from the BEST SELECT- ED LUMBER with Galvanized Spring Steel Wire, electrically welded Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or contraction, so no \ matter what the weather is they keep th PERFECT CONDITIUN. GIVE THEN A TRIAL. Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. ¢ J. A. HENDRY, Agent, - Kingston.

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