Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Sep 1902, p. 3

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Specially adapted for children, on account of its absolute purity, Baby's Own Soap is used by young and old alike and commands an immense sale. Dont trifle with imitations. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mens. MONTREAL. ¢ TRAVELLING, Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. Annual Western Excursions, Sept. 2th, 26th, 27th, At the Following Fares From Kingston, Ont. Detroit, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Saginaw, Mich * Bay City, Mich Grand Rapids, Columbus, Ohio Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Paul, Mima... . fi SE Minneapolis, Minn.. All tickets good to return until Oct 13th, Full particulars at & P.and C. P Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR, Pass. Agt. Mich... Gen. (HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR aod, Napance, p.m. RR. J, WILSON, fice, Clarence street. 143 REIL Annual Western C.P.R. Telegraph Of PIAL oR RR A] Excursions 'Sept. 25th, 26th, 27th. At the Foilawing 'Fares From Kingston, Ont. Detroit, Mich .... Port Huron, Mich ( ovehad, Ohio... S Grand I Columbus, Chicago; TH Cincinnati, St. Paul, Minn Minneapolis, Minn...... tickets pood 'to return until Oct. Passengers holding excursion tickets can sovure sleeping car accommodation at the us. ual rates For iurther information epply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Lake Onfario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STEAMER NORTH KING ROCHESTER ROUTE Steamer leaves Sundays-at 5 p.m. Rochester, N.Y., calling at Cpurts, 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Steamer leaves Sundays at 10:17 a.m. tour of 1,000 Buy, Rockport and Gananoque, BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE STEAMER ALETHA Comwencing Sept. 2nd, leaves week days-ad 8 p.m, for Ricton and intermediate Bay of Quinte 'ports. On Tucsdays, Thursdays sind Saturdays steawer calls at Deseronto and Belleville, For {ull Jima tiog appiv- to 3: 5 HAS ILDERSL VE. Ticket Agents. Co., Freight Agents. DOMINION LINE MALL STEANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE Californian . . Sept. 20th *Norssman Sept. 27th *Turcoman «. Oct, 4th Colonian LOct, 11th *lrishman. Oct: 18¢h Californian Sept. 25th Steamers marked * dé NOL CALrY passengers RATES OF PASSAGE--Suloon. "$65 and upwards, single according to steamer and servios, Second Saloon, $37.50 and up, wards, single, according to steamer and wr vice. Third class, $26. FROM MONTREA E, *Mantman..... Ottoman . FROM 'BO Ohio. for for Spt Sept. Merion... : rw ling had NEW is Toston to the Maliterr, Cambroman, Sept. Vangouver, Oct 18th, Midship, Saldon, . Electrio light, Spacious promnnade decks. Y J. P. Hanky, J. P. Gildersleeve, Act. (LTR. Station, 42 Clarence St. D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agta, Montreal and Poriland. Liverpool zad Allan Line Londonderry Royal Mail Steamefs, From Montreal. Fiom Quebec. Corinthian, Aug. 30, 9 am. pm r i 8, 5 eam. Y a.m. pb 20.5 anf Sept $05 and upwards: a bin, &: 0 to $42.50; London $1 50 Third clase, $25 and ig Liverpool; Derry, | Rilfast, 'Masgow, London New York te Gissgew & Londonderry. i : Sept 27th; 3nd . a Sept, 17th Montreal t to Glasgow Direct. Sept. 3rd and Oct. Sth. SOR. a First cabin $50, swoond cabin" $35, class $25 J. P. Hanley, Agent, vot, Johoston and Ontario Gildersieeve, street. All City Passenger streets, J. P. 5, Gen, Supt. Deseronto and all local Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 Bav of Quinte | Islands, calling at Alexandrige anean. | third | Pe. ! ~ or Edmanson, Bates NAPANEE'S FAIR Jo BABY SHOW A GREAT ATTRACTION What the Judges Decided--Acci- dent to a Lady--Off for the North-West -- Personai Fara _ graphs. Napanee, Sept. 17.--The first dav of the Lennox and 'Addington fair opened most' favorably. The day was almost springlike in its balminess, and by noon the largest number of exhibits in many years was in place at "the pal- ace. A glance over the immense array convinces one that the exhibit this vear js, in every particular, far ahead of former years. Aw the baby show in the evening there was a oot jai, The babies were bright and pretty, and the judges had a hard time to pick out the best one from amongst 'the Mumber. After their decision be- came known, the following sweet lit- tle tots made the hearts of their par- ents glad : Best baby girl, Marion A. Claney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clancy, Switzerville; 2nd, Helen White; 3rd; Jennie Pringle. Best baby 'boy, 1st, Harold and Ger- ald Johnston, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnston, Napanee; 2nd, Stanley Loucks, son of Mr. and Mus. Willis Loucks; apanee; 3rd, 'Wallace Mitchell. The day's receipts were over $100. This is considered good for the first day, and if the weather proves as favorable to-day as yesterday the financial part of fair will also he a success, Mrs, Harry Alwyn (nee Florence O'- Neill), New Denver, B.C., arrived home yesterday for a visit with her par- ents, Mr. .and Mrs. James O'Neill. Yesterday. afternoon an accident hap- pe ed on John street, just opposite the C.P.R. Telegraph office. s Mu. and Mis. J. R. Young, Mrs. George Ham and Mrs. Brisco were driving down street their horse reared and kicked. The two ladies last mentioned were sitting with their backs to the horse. The kick stunned Mrs. Ham, and a doctor was summoned. At first it was thought the jaw bone was broken or fractured, but after reviv- ing her as to thoroughly examine it, it was found to be only a bad bruise. Mrs. Ham had a narrow eso ape for had the horse struck her on the or back of the head it micht resulted much more seriously. Kesler, Fenton, Mich., is vis- iting the scenes of his vouth, after an absence of sixty-five year Mr, Kesler was seven years of age, when his father disposed of his property in Napanee to the Grange brothers, Tho- mas and William, and went west. Mr. Kesler is visiting cousins in the neich- horhood. He spent a few days with John Gibbard, who remembered the family, although sixty-five vears had passed by since he saw them. Mr. Kes- ler is now seventy-one years of age, but time has dealt kindly with hini and he looks more like a man of six- ty. The following centlemen will take a couple of months holiday and spend it looking over the wheat fields and cattle ranches of the west: A. W, Grange, S. Gibson, Rev. A. MdcDon- ald, Napanee; Archibald T. Stewart, Iorinsville; © Peter Laughlin, Napanee; H. Armstrong, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. CW. Collins, Miss Maggie Demorest; Millhaven and Mrs. Silas Harris, Mos- cow; 'The: former three gentlemen oo to Strathcona, Alberta, but Manito- ba is the destination of the others, Mr. amd Mrs. Geor A. CLiff return- ed Saturdav night from a week's holi- day in Rochester and @harlotte. F. W, Smith & Bros. new store will be com- pleted and ready for occupancy by the Ist of November. Dr." John Hill, Ma- berly, is spepding a few days with his mother at flonway. SO neck have Jacob Death Or Lunacy Seemed the only alternative for a well-known and: highly respected laily of Wingham, Ont.; who had travelled over two continents in a vain search for a cure for nervous debility and dyspepsia. A friend. recommended uth American Nervine. One bottle, helped, six bottles cured, and her own written testimony closes with these words : "It has saved mv life." Sold by H. B. Taylor and H. Wade.--20, 4 Rev. Dr. Carman was-re-clected gen- wral superintendent 'by: the Methodist Fenerad -eomerenve, at. Winnipeg, and Rev. George J. Bond, 'Halifax, was elected editor the Christian. Guard- ian in to Rev. Dr. Cour- tree, This Boy Was Weak and Languid of succession Doctors Said He Grew Too Fast-- Parents Became Alarmed and Used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food With Splendid Results. So mild and gentle Chie's Nerve Food Lary suited for (he Loth boys and oil evere strain during the time that their systems. are developing into manhood and womanhood. The tax on the bldod and nerves is frequéntly teo great, external assis tonee is do not believe that, it is p to secure hetter treatment at such time --than Dr. Chase's Nerve Kood, and this belief is I backed by the testimony of vers many | parents who have seen health restored j to their children by means of thi creat restorative. y Mrs, George I. Brishen, Peterboros Om., states : "te of mv children, a boy of about MN fteea years, did not have Loalth for a more. * He to- have was weak nid action Dir. that it is pecn use of children. are under a very in is some We and necessar ible Lake street, gol or Seen Ah Tere VOUINESS, vear CHergy, ming fast, him, Nerve til we noticed dition. Hi better color healthier Food aid we ate pers that he is improving this treatment." Food HY cents. a 50. At all dealers & Co., Toronto. ai ont Ith er and the Nerva feotlv confident ri-ht along under | Dr. Cliace's box, 6 boxes ukinge Nerve for 2 / DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. NEW ZEALAND LETTERS. Trusts and Combines Threatening --Victory For Single Tax. Letters have been received in On- tario, from Mervyn J. Stewart, of An- thenree, N.Z., and trom Marshall N. Hudson, of haukapakapa, N.Z., cop- ies of which have been sent to the Whig with explanatory comments. Trusts And Combines. Mr. Hudson says: "I am sending you amongst other papers a single number of the New Zealand Hansard, containing an interesting debate on The Rings and Combines - Bill. On reading it you. will see that the ad- vance of the trust movement is caus- ing much anxiety here, and New Z land is experiencing some of the di agreeable effects of capitalistic com- binations. "The "Millers Trust has already raised the price of bread in New Zea- land. "I am of the same opinion as Mr. Laurenson and Mr. Hutcheson, whose speeches you will find in the Hansard I send you; namely, that the proper remedy For trusts and combines is for the government to take over such business combinations as have become monopolies injurious to the public interest." From the Hansard report of the debate referred to, we find that it lasted seven hours, and the question was fully and keenly debated. The "Rings and Combines Bill' was intro- duced by a private member , and was for the purpose of enabling the --gov- ernment to regulate and control mon- opolistic aggregations of capital by inquisitorial and other means--in fact, by what may be termed outside interference. Many members of the house were of opinion that' the bill would ' fail of its object. The bill went however, to a second reading, on the understanding that it was to stand over until the introduction of another bill with a similar object in view which the government have an- nouced their intention to bringdown. bE ™ Great Single Tax Victory. There are two letters from M. .J. Stewart, in 'the first of these he says: "Christchurch city carried single. tax on a vote of eleven hundred ratepay- ers--a96 to - 512--after a very sharp fight ten days ago. A suburb of this city Woolston, had carried the reform by a large majority shortly before. 1s not that glorious, aml worth a hund- red of the compulsory municipal sinele tax laws which the government pro- ! They say that they are going to-introduce a compulsory rating unimproved values bill. This would abolish 'the educative single tax 'avi- tations that are so general under the present local option in taxation law, and would give unwilling areas an anti-single-tax grievance. The local taxes are too light for the change to do much in itself, and general taxes too heavy. "Christchurch has New Zealand Boston.' a population of about twenty thonus- and in the city, which is mostly au- tonomous ex-suburbs, with a total Toso poses on good been called "The There is only of say sixty thousand: most of the suburbs having been cap- tured for single tax in detail. It is the heaviest blow yet dealt to the 'power of land monopoly. Wellington city gets charged with voting as the cov ernment of the dav wants, but Christ church is a 'mugwump' town. (Is not that the word-in American 7) "But that is not all. The mayors' parliament or municipal conference, now sitting, has resolved that light- ing, water and hospital rates should be charged on land values only, option of the localities, These are now excluded by-a special clause, for Ha ven knows what reason; but the ac tion of the mavors® shows that they are willing to help the single tax if their publics want it--which is a hig step." In Mr. adds on al md letter he "Several towns Balclutha and Stewart' this subje have carried single tax Stratford boroughs, The county of the latter name, carri®®™ it a vear ago. Foxton has rejected, I fear under the influence of the adverge vote of Auck land city, of" which 1 told vou. Hast- ings alsor hut the poll is disputed, as the returning officer acted improperly -acainst us, of course." Government Fire Insurance. to Mr. Stewart's first letter, we extract. the following con cermmy government. insurance : "Our government proposes to undoer- fire insurance, local companies having combined and doubled ~ rates under a late law providing for 25.000 pounds sterling being deposited as bond with government, which kills competition. The gove ant life in surance, which 1 am in, is very good and fairly cheap. You go in at twen ty-three vears of age, and draw out at sixty vears old or at death; with pro fits; and. it about ~two-and-a- third per cent z vear. Two pounds seven shillings and eightpence are the res. 1 have abont 875 con bonus accrued. On bonuses and interest paid, with simple interest; is thing way." Turning again take costs exact fig tingent term the preminms so that it a sure either Miscellaneous Matters. We cull), the following items hoth of Mr. Stewart's letters : 1 see that the leader' of, tralian labor party stated the Commonwealth parliament that he would prefer u land-value tax rather for the construction of public works. This 4s the first serious broaching 'or the federal tax. thourh state not un likely result. : "The vovernmynt of 'horrowing. About five petipds to be added to the exis ing debt or titty million pounds. It is appalling to. think of wheregwe gre co Gad help the, labor legislation the rchange turns from, as it will befor the Aus lately in than a loan subject as a taxes may is pal million continues ev are <towk « armed! " should be received with Off For A Jaunt. picnic bring a meats and supmily Clark' onr Clark next canned | pork and beans. The an Juda Pest Pesh Napolo mililich interview with Prof. Yambery on the alleged treaty between Russia and Thibet. The or sas the published account uch 'a treaty great reserve. profes of ' from | WESTERN CROP ONFROUS TASK FOR RAIL- RCAD TO HANDLE iT Farmers And{ Elevator Men Must Make an Effort to Co-operate With the C.P.R. Winnipeg, Sept. 17.--The Canadian Pacific railway has ade immense pre- parations for handling: the = present crop. lts Squipment of box cars west of, Fort tlliam is thirty-three per cent. RE than it was at this time last year, while the motive power is over thirty-five per cent. greater. Further additions are being . made every day to the number of cars and locomotives. It so happens, however, that marketing is proceeding much more slowly this vear than last, not- withstanding that the present crop is fully sqonl in volume to that of 1901. Down to Saturday last only 375,000 bushels of "the new crop had been mar- keted, whereas, at the same time last year, over 1,600,000 bushels had been marketed. This affords a illus tration of. the difficulties encountered in handling the Manitoba harvest. While the vast equipment of cars and locomotives owned by the Canadian Pacific has 'been left 'almost idle since threshing began, there is sure to be a tremendous rush be fore the end of the season. Winnipeg, Sept. 17.--The C.P.R. oi. ficials expected that the crop report, published a fortnight ago, would he the last for this sea%on, but owing to the reports * of frost received last week and the rain which has been giv- ing anxiety, officials decided to call for ement in each of the wheat tricts for the western divis sion, as to the extent of the damage if there was any done. Up to last night all re- ports received were of the most ara- tilying character. Most of the sta- tions in South' and South Western Manitoba report no damage from any cause whatever --p---- Premier Irvine's Manifesto. Melbourne, Australia, Se pt. Following the dissolution of the torian parliament; in consequence of an adverse. vote recently on the oov- ernment's schemes for retrenchment, the premier, W. H. Irvine, manifesto to the electors appealing to them to prevent their own servants from par: yzing the administration, He said that in order to avoid a se- rious deficit the government decided on a graduated reduction of the sal ari of public servants, and that thereupon the mass of the state om- ployees hecame rebellions, a strike on the state railroads was openly organ and in consequence of the pres sure brought to bear on them hy the malcontents the assemblymen ' voted against the .government. London, Sept. 17.--A Melbourne dis- patch says the election campa proceeding vigorously. The ministry is receiving widespread support, and op- position is demoralized. Public serv- ants and the labor party are cocrelly combining to oppose the candidates who favor retrenchment. good issued n ized, Married And Away. Point Traverse, Sept. 16.--Mrs. Mary A. Collier has returned aiter spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives in and around Montreal. The. Sunday school the Point on Thurs day was well attended. All report an cacellent time. William A. Head rebuilding Henry Whattan's house! Miss Mabel Minaker has returned home Ss ¢, where she was visiting Arthur Hudson. A people attended the at J. Hick's on Monday Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon, tleseronto, are. visiting 'relatives in this !' neighborhood. Nathan Hicks, who broke his leg a few weeks ¢ i= now very ill with pneumonia. Flva Minaker spent a few week at False Ducks Izland, the guest of Miss Sarah Hudgin. Miss Edna 0: trander has returned home from Royal street. A very quict wedding took phe at J. «J. Van Dusen's, on- Wed- evening, when his daughter, wat married te Powers Aserr: Jennie Prowne attended the while Lewis Hughes 'assisted the croom. Théy Thursday morn for Toronto amid the con- rratulations -and wishes of their mahv friends. picnic at from her number apple eut evening sister, Mi of young days last Miss bride, on fair, hest left ing Glenvale Glimpses. . Glenvale, 'Sept. 15. --Joseph Hawkey has returned from' Dexter N.Y. with brother Michael. He had the mis fortune to fall-off a bridge, 3 distance of sisteen feet and was seriously in ured. J. Creamer sold his trotter re cently for a high ficure, John Gib ill for the past two weeks, is improving. Byron Gordon has return ed from the Toronto fair. Miss Bdith Binnington entertained™a number of friends on Monday. Visitors Mrs, Creamer and daughter; Port Hope, at Joseph Créamer's: Mrs, At Pittsbur Harold 'Porter, Elgin hurg, at Watts"; Alfred Burnet. Montreal, at Mrs. Binnington" Frederick Warren, at Mr. ( sons, A Medicine A Miracle | IRON-OX + TABLETS are not one of the wonders of the world. - They are not the "discovery 'of some marvellous man, made in some mysterious land. They do not drive Doc- tors todespair, and Undertakers into insolvency. THEY ARE ONLY - A THOROUGHLY HONEST AND GOOD REM- EDY FOR CERTAIN COM- MON AILMENTS which never should be neglected. his son, kinson, of Al: \ilee Picton, . An unsurpassed nerve fonio A blood maker and purifier A gentle but effective laxative Not a cathartio ee S50 Tablets, 25 Cents. dis-* "The Perfect Food?* for Brain and Muscle PURE, PALATABLE, POPULAR Hillozs. Aro Botig MALT AVITA Tio Perfect Food" Made in Canada, from Canadian grown wheat, by Canadlan workmen, RENOYES THE CAUSE OF DYSPEPSIA AND INSOMNIA Malta-Vita is the vital, the life-giving food ; the Invigorator of brain and body. CPO Maita- Vita is rich in phosphates, or. brain food. Mszlia-Vita is the original and only perfectly cooked, tauoroughiy rpalted, flaked and toasted whole wheat food. * MNalta~Viia contains all of the gluten of the whole wiieat, and is the peer of all prepared foods as a bone and muscle builder, Perfoct Hogith is Sustained by a Perfect Food Malta-Vite, "the perfect food," eaten for breakiast and supper, iasures perfect digese tion, and removes ai! cause of insomnia and dyspepsia. ¢o% of the ills of life are due to poor digestion. Perfect health, sound restful sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean, white teeth, sweet breath, are the blessings that follow a regular diet of Malta=-Vita. Beware of imitations. Insist on getting Malta= Vita, "the perfect food." Requires no cook- ing,-- always ready to eat. Ca ARR. Malta-Vita is so prepared as to be easily digested and assimilated by old and young, sick or well. * Large Re packages at your grocer's. : Malta-Vita Pure Food Co. » # Toronto, Canada' i IN News Mrs. ighly Point, d Georg a umepiece, sentenced to the Central prison for six months, three aa ol It 1 Un Lil Walter W Bb. oats, acre. teache Renfrew of i married " vell-tosd We spring ty vals, aiso sow oats and and twenty-three pounds. Mrs. late the Cuaig, in the oi She. had M resid IMITATIVE SUICIDE. After London, Master ( son of 3 Solu t HES Cross, room lett ix In a "This olfend oliend th gave it t be put Linry I'he Marie his principal the me Lx Was London, Hibbard, nds a at t he was were sus decided into a went wl "dead bartender The Lond W. kiila, Br Hamilton Wolfe sl Perth, k 3 Renfrew, Sept. ardy, wervil Beachburg, Lansdowne, Oct. Of The Sides Of The Line. Calvin respected ted on es had y L. Heeney. N. ana James 8S. Reading was Mu N hook was thee, on Young nn death «cond aused hy reading the hook. { 89d deaf to inves mi & wind, Spt "sat SEE THE ' BARE AINS IN OUR WINDOW. Men's Bex Calf Leather Lined Lace Boots. A part of the stock bought en bloc in Toronto.+ We will offer for OUR OWN CIRCUIT. Districts On Both and Green Reynolds, an oid resident of thursday last. Lelleville, who stole guilty and was Howell, pleaded Yarwood, Hallowell, from a yield of 225 busheis equal 10 seventy-five bushe . . ; i lay Miss Nellie NM. Bay. Was Unica HL marriage Button, Toronto, by Rev. to engaged in the at a sal- Hamilton, has been r of manual training Collegiate Institute, UU a year. Ha Blair, Carleton on- the rd inst, Y.; to *Judson ) Young man ol Athol, Place, was at Gover Crowder, a that town. sowed this pounds of 'lartar King threshed 112 pounds. He ed seventeen pounds Waverly threshed twenty-nine bushels A. ABERNETHY, Trunks and Valises. TE ---- odrow, sidan EAD PIPE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. VO relict of the McCuaig, M.P., died at ence her - son, A. ¥. -Me- Selfeville, - Monaay afternoon, ightyv-seventh vear of her age. only been ill a few days. ria McCuaig, CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM -- AROHITE ol CTS. UNDERTAKES. AS, CORBI: TT, FUNERAL pipe TOR, 28 Princess Street, Kingstoy, Successor W. M. Drennan. MERCH POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, and ants' Bank Building, corner Brock Corelli's Wellington streets. Phone 212. Marie Late Novel. Sept. © 17.--The the LC clergyman shire, dre ARTHUR "LLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE . F. HARRISON CO., UNDERTAKERS, ste of New Drill Hall, near coroner of 2 5 Princess . Street. Quality a Queen and Montreal Streets. e ency the best. Prices the lowest, x hones Wurerooms, 90. ¥ Night Calla-- . ¥. Harrison, SL. TO-LET, bodv of deventech-yvear-old Lat, Wincanton, HENRY P. SMITH; ; Eo ! in his father's Anchor Building, on which hung 4 wooden 345. found hanging in his bed terday. On a tible a praver TOSS, ARCITITECT, Market Square, ETC. "hone WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE, oO : y bari SEVice second floor over Mahood's Drug Store, pen at the burial Servic 2 corner ~ Princess and Bagot streets. En whic h the lad leit, he sald: trance on fe street. not seltmwder. If thine eve | == isi pluck it out. If hy life MONEY AND BUSINESS. ee, give it back to Him who = o thee, 1 ask that this cross | TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN | HOUSE 191 1 my breast in my grave sums from one thousand to tan thous All modern improvements. Apply w C, in this robe. and dollars ulars apply dy Liviogston & Bro, CODWING © CF. EMIORTUM, | - -- over Express Office, Market Souers, Lun Goon FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board, wi all modern conveniences, at 191 University Avenue. = = ES oon FURNISHED ROOM: wiTn On without board, 101 Queun strest. ' ROOMS TO LET AT William street, with board WELL fu i NISH ED Mra. Yates', if desired. BROCK STRE 9 ROOMS, holy haa <ht been reading | rt Atom," and of the | The case mn welli's Ma Wi an m one IN LARGE OR SMALL interest on city granted on Apply to ofl Frontenae Office op- ce 43 FIRE MONEY TO LOAN me, at low rates of and farm property. Loans city and county debentures. McGILL, manager Loan and Investment Society. posite the Post Office. tation the hook of i 165 KING STREET, pied by Captain ply to Kirkpatrick, EAST, LATELY (QCOU- Eaton. Rant $240. Ap- Rogers & Nickles, KING STREET, WEST, BE AUTIFULLY * situated; facing the Harbor. Rent $240 and. taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers Ww Nigkle: x, STREET, NFAR UNION 'Also other dwe lings, McCann, 61 » Deaf And Dumb. Ont. 17.-'Ex for ral d went i : Vv ee support, | he that police { LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Joo Insusants . Available ets, $51 addition to which the policy hol lors have for security the un- limited liability of all the stockholders, | 0 Farm and Cite Property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from RTRANCE & STRANGE Agente Sept. 187,215 n FRONTENAC street, 6 rooms, stores and offices. J. 8. R Brock street, next Wade's 1g time claiming dumb. The him, and an officer Hibband went local hotel. "the policeman | so. When the latter but oment mile same and icious eof 200 Cloryy, at Groenless, Octobier 1st. WILLIAM STREET, NEAR present oceupied by Principal Vos wsidon [15th September op Apply to' J. 8. R McGann. 201 BROCK up, improvements, alee . 10 rooms ie. was in he spi oking wit ih a fewen talki ft was blue coat ' Saturdav Ma to ¢ spi K RF | "Bright Fire | wi: nn K. 'modern and mprovementa to Bibby. Co.. Oak Hall, Princess a chap 3 Tt o chisary Conl will during the kitel to ooo} "in with COAL... West Sirent for eviry' one. of In an attraction Jlow and in'eni@ heat make itsell felt with pl cold weather. © It's Just with, [et ng fi BOOTHS 133, FP ' as Mi y hours to our THAT AIRY DE- corner of Bagot and park. Modern in water heating and Felix Shaw, SION AT ONCE, ? house on the streets, near the every wav. Daisy hot perfict order Apply to lavot street rehire the 100, won 1a The Fall Fairs. stern, Sept Central, § FOR SALE. SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ot de's Drug In excel Lor leased for a k A. Cays, ral "Phone ON KING stors au condition. BUSINESS | STRAIGHT Ww. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- | chant, Market Square, » am, Sept. 21.24, or tle ny sired TO COIN COLLECTORS. CABINET OF US. SILVER COINS vale Address at Whiz Office, Sept. 24-25. 25 Sept Sept. 30 Oct. 2-3 7-8. le FOR

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