Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1902, p. 4

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... THE NEW ... ton $1.90 And upwards according to num- ber of blades. All makes of razors making: straps and appliances for shaving | SOLD AT CORBETT'S. WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. We conduct onr business on honest commercial principles. We are not sub ctituters. We 'make it a pyut to sup ply just what is asked for; we never suggest the something j as good. Strict attention to deta politenes and close prices have made our store popular. : : A WONDERFUL DEMAND. Paihe's Celery Com- marvelous The demagd for pound is wonderful. Its cures have made it the chosen and es- teemed family medicine, No other re- medy has worked such happy cures ia Pricht's disease, liver complaint, rheumatism, neuralgia and nervous di- senses. We sell the genuine Paine's Cel- ery Compound. . HOAG The Druggist, Csr. Princess and Barrie Ste, Kingston, Ont. Its easy to have the best if you always insist upon having Carling's Ale and Porter AL DEALERS Henderson. - Willing to Be Tested We possess the most ample facilities lor serving the public with pure, fresh Drugs, Toilet goods, Perfumes and all other pysualiy found in a first class drug store. From business and pro ssional standpoints, we are willing®to be tested by a critical pub- lic. "EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED That Pains Celery Compound has ne building up the weak and It is specially recommended to sufferers from rheumatism, neural- gin and nervous Jrostration. Paine's Celery Compound stands far above all other medicines as a disease banisher. -- W. H. MEDLEY, DRUGGIST, KINGSTON, ONT. OOOO TOINN0GAT00D 3% YOUR #% . 3 Extra Trousersg lines gqual for rundown. or Will be extra good if make them XH When the are fini 1 they will BY : cash... You 1 worth of th 3 You wet pay hore for clothes vou order Fall sutings are r ady and seliing rapidly INO. R. JOHNSTON OOOAOROVV OCOD GOL CHOCO ORGEOOCOTOOO QS BF 2 BLINDS. GRILLES, STORM SASHES, And all kinds of Interior and Bxterlor 5,00D WORKING Well CLIN. & "Co. ecesccnces A pare YT TER RENN J To prove to you. that DE Chase's Ointment isa certait ana absolute cure for eact and every form of itching bleedingand protruding piled. ve guaranteed it. tes y press and ask your neigt rs what they think ofit. You can use it ank t your money back if not eured. 60c a box, & 5 dealers or EDMANSON, BATES & Co, Taronta Dr. Chase's Ointment SOLD. ¢ THE PIANO THAT WAS ADVERTS for sale ie sol will now offer a verv old-fashionvd table that. will sea ahont thirty poopie. Apply st ones, MILLS AUCTION. ROOMS. L THE 'whie -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, at 306-810" Kiog Surces, wl $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 4 o'clock. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 published every Thursday morning ati $1 rachel is ome of the best Job Printin Jffices in Canada. gavid. stylish and cheap work; mine ifprovest "presses. Ehw. J. B. PENSE. PROPRIETOR THE DAILY WHIG. Opifer per Orbem Dicor.'| EE rir w---- WHAT IS THE MATTER ? The letter from Mr. Gillies; and to the 'effect that the deal with the city. reference to purchase of aud having site for the new industry, comes as a great surprise. What is the mat- ter ? Is there something in the muni- cipal agreement to which exception has bgen taken ? That is inferred, but it ic not stated. Of all the thiggs talk- ed about, and promising to be a bene- {it to the city and the companv. this the Gillies' "syndicate Tt was enterprise © of should he the most promising. taken up and developéd in a business- like way. Those concerned with it sat- themselves that here was the industry which was isfied place to plant an bound to prosper. The initial expendi- ture in buildings and plant suooested that the investors had no doubt ab- out the success of their plans. The last step was to purchase a site from the city and discuss the question of exemption. There appears to have ar- isen some difliculty just when expecta- tiga and 'hope had reached the highest point. Is it insuperable ? It is for the cotihtil to see to this at once. The is- important to treat lightly let pass without immediate sue is tao and to and carnest attention. eee STRAIN OF PUBLIC LIFE. Mr. Roblin, the premier of Manito- ba, is said to be seriously ill, and of aervous exhaustion. He has been under medical treatment for some time, consulted a specialist while in Enelénd, and yet has gone lower in condition and the mental distress which attends it. (learly public life has heen making a wreck of him. Every man is not cut ont for the performance of public ser anil anxiety What thought vice. It entails worry that sit heavily upon him. one treats lightly, ¥ without much and concern, another broods over, and will the multiplication of troubles <opner or later produce the usual -re- <ults. The strain is too great. Somwe- thing has to give . live to oldage and re Few men main in active public life. Salisbury hal done it, but for many a day he has been a broken down man, and has only carried the burden that was plac- ed upon him by his withdrawal as much as pos ible from society and the tumult of business. How manv in Ca- nada have suffered front the stress of public service and passed away all too soon for their own and the coun- trys good! The -public and men in Canada Great Britain vive more than they re- ceive. They give, generally, their health and they get little in return. They do not get wealth, nor grati- have to retire tude, and when they really not hing to life, and especially cabinet office, is a poor eventually have show for their sacrifice. Public thing in which to put all one's am: {ition and energy. \ ---- JOHNSON'S AMBITIONS. John! TOM 1. The son, popularity of Tom. L. the mayor of Cleveland, is not the result. of chance or accident: Mr: Johnson is a man of brains, of activi- tv, of industry. He has been a work- cr all his days. In carly life he knew, by hard experience what manual sor- vice meant. In later life he has work- od with his head, and his hands, and Hoth have made him rich. He "came into prominence as a mens her of and "a His pet that is all of them, but he has accom- Congress single-taxer, ideas have not been realized, plished some "things by bis devotion Cleveland when he ad- to them. As a resident of marksman fare. He upon a \ became. a cated a three cent seemed have cnibarked fruitless task, but he acéomplislied it. He be came the champion of the people in other respects, with the result that as mayor of the city he has acguired a strength «and. power peculiarly his own. To-day he is campaigning in the state of Ohio. It has been republican by a large majority and was the ocea- Mr. Mckinley's political But » ; as Mr. Johnson 1s called, has assigned fon of late achievements. "Three Cent Tom." whmself the duty of making it demo- ratic. He has pros ided himself with a huge tent, which with its scating accommodation, requires twenty hor os to draw, and in it he proposes to hold meetings in every towh and vil lage frome has commenced and is proving in the ute. wo, alleged hippo Wn immense attraction. Mr. Johnson may accomplish 'hich he kas undertaken, bat he fail if Y onl Fim tact and parseverence can give success. It is said that there is more than the apture of - the .beiore him, that Mr. Prvan has ind ated party for the him the candidate of the Mr. wey bee "hte House Johnson may have buzzing in his bon he ifhay not. He is a nm il 'onaire. @nd in a position to gn his / . s . » ' time to politics, but he is not 'a fool. Aang fifty | happy auspices. THE DAILY W HIG, TUESD ue The tr nl ee oe undertake nothing without of succeeding, and the He will the prospect party is too much divided at present {o make any sersible man anxious to coquet for thd, presidency. -------------- 2 EDITORIAL NOT The Fates on the Canagian Northern railway have Leen reduced--thanks to the Winnipeg Free Presg. Another tri- bute to the power of the press. m-- Fred. Cook, of Ottawa, is a candi date for the mayoralty, and for a se- cond term. He and Major Maude are specially chummy. That ought to st cure his election. ee The latest advice is to the effect that the health of Sir Wilirid Laurier is as good as it has ever been. Of course the man who said it was not cannot now be found. -- The Montreal Herald suguests that the time has arrived for another tar- ifi enquiry, and the tour which it sug- aests. Surely not. What good came of the 'last missionary enterprise ? Some folks appear to be intensely for a clash between Lord Dun- militia. cager aonala and = the Both understand their duties, and be- minister of cause they do there will be no trou- ble. ---- A man has aied on Long Island worth $40,000. He He died , pauper. He starved livea in great misery. himself in order that his heirs might call him blessed. He is not likely to have many imitators, The' Toronto delegates to the MUN Brockville feel They were not shown anv civi- cipal convention at hurt. lities. They were not even offered a this is terrfble. Brockville should offer gn ex- olass of ice water. Dear, dear, planation. -- The society women who attended the dog show at Newport, ang caressed, Kissed and leq about the animals they had entered for prizes, have not done their sex any honor. <The people who waste their affection on dogs must be deficient in mental power. ---- Now a combine, with a bag contain- million detlars, or pounds, hus the neck to get an option on the English coal mines. Having con- trol of the heat of the universe it will he in order for the money king to get a cinch on the water and light and all. ---------- The locomotive trust made last year over three millions of dollars, vet, on And the future promises greater things--in the a capital of fifty millions. lowering of manufacturing and admin- istration expenses. So the working man is to contribute a larger share to the trust's profits. The New York continuance of attributes the strike to the failure of Gen. 'Stone, of Pennsylvania, Sun the coal to enforce the law. Ii, says our con- quit politics the strike would end in a day. Mr. Stone is, temporary; lie would playing therefore, the man the people should attend to. PRESS JIBES. A Good. Deal, Friend. Brantford Expositor. l'here is a good deal of Tarte-ric acid in Canadian polities just now. Worst Not Yet. Jttawa Journal. The coal fight is 'announced to be. to a finish, and the hard coal by all accounts will get -to a= finish hefore- hand. Depends On. How You Spell It. Boston Herald, "We cannot dam the trusts," said President Roosevelt in his Wheeling, Wo Var, speech: Wells-that depends on how we spell "dam" a Good Advice. Montreal Ic i I'he. Hamilton Tiger foothall team has a surplus inthe bank "of thirty cents. They don't want to oot reck- now and spend it all in' the same plate. Bowing To Mr. Tarte., Hamilton Times. kyery time Tarte sneezes the Spec. <alnams and adopingly murmurs, "What a wonderiully good man!" ffow different from its recent occupas tion of squirting mud at the busy Quebecker ! There's Money In It. Moritreal Gazette. The large sum of . 81,000 has been paid for a scat on the New York Stock Exchange. The shearing of the lambs must "he profitable indeed when it is worth such a fortune to have the right to sig in and assist. at it. Opening Of Palmer University. Muncie, Ind., Sept. 16. _Palmer uni- versity;'a new institution of learning, created by the munificence of Francis Asbury Palmer, a New York, million- aire, began its career to-day under The formal dedication and opening was attended with inter sting exercises, in which the founder IE Twchoul. the faculty and Tad ine edudators from various parts of the state part. 'The university, which is housed in the buildings oceu- pied "hy the Eastern in linha Normal <«hool. begins life with ah endowment S100.000. a faculty composed of Le of wide reputation and a wood roster ot students took hors Fall Top Coats. cannot get overceat this found in alone without a and the best eform. 'Whip- Su. © Jen- You light alue is ords and chev h Lins, Beneficial showers are reported South Australia. . { supposed to be ! tured by F. J. ene gC Tol je the NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Coal is selling Jrockville, Ont. "Crime is= reported to. be greatly on the increase in Great Britam. The Tarrant founary in Chicago was destroved by fire, Loss, »75,000. Anarchists and strikers are being ar- rested constantly at Rarcelona. The United States cruiser (fincinna- ti has been ordered to Colon, Colom- bia. . The Venezuelan government, has oiv en the revolutionists forty days to lay down their arms. : ~ - Fvelyn B. Baldwin has left Copen- hagen for New York to consult with Ww. zeigler, the-Aretie explorer. Lieit. R. KE. Peary, returning from his Arctic exploration sends. a ( des patch from Chateau Bay. Labrador. Premier Roblin is reported to be much better ard no serious results of his present indisposition are feared. Gen. John H. Forney, formerly an officer in the coniederate army, is dead at his home in Jacksonville, Al» Vancouver Methodists have invited the Methodist general conference to hold its next meeting, "1906, in that city. A socialist congress is meeting in Berlin. The funds show a surplus ow- ing to a legacy of 95,010 marks yust received. ' Allan Rovee, father Ottawa, died at Davenport, York county, on Saturday, in the sixty- seventh wear of his pee. The British cruiser Calypso has been commissioned as a training ship for Newfoundland waters for colonial na- val reserves. The Boer generals have their departure from Holland. They expect, it is said, to be received bv Queen Wilhelmina. : Dr. Gilmore, warden of the Central prison, in an address before the Pris- on Congress at Philadelphia advocat- ed whipping posts. J. P. Morgan and. Richt Hon. W. J. Pierrie. announce that the orpaniza- tion of the International Shipping (Combine is completed. Catholic sisters, who were expelled from Lenderneau, Franceain August, and returned, have been again turned out hy a military force. A gas and powder explosion occur: red in the Big Four mine at North Fork, Va., seventeen men are shut in with no chance of recovery. A summons under an old statute has at last been obtained by the English Protestant Alliance acainst a Jesuit priest recently arrived from France. Marconi did not reach the royal castle, Milan on Sunday; he was tak- en'ill at. Bologna. He reached the cas- tle on Monday with a physician. The report that King Leopold in- tends to visit the United States early in 1903 is contradicted. The condition of the. queen, precludes making anv plans. A call has been issued to the 'ecbu- servative representatives of the con- stituencies comprising the western dis- trict to meet in London on Thurs- day next. Samuel D. Babcock, eighty-one years old, a wealthy New York banker. dropped dead in Lennox, Mass., while walking home from the Lennox club to his home? The Gérman Levant line. of steam- ships will establish a fortnightly ser- vice between Alexandria and Hamburg at the. beginning of the Cotton scason in (Oetober. The expected result of the interna tional arbitration case now pendine at The Hague, is that the United ~tates 'will agree to pay the Mexican Jesuits claim. Engineer L. W. Rodger was fatally injured, four others hurt and an un- known man killed near Milwaukee bv the spreading of rails on the C. M. & St, P. track, 5 The shipping at Ostend, Yelpium, is not touching a new trust. but, to kscuss freicht matters by re presentatives engaged in South Am: erican trade. Toronto tax receipts this year will total $3,084,340. On 'the first instal ment 81,882,703 has heen paid in, or $100,000 in excess of corresponding pe riod last year. The. relatives of Mrs, Charles L. Fair are said bv the San Francisco Call to have a cepted $185,000 in set tlement of their were in the millions, Calm has heen restored in Martin- ique. Prof. Heilprin reports that the ohenomenon of August 30th was the «ame as that of May Sth. Deaths were due to asphyxiation. °° Three mackerel fisheymen are thought to have. been drowned near New London, Conn. The freight stéam- er Mohecan ran down a boat in which it is said they were. Fourteen. Jews and a cendarme are reported to have heen killed during an anti-Semetic outbreak at Czensto chowa, Poland. Soldiers fired on the mob and killed two Christians. Lord Ivweich has presented to the National Portrait Gallery of Ireland. Lawrence's portrait. of John Philpot Curran. formerly known in the Peel collection at Prayten Manor, Dewint, Plymouth. . J. H. Picott, the London leader of the soct known 'as the Agapemonists, who has twice declared himself, to he the Messiah has gone to Spaxton near Taunton where the late. Henry Prince founded the sect. tv passengers, at §8 per ton in of Dr. Royce, delayed confrence claims which including eicht ans and four soldiers were kill 5 miles from Madras, India: bv train dashing over a bridee which been unter ed by floods. Twen vofive were saved, There is more Catarrh in this section of the countrv than all other diseases put to- gother,. and until the last few vears wal incurable. » For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed locgl remedies, and bv failing to cure with 11 treatment ) need it incurable. Sc a proven ei h to he a constitutions case, and t} requires constitutional nent all's ' Cararth Cue, manufac eos 2 oniv cir ON t ket. It is internally in doses ten drops#to a teaspoouful. It gets directly on the hl 1 und mucous surfaces of the Thev offer one hundn<d dollars for it fails to cure. Send for circular als. ~ Address, F. J. CAENRY & CO. Te lado, O Sold by drugoists, 75e. Hall's Family Pills are the best. AY. SEPTEMBER 168 PRINCES PLAY WAR. They Are Chips of the old Block. / Patriotic Germans are very much in- terested in their emperor's children, and when a photograph appeared some 'tine ago representing two of them at play copies of it were sent on their way to ell parts of the coun- trv. The phctograph liam and one of his with lead hows Prince Wil brothers playing soldiers. When they were the lads younger than they are now and one were very fond of this sport, dav while they were busily engaged in fighting a mimic battle their picture was taken. "They are chips of the old block," Germans say proudly when they look at the two study little princes us they stand before the inanimate war- riors, and thev are right, for all the sons of the present haizor have de: Mohted to play with soldiers, an tradition says that this was alo the favorite amusement in his childhood of their great-grandfather, Kaiser Wilhelm I.- eet AT THE GRAND. ---- George Sidney Was Quite a Typi- cal Star. There was a fair-sized audience at the Grand Opera House Jast night to cee Busy lzzy a musical sketch in- wroducing Geor Sidney in! the lead- ing role. 'Busy' was all richt him self, but the same can x arcely be said of the rest of the company. Some of the stunts were rather "too fly' to meet with popular favor. Sidney por- trayed the Hebrew character in a most natural and amusing style, proving himself to be well adapted for the difficult role. The best support he re: ciived was from Fred Wyckoff, the farmer, who has a most expeditious way of descending a flight of stairs. le Petite Adelaide could sing some and dance a trifle, too. 'Budy's" parody on «The Honeysuckle and the Bee' was a good one, and it made the hit of the evening. The company carries splendid scenery, and the tumes are above the: average. The first scene is that of the interior of a hig departmental store; the second that of a new hotel. Both were skill fully represented. COS- «A Normandy Wedding." The Grace Cameron Opera Company. under the direction of F. C. Whitney. will present the new cothic opera, Normandy Wedding." The New York Herald said : <A Normandy Wedding" «eemed- to please the audience more than any comic opera here in'a long The plot of the piece is perfect lv clear and intelligible to every from the outset. The situations. are funny, the dialogue and lyrics unusu- ally bright, and the music well writ- ten and of that catchy order that al wavs jumps into immediate populari- ty. tine. one ------ «A Jolly American Tramp.' "In "A Jolly American Tramn." to he presented at "fhe Grand on Satur: afternoon and nicht, there is a heart to heart story that will touch every one who s it. "the comedy element in it is very pleasing. day Theatrical Notes. "Robin Hood" has heen revived by the Bostonians. sergeant Janes" wet successful plays produced by 1a Shelle. Miss Maud Adams, health, resulting from will not.appear on the stage again un- til the middle of the season at least James Kk. Hackett has arranged with Mrs. Craigie (John Oliver Hobbes) and Murray Carson for the American! riohts tothe Bishop's Move," that has been very: sueet ssful- in mdon. The Mayerbeer prize of , viven hy the Bertin Academy of Fine Arts, has been awarded to Herr Félix No wowiojski for an oratorio on the sub of the Prodigal Son. It is given out on the most reliable authority that the net profits of the "Ilarodora' companies ast season exceeded £300,000. There were thre companies encaged in presenting the | lay. If is stated that Mme. Sarah Pern havdt's ap} carance at Berlin, is now The French awtress, who came into prominence shortly af ter the Franco Prussian war, has never before played on any Germap ix one oi the lat Kirke owing to ill over-taxation, assured. famous stage. In the theatres of Winnipeg the spectators who arrive after the cur tain has gone up are not allowed to ocenpy their seats until the curtain jalls. Those who attend on time sard thus saved much annovance It would he a good idea to adopt this scheme in Kingston. ; "The Emerald Isle." for the first time in Herali Sqrave theatre, cont'. The Emer aw added interest in "the was the last work of the Qj Arthur Sullivan: He did and the was possessed fact that it great con poser, net live to finich it. was completed after hi« death yard German. --e------r----re Killed By Her Pets. Sept. 16.--Tan la, a charmer, was found « eenstogned to pets into the Jarl movements She avas her snake k them charpmer's warm. usual or seems to ha Sind: cantions as reasod ther neral rebellion on hod swollen hlui<h chow ing into a mass, that was snakes must have bitten her. ! GEO. CLIFF IS OFFERING, GREAT BAR | USTLING BOY | Is the f:llow we like to fit out with_clothes. The chap who is never still--climbs trees and fences, wrevties and plays leap frog. We have got the clothes to hold him, Had them made for his special ure. Just give our Boys' Suits a trial - that's all we ask. Bl ure, Nor- folk sty le, double-breast- ed ard three-piece suifs. All sizes, 4 to 17 years. All prices, $2.50 to $6 so Give us a chance to clothe the boy once and put our kind of Boys' Clothes. to the test. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., OAK HALL. One Price Clothiers and Haberdashers, Range... Made of Steel Plate. If You Require a Range it Will Pay to Examine This One. Because It Is the Dest Made, . Becau-¢ It is the Strongest, Becance Tt is the Dest Finished, Because we Ask a Fair Price for an Excellent Arucle, BEST HEADLIGHT COAL OIL..... --- ......19¢. GALLON. CANADIAN COAL OIL i iiriidiess.16c. GALLON, For Sale by S. J. HORSEY, - - Kingston, iN OUR WINDOW. Men's Box .Calf Leather Lined Lace Boots. A part of the stock bought en bloc in Toronto. We: will offer for $2.39. ABERNETHY, Trunks and Valsts. The ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S [ ondon Porter Full of tha Virtue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable io the Most . Delicate Palate. JAS. MCPARLAND, AGENT KING STREET, KING STON. PIPE STREET, TORONTO, or T. <r -------------- -- SNS a rm----------------" LEAD CANADA METAL CO.. WILLIAM "PROBABLE DURATION OF PRESENT BULL. MARKET." ro Mayoralty, - 1903. ha. 2 iv To The Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 1 nA Cane oralty for the Rar 190%, i Conclusions omtIons al parison ma ie data and pre y uppli & to permit t Lovin % to the d lidate for the mi end: respeetf your votes and in- Trager] 4.7 WHE HAIGHT & FREESE yrime ro seit, wan the second-hand dealer at ] GRAIN, COTTON. } says warn he calls at you and Kingston, - Ousarlo, vou promptly' say no, without « a "Determining tH fice This is what door, : bought. The Kingston Rag and Ale- ibility of ' impor- | al Co. only ask you to drop them sok: 01 a card to 3539 Princess street after yon | have orted over all your old stuffs | and they will pay you highest cash respon tant as the gains in bis Joe, 115 Brock street. | price J RL A il.

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