Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Sep 1902, p. 4

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.. THE NEW ... SAFETY $ | RAZOR 1 0 0 And upwards according to num- ber of blades. All makes of razors, straps and appliances for making shaving SOLD AT CORBEIT'S. A Stock That's Selling in the Nineties; Sliould Advance to $1.15. Complete history of a round, keefling pace with the progress of the territory which it gs. rved. Reusons, Dricily stated, for anticipa- ting further proat if rease in the m value of its shares; should be purchase mediately, cerviuily given in an In rtuhit hitter is d by us, and ready f gratuitous distribution, luesdny, Sept. rent or pro-pective customers "Write Also pris ntd fre, at.anv of our or, upon receipt of nnme and address, tine which of our various publications want. Same will le (lid to aol" gra Our publications," devoted to Wall rt, are of utmost value to investor or specula-, tor; train them to trade succ ily amd enable them to select investments. They cow prise "the following Our pave, 1002, illustrated Youre "Guide to Investors," and Market Letter" and our new pome monthly, illustrated Red Booklet. September number, of which is now for distribution. Wé have called this houk let ' Drift of the Market," containing com nlete charts, capefully compiled, the twen t--five Ladine stocks, also chart of the aver ave price of sixteen leading stock monthly sales of New York, Boston and Philadelphia seemri i8 for the month, with their high and low prices. Liki wise istorv of pric.s with chart of Chic (Board of Trade) Wheat, Corn, Oats, Por rk and HAIGHT & FREESE Established co 53 B'way, N. Y. 1890. . Mein Office STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kingston, - Ontarlo, "Determining the character and financial responsibility of your broker, is as impor- tant as the selection of right stocks Willing to Be Tested We possess the most ample facilities for serving the public with pure, fresh Drugs, Toilet goods, Perfumes and all otheg lines - usualiy found in ca first class drug store. From business and professional standpoints,' we- are willing to be tested by a critical pub- lie. EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED That Paine's Celery Compound has no equal for building up the weak and rundown. It is speially recommended to, sufferers fropp rheumatism, neural gin and nervous prostration. Paine's Celery Compound stands far above all other medicines as a disease banisher. W. H. MEDLEY, DRUGGIST, KINGSTON; ONT. «OUR .. Optical Work Is giving universal satisfaction. We give this branch of our. busi- ness our painstaking attention, and are handling successfully many difficult cases. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to, SMITH BR.OS.. Jewelers and 350 King Opticians. St. Watch 'Em Go! Our stock of AUER LIGHT SUPPLIES "will go fast at these prices: CYLINDEBRS....... «...... 7c. LARGE CHIMNEYS. .10c. MANTELS BURNERS ..... ~Fhese-prices--onhe WLI FH stock-dasis. There are bargains here this week, Don't mis them. BRECK & HALLIDA BLINDS, GXILLES, STORM SASHES, And all kinds of Interior : and Exterior § WOOD . WORKING: ts. ANGINE Co ER Testastrisciivsiness FITS EPILEPSY FREE SAMPLE OF LIEBIC'S FIT CURE. If vou suffer from Fpilepey, Pits, Falling Sickness, Princess Street. oo PovevTERIEL rO0ncacnces St. Vitus Dance, or have chikiren or relatives that de #0, or know a friend that is afflicted, then send for a free trial bottle with valuable Treatise, and try it. The battle will be sent by mail. prepaid, to your nearest Post Office cured where every thing else bas failed, writing, mention tha Didsic ea 1 name, age and full address to THE 179 King $7. West, TORONTO, Canada plenish the earth," They became mixed up," THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, poblishe: each , at 306-310 King Bivets. - year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 © WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 peges Duliishod every Thursday morning at - $1 ¢ 3 Loiched is one of the best .Job Printing Offices in Canada; Juvid, Stylish and cheap work; pine improved pre EDW. J. B. PENSE. PROPRI¥TOR I'HE DAILY WHIG ~ Opiferpey Orbem Dicor.' NEW ORDER oF "CRANKS, Two young men and two young wo- men in New York, and wealthy en ough to indulge in freaks; have or- ganized a Celibacy club. Fhey are go- ing to dress in a peculiar way, deny themselves personal adornment in the way of- fashionable clothes and jewel lery, and cut the society of the oppo- site sex. The ¢lub will not have a lengthy reign. It is conceived in a spirit of insincerity and runs counter with the laws of God. It is as natural for men and women to mate as the birds, and the New York celibates are either lacking in intellect or they are crazy. The old old idea, or comwnand, was "Be fruitful and multiply and re- and it is as bind- ing upon the people of to-day as -up- on our first. parents. A nice work this would be if all the men and women on reaching ma- tarity poined Celibacy Clubs and bwy- ied themselves and their talents ih obscurity. There will be a revulsion, some day, from the social extrava- oances of the present, some of them grossly offensive, but it will not in- volve the seclusion, separation and sacrifice which this new ovder of cranks in New York City has ordain- ed. SOME DOUKS 'ARE CRAZY. The Immigration Department has very opportunely 'sent. out the facts concerning the Doukhobors, at York- ton, and they dispose of the sensa- tions which have been running throuch the press. These were in effect that the Doukhobors had become mentally unbalanced, that, in the exdrcise of their religious zeal, they had abandon- él their stock, and were entering up- on an inclement season with every prospect of starving to death. One paper, believing the reports, called up- ony the government to interefere and put an end to a condition of things' which threatened to act most detri- mental to the immigration movement. It scems that a Russian socialist has been preaching against the use of meat for food, and the use of cattle for burden-bearing. He has suceoeded in inducing a few people to adopt his beliefs. In consequence they have turn- ed their cattle adrift, seventy head of them, which the government agents secured and will keep, pending the return of common-sense to the own- ws. 1 the stock is not claimed within a repsonable time it will be sold apd jts proceeds turned over to the peo- ple to whom it. belongs. The lmmi- oration Department reports that the Doukhobors generally, have been indus- trious, that thew "have reaped large crops this vear, and that they are in most comfortable circumstances. The few who have gone "religiously crazy will calm down as the wants of the sefison make. themselves known. THE FARMERS ORGANIZING. The farmers have formed a-new or: 'eanization. It is not a new political party? The patron movement settled their ambitions along that line for the tine "being. The: patrons were a di- vided force in political lite. They carriea everything before them. They cesaved too mueh when they under- took to dominate the legislature. said Gold win Smith, "with political issues with which thev had nothing ta do, and they Jailed." So they will keep out] of politics if thev can. There is a doubt, implied | in this observation, because the men who We at the head of the new move ment--C. A. Mallory, J. Lockie Wil- son. D. D.- Rogers, Frank Hart, and thy rest of them--are so constituted that it will be very hard to confine their attention to othe discussion of merely farm issues. and the" direc tion of purely agricultural affairs, That the farmers are warranted' in handing themselves together, for mu- tual protection, goes without saying. We read in the papers that the nianu facturers are solid, that they organ ize along certain lines, that they make "eertain demandé upon parliament, and' follow "them , up; Phy the combination. What" the manufacturers can do the "farmers niay do, if they influence_of Ne are as willing 'to ~subseribe their money for campaign purposes and are as determined in their polieys It i< 'nioney that tells, and it is to be feared the Farmers' Association is not going to" accomplish much with the a vear which is all- the mem bership in. the new association, with branches everywhere, will cost. I he educational campaign has be he never, "with a series of resolu ch the farmers declare they ar against than the tion of any Kir 11 arainst any in- erence in the tari. The Dominion Granve is to be consulted with a view o such coneerted action as will make THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13 . it impossible for He Taper? side of any question to be ignored. The new organization can be made very strong, ana can represent, in its unity, a pub- lic sentiment that.nothing can with- stand. The solution of it depends, however, on its ability to dodge the feductive overtures of 'the wily poli- ticians. THE CHURCH LOSSES. Three great branches of the church have referred to the loss of member- ship, and have attributed it to dif ferent causes. : Theé Presbyterians, according to the moderator, felt there had been a want, namely the preaching of the doctrine of sin-and the need of a Saviour. The_ Angi: 'ans realized that they were not gaining as they should, and credited their non-progressiveness to the superior attractions or methods f other denominations. Fhe Canadian Methodists, in Dr. Carman's opinion, decreased, begause the revival fires were either missing or running low, and the penitent wench was not as conspicuous as of yore. Fhe British Methodists, who claim to. be somewhat more analytical, laid their decrease to the materialism of the day. It was a great issne--this loss of membership, and it is a confounding one as the differences in conclusions indicate. - The Whig sees this in the situation: An indifference of feeling= which seems to be born of the distractions of the tay. Then the money question is hav- mg its effects. The men of large means should give generously td the church. and be- cause, generally, they do not there are the appeals for funds which some- times offend. Perhaps the monev question is look ed at with distorted vision. But it has its drawbacks, and it has its influence upon the materialistic soul! SEEKING HIGHER EDUCATION. The hich school attendance is sixty more than it was in 1901, and an hundred and twenty more than it was in 1900. To what is this «+ marked increase necessitating the addition of more seating accommodation and an- other teacher, really due? It used to be said that the boys and girls were kept in school, and as long as possible, 'because the trades and occupatiops that were open: to them were depressed and filled. Edu- cation, was resorted to because it provided, in teaching especially, some chance for remunerative service. But now to what is the increased attendance due ? To the good times, primarily, to the fact that the work- ing classes" were never as capable, from a monetary point of view, of carrying their sons and daughters towards a higher education. Labour was never so-able to pay. the. fees for attendance at the institute. Moreover the fact is' being stamped 'on the mind and heart of every par- ent that the higher the training of the youth the better he is equipped for any service; technical, manual or mental, in which he may engage. The man of education is the successiul man -if 'the opportunity is his to ad- vance. . Some of the boys who entered the technical class at 'the institute three vears ago are now in the last stage of their direction. Their future will be a matter of interest as serving to illustrate the wmscfulness and practi- caliility of the course. BE STRIKES ANI ELECTIONS. A political philosopher in Leslie's Weekly quotes circumstances in sup- port of the statement that the party in power when a' great strike occurs cenerally suffers, The railroad strike of 1877, 'and at- tended with rioting in Chicago, Pitts- burg, and elsewhere, closed the ion of Hayes and the republicans. The stiike. of 1886, on the Gould sys- tem of railroads, and Teading "to ~a tempest and terror in the middle and western states, dissipated the. popu- larity of the democratic party and led tothe defeat of Cleveland in 1888. The strike at the Homestead works in 1892 was followed by the defeat of Harricon and the election of Cleve: land for his second term. The coal miners' strike and tne strike at Pull: man in 1394 gave the republicans a chance for success, -which they secur- «l in congress and in the presidéncy. The strikes of this year are cited as gmens which the republican party cannot ignore. . The party admits that it will lose in Pennslyvania and West Virginia in which the coal miners have struck, but it is hopeful of winning in the rest. of ther country and in ali the republican strongholds, The philosopher, hosever, cites the record of the past, and 'asks that it Le accepted as an infallible sign of what is tgFfome to pass. There are, y exceptions to all rules and the re sults of all experiences. The observers | of times, twheswere anciently consider ed abominations) have reckoned that at certain interial di tinetive recularity, hard times and depre-sions should take place. But } they do not always come. The same { thing may be said anout political his tory. It does not always repeat it self. The time for a break may now recurrmy with | tation of thd copii, although thé average politician is a man of su- perstition and enters the fall cam- paign with considerable misgivings. EDITORIAL NOTES. The curfew bell has no terror for the small boy when a show is on. There is some talk of Christian' so- cialism. What is meant by that? Some things are not known by their names. -- There is a greaf clamour for the teaching of the metric system in the achools. Will some one who knows, please tell the people something about it. : A contemporary reports that coke is going up, up, up. Where to? The closer it is to the ground the more use it will be to the people by and "bye. 7 ---------- Canvassing for the maypralty = going on. Four months pf anxiety, worry and distress. 'The man who loves that must be Ai tuted. ely consti- -- | Manitoba giain will bé en route eastward, by water, in | about ten days. Some of the boats that will engage in the trafic are now working westward. . -- Higher education is no longer a Tuxury, enjoved by the rich or their children. The institute is the school of the masses, and only once in many vears was it gs full as now. Unless the Syracuse schools can get coal,--and there is no promise of it Just now--they will be closed as soon as the. cold weather sets in. The nearer some people are to the mines the worse they are off. One objection to giving the women place on the business boards of © the church was that it was not where they shone. No ? There are some wo- men who could give the men pointers. They manage most of the church's af- fairs. ---------- The food trust has been abandonea for the "present at the suggestion of the political leaders. But the peopld; will not forget about the movement and mark with disfavour those who belong to it and are seeking political honors. Lord Beresford is 'on his way to Aniérica to enquire into the eliect of the Morgan ship combine upon the naval supremacy of England. He will see that the ships that are subsidized by Britain will not be able to join some other country's navy on. very short notice. e © ----p------ Mr. Chamberldin made a diplomatic speech to the" Boer generals and dis- posed of their grievances , gnd . de mands in short order. He gave them to understand that Britain had dcalt magnanimously with the Boers and would-stand no trifling? The agree- ment will not be tinkered . with. PRESS TIPS. -° The Microbe Of Love. St." Thomas Journal. If some magician would discover the microbe of love, there would 'he . a chance for every old maid to inofu late a male acquaintance. They'll Get There Yet. Hamilton Hergld. Women usually have, their way; but as yet they haven't found their way into ithe Methodist church courts. However, they will before very long. One Chance In Many. Montreal Gazette. The bank of I'tance has been rob- bed of $14,000 in gold. It is hard for a thief to get ahead of a big bank, but.when he does the haul is worth the risk. : May Corner The alt Syracuse Post-Standard. A $1,000,000 corporation has been formed in New Jersey to control = the country's witch-hazel output." Arnica and camphor trusts may be expected next. Not Worth "Menti oning. Toronto Sage. he ws costumes in the Orient show were not destroyed by fire. Pro bably the fire did not think it. worth while to break out where there was so little to consume, Kitchener's Autpgraph. Rochester, N.Y., Herald. The modest Kitchener says his -auto- graph is worth nothing, but in view of the recent receipt of $250,000 by him as a government gratuity, some of us would be willing, to chance his autograph at the botyom of a bank check. : Maude And His Ways. Hemilton Herald. Major Maude, the beautiful and dis- ereet lord chamberlain of "the court at Ottawa, has decreed that aldermen should not © be admitted at public functions, because they are not real dignitaries. It is not recorded * whe- ther the major has consented to re cognizeé' mayors, Let us hope he won't refuse them a back seat or a place at a side table. + -- Cadets Receive Diplomas. The following centlemen cadets, having completed? thei period of in atruction at the Royal Military. col [eg have been granted diplomas: D. i Wtar, A. A!" Blanchard, Gwyn, M. L. Gordon, W. C id, XE. DeB. Panet, 8.1L HW. F.E. Healy. H.-Y. Devil. 8S" C. { . Weath- jerbe, J.B. Umacke, iG H. Cassels, N. L. Tooker, Coyne and N, J. Kent. | DISTRICT NEWS. ---- SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN VICINITY NEWSPAPERS. The News Put Into Condensed Shape -- The Episodes That ate Talk in the. Country d Hereabouts. ' John Mearns will agdin. reside in Napanee. W. Grange, Napanee, expects to start for Manitoba and the: North- West next week. e Mrs. Hint, Roblin, lost a valu@ble cow last Saturday. It got a potato in its throat and strangled. On September 20th, in Newburgh, a convention of the prohibitionists of Aduington county, will be held. Mrs. Miro McCabe, Little Creek, died very suddenly on Thursday last. Neu- ralgia of the heart was cause. Mrs. Pamelia Field, Gregna, had the misfortune recently to fall down the cellar steps and fracture two of her ribs. Lester Worden has sold his mill, purchased from the Ashley estate, (Colebrook, to W. H. Woodruff, of that place. - Charles Stevens, Napance. has a large staff at-coopering work, and has so far this scason made 3,000 apple barrels. 'This week he made, shipped and delivered a thousand barrels. Silas. Vrooman, Napance, caught a three and a quarter-pound black bass last Friday. He was not expecting a struggle and the fish pullea him into the water. Mrs. Wilmot Nicol, Toronto, is the guest of Miss McBean, Napanee, Mrs. Nicol was formerly Miss Maggie Phil- lips, canghter of the late Robert Phillips, for vears principal of Napa nee high school. On September 3rd, a number of re- latives and friends met at the home of W. H. Bradshaw, Ingle, to witness the marriage of his daughter, Miss Jora Bradshaw, to F. M. Windover, a prosperous voung farmer of Rich- mond. The bride was supported by Miss Carrie © Windover, Forest Mills and the groom by Gasper Lew Hinch. BABY"S OWN TABLETS. For Weak, Sickly amd Fretful Children of All Ages. If the children's digestive organs are all right, the children are all right. 'They will be hearty, rosy, happy--and hungry. Get the little ones right, "and keep them right by the use of Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine cures all stomach and bowel troubles, Nervousness, irritation while tecthing, ete. These tablets contain no opiate or poisonous drugs and mothers who try them once will not be without them while they have little ones. Mrs. D. E. Badgley, Woodmore, Man., says: "When our little girl was about six months old she caught a bad cold, and was much troubled with indigestion and consti- pation, and very restless both day and night. One of my neighbors brought me some Baby's Own Tab lets and in a few days my little one was regular in her bowels and rested well. T found the tablets so satis- factory that 1 now always keep them in - the house and have since found them valuable when she was tecth . 1 can truly recommend them for the ills of little ones. + Children take these. tablets. readily, and crushed to a powdir.they can be given with absolute safety to the smallest infant. The tablets can be obtained at all drug stores, or you can get. them post paid at 25c. a hox by writing direct to the Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, "Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. Looked As A Truism. Longon, Sept. 13:--~The Graphic, re ferring to the Earl of Minto's declara tion that it is the duty of the colo nies to share in the cost of Imperial defence, says it will be -regardea here as a truism. It is clear, however, that a large section of the popula tion of Canada is opposed to contri "buting to the cost of imperial defence. if for any reason,war were. to break out hetween = Canadg and the United States, Canada would certainly claim the assistance of the rest of the em pire and would certainly receive it. It is, therefore, perfectly fair that we in turn should "ask Canadians 10 be pre pared to help us if we are hara nress ed. Model Farms In Mississippi. Jackson, Miss, «Sept. 13.--Northern real estate dealers and capitalists are now making 'heavy investments in real estate in the delta with the object of developing their holdings into model plantations, and it is estimated that nearly 82,000,000 worth of land has been purchased © within the present 3 -. The-land. most sought after is in sections which have never been culti vated, and at the present rate of de velopment the entire section where only about fifty per cent. of land 'ix in culation will have a largely increas: ed tillable acreage within the next. few months. ' Weds Girl Who Saved Him. Bloomington, IIL, Sept. Ad--Joxeph Grimm of this city was married on Thursday, to the girl who nursed him pack to health at the Brokaw hospi- tal here. She is" Miss Jenni: M. Har vis. The ig went from here bes Cloverdale, .Ind., the former hope of the bride, and were wed led. They re turned to make this city their future home. : m------------ The volume of * the world's com merce is two and 'a hal or three times as great gs it was thirty years ago. = 3 There is more Catarrh in this section the. country than all, othr disc cother, and until the last "fow pposed to be, ineuranle. For doctors pronounced it a an ihed local remedies constantly i to cure treatment, pronounced it has proven gatarrh to discane, amd 'troatment. ured F is the ket } ten wd and mucous ev offer one r fails to cure. Send or w®osbe any case ¥ Miller's "Headache "Powders curesuanl ttmENN® oupyry & €0. Toledo, : hendache in nye minutes. In boxes | 'Le here. At least that is the expec: | 10c. and 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. A Siali's Family Pills are the best. \ + Adress A by druggists, 75ec. A A ge 35 THE H. D. BIBBY CO., Oae Price Clothiers a aad i Haberdasheys, QAR HALL. The success of our busingss depanls upon 'the eonfidence buyers havein us aud in our mothols, There must be good will a mutual fegndliness "between us Prices must be lower than elsewhere, but quality, too. must be right and exotly right. must be up ta th hour in the stvles we show. If we misreprasent we drift away from yon ani you from ns. We are roa ly to cloth» yon. Noth. ing i+ Jacking in onr Men's, Boys' or - Children's Departments, or in our Huberdashory oe Hat Departments, and we trust we shail have the ples. sura of serving you whenever you are ready. SEE THE BARGAINS IN OUR WINDOW. Men's Box Calf Leather Lined Lace Boots. A part of the stock bought en bloc in Toronto. We will offer for $2.39. Ce medical world yung and olf, whew the best kugwn remedice have failed' CANADA METAL Be It Ever $0 Humble, There's No Place Like Rome. to own your have bon Giesler, rench and German armies, @ Stl HE ) The only re medy known - Fab e ch wili positively curedost Peabo he "RES whic] the marvellous German Re Tr i overed by oe Ton NE It is controiled in this c by the Dr. Kohr Medicine mpany, a concern which. h 2 the hig 1 st standing in the 5 treaiment has cured thousands of men, itive organs such debility. the resuits ou to stay cured. vatic cele, pawn in the Lack and 7, pear completely in the worst cases in owe cl s treatment, We maka the honest offer Thousands of testimonials, etrictiy confidential. FIVE i % of rules 5 for health, dit have been those who have medy is regularly used 1 the soldiers in these suff ring from diseases of the gel es ore models of strength 1 vitality, Write for sent securely cealed in plain wiapper, We have D. A. CAYS, Real Estate Agent, 3406 King Street, Kingston. MILLIONAIRE HUSBAND.) alls in Love With Woman Who Afyjswered. -Décause ' phon £2 irl and riven | a prominent wan with her, ind} 1 T0 THE PUBLIC :(-- 1 hie Mies and she I he ident of bank at least interest Ottawa Il pn Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE 0 P.O. Drawer L, 234 kL Plontreat, EAE £0 3 WiLL S STREET, PIPE TORONTO, - ONT. BEWAILIKG MISFORTUNE. We oft-n hear people bewailing their ill lock when i or heath sweeps away. every thing, and they regret they | Ie their insurance expire ore their - prs i not covercd properly Don't lew. this be vour- lot. Come and Us NOW ays' to be igsured, even if " /e on it. Let us look ' that you are fully 'Office Open Saturday Evenings This Month 7 te 9 O'clock. J. S. R. McCANN, 51 Brock Street. Next to Wade's. 3 P's. Plums, Pears, Peaches. We have them all. Crawford peaches arriving daily." Bartlett " | | pears--the best for table use .or for preserving. Always fresh at 'A. J. REES, Princess St. Announcement. OWING TO THE INCREASING NUMBER of small accounts that have rheen opened "on | our books and the Jitlicuity in properly Jo ing aiter fhe unt, we lb wo annoupce that we have decided to place our Business on a wricty cach basis, on and alter September ifith Wo. have bern busi #« now for more than "a vear a Wi nk the public for the henrty support 1 ux. We feel that' our efforts at imp 1s A upply = have 1 Appr Cit ti n Le to nil » atredd wed will be 1 or but of the public tion. Twenty ick te for ' THE CLARIFIED MILK CO Wingston, Limited THE SUBSTANTI AL Ti LE ON KING Street, letweer. Wade's Drug stora ~ ao Congress Hotel, In excellent condition, Second fluor leased for a long term. Ap- ply to D¥ A. Cavs, real ! gets agent, King strat. ' * A nimi a We ™\

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