Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1902, p. 2

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een - ee CASE IN COURT MAGISTRATE RESERVED HIS Commitee a b The i contention, more aged in piaquetiog, doubtless true, pany so desired they could lay infor wtion ngrainst the Evidence Against the Three Strik- ers--Magistrate Would Like to Stave the Difficulty + strikers or Where thereis to att an hour. a Baby, there ' should be Nestlé's Food For more than 35 years Nestlé's Food has been the favorite of the Intelligent physician, and a house- hold word the world over. zithed that t the books be as. woul app y Nestlé's Food makes vigorous, children and keeps' No other food is so y digested and assimi- = Nestlé's Food is purity itself and requires the addition of water only tno mitk) to pre- Sample free to any address. wise proceeding LEEMING MILES & CO.. MoNTREAL. CARPITS | Every purchaser some thev -- are 'ad ane d butter ted whether for the smallest room or the largest hotel wants hits m : k mamta satisfied on three points, namely, price----quality--style. j un v mee BHI = It is because we convince " customers as to every one of that we confidently »ounon pointi cquent Sl a « formerly McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. ostpone being Movements Of for it on our Second Flat. THY INCLUDES: underiak TF Harris son 1 Co. Telephone Nos. o- 21. (arriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tres ommi you have not should send to LATU 2 A TRE DAILY WHTG. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 7" within. their rights in doing r SO. » men. thes but The {me the law with, ant as a warning. i would not be ori but by the Tyla by the Whiting's --dosired me ntioned object. + merely on a he sion in a simil- _ the magistrate i he magi istrate deplored out hes were not the i suf- ferors. He asked if Shere was any hope board of trade | jee efforts to Smythe replied was, would confér with Mr. » arrang y back to work. Sa They You are probably ric cht. ad consulted me oO maintained feelings saw out of their mouths. I'hey i their out; leaving locked out. agistrate situation. dso referred to the i a machinist. inui magi- thu hope v PERSONAL MENTION. Bell, in Laie a _Hende Brockyitle, ai Crate Li in lv. from enjoyed oy Ki i anley, department; went to to-morrow. King rt the tnt vas a ned leit to Rose, that ful in od, her od places, I: evening two a. EIGHT TO SEVEN GOUVERNEUR WON FROM - THE PONIES ach had been most pa- che aring in their attitide, n, tha t thks dire In the! Second Match at Vincent -- Gantes morrow--Ottawa Rough Rid- exrs- May Drop From O. R.F.U. sterday's match whole of the strike fot warning have - the Kingston team. : the ficams iming tied the inal oi the series | will 0 when Moriarity ang Ge thin wil i he Dorgan go to homes To Ponies were kept to wing sucee sstul bring 3 Baseball On Thursday. should not have it would have heen for them to have tak- Sport In General. Buffalo still hold their also took this hus ine a nee k and nec k strug tle the nting work should Why : ahjectic hil mei, ong to mate I 'hetwee n Gouve r near aud Pattie s at vy These will he ee rendering brourht ld Tones may again throw off is boron 1! ne that de at A only put the C apital: even and ensure a play-off in --_-- ; "the Shamroc eh lacrosse team f The People--What 3 i They Are Saying And Doing. and danghter, anending & : : > was simply being wi ny th among the mse ie = he _ He was also judee animals exhibited this year.were ( 'ameron put the twenty v pound weg ht Six x pound weicht thi "Sullivan "pitched for was nin d by noe ol LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 300, Princess St. -S 3 P's. Plums, Pears, Ponchos, health, REE, Princess St. TO COIN cortEcTons. Both parties were SIMPLE Made A World Of Re<ort ny their lives will be prolo INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Saturday the last day to buy any soft colored shirt in the, store, Ne. Jenkins. Grade meetings' are being held each eveni this week in the board of education rooms. A recular meeting of the hoard of aducation was called for last evening, but a quornm oi members was "not ~. amer North King leaves Kings- ton Sundays 10:17 am. for 1,000 Isl- ands, and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, N. Y.. calling at Bay of Quinte ports. 2 A voung lad playing in a vacant house on Ontario street in the Vicini- ty. of his home, accidentally fell out of a window last evening and had an arm broken. James Wilson, sentenced to three years t Kiagston for for has peen distharged, A strong petiti ' sont to 'the secretary -of state from Chatham, in his behalf. - The management committee: of the Board of Education has been called to meet This evening to copsider the ap- pointment: of another teacher to the Collegiate Institute stafiy The rebuilding of St. Mary's reme- tery vault has been completed, and the cemetery directors are satisfied that body snatchers will find it al most impossible to get in. Saturday the last day to buy = any soft colored shirt in the store, He. Jenkins. Charles Staley, fireman at the gov: ernment dry dock, received a severe miury yesterday. A large bar of iron foll on his right leg bruising it, and rendering it useless for a time. Phes clerks in the waterworks office roceived - a severe fright vesterday af- ternoon when a large section of the plaster forming the ceiling fell with loud crash. However, luckily no da- mage resulted. Fhe lone, cool evenings causing the: voung men to flock back ta the V.M.C.A. building, and the rooms are again beginning to assume their old- time activity. The new library is now 2rVing a Very us ful purpose. Did Not Get Her Money. The wife of a Kingston township farmer complained to the police ves terdav that a well-known citizew who buys produce and supplies on the mar Let for hotels and merchants, had pm chased from her eight pounds of but ter for a King street hotel He took the butter and told her to call at the hotel for her money. She did so,, and was informed that the citizen in aues- tion had been paid for the stuff. 1 the loss is not made good to the wo- man she will prosecute the citizen. eee Presentation To Miss Culcheth. On Wednesday evening the choir «of the Portsmouth Methodist church and other friends, to the number of about i red at the home of Mr. Culcheth, of the village, to bid 'farewell to Miss Edith Cul cheth. who leit on Thursday to enter a hospital at Hartford, Conh., as 8 nurse-in-training. For the past six or seven years she "had been the efficient organist of the church, and her friends took advantage of the occas sion to ex- De thei ir api yreciation of her serv ie- An address, testify a and her popularity and, extend- ing host wishes for the future, was read, after. which' Miss Culcheth was presented with a heautiful cold rine set with pearls: She has many fri in the city and the village who her depastures" eee een ITade A Mistake, a to her good John Freencer, Division street, com plainea to the police last evening ol heine assaulted by a young resident i wr stated that of Audean street, Le was waiting for Mr. Cook, of the cotton 'mill. and was "Killing time" by walking up' and déwn Riacau street. woman oi the neighborhood took hit and for a dangerous charac pealoed to the young citizen of. with the result "that Treencer 'was badly assaulted. it a complained a ------ Will Give Lectures. Principal Ellis of the Collegiate In stitute, will give a 'eourse oi lectures to the teachers of St. James® Sunday school upon the art of teaching. To have such a course of instyuciion from one so experienced as" Mit Fitlis 1s an opportunity not often given and: will be eagerly grasped by all teachers" An invitation to the lectures will be ex tended to the teachers of the other city. schools. © The first of the serie will be given at an carly date. Removed To Kingston Hospital. Ayla Betts, Lomdon, Unt., a nephew of Mrs. B. Walkem, arrived from Last mine to enter the ital treatment. The man' was i at Murra Pav--and--was--stricken with Ttvihoid fever. The attending physician 14 eomendind his removal to KinoSion General Hospital, which was carried His Hand Badly Cut: Engen. Sleeth plored in. Wooas a voung man 'em Fair, was handling bane: of glass late yesterday hen it accidentallve=cnt wn oht "hand. An artery was sever od. fand the cervices of 'a physician 1 A were 1 arv to dress thedyvound. + For Sale: Damaged vain "foot of Princess street. Stomach and Bowels ) out of Order Angier's Petroleum Emulsion, by its antiseptic properties and its wonderful soothing and healing effect upon the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels, is of special value in intestinal disorders, such as Gastric Catarrh, Fermen- tation of the Bowels, Diarrheea, (acute and chronic, ) Summer Com- plaints of Children, Constipation, ete. In "fact, in nearly all cases where the bewelsarg outof order" «jt restores them to their normal condition often after other reme- dies have failed. AU druggists sell it. ANGIER GHEMICAL CO., BOSTON, MASS. ESSION A Small Slate of Appointnfents to be Wiped Off--The Board's Appropriation Holding Out Very Well. After the customary - summer vaca tion, of board of Ra resumed aes tive 2 yvesteraay afternoon, avith man Mcleod presuding fhere were also prea: Alds." MeCan.- mon and Walkem, and City Engineat Kirkpatrick. Though a quorum of the members failed to appear. the chairman an nounced -that the veguiar business would be cone on with and .a report prepared for sone, which the other renters could sign if they so desired; he dit not tee in delaying the itv's business. A number of accounts were _pretu nt- ed and passed. Mrs. Guy, corner of William and Division streets, pititionea to have a couple of trees cut down, as they s to her property. Re ferred to city aineer for action. John Howton and others petitioned to have an asphalt walk built on King street west. T he petition, the chairman announced, was insuflicient- lv signed, lacking one signature. The committee in to grant the pray or of the petition, when sufficiently signed. The Thomas Mills claim for dam- were a dama ah asked for $78 damages to wroperty by reason of a drain block- oe up, filling with water the cellar of a dwelling on Alirved street having appr ised the' loss, had offered city sol this basis.' Cammon, the hoard decided to follow the city solicitor's advice in the mat- ter. £0215 had been halance of about ount, about to be r The © Of this am rved for snow shovelline heen purchased for patching: old lum heen found nec for bo purpose. THE PRINCESS CHIC. and Music. story deals with a supposed intricue Normandy and Bu The solo parts were charmingly pre pitched soprano voice of velvety soit Repe: ated encores greeted her so 16 work. In Walter / Lawrence, "Charles, the bold Duke of Norman masteriibananner, His resonous. bari tone voice wag pl hes rd here in many p-day is that pos as "Lorraine." the page to ther prin by the purity of her voice and the tistio rendition of her solos. ar amusing incidents, The costumes rich, the girls p warriors dealing' with the temperin: of the sword. Tt was accorded re peated © encores o the" mg chy." dies are not popularly "cat Annual Meeting. Missionary Socicty of Queen Street Methodist church, took place on Aug ust 20th, in the parlor of the chure The following officers were elected {om viee-president, Mrs. W. Briden; record ing secretary, Mrs. G. Bateman; co omling secretary, Mrs. JF. Aan diner: treasurer, Mrs Jdobmstob the branch meeting to he he Id at Winchester October with Mrs. Clif ax alternate. THe report for the vem shows an.iner , financially ---------- Death Oi John Dewe. John Dewe, of the post died in Ottawa, on Aug Sst, irhtv-one years. He entered the oon nt service in sid he was nan «i to a surveyorship in Upper Cana a, a the of quarriers ~postal district "with head Kingston; until the tran trol in the 1. when he vw joted inspector wv the: Toro that city. He was re AndVFetters On It. Ottawa Citizen ee et ee ---- Oak Hall. "*Bibby- 8." Or 25 amd X1.50 kids gi handson I dugabhb bint not ut Fhe H. D. Bibby ( No Wonders We sell moat hocolate Ihe the best 1 can got in KA tor Taylor, 121 Prine treet soit colored shirt in the. store, 05 Jenkins, x AT WORK AGAIN BOARD OF WORKS RESUMES ages. * hanging. fire for about nine months, was next taken up. The 250 in settlement. The claimant had re replied that he would acce pt 860. The itor advised sertlement on On: motion of Alds. Walkem and Me- Chaivman McLeod informed the hoard that of the year's appropriation Wl up, leaving a 8300 would haves yman further announced that during the vear no new lumber had ber taken from walks. was used for this purpose; also that it had not ary to purchase fuel o asphalt: old boards, unfit jor patching, had been used for this A Beautiful Qpera--Fine Scenery One of the prettiest comic loperas scen here in recent years was that presented at the Grand opera house last evening, 'Princess Chie," The on the part of Louis XIV to capture mdy, and of course there is the prove wbhial love story introduced to lend spice. The chorus is a well-balanced "one, con isting of highly trained vocalists. cented, Miss Hermoine Hazleton, as "Princess Chic," 'was captivating. She - noksesses a very sweet, hich dv." had a capable vepresentative. He upheld" the ~ditnity of the role in a asing in his various solos, I'he sweetest contralto voiee sessed by Miss Eleda, Manston, who, cess, while not having a difficult part to: present, vit. charmed the andience The opera is full of © humor and tty ana the scearry positively picturesque. A feature qf the chorus work was the song of the music of the opera snhounds in rich harmonics, Dut The annual meeting of the Wemen's the vear : Honorary presi Mes. Whiting: president, Mrs, Antlifi: first vice president, Mrs. Gi. Wilson: second Mes. Sills was appointed de legate to ined in that .pgsition in fer of the postal service todprovincial | Ihe Rimeston Whie draws attention to they fact that anonev 1 erie ht That pro} lv at ints for much of it being hed up Saturday ithe last day to buv'™ any Well Made. ™re four and pure yeast do not necessarily mean good . bread. . It may be spoiled in the making. Just so: material. is not} ieverything. Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, after & number of analyses, re- ports that " Sunlight ony a pure and well-made soap." * Well made" means more than you think. Try Sunlight Soap--Octagon Bar--next wash day, and 'you will enjoy the benefits of a * well-made" soap, and will seé that Prof. Ellis is right. No one should know better than he. 214 Have You Tried, Our TALCUM POWDER At10c. a tin? You would be surprised at'its quality and fragrance. § HB. TAYLOR, APs Iphons 9 Remodelling The Market Square Drug Store. We are in the midst of it. We are alo adding an" ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF Pure rugs amd Chemie silet Articles, Tailed tequisit Finest Writing Paper, Envelopes, c. Harry Webb's Choco --1ligh Grade Cigars. A call will convince you that improvemcnt and progress is our motto. E. L. EBBELS, Chemist asd Drugglst, Proprietor. 040040000000 $ Swift's . Scranton Coal A High Class 2 ~~ Fuel. ALL SIZES. ° 3 JAMES SWIFT & G0. 'Phone 135. 060000000000 0060600000 sosssssserrrreeasese 3e Our Coal i¢ as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, gus eolid" conl--so much solid fire. After renches the Jutincs of the earth from woul mines, impor pickad out by Thereafter i several it reaches you, and dirt, have no chanoe, if the dealers are careful. We are very ml. ay AT SUS, Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. Is an attraction for every one. The cheers glow and in'etise heat of our Coal will make iteell felt with pleasure during the | cold weather. It's Juit the kind to ooo with, too. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH' S COAL. Phone 133. Foot { West Street. NOTICE 1s hereby given the public that F Bright Fire 7 | 1 purpove making it' warm for all | pes sons using my coal next wins ter.. Your order is solicited. ~ sy 57 Barrack St. FCR SALE. THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Street, betwi Wade's Drug store a Congress Hotel, In excellent condition. Sebond fluor leageddor a lony term. Ap plv wo 'D A. Cays, real estate agent, street, 3 4

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