Wp Hh \'RF DAILY WHIG TUEsDay. SEPTEMBER 9 Listen, Friends! We are not about to repre- sent to you anything un- known. But those who have never tried us before in any- thing -in Clothing, Gents' Furnichings or Furs, we would kindly request them 10 give us a call and inspect our large assortment of up-to-date lines of Clothing, Gents' Fur- nishings and Furs, and be convinced that we are tho- roughly reliable and mean what we say. JOS. SILVER, 102° "PRINCESS STREET BUY BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY - In every style and finish, Prices to meet all buyers. Every one Hand.F and Hand-Ground. Special attention paid to the tem- ering and steel. None ut experts work om these goods. Made from best English Double-Shear Steel, forged, highly polished, and specially tempered. Standard patterns and correct prices. Speclal Shear Steel used, Tempered by experts, high y polished and thor. - oughly tested. Nand Forged RAZORS Nand.Porged BUTCHER KNIVES Steel. Laid SHEARS & SCISSORS All Fully Warranted Sold Only by W. A. MITCHELL, 68 Princess Street, Kingston, WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. We conduct our business' on honest commercial principles. We are not sub- stituters. We make it a point to sup- ply just what is asked for; we never suggest the something just as good. Strict attention to details, politeness and close .prices have made our store popular. A WONDERFUL DEMAND. The demand for Paine's €elerv ('om- pound is wonderful. Its marvelous cures have made it the chosen and es- teemed family medicine, No other re- medly has worked such happy cures in Bright's disease, liver complaint, rheumatism, neuralgia and nervous di- seased. We sell the genuine Paine's Cel- ery Compound. HOAG, The Druggist, Cor. Princess and Barrie Ste, Kingston, Ont. A Stock That's Selling in-the Nineties; Should Advance to $1.15. Complete history of a road, kevping pace with the progress of the termitory which it srves. Reasons, brielly stated, for anticipa- ung further great increase in the market value of its shares; should be purchas.d im- mediately, carefully given in an important Fetter issued by us, and readv for gratuitous distribution, Tuesday, Sept. 9th. Sent to-pre- sent or prospective castowers. Write for it Also presented free, at anv of our wvilices; or, upon receipt of name and address, sta- tine which of our various publications vou want. Same will be mailed 10 you gratis Our publicauons, devowgd to "Wall stregt, are of utmost value to ivestor or specula- tor; train. them to * trade successfully and enable them to select investments. They com: prise the following : Our pa; 1902, illustrated Youd, "Guide to Investors," amd "Daily Market Letter" and our new, hamd- cloth THE 5 ¢ MN. EDITION SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Half a million mils is the latest estimate of the lingth of the world's railways. A dharter has been granted the Cornwall Furriture company, Ltd, of Cornwall, Ont. The world's visilde supply of sugar _is $50,000 against. 1,300,000 ons time last year. The general store Furlane, Douglas, is now man & McFarlane. Hug_firm of H. Snwhr and company, gene ral store keepors, Spencerville, hus been suc ceedid by W. M. Suyder. The trafic of Twin. City the ten davs of August increased 817,226, or at the of $1,722 The increase for the cight months of 1902 is $298,049. tons, same Ww. conducted by L. Mc Gor business of return last rate a dav. 2! $24 Country Produce. S.--Hops at | 13c.: steady, jobbing here at to Sic. per Hb, combs at $1.30 to 81.65 the ket with prime qualities here at $1.25 to (81.35, and hand-pickdd. at £1.35 $1.10. baled, the market is quiet, offerin moderate. quot:d at $8.50 to 23 is quiet. €ar lots, on track, quoted Toronto, Scpt wade quiet, with uncharged market Se. vearlings, © 7c. strained or Honey, the is with and mar quoted Boans, is steady, to Hav, hay the with New a ton. Straw, market £35.50. the market is. steady... We per pair: live to Poultry, quot: Chickens, chickens, 450. essed, and, Be 114¢ Potatoes, at Duc to 6} per 1b vs, td 12c. per lb, 10¢. the market with * fair They sell at 35¢ bush. in/quaniitics, and at 0c. to 45¢. to to lings, Gc. live. and Tur old, young, cady, per in is st demand lots. a ---------- A SUCCESSFUER TEA S-------------- Princess Street Methodist Church--All Expenses Met. tea and entertainment in the av. schoal room of the Pringess street Methodist church, on Monday evening, held to mark the opening of the enlarged school room, was largely attended, about 280 people sitting at the. well-suppiied tables. The ladies of the tion haa prepared many a tempting dish. the contents of which coon disanpeared, At the entertain which followed, I. F. Harrison presided, and in a brief address refer ved to the opening of the new hall and conveved to Princess street school the best wishes of the Sydenham street Rev. W. I. G. Brown, St. Lambert, Que.. spoke eloquently on the elements of success, emphasiz ine the fact that the young man must do his best and do it all the time, if he is to succeed in the world. Rev. Dr. Philp. pastor of Sydenham street Methodist church, also made a brief address. A male guartette, conrposed of Messrs. Philp, Gibson, Walker and Shea. rendered several fine selections, Daniel Couper, Williamsville's peevless soloist, in great demana. and he contributed three avell-rendered songs. As a result of the tea and enters tainment 862 was cleaved. On Sunday the pastor asked for $50. and re- ceived in offerings nearly 875. The total expense of the improvements ant extension to the school room, S600, has now been met. The last {100 wis subseribed in a few minutes last The pastor and congre gation of the little church have every reason to be proud of the splendid work they have done. In their hands, Methodisin in Williamsville is steadily growing, small congr ment school. was evening. tne, 133 Pupils Attended. the * opening the public schools for the fall term, Inspector Kidd has admitted 133 new pupils, only twenty-four of whom are - from outside the city, four being Russians who are unably to speak a word of Fnalish. The admitting of pupils will go on tor a week 'or so vet. Many of the parents are' just returning from camp summer resort; and others will return for afew days yet. The agitation to extend the summer holidays until September 15th meets with the approval of many Kingston parents. The number of new pypils admitted this year is far 1m excess "of last year's i Since of or not Met With An Accident. Miss Rowan, a passenger aboard a some monthly, illustrated Red Booklet, the September number, of which is now ready for distribution. Ve have called this be 4ct ' Drifv of the Market," containing com plete charts, carcfully compilal. at the twen five lading stocks, aiso chart of the avers age price of sixteen | ading stock monthly sitles of New York, Bostor 1 Philadelphia seeurt i 8 fore the -month, hich and low prices. Likewise with chart of @hicago Wheat, Corn, Oats, Pork and Lard HAIGHT & FREESE Established 53 B'way, N. Y. 1890. C0. 2x Sitice © STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kiagstos, Ontarlo. "Inetermining the character and responsibility of vour broker, is as tant ns the selection of Tight stolks"" Trade) - financial impure COMMER CIAL, Canadian, Pacitic 5 Canadian Pacific, mew Duluth SN Toledo L, & I. Montroal Sircet Ry Toronto Street Ry Hahiax Fl erie Dytroit United | turdav ; descended show, Twin City Rich. & Ont. Nay. »Commeriial Cable Montreal Power Nova' Scotia Stel Dominion Steel Dominion Coal KETS. i Whiteaves NEW YORK STOCK MAR y "Sept " Union Pavific' St. Paul Maophattah B. R. Transit Sugar wr People's Gas 1m. SN. Steel oN Team Mise Southern tnt ro West Fre Steel Coal Pacific Pacific Wo Western L'nion Pid & ron ir American co Amal. Copper { Prince of 1 whom down bound electric ear, met with a painful misha) on Princess street, Sa- night. She" accidentally allow- umbrella fall off the car, and attempting to recover it, the was proceeding at a fai lively rate. of speed, made the mistake that jmost_ladies ave . guilty of, and Lowith her face towards the vear of the car. As a result she was thrown to the ground and severély bruised, besides having her face cut. ed her to in car Opening Of Victoria Theatre. The Victoria Opera house, which will be. managed © this vear Ww. A Beowne--of-- Allen & Brown, auction: will open on Friday and Satur M:Kinnev. Bros.' big minstrel will be the opening attraction, with ifs military band and svmphony orchestra. "The corofiation of Edward," is.an important the programme. by day. feature of On Geological Survey. Drs. Whiteaves and Ellis, of the: government Ottawa, 'were in the city They Init vesterday morn: Picton: to look 'into forma Prince Edward hr. i= perhaps foremost palaconto logists, oeol al survey, Sunday from tions in county. the j alacontologist in Aperiea. v 1 Coronation Medal. On exhibition in the Sutherland Bros. Princess stécet, the coronation medal presented by Wales \etering F. Mitealie, of Canad who did service h , Ve window of the v- Captain Ian Scouts Area, and at ta the m You Do Not 'Want vour health which are pot made according to the standard of 'the Pharmacopoeia We: make evervthing full strength, H. lor, 121 Prin ont, "Ta drugs, ruin liv Fay lor, The Methodist general cantar decided to t in Mont tember, 1906. ha } mh De} mee dress Cases of Glanders SEDDON SPOKE PREMIER ADVOCATES NAT- IONAL COUNCIL For Colonial Affairs--FPeople, He Said, Are Prepared to go Fur- . ther Than Their Representa- tives at Recent Conference. London, Sept. 9.--The prime niinis- ter oi New Zealand, Mr. Swidon, de- livered a characteristie Tarewell ad- ess at Plymouth; yesterday, upon his departure for home. . Mr. Seddon declgred that he believed the people were prepared to go further than were their representatives' in the recent colonial conference, or the im- perial officials. He advocated-a na- tional council for colonial affairs, and advised Colonial Secretary Cham- ferlain that the leaders of the oppost- tion were visiting all of. the colonies. Mr. Seddon said the cheering of the Boer generals was not consistent with British dighity; ard that it would not commend self .in the colonies. -------- LEFT FOR CAMP. Found in Ottawa. Ottawa,: Sept. 9.-The 2nd Field Pattery left for Deseronto this morn- ing to go into annual camp. The battery was not up to full strength, a fact due to the busy season. May. Arnoldi was in command. Fire at noon. to-day, did 'dainages to Stevenson's drug ste corner Elgin ana Waverley suv I'he upstai occupied nov a vate family, was badly scorch: A nunber of cases of glanders have been discovered in the city. One msn had to shoot several valuab!z horses. A heavy loss was the shoot ing of Ambrosial, a peaigree swalhion, jor which "8,000 werg paid a few years ago. MAINE ELECTIONS. ° The Republican Ticket Carries the Day. Portlaml. Me., Sept. 9.--Republicans and cemocrats both had losses in ves- tercay's election. The returns from 200 cities and towns showing fourteen per cent. decrease for the former, and twelve per cent. for the demo- crats as compared with the gover: nor's vote of two years ago. The in- dicated plurality for Governor John I. Hill on the figures given is 27,000. Congressional returns indicate that all four republican congressmen, Amos Ll. Allen. Sanford: Charles E. Littlefield, Rockland: Edwin C. Burleigh, Augus- ta, and Llewellyn Powers; Houlton, are re-elected by the usual plaralities, their vote running close to that for governor. Later.-- Elpetion returns from ) cities and towns indicate a plurality for Gov. Hill (republican) oft about 29,000. loss ) Drowned On Way To Lighthouse. Parry Sound, Ont., Sept. 9.--~The hody of a woman, afterwards identi- fied as Mrs. C. L. White, wife of C. L. White, lichthouse keeper, of this place was found on the shore about a mile from herve yesterday. Mrs. White and her son-.Jackson left here Saturdav in a sailboat for the lighthouse, and it is supposed a squall capsized their boat. No trace of the boy or boat has vet been found. f @ - Mitchell's Denial. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 9. --President Mitchell, states that the report sent out from: Scranton to the effect that he told a friend that the strike would be over hy September 15th and that the strikers would have to go back to work to save the miners' union, a "pure fabrication." He says he nev- er madd such" a remark to any per- son. was Sentenced To Four Years. Toronto, Sept. 9.--John Joseph Scott. who early this morning murd- erously assaulted John Renshaw, a nicht watchman at the factory of the Imperial Varwish and Color company, pleaded guilty in police court and was sentenced hy Police --Mawistrate Deni. son ta four years in Kingston Peni- tentiary, = . Good For Lancashire. London, = Sept. 9.--The Lancashire coal trade is rapidly - improving Th consequente of purchases for the Un- ited States. It is said that orders ay orecating hundreds of thousands of tons have been placed in the Lancashive collieries for shipment various ports of the United States. to Invited ToLondon. Kansas. City; Mo., Sept. 9.--George Hale, former fire chief of Kansas City, has ben invited by the seire- tary the British fire brigade tion go to London next May assist in re-or, nizing fi fichting He sidter-the proposal. of sta- to to Services, will com -- | [was made on behali of RL. 1 of particulars charoes veneral {uon, « on i heen ..Lisgar Election. Winnipeeo. bY --A filed the election Stewart i~gar" The Sept. protest of protest tichard The bill heen A. son, the defeated candidate. htv instances being. cited. ------iei Fight With Slave Dhow. Sept. Y.--Informatich _ has the admiralty othee the Persian guli, of the British London, received at ficht hoat's of. a charg in' between a Crew vunboat Lapwing 'and a slave dhow. | and several | A bluciacket was Killed | were wounded. using cheap | ------ Progressing Satisfactorily Sto Petersburg, Sept. 9.--1t ofli cially announced that the czarina has passed the critical stagh of her re miscarriage. Her is without com plications and the is progressing to comph re i= ent case te wards Overy. The Suicide Identified. MS. The vaung man who suicided Dartmouth ferry has wdentitied Lotwenty, Halifax. Sept. 9 of the the re nk from t been ans as pure mixe Mullins'. sound 13¢., at TRIENNL: ~. SESSIONS Will Hereafter Be Held By Angli- cans. Montreal, Sept. 9.--Thé generdl synced" of the Church of England will, in futare, hold triennial sessions. The suggestion of the lower house in that respect was adopted by the house of bishops to-day. The bishops named Toronto as the next place of meeting but the lower © house in favor of Quebec on the ground that the in: terests of the church would be better sérved by not confining the svnods to two or three places. It is considered likely the lower house's view will prevail, : wr In connettion with the forth-coming ccnventitn of the Canadian Fire Un- derwriteis' Associdgion in Quebec, on { family generally have the sympathy of { Robert Robinson, old residents of Port South | | and the English} 0 {in Toronto, Mr. Mowat, presented nounced, has | 1. | Epworth League of Christian Endea- [vors of Queen street Methodist church, ot rap | lie steamer, a kind of & MRS. ASTOR. society leader of the States. The foremost United -- the. 24th and 25th of this month, it is announced that the companies will not reduce the rates of insurance in this city as they are not satisfied with the improvements made by the city in connection with the fire bri- gade. © All the premiums for three vears averaging a million a year have been wiped out by the losses. Desmartram, of the Montreal police AAA, goes: to New York for the championships on Saturday. He will throw the fifty-six pound weight. 1 BODY IDENTIFIED. Remains Found at Goderich Those Of Frank Lawrence. A telegram reached the city this af- ternoon, addressed to Joseph lLaw- rence who left this. morning for God- erich, conveying the intelligence that the body fond at Goderich yesterday had been identified that of rank Lawrence, of Kingston, drowned off the steamer Marine City last fall. The identification, made at the coroner's inquest this morning, resulted from the fact-that the marks of a broken richt leg. sustained some time ago by Mr. Lawrence; were plainly. recogniz- able on the body found. 'The rubber hoots which he wore were padded with Kingston newspapers, as the boots were too large for him. The clothes were also identified as those worn by Mr. Lawrence at the time of the foundering of the ill-fated steamer. The teleoram further stated that the re- mains were badly decomposed. If it is possible, the son will bring the re- mains home for "burial. ---- A PORT HOPER DROWNED. as Robinson Fell Off The Steamer Kingston. Tort Hope Guide. It is an old adage that troubles never come singly. To-day we have to record the death of another of Roh- the Robert ert Robinson's sons, drowned off steamer Kingstan; on Saturday, op- pos Muro Park. He was on his way to join the North King at Char- lotte where he was engaged as a hand on that boat. His aged mother, at the hofise. is nearly broken hearted, and it is feared she will not survive the shock. One. thing, is certain, --how- ever, the father and mother and the Ontario all their iriends and acquaintances in Port Hope. Robert was thirty-three years ace, the third son of Mr. and ot Mrs. Hope. Set For Hearing. The appeal from the judgment of Justice Lount. ane the the Kingston Light, Heat and Power com- case of -- NEWS OF WORLD QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From' all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remergbered by . the Dear Publi¢. The Boer generals.expect their tour of the United States to occupy six' months. A feeling growing strongly in' New England in favor of reciprocity and a closer union with Canada. A discussion of appendicitis will be given first place at the Brussels surgi- cal conference, opening September Sth. Eg Emperor William told United States generals that he would Jike to visit America, but he feared he would never be able to do so. The Consolidated Gas company, New York, has . contracted for 000 tons of coke from Sydney, to be delivered there. Gertrude Miller, aged sixteen, be- lieving she had been deserted by her husband, whom she had just married, suicided at Monticello, N.Y. Despatches announce the destruction of the town of Bolivar, Argentine Re- public, by a cyclon& Fourteen per sons _were killed and fiity were injur- ed. > . : During the manoeuvres near Trivoil a military balloon burst and sixteen soldiers were badly injured in conse- quence. Two of the men were fatally hurt. : At Vienna, Hogger Jaggele, who was a drummer boy for Andreas Hof- er in the war against the great Na- poleon, celebrated his 102nd. birthday the other day. : F." W. Unitt, superintendent of main building, industrial exhibition, Toron- to, has been stricken with paralysis and lies in a precarious condition at his home. All the lower portion of his body is affected. ! The "creamery men of the North- West will have to be on the watch, otherwise in a year or two they mav find themselves having to compete in the British Columbia markets with Danish butter produced in Siberia. A maker of musical instruments, while on a climbing expedition, fell f and broke his neck on the Klesterges teig, near Vienna. The death record on the Rax Alps for the present sca- son now has reached the total of thirty-two persons. Three members of the Vienna Socifl and Touring club, while ascending the Rax Alps, lost their way. Two of the climbers fell 600 feet and were killed. The third member of the party, who survived, 'was obliged to- stand up- richt upon a narrow ledge of rock from noon on Sunday until Monday morning when he was rescued. is CB, , THE TWO TYPES Of Living Death, Dunkenness and Insanity. One day this week as the car was leaving Lake Ontario Park, a drunken man clambered 'to 'the front and sat down. The ashy complexion, puffy eyelids, trembling hands and general appearance of the man. proclaimed the habitual hard drinker. The conductor, who appeared to know him put him off passive and un- resisting at the park gate and he staggered toward the side of the road. Somé of the inmates of Newcourt, just opposite were loitering near. One of these lunatics whose squatly ficure, mis-shapen © head, "and clumsy' gait in some way suggested the goril- la, spied the drunken man, stageering in his direction. A . great wavering licht flashed into his eyes as he look- ed, a hoarse chuckling laugh broke from his wide loose mouth, and he started toward him with" hurried reel- ing steps and outstretched hands. " A throat-tightening horror gripped the watchers from the car. The drunken man stopped and stood swaying slightly. The lunatic trembl- ing with joyous éhgerness pounced on him and peered in his face. Then the light flickered and died out leaving the whole man limp and nerveless, an expression of vague: disappointment. He: laid his hand gropingly on the driinken man's: arm, and the old dreary 'look crept into the poor wan- dering eves again. The bell rang and the car started city-ward, leaving together those two types of a living "death, drunkenness and insanity. Conferred With Machinists. A special committee of the board of pany, in which the city won its con- | tention, - has-been tor hearing. in! court appt Poronto, which be- | gan its sessions to-day. The city solvitor says that the ac- tion is pretty well down on the hist it was feared, a hearing might not be secured at the present sittings, hence hy instruction, the city's agent a the an- set ot motion to the court 'to speed trial." Thé result has not been 1 - i . E. L. of C. E. Elects Officers The annual election of oflicers of the took place last" night, resulting as fol ws © President. Alived Milne: vice president, Miss Lulu Clark; secretary, | Miss M. Merritt; treasurer, Miss Nel- Hutchison: lookout committee, Miss Hammond: prayer meeting trade held - a conference last evening with three - delegates. from the Ma- chinists" Union, with a view to ob- taining some concessions on their {part that would assist in settling the locomotive works" strike. When seen to-day Capt. Gaskin, president of the board, stated that nothing for pub- lication flad transpired. We will lat- ¢t on have a conference with the man- agement of the works," hé saide "1 believe the prospects are good for set- tling the differences and ending the strike. The men, the company and the citizens are losing by the strike." Given A Call To Picton. Throuch the kindness of a friend we are informed that, on Monday even I'ing. at , congregational meeting held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, 'icton, a call was "given to Rev. James 8. Shortt, M.A, to' Pedome the sugcessor. of Rev. 1D. G, McPhail, committee, "Mise Frankie Clark: mis- sionary committee, Miss Mamie Mer] ritt, tn . Due To The Storm. During: the stand vton house, aeress tratti the. sy to-day a near Al Nt, was wind street street track, delaving time. A win i Waldron': bloan in heavy the King the on w car or a ond storey | goods store was at | Cranberry Crop Destroyed. Halifax, 9. Frost last night de<troved nearly the whole cranberry | the Annapolis vallew The loss be very heavy. > 3 ° Sept crop mn eee were very dusty, ds of ctizen® pay street { 'T} lav tho Ww streets to wah hund aateringe overcome nst such The streets dc ed. rate to ovance. partment should be awake | i | r | It { she would haye been killed, to a cer { tainty B.A., now oi Frank, Alberta. Mr. "Shortt is a Queen's man, a brother of Prof. A. Shortt, and. well known in this city. ! Saved-A Life. Yesterday a conductor tric car: saved \a woman's elec the on life an as { car was descending the asvium hill at a rapid rate, The woman's hat blown off and she attempted to jumpy' off to regain it. The conductor divined her motive and prevented her carrying out. Had she stepped. off the was car TO LET. BRICK DWE ALFRED STREET . Princess street, Kir , double par on room, and bath room Sew FON ot TELEGRAMS FROM JHE FOUR. A. A ™ Dress C40 Sve 0ei GO rE value. to 64 inches. Goods... eters setttttsrsitee Our New Showing of Dress Goods for the fall include the most up-to-date Cloths and C : ings. We have taken great care to have every- thing of the latest and best combined with good LADIES' CLOTH, Tie, Bke., 95¢c., $1, $1 25, width from 46 inches HOPSACKING. VENETIAN CLOTH, 54 inch. Venetian $1 yard ; others at 76c, 90c. Cloths for Costumes and Skirts. This popular material for Costumes we have at 68c: yard and others higher in price, HOMESPUNS. A large selection of qualities for Bkirts and Suite, 63e., Toc, 90c., $1, all 64 inches wide. | 2 | | | Dress | Zebelines Poplins India Twills Good Cheviots Cashmeres Satin Cloths, Barritz Cloths. Priestley's Famous Black Dress Materials In a number of different makes. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON '120-122 Princess Street, Kingston. Summer goods put shown easily ~ ' TRUNKS A everything in good shape. Preparing for a Big Fal Trade. : LOCKETT SHOE STORE in the back ground still but where we can get them when needed. FALL GOODS brought ri and without loss of time. ND VALISES se They must always have a good corner. Just now we are house-cleaning _ht to the front so as to be Il all the year round. but we'll soon have ockett. ------ Do You Wanta Pair of ---- -- CANVAS" BOOTS AT COST? YOU CAN GET THEM AT COST. BERNETHY, TRUNKS and. VALISES.