THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 GOES A good ways here--brings more returns, in quantity and gE quality, than the same sum : world bringelsewhere Money . _ invested in our suits for men : and boys----which, by the way : we'are offering at cut rates this month---is money well invested. Every suit is thor- oughly made. "JOS. SILVER, Successor to B. Silver,) | 102 PRINCESS STREET. BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY / In every style and finish. Nand. Porged Prices to meet all buyers. Eve one Hand-Forged RAZORS and Hand-Ground. Special attention pald to the tem- ering and steel. None Put experts work on these goods. Made from best English Double-Shear Steed, hand- forged, highly polished, oy specially tempered. Standard patterns and correct prices. Special Shear Steel used. Tempered by experts, highly polished and thor- oughly tested. Hand.Forged BUTCHER KNIVES AA Steel-Lald SHEARS & SCISSORS All Fully Warranted .-Sold Only by W. A. MITCHELL, 68 Princess Street, Kingston. REAL ESTATE. ¢ GEO. CLIFF1IS OFFERING GREAT BAR gains _in_thig line, 115 Brock street. TT 1. EATON SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. THE CASE ADJOURNED. -- | Striking Machinists in the Police Court. The Locomotive Works company has found it necessary to take action acainst its former employees. The "lust straw which broke the camel's back" was added Thursday, when the cirikers attempted to sendiout of the city a machinist engaged by the com- pany. . As u result Robert = Wilson, Heqry DBrouse and Robert Holding weresrharged at the police court, this morning, with interference with the Locomotive Works company in the prosecution of its. work. 'l he prisoners were represented by Dr. Smythe, while J. L. Whiting, K.C., appeared for the prosteution. The magistrate did not ask the men to plead. contenting himseli with read ing to them the charge. Dr. Smythe pointed ' out that the matter was one of great importance, not only 'to the men but to the com- pany and the citizens. He asked for an adjournment until next Friday. Mr. Whiting objected, and named Monday. Dr. Smythe thought. that he could not be ready before Wednesday at the very earliest. Mr. Whiting advanced to Tuesday. but "Dr. Smythe pressed for Wednes dav. which was finally accepted." The remarked that the le=trike had been hanging fire so long. it was a pity it could not he wouna up. Dr, Smythe added that the commun magistrate ity desirca that 'the difliculty be wound up. = The magistrate further remarked that the men were suffering, as were their wives, families and citizens gen erally. He advised Dr. Smythe to counsel the men, with a view to set thement, that both parties could conic to terms. Dr. Sinythe--"The to lie down together." The maoistrate maintained that it was the duty of every citizen to use his towards a satisfactory settlement. The = oniy who were profiting by the strike were the Jriton and Boer influence persons lawyers, Shirts Cut To Fit. New fali styles in stiff front shirts at The H. D. Bibby Lo. To-nicht. any colored - soft shirt in the store for H%e¢. Jenkins. Electric: stove polish, Sc. per stick, at" Mullins'. FRESH ARRIVAL.S! i We Have Opened Out an Extra Large Assortment of New FRENCH, GERMAN AND BRITISH GOODS For the FALL TRADE and. Would Be Pleased to have | re You Inspect Them. EE A large range of "Na Black Broadeloths. these goods, including the New Satin Venetian, in light, medium and os heavy weights, suitable for dresses, skirts and a Zibeline with coats. 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2. Camel's Hair Zibeline. The latest French idea, all the appearance of a Camel's. Hair effect, 52 inches wide, all pure wool, correct weight for fall costumes, in Brown, Grey, Blue, Black. Etc. Very special... "Only $1.10 yard. * French Printed Flannels, soc. yard. 75 New Seofeh Plaid Rugs, Plain on one sice, ed. Everyone warranted perfectly new. _ Light and Dark Designs, very handsome pat- terns in Floral and Persian Effects, -45c. and Scotch Tartan Plaid revers- $4.50, $5.50, $6.50, $7.50. That $1 Umbrella Is a Better One ThanYou F ormer- ly Purchased at $1.50. Bay - 3a 4s imine a ~R. WALDRON. FIXED 'EM UP THE FINANCES OF PERSIA ARE ARRANGED And Good Feeling .Has Been Reached--Russia Will Have to Step Back for the Future. London, Sept. 6.--1t is stated" on wood authority that as a result of the Shah of Persia's recent visit to' Eng land, a rearrangement of Persian fin ances hal been accomplished. It i further stated that English' influence iin 'Persia, on which Russia has lately encroached, will be restored. A despatch to the Times, from To- kio, - says. that -the Japanese cruiser Takachitho has returned" from 'Marcus i<land. She reports that Capt. Rose- hill, the United Stateser, who claims the ownership of the island, arrived there on July 31st and everything was 'amicably arranged.' . Thé- appointment of the Hon. Mich acl Herbert, as British ambassador at Wachineton, is published in the Offi ial Gazette. The appointment is ef- fective from June 4th. 15 Will Live In California. George 1. Mabee, formerly classical master in the Port Hope high school, has been visiting his friend, Rev. Alexander Laird. Because of Mrs. Ma- bee's state of health, he left Port Hope and went south as far * New Mexico, and for the last two years has heen engaged in sheep-farming there on a large scale. Now he 1 back to Canada, and will try life in the west. To a min from New Mexico, Ontario, with its splendid harvest and bountiful rains, is a very paradise. Mr. Mabee is glad to be under the British flag once more. 18 A Very Narrow Escape. Motorman® Cummings, Last evening his of the street railway service, by presence of mind and prompt action, saved' the life of an aged woman at the corner Brock and Ontario ctredts. The woman took up po ition on the track and hailed the car. She womod to be unaware of her danger, and was uncopseious of it until the ar was brought to a-standstill just as it touched her. The valise she car vied was partly crushed by the car wheels. of Her Leg, Broken. While returning home last evening frém the baad concert in Macdonald Park, Mrs. Joseph Abramson, Queen street, met with a painfulvaccident. On King street, near the corner of West street, she slipped and fell, ow- ing, it is claimed, to the defective condition of the sidewalk. Citizens hastened to her assistance and she was conveyed home. Dr. Mundell was summoned and found that the bones of her richt leg, above the ankle, were broken. ini ---- West Still Wants Men. Employment in the North- West state they are not able to fill one-half of the applications made for laborers and wages have goné up in consequence. Men are the railwavs in the coal mines of the west, on the farms. as cooks in camps and in some trades, All the harvest | la- borers who went wests have heen plac- od in good positions and more men agents needed on 5 are needed. Stranger And Money Gone. A few days ago a young ladv. a stranger, applied at a Wellington street boarding house for accommoda- tion. She taken in and made arrangements to remain. Yesterday, however, she disappeared, and another hoatder, a tatloress, "found that her trink had: been rifled and about. $ taken. The police are now searching for the stranger. was Cruise Up The Bay. he yacht Nokomis, with the Nich- olls party, of Howe Island, on hoard, voached the city thix-morning after a week up the Bav of Quinte, where good fishing and duck-hunting was found --M; =F Lawless --this--city sue: cessfully piloted the vacht during the week. A good week's sport was en- joyed by the party. ------ He Is A Candidate. said Alder 'that, in rest, | "You can say for me," man: White, this morning, order to set, false rumors at am a candidage for the mayoralty for 1903, and I am in the field to remain acainst, all: comers. 1 have heen press: od to run and have consented to do Good Crop Of Apples. Applesin Kingston township-will-be a very abundant crop this fall. Thurs dav's wind shook many of them from the trees. On Friday Isaac Simpson, Cataraqui, picked up over eleven bushels of «apples which had fallen from three trees: Apples' can now he purchased at forty cents a bushel. matnb----tt It takes only one volcano in thé earth to show that the heart of the earth is fire, and that some day it had, close: association of friendship ig London and the weneroas praise which | he J I in his lecture hefore the | Roy in 1808 on the labors | of Engli scientific men is remembers | ed with orateful appreciation. | Myc. Milton Grant, a. Barrie, Ont, widow, committe nicide on Friday bv hanging vue atowel anrd' a hammock st the latter of which | <he attach y a vent pipe, aeross i the ceiling. of tab | Shi waesnho ht voare fs : ind leaves a veung wan. No 1 tive is ki u Ma < from Aust bv the 1 stea Aorangl, sa that New | t ue o «ubmiit to the wo- er ce the ahestion . of woman iff Show the vgedict he in the ath ¢, the legi-Yature will allow i ti ® inay burst through the thickest crust * * Phis is the tragedy of our single- sing, '* * * Down the crack | which someone transgression makes in the' fair face "of 'a, smooth and | hlgomghe Ife. we ean see waiting for God's * fudement-wond the. fire, befor which that life shall be at last con sumed with fervent heat. * Tonicht. any colored soft shirt in the store for de. Jenkins. Prof. Virchow's death, in Berlin, is felt with a ense of personal loss by hi< English fellow scientists, for he | RUDOLF .VIRCHOW IS DEAD. Noted Pathologist Passes Away at the German Capital. ) LATE PROF. VIRCHOW. Perlin, Sept. 5.--Prof. Rudolf Vir- chow, the pathologist, died here at two o'clock this afternoon, aged eigh- ty-one years. 3 Prof. Virchow's discovery of the cel- lular nature of animal tissueswon hip world-wide fame. His theory was that the cell was possessed of an indepen- dent lifé, and that it was self-propa- gating. Taking the place of the form- er vague and pseudo-philosophical views of vitality, this theory formed the basis for a new science of physio- logy. After that great achievement: Vir- chow made many other important dis- coveries. He never practiced medicine to any extent himself, having been instead the instructor .of practition- ers. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Moyements of Vessels. Flora Carveth is The schooner yo ceiving repairs at Portsmouth. The schooner Queen of the Lakes, cleared from Richardsons' wharf for Sodus with felspar. Richardsons' elevator : Steam- harge Owen, from Wellington, and schooner Highland Beauty, from bay ports. Swift's! wharf: Steamers Toronto, down and up; Hamilton, from Mon- treal, to-night; Rideau Queen, from Ottawa. M. 'P. company cleyator: Tug Thomson, from Montreal, with one licht barge, and cleared for Charlotte with two. The steamer New Island Wanderer arrives up on Sunday night, and will biggpleced on the Cape Vincent route next week. The steamer America will soon go into winter quarters. To-day's Market Prices. of produce were offered for sale on the market this morning, but the buyers were few in number- The following prices prevail od : Fowl, 60c. to T0c. a pair; chick- Large quantities ens, 50c. to 6c. a pair; egos, 17c. to 18¢. a dozen; butter in prints, 22¢c. to 95¢. a lb.: in rolls, 1Se. to 20c. a lb; potatoes, 60c. a bag: tomatoes, Se. a bushel: cabbage, Se. a head: niisk- melons, de. a pi pumpkins, Sc. a picce; onions, a bag: carrots, beets and parsnip§, a bunch; tur nips, H0c. a bag: green corn, Sc. to 10c. a dozen; apples, 40c. a bushel ; mutton, 7¢. to Se. a lb.; lamb, Sec. to 10c. a 1b.; veal, 3c. to 6c. a lb; tur- keys, $1 to 51.25 each; ducks, 65c. to 75¢. a pair. rr -- Business College Notes. Miss Madeline Campion Has sceured a position as stenographer with the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. As many students entered auring the first week of this month as during the whole of last September. "EK. Leslie has secured a position as book-keeper and stenographer with Al Gardi net, real | estate broker, City." x. Marcelis, go oraduate, who has a posi- tigne.with* a railway conipany in' Chi- cato, is visiting friends, in the city A number oi students' are entering for the civil' @rvice course. J. Turnbull, a student of the college, has gone to Winnipeg to accept 4 position. His Death Was Sudden. 'George Robinson, of the late 1 homas at the =Qn residence of his mother _on mother, 'a brother and -a- sister, the hatter heme a oraduatenurse of-Redok wood hospital. Sincere sympathy? is felt for those in the bereaved home. Opening Of Sunday School Hall. Rev WF ti Brown of St han bert, Que., a farmer pomilar voung pastor of Princess street Methodist church, arrived in the city to-day, and take charge of the that church, on the ocea | sion of the opening of- the new Sun- day school hall, which has just been | completed. Rev. Mr. Brown will spend a few days with friends in the city. . {will | : cervices to-morrow in Two Undesirables. | New York Times One of §he best" things President Roosevelt © hag said in his admirable speeches in New England i< this "Hardness of heart isa dreadful qual {ity, but it doubtful whether in the | long run it works more da + than softness of head." Ani he added : "At any rate, Hoth are unde rable." | Cost Of A Hug. ember t arty Montgoms three-year- old son treet, of Norman Grove, Richmond London, Ont.. while trying to | climb on to.a moving lorry, was caught in a wheel and fatally injured. Careiul dispensing. 'H. B. Taylor. 'PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY DAY'S EPISODES OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Careful dispensing. H B. Taylor. New shirts are in. The H, D. Bibby Co. To-night, any colored soit shirt in the store for 3%¢. Jenkins. Charles Smallridge, San Francisco, Cal., is visiting his mother on Alfred street. . P. J. Brady, street railway\motor- man, is spending a couple of wekks holidays at Toronto. First quality collars, new swyles, 2} for 2. The H. D. Bibby Co. Prof. Jordan, Queen's university, will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church, Picton, on Sunday. Mrs. McKenzie, <Lorne Island, near the Pittsburg shore, who has been aangerously ill, is slowly recovering. Do not risk spoiling your pickles and catsup -by using inferior goods. Use pure spices and get them at Red- den's. Richard Squires, who was with a party of surveyors on the B. of Q. railwgy extension, has returned to the city. An ex-grocery clerk of the city, who has lately resided in the west, will on Wednesday wed a fair young. lady of Gananoque. The pickling season is here and we are ready for it with a full stock of pure spices and' pure vinegars. Jas. Redden & Co. If you desire something very dine in toilet soaps we have just received something that will interest you. Tay- Jor, 124 Princess street. The boys charged with stealing Mr. Ireland's sailing yacht Winona, were to be tried before Judge Price, in chambers, this afternoon. A local hotel keeper will appear be- fore the police magistrate on Monday to answer to a charge of selling li quor within prohibited hours. This morning, Alderman Bell hand- ed the labor executive a five dollar gold piece for a special tug-of-war ev- 'ent at the sports this afternoon, The new collars, first quality, 2 for 25¢. The H. D.. Bibby Ce. John Riley, a well-known Cataraqui farmer; has threshed 117 bushels of wheat fiom two and a half acres. This is a phenonienal vield, and exceeds that of the great North-West. Steamen North King leaves Kings- ton Sundays 10:17 a.m. for 1,000 Isl- ands, and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, N. Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. To-night, any colored soft shirt the store for 58c¢. Jenkins. During the r summer vacation un- known persons broke open the teach- ers' desks in Rideau 'and Louise schools, and rifled them of their con- tents. A young citizen boating in the har- hor list evening picked up la skiff, painted white, which he found float- ing. He tied it up in the locomotive works slip. , Rev.!| Dr. Philp has returned from his vacation and will preach morning and evening to-morrow in Sydenham Street Methodist church Sunday school hall. I'he designs on some of the best school scribbling and 'exercise books are by a Kingston lady. They are of a humorous nature, and amuse the children greatly. There were 1.500 people in Macdon- ald Park last evening to hear the last concert of the season by the 14th P.W.0. Rifles band. A fine pro- gramme was. zendered. If you .are subject to headaches. give Pratts' headache powders a trial and vou will. use no'other. In envelopes, 19c., per . package. McLeod's drug Storey Police Constable Aiken has. received word from. Brandon, Man., of the death there of his niece, Mona A., hill four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lewis. : This afternoon at' hali-past o'cloek-the labor-unions paraded from one where "the prograinme of = sports" ar- ranged for Labor day was run off. On Monday night and again Jast nicht the electric lights in the upper portion of the city went out, leaving the streets in total darkness. Then : $ : H. Robinson," traveller® died! municipal ownership. Wellington street: early-- this morning. | ong the Thousand Islands are death came very | was to<have gone down this afternoon sixteen ! hut Though he had been troubled with for heart discase, his suddenly. The deceased was vears of age. He is survived by his J | Kepler, Sept. 3.--There "has been a | oloom t over our netchborhood hy the sudden death, this morning, of Sydney Guess, a mah who way es teemed very highly by all who Knew him. Farmers are pretty well Torcmto Star through harvesting.» number from It t a Pittsbure man S10 for | here took tin the Harrowsmith show "hugging the Wwrone girl," bat that | to day. Mrs Amy A. Powley has ig, a mere haratelle compared with | gane to visit fri nds in Portage la what it costs manv a man who hug Prairie. The Misses J. and A. Pipe wed the richt have réturned after pending a few days at A. Townsend Miss Fi. M Violont and anor raingt | Towns nd has returned from visiting the prochimetion of ndor the | friends. near Harrow=mith wis FE. | BP imes Xet thetting M. Patter a At Home t al "1 convanid by Irish fuiimbel : } apital i prominent | ! | McBride the residents began to talk about Kingston am- over Fhe from excursions this year. The steamer America tite 'cool and windy weather can- celled heér trip. This is a special children's day con the street cars, and the "kids again swarmed on "King" Ben¥" horseless chariots, holding them up at every corner. The voungsters delight to spend their coppers in cheap' car rides Fall styles in shirter New goods alwavs at The H. D. Bibby Co. At Mullins' this week.--25 lbs: best coranulated sugar, &1; 1 1h. whole mix- ed pickling spice. 15c.; bananas, 1c per dozen; pure malt, cider, and white wine vinezar, at lowest prices, corner Johnston and Division streets. Two Kingston township farmers had an encounter the market square this morning, coming td blows. One accused the other of having stol- en some out of horticul- tural hall during the Fecent fair. A police court action is threatened. on vegetables Was Highly Esteemed. McBride' M. Brockville, at W. Patterson's: Mi Maude Cornell, Oxford « Mills, at J. Knight' Master oJ. the market square to the fair rounds One rub 'with Sunlight Soap cleans more than two rubs with common soap. SUNLIGHT Soap REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar 39 Ca - Pen sketches of some of the popular effects and their value. |} HOMESPUN DRERS BUITING, 64 inches wide, all pure wool, Oxford and Mid Shades of Greys, Navy and Black, correct weight for ladies' suits and 63 ; : c. Yard. separate suits Heavy quality genui:e All Wool PRESTON FRIEZE, suitable for Ladies' Tailor-Made Costumes and Three-quarter Coats, in Grey Rhades, Ligbt and Dark, Navy and Black, 54 inches wide, 90c. and Z5c. Fine imported "ZIBELINE" DRESS SUITINGS. This mate- rial is in great demand for fall costumes. 42 to 54 inches wide, 50c., 69c., 75¢., $1, $1.25. Imported Venetia Finished Broadcloth, Eng- lish Covert Cloth, All-Wool French Poplins, Cravenette or Waterproof Cloth as used for La- dies' Raglan Coats and Skirts. WALKING SKIRTS Big Stock of Good Styles. ~~ Theseason has arsived when every woman fnds a Walking _ Bk rt es:ential to her comfort. $2.75, $3.50, $3.75, $4.50, $5.50 and on up. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON "THE_NEW DOROTHY DODD SHOE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. P.'S.--WHO IS DOROTHY DODD ? All the new colors, The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S [ ondon Porter Full of the Virus of Malt and Hops Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. A W. Stace. King ston, at C. Cranston 's: 3 : - KING STREET, KINGSTON. # o 2 Salim - aR NE JAS. IcPARLAND, AGENT,