THE 208. 69TH YEAR. NO. DAI I KINGSTON, ONTARIO, BRITISH WHIG. SA1UR DAY, SEPTEMBER 8, +1902. LAST EDITION. Just Arrived! OF THE BEST MAKE. Regular price $1. August Price 75c. Upholstered in Leather $1.50. R.oobt. J. Reid, ng Undertaker and Furniture Dealer. 2 Doors Above Opera House. Telephone No. 377. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, WE HAVE BE TED BY MRS. John Laidlaw to sell at "family residence 193 Earl street, the entire contents of house. hold, and as Mrs. Laidlaw is leaving Kings ton to reside in Montreal, nothing will be reserved. Sala on Wednesday, Sept. [Tih - A Fine INSTRU the Piano made by wet Gabler, York, Parlor Suite aud Erne Chair tures and Ornaments, Lace Curtains, Velour 'Curtains, Brussels Jurpets, Dining Room Suite in Oak, Leather Covered Dining "Chairs, Carpets, sinner Set, China Tew Set, Glass ware amd Cutlery. Contents of four Hggtrooms, | inclucking Black Walnut Marble Top Beglroom Suit amd other Mattresses, and Pillows' "Lace Curtains, Sets, Picture, Hall and Stair Waluut Book Case, Clocks, Morris and other easy claire, Large with Turkish cover and Cushions, and Swiss Applique Curtains Kitchen Cooking Range, with Ilot at achment, Gas Stove, Refriverator and Entire Contents of Kitchen. Also Lawn Mow- er, New, Rubber lose aid Garden Tools. LEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. Tab an, Damask Water STOCK Try us for a Good Stylish Fit- ting Suit, Overcoat or = Rain Coat. Our Prices are Always Moderate. ...JOHN TWEDDELL... MERCHANT TAILOR, 131 PRINCESS ST. MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Cure Burns, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Chikdren's. 'Sore lleads, Bolis and Bealing 'smu PRICB--28c¢. "RESTAURANT FOR SALE. BOYLE'S COMPLETE RESTAURANT AND businiss for sale. Full fresh stock on hand. Gol reason for selling, made known to pur- chaser. Good paving business. Books open to inspection. Apply to, M. Doyle, 331 King strect ~ " Will CATHEDRAL AND ree SILVER return to this RETW N.ST Macdonald HEART, oihice, MARY' Park Finder n please LTWEEN MONTRE AL; buildiigs and C DIES' GOLD Thursday afternoon, 4th be rewarded hy returning trejl street. Finder 243, inst. to Mon- FOR SALE OR TO RENT. DESIRABLE E BRICK Hou SE ON THE I LAST side of Montreal 'street, formerly owned by Mrs. W. G. Elliott. Apply to Snythe & Smythe, Solicitors, etc., Kingston. VALUABLE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. Must be sold to wind up. Estate. The Cottage, the residence of 'tha, late George W. Fenwick. The house built™of brick ie two giories high, 35x40 feet. "yners are four ful sized City Lots. The property is on the gfrner of Abert, Mack and Nelson strecta and overlooks Victoria Park. For price and termg apply to Smythe & Smythe, Solicitors, ingston, June 26thff 1902. WANTED. ANT MAKERS AT ONCE. Bros, Brock street. LIVINGSTON AN EXPERIENCED requinsd. Apply 134 Earl street NURSE. to. Mrs. REFERENCES ¢ Hunter-Ogilvie, 14 to 16 YEARS OLD. Gould & Co., Smith Princess street. THREE BOYS ply to opposite AP- street, 730 . COOK. oclock; Hall A APPLY the evening 2 King om 252 BETWEEN 7 to Mrs. street. » and 8 in Francis Macnee, CANVASSERS FOR FIRE ident Insurance Brock strect, next Wa AC- 'LIFE AND R. 31 McCann, TWO GIRLS Appiv tov) Cpposite FROM 11 to 1s A. Gonki Co Pringess YEARS « Smith Ss reet ord street, 30 capy 1 ETH RS LADIES jer AT stampanl Nove HOME, Ive ty Li for 118 | THE HANLONS' | aglOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For® Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Pharoah, Grand Opera house, 8 p.m. Directors House of Industry meet 4 p.m, Moaday. ' High life doesn't exactly fit a man for a celestial careér. : that fast men are the ones who algend. Lake Ontario Park entertainment, m., every evening. An optimist is a man who is satisfied with what doosn't get. Tonight, colored store for Jenkins. Any woman .who recards beauty lps never tried it. maar is being It's funny never get 8:30 p. he . any soft shirt] in the 58e. ~~ as 'super- fluous . r No driven to drink ever Beems to want to get out and walk. The at 5:30 am, and sets at ff Monday at 5:31 a.m., and sets a It is most natural avoid publicity in all private life. But the the same privacy in his aure to to the genius of success in business. This the workd's umler Dundonakd 1000; off 125 England, L666, ' who rises Sunday 1 p.m. 6:22 p.m. sun that a man should things relating to his merchant who seeks is the business affairs Zo wall. Publicity is historv--British, Brac Wondersfontein Bours, 1900 ; 1887; great diay in Gens lehurst, Lydenbure, Canadians Jand capture at 300) burned, 1620; 125 beat theatre fire, Magy- eniled London, Exeter flower from fire in We have a few Odd Sets we want to clear. 1hey are nicely STIPPLED WITH GOLD on the handles. The price is low. . Forfull set of 97 pieces $5.90 ROBERTSON - BROS. (LAKE {ONTARIO X PARK ) ALL WEEK. EVERY EVENING AT 8:30. EVERY ACT A TOP LINER. JOHN H..AMMONS. DAISY I. WHITE. D'ARVILLE SISTERS JEANETTE AND IRENE. Late of the Chad E TeR Paris, THE CHAPPY'S. "Music LESSON. Coon Songs and Up-to-date® Medlevs, Co- mely, Singing and Dancing, Cornet Soloa: by Jeanette D'Arville. By request Saturday, 13th will be children's das FARE: Ic. (GRAND, OPERA X HOUSE .) TO-NIGHT JOHN FAY PALMER THE EMINENT TRACEDIAN AND HIS OWN COMPANY' PRESENTING PHAROAH A Dramatization of Bulwar Lytton's Famous Story LAST DAYS GF POMPEII Produced with Elaborate Scenic Effects Prives 23¢., 33e., 50¢., lide. Seitts now on sale at Uahlev's. . MONDAY, SEPT 8. PARISIAN PANTO. MIMIC SPECTACLE "Le Voyage en Suisse" OR A TRIP TO SWITZERLAND. Under the managoment of Bros. Byrne, JOHN FR. BYRNE, Sole Proprietor, Wonderful, Startling a Prices Be ' Seats now on sale at "Hanlav's. Thursdyy, Sept." 11th, "PRINCESS CHIC Huniane Swine V, Stock Marker Denorner. Stopsswine of all ag rooting. Makes 4xdifferent earmarks, all sizes, with same blade. Rxtraets Horns, Testimonials free. oe #1 50 or send $1 fortrial ifit works send balance. Pat'd VS. May, 02for 17 yrs ; Canada Depd 7, 01,18 yrs. FARMER BREGHTON, Faieeld, Towa, U. 8, SOLD. PIANO THAT... WAS - ADVERTISED is sol will now offr 4, very fine kb »xtension * tuble the about thirty pei le. "Apply one, AUCTION ROOMS. Sept. 6th and MATINEE AT 3:30. Sensation. 1 PERFECT INs at ALL onvenient Address HOUSE WITH in a the: civ Ft HNISHED fern impro & siral la B."' Whig A MO) asd "A nx of Othe BRICK DWELLING, AL b ED STR EET, * room, wer fur MAN AND WIFE tucky \ and orchyr to do ing NS; boand particular Rev. ) HALL'S stre. IN miik: Wif, No wasl and R COUNTRY ' ranch REN south onth RAUBER Toromte, Ont, strect, Montreal. P.Q ecu" strect, Buffalo antly equipped. Waves Saturdaye. Terms moderate TE trial. lodgings, railroad ticket and logue fre. dv our "Spl Aa AL OPERATIVE PLAN" eo is ven solutely fre Also opportunity to earn money at vour home, hy working for us Write for: particulars toviay, Aldis Owen Hall, proprietor * SCHOOL also and 16 ds. | May Change Its Location: There King te n 1 the fair ataragqui Driving the: owner, i~ a probability that swnship acricultural § gn street, ston ay Par No Mistake. Make .white shirts, le H.-D. 'Bibby (5, Tt cause our The pays to buy they fit. SYNOD WORK A Racy Report From The Gathering ARENOW UNITED ANGLICAN UNITY: THROUGH- OUT DOMINION. Important Delision of General Synod in Session at Montreal --Enthusiasm Shown by the Delegates in Attendance. The Anglican General Synod, in ses- sion at Montreal, is completing = the work of unification began at the or- ganizing on at Toronto, 1893, and in the second session at Winnipeg, 1895. Up to this time the 'church has been divided into three bodies : 1. The Provincial Synod of Cana- da, composed of dioce: east of St. Clair river and Lake Superior, 2. The Provincial Synod of ert's Land, composed of dioceses Manitoba and the North West. 3. Independent diocese of Columbia. The divisions were _not unworkable, indeed were sweetly harmonious, each in its own sphere, but there was lacking the force which a great solid body presents and exercises, hesides the vantage for aggressive work and missionary zeal "which closer commun: ion, mutual council and warmer svm- pathies afiord. There was 'also a call tor a high church court, of final ap- peal, and for uniformity of polity on church questions througnout the Do- wminion. Actiqgn was also e- sired on the questions of divorce, in- ter-diocesan relations, hyinnals, books of service and Sunday school lessons, a church paper, religious Rup- in British in struction in schools, changes in prayer book and optional use of revised ver- sion of the bible. Instead of acting as units, lurching in varving directions, the churches under a complete union are to pull together on purposes dic- tated by combined wisdom and a sense of national duty and exalted ideals. The with twenty-four dered at discretion ant of its functions for the common good, but owing to the delav in reaching a generally acceptable scheme for a mission board to represent the diverse interests of the giving dioceses in the cast and the helped diocese in the west, it has carried on domestic and foreign mission work under ~ its board of management. At this session this. board wound up its bus made its final grant and the General mission boardy was launched with en- thusiasm. The Provincial Synods are dead, as a fact; it is questionable if they will meet avain, except to form- ally hand their lessened functions on 'ov their overshadowing successor. At this general synod are fifteen bishops, Archbishop Bond, Bishops Baldwin, Courtney, Kingdom, Hamil ton, Hunter-Dunn, Dumoulin, Thorn loe, Mills, Carmichael; besides the western -bishops of Columbia, Qu'Ap pelle, Calgary, Athabaska, Caledonia, ana Keewatin, besides one hundred clergy and laity, cioceses sending from two to eight delegates each, accord ing to oth. It the 'habit to talk of deans and archdeacons as "Has Beens," but the presence of so many in this _body, clected by the diocesan synods through a ballot vote, establishes their popularity and standing. The absence of the primate, Archbishop of Rupert's' Land, owing to severe and almost hopeless illness in London, was sincerely regretted, but the venerable Archbishop of Mon- treal filled the chair the whole sy- nda and of the house « general acceptability. "The territorial balance of was preserved by the selection Bean Matheson, of Winnipeg, as locutor, or president of the house of cle and laity, with Langtry, of 'Toronto, as deputy. The opening service at Christ church cathedral, with its grocession of robed bishops and clergy, Ao and from synod hall. made a . fophidable presentment the church's rength, its beauty ritual and chagfeness of musical hur ev. It may_be- an inconvenient hour for Montrealers, but the"€mall attena ance at such an exceptional and dis tinguished ®ervice was a strange re ction upon its churchmagship, --un it another evidence of that spirit of the Church Encland which rarely gives way to enthusiasm unless it to antavonize the rector at vestry Suatings on some trifling point ttual or parish procedure, 'The sermon the archbishop metro politan-- the church is oreae on titles for young a body a truly forcible presentment on unity. The first afternoon was dev the. reading of an interesting therly messace from the sick the election of ofheers, dark horse won in dignitied Sparring fa Svnod of Canada, representation of diocese surren- most import- Provincial its popular from each the ness, stre of hoor Ss of pro- l¢ wer Dean of of is Cote) of Is of al of SO was oted to and fa primate, in which of course; and to would be SO cages to the whiat called Wee my circles wind.' talkers get 4h inside, track with then littl tn the second dav the prolocutor ~hroucht RE out of chaos, with a firm hand on the gavel, the great church council pro d in dignitied order. The gehievement the passing. of the canon, gfter ambitious ands the motion, to or and \ was mis ary with honse new lovak, deba erved: conenr ! I he Bride : neonsiy orth the whole 1 al as a n new mis Pro "no pro Ont later Std Mn ario met conse The visit of the delegation from the oi bishops with warm but United States is usually a height fea- ture of these large chutfch gatherings. The applause wad hearty, when the bishops hating joined the Tower house. Bishop Dudley, of Kentucky, Bishop Hall, of Vermont, Rev. Dr. Hutchins, secretary gen neral genvention, Messrs. Wildner and _ Miilér, were presented. The addresses of the two prelates were eloquent and stirring, the plau- dits unstinted. The other speakers were well received also, sand it was a great exchange of international friend- liness and church imity and sympathy. Rev. Dr. Parks, of New York, being detained bv a steamboat accident on the river, a brisk flow of well-known eloquence was. lost. + The most conspicuousz feelings of the laymen of the conventibn, outside of mission legislation, are for a Canadi- an prayer-hook, with several additions and optional use of the revised ver- sion of the hible and the Athanasian creed; and of the clergy for a revi- sion of the colonial clergs act of Eng land, so that Canadian ministers may receive fair and courteous recopni- tion. On Friday afternoon a deputation from the Presbyterian church of Cana- da, headed bv Rev. G. A, Macdonald, of Toronte, conveved cordial greet- ings. The reception' was® heartv and the reply bv Hon. S. Blake, breathed the fraternal spirit. It was a hapov occasion; dissipating clouds of distrust on question of religious amenities, In this connection, it is a satisfaction to add that the bishops have adopted anew a resolution to re-open propos- als for church union. On Friday, the mis; tion of the session was held with great heartiness. The Archbishop Met- ropolitan presided;, Rev. D. Williams, London, and Edw. J. B. Pense." King- ston, were elected secretaries, The first address was bv the newly consecrated hishop of Keewatin, the hard working hb missionary up north, well known til now as Archdeacon Lofthouse. He Vpointed out the need gf help so forei- bly that at the conclusion of = his address, Aon. S. Blake promised £1.- 000. He followed this up with an «lo- quent appeal for personal work for and generous ysupport of missions, with a fervid love of the Great Mis- sionary. Dr. L. H. Davidson followed up with another effective appeal. The report of the retiring mission hoard of management showed that in the four vears just closed, $253,626, had been contributed for Algoma, North-West, British Columbia and Ja- pan missions, Fourteen dioceses have been the recipients of thése funds, all raised in Eastern Canada. This in ad- dition to large grants from the great English missionary societies. It re- tires without leaving an oblication unmet, and the trust it hands over js untrammelled, and at its highest Point of heneficient attainment. , The large andience knelt in silent 'prayer for divine guidance to a fitting general missionary secretary and or- canizer, and to greater help in Kee- watin. PITH OF THE NEWS. onarv conven- SO The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Robert Arthington, Leeds, Eng. has left over $4,000,000 to missionary pur- poses. There are -- four gentlemen in "Chi- ros city council who are graduates of St. Jerome's college, Berlin, Ont. Dr. Dowie has Jounded a city of 12,000 persons forty miles from Chi cago within a period of six months. No dates have yet heen fixed for any of the thirty-eight Ontario elec- tion protests. Twenty of them wil probably come-to trial. M. 1i- G¢ the Battle Ahbey,. does the historic pile shall place throughout the fora. The new tenant of not intend that remain a show year hereto- race, as Danish company Poulsen's invention, known as" the telegraphone, considering an oifer to but the patents™for £600,000 nd one-third of the shares of an interna- ticnal company to be formed. The twenty-first gnnual report of the C.P.R. for this year ending June 30th, shows that the carnings for the vear were & 053 and the next edrnings, 814,085.9 with a sur plus of $7,700,913. . It is stated that: San Dieco, ern California, is rapidly bec Buddhistie centre for one house in Leos heen erected to -Duddha, er, a woman of wealth, has brought a Buddhist priest from Me Chicago wofld's fair, and many people gather weekly there for worship "Theat gran master Mason land, the Duke of Connaught, in eom- memoration of the coronation, has conferred the honorary rank of past grand- warden of neland upon J. Ross Robertson of Toronto, Fhe-only other Canadian upon whom this honor |} been - conferred. was the late Sir JohigeA. Macdonald explofting is TOSS South- ming the America. In and the own- of Eno 18 A LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT. of Rev. Mr. Dies Of Burns. to the Whig this the painful intelligence from burns of the of Rev, pastor of The messace Elliott; daughter Elliott, Pine Daughter Elliott A noon of the despateh conveys death f hter , [8 erly Methodist church. "Littl Marion the Rev. James died this morning, at' the Rovat Vie toria Hospital, a result of burns while playing with other childern near a bon-fire, on Fletcher's field, her home." ihe the ly vounge- Elliott, Street read : of Jame S Queen ns near with shock ds of lergvn the The news came frie as the attemding conference cht years of loved by the den death of on Coll to the weed it a Mr an reat Elliott, es was in Win hodist ¢ re many + the sud the ae and, her mother orne or in par sonage, arown close he wften expr dee friends. Kingston Angeles a shrine has J o "generals, yesterday PEACE TERMS Are Not Likely To Be Dis- turbed ISSUE A BOOK ABOUT MEETING OF CHAM- * BERLAIN AND GENERALS. The Conference Lasted for Two Hours as the Boers Spoke in Dutch and Translation Was Necessary--Finished the" His- tory. : London, tween Mr. Sept. 6.--The: conference be- Chamberlain and the Boer afternoon, was strictly private. The colonial secretary promises to issue a blue book giving a report of the proceedings, but it is not likely that the peace terms agreed to at Vereniging will be amended in any essential point. The government may, in the long run, find it good po- licy to supplement the grant of three million pounds assigned as compensa- tion for Boer in the war and it is.quite possible that the method of distribution afl of the satisfaction of claims may be suscep- tible to improvement. The Boer generals refused last night to make anv statement, but it is tol erably certain' that they pleaded official recognition' of the Taal. spoke in Dutch, anl as their speeches had to be translated sentence for sentence; it is not surprising that the conference lasted. two hours. So far as can be gathered the proceedings were characterized by very good feel ing on both sides although Mr. Cham- berlain refused to allow Mr. Fischer to take part in the conference, The crowds waited patie ntlv throughout and cheered the generals when they left the colonial office, Dewet has practically finished history of the war. losses sustained his -- Sr Clan-Na-Gael Will Act. New York, Sept. A conference of Boer sympathizers representing Ger man and Irish societies in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and other cities was held here, yesterday, for the pur- of considering the relief of the forein soldiers of the Boer army, prisoners of war in the hands of the British and will not be liberated un- til they have the means of sprocuring their passage to whatever country they wish to go. George H. Schrenier, who acted as secretary of the confer- ence, said that all the Eurcpean sol- diers mainly Germans, Hollanders and Frenchmen had Been taken home bv their , people; and that the only foreigiiers who remained in, the prison camps, were the United Statesers and the Irish. John L. Gannon of Previ- dence, announced that all Irishmen who had fought for the Boers, and who "are now prisoners of war would be attended to by. the Clan-Na-Gael. Fornier Judge Van Hosen, who presid- ed at the conference, in the name of other--sociéifics thanked the Clan-Na- Gael for its promnt and effective work and after appointing a committee attend further details the adjourned. 6.-- pose to conference Will Destroy All Dogs. Juluwayo, Sept. 5.--Owine to an outhreak of rabies in Rhodesin, the native commissioner met the dnduas, or native chiefs, and explained the di- sease to then, They promised 'to des troy all except favorites," This means the destruction of from 60,000 to 80,000 dogs. The government will destroy the hyenas. dogs Retirement Of Gen. Forwood. Washington, D.C., Sept. 6.--After a long and distinguished military re cord, covering a period (of more than forty vears, "Surgeon-General William I. Forwood, the army will he placed' on the retired list to-morrow hy operation of the age limit, Generyl Forwood succeeded to the head of the medical department of the army three months ago on the retirement of Bri- gadier-General -Sternberg He --is=ana- tive of.Delaware and a graduate of the medical department of thes Uni versity of Pennsylvania. In 1861 he was appointed a surgeon in the regu lar army. . of International Fishery Exhibit. | | Austrian | | | | fore- | 4 Shops l exhibition | | | orand | Fishery | literature Aven | Ames is noJonger mavor of Minneap tod | ee lavitated Tutcrnetional orencd te the veivhth is one of Sept. 6.--The Exhibition, which conneetion with Fishery Congress, the largest and.most gmpeehensive exhibitions of the kind. ever hell in Europe. The various dJdianiavs include fresh and salt water fish and water animt 'hreedine apparatus and pearl fi<he 'natural and artificial foads, and: history, manufactures fish materials and gillustrations various methods of cooking and ing fi3h food for the table. The will continue three weeks. Minneapolis Mayor. Out.- Minn., Sept.-6.-A. Vienna, day in from of the prepa Minneajiolis, A ol®, his resignation recently tendered «cented having This is the corruption sc become slieetive of the which have | and ocguvied the tor two in failing he unless and limax po als the city the oxo ry and courts The and vor doubtful if months 1s health, returns do ever forced agolis to <0 by + courts Our Shirtery front" shirt \ "the of WILL DEFY VATICAN. Emperor Franz Josef Decides Visit Italy. a EMPEROR FRANZ JOSEF. Vienna, Sept. 6.--The Montaga Re- vue, a semi-official organ, declares that Emperor Franz Josef will go to Rome to visit the king of Italy in .de- fiance of the vatican. Franz Josef, the paper says, will write to the pope, personally, avoiding diplomats « both sides, and explaining that hie) visit to the Quirinal is necessary to Andtria's interests. The emperor, ac- cording to The Revue, wishes to visit both the Quirinal and the Vatican. but will'go to the Quirinal alone if the pope is hostile. AT POINT OF DEATH. As a Result of a Fall Down Stairs. Sept. 6.-- Nellie Mulqueen, known: also as Nellie Doyle, is at the General hospital, at the point of death, the result of injuries re ceivea fall down stairs at the home of her daughter, Nellie Mul queen, Jr, on. Richmond street: west. Her back broken. It is suspected that the woman, who is fifty years old, was thrown down sta antl a warrant has heen issued for the ar- rest-of a person at preseiit unknown. The, new Metropolitan bank, the charter ~ for which was obtained at last session of parliament, is to be started at once with "an authorized capital of two million dollars, through a public offering of A. i. Ames & Co. of this city. The incorporators are A. E. Ames, R. H. Warden, D.D.. J. Moore and 1. Bradshaw. It in tended to 81,000,000 capital at 200, which will provide for the bank starting business with a capital of 81,000,000, and a reserve fund of the same amount. It generally under- stooa that A. E. Ames will be presi- dent of the new bank. ACTRESS SHOOTS TO KILL. Toronto, as in a is 15 issue Ends Life of Estranged Lover on the Stage. 6.--A despatch to the Chronicle from Vienna = gives detail of the tragic deaths, on Wednesday § last. of gan' Austrian actor and getress at Samos-Ujvar, Transylvania, Hun- gary, as follows : "Julia Pakey and Julius Bardos hada: been engaged, but the latter = had broken off theengagement. The two were acting the part of lovers in a performance, during" which Julia was supposed to fire at Bardos. She charg- ed her pistol with bullets and shot him dead. The curtain was lowered immediately, but the first persons who afrived on the stage found that Julia had commitqed. suic ide by openidg her eis, London, Sent. Order's Silver Juhilee. New York, Sept. 6.--In every part of the country where there is a branch of the Knights and Ladies of Honor there will be a celebration to-day and to-morrow of the silver jubil:e. of the orders In this city: the 12.000 pembers of the order ave holding a hilation at Ulmer Park, and in Chicago, Bog ton, St. Louis and other cities ginal ar celebrations are in progr - Sent To Mercer Home. Jarvie, Ont., Sept. 6.--=Eliza Collingwood, was tried before Justice Street, charged 'with infanticide. The jury after being out fifteen minutes brought in a verdict of "Not guilty' of murder. . The girl, seventeen years old, was found guilty, however, concealmint birth and was ntene ed to two vears in the Mercer reform atory. ! Defending A Woman. Sept. Gy Logan, ot ol Chicago, ~Resenting al leged insult to 4 woman, building of which he Amaziah °° Havner, old, shot and Henry Martin, seli-defenee, an aa a tenant of was the jani seventy-three almost instantly He ~ays he shot |! tor years killed Larger Than Cedric. 6.--The White another steamer Harland & Wolff: of Vel be twenty feet long wider than the same steamer Ceorie, now the liner in the world, Ld ce -- The New Neckwear. nobby styles The 1.1, Bile Star to London, line has ordered he hilt hy Jast, which or and 5 company' Sept. is v to feet largest Exclusive ew hy Co. patterns, neck dressing, at Lord Kitchener hooked his pa save to Inthia for th. His ¢ Yordship may, howe a Visit to Khartonm, taking up his--du- ties as commander-in-chief in India The of stock of 1.030.600 the a and Moni | company off shareholder fh par has been |» ibd for® t has November er, pay before issne A NO Hew Seotia Steel inf entirety | The Bothwell and regan stock barns dairy lesiro " J Faylor. crop of fine in that will interest yon. Princess\street, Ww fot | Ld "e westerly, first part of Sunday your own nme to vou Von ean own one ¢ ' 0 ' ' ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ' FL ' ' ' 'WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Ont., Soc pt. 6th,_A0 a.m.)--Strohg gules, south easterly to-south to-day, showery to-night and with---local--thunder- Toronto, nd moderate fair torms. Grand Autumnal Exhibit OF THE Latest Styles Dress Goods, Trimmings, Newmarket Coats, Raglans, Three-quarter Jackets, Walking Skirts, Ready-to-Wear Hats, Rain Coats and Cloaks, Kid Gloves. If you see goods at ou store you can rely on style and price. S--At klney Guess, eight months. Funeral will Ye. his late residence on. Mon- day morning at 9:30 o'clocl ROBINSON--On Sept. 6th, 1902, H. Robinson, aged sixteen Funeral from his late residence, ton sureet, Monday, 10 a.m. Vale. Kepler, 5th, James it years and on aved fi ng ft ty-¢ George T, years. 138 Welling- Funeral pri- PERSONAL. LADIES ©: ESE OUR HARMLESS REMEDY for delayed or suppressed period: it cans mot fail. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co. Milwaukee, Wis. : S12 WEEKLY, either sex. ticulars Building, DOING | 'wo Gabi Chicago. WRITING AT HOME; stamps for full pars. Co., 'Real Estate Board RETIRED worth fait oy ha MERCHANT, £90,000 Secks at wife. Add Mr. Building, Chicago, MIDDLE AGE, once poor, hut Hamikon, 408 HANDSOME, Luly, worth lintel and Iv. idross Chicuun, INTELLIGENT AMERICAN SEG.000, will marry imme assist" kind hushand financials Bulle, 134 Van Buben street, One By One. phe new house is laid upon process. hv We help in understand properties in only possible, where the the other." Its a slaw, You can build a home of down a dollar at work. You can't fail in lett ue show and how easily of them wink nt sure putting the "Come and ROT: tell von D.. A. CAYS, 3 46 King Street. 5 -~ : ~8 t WEDDING $ The best is RINGS ; none too good. but in ¢ 18k. is prefered, supply them We narrow, 'thick style; or and broad can quality. make them in the the more oval shape. A G. JORKSTON & BRI. no