Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Sep 1902, p. 3

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: : : Padific Railways. Return Rates EXCURSIONS TORONTO BXHIBITION 5th, 6th, nd, 4th, 8th, oti Return limit, Sept. 1902. 'HARROWSMITH FAIR Sep nd 9th, 11th 3 i Sept. From Kingston. Rate Single Fare for round trip, Tickets good going Sept. 4th and 5th, returning \ Spt. 6th, 1902. : : Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Sept. Ist to Oct. 3lst! i 'EXCURSIO) tndustil Fair i ! The pew Steamers KINGSTON AND TO ROL.SD leuve at 5 p.m. daily except Mon- good going Sept. 2nd to 11th in- ROUND TRIP $5. * Bufths included westbound only. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line, ROUND TRIP $7. Meuls and berths included in both direc: tions. FIELD OF SPORT. THE PONIES HAVE GONE TO GOUVERNEUR. | Guelph Wins Western Baseball Championship -- Babelene to Gananegue. AMulholl, who playetl with Ponies, doing fine work for the Wellesleys of Toronto. He is in his right position DAILY amrmis _WHIG. Trot "at Cornwall--Kennedy May Play | With Ottawa Col- lege. Dr. Abbott's Babelene will start 'in Cornwall this week. Pai' | so fond of the Ponies that he still wears their play-. ing garments when on thé field with WEDNESDAY, A will extract surface. FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. SEPTEMBER 8. BR and .keep your home at an even temperature with - So-- less work than any other heater. ---- "McClary;s Special" ashes and retain all the inherent coal which is saved. - men "Sunshine" more heat from a shovelful of coal, -- Its dome and radiators are extra large and so constructed that every inch is a direct radiating: t os grates dump all the _ "Sunshine." 2 Furnace No other good furnace is sold. so cheap as the ; ' Sold by all enterprising dealers. Write .for catalogue. LEMMON, CLAXTON, & LAWRENSON, AGENTS. SPECIAL EXCURSION, one wav. Sacotel So uery Jiminy Tuesdays, Thursdays 'and fut sccond base. teacher. Philip Empey spent Labor class rats to Dever, Spokans. Borin, | Sat vs ot Li Ble oh or batbre The Chippewa Bay club, of Ogdens- day at. Trenton. Marshall Hohwn i Seattle, Tacoma, pd all British Columbia, | Sept. 15th. burg, i Y., theautons to challenge the Purchased A Farm. ! has recovered from his sprained ankle, lucific Coast ar ootney points. i . HANL L St LL: nee 1 -p lor 5 Ee . PEL Sli racas an & lav sO ull Poss at K. P. and C. P. R, 4: P LICY 3 ro, Oye . 3 Atrence Yacht g uly lor Kaladur, Sept,.m---We are olad-to The skiff races on Saturday, the 23rd, | Ticket Oflice, Ontario St. x the Seawanhaka cup. sue Mrs. Martin home after undergo- | around Waupoose Island, was keenly | F. NWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. 1 o . lhe chances are that Montréal ing an operation at tho RKinost contested. Commodore «), ('. Hubbs, } 5 en. Pase. Agt. Gen. Supt. 'Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Shamrocks will win the National la- hospital be Ril b, it ah le ofithe Glencoe, was the winner. He | ] crosse association championship. Ot- frp to wi nr Tad ry Tu I has again thr low he go: let, | oronto with a ear load of cattle. as again thrown down the gauntlet, {HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Steamboat Co., Limited. tawa Capitals way prove a thorn in | fiiward Mellon has started his rona | and is anxiously waiting for his chal- NEW SHORT LINE FOR he Bosh i . {ihe C job. Misses lena and Ming Vhilis lenge to be accepted. Miss Lena: Fm- > » he tics defeate 2 Crescents | Kino Ev Bakaly s sudine Pic i Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto and all local STEAMER NORTH KING al ADA Tog Ee ils , Kingston, have returned home after Hk is agln Sedat Picton high Poe TRITON, OP.h Telorarh® OF ROCHESTER ROUTE 10. Meges and Wiggins were the Ga- spanding 8x weehs with relatives | ¥thacl. 2 ro mmon Is Srecting p.m. 'RJ ITSO, C.P.R. Telegraph Of- 58 ge e La rv. Mes. C. Kellar leaves to-day to about forty rojls of new wire fence. fice, Clarence street. : nanoque battery, and Carson and Ga- tT i i 3 . : : Steamer leaves Sundays at 5 p.m., for vile the Athletics' oronto fair. lisses Lillian pnd x . ' Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte} ay SAT Node Vary Campbell. Flinton, spent un Strathcona Statements. . 9 NN 4 | ports. i ssie anthony, on Slonaay, at at this place, Mr. and il Strathcona, Sept. 2.--The weather 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Chicago, won the championship of the | (joo roe Wood Hal his Re Rist voor 1 1 woman golfers it wax. one of the eorg ood, r arfowe, spent last | has een the warmest ever known here . Steamer Jeaves Sundays at 10:17 am. for] ost execi(ing I contests aver wits Sunday week with their daughter, at this time of year. There is much | tour of 1.000 Islands, calling at Alexandria fC 24 the ton Sate : U Mrs. Ira Forbes. John Lemmon has sickness, owing probably to the heat. | Bay, BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE Pontes wont to Cade fare this rend a farm from William | Mrs. W. McAvoy is under the doctor's | ET THEM dil Roenshuie ® ughes. caré with bronchitis. Laura Punlop is | . morning, and thence proceed to Gou- = | - L pis i , ' ; , ht better. James Kehoe, foreman of the verneur. They have : actice : : : : 3. ; 2 And INDUSTRIAL FAIR Toronto STEAMER ALETHA = he tay Juans bud 4, prt Returned With A Bride. Cement Works, is seriously ill. R. J. | . . ) _ Commencine Sept. 2nd, leaves werk davs at | seriously of w Sinko to MOProw. is Donaldson's Mills, Aug. 31.--Farm- | Jenkins arrived here Friday laste from | : = 3 pane, for Picton and intermediate' Bav of Ardach. Deatine * or ers are busy at their harvest, and, re- Vermont, geriously ill; he is at the | Quinte por mn Tusdays, days wid | Ardagh, Darling, Wardisty, Kent, | honve of hie sister. Mec F. Rook. Mes. | 2 -------- Saturdays vuer calls at" Descronto and | Henderson, Boyd, Wrioht, Russell, Doey that rie Crops A fine. Pout | 1s Hi Ie 2 Se er, J 'e I ro ATS. | Tickets good going September 2nd, 38rd, | Belleville. Chadwick, Hill, Duggan, Hamber, Ne.) 8180 a goo crop. Quite a number ; Green has had an attack of pneumo- | - 41h, sth; Sih, Fh 9 1h and 130 1 Fa Liyyastion yi to Kenzie and Reilfenstoin ate Among Thee boarded. the train here for the North- | nia. Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell, East An- | TRUNKS ANLE As 0 st. Upwards it ickets sre gus, Que., have been visiting -at J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, § Ticket Aeemta. available men for the Toronto Argo- west. Upwards of fifty tickets were ' gus, Que., ) iting -¢ Vid . : $5 40 James Swift + Co. Freizks Agents. auts' rughy teaw, hich will iid sold at Lavant Station. Congratula- Finley s. H. Pringle, Chicago, is 3 . 9 and VALISES. s * ° strong its over. © 7 | tions are extended to. P. Lee, who is spending a few days at his father's, | op n -- - 5 a EDUCATIONAL. Waterloo and Guelph played the de- |eXpe ted home shortly, with his I. Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. Richards and | SPECIAL DAYS, September Sth and 10th, ciding game in the Canadian baseball bride, formerly Miss Annie A. Donald- Mrs. Dunlap attended church in New- K "HII 1 ( ORFT"| feague. Guelph won by three to two, | SO They will reside at Lavant Sty- burgh, Sunday evening, to hear Rev. | z 8 Fh : yA YT tion is sllia " : Shar I. D. Woodcock yreach his farewell | 85. lhi¥ game gives Guelph 'Fhe | tion. Miss Bellie Vrooman; Sharpton, . I L his lar Ver 0 nows ACADEMY KINGSTON. hampionship 1 ote) s after spending her holid s the sermgn. All regret Mr. Woodcock's de- che Pe t would be an inter I ng oliday as 1 Q ! 4 § . A RESIDENTIAL aud DAY esting mnt it Poni guest of Miss Lottie- Donaldson: re- parture. ;L'homas McAvoy and wife, of | : All tickets valid returning on or before ? contest 1 onies and Guelp 5 Sul, ? : : 3 rn Mine hate : | , aveni Lg a : CHOOL FOR BOYS. were brought touother, The Kingetog | tured home bugs woik, We Word sorvy Copnphlliond, ve visiting felons snd | that the only leavening Pivkets-not-grood-un-- gain Nos, 1,28 or Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. toil should be able to win. to part 'with Mus. John Roche, who relatives in this section. 1 aster Xr- agent to use is the one of 4 # on Opens Sept. 9th, 1902 The Brantford lacrosse team, which has gone to live at Sudbury. Quite a chie and Miss Flora MeNeil, 'Toronto, | : i 3 REV. T. J. GLOVER, B. A., Principal. | won the C.L.A. district No. | cham- number gathered at W. J. Donald- spending the summer with their undoubted purity and ot J. P. HANLEY, Agent, " p pionship, distanced the other teams, | Son's, and spent an evening in games grandinother, leave for home to-day, 1 : oY Passenger Depot. > MusIC %a having ten wing and two losses, {and other amusements: Miss Eva Kerr accompanied by their aunt, Miss M. strengt 1, 4 its : Brantford will play home-and-home | after a short visit with Miss V. Jones McNeill, John Mix's child is danger- Hs Cup wu or wet | ol rs ha ei ho, 6 Blake i sp ously il, MPIRE SODA be Lot, For, terms iy Ph Dare at Histrict No. 2, for the €.L.A. cham- |ing a holiday in "the city. W. J. Don- : : ALL STEANSHIPS, LIVERPOOL SERVICE 211 University Avenue. pionship and the Globe. shield. aldson, J.P., has been kept quite i icnic At The Mills. Rumor has it, and apparently with | busy in the court room this month. | Yrewer's Mills, Sept. 1.--The BEST FOR BAKING Solonian : 8 fispe. ob PIANO LESSONS some founcation, that" George 'Kenne bo in Deane's Grove on Friday even 5 : Cobley Sept. 20th | Miss C. M. Clerihew, undergraduate Toron- dy. the * Rough Riders' erack scrim A Labor Day Picnic. was well attended. The next and last 18 absolutely pure, clean shorjeman : Sept. aH to Collage of a 3 golty Avenue. or will 'he seen Playing with 01 Ferguson's Falls, Sept: 1.--A num- one of the season will take place Tues- d holes M t ' STUrCOI os oo ee nen oooh th i i Lv colle i22 Vin the & season opens. Ler from here attendea the exhibition day svening, Sent 16th. The ries in and wholesome. 0s Steamers marked * do )t CATrY passengers. ARTHUR § HO FLL ceson will also To usiness again at | at Ottawa last week and report a connection with the picnic were drawn . . rv in esults. ar oF oe Sakon 265 sos Representative ni Examiner or the wont half, ny there is also a possi- | splendid exhibit ana good ring per- . for and the luck Winners were je Susie y r 1 ywards, sing acco ost lity that hing" Clancy will break | forme \ Mis } s< Malone: ix Ilorence Joyce, Sydenham Miss M. J. ? arying in stren 1 Sale 37.50 ard p : y ng ] ak | formance. rs. James. Maloney i ence Jc S) nvs ms : J a Bg Mh ok i Bs Login RE into the vane again, spending a few days with her daugh- | Madden, Eugene O'Hearn and I. M. oh : 4 E vieo. = Third class, $20. fe easy } - ter. Mrs. I. Doyle, Wayside. Patrick | Madden. R. Anglin and Fred. Woods Ask your grocer -for Em- 2 FROM MONTREAL. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Singing. Baseball On Tuesday. Hollinger. spending the summer with spent Sunday at Sydenham. Miss Nel- sire Soda - and insist on *Ottoman Sept. 6th | Should a sufficient number of pupils offer, Mr. Eastern league--At Rochester, 2-4: | relatives here, has returned to his lie Hanley, Kingston, returned home I . > : \ *Roman .... « Sept. 18th } Howell would visit Kingston one day a week | Toronto, 17-7. At Buffalo, 9; homie at Grand Forks. He was ac-, after a two weeks' visit with the Miss- . getting it. 50.0 packet. FROM BOSTON. during he aan: treal, 6. At Newark, 0; Jersey City, | companica by his nephew, Patri es Dockrill. M B. Roach is visiting A CommonWealth ...... «air oo resi Sept. 10th On eS ou he Ont. 13. At Providence, 4; Worcester, 4. | Hollinger, of this village. A numer , her sister at Marysville. Will Deane re- . Merion wo. woe : Sept. 17th me o : National leaguc--At Philadelphia. 1] rom here attended the picnic at Me- | turned to Buffialo after spending his - } NEW SERIE Boston. 10 ranean. | KINGSTON COLLEGE 7; Chicag . At Boston, 2-4; Cin Cullough's shore on Labor day, held | vacation at home. Visitors: Mrs. Tho- TTT, TT STTe y cinnati, 5-2. At Brooklvn. 3:3: ¢ under othe' auspices of L.O.L., No. 7, | may Craig I. Dillon and James TO-LE Vancouver, Sept. 6th; Cambroman, Sept. 27th BUSINESS 1 ' 3 \ klyn, 3-3; Pit TN: tino NY oCHREk sis iy = "Di : £66 P0604644¢4% LET. , . arg, At: New York, . I; St Drummond. Miss Nellie ; MeCasker, { Cairns, at John Dillon's; Mrs. John a pein, ag Hlanisle Rigby, Soacton | KINGSTON. Louis, visiting friends here" and in Perth, re- | MeKendrv and children, Waubashene, ® WOOD FURNISHED ROOMS. w HO J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, TORONTO COLLEGE Be orlean league At Chicag 2 | turned to her home in Brantfora last ! at Joseph McKendry' s McAuley, ' 9 without board, 101 Qu ro iH 0A Act. G.T.R. Station, 42 Slarencs St. BUSINESS oston, 9. At Cleveland, fate | weeks Jo Hoa Marris has purchased a fFrankford, and the Mis Connolly, - D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Ag more, 7. At Detroit, 1; Philadel: new horse. Visitors = Nr. and Mrs. | Perth, at Rev. J. J. Coanolly's; Miss- WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET A TORONTO rladeiphia, } 1 Montreal a Poftland. Lziush. aut Last oily ln Canada: 5. R. Oates, Almonte, and Irnest' Shep: es Nellie and Effle Anderson, at Miss- 4 re Jou, 64 William street, with board ~ - Unequalled facilities for securing positions ------ pard at Alexander Sheppard's; Nir. {es Deane's; Miss Maggie Deant, Rock- red : Fre / The Onl Direct Line fo (Quebec 821 Queen Street," Kingston. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. and Nes, Hugh McKim, Innisvi ile, at | wood hospital, at home. Miss Sara HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET. 9 ROOMS. ( SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Jacoh \ Morris': Mrs. James Culbert- | Anglin's pupils intend holding a picnie ; modern improvements. Apply to C, \ . . Confederation Lifa Buildinon, Toronto. News Of The Districts On Both | "0m antl Ruby, of Lanark, at John | at the Locks on Saturday. A fashion- Livingston & Bro. \ Without Change - Sides Of The Line Poolest Mr ynd-Mre: John Cook, In- Fable wedding will take place at St; I . FOUR GOOD FORNIS! ED ioMS WITH : . nisville.- at, J. H. Morris'. Barnaby's on Sept. Sth, ) \ board, with all sal ro at THE FAVORITE Ronfeow x tax rate is twenty mills men & ' 181 University A Avenue. . : : on the dollar. Attending Camp Meeting A Successful Picnic. = > Mrs. H. Vantassel, aged eighty, died | Guglet. Se t = ap f i Westport, Sept. 1.---Mrs. Ernest Ely, & 165 KING STREET, EAST, LATELY 0COU- in Belleville on-Sundas utle Sept. 2.--Many of our farm- > hl . thor tit ) pied by Cuptain Edatén. Rant $240. Ap- SS Uatobdl ils : Ww ers are through harvesting, and many | New Fore iy the Bx J i peels 5 $ : ply to Kirkpa trick, Rogers: &- Nickle. 0 1 SD. Hatchkizs, Independence, Huy e | ST Shit a : Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Reynolds. Mrs. ' "shu s A more have their threshing done. Y. . a oy ¥ : Seaton. Cralits wart avers. Feitay at 10: i he u. S. consi) =} ej ihe. |G Vanderbure and Milton Babeoek | I +. McNally réturned 'from a week's | 43 KING STE I, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY 5 hdse + . - d itham Cook, (hlead, near Pelloville > on Be : iiuiy Tot ith iriends | tarls ace ------------ situated, facing the arbor. Rent 240 FR a . NT a, Don 8 had an ox put ot Ss it NE Sh spent Sunday with friends in the vici- wy wie es nds = Bilin Pris, and ATT to Kit patrick, Rogers ri a} ; ro ' . eas ny ity of Athens. We congratulate Mr. | *ichacl Melabe, erin, 13 lac gHob & Nickle X and Murray Canal, and every Monday at da, TH y gray Sane hela v jes 3 : . {03 ay piv: ¢ of Richard Hogan. Messrs. Boner, 6:30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, (direct scholars TGS Te vacinatal I and Mrs: A. Earl on the arrival of a I ~o a +) i EL : 530 Duo Menlo 3 Sule, (dw ] 3h « ry 1 52 vaccindt 1 i little daughter. James Cochrane and | Slater and O'Neil, Ottawa, spent their 0 PRONTENAL Jr nr, Nu AR, UNION $ . ra : Qenuine o 1 we allowed to atten family. Faire i : sbi vacation (amping on the banks of the street, 6 rooms, $7. s0 other dwellings, St. Lawrence River Rapids. school at Perth. family, airfax, spent Sunday, with : B 2 <1 : stores and offices. J. S. R.- McCann, 51 Low passenger and-Areight rates. W. pli Ciudad ati Me, and Mrs. E. Burns,- Warburton. Ride Bits Messrs, ones and Atel re. 18 : ass Brock street, next Wade's. Passenger -attolimodation. Sosurvesn]. 3 9 Mond ' ry a armors, on Evan -Stacey vent --to-- Addison; - on f turned, but "Ma. 0 Neil reniained: Mrs. $ . : & W. G. CRAIG & CO, A. W. HEPBURN, CR age ity-six years. He was : arr BV Yori) ; 7 B. Kiocks left = Saturday for her 8 A BRICK RESIDENCE, 309 UNIVERSITY Acents, Kinvaton. Manager, Picton. a storekecper Gnd a leading Mason Sunday, hay ng received word .of i home in Redwood, N. LZ after a $ e ° Avenue, eight rooms, gas, furnace an : Mrs. Minor Vandusen, Renfrew, burst dangerous illness of his little daugh- onthis visit with friend hovesdisses all modern improvements. Possession may . Liverpool and \ a blood vessel one dav recently fers Recca, who is there with her ] mionin: > : be had at once. Apply to S. Roughton, L . . . a ( s ay recently ane and hor, Mrs. Sc Ouniia Susan Hazleton, Phyllis McCann, ALL SIZES. 83 Princess st Kingston, Ont, A an ine Londonderry Little ver Pills died five or haurs afterwards. ita mother, thi rs. cott. Bile 2 Annie Boulger, Mardy Garvin and Mary . - Royal Mail Steamers. L do W. 'releaven, BA. principal of | Muubsr from this vicinity are ption® 14 "ponnett deft Monday to. attend JAMES SWIFT '& 50 SRICK RESIDJNCE. 201 BROCK STREET, From Montreal. From Quebec. " oe Rworite, hich wi hol, was mars RE ivi Ye 1 Elin Hor P. Gananoque model school: all five ave ' LL 200, meter, poipronauny, vir Soir iovtioiay a ping vied Jost week to Miss cA zine dg ih -- J 22 Q VEE atesLake Liolaa, Mrs. . rrrmvire op TR NGL 5 --) 4 ol (ak street, oma Corn iie Aug: 86; x Ti ai 7 ha Must Sear Signgiure of Sloe Tite, o t » O'Grady, Warburton, wiil have a box orathrteg of St. Edward' we oot: Mr. Phone 135. modern improvements. Awnly to © the > Do "18. 9 ar Sev p wm. Re I ol W it he M h ocial) on" Thursilay evening, the 11th and Mrs. Aikens, Gananoque, are the nD wy: Co, Ok Hall, Pra arisian, ; 13, $ . Se 3. tev. Robert allace, of the March- |3 all Is , o, th. i su < W amonte. strect. Numidian, rt vd ni Some mont Home, Belleyille, was ii An Miss K. Purvis spent the past tow ee = 2 ¥ nl i W i 14 oe His. SOPH 000%00 i mn Teil ingle va 7 aust 1oth acried to Miss Alico days with her sister, Mrs. A. Earl. Mrs. ( tegan, Utnwa, who sp J ; 8 POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- bin, $37.50 to $42.50; Loudon. $1.50 extra: snarl t Miss Ali y : Na vast four weeks with her daughter, Third class, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Broomball, of Lond Ku Rev. R. Stacey, Ottawa, ds visiting Rast 10 B sirable house on the corner of Bagot and B.lfast, Glasgow, London. . simile QUINT, ont on, bg. wi Viviane iw "this feinttye-- Mineo alr. ml. McCann, returned to her | . Gore streets, near the park. Modern -in & Londond See P. mile Wrapper Below. { hoster Langwell, Demorestville, Piondy In an Viemnmy, Nese home Monday. The picnic held hySt: A every way. Daisy hot water heating and New York to Slsssow | on on ory} while fixing 7 a cartridge in his gun, } Loney has returned from, a visit with Joh 0 EIR GOL on Saturday in perfect order. Apply to Felix Shaw, Carthaginia . Ht. Br « : 8 HS BUN, ionds av Brockville. Toe Tone lward's congregatic Saturday Curthax ib an oe 5 or. 17th Very small and as easy 5 had a hole blown through, Kis Jit fens = Brockville. Rev. Mr. Loass 'ix 4 thoi. shes cAionls BILCUNG . . 115 Bagot street. y Montreal to Glasgow Direct. to take as sugar. ined His-evesight iS alvoaffected, --[oonducted communion servieq inate o = Sasa? Mee Norfrood, Mountain; ' SF = isi t.5 Adam Taylor, Marlborougl ine | Matthew's church, Warkurton, on Sun- \ : eh Whe z ARCHITEC TS. Histon, Sept. 9rd and Oct' Sth. "All FOR READACHE. Ady ) yo Ma ough," some ; was the "lucky winfier of a Jersey - . ass i . through his pasture, was gored hy a day. heifer, and ~ Miss Marvy Brady; New- zm EI EE TE First cabin $50, second cabin $35, third FOR DIZZINESS. bull. . Tt horn--pierced his right Hot Non the set of harness. Miss Is an attraction for every one. The cheery POWER * jon AECHITEDTS, bt class §: Tithe : : . Wee wi ot iver i . » OTE : ET teh ) 8 . ants' Ban u 2, corner Br an C J. P. Hanley, Agent, City Passenger Dg ITT FOR BILICUSHESS. : [he » it hopes are held out ton Black River Bridge Breezes. : Veda Biers leit Monday © to attend zlow 'and intense heat. ofr our Coal 'will Wollinzton streets. Phone 212 Yor: J simston nd Ounpstio streets, J. P.| iv R FOR TORPID LIVER. iy Scirng: : -- - w= Black River iridue, Sept. E- Pare Athens modpl school. James McCann, | make itself "felt with plegsure during the 3 . Clarence FOR CONSTIPATION. anor Dunlop. relict of the. Tate Jers are about throuzh harvesting ant Yhanostown. Ohio, 3¢ visiting friends 1d weather. It's just the kind to cood | .RTHUR ELLIS, - ARCHITECT, OFFICB Pi S FOR SALLOW SKIN Robert Johuston, died in Biro k ville threshing ix the order of the day. Miss lp 00 with: 100, Let ua fil your bin with site of New Drill Hall, "near corner of STRAIGHT BUSINESS L . on Monday, aged ninety vears ) Geraldine Delanev- and Miss Helen -- n Queen and Montreal Streets. -- ~ - FOR THE COMPLEXION Johnston was a daughter of the ] Shannon have returned to their homes : 'S - re GREUIINID HUST IVE SJONATURE, Rev. Robert: Dunlop. at Straetse and Rochester respeetive- Fall Importation Of 1902. BOOTH COAL. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, Ww 'Murray Jr comts Purely Vegetable, imAEiet. A lar kating rink is to be erected | Iv. The excursion to Kingston and Prevost; of the New York clothing Phone 195, Foot! Wess Btreat, Anchor Building, Market Square, 'Phona . : : id STATO y : on the vacant property on the. north | Thousand Islands on Wednesday last, | store. Brock street, has received a : : i y Auctioneer and Commission Mer- CURE SICK HEADACHE. Sue of King Hreety Brockville, at the | per steamer Niagara, was quite liber- is Maporiat ions ole Wok BOARD. -| LANDS, ARCRITROD, OFFICE, nt. rket Square. | y Kingston bridge. The: company = is | ally patronized by the residents of | Im his alloring depal : = | LARG & FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE Wd floor over Mahood's Drug Store, sha Xa y i PIANO FOR SALE. capitalized at $10,000, pan; this pe Mrc--Al a Airimmon-} ready-made department is 'well asgort- rooms, Sith guslern. coieiiongs, or | garner Disle on Bagot strects, Fa 'i N , : 1 Ol . it : ih wl anda large assortment to chdese tral, not far from ity anc redonnld runce c agot stree FOR SALE. 7 » IMMEDIATE Bu bY, ay ik _ Asi Johnston. Dok Leaf, arrested } spent last ooh : non Point, the olin 2 ree er mens to choos ow Ba Dy hen i oS THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING | pac ou Milly' auction room. ele oy as (po be a Non he defies competition. Sel HRT Pav Wie STAMPS AND MARKERS. eS ya Si A ee ae os (use Joy on rete EAL ESTATE RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SELP Seeond floor leased for a long term A TO COIN COLLECTORS. Fop of two bed spreads by which. he tonday; the lo 1. for Ottawa to at : 1 Sai ; a REA S . iukers, Linen® Markers, Dates, Seals, Stencils, : ply to D. A. Cave, real esicte ngerf. A CABINET OF U.S. SILVER coins For [lowered himself from the window to [tend the --Normat --school.- Jams Seo our peal Sl purses at We. H. lap, CLIFE IS aLFERING GREAT BAR | Bank, Ticket and Oftior Stamps, ete. : King street. : rq "sale Address at Whig Office. the ground. Hooper, Pic ton, is our new school' B. Taylor, 124 Princess street. gains in this line 5 Brock street: prompt. JOHN OFFORD, Whig Othe » 3 . ' L a -- 8 éé a orders. made such a hit that we had Jim Dumps had been for weeks so crass, Twas plain he'd met with some greatloss; ' But since orice more these ads. make clear That what he missed at last is here, And * Force' can bc supplied to him, ~ wee Hmr Dumps Ras changed to "Sunny Jim." The Lcady-to-Serve Cereal Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt--eaten cold. ~ \ 22 to stop advertising to k Now another mill is in operation and no grocer has any excuse for not having it in stock. A keep down the '

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