Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1902, p. 6

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THE DAILY WHIG TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 Impaired Digestion is quickly corrrected by these won- derful pills--One trial will show you the reason for the big sales of Beecham's _ Pills - BUY BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY J : In every style and finish, Nand.Porged Prices to meet FL il buyers: RAZORS Bey one Hand-Forged attention paid to the tem- ering and steel. None Put experts work en these goods. Made from best English Double-Shear Steel, hand- forged, highly polished, an specially tempered. Standard patterns and correct prices. Special Shear Steel used. Top ered by experts, highh v isto) and Pn oughly tested. Nand-Forged BUTCHER KNIVES Steel-Laid SHEARS & SCISSORS All Fully Warranted Sold Only by W. A. MITCHELL, 68 Princess Street, Kingston. OD Special. Willing to Be Tested We possess the most ample facilities for serving the public with pure, fresh Drues, Toilet goods, Perfumes and all other usunaliv. found in a first class drug "=tfPe. From business and professional standpoints, we are willing to he tested hy a critical pub- lic. lines EXPERIENCE HAS PROVED That Paine's Celery Compound has no equal for building up the weak and rundown. It is specially -recommeijded to sufferers from rheumatism, neural- gia and nervous prostration. Paine's Celery Compound stands far above all other medicines as a disease banisher. W. H. MEDLEY, DRUGGIST, KINGSTON, ONT. RUBBISH Well not exactly; at any rate you an turn it into white money by col- ecting it all together and dropping a card to the Kingston Rag and Metal Co., 389 Princess street. This firm pavs highest cash prices for all the stg you don't want and have no use or. 'coroners that in future veterans THE 5... EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERSY etmunciate What is Going on in the Business ,World--The Market News. Cheese , sale Belleville Que., 9c. to 9:7-l6c.: wa, 9%c.; Iroquuis, 9 , 9 9-16e. and Cowansville, Kemptyille 7-16ic.; Watertown, and Otta- N, Henry Clews' Report. New York, Aug. 30.--The. immediAte a good trading. market. Transac- widening, especially in the the variows cliques pros- pect is tions are steadile lower priced{¥ssues, and wom bent on keeping their specialties before public attention. . The best class of railroad held in- too closely The * neglected, stocks ares mo high and for ordinary dustrials, are and wisely "so, speculative purposes. also comparatively for diminished profits owing to the rise in wages There is lit- of a suceossful boom in the iwlus 1 increasing number show amd the cost of 'doing business. tle chance trials still making handsome in spite of prosperity. Railroads are due to to an of nage, and increased cost of operating is like- Iv to make upon earnings. The effect of the upon the railroads ulso deserves watching. returns, more increased rates than increase ton inroad strike an coal Toronto Veterans Interested. This morning Sergt. William Baker, tobacconist, received a letter from William Nunn, the well known veteran of Torento, expressing the wish that the veterans of Kingston would that the remains of their old fellow veteran, 'Dido' were given a respect able hurial. The letter stated that the veterans of the Queen City felt strong- lv over the way the college authori- ties here had acted; their course, was, in the eves of the writer, a disgrace to Canada. One who had fought nobly for his country should le given a decent burial. Mr. Nunn instanced a similar case which ocenrred in Toronto two: years At that time the attornev-gener- al of the province promised to notify must table burial. Mr. Kinoston veterank case before Hon. J. see SO ago. he given Nunn to lav M. a respect advises the "Pido's" (lihson, attornev-general, Lieturned The Purse. Saturday Mrs. C. A. Sullivan her purse containing $12 and a It was discovered a few hours Watts, the little.'son Queen street, who saw another boy pick it up, and he in- formed the owner. The lad's honesty was duly appreciated. Purchased A Trotter. Morris, On lost watch. later by Harry of John Watts, local manager for the City Oil 'company, has ad led a trotting mare to his Tracing stable. The new acqiisition is a full hali-sis ter of Sphinx H., the dapper little trotting horse owned by chic of Baillie, -------- John Queen police . : Pratt's heaaache powders will cure headache or neuralgia, 10c. per package. McLeod's drug store. vour The Wearing Quality Of An Article is Not Always to be Found in the Price. We Frequently Lower the Price But We Never Lower the Quality. 'French Flannels - In both plaia and fancy designs; very desirable goods for fall wear, warranted all pure wool, 87ic, 40c, 45¢,.50e, yard. Eiderdown Flannel, -. New to hand, 27 inches wide, in tbe leading shades of Grey, Blue, Pink, Cream, Cardinal, soft. qua ity, only 4ée. yard, White Soft Saxony Flannel, Best English make, pure wool, thoroughly scoured, ¢nly 80c : 8fc,, 40c¢, yard. TWO SPECIALS. Sheetings. Unbleached Sheetings, 66 a wide, heavy firm finish, very strong quality, regular 280, for 18¢ yard. Bleached Twilled Sheeting. 80 inches wide, English make, never sold less' than 40c. special price 84¢. yard. Our Horrockses' White. Long Cloth, Very soft, fine quality, suitable for. underwear and fine sewing, a special lot for 12%e. Horrockses' Fine Even Cotton, Beautiful Cambric finish, no starch, no coarse threads, limited qua: tity for 123c. yard, English Covert Suitings, Warranted all pure wool, makes a splendid coat or costume, $125 and $1.60 yard. Mannish Cloth The newest fashionable mixtares, $1.50 a yard. thoroughly sponged and shrunk, Greys, Tans, Browns, ete, Suitings, very select styles. $1, $1.26, Makes a splendid skirt or coat 54 inch. Zibeline Suitings, Gr sy, Blue and Black, all woo', $1.10, $1.25, $1.50 yard. 4 WILL TRY FOR IT SIR ROBERT BOND REACHES : MONTREAL Will Reopen Negotiations ior ~. 4 Trade Arrangements Between Newfoundland and the United States. . $fontreal, Sept. 2.-- Premier' Bond, of Newigundl nd, ar vesterday on' the Steins ip Pretorian from Eng- land. "It is true," he stated, "that" the "imperial government has sanction- ea the re-opening of negotiations for a trade arrangement between Newiound- lana and the 'United States. 1 will leave for Weshington immediately for this purpose. 1 am not in a position, however, to make any further state ment with regarc to; the matter." Sir Robert has also a scheme for the establishment of p fast steamship ser- vice between Galway, Ireland, and St. John's. Nfid.. utilizing the Reid rail- way and steamship service hetween the latter port and Sydney, from which point communic ation can be had with all points. This route, Sir Robert con- tends wotla he the shortest and quicker across the Atlantic. Sir Robert Bond leit for Washing- ton this afternoon. LIGHTNING LOVER. vea Met, Wooed and Won i in Half an Hour. . Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 2--Half an hour after meeting | the first time, Henry Farnham, a local cotton specu- lator. and Miss Daisy Simons, of Fos- ter, Pa., were married. Miss Simons is related to well-known families here. Farnham was attending a fair in the village, when he chanced to meet Miss Simons. It was a case of love at first ~ight, and through a business man who knew the girl he got an in- troduction. Twenty minutes from the time they first met he proposed.-may- riage, but she declined. He had in his pocket a ring which was a family heirloom. and this he placed on her finger. < Once she removed it, could not so soon wear gngement ring. but after sunsion she consented. Farnham urged that he had import: mt business which demanded his im- mediate attention; that he could, not wait till aytumn. and that they mixht as well be married then and there. To. this also she at last consented. and they went to the parsonage of the First M. E. church, where they were mariied within half an hour the time of their meeting. she en- per- saving it as an further of ----i-------- CONFESSED TO MURDER. Soldier Says He Killed a Man in America. (Colchester, Eng, Sept. police conmrt Lance Corpl. the Yediordshire Regiment, who had <urrendéred to the, anthorities, charvg- ing himself with the murder of an un- known map in Kansas City. Mo.. 'in January last. was remanded for a after formal evidence had been Jovd. who claims to be citizen, in hig contession to the police, saia real name was William 3. -B. C. Toll, of 22 East 17th. Kansas City. that he was mar- vied and that~he had formerly served in the United States army from which he had desertea. The prisoner inrthey asserted that he did not know the name of the man he had killed. His object was robbery, and he knocked the man on the head with a coupling pin, 2,--At - the Lloyd. of week, aiven. American SNAKE SLEPT BY HIS SIDE. Strange Experience of a Doctor in Camp. Bangor, Me., Sept. 2. Pr. Chilicott, - of - Bangor. slept at camp at Phillips lake *last 'night, when he awoke this started to discover a black snake, neariv dour feet ong. had been his bedfellow during the nizht. The doctor felt the his leg egrly in the night, it with his hand, buf supposed it to be a piece of rope, and went to lee acain. Later he was partly Till by the piece of supposed rope lying across his chest. He threw it and went to sleep again. This morn; ing he saw the snake coiled up at es foot. He jumped up quickly. and Billo the reptile with a club. L his and morning he was <nake against and. touched aside, SOME FAST GOING. G.T.R. Train Run 110 Miles 118 Minutes. Windsor, Sept. 2.--The Grand Trunk Aver zscheauled under the name. of the International Limited. has made a rin between London and Windsor that her the Grand Trunk record. in left London nineteen time, and was only two minutes late when it reached. Winasor. The distance of 110 miles was covered JX minutes, The time included stops and two slow-downs. . The speed was Qnly a sheht frac tion over a mile a minute. At times Speed was much greater. Conduct Hig and Endineer Rutherford in charge. ------ Enaineer Kirkpatrick was for the first. time in over He i lowly recovering serious will attend duties for rives mn two average the or ons were tt V to-day Lr three from unabioe a few hie to 1 ness, but he to offic New last York up the To-day is this wéek river excur she had 150 steamer we the to the passengers, Twenty carloads of Thousand Island left their homes, on Sunday. Ripe water melons, «all sizes, 1 20¢., "at Ferouson's. sions city. resorts for Me. to ataren in all other « the last nevrai le For : pronounced it i local pemedivs cure b | | Fhere mare i than ,CHEYTX co *o Hall's Family Pits are the beat, any in min- | hov. date out | "The i passengers from | Clayton PITH OF THE NEWS, -- The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World: - ' "Zanardelli, the Italian is seriously ill Mrs. Welding, Brantford, dead in her garden. R. A: E. Kennedy, president of the Hamilton Times, is dead. The Dunkard church has decided to establish a mission in Canada. Charles Redmond, Gue Iph, commit- ted suicide by taking paris green. Alderman' Patrick Dowd, labor didate, was elected lord mayor Dublin. ! The Allan Sionor mier, pre- was found can- of line 'steamer Ontarian, from Glasgow, passed Fame Point. at 3 am. on Tuesday. A big company to manufactitre whis- key and. wine in tablet form is being formed at Binghamton, N.Y. Oswald Burton, aged seventeen, Minnedosa, Man.. was drowned in pond while swimming for ducks. The gasoline yacht Remington, own- od by Carleton Island parties, was damaged by an explosion on Satur- day. James Charest, hotel proprietor, Eli, Manp., was killed instantly in attempt- ing to stop a team of runaway hors- es. : The council of Carberry, Man., will instal an electric light plant and run a elephore system in connection with of a "William S. O'Brien, Watertown, Y., was arrested for assaulting Mis: Mary Hennigan, the head laundress at the Thousand Island House, Alexan- dria Bay. Mi Mvelvn Boucher, Boucherville, on Rainy River, Ont., and Miss Mit- che'l, sister-of-law of P. C. Mills, Rat Portage, were * deowned in Winnipeg viver on Monday afternoon hy the swamping of a canoe. Albert Terrill, a negro boxer from New York, died this morning as the result of hemorrhage, following the fracture of his skull, sustained Mon- day night, in a pugilistic contest at the Golden Gate Athletic elub, Phila- delphia, Pa. J. P. Morgan left Newport, R 1, on Monday, for Baire Harbor, Me. In conversation with friends there about the America's cup, he said he did not think it would across « next vear. "If it does," he added, "I'll build a hali dozen challengers to go over af- ter it." Judge Samuel Treat, former United States judge of the eastern distriet of Missouri, "died at Rochester, N.Y., Monday night. He was horn in Ports- mouth, N.Hs in 1815 and was on the bench for thirty-six years, rvetiring in ISS7. He: was "one of the original founders 'of Washington university. Ome special train of twelve car ficed to carry all the candidates western harvesting operations Monday's excursion from Toronto Munitoba and the territories. railway authorities weye not looking for a large crowdy and were quite pleased when as many as five hundred men were collected for the trip. These French appointments have been announced : NM. Jusserand, the minister to Copenhagen, to be ambas- sador at Washington: M. Jules Cam- hon, ambassador to the United States, to he ambassador at Madrid; M. Bom- pard. chief of the consular bureau of the forcien office. to be ambassador at St. Petersburg, in the Marquis de Montebello. The propaganda. after a lengthy St- ting at Rome, decided © to recommend to the pove to appoint Richt © Rev. John M. Farley, D.D., auxiliary bis- hop of New York, as the archbishop of New York, in succession to the late Most lov. Michael Augustine Corri- can. and Richt Rev. George Montgom- ery, bishop of Los Angeles] Cal] co-adjutor to the Most Rev. Patrick William Riordan, archbishop of San Francisco. N. go suf- for on to The snecession SCHOOLS RE-OPEN. Many New Pupils Admitted--A Busy Scene. separate schools of to-day for the fall term. The holidavssare aver, and the children have flocked back to the city from town and country "and summer resort. and. are once more subject to thet restraint of the schoolmarm's stern discipline. © Some few of them, perhaps. "were glad to get back to their books, but the great majority, true to the childish instinct, started schoolward this worming on a snail like pace. g The number of new pupils wing ad- mitted this term exceptionally large. Yesterday and to-day Inspector Nidd | admitted sixty-five new pupils, many of whom reside in the city. The remainder come from points all over, Canada ana the United Statel. No classes were held to-day. newly promoted pupil®™were placed, and arrangements made to begin the term's The customary hali- holiday generally observed. The board of education rooms presented a husy The school supplies have been opened there, andthe secretary was busy distributing the books, etc. Regular class work will start to-mor- roe; morning." The public nd the city re-opened T W work. was scene, " . Corpl. Robinsors Writes Home., Smalldeel. ~ South Africa, Albert Robinson, 'yg Kingston writes home. to a friend under of July 1st. He is now a mem: ot the Ronth African Constabu- lary, which has heen transferred into a regular police force. Corpl. Robin- son savs that he fast acquiring the Dutch language. Great numbers of Canadians had passed through on their home: Ip several places 'they been "offered work at 5s. 1X] dav. Init this they refused. hoyvs did not want to work; they home. . From Corpl. ber way had 03 =} a were eay er to get -- Will -Be "At Home." whois A. Lawrence, 178 "Alred street, will *At Home to her ends and acquaintances on Tuesday, Sept. Oth, Mrs. be Arch left per Jutialo and Edward Hamilton, and d hter, Rubie, North King for Rochester, Tonawanda, N.Y. I Ordnance raqui bridge, weighed street, street, fishing which six and a Fe armers and marke 't gardeners stat- vay" that tomatoes would be in this district this od scarce article timn a au- ¢<t musk melons, at Ferzu- s, King street. to as. both afternoon and evening. | notch steamer | caught | SEAMEN DESERT FROM" H.M.S. ARIADNE AT HALIFAX. One Hundred Have {one--Receive Assistance and © Taken Across the Line Into the United Sta- tes. Quebe€, Sept. 2.--It is learned that desertions by the w olesals have talen| place from. H. M. S. Ariadne sinee her arrival at Halifax and run from that! port to Quebec. Nearly 100 seamen | have de-erted, and twenty of this numbet since the frigate's arrival in the harbor of Quebec. The Ariadne is only about three months in commis- sion and the loss of her crew is alarming, while some sixty seamen for various causes were sent to prison at Halifax. i One of the ship's crew, who volun- tecred the information,- said that on one occasion a avhole boat's crew, in- cluding the coxswain, who rowed to shore on duty, deserted, leaving the boat tied up at the landing. He also said 'that there were men 'at Halifax always ready to aid seamen to desert, even going the length. of furnishing them with money and seeing them safely across the line into United States territory, and he had heen ap- proached by civilians at Halifax, who tried to have him desert, with the offer of such istance. : UN VEILED AT WATERTOWN. Statue of-Gov. R. P. Flower Pre- sented to the City. The éxcursion to Watertown on Sa- turday afternoon and Monday morn- ing, on the occasion of the opening of the Watertown fair and the unveil ing of the Flower memorial, was largely patronized by Kingstonians, over 300 of whom took in the trip. This number included Henry Folger and the Hon. Senator Sullivan. The primal attraction wag, of course the unveiling of the fine bronze statue of former Governor Flower. Nearly 10,- 000 people sat or stood 'in the rain to witness the With their mantscripts wet with the falling rain, the speakers addressed the people from the shelter of umbrellas held over them by their. companions. The act of unveiling was performed by Frederick H. Taylor, the youthful grandson of the man commemorated. The princi® pal address was that of Senator John C. Spooner, Wisconsin, a personal friend of ex-Governor Flower. er speakers were ex-Governor David B. Hill, ex-Lieutenant-Governor William F. Sheehan and State Senator Elon R. Brown. The exercises were hegun by Rev. J. S. Reed, who delivered the invocation.' Following came a few re- marks by John C. Knowlton,- presi- dent of the committee in charge of the erection of the statue. The monument was erected centre of Washington street, facing the Square. With the base and pedestal it stands eighteen feet high. The dic. ¢n which' the statue was placed, is a huge block of granite, weighing eight tons. In. brass letters on the large slab in front of the pedestal is the inscrip- tion: "Erected in affectionate and grateful remembrance of his noble manhood, ceremonies. in the The bronze statue is the work of the sculptor St. Gaudens, and it weighs 1,000 lbs. The pedestal and die were provided by the late Mrs. Emma Keep Schley. The total cost of the whole work is estimated at about. $50,000. The statue represents Gov. Flower in the-aet of delivering an address. He is standing. by a table, over which a United States flag is thrown. POLICE COURT TIDINGS. Young Men Charged With Fight- ing--Boys in Trouble. Intelligence was recetvea last eyen- ing from Napanee that two young men had been arrested there upon the advice of Chief of Police Baillie, who had asked the Napanee police to keep a lookout for the sailing yacht Wor na, owned.by city treasurer Ireland. Police. Constable Aiken went up Napanee early in the evening and re turned later with the two young men. The vacht was brought . down this morning by a tug. At the police court the bovs were arraigned but not ask- ed to plead, their case being held over until Friday. - Bail was fixed = in two bonds of 8500. A case that took time was gu charge of fichting on the street on August 21th, prefered acainst Grs.. Charles Lewis and J. W, McGuire, two members of the R.CF. A., and Malcolm McMillan. Strons evidenc was given against the bat- tervmen by Charles Sullivan and his wife. Sullivan testified that he saw knock down McMillan and Mc Guire Kick him on the head; Lewis al so made an attempt to kick McMillan, but did not do so. Lewis antl McGuire gave evidence in their dwn behalf, saying that they had Leen insulted by MeMillan, who had called them "government bums," which insult they had resentea: They dented that -MeMillan had been kicked when down. . Two companions of Lewis and Me- Guire gave evitence Brroborative of that given by the two prisoners, after whieh the magistrate adjourned: the for. decision. Lewis and McGuire sent back to barracks under to up considerah'e case were cort. os Doing Well. ile Kingstonians In the Dominion matches at Ottawa Ser I. C. Carruthers, y the Bankers' score of 34; AssSeiation Monday, Stafi- 1th Hussars, match, with a and 25 in the Macdougall chalky nge cup match, with a score of won 62. In the Bankei& match Sergt. K. McKinnon, "A" field battery, won 81 with eof 31. In the Macflyu aall cup match, Sergt. W, ine, regiment, tied for third score of 66, the top He 22, . : a = hallenge I'tth with being on, a 068. won Potato Rot Is Prevalent. aliecting the tuber crop in «this vicinity in earnest. A Glenburnie stated today that ont of several acres planted he would not harvest sufficient for his own fam ily The «talks turn: black and die very quickly and the: tubers found The ceneral thronchont di-trict Potato. rot 1 farmer needs are diseased. the to be rot is H. b. Taylor, Pure drugs, The oth- his distinguished public ser vices and his loving kindness to all'. are spending CAKE of yeast wilt raise a hundred times its volume of dough; a drop of ink will color a hundred times its volume "of 'water; a few cents extra per pound for coffee will give you an immeasur- ably finer beverage. Jt would avail us nothing to say this if it were not true. We cause it is true. One test will prove it! Don't take our word | Try a single cup of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee to-day. thousands of dollars to say it be- i ry Braxn™ in 1-1b. and '>-1b. Tin Cans a tight). Qinee Neh pd rie la i motare er As we are Summer Goods you. 7 General Cleaning preparing for the arrival of New Fall Goods we are cleaning out the balance of our: at a price that will surely interest All Our Fancy Muslins and French Lawns At 12%c., 15c., 18c., 20c., 25c. Your choice while the lot lasts' 9c. 'yard. ~ Ladies' White and Colored Shirt Waist.s At 75c., 90c., $1. Your choice 35c¢. each. 20C., A lot of Ladies" and Children's DARK TAN COTTON STOCKINGS of fine make that were 23c, 25C 4 pair. Your choice 15c. pair. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170-122 Princess Street, Kingston. We will Keep Must Continue as Long as This Weather Lasts. our promise and bargains will plentiful all this week. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE . IS ALL RIGHT, 'WE on Boston BOSTON, We sclicit accounts for the pure oi listed stocks and bonds. AP ESTABLISHED 1890. WwW. F. DEVER & CO.,, " STOCK «& BOND BROKERS. 'PHONE MAIN 4303. EXECUTE ORDERS IN DOMINION COAL and DOMINION STEEL Stock Exchange, over our private wire, for cash or margin. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. hme 49 Wellington St. Eest., Toronto,

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