THE DAILY WRIG. \ TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER > ONEY GOES A gcod ways here--brings more returns, in quantity and quality, than the same sum wovld bringelsewhere. Money invested in our suits for men |} and boys---which, by the way " we aré offering at 'cut rates this month----is money well invested. Every suit is thor- oughly made. -- . : . Ir---- JOS. SILVER, Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. The Unhappy Burden- Searer Must Make Choice. Paine's Celery Compound Takes Away The Load of Disease and Leads to New Life, Health and Happiness The unhappy victim of disense who has just ed through the samme and who is now racked with suffering and almost a physical wreck, must make immediate choice of two paths. One leads to increased and certain death, the other lifey health end hapniness. I'he use of Paine's Celery Compound i® a necessity for all who the path of health and long Vie- tuns of rheumatism, neuralgia, kid ney disease, liver! trouble, dyspepsia, nervousness and Mood diseases, quick Iv and surely find new life, macor and strength in Dr. Phelps' medical pres 'eription--Paine's Celery Compound. It builds. up the stem, purifies the blood, hfaces the nerves and regulates digestion as no other medicine. ean do. Mrs. Charles Charette, Chambly, 1. Q., wonderfully rescued!'by Paine's Cel ery Compound writes as follows: "1 can honestly say that | would not he living to-day if it had not been "Tor your wonderful medicine, 'For a long time 1 suffered terribly from ner- vousness, sleeplessness, head and sto mach troubles, and never received much berelit from ordinary medica treatment. 1 heard of your Paine's Celery Compound, and 1 have good reason to thank God that I used +t. | can now "eat well and sleep soundly, and my a thing of the past. 1 feel perfectly rested after a night's sleep, which was never the case: before using the compound. My neighbors ave surprised at the crand cure made by your medicine, and some are using it now. I thank vou sincere lv for the honest resulis hy Paine's Celery Compound. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation ~ Office And Safe Deposit Vaults. 99 YONGE E STREET, TORONTO lp drag iragy miseries Lo new years, HEY OUSHEess now wiven Capital, . Reserve Fund - 81, 00,00 50,000. President : JOHN HOSKIN, Q.C.. Vice-) Prosidenta : | wWoob, W. H. BEATTY, Fa. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Dircetor. A. D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager. JAMES DAVEY, Sceretary. Authorized to act ministrator, Trustee, tee of Lunatic, Guardian Liquidator, Assignee, Ete. Dvposit safes to rent." "Al sizes and, at reasonable prices. Parcels received for safe custody. Bonds and other valuables Guaranteed ard: Insured against loss. Solicitors bringing Estates, Administra" tions, ete.. to the Corporation are contifiued in the professional anre of the same. For further informgtion see the Corpora q tion's Manual. WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE. on honest are not sul terms LL.D. HON. 8. «. as Executor, Ad- Receiver, Commit- business We APO We conduct our commercial principles. stitnrers: Wem make it plv just what asked for: sugcest the something just' as Btrict attention to details, politeness and prices have made our stove popular > : - *A WONDERFUL DEMAND. The demand for Paine's Color pound wonderful Its marvelon cures ha'e made it the chosen and e- teemed family No other 1 medy has worked «ach happy cure Brichts disease. liver ' rhenmatism, neural seases, We «011 'the ery Compound, int ney er good. We close Cogn medicine, m cemplaint, and cen Qn nervous oi Paine's Cel HOAG. The Druggist, Cor. Princess and Barrie Ste., Kingston, Ont, DENTAL CARD. DALY HAS RESUMED HIS DENTAL practice at 129 Princess St.. four doors Lelow forties ol Stancard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhea and Runnings: IN 48 HOURS. Cures (oy) ney and Bladder I: oubies, "ww Trvest anyway, "340 per THE GREAT WEST AN ARTICLE Wi WRITTEN - IN ITS DEFENCE. \ ---- ; It is the Place for Young Men Who Have Any Push in Them --Good Wages -- Crops Abun- dant. Brandon, © Aug' 21.--To the . Edi tor) : I notice a letter in your pajer headed "Keep Away From Maiiitohs by a 'Farmer's Son," at Cataraqui, Ont. No doubt he is a farmer's sin, put he must be a very younr son tp talk as he does. He states a farmer might take him out from town 200 miles and then have his wages reduced. Let nie ask vou readers what corner of this pro- vince a man cowld he taken to that would bé twenty-five miles from a town ? He states that emigration will les- sen the demand. Let me say that we do not notice the emigration. Besides, if he is ambitious, he takes up land and soon wants help hiniséli. "To sav he will not have much wheat to har- makes me think he has not been reading even the papers, or he ~ would have Safes our new railroad, the new elevators, the new cars and engines to haul this heavy crop to help feed the world. I have seen- young mien come here, and because they could not find the comforts that their parents had after vears of struggle they, got discourag- od, and went back, but those men did not have the pluck the pioneers of On tario had, who cleared the forest and wore home spun clothes. The pioneers of Ontario would think this country a paradise. As Sir John Macdonald once said: "You come in on the train ip the morning and start ploughing in" the afternoon." On the coronation are London, Ilng., this year these words éopld be seen: "Ganada, the world's granary. What part of Canada do vou look for? No. 1 hard, Manitoba. There will be many well-to-do farmers in the cast, after seeing 'their crops are se- cure, come out here and make at least 2100. He will consider he has rather epjoved it, besides, he will old friends and do ms all a good turn. 1 say wages for farm help are, month: engineers, $60: brick- 86 per day: laborers, $2, ete. oirls get S12 to $20 per With. Horace Greely let mw west, voung man, go west, up with Hie country."--B. Guess see may lavers, Servant month. say. "Go and pi TROT Desmond Doings. Desmond, Aug. 30.--Rev. Mr. Young, Tamworth, held service here on Sun for Mr. Weatherill. Invitations * out for the young people's annual picnic grounds, Varty Lake, 6th. Some thir- ty' voung people mét at the home of S. Shane on Tuesday evening, where 3 most enjovable time was spent. Much rearet is felt for 'the prolonged illness teacher, Miss A. A. Bell, who obliced to give up teaching No substitute has been gay company of lit- the home a at Garrison's on September our has been for a while. secured. as vet. A tle folks were entertained at of J. N. Switzer on 23rd ult., it being a birthday party given by his little daughter. Miss Bessie Pearl. She - re- ceived from her parents a hanasome ring. Master Avlsworth 'Bell, who was a successful candidate at the entrance xamination, has started to Newburgh h school. A number of dack- hunters camping at Mud Lake, and from the successive shots which the © neighborhood, veFy eariv Monday morning, ducks must be plen- titul. Mrs. Switzer, Bobcaygeon, has veturned home after spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs, Embury The beautiful memorial monument of the late J. W. Bell was erected at his grave last- Friday. Vis Miss Annie Bell at JJ. Switzer's: Misses Maude Purcell and Emma. Carscallen A P. /. Davison at J. rles Switzer at Mrs. . Cranston at A. P. Bell's. is flourishine-under the able of organist, Miss ol large are we iors choir management Edith Bell. Our our Married At Canonto. Sept. 1.--Farmers are about with their Rarvest. and re- a fair crop in this locality with exceptions potatoes and vines, which have ed with frost. A quiet wedding took place last week at the residence Samuel -Shanks, Cananto, his voungest was married Nancy Keliord, ame place. Rev. Mr. Williams the knot. Mr. and Mrs: William Jorr spent Saturday and Sunday with rier Plevna. Mrs. Crawiora re turned home én Friday after spending welew" davs among friehds at Snow Road andy vicinity. Joseph Morrow and: chik fee 21 Freddie and Clara, call- 3 Jacob Sunday afternoon. Ompah, through port ¢ the of been ae of whe n to Miss son of the tied Sat ed ofS. Bd To Dissolve Committee. Sofia, Bulgaria, Sept. 2.--In conse quence of revelations implicating the ian committee and 'its new prisident, Gen. Zuntcheff, in a recent attempt of a hand of revehttionists to or the Macedonian frontier, the authorities Kave gearched the com mitee's neadquarters. The gover ment of Bulearvia is said to be deter mined to -dhissolve the committee. Waedeo ee crete eet large advertisyig contracts are pl: bred hy the Boston and New how JTohn's Me The i Chalmers' Son company, Dr. RB. H. Kline, Prince Gloss Sard, Arena Manacea Water, E. De Witt . Chicago, and Phila Le, Speci- Newark Mies Kate «Sullivan, nd Miss Maud Lumb, 1 leit this" afternoon to Montreal and Quebec. uise King, ene of Cape Vin int = most esteemed women, i. Mist fx Wilson ww irom a severe illness popular street railway left to-day for Toronto where he will. endeavor two weeks' holidays. lax fair, Perth, arrived guest divine Celatire lrmite |, aities to, Jarre Swienham on a holi- street, day trip Miss Le is seri 1 is" slowly west, in the of AMis< viavenue Ordnance street, Rochester, N.) Parent, for Eva Monday isit relatives VY Daonnell, on visit ha after » parents on 1 street, New York turnea to sthe I" morming. ww "FINE WATER SPORTS: Held At Sharbot Lake on gust 9th. The picnic and water sports held in Messrs. Thomson & Avery s grove, un- der the auspices of St. Andrew's An- glican church, at ' Sharbot Lake, cn Friday, August 29th, were a decided success. The day was all that could be desired; not a ripple appeared "on the lake's surface, wh¥ws~shone like a mirror. There 'was a large turn-out of people." The menu, both at dinner and . tea was excellent and reflected the greatest of credit on Mrs. Young, Mrs. Jerome Thompson, Mrs. James Lyle and the able band of ladies who so willingly assisted them. The feature of the day was the pro- gramme of 'water sports as follows : 200 yards canoe race, one-half: mile men's single boat race, one-quarter mile ladies" single boat race,#100 yards tub race, one-half mile men's canoe race, walking greasy pole, vards' lumber men's log raee, vards' swimming race, etc. In these events the single boat race was a grand one 'and won by Harold Tamp- son, first; Louis Sharhot. second. wle canoe race, Louis Sharbot, first; Willis Roberts, second. The river canoe race was a magnificent lex- hibition of skill, and the Beaves brothers (Sharbot Lake) well deserved the victory they Tke one-quarter mile ladies" race was well contested and was won bv Miss' Allan, Sharbot Lake, Miss Kilburn, Sharbot Lake, being a good second. The unsuccess- ful efforts 'of the manv competitors to walk the greasy pole were greeted with applause by the spectators. A large driving shed, owned by Thomp- son & Avery, wa®thrown open for dancing. The greatest credit is due to J. C. Dixon, theological student in the par- ish, who orgamzed the day's; proceed- ings; also to Jerome Thompson, M. Avery, M.D, Dr. Hill, Maberly, and Mr. Bernam, for the able assistance at water sports,-and Rev. CC. J. Young, reetor. Jc e Thompson and Mr. Milligan for hard work in the booth and to Charles Morris as treasurer. The gross procecds amounted to over R100. We hope these water will he come an annual event Sharbot Lake. Au- single 200 100 won. deserve credit sports at STILL SOLID. Are the Ranks of the Miners. Tamaqua, Pa., Sept. 2.--This morn- ing Company of the 12th Regi- ment, escorted the non-union men in Panther Creek Valley to work without being interfered with. The company claims that 300 men also re- ported for duty, but the strike leaders say their ranks are as solid as on the first day of the strike. This morning the Lehigh Coal and Navigation shops which have been idle for two months, resumed work. Major Gerhard, in charge of the troops, said to-dav that the situation was improved consider- ably. Striking Returned ' The Skiff. One day last party broke into week some unknown the boat-house of James Stratford, taxidermist, and stole his skiff. The owner did not lay a complaint, but i. aited for the conscience of the thief to trouble him 'that he would return the stolen property. The man did so: a few nights aco, he brought the skiff back. Not being able to force open the door of the boat-house, he sm: ashed in the roof and through that opening let in the stolen property. It is but seldom that such an experience is recorded. ~~ Many Back At Work. Florence, Italy, Sept. 2.--With the exception of the metal workers of the Pignon Iron works, where the strike originated, and the printers, almost all 8F the strikers resumed work this The and strest Ears arc again running. ! |0 cabs Will Not Be Re-called. Rome, Sept. 2.--It is announced, on ie highest authority, to-day, that the ipus orders in the Philippines have ceived definite assurances that friars will ,not be recalled by the can. vati- governor-in-council appoint Wallace notary republic lieutenant ased ville, The to ri a Ontario. Canadian Ferguson's, California at street. antl King pears Of Benefit to Growing Girls. Makes the Pale, Bloodless* and Anaemic Strong, Healthy and Vigorous. Dr. Chase's" Nerve Food. of nearly every girl there comes a time when her system de- mands "just such assistance as can best be supplied by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The physiological. changes which take place put a strain on. the system which is likely to' leave pale- ness, weakness and a run-down sys- stem. This great food cure restores health and color to the pale and an- and frequently relieves parents ading their It in the life aemic, of a burden of anxiety reg growing Mrs. Goodson, Montreal. Que., states "My daughter was; and to have appetitg was bai, pale sand bloodless she has been using Dr. Chase's ve | Food there bas Ie a marked change in She now ha splen- nd seédms to. be ktrong- 2 r in exery way: I am sed with the res: obtained of thi medicine, it is splendid ai Nerve 2 inl girls, 104 Sebastopol street, { xery nervous, strength Her ] lool i no seemed and she plea from the think th: growing well use cand at treatment for Dr. ( i hoxea for Bates Food, 30 cents 50, at all dr & Co. Toronto, INse Ss 1 box, nakers, or Ldmansaon, burg the" WHAT WE HEAR{DO NOT VAKE SUBSTITUTE. When you ask for MONSOON be sure you get il it. qoc. grade, it is Lhe 1 most delicious tea yous can 2 buy: FOLGERS. TO HAVE A NEW STEAMER. Wessel Will be 280 Feet Long and May be Ready for Exgursion- ists Next Season--Many Peo- ple Leave the Resorts--Gossip Along the River. Syracuse Post- Standard. It is understood thatia new steam- er will make her appearange on: the river next season, carrying the flag of the Thousand Island Stamboat com- pany. She will be used for excursion business and will be placed on the run between Kingston, Ont., and Ogdens- making daily trips between thes two ports. Plans 'have been received from the Detroit Shipbuilding 'com- pany, and action is now being await- ed for the plans to¢ be accepted. The plans call for a steamer 230 feet long. Her engines will be of 2.200 horse- power. The vessel will be fitted all through with electricity and will be equipped with a modern marine search- light, which will be the largest ever seen on the waters of the St. Law- rence. The steamer will be a three- decker and will be able to carry 1.- 500 passengers. . The plans are for a steel hull and also that the steamer shall be able to make eighteen miles an hour, It is expected that if the plans are | she will be ready for the ex- cursion business next July. It is un- derstood that Capt. Milo D. Estes, now in charge of the steamer St. Lawrence, will be the nian in command of the new. boat and that Capt. Ro- bert Carnegie or Capt. Charlebois, will be placed in. command of the steamer St. Lawrence. ace cepted, Lively Along The Rideau. Washburn, Sept. 1.--During the few bricht days , of last weck, the men have made great progress with the harvest, filling every available space with the golden grain. A very pleas- ant time was' spent at the residence of John Toland on Wednesday evening last, it being the occasion of a par- tv given in honor of Miss Lillian, who is ahout to return%o Sydenham High School. Among those present was W. E. Sproule, Joyceville. Miss Kate Martin is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Ke Several of our voung people at- tended the social in Deane's Grove on 'iday evening, and report a most en- iovable event. The evening was all that could be desired and the hospita- lity shown hy the ladies and gentle- men in connection with the entertain- went could not be excelled. Mrs. Mal- len and family, Buffalo, are: the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn. It ith regret we announce the depar- ture of Miss Annie Redmond to her home in Dufferin, after a pleasant two weeks among us. she, while here, be- the guest. of Miss McGillivray. Rokért Webb, Seelex's Bay, spent Sun- day in our midst. Mrs. Toner and ¥rs. Bennett are on the sick list. Miss Maggie Shortall is visiting in the city. Robert McBrown, Gananoque, spent Sunday with his parents. Navigation on 'the Rideau is rushing, there being fourteen fockages to-day. Among the n mber were two verv fine vachts, the Nellie Lake and the Venice, each carrying a. merry. crowd of pleature- ceckers. A large party of about fifty United Statesers are expected on Tues: Rideau King. is ing day, per steamer Hinchinbrooke Council. Parham, Aug. 23. Members all pre ent. Cn petitionsof H., Moore and others, to have obstructions removed road leading from Namuel Dawson's to H. it was moved, Jefirey-Howes, and resol ved that the clerk notify parties caus ing obstructions to remove them at Councillors Walker ~ aud Jefivey tH examine the road with power to wt. On motion, Walker i SiS ranted to. repair the i line south from the Smith being the collector, he was appointed S10. Budget by-law "was passed to raise 09, being amount of taxes iequired at nineteen mills on the dol lr assessment. Voted for werk on the road': George 3. CC Scott SLI Wagar 35, J. oil R. Thompson James Jelivey asking the ofl Moore's, once, Wagar dd. ) ant- for O-receive op OBL Q , BR. Seales 85, Cronk £5.95, "i. Revnolds Haddock C. Kenedy =2.60, Re Judge irev 86, I. Howes S82 gh 811, J. Goodiellow 82, RR. McCuilongh £2: alco Georoe Gray 831, for land ken for roads bh. Mc Cloud, 3, as road surveyor; WJ. iordon, T. Dufiv, Per Johouse, September for meet-at 27th. ron 4 ipe: Finh-37wdha Entertained To A Picnic. Aug. fin Monday a 'number of people we the Misses Lockridee, the Madawaska rwer, tn arriving at the about twenty-five in parteok of a sumptions din- alter which an enjoyable after- was spent in fishing, boating The genial hostesses, gssisted by Conner, Sared © no pains to af their guests every possible pleas Fea--wis----served--abont o'clock, after which the visitors, de lichted with their pleasant outing, set cit for home. - Miss Dainard has re turned. to Peterboro | aiter spending holidays with friends here. Lhé foot? hall team will bave their piemé¢ on epfember id A numbér from here #ttended the Salvation Army meeting Penbich on Sunday last. Samuel took in the exinrsion to West Vennachar, ab August "235th, entertained by the banks of Hicks' Point. the guests, number; on at river ner, noon Miss Tord SHER SIX North itp Mountai ovable day Lake CON Cross ciety an Donal home Mell » 'WONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montmaal, bbis., patent winter, $3.80 to $4: spring, tp $3.60; strony bakers, $3.50 wo $1.60 tario bi Manitol 0c; barley, wheat, cornmeal, lard, Yo. todluc.; bacon, 14c. 'to 15 COMMERCIAL, Sef $4 to $¢ ays, ba, North, peas, 83c., to 83c.; to 33c.; to Gdc. to SI. 40; pork, $24 to Sle $l. 50 13c. to 14e.: townships, lée.; ougs, Canadian Canadiy Toledo 18c. 1de. cheese, 90. to 10c.: n. 2.--Flour receipts, 1.10; straight roller, $3.70; to §1.70; wheat, No. 78c. to 80c.; corn, 68c. oats, 4dc. to 45 rye, Ste. to : bue ; Oatmeal, $2.30 to "$2. 40; $25; one to 1Yc.: 15¢. to to lbc. western, ---- MONTREAL STOCKS. Paci air Pact L 1} Dututh 8.8. Com Winnipeg Electri Montreal Torontc St. Jol Detroit Twin C Rich. Bell Tel Montreal Looming Dom inion Street 0 Stre hus KE United. ity Trans le phéme . & Steel Cotton n sit & Ont. Nav. Commercial Cable Montreal Telegraph Merchants Cotton Pominion Coal NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. L pion =t. ta M; wn i 0 Pacific ula tan ransit Southern Py Ontario & Western Taxus Ww 1 Union & Pacific Atoli<on . Col. 1 o& Amerfean Loc Amal. Copper Praga 1s & Of IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. Rev. lan ls, ic EB. W. dead, in ing To M ill the clican church R Huntley, ifairbairn's of Nir. A the ton, luc Mele I, tvachi ness ( Yq h & Rev .~.} Innisy the ( city tres « a Lev. tor o well = rst farewe Monday Tuesd Roce on St on Mr. has an Ime miss Lane, seventy-six. in ethodist. vacancy at Clayton wed of uict ome V ras mai id, N.W. Van Dus no stafi 'olleg posit t, Brock ile, has Jttawa parish f the Un I. -D. if 'Trinity Crinons_ i on II social night ay. hester wurday. Seale, wn has been transferred John Tuesday, of ohn ia Woodcock, Sun: Is the the Virgin io of appointed ion of Killaloe. township of Sidney, He was born was a lead- is 1526. He An- Secantleburg, to John Late charge. was solemnized at Ferguson, Admas- when "+ his daughter to John R. Allan, ding riexl Ta Sen, ihe Busi a identified with the Peterboro left to the business . ]ns assume nin col ilTe. Lei ree and in accepted big cen Olay ton, charge airn, ned his 1003se has one of the States. and in ited the new ree charch, preacfied fare wish of Camden was tendered Camden Fast at. Newburgh n th 2 fv. at and a on on ---- Athletics play Ponies here Is BEN & FECTS UY THE GENUINE --MANFD BY UREA G re °° we * TY Bre tbs WELL T IS rsp of co k* =tree kd an dripping wa WELL! NOW? WHY MORE t. Myvors' Pork Market, wher y I obtsin the meats in the Juarisae 'Phome 570. NTED for a 2000 valent : butter, Perfactly Straight: Selvage Firm and Even Textures Peculiar Wearing Qualities. When soiled a sponge or brush makes it clean again and no 2 damage done. % CORTICELLI SKIRT PRO- 2 TECTOR is a great favorite with careful dressers. *Steel E. B. Eddy' S Wire Hooped PAILS and TUBS Are made from the BEST SELECT. ED LUMBER with Galvanized Spring Steel Wire, electrically welded Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or contraction, so no matter what the weather | is they keep in PERFECT CONDITIUN. GIVE THEN A TRIAL. Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. WIRE GOODS BROILERS, TOASTERS, JELLY AND FRUIT STRAINERS, TEA AND COFFEE STRAINERS, POTATO MASHERS, DISH DRAINERS, SINK STRAINERS, ECC BEATERS. " We have a large assortment of the very best goods. McKELVEY & BIRCH, + 69 and 71 Brock Street Do You Want a Pair of GANVAS BOOTS AT GOST? YOU CAN GET THEM AT COST. PARLOR SET THIS WEEK. SEE OUR WINBOW DISPLAY. JAMES REII THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, KINGSTON.