Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1902, p. 6

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THE DAILY WHIG. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 IN PEACE PREPARE for WAR . And in summer prepare for winter. You cannot better prepare in buving furs pow, when vou can get your choice than" your of a large stock. The Fit and Comfort Of our furs is guaranteed. And then thefe's the them here cheaper than elsewhere, and wot them just as- good. fur price. You ¢©an bu: We have some special barcains in ladies" jackets. - P.S.--A full line of men's and bovs' ing i a hand. JOS. SILVER, "102 PRINCESS STREET. BUY BAILEY BRAND CUTLERY In every style and finish. Prices to meet all buyers. Eve one Hand-Forged and Hand.Grourd. Special attention paid to the tem- ering and steel. None ut experts work on these ghods. Made from best English Double-Shear Steel, hand- forged, highly polished, and specially thmpered. Standard patterns and correct prices. Special Shear Steel used. Tempered by experts, high ihe and thor- ough y tested. cloth- Nand-Forged RAZORS » Hand-Forged BUTCHER KNIVES Steel-Laid- SHEARS & SCISSORS All Fully Warranted Sold Oaly by W. A. MITCHELL, 68 Princess Street, Kingston, STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant. Market Square. 'COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, Aug. --Flour receipts bbls, patent winter, $3.80 to $1; spring, $4 to $1.10; straight roller to $3.60; strong bakers, tario bags, $1.60 to $1.70 Mamftoba, North, 78c. 80¢.; Uc: peas, 836, to barley, Sle. to 5: St wheat, ble. to tde. 3 Gatueal $2.30 to $2,404 cornmeal, $1.50 to '81. 60; pork, $21 to lard, Ye. te 10c.; bacon, l4¢. vo lb5c.; 130. -to 14e.: cheese, 9. to 10c.: townships, 18c. to 1Y%c.: western, 16e.; eggs, l4c. to: 1be. G0 patent $2 hams, butter 15¢. to NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Aug. Open. 112 20th pr Close 'niem Pacific St. Paul... Manbattan . os Pramsit Tenn, Coul & Wiss. Pacific Southern Pacific & Western Union Iron . & Nash Rock: bsdand Pennsylvania Ry Texas & Pacific, Atchison Cal, 1. & F American. Loco Amal: Copper MONTREAL Canadian T Canadian iuluth 8.8 Tohalo L. & Montreal Stro Toronto Stret Halifax Electric Detroit Umted win. Citve Transit reich: «& Ont Commervial GC Montrcme Tele Bell Tol, phom Minter al L 1 Dominion Stel Dominion Steel, Pi Lavirentile Pulp Ooivie Flour Mills Montreal Cotton Dominion Cotton Canada Colored an an mario Bank 1! rchants Bank I nion Bank Foronto Bank Iochelaga Bank OS Com Pow ble raph & Pp Cotton a "BOYS days commence. office, the boys at school. the mother brings the boys Because Livingston's have designs. Boys' 2-Piece Double and J Single Breasted Suits, EEE EEE IER ¢ CEEEEEICEEIIIFCELIICECEEEEICEEETT he EEE IDIFIIEEE The most united of families must part -when school. The mother at home, 'But. before going to school to Livingston Bros. boys can w ear--several shapes, $2, $2.50, $3.50. Boys' 3-Piece Ci Serge Suits, $3. 30, $4, $5. FR VRCELRS C. LIVINGSTON & BRO. 15:77 79 BROCK STREET, TAILORS AND HABERDASHERS. THE 5 ¢ 1. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. a COMMERCIAL HATIERS. What is Going on in tie Business World--The Market News. the crops of Ontario $112,000,000. 99¢.; Srirling,' 9%c.: 9 5-16c.; Winchester, that worth Picton, Tweed; 9ic. 9u0 elevator amd ware west have ben It i= estimat.d whl this 'year be Cheese" sales : Brockville, 9ic.: vie. Vankleek: Hill, So fur this house «licmses in by comm Ruilway earnings the third week: of August, as compiled bv Dun's R 81,544,000, a gain of $175,000, per cent. season the issued Winuvipeg. «da for sioner Castle in Cane view, were or 12.8 The: first paid on the awd second G,T.R. stocks. amall balance carricd forward. A year full d vidend for the half vear w 8 preference, but being preference full dividend is and a) azo the vid on the first nothing on the second Theuet company for the 39 0:00, Coal amounted to the for of month of the 'Dominion Julv compared with £192,000 lust vear.: The month of the to 0 period of earnings for mt earnin Al we same month the first five March 1st; amounted 500, against $407,700 for the same 1901. J. Carling Kelly, am Ottawa promoter; ' way the of which has under. oreanization wa. immen of with will will igelide eleven Fnolosd Thos which is located the paper combine the largest paper over 825.000.0040) wiils in capital. mills nequire 2,000 acres of pulp, Ott combination holds an LORD DUNDONALD. near aml on which proposed ontion. Came This Afternoon by Steamer Kingston. At hali past four noon, Major-General, was to arrive from steamer. Kingston. At Swift's wharf. (ol. Montizambert, D.O.C., Lieut. (ols. 'Hemming and Ogilvie and other officers of the R. C. F. A. and Royal Military college in readiness tc meet the distinguished visitor. While here. Lord Dundonald will be the ouest of Majors Straubenzee and Hewitt at the Royal Military college He will make a quiet inspection of Kingston's military defences, ete, just ace quainted with their na major-general will remain night. k this after- Lord Dundonald, the east on the o'cloe were to become ture. The till to-morrow Swaine's Splendid Shooting. Sergt. W. Swaine, the 14th regi ment, is doing some great shooting at the Long Branch Rifle Ranges. Yes- terday in the City of Toronto match le secured twenty-ninth place among the succesful fiity who will be allow wd I the second stage he stood sixth, scor ing 108 points and winning 7. In the Duke of Cornwall and York match he tied for first place with Capt. N. Mitchell, R.O., &qch winning $2 Three marksmen tied for place in the Macdonald pépid-firing contest. Swaine was ¢ne 6f these, and he thus won 31166. of to shoot in the second stage. Excursion Bulletin. Saturday, Augist 30th, excursion to Watertown, leaves Folger's wharf, 2.30 p.m, returning Monday. Saturday, August 30th, "America, 2:30 4 , among 1000 Tslands. One horr andfa half at Thousand Islanc 25 4 Park. pos Monday. September 1st. o Cape Vincent, 2:30 p.m., or 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, September to 'Oodenshurg fair, Excursion t n., returning 5 5 "Xmeri ae. rd. a S a.m. Presentation At 'Armouries. At three Monday afternoon presentation of South African dis ceriice medals will take place. at the armouries: Sergt.-Maj. Gimblett, "A battery, R.A, and the blind trooper Mulioy. of Win chesters Ont., will he the recipients Col Montizambert, D.0.C., will make' the presentation. o'clock a tinguisFed of Home On a Visit. Dr. T. W. Jacques, lecturer hac- teriology and pathology in Universi ty Melical college, Kansas City. aiter spending a few davs in the city, left on tre steamer North King this after- noon to visit his parents in Picton Dr. Jacques was, four years ago, a popular student at Queen's college on Last League Game. PRaseball. Lake Ontario Park, Satur day. August 30th, at 2 30 p.m. Gou Yernonr vs, Ponicsr Admission 15e Ladies free. Excursion To Watertown. Mondgy. Labor Day. steamer Foloe® wharf at 5 a.m, 2:20 pom. 81.25. leaves of Satur at = day Hall. ""Bibbys." colored shirts, ~75c.. 8. The Oak designs had, Co. ' "Bibby's."' Exclusive smartest H. D. Pibby in Ste to be BAS SPIELE IID IPICEEIIICEE 2 333 ewe GEE IINIEEE seseen ay SUITS the father at Why ? 'he prettiest, daintiest sui"s many colors, various 3 1 ; 3 ; 3d : ! i $l ; & A FIRE 'SUBDUED IN TIME TO "PREVENT A SE- RIOUS CONFLAGRATION. Blaze Was on Sparks Street in * Business Section--City Cannot Pay Laborers for Labor Day Holiday. ® Ottawa, Aug. 29.--Fire carly this morning threatened the business sec- tion of the city, but thanks to the good work of the brigade it was checked in goed time. It broke out in thee Burns' confectionery on Sparks street, and caused lurid blaze. The store and conteits suffer- ed about 000 on stock and build- i The stock of C!. .H. Thoburn, sta- adjoining, - was damaged ab- out $600. City Solicitor MeVeity has given the opinion that the corporation cannot le aally pay city laborers for the holi- day givén them on Coronation dav. As it. was propesed to grant another holiday on Labor day, with full "pay, this opinion will probably put an end to it as far as the pay is concerned. store, a CHOSE EASTERN ROUTE. Temiskaming Railway Engineers' _ Raport. Aug. 29.--The commission- er of the Temiskaming & Northern railway yesterday approved: of what known as eastern route * and de- cided to ask for tenders for the con- struction work on the new railway at once. Mr. Mountain's report was en- tirely in favor ofthe castern route, and he stated that the western route, the line located by the Nipissing & James Bay railway, was through a 'tract: of couniry of practic ally solid ock and hard pan. he grades were also much heavier than by the eastern route, which was through a more fer- tile and heavily timbered country. The report which was in support of that presinted by Engineer Russell, was adopted. : It was forthwith Toronto, is decided to call for tenders for the constriction of the vhole line of railway, including the clearing of right of wav, gradine. trestle work, ballasting and track- lay- ing. The masonry, culverts. Bridging and rails and fitting® used in the 'work will be first class in every res weet, and the work will be proscented with all possible despatch. TALK ANNEXATION. This is Said to be Done in Trini- dad. Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. vast two or three months have nessed a remarkable recrudescence of the American «annexation in the last md most amportant "of the British Mest India possessions Trinidad and Jamaica. The leaders of the agitation we generally planters and busine men. These point to the growing prosperity of Porto Rico and de- nounce the svstem of British colonial rovernment. They also point to the lesperate state of the sugar industry, md {o the deplorable condition of the piople of the islands, and * seri usly annexation to the Uni- ed States as the only possible chance ff reviving their fallen fortunes. SOLD CAT AS VEAL. The witr 29.- S suggest Fired at His Wife Because Protested. Paris, Aug. 20--A Mouzamblane, living puarter, fired four volver at Ris wife. When questioned as to why he did so, he replied that his wife had for a ong time incessantly reproached him for killing a favorite cat, which he had sold to his customers as veal, an slience for which he was convicted and fined. "She kept She named Ternes a re- butcher in the shots from » on worrvine me about that cat until I could stand it . no onger," was the explanation he gave to the commissaire. WANTS NAVAL STATION. At The Mouth of the Yang-tse kiang. London, Aug. 29.--Private advices 'yom Parig say it is reported there that Sir James Lyle Mackay is trying Lo from the viceroys of Yang- tse Valey a concession for a perman- ent British naval station at the mouth of thi Yang-tse-Kiang, but that it vot likely that it-will be granted the other powers will Certainly = ob- ject. Nothing confirmatory of this ment has. thus far béen obtained London." secure as state. in | Another Duke Coming. New York: Aug.i29.-- Russian dukes, Chinese psnces - and the appfrent to the throne of Bam orand heir ate 'granted the permission, | entirely this on dig- likely to among Gotham's noted visitors season, hut of the lot of for nitarics the visit of none | attract more attention .tHan that of the Due du Laynes, whois scheduled '0 sail' 4rom¢* France to-morrow in company with the -- Comte-and Coni- se Castellane. The Due da Luynes belongs to one the "first" families of France, "he ing close related td the Dukes of Noaillex, of Chaulnes, of Uzes; of Prissac' and of Maille." He «is rpgard- leader of the royalist party the closest. friends of dn Orleans having "served the latter las principal gentleman-in-wait- [: ing. chici of the houschold, and "as crand chamberlain. : | }¢ te de of ed as the and is one of the Bue Falls Down Elevator Shaft. New Raedle, York, Aug twenty three patient since Monday in the privat sanitarinm of Miss' Annie L. Alston, West=Sixty-first street, was killed that institution vesterdav by five storeve from a moving which, under the influency was heing conveved the fifth 29. Miss years Victorine old, a | in fre bie m th to floor to ini Small-pox. At Oporto. Portugal, Aug. 29.- in its most viblent form, has broken out in the slums of this "city. The govetnment has been appealed take more stringent precautions revpnt the spread of the disease. Oporto, pox. -Small- to to | tvtwo pounds, | he wicht. less diame dds. OLD DIDC'S BODY. -- 4 Was Taken .to. Queen's Medical College. The Lody of the late, James Higgin- botham, 'called "Dido" by the public, i= sa'ely deposited in Queen's medical ¢cobege, where it was taken, the men of the R.C.F.A. claim, after a notjce appeaied~in the Whig, on Wednesday afternoon that steps would be taken to raises subscriptions to pay for the brave old soldier's burial, since no relative had claimed the body. Ibe Whig's notice was read by the men of "A" and "B' batteries, R.C. I.A., and they immediately asked Col. Drary's permission to take charge "of the burial. 'Lhe colonel "cheerfully amd' the men, £33 among I ken to R.| in a short time, raised themselves for the expens they sent several representatives the undertaking establishment" of J. Reid, with whom they made ar rangements for the burial. But they found that the body had been remov-; el to the medical college, and on en- aniry were told that it was there a short time before they arrived," but had since heen taken away. Then the battervmen. visited in authority at the college, that the body be given up, to pay $10 char ges in such cases, when relatives or bona fide friends claim. a body, after it has been 'taken to a dissecting place. Previous to this thev had gore to magistrate Duff, who will- ingly agreed to sign an order for the delivery of the body if the medical fac- ulty were agreeable. But when the bat- terymen interviewed prominent mem- bers of the faculty they were told that the body had to remain 'where it was and that under no consideration would it be given over for burial. Then the! batterymen sought legal advice, and found that a body had to. he claimed within twenty-four hours hy either relatives or bona. fide friends, who had the right to demand it up to fourteen days, even if it was in a meligal college, on payment of 810 charges. Finding 'their efforts fruitless, the batterymen had to can cel the burial arrangements, which had been made, including the attend- ance of an Anglican minister. It is claimed that when public opin- jon is in favor of giving a burial, to the old British soldier, the letter of the law should not be sought by tie medical faculty in order to keep the old man's body. o those and asked offering PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over Thé World. The election trial of D. A. Stewart, M.P. for Lisgar, will commence at Manitou on September 23rd. Anti-Christian disturbances have broken out in the prefecture of Yung Chow Fu, Hu Nan province, resulting in the destruction of a chapel. D. McLeod, of Winnipeg, will open some of the coal fields along the north branch of the Old Man river in Alber- ta, for the company he represents. ly a unanimous vote the of the Street Car Men's union of the north and west Chicago have decided to submit to arbitration their difierences with the Union and Con- solidated traction companies. I he coneentator of. the Montana Ore Purchasing company, better known as tLe Heintz concentrator, Butte, Mon: tana, was totally destroyed by fire on Thursday night. The is esti- mated at S100,000. One thousand men wiil be thrown out of work. Storms and floods visitéd- China and Japan during July and the early part of August. The greatest damage was by floods along the West rivers. Sev- eral villages were entirely swept awe many lost their lives and thousands were renderel homeless. The water in many places reached the roofs of the houses. members sides, loss Proud Of His Origin. London, Aug. 29.--"It is useless," Sir Wilirid said yesterday, 'to specul- ate what might have been had Cana- da continued under the French regime. 1t was under the eves of England that French-Canadians had cultivated a worship of France, and if France had inspire! that worship Canadians had preserved it and Great Ritain had re- spected it. The Canadian 'premier added that though a British subject he was proud of his origin and evervthing concerning France interested "him. Need Reserves. Helena, Mont. Ang. trar and acceiver oft the Helena land oflice have received notice that Presi dent Roosevelt has ercated two addi- tional in this state. Ong wail be known as the Madison reserve, and includes a tract of many thousands of timber lands located almost within Madison countv. The will be known as the Little Belt reserve, after the range of mountains that name. and will include g fore steil aremme-Gentest-Montana. 29.--The regis: reserves acres: of other ol Maskinonge Caught. Ca e Vine: nt, NeY., Aug. The werson for fish is proving an exce dent Black bass are plengdul and a ve number of maskinoge have been ht during the last few days. Rev. Ern-t accompanied Charles his pasohne launch recent hy i good-sized. one. Last of Washingtan, IR one, in Mercer; D.C) Cauant which weighed thir- one Lo To Put Up Engine House. Thousand Island Park, Aug. 29 'Fhe directors of the (Park Association je planning to erect on the park be fore a cummier a centrally loca ted buildise hich will be used for the of a large cheinical engine, w hich will be purchased, hand ~~ hose et will fully protect breaks ont. -- An Avalanche Of Insects. Vienna, Ane of ony 2). -- storage and a couple which, it is property in case fire mil in 20, A gwarm of As. suddenly 1 att into-the ers cous of pa the av sur the s d with count ephitz, Bohemia, ring Ihey lewd Ww streets ana road Int i kin hone as covers E-- Hand picked apples, the Duchess ana Red Aétrachans, ten cents jer peck, at Mullins'. WONT PASS IT. BARRELS OF CANADIAN WHI- © SKEY IN TROUBLE. - Fail to Fulfil' Regulations and Can't Get Into United States -- Canadian Officials Won't Take Them Back. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 29.--Some years ago the Canadian government made a resulation, prohibiting the importa- tion of spiritual liquors in packages contairing less than 100 gallons. The Untel States government retaliated by passing a like law. A short time ago an Indiana firm ordered four barrels of whiskey from' Seagram, of Waterloo, Ont... When the packages -reached Detroit their aggregate fluid contents amounted to' Lhe customs officials here declined to admit the barrels, because each - ton- tained less than the regulation quan- tity. The barrels were sent back 'to Port Huron, the Canadian point of ex- poertaticn, but the Canadian officials would not them into Canada, the result being that neither the United States nor Canada will admit the consignment. - The United States district attor- ney's office will fyle a libel against the barrels and contents and they will be held until the courts: settle the government's rights in the matter. RETURNED TO KINGSTON. Scotchman Returns to the Loco- motive Works, On Thursday David Cammock, one of the Scotch machinists brought here hy the Canadian Locomotive Works Co., and who was subsequently in- dueed by the strikers to go away, tele- .phoned from Syracuse, N.Y., to Man- aging Director Bermingham, asking if he could have his old job back again. He was told "Yes," and his: fare to Kingston paid By the company. Cam- mock arrived this' morning, and was at once given his old position: Heé had' a curious and interesting story to relate ®hen seen to-day. "I had been drinking," he acknowl- edged, "or 1' would never have let them persuade me to go away. The strikers guaranteed to get me a good job in Watertown, N.Y, at $2.50 a day, and they told me: 'that living wouldn't cost me any more there. | was put on a steamer on Saturday afternoon, two weeks ago to-morrow, and one of the strikers accompanied me. He gave me $3.50. I went to Wa- tertown, ana placed mysdf in com- munication with the secretary of the machinists' union, -to whom I gave a letter from the Kingston union. Be- fore leaving here T was told to pre- tend that I had just come out from the old country. and not to let on that | knew anything about the Kings- ton strikers. "Well, 1 hunted all over Watertown, but 1 couldn't get any work, so they sent me to Oswego. In Oswego | haa a similar experience. 1 worked my way to Syracuse. When 1 went to the union members to whom T had a letter of introduction, T was told that there was plenty of work at Schenec- tady. 1 told them I had no money to take me there. They replied that I could walk steal a ride on a freight train. I was out of money ana out of work, and pretty nearly desper ate. One' of the strikers here promised {$0 ®wmd me money if I got stuck, so I\wrote to him, but if he answered 1 didnot cet the letter. 1 saw a letter that the sceretary of the Kigeston union wrote to the financiab-segretary in Watertown, asking shim to keep: me there hy all means, and not to let me come back to Kingston. "I was stranded in S) [ telephoned ®Mr. Bermingham if | could get my eld job back. He said "Yes? and 'I'm awful glad to be back. I didn't know whether 'they woula take me back or not. "The machinists here than in New ® or cuse, and so better paid There a are York state. a stweinlly good one, Here every machinist ih § Lodging and hoard there can- not be got under 81 a week. Many of the men here pay only 82.75 a week, and in any case it never goes over 83.50. The wages here are better, and the cost of living is much lower." he dav. a dav. SURGEON TO HIMSELF. How a Young Man Saved - His . Own Life. Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. Crandall, eighteen year-old son of a farmer, saved his own life bv auick action after his foot had been almost owt off by a mowing machine. He was alone in the field when his horse start: ed suddenly and caused the sickle to cut his leg jist above the ankle. With a hitch rein he bound the leg above the wound to stop the flow "of blood, and with one end:of the rein he ad- insted 'the foot in its right position. Then he unhitched one of the horses, mounted it and rode at a gallop two to Riley, whege a surgeon gave attention. 29.--Daniel miles, him proper Mr: Lanceley's Motion. Enworth Era. At the ceneral conference Thedist church, held in 1804, at one of the Ysessic ns there were a great many resolutions intro duced which dil not meet with the ar proval of the conference, and most, of them were disposed of hf laying wn the Just. before adjournment, the 'hook steward, Rev. Dr. Briges, rose and announced that he had lost his hat. As it was a new one, he was anxions that if anvone had taken it by mistake, should he returned. Quick as flash, Rev. John E Lancelev sprang to his feet and said, "1 moye that it he laid on the table." The monotony of the conference pro was relieved by a hearty n ------ { Whitney's: Giit. J.oncon, Aug ~William C, ney, JNew York, has ford Trist" for the ne with, the if. assistand of the Me- London in table? it a ceedings laugh. Whit founded "The benelit of per turf. who-ar ted Bibby's." Oak Hall. "Bibby's.) Headquarters fon raincoats: and um brellas. The' H. D. Bibby Co. Police Constable Cleve land, "Ohio. a former resident of the Spooner, of amer New York eas on the 0-day Limestone City, is here enjoying his lidays. : 140 gallons. We want to impress on all women who read this as.we have on many others that our READY-TO-WEAR: SKIRTS meet all de. mands for correct appearance and fit. Bach cf the 12 Styles we show are made and finished in a manner that will surely please you. * Ladies' Dress Skirts, $4.50, $7.50, $5, $5.50, $3. 7s and many others. Ladies' Walking Skirts, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.75. ack Silk Waistss Our first lot for early autumn has ferred and are now ready for your inspection. 5 | y $ | JOHN LAIDLAW & SON { 170-172 Princess Street, Kingston. JAS APS SPAS Sn SPAS SALE OF ODDS and ENDS Must Continue as Long as This Weather Lasts. We will keep our promise and bargains will be tensa all this week. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE IS ALL RIGHT, ETT The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S [ .ondon porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. \y Cnr" > =, Perfectly Agreeable to the Most 9 Delicate Palate. JAS. I'T¢PARLAND. 'AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. ge] E. B. Eddy's Wi Sued re Hooped PAILS and TUBS Are made from the BEST SELECT. ED LUMBER with Galvanized Spring Steel Wire, electrically' welded Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or contraction, so no matter what the weather is they keep "in PERFECT CONDITIUN. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. Kiugston Agency; No. 75 Princess Street, J. A Shs Agent, Kingston.

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