Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Aug 1902, p. 1

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KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. 1902, ----t EDITIOK. T---- LAST { Romping x s 'and,Playing During the holidave hss made the - boys suits shabby and they will need a y 'New, ".., | School Suit! To start the term fresh and clean 4 HAVE A LOOK at the range we are showing at $2 50, $3. $3.50 | In best _Aweeds and worstegls. [ S JENKINS 3 i 114 PRINCESS STREET. $ The boys' clothing house. ' $ fh Well Dressed. g Customer Is the best recommeneaation TRY CRAWFORD & WALSH, Tailors and Importers, Cor. Princess & Bagot Sts. ool RRR RR fe RRR efel MOTHER © HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Will Cure Burns, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt PRRRARRRERRERRRR Rheum, Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore Heads, Bolis and Bealing Fingers. PRICB--25c. WELL. WELL! WHAT IS WANTED NOW? WHY MORE eugtomers of course at Myers' Pork Market, 66 Brock street, where you will obtain the best cooked and smokad meate in the city. 9 lbs. «dripping for a quarter. Phone 570. BOARD. BARRIE all NEXT TO Y.MCAS' AT. 832 street, a larce roomy house, with modern convehiences. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern conveniences, cen- tral, not far from City and Macdonald parks. Suitable for a party of from three to fiva, 195 Farl street. _ LOST. BETWEEN CORNER.OF streets and St. Lawrence Avenue, thromgh City Park, A BLACK SILK RUFF. Fwmd- er will be rewarded -by leaving it at this office. BAGOT AND WEST . FROM 259 KING STREET, SATURDAY, A PURE WHITE (except ome cheek, 'which was brown) FOX TERRIER, six months ohl. Finder will be rewarded on return- ing to above adress. WANTED. BOY WANTED PPLY TO IL. B. TAYLOR, 124 ALL : AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO Mrs. Nickle, 130 Earl street. BOYS age. BETW N 15 AND 18 YEARS OF Steady work. Kingston Hosiery Co. BOYS, 14 to 16 ¥KARS OLD. AP- A. Gould & Co., Smith street, 780 Princess street. THREE ply to J. opposite A COOK. APPLY BETWEEN 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening to Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, 252 King street. 252 A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- ing "or ironing. Small familv. Apply. in the evening to 136 King street. A GENERAL SERVANT, REFERENCES RE- quired. No washing. Apply between 7 and 8 p:ni, at 502 Princess street. COOK. NO WASHING OR TRONING Apply in the evening to Mrs. Brownfield, comer Wellington and Umion streets. A 'RELIABLE Belleville AGENTS Corset TO Good HANDLE commission, THE Ap- piv to Brock & Sine, Box §3, Bollevilly, Ont. FURNITURE ~ FOR STORAGE, $1 PER month and insurance 90c. per $100 per annum. J. 8S. McCann, 51 Brock street, next Wade's. HALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS, 246 - YONGE street, Toromto, Ont., also St. Lawrence | street, Montreal. PQ. and [§ East Sen- ec street, Buffalo, Elegantly --equirped. Wares Spturdawe. Terms moderate. Tools, trinl, lodeings, railroad ticket and cata- logue free Bv our TAL CO- OPERATIVE PLAN" course is given ab- solutely free. Also opportunity to earn money at vour home, bv workine for us. Write for partic ulars to<iay, Aldis Owen Hall. proprietor. Stole Sinith"s Punt. Joseph Smith, Place. d'Armes; mourns the loss of a fine punt. He left it securely chained up in An- glin's bay. Somé unknown person took : 4 a faney to it, and so last night bréke the chain, and rowed gaviv awav in- to new waters. The. police are Keep- ing a look out for the thief and the punt : y " 'Excursion Bulletin. Friday, August 20th, the popular steamer America. to Ogdensburg via Gananoque and Brockville, 8.30 a.m. 30 cents Saturday, August 20th. excursion to Watertown, leaves Folgers whari, 2.30 p.m., returning Mpuday. $1.25. Patriotism That Pays. The best lunch: tongues sold are "Clarks'."" It pavs vou to encourage this Canadian indugtey, LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whi Readers to Post Themselves By.. Boys', .school suits. Jenkins. A bald-beaded man delichts in hair raising experiences. It takes a great and' wise man to suspend his own judgment. County license commissioners meet at Wind- sor hotel to-morrow. Ice is about the only thing shat is what it is cracked up to, be. Keeping the nose to the grindstone times sharpens the wits. "The Heart of Chicago, at the Grand Opera House 8 p.m.. to-nirht. The most manifest sign of wisdom is con tented cheerfulness. --Montaivne. What appear to be calamities are often the source of fortune.--Beacousfield. Dr. Mecklenberg, eye specialist, will be in town till Wednesday evening, at McLeod's. High vaudeville at Lake Ontario Park all this week. Matinees on Wednesday and Friday. This day in the work I's history : Boers de- feated at Winburg, and Olivier captured, 1900; Yankes defeated at Long Island, 1776; Algiers bombarded, 1816; Hannibal Hamlin some- class born, 1809; Sir® Rowland Hill died, 1879: landing of Julius Caesar in Britain, B.C., 55. DINNER SETS We have a few Odd Sets we want to clear. 'I hey are nicely STIPPLED WITH GOLD on the handles. © The: price is low. Forfull set of g7 pieces $5.90 ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE X ONTARIO X PARK) ALL THIS WEEK. Evenings at 8:30. Matinee Wednebday and Friday, 8:30. EXTRA ALL STARS. BLETSOE CHILDREN Scotch, Irish, Buck . and Wing and Tar Dances. PRIOR & ALBRIGHT. SID OLCOTT Irish Comedians, 'Sketches, Singers, Dancers, Coon Songs, = meek 'Every act a topliner. 5 cents FRIDAY LAST 1 CENT DAY. CaRAND QPERA ROUSE Special Fair Week Attraction. TO-NIGHT LINCOLN J. CARTER'S SUPERB SPECTACLE "THE HEART OF . CHICAGO." A Jack A fifty cent show for SCENIC See the marvellous approaching train. carload 'of scenery. Prices --28¢., 35c¢., 80c. Seats 'now on sale at HUANLEY'S. Next attraction September 4th, Jas. A. Hearnes' pastoral comedy-drama "" SHORE ACRES." bs THE JEWS FINED. For Working on the Canadian Sunday. Ont., Aug. Hamilton, 27. Henry Wit/e, Charles Hitzeroth and Joseph Forester, Jews, were each fined fifty cents ip the police court, yesterday, for working on Sunday. They are tailors. 'They were under the impres- sion that as Sunday was not their Sabbath, they could work. ; George A. Casselman, Lansing, Mich., was convicted here of forgery in passing checks on city 'merchants. Sentence reserved. The directors oi the Hamilton and Fort. William Navigation compary have dea ied to order another boat in England. The boat will be full canal size, but the hold will contain a see- tion of 100 féet, to he added after the vessel passes through the canals. This proposed boat to trade in the up- per lakes. The company already runs the Donnaeona and Strathcona. ix Sent Up From Arnprior, Ont., Aug. day Police Magistrate Arnprior. 27.-0n Ratur- Tierney sentenc- ed Thomas Rogers a vears in Kingston pentitentiary for-theft of a watch from a room-mate at the Mec- Phee house. Rogegs rosé carly on the morning of the 22nd, and, taking the watch, together with a chain .and loe- ket, headed for Galetta. Chiei Matt- son eaptured him there just as he was about to board a train for Ottawa. The Flower Statue. . Will be unveiled at Watertown Monday, and the Jefferson county fair will be taking place same day. Excur- sion tickets good going Saturday, 2.- 30 p.m. or Monday, 5 a.m., Lehurhing Monday, 6.10 p.m. for only next 4aiter a visit__to 21.2 + ACCUSED OF PLOTTING. lialians Have Arrested. 10 DAMAGE ROYAL TRAIN ON WHICH KING TRAVELLED TO BERLIN. ~ Many Been / A Valuable Painting Has Been Unearthed--Anxious for _ the Introduction of a New Loomi-- Would Not Supplicate Car- negie. / London, Aug. 27.--The Geneva cor- respondent of the Daily: Chroncile, in a despatch decribing the enthusiastic welcome extended to King Victor Em- anuel on his arrival at Goschenen, on his way to Berlin, reports that a. plot was discovered by which the royal train was to be derailed. Many Itali- ans have been arrested. > A despatch from Milan 'to the Daily Telegraph says some years ago a pic- ture was discovered in an old castle and deposited in the gallery of paint- ings at the palace. This picture has now been recognized as one of the fin- est of Bbticelli's works. It is oval- shaped and it is painted on a wood- en board. It represents the Madonna adoring on her knees the infant Jes- us, lying on grass. The picture, the correspondent says is absolutely a precious work, which heretofore. has been referred to as having héen lost. English cotton manufacturers are eagerly anticipating the appearance of the Northrop loom in the Lancashire weaving sheds. The Dover corporation vesterday re- jected a proposal that Mr. Carnegie should be asked for a donation to- wards building a public, library. Sev- eral members indignantly protested against the idea of going cap in hand, to the United States millionaire. The announcement in United States dispatches that Henry White, first se- cretary of the United States embassw here, is going. to Madrid, 'is 'clearly premature. Mr. White is starting for the United States to-day = on the Kaiser Wilhelm with his son who is preparing to enter Harvard from Et- on. Mr. White's friends hoped that there would be a vacancy for him at Rome, where his knowledge of [Italian and French would have proved an ex- cellent equipment for diplomatic work. Mr. White also speaks German, but not Spanish. In » test made here A. Chase lower- ed the bicycle record for a mile to 1:20 4-5 minutes. Joseph=Choate, the United States ambassador, has refurned to London orth Berwick and [has met the coun "engaged in pre- senting the United States' side in the first arbitration case before the tribu- nal at The Hague. This case relates to. cases of various Roman Catholic bodies against the Mexican govern- ment for interest - due since a settle- ment arranged By a mixed commis- sion. at. Washington twenty-five "vears ago. The opening session of the tri- bunal will be held=on Tuesday at The Hague, but will be mainly devoted to formalities and' points of etiquette. TO INTERVENE. One of Powers. Should Control the Finances. Cologne, Aug. 27.--The Cologne Ga- logne Gazette, discussing the situation in Venezuela, advocated the interven- tion of one or more of the three pow- ers--Germany,. France and the United States--who have sunk capital in the country, inorder to prevent the pro- fessional revolutionists from doing further mischief, The Gazette recommends an idea whichy it says has already taken root in" Venezuela, nanfely, the appoint- ment of a finance committee, consist- ing of an. equal representation of Venezuelans and representatives of the powers, to exercise gontrol of the chief sources of revenue, to_gellect cus- toms duties on imports, and ,general- lv to administer the finshe without interferinfy with Venezuel, atus fag Reno a separate entity. The tte ---hes lieves that Gen. Matos would, in the event of the final triumph of the re- volutionists,: consent_to 'such a scheme. MADE AMAZING TIME. A Motor Car Goes at Rate 84 Miles an Hour. Trouville, Aug. 27.--Amazing speeds were reached in the motor ear races at Deauville, yesterday, in the pres- ence of a great crowd of fashionable people. The chief event was the race for the kilomet: e (sixty-two- hund- redths of a mile) shaipioishin of the world," which was won by Gabriel on a Morse car. He made the distance in 26 seconds, which at the rate of eighty-four miles an hour. W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr., made the distance in 29 26 secinds a short time ago, but his record was. subsequently lowered by Jarrotte in 28% 1-5 seconds. The course lay from the hotels and villas on one side to the sand dunes. It was 1900 metres (2,077 yards) long. The contestants were "allowed 600 metres in which to get up speed before the kilometre test began, and 300 metres for slowing up after the finishing post and been passed. of 2-5 is Shot In Heart; Recovers. The Second Number. Paris, Aug. 27.--Dr. Peyrat has The second number of the Svden- | called to the notice of 'the Academy of ham Review, TI.-N. O'Brien's neat lit- | Meliiine a case in which' a man hit tle sheet, has just heen issued. It is as | in the heart by a revolver bullet had mil of Sydenham news as an egg is of i bee n. completely lenred. The wounded, meat. man was attended intone of the Paris Tans hospitals, where Dr. Launav success- " 2 i Hv stitched the _wound.. Some time +"Bibby's:"' Oak Ha "Bibby aco Dr. Lf Dentu reported several' vw rain coats, new hats, new um- cax's of successful treatment of breilas apa new gloves. The H. D. | wounds in the heart produced by | "Bibby" Co. knives, ete; the proportion of cures | béing thirty to forty-two per cent., Boys' School Suits. | but: this appears to be the first case * Norfolks, 'Sacks, and Brownies, 81.- | of sucgess in dealing with a man' shot 45 to £1.50. Jenkins, in the heart. NEW LINE ORGANIZED. Railway Backed by English Cap- ital, Ready in 1903. Ottawa, Aug. 27.--The Brockville and S{. Lawrence railway ; company has been organized here with J. Car- ling Kelly as president. This com- pany expect. to connect Ottawa with the Grand Trunk at Brockville by 1903 'and to develop a large traflic thereby. The scheme is backed by English capital, and the necessary government deposit has already been made. The total salmon pack on the Fras- er river for the present season is 262,- 000 cases. This is the smallest since 1898. la:t year the pack was 990, 152 cases and the year previous 527,- 396. In 1898, the lowest year on re- cord, the pack was. 18%, 85. The Puget Sou pack is estimated at 325,500 cases, a little below the average. hah. Drinkwater, secretary of the Canadian Pacific railway, says the company has mad extraordinary ef- forts fo secure rolling stock enough to handle the season's great harvest. "We have bought all we could, and kept our o%n shops busy turning out cars and engines, and think we are now ready for the "crush," he «aid. "In a week more the firct deliveries will be upon us, and from that on till winter our hands will certainly be full." HORSE SAVES A CHILD. Lifted by Clothing and Placed in Manger. Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 27.--An excep- tional instance of extraordinary de- velopment of instinet in horses came to light here yesterday afternoon, and the animal playing the leading part was Prince, a twenty-year-old, family horse owned by W. McDonough, a gro- cer. The four year-old daughter of McDonough wandered into the barn unobserved, in the afternoon and was soon at play on the floor of a big box stall, the freedom of which is al- lowed to Prifice and another younger and very spirited animal. During her play the child fell under the younger horsé and might have 'heen kicked to death had not old Prince come to the rescue. In the meantime a search for the child had been started. Mr. McDonough went to the barn, and just as he entered Le saw the old horse softly grasp the child's clothing, apd lifting her from danger, deposit Yi on the hay" in the manger, where he carefully guard- ed her witil Mr. McDonough took her away. PROPHET WITH CASH. Published Advertisement Regard- ing Futuré Happenings. London, Aug. 27.--A man calling himself Rev. M. Baxter, of London, on Saturday. caused an advertisement inserted--in=the most expensive col- umns of London's newspapers, the advertisement being a prophecy. From figures and signs in the books of Danial and Revelation he finds. that what was formerly Caesar's cmpire will be - divided between 1906 and 1917, into . ten. kingdoms, including I'rance, extending to the Rhine, tak- ing in Great Britain without Ireland; and India, Spain, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, and the Bal- kans. These ten kingdoms will form a Latin confederacy which will be leag- ued against Germany and Russia. The prophet says that a lot of terrible things will happen in the ensuing ten years. 'APPROVES NEW TARIFF. Commissioners to Sign Treaty This Week. Shanghai, Aug. 27.--An imperial edict was issued last Wednesday san- ctioning the new tarili rates. These rates will go into efiect on the first day of the Chinese New Year, which will be about the beginning of Febru- ary, 1903.. 'The Chinese commission- ers will probably sign this treaty with the powers on Thursday. It has al' ready been signed by the American, British, German and Japanese repre- sentatives and by the commissioners of Austria, Belgium and Holland sub- ject to the Approv al of their govern- rents. § Fhe British commercial treaty is ap- Frcading completion. Only one arti- cle now remains to be disc The question of the inland navigation rules has been settled.' seen. RAILWAY CHANGES. The Road Divided Into Seven Di- visions. Winnipeg, Aug. 27.--The Canadian Pacific lines from Fort William to the mountains have been divided into se divisions. Mr. Arundell is to be S berintendent at Winnipeg. William Jrown, trainmaster Jat »Portage, takes the Broadview division. R. Peard, superintendent -at Brandon, goes to Souris, but intends to' leave the company "s emiplov Avhen his place will be taken by A. an, Calgary. J. G. Taylor, Montreal, will be acting superintendent at Brandon. The other three . superintendents are, Messrs. Brady, Milestone and Niblock. Pearsall Gave Up $600. Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 27.--Gordon Pearsall, a farmer livihg near St. Ca- tharines, Ont., has purchased the mammoth Ellicott square building for %1,200, the fale deal being put through bv a confidence man who secured $600 down. and then lit out while the un- veeting farmer went home to get tke mouev. Pearsall and wandered into the Ellicott square, where he met the confidence man, who introduced him- self as J. Milton McCormick, the reap- er manufacturer. He was shown all through the building by McCormick, who gave or to the emplove and had the air of a man of wealth, Pearsall confided in him, bargain was struck. ------------ Prescriptions carefully dispensed. B. Taylor, 124 Princess street." balance of 'to Buffalo, the came fers H. two and a hall ¢columms-leng to be and finally a | NES OF THE, WORLD What Comes To Us From Au Quarters. CONDENSED PARAGRAPES. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From A]l Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. Russia's industries are in bad shape, and many failures are reported... Michael Boland died at Ottawa injuries received on the railway. Princess' Henry of Prussia is suffer- ing from a mild attack of measles at Kiel. Frank Reaume, a9 Sandwich, 0., farmer, harvested 2,400 bushels wheat 'from a seventy-acre field. United States census returns that illiteracy in the large less than half as prevalent ®S in the rest of that country. F. B. Hayes, sccretary of she To- ronto Carpet Manufacturing company, was fined §50 vesterday for an infrac- tion of the alien labor law. Harvesting is now in full swing in of Manitoba and the warm weather .is ripening the grain faster than it can be cut. The demand for labor is still brisk. - Anton Lang, who acted the part of Christus in the last performance of the Oberramargu Passion Play, 'in 1900, was married on Tuesday, his bride being Matilda Rutz; the daugh- ter of a arith The Duchess of Sutherland is writ- ing a play for Miss' Ethel Barry- more, which is to be produced in 1904. Tt will be a light comedy deal- ing with modern incidents. The duch- e-s has already written .two success- ful books. « HAS VALUE TO NATIONS. Triple Alliance a Well Tried Sys- = tem. Berlin, Aug. 27.--The Berlin Reish- anschieger, the Imperial Gazette, pub- lishes an official welcome to King Vie- tor Emmanuel. The paper declares that friendship between the two dynas- ties has value for both the German and shtalian nations as a pledge of stability in the political relations which knit the countries one to anoth- er and to Austria and Hungary; the triple alliance rests on the common need for maintaining the status quo in Central Europe. It does not lay any burden. on the members which each individual state would not have taken up of its own initiative. It welcomes Signor * Prinetti, the Italian minister of foreign affairs, as a states- man who helped to renew this well tried svstém of territorial guarantees. The North German Gazette also pub- lishes an article welcoming the king of Italy. t HAS RHEUMATISM. Rattlesnake Oil is Medicine Used to Effect Cure. New York, Aug. 27.--"Old Smiles.' the only African two-horn - rhinocer- 0s in captivity, is laid up with an attack of rheumatism in her stall in the Central park "menagerie. She is being nursed with extraordinary soli- citude, as she well might be, seeing that Director Smith has" refused * an offer' of $24,000 for her, and could pro- bably | get' considerably more if he would sell. Keeper Snyder has just re- turned from his vacation. While in the | Catskillscan old hunter told him ab- out a certain cure for rheumatism which" hunters had used there with success. It is composed in part of rat- tlesnake oil. The keeper remembered this, when he saw "Old Smiles' " plight to-day, and the remedy is be- ing tried. SWALLOWED HER HAIR. Undergoes Operation Because it Failed to Digest. Topeka, Kan., Aug. 27.--Etta Bar- rett, the twelve-year-old daughter of William Barrett, a farmer at Over- brook, acquired: the habit of pulling hairs from" her head and chewing and swa lowing them. Her health began to fail. She was brought to a Topeka hospital, where an operation was per- formed to-day. It revealed the fact that the intestine was clogged with a bunch of hair'an inch in diameter and five inches long. The girl is improv- ing. It was 'the first operation of that character ever hrought to the attention of Topeka surgeons. COTTON IN THE SOUDAN. Good as That Grown: Else- . where. London, Aug. 27 --Fxperiments show that cotton grown on the banks of the Nile is equal to. any in the world. and fifteen million acres 6i irrigated land are available for its cultivation. Labor is scarce, but wilt probably im- prove. with the completion of the Sua- kim-Berber railway. As rr ee State Of The Crop. Toronto Sun. "The apple crop of county is," says -S. Lake, "not of 1900, There are f apples, and the sample good as two vears ago. The good deal of late, being caused, 1 think, weather. Spotting is There won't be of the crop that Prince Edward West Lake, \ 1 equal to th not so many Is not fruit the dropping hy the cold, wet also quite extensive, more than one-third will grades as No.1 Aone dealers have Lech thrioh, and have been of fering *! for Noi. 1 and 2. In.some cases, sales have been' made the chard." > en pete as has fallen. a by or- Povs' and 33e. school caps, Jenkins." PLAN STRIKE IN- CHICAGO. Street Car Employees Reject Com- pany's Offer. Chicago, Aug. 27.--Grave possibili- ties of a strike 'that may tie up all the street railway lines of the west end north sides of this city confront the officials of the Union Traction Company. [ly an overwhelming vote the local union of the Amalgamated Association of Street Car Employees refused to accept the proposition made by President Roach sev eral days ALO. The overtures of the company, which included anm- increase of one cent an hour in wages, the dissolution of a rival 'employees' association and the employment of none but union men, was balloted on by nearly 3,000 men, The votes were counted and. although no public statement was made of the vote it was estimated that the radi- cal men carried the referendum against the company bv nearly ten to one. An agreement between the union and the railway company exists whereby disagreements Shall be settled by arbitration. William Mahon, international presi- dent of the street car men, tried to exert his influence to avert any. strike action and to urge that the union live up to its laws. A rupture, however, occurred be- tween the local officials and President Mahon and he left their meeting with a statement that if the men struck without trying arbitration the gene- ral union 'would not support them in the issue. ENTERPRISING LIQUOR MAN. He Built a Town for a Sa- loon. Parkersburg, W. Va., Aug. 27.--C. D. Gillespie, of Hendrick, Tacker county, has applied for six years for a license to sell liquor, but was turn- ed down every time. He bought seve- ral acres of land on the Cheat river opposite Hendrick, and built a num- Ler of tenement houses. When the population was sufficient he applied for corporate: powers for his town, whic he called Brooklyn Heishts. As he had a petition from every citi.en of the place he got a charter. After incorporating Brooklyn Heights, Gillespie elected a mayor and city council, and with their backing again applied for a license. The county court gave him the necessary permission. Immediately upon get- ting the license, he gave a contract for a wire bridge, which begins in front of his saloon and ends in Hen- drick. He built his saloon, a big frame building, in twenty-four hours, and is selling liquors to the people of the Heights and the town of Hendrick. He has erected a city lock-up, and he runs the town, collects the fines and taxes. GETTING LOWER WAGES. of the Board of Trade Report Shows Decline. London, Aug. 27.--The annual re- port of the labor department of the board of trade records a decline in the wages bill of the United Kiggdom for the first time since 1895. The decrease was mostly in miners' wages, no less than 625,000 miners being affected dur- ing the first half of 1062. The report says it is satisfactory to note the in- creased tendency to settle changes of wages by conciliation or arbitration. \ 2 Only twonper cent. of the workers whose wageSsyere reduced in 1901 en- gaged in dispuity, on that account. STRANGE DISTURBANCES. Showers of Volcanic Dust Fall-- Detonations Heard. St. Thomas, Danish West Indics, Aug. 27.---Advices received from Do- minica say that between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon of Monday clouds of dust were seen in the direction of Mont Pelee, Martini- que, ana 'that detohations at long in- tervals were heard. till the morning. Light showers of volcanic dust fell on Dominica' DARLING KILLED. Was Cut by Knives in .a Run- away. Belleville, Ont., -- Aug. 26.--Robert Darling, a farmer of Ameliasburg, was driving=a binder, yesterday afternoon, when We horses became frightened and ran away. The unfortunate man was thrown on-the knives and so bad- ly. cut that he died shortly after be ing rescued. Darling, aged thirty, leaves a childless widow. More Trouble Ahead. Johannesburg, Aug. 27. A strong force of British troops has been dis- patched to the western border of the Transvaal ostensibly to aelidve troops ordered to Thdia, but «it is eurrently reported 'that this step is taken owing tothe disturbances among the na tives. Rumors are also current of an intention to annex or establish a pro tectorate in Switzerland, where a strong force of constabulary is now posted. r Pope Will Get, Rare Gem. tome, Aug. 27.--Pope leo will soon be the possessor of the largest topaz in the world--the celebrated eight carat Brazilian gem which belonged | to. the Neapolitan Pourbons. The stone has been engraved with the image of -the Saviour, and will be pre- sented to the pope at the close of the present jubilee véar; bv Count Caser ta. hei to the Bourben kings, along with other rich Neapolitan Catholics Committed Suicide. York, Aug, 27.--William thirty-five years of age, of On- (Canada. was found dead in bed home Bock, Brook May Have New han, tario, at the of len, from the ga<. There were two open gas the room and the police believe commitied suicide. les aficets of lets in he ' Boys' School Suits. 81.- Norfolks, Sacks, and Brownies, 45 to £1.50. Jenkins. illuminating | Shee] § ¢ ¢ ' || gvssasanancasceinaaang Toronto, Aug. warm to-day and on Thursday. (ana WEATHER PROBABILITIES. rt Sn First Canadian- 1 Made a We have much plea- sure inasking the atten- tion of ladies to our fine showing of CANADA-+ MADE' 'DRESS GOODS. An inspection of same will satisfy the most critical that our manufacturers cin pro- duce materials in certain lines the equal of the best imported. A call solicited. Db MARRIED. ALY-FARRAN--On Auoust 26th, 1902, at the residence of the bride's parents, Far- ran's Point, Ont., by the Rev. Mr. Hunt- er, Mire Florence KFarran, onlv faughter of John Furran, to Aucustus W. Daly, ot Peterboro, "formerly of Kingston, : DIED, McLEOD----At 113 Alfred street, Kingston, on n i i G " st the Ottawa Collegiate Institute, lapse of licenve due "1 was drunk, for.' August 26th, Neil Melaod, aged .seventy- eight years, Funerai private. TO RENT. LARGE STONE STORE IN HARROWSMITH, convenient to railway station. Good sur- rounding country, best stand in town. Terms moderate. Apply Box 104, Hare rowsmith. A BRICK RESIDENCE, 309 UNIVERSITY Avenue, eight rooms, gas, furnace and all modern improvements. Possession may be had .at once. Apply to S. Roughton, 83 Princess str et, Kingston, Ont. The Yall Fairs. Kingston's big lair, Aug. 35.29, Ottawa Central, Aug. 22-30. st Morrisburg, Aug. 27-29. Sherbrovke, Aug. 30, Sept. 6. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 1-13. Frontenac, larrowsmith, So. 5. Iroquois, Sept. 8-10. ' Peterboro Central, Sept. 9 Addington, Tamworth, hay 12-18. an Western, Sept. 12-20. Napanee, County. Sot 16-17. Newboro, Sept. 15-1 Brockville, Sept. 16- Ts. Hamilton Central, Scpt. 16-18. Perth, County, Sent. 47-19. Prescott, Sept. 23-25. Hinchinbrooke, Pa Sept. - 23-24. Delta, Sept. 23-24. : Merickville, County, Sept. 24-285. Renfrew, Sept. 25-26. Lombardy, Sept. 27. Spencerville, Sept. 30, Oct. 1. Beachburg, Oct. 2-3 Lansdowne, Oct. 78. Won A Scholarship Through oversight A. L. Shortt, of was ot included in the list of scholarship wdidates, He made honors in Eng- mathematics, Latin and and wins the Williamson No. | ship, value R165, awarded in and Fnelish. <h, history, reek, He Was Intoxicated. Brattleboro, Vt., Aug. 27.--The col- Rev. Samuel Small, temper- turer, to speak for the no- local ontion party here, was intoxication. Mr. Small says : I have no excuse to of- nee' Li to Oak Hall. find that Bibby's."' Mothers will "Bibby's."' it pays to buy their children's clothing here. New vies now in. The H. D. Bibby Co, ) ) ) ouvenirs! Enamelled Belt Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pecket J . Knives, etc. Spoans from 75¢, fo $3.50 Largest Selection in Ontario. A C. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, Cov. Pgjncess and Wellington sts.

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