os Where there is 'a Baby, there should be Nestlé's Food For more than 35 years Nestlé's Pood bas been the favorite of the intelligent physician, and a house- . hold word the world over. 'Nestlé's Food makes vigorous, healthy children and keeps them so. No other food is so readily digested and assimi- lated. Nestlé's Food is purity itself and requires the addition of water only (no milk) to pre- pare it for use. "Sample free to any address. LEEMING MILES & CO.. MONTREAL. SEALED T™ NDERS ADDRESSE. D-TO THE undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Heat- in Residence, Royal - Military. Collége, King- ston, Ont.", will be feceived at this oflice un- til THURSDAY, Sept. 4th, inclusively, for the supplying and placing yi tio of a eating apparatus at Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont., according to plans und 'specification to be seen at the Depart ment of Public Works, Ottawa, and at the ollice of Arthar Fllis, Architect, Kingston, Unt. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of crers. An accepted cheque on a chartered pavable to the order of the Public Works, equal to ten per ¢ of the amount of tender, must accompanv each tander. The cheque will be foricited if the party decline .the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for, amd will be returned in case of non-acceptance of ten- der. The department does not bind cept the lowest or anv tender By Order FRED. banle, itself to ace GFLINAS, Secrets Department of Pnhlic Works Ottawa, 21st Awrust, Newspapers inserting this without authority from the not be paid for it (arriages ov EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are' well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if 'youshave not "got them 'on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY amd have them on and enjoy , your drives. JAMES LATUENEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. Kingston, 1902. advertisement department will (arpiages| Fn p---- FOR SALE. TWO, TAMBARGES, ONE long, feet beam, the * other 97 feet long, 16 feet beam, sab in good run- ning order. 5S. W. lurchmeant, 133 Vie tori Street, nis 110° FEET TO LET. mm---- uoub "FURNISHED ROUNS, WETH without board, 10l Queen streas. HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS, All modern improvements. Apply to C. Livingston & Bro, ViTh FUUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS board, at wi all mudern conveniences, 191 University Avenue. BRICK DWELLING; 193 EARL STREET, ten rooms; Hot Water Heating: lso other dwellings, stores and offices. © J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock St., ground floor. POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- sirable house on the corner of Bagot and Gore streets, near the park. Modern in every wav. Daisy hot water heating and in perfect order. Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot street. ? ARCHITECTS. & SON. ARCHITECTS, MERCH: Bank Building, coruer Brock and "Phone 212. POWER ants' Wellington streets ARTHUR FLLIS, ANCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, near corner of Queen and Montreal Streets. ETC. "Phone ARCHITECT, HENRY P. SMITH, Market Square. Anchor Building, 345. OFFICE, Store, En W. - NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. ~ second floor over Mahodd's Drug corner Princess and Bagot streets. tfunce on Bagot street. ' UNDERTAKERS. 8S. 8S. "CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Princess Street," Kingston, Successor W. M. Drennan. 281 to HARRISON CoO, 235 Princess Street. efliciency the best. Prices 'Phones--Warerooms, 90. T. F. Harrison, 51. ~ MONEY AND BUSINESS. Quafity and the lowest a ce] TWO HUNDRED TI THOU SAND DOLLARS IN sums, from one thousand to ten thous and dollars For particulars apply A GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Expre: Market Sonare. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR sums, at low rates of interest and farm property Loens city and countv debentures. 8 GC McGILL, manager Loan and Investment Society, posite the Post Gllice. SMARL on city 1 ONDON Company ; Tn addition 'hokders have for security liabilitv., of all the slders, + Property insured at lowest Before renewing business get rate STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents, Insurance the un- to wh ich the possible rates old i «of UNDERTAKERS, ' Night Calla-- | granted on | 5 NAME TATTOOED ON. ARM GOVERNMENT ASKED FOR YUKON CHARTERS. A Railway From Dawson West to the Boundary, and Two Water and Power Plants Projected. - Ottawa, Aug. 25.--Michael Borland, supposed to belong to Bell's Corners, Carleton county; was struck by a C. P. R. train known as the "Pembroke Local." and was brought to St: Luke's ho#pital. His skull was frac turea, his right arm broken in two places and his leit foot lacerated. He is an old man about whom nothing is known. His name was gleaned by it being tattooed on his arm. The Canadian Yukon Western rail- way will 'apply to parliament next ession. for incorporation with powers to build a line of railway fromm Daw- son west to the boundary line, also to establish a ferry boat system on the Yukon, Forty Miie "and Klondyke rivers. The Yukon GonsohdRta Water and Power company, with™ a capital of £2,000,060, are applying for incorpora- tion with the object of stipplying wa ter by gravitation, or otherw for working mines in the Dawson district, and also to Dawson City. The Stewart River Development eom- pany, with a capital of five hundred thousand dollars, are applying for in- corporation with power to develop power and supply water by gravita- tion in that istrict. POPULAR TRIPS. Good Service Given by North King and Caspian. before has the, Bay of Quinte Ontario Navigation com- such splendid down-the- this season. Hereto- steamer North King but this summer a daily service has been maintained through the addition of the steamer Caspian. The trip from Kingston to the Thousand Islands and return, on either of these two swift, safe and popular boats, one greatly to be enjoyed, and it has been well patron ized this year. The steamers go down the American channel as far as Alex- andria Bay: they then cross through the Deer Island flats into the Cana- cian channel, and a few mihutes' sail up the river brings them to Rockport. a pretty but scattered little hamlet nestling among the rocks and trees on the beautiful Canadian shore. The run to Gananoque through a labyrinth of islands, most of them still clothed in their puistine grandeur, a never-to- he-forgotten pleasure. Perhaps there is no hoat on the St. Lawrence more popular than the staunch North King, and at every port large crowds flock to-the wharf to meet her: These two steamers also give 5 splendid service to the people along the Bay of Quinte, and their daily trips 'across the lake are also well patronized. The North King's Sunday trip among the Thou- sand Islands is that largely taken advantace by Kingstonians. It a pleasure 'know that the popular steamers had a most profitable season. Never & Lake pany given river service fore only the made the trip, as one is of to have At The Cemeteries. Hundreds Cataraqui cemetery, home of the dead, tood: beside the of departed friends and Joved ones. The cemetery is in the zenith of its quiet beauty at time. The rich pro- fern, and foliage, beautiful beyond { power of words to express. Large numbers of citizens also paid a visit to St. Mary's ceme- tery, which is fast g very beautiful spot. : Kingstomians . visited that beautiful vesterday, and of Wes this midsummer fusion "of flowers, i® becomingsa Proud 'Of The Quarterly. J. H. Marker, Toronto, writes 1% the press in praise of Queen's Quarter- ly for July and compares Prof. Shortt with the great historian Parkman. Taking all' in all," Mr. Marker writes * Quarterly will compare favorably with any up-to-date maga- zine and demonstrates the peactical versatility of and tradi tional spirit enquiry mao ern life." » it 1s Queen 8 of bold of Increasing Lighting Capacity. The Locomotive Works company is considerably incgeasing: the lighting capacity of its shogs, in order that nicht work may be wre effectually and comfortably carried on. Breck & Halliday 'lately - received the contract to supply and place in position two large, new dynamos for the genera- tioa of additional electricity. Howard Not Caught. The Round - Island policeman; who went west on the steamer (Corsican on. down on the his return Thursday last, passed hoat Sunday porning on irom Toronto. * Howard. stole the. money,. got off ghe boat at Belleville or Trenton. Howard has not heen caught. Spend Labor Day In Rochester. S150 to Summerville and return hy steamers North King and Caspian, leaving here Saturday, Aug. 30th, Sunday, Aug. 31st. Valid returning irom Summerville, 8.30 p.m., Monday. good to return following Sat- evening. ' 2 or R2, uray Two Contracts Awarded. Breck & Halliday have been award- the contract for the electric wiring kev. Father Macdonald's residegce, Portsmouth. The provincial gov ment has also contracted with this to place heavier electric wiring the Rockwdod asvlum avenue. od at ory hivm along Engagement Announced. engagement oall Jones to i Cecil street, Toronto. Ast réturnea from a She a daughter Rarker, 'Toronto, and aston. announced of Miss Mar- is "Lhe WW. wn, 6.44 into chocolates < to I Se York Taylor, Fresh New day.: H. B. Mitchell. Bovs" school at -Jenkins', essor $1.95 to $4.50, 5 the man who' ould spring up in it THE DAILY WHIG. MONDAY. AUGUST. 25. 7" INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Boys' school 81.95 to $1.50, Jenkins', : Dr. T. K. Lake, Battersea, i visitor to-day. suits, at was a Al Vandervoort, Belleville, was'in A a city to-day, on a business trip. W. J. Crowley, of Bufialo, N.Y., visiting. at his old home on. Johnston street. The probability is that Queen's will have a very large freshman class this SOARON. Allen & Brown; booked two household month Fresh New: day. HB: C. Mitchell. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Craig, Quebec, after visiting friends in this city, re- turned 'east to-day. Miss Edith Hamer, has returned afier a tion down the river. T. A. Ritchie, Brockville, represent ing the Empire Tobacco company, in the city on busine Miss Henstridge acting 'organist in St. John's church, Portsmouth, during the absence of Miss Halliday. W. H. Martin, Chicago, after spend- ing a few weeks with his parents orf Brock street, returned west to-day. Mr. and Mrs. G. .Y. Chown and daighter are home from % week's haoli- day at Killarney, in the Georgian Bay district. Mrs. Lillian, guests street Misses Ida Ellis and Kittie Mathie, of Quebec, who have been guests at the home of Thomas Milne. University Avenue, returned home to-day. 8 Mr. and Mrs. A. E._Brough, the guests of her father M. E. McCoy, porter at the Hotel Randolph, return- ed to-day to their home in the west. W. A. McWilliams, chief engineer = of the steamer Garden City, sailing out of Toronto, has arrived home to vis- it his sister, on Johnston street, who is seriously ill; z A resident of Joyceville lies in the Hotel Dieu suffering from a beating he received from a neighbor. The dispute arose over 'a horse owned bw breaking into a wheat field ow ned the other. Boys' school Jenkins'. Announcement is made of | the mar- riage of Miss Clare Winniired, only daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. N. J. Dina- man, Gore street, to Donald A. Ma donald, Palmerston, Ont., which event takes place on September 10th. Any local overseer who declares that J."H. Brickwood, deputy game ward- en, has no right to issue permits to Invited Stati gnglers, is lahoring der a wrong ninpre@idn. Mr. wood is paid especially for this pose., 5 There was is have next auct ioneers, sales for York Taylor, in to- .to E. chocolates successor Princess street, pleasant vaca- is and daughter, N.Y., are the Lee, Wellington William Tout of Buffalo, of Mrs, A. J. one by suits, 81.95 to 84.50, at pur a fierce ficht on icwer Wellington street, Sunday 'afternoon. A soldier - thrashed gz carpenter, and his two military comrades kept an other man from interfering. The police were brought after the disturbance had ended. About seven o'clock ing, a resident of Place given a terrible beatine by two mem- bers of the R.C.F.A. "he fight took place at the corner of Queen and Wel lington streets. The police have been notified. ie Jovs™ school at Jenkins'. Two engineers ¥rom Garden Island, engaged a livery rig in the city ves? terday, and had a livély experience with a runaway horse before thev re- turned. One __of them, a Brockville wan, will carry -a disfigured face for. a long time. The large barns of W.. Foffiine, of Junetown in the township of Yonge, were totally destroved by fire on Thursday: The buildings were struck by lightning. The barns contained all Mr. Fortune's hay of this season and a large quantity of this year's grain Two hogs were killed. The loss will be about $2,500. Mr. Fortune carried insurance. Sunday even- D'Armes was 81.95 to 84.50 JOINED BY CUPIDS® x Czar's Cousin to Wed Son of a Greek. London, Aug. 25.--Little being talked of in Russia and Greece, but the .marriage of the Grand Duchess Helene," the ezar's handsomest cousin, to Prince Nicholas, third son of the Greek royal houde, © which will take place at Krasnie-Selo on Friday. The bride-clect is the only daughter of the Grand Duke Vladmir of Rus- sia, between: whom and the throne there stand only two lives--those of Nicholas HI and 'his younger brother-- and the ¢zar's hearty approval of the alliance is 'looked upon as guarantee- ing the future of the Greek kingdom. Grand Duchess Helene, with her good tooks and her dowry of 5.000.000 ruh: les, though she is only twenty, has re- ceived court from move than one scion of a royal house, and not long ago she stood an 'excellent chance of be- coming queen of Spain. She was ence engaged tc Prince Max of Baden, but the match was broken off in order that she might espouse Prince Louis Bonaparte, who "was'in love with her and whose chance of becoming emper- or of the French were then thought to be rather For some reason or other, however, nothing came of this. It is doubtful if Helene could; have discovered a more desirable hushand than Prince Nicholas of Greece. He is thirty, well favored and well' Huilt and an officer in the Greek army. But he is most notable fer attainments which are rare among roviil personages. He is a playwrig oht and an' artist. Come- dies written by him have won public competitions at the University of Ath- ens and) afterward been produced with success. Visitors to his father's court, too, seldom leave without being pres onted with sketches of themselves hur riedly done but with rich skill by the versatile prince. is good. It Is Planting Time. Adverti ng is to the merch ant w hat Richeulons, 1sn't ier But not .any- more so. Than the merchant who hides a stock of goods away in a- storeroom and then sits on Vad op HANNA FEARS THE FIGHT WILL BE LONG. Sage Claims That Morgan's Nod Would Stop the Coal War-- May Cali Congress. New York, Aug. 25.--Russell Sage is out flatiooted against J. P. Mor- oan and declared © in emphatic ternis not only that the Wall strebt financier could end. the coal strike in short..or- der, but that it is his duty to do so. He said : is influence is, so great that all it is necessary for him to do is to declare himseli on the subject, and if he favors a termination of the strike-it would not be long before the miners would resume work: = Exhausted Efforts. Juffalo, Aug. 25.--United States Senator Marcus A. Hanna arrived ir Buffalo vesterday from Niagara Falls. "1 have exhausted my efforts," said Senator Hanna. *'1 have done all in my power and can do no more. 1 will make no further attempt, for it would be useless. He said there was no chance for ar- bitration so long, as only one side, the miners, was withing to arbitrate, He cave it as his opinion that the miners will not give in so long as they are able to fight. "It will not be a short fight," said he, "It will be prolonged and such prolongation will mean not only hard- ships for the miners and the women ~and children dependent upon them, but it will have its effect on the Am- erican people. The longer this strue- gle continues the greater will be the increase in the price of coal.' He said he considered the refusal of the operators to arbitrate gs final. Call On The President. New York, Aug 25.--President Roosevelt will he asked to call ~ spe- cial session of congress to take action to end the coal strike. This was de- cicged at a meeting of the Central Federated Union, representing 250,000 workingmen. A mass meeting 'under the auspices of the labor unions| of New York city and vicinity will be held, at which re- solutions will be 'adopted urging Presi- dent: 'Roosevelt to immediately : call congress to meet and decide upon plans which will bring the strike to a speedy termination. AND VOLCANOES QUAKES. Had Caused Much Fright in South America. San Dicgo, Calif., Aug. 25.--The Kosmose liner Cambrias which has ar- rived here ~ ftom Hamburg, via the t const of South gnd Central Am- Hoppe res: that, while running through the- tropics, Bh wasn many electric storms. which lighted up the heavens in a wonderful manner. PAL (ITT she approached Chamericaoy on "the west coast of Guatemala, the lights of active volcanoes were | seen for many miles at sea. On reaching port it was found 'that the inhabitants of the town had all fled on account of an, earthquake. His Stepma. Emma Ghent Curis, in The Denver News. 1 knowed a little codrer once, As omery as could be; He'd sehaw and swear, run off from school, And pester 1 t and tree; Kept all the neighbors' dogs afeared And ball' their winders broke; There coubdn't for that Tommy Tuff Vue praisin' word be spoke. But by and by--his ma was dead-- His pa met Widder Green And courted her; she parleyed some Cause Tommy was so mean. C Bug at last she "said she'd give If neighbors, friends and. kin Would promise to let meddlin' While she broke Tommy in. consent out These mentioned, knowin' things 'was bad, Saw somethin' must be done, So' alk agreed to" keep hands off And let his stepma rum The youngster; well; she used the A little, but not much; But, gracious ! How she used the And tater hoe and such ! twig. ax She kept that boy a choppin' And doin' vurns and chores, And hocin' corn and. garden And scrubbin' steps an' floor Till he was glad to go. to school To get a little rest; Yet she was monstr kind and good « Soon as he'd done his best. wood sass Ilis busv hands stirred up his wits, And soon that bov at school Was leadin' all his classes; him They used to call a fool! $e studied doctorin', got: to be A most uncommon mun, All 'cause his stepma worked That once to meanncss ran. the vim hookev takes school down, The nerve that playin' Might turn a whole And that which bre a winder light Might sometimes build. a town. The lots of onery little tvkes A loafin' 'round the strects Need onlv work to make 'em men Instead of triflin' bears. . Portland Township Qouncil. Aug. 18.--Thomas Dowker allowed to perform his statute labor in front his property by building a cement walk. Clerk. ordered to place all re- turned: statute labor unperformed njp- on the collector's roll. Budget by- law passed, fixing the rate at eight mills for county - purposes, four mills special school rate, thre¢ mills town- ship purposes. "Sums voted: £1 to D. Taggart, rent of hall; 83 to. W. Brooks, plank; £5.10 to C. Conners, work on Wilton road; $5 to J. job, Hinchinbrook boundary: to J. Walroth, job, Hinchinbrook boundary, and $2 for job on Hth concession: 83.25 to I Alton, break- ing gravel; $6 to I. Griffith, work to C. Wartman, job: 87 to Dr. ton, services for 190k: 214 to FE. cet, work; 49¢. to Trousdale, nails: %27 to George Smith, plank for hourd work in Harrowsmith: 17.50 .to. FE. Lakens, work, gravellings 810 to' Dre. Mundell 'and Herald, amination "of J. Hamilton, a lunatic, to be r2oaid by county council. To: meet" on Sep- tember 15th, at Harrowsmith. -- Poor Old Dido Is Dead. James Hig of Rodg- x1 ers General Hospital, knowh to neatly every Dido," answered the British \soldier many battles ix Ylilt Vict At the oinbothe throuct (Rie J ! passed who } Poot word his old age, and Iv treated. Of late he vearned to go to the Old Soldiers" Home in London, England, but. his means was not suf- he was alwavs kind the: counter, hoping that peopie will come in and buy. ficient. Deceased 'was seventy-se en years of age. NORGAN 1 WIST ii] STRIKE |=" AGAINST A SHOAL. The Steamer New York Had a Slight Accident. "There was some exeitement among the 500 passengers when the steamer New York rubbed against a shoal off Grinnell Island, a mile above the Thousand Island Park, on Saturday evening, about six o'clock. The steamer "had progeeded bur a short distanc$ {from they wharf, and was creeping slowly sifough the shallow and shoal-surrourided channel leading outward. She gota little inside the the buoy, and €apt. Miller backed her up to get on the outside. Then the New York went slowly ahead, but unfortunately came a little too close te the hidden shoal. 'Her port wheel and portion of that side 'struck it, and the steamer lurched a couple of times and then continued her course. 'I'he, excursionsists on the salon and hurricane decks did not get as excited as might be expected, and when they found thot the steamer had simply touched !a shoal, they resumed: their seats, without any flurry. On the main deck, the lurching caused more excitement, and one woman fainted. The collision knocked a couple buc- kets off the wheel, but. no damage was done. to the hull. At. thé Thousand Is- land Park, on account of the New York' s wheel being-a little out of or- der, her prosinpers were transferred to the steamer Islander, which continued the trip to Alexandria Bay, and then returned to Kingston, arriving about midnight, and bringing the Kingston and Cape Vincent excursionists, who numbered about 300. Some of the Thousand Island re- sorts have too shallow and intricate approaches for large excursion steam- ers like the New York to get through, and captains of such boats do. not relish landing at them. In this case the New York simply grazed the <hoal. That her hull is a strong one has been amply proved. She put down 'by the marine inspector as cne of the staunchest river excursion hoats in the provines, since being rebuilt last spring. The New York is really a new boat, being built only fifteen years ago, is Mexicans Find Buried Treasure. Uvalde, Mex., Aug. 25.--A party of fifteen Mexicans unearthed at Cline an iton. vault which, 'when opened, re- vealed a grdat pile of Spanish gold coin. The money'was counted and di vided on the spot in the presence . of reputable citizens. The latter say the find amounted to more than $10:1.000. It is asserted that the money was buried by a paymaster of the Mexican army during the war with Texas. The Crisis Is Over. Winnipeg, Aug. 25.--The weather of the past two days has been most ovatifying to farmers and beneficial to the crops. "Hot and 'dry' has been reported, and to-day news from the oct indicdess Baycaptiniance of the ate conditions. "The CH stage is J passed, according to local an- now and frost now creates dew thorities, cars. Spe: Ad Labor Day In Rochester. £1.50 to Summerville and return by «teamers North King and Caspian, leaving here Saturday, Aug. 30th, or Sunday, Aug. 31st. Valid returning from Summerville, 8.30 p.m., Monday or $2, good to return following Sat- urday evening. * Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau Lakes Navigation - Co's steamers leave Kingston every Mon: day and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every Tuesday and Friday at 1 p.m. "Jamon Swift & Co.. agents. yb. 2 «Bibby's."' Oak Hall. 'Bibby's." Men's serce suits, blue or black, $7.- 30,8850, 810, 812, $13; 814 and 815. The H. Bibby Co. Manager Brannigan, of the Lake On- tario Park pavilion, secured from Munro Park, Toronto, what he savs will be the best vaudeville entertain ment given here this summer. It in- cludes comedy, sketches, singing and Juning. Had Headache Neatly All the Time, In Extreme Case of Exhaustion and Nervous Headache -- Wonderful Restorative Influe-ce of Dr. Chase's 'Nerve Food i------ ] her re are scores of women in nearly every cominunity in Canada sufiering as Mrs. Miles did irom frequent at- tacks of nervous heaflache. No' local treatment can prove of lasting bene- fit. The stem must be strengthened and invigorated and the most effec tive way to do this is by the use of Dy. Chase's Nerve Food. The cure is not only certain, but lasting. © Mrs. John Miles, 236 Wellington street, Ottawa, Ont., whose husband is emploved with Davidson" & Thack lumber dealers, states: "I was very weak, had no strength or energy anc suffered nearly all the time with head- ache, in fact 1 had headache for three whole days just before beginning . to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I was also troubled y great deal with shoot- ing _pains:.across thé small of the back. Under this treatment my health has been wonderfully improved. The headaches are a thing of the past, the pains in my back are cured, and I ed." feel strong and healthy. As an evi- dence of restored strength I may say that I am now able to do all my housework without becoming exhaust- Nerve Food, 50 cents a for 22.50, at all dealers & Toronto. (Chase's 6 boxes Dr ox. 3 Intes Co.. 2 DENTAL CARD. DALY HAS. RESUMED HIS DENTAL practice at 129 Princess St. four doors below former offine DR. TO COIN COLLECTORS. x TY Latest Muto ht ; Ticausen) 10 be : aricugele p triciure, withogs cutting, stretching of absorbs the rm Buie, wi condition, AR aie cire! fon also all'druins, thereby giving the organs their proper nu rition, stores losspowers; in Stricture it absorbs. the sure tue. ent will oure nervousness, weakness, backache. etc., while in ali prosta ment par excellence. So positive am 1 thas my treaimeén stron EAT MUEN, QUTED oe You need pa: unt OS Su ced t a en esta had. This . a that I have | e.inmy Eat " Treatment, fin on Jit Shot § a Is makes no if bas failed tg cure you, call or wri Each Time You Call You See Me Personally, Or each time write I$ recsives my personal attention. The number of years I am Orta Detroit, and the cures 1h Scompiished after ier givin tb Ay has placed mie as the foremost specinlist of the Sg i write for blank for blank {ot Jonas He amen or TL 0 «Nothing sent C. O. those who cannot call. BOOK FI All ata 'from Windsor, Can. All duty and prem ch Wain by COR: WILCOX ot. DR. GOLDBERG, wooaw ARS) AYE Se the Tari sne re- rhryty ti ref he treat » Ou, you can et test We Don't Believe It Pays You to Buy Cheap Shoes. If by so doing you sacrifice wearing qualities. Wear is the most essential requi- site necessary in shoe buying. Without wearing qualities you are as much ai sea asa ship without a rudder. That's the strong point in favor of the SUTHERLAND SHOES. We give you lots of style and comfort, but we sacrifice everything else to wearing qualities? That's why our shoes "wear like iron.' Shoe SUTHERLAND' Store. 50 dozen swell PACKARD $3 50 and $4.50 SHOES are how on the way from Boston, Mass, Do Yeu Wart a Pair of YOU CAN GET THEM AT COST. A. ACERNETHY, TRUNKS: and VALISES. palm - . The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATTS orter Full of the Virtuo of Matt. and Hops. perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. "McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. PRESERVING KETTLES SPUGALSALE OR OF WER - - DISCOUNT 20% From 'Regular Prices, for CASH ONLY. All sizes from 2 to 18 quarts. : S McKEL VEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. Tor onto Exhibition Have a look.when there at the Exhibit of SOLDER, BABBIT, STEREOTYPE, BATTERY ZINCS. A CABINET .OF.U . sale. Address at Whig O *.§. SILVER COINS FOR} fos. 3 THE CANADA METAL CO. TORONTO, ONT.