Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Aug 1902, p. 5

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Men's Things We have devoted consid- erable care to providing the best stock of Suits and Fur- _nishings for men of taste. There are here the exclu- 'sive ideas of the fashion centres. You'll be able to select all or any item of ap- parél you need to present a becoming appearance on all{V social or business occa- sions. JOS, SILVER, (Successor to B. Silver & Co.,) WE CLAIM | A Good Deal For Our. Shoes In Dur Adv. Anybody can do that if they've got the price. Where we come out strong 1s in giving every customer who comes to our store a little bigger value than we promise in type. We've found it pays. ave you been in to sec us late ly ? Welemal's ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine On rter's Little Liver Pills Must Boar Signacure ot See Fac-Simiie Wrapper © SHOE STORE. Below. Very small and as exsy FOR HEADACNE. [CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. FGR BILIDUSRESS, FOR TORIID LIVER, FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SXi. FOR THE COMPLEXION GENUINAT wust ave HATURE, Fe |r ne | ™ CURE sick HE HEADACHE. Capriages (arriages EVERYRODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNLY and have them on and enjoy your) Ltreal; Thomas, is = THEY WALE FINE CAPTURE GREEN GOODS GANG CAUGHT BY SLEUTHS. = Tive Men And One Woman Are Arrested and the Alleged t'Plant' is Captured. New York, Aug. 22. What is so Le the bigeest ronnd-up of green g swindlers ever made hy the federal an- thorities in this city announced, Five men and a women were taken in to custody and an entire green goods plant was captured. Four of the pris erg, Joseph R. Baker, Filmer Brown, Gottlieb and the latter wife, wers arrpsted in Newark and George Prown and Thomas Henry were arrested in this to ding to Postoflice Inspector Michael Boyle, he has secured as com rlainant against the prisoners: Anto nio Capersess; "a New Haven, Conn,. butcher, who paid 8300 in cash and received green paper, in return. Many complaints from green coods victims ve reached the post-office: recently and" the alleged "plant" was located in Newark after much work. Inspec tors Cobtelyou and Duryea of Phila- delphia and Bullman and McMillan, of Poston came here and set to 'work un- der the direction of the local inspec- tors. Yesterday the inspectors caw a man ith Elmer Brown, "followed hy Bak- er, the alleced "trailer."" The "pair en- tered the house and came out, the vie- tim earrving a miniature trunk about inches long and four wide: "Phe rer' took him to-an express of . where the trunk, which the victim thon wht contained 85000 in bills printed from rioment plates, was shipped to New Haven. Then the inspectors placed" Prown and Baker under- arrest. The victim said he had paid £300 for the supposed money and Was thumlerstruck when the inspect ors showed him the fruth contained only slips of green paper ent the size of bills, Soon come to the house v alleged "stecre ten «tolen ¢ Baker raided were and In the and was arrested. after Brown arrested the "plant" the Gottliebs were house found all manner of vreen goods paraphernalia, érenlar, letters, of the little trunks paper. Henry and In-t nicht at mers. Were apraion 00 bail each. were a dozem or more and of green Brown were arrested ferry. All the p ed and held in piles a Chaffey's Locks' Visitors. : Chaliey's Locks, Aug. 20. "The far mers of this locality have about fin ished their havvesting, Miss Rose Nim- mons and Pearl Doyle left for Cleve land, Ohio, last Misses David son and Walker, Kingston, Mps. Zim merman and Mrs. Dwyer, New York, the guests of Mrs. (Capt.) Noon Miss Maggie Fleming Visiting rewer's Mills. Mes. Lennox, Ath the guest of Mrs. No. H. How ard num! from here attended the picnic at Elgin, also the excursion on the 11th to the Ferry. School re-op caed on Monday last, with an average attendance. Mrs. (Capt.) Fleming is the guest of Mrs. Tray. Nome of the late arrivals Wild summer resort "are: Miss Emma Veale, Cameron, JJ. M.. Duli. H BR. Mrs. Duff, J. Campbell Strange, Kingston: CU. CR. Switzer Laishley, Toronto; My. and Mrs 'Hen rv Cofiev and daughter, J. A. Feryn n. New York. city: Rev. R. .L. Gar: pett, Delta: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ho well, H.W. Cloor, GG. E. Cooks, Mon Mes. E. A. Cummings, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Albree, H. H. 0. 8S. Logan, Aileghany, Vt: I. Fowler. Hawkesbury, Ont. H. NS. Housel andwife:=We=Housel, Hollow, N.S Mrs H.C Davison, Brockville: Mrs: Go A. Schofield, Ww. Cheney and wife, Miss and H. P. Cheney, Fast ot, Sehilds, AL 8.0 SKeele, Putnos lle Que: WW, Gi. Brown and wife, Karl W. Brown, Rochester, N.Y.: AL H. Tett. Newboro: J. M. Noble, wife, child and nurse: Toronto: «J. GG. Her ald, Mrs. JJ. Hewton, Miss 6. Hewton, Miss Marian Hewton, Deo W. 8 Con nell and wife, Kineston: Alexander 8. A. Nalkey., Pittshure, Pa: SN P. Haming, New ohn DD. Haves, Fraser. A. Keith, week. are an, at' is A at Idvl Janes and logue, Mi Chicago; E. A. Orange, N. liam James Prost, Keith, (leo Smith's A Minister Quarantined. Aur. 2 The exerrsion to. Kingeton Islands is to take August 25th. Prin B.A.. has returned which he spent at Newhureh, people's harvest home and the Thonsand pace Thursday, cipal Bo A. Neshit, from his vacation, Kincardine and. contiguous points of interest He will preach for Rev. Mi Weathrill, next Sunday. as be is quar- antined. scarlet fever bemmg in his fam ilv. = Mus. (Dr) Avilesworth, St visiting old friends in this village. Majority. H. WW. Foster rivlected to in the cansed Reduced ny Re-clected; Aug. has London, conservative, th ent on aiy heen vacancy of Kent, to the lord treasury. His ma over the liberal Jeanmont Morice, The con on the education bith election Mr. Forster de liberal opponent hy 1,812 pari Oaks appointment wissionership of the Iprity wm NE votes wiraate, centred the Jast mn com hint by as American lL he JAMES LATUNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Priucess St. Kingston. ne NDRED suma from THOUSAND DOLL ARs one thousand to ten thous avd dollars, For particulars appiv GUDWIN'S INSURANCE ene over Enwm Office, Market Sonar * MONEY 10 LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL sums, at low rates of interest on city | amd farm property. Loans eranted ou | city and county debentures. Apply 8. C McGILL, managhr of Frontenac | Loan and Investment Sodiety. posite the Post Office. LIVE BPO Ol, LOSHON AND Combuny n adc TWO GLOBE Available litioh to which assets, the to | at Otlice op | ht FIRE ! oi 1h of or anl. which wil! sail tomorrow, hy "wav take the remain and Mrs. Fawr, which arded to Cherbowry from St. York will amr 1 rerommenc yn Bartholini a= prine: hi: mother Lhompson and accomplices her hus Mrs, Charl Ht four, children, shot mortally. doundad him Philaae!lphia 'of t NW. MP. who th Arica as adintant n "Mount Ritles to intainey in wndder of at sey an, and of GINSein as desperation hy anding . in Church, Oo=0T Canadia « promoted a + for r~ the un-| tiara at lowest possitils Fates Before renewing ol dor giving , new Imsiness get rates 'from | STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents. Farm and Cit nnan,: acM: Jen : Meredith, starting some time in Uctober,, THE DAILY WHIG. FRIDAY, AUGUST 22 A WOMAN MOONSHINER. Fat to be Got Inside Court Room. Too the Gwensh, prisoner 2 1 1 States ( nits Lindsey has tele- graphed to Washington for permiséion to hold court in the open air. prisoner is Jané Woolsey, Litchfield, arrested for "making moons shine whis- key. She was hauled to this city in a waggon, but it was discovered she coula, not be taken ap the narrow stairs leading to the court room. She is five feet five inches high, and weighs 130 pounds. missioner Dud) Moy Reduce Armaments. Rome," Aug. 22. --Accordingly to per- usually well informed, ig importance attaches 'to the visit : Victor Emmanuel to Emperor The king, accompanicd hy the Italian minister of foreign affairs and a small suite, left for Berlin to-day. site the denials from certain quar- ters it is quite generally believed that the object of the v is ta propose a reduction An constitutional arma- ments. This is reported to have been the purposes of his recent visit to the czar, from. whom he is said to have received every encouragement. The great Roman bankers believe some thing will come of the project. The voung king has taken the step on his own initiative, though it is under stood to have 'the full sanction of the Italian government. Much hope is ex pressed for the success of the design as a partial disarmament would lift a crushing Burden from the shoulders of the--kalian people. Ons able of Kin William, Twine From Flax Straw. Fargo, N.D., Aug. 22. Secret experi ments with flax fibre for binding twine have heen successiul that indica tions are an industry will be deveioped in the Northwest which will save the farmers millions' of dollars annually. Since the development of the flax fibre mills in this state progressive farmers concluded that, t tow could be con- verted into a form of) binding twine. Tests] were quictly ung until recent experiments sl grade of twine of sO now a lighter weight and far superior quali tv to the best qualities now on the market. North Dakota raises more flax than all other sections of the United States and the 'millions of tons of straw can' be converted into tow herve and shipped to the twine factories and converted into much desired product. It is believed that the new plan of manufacturing woud be much chean and that a supply adequate to the needs of all the. northwestern states could be turned out. or, Wanted. We would like to ask, through your paper, il there is any used Green's August cure of indigestion, the columns of person who has Flower for the dyspepsia and liver not been carved--and their results, such fermentation of food, nervous dyspe ondent feelings, sleeplessness-- in fact, any trouble connected' with the stomach or liver ? This melicine heem sald for many' years in all civiliz al countries, and we wish to corres pond with you and 'end ven ene of our books free of cost. I you never tried August Flower, try one bottle first... We have never known of it failing. "If so, something more serion the matter with, > vou. Ask vow oldest dn ist.--G. G. Green, bury, N.J. also mean as stomach, habitual costive sia, headaches, we sour Murderer Hernia Hanged. Hackensack, N..J.. Aug. 22." Fhe exe cution of Peter Hernia, of Wellington, took place in the vard" of ther eounty jail to-day. Hernia, on March 5th, during the river flood, which ubmerged a large part of Wellington, shot and "instantly killed Barney Kan ter, butcher, use the Iatter would not.sell him dog meat. had no meat, having been cut oli from all supply for several days hy the flood. Herma after being refused, went home, cot his revolver and returned and killed the butcher. - Passaic a hee Roosevelt Off To New England. loston, * Mass, Aug, HR. Roosevelt has beoun tour England and the trip promises a notable one in the history. of ection. The hospitality of the city--of Boston has heen extended to Presi dents. Cleveland, Harrison, Haves, Ar thur, Grant and McKinley, while they were in office, but President Roosevelt is the first chief excentive of the nati on 10 undertake a tour of all the New England states. The president party 'will arrive in Boston to-morrow afternoon. IN POOR HEALTH of New Too Weak to Work and Had Severe Headaches--Remarkable Influ- ences of Dr. Chase's and usually When a person gets wea dawn in hedlth, the fault with the blood defien nt in quantity or quality. Chase's "Nérve Food is a vstem-builder, bee it forms blood and creates new nerve lorce. Mrs. .James Clancev, -714 Water street, Peterboro. Ont. states: °°] have, used four hoxes® of Bg. Chase's Nerve Food, and found them an excel fent medicine, | troubled Jess for nineteen headachés, which far es accomplishing any concerned "The Nerve ly, I. 'ause was more with 1 useless vears made me a work was Food seemed to build-me and so made a thor, trout le. TT would without Dr the house, and mend any a tr a up ger cnre { think of Nerve strongly asl did £21V¢ ea in fy case medies had failed." Dr! Chase's Nerve IF Se. six boxes for $2 50, at all deiter or ng yoy m rece would + Su i It Jreat. many to ood, Edmanson, Bates & Co, Tofonto, Wood- Ranter | 20 IE in fifteen or} th [| months. severe | ¥ ol The A WILL START MOVEMENT TO RELIEVE STRAIN. And Ask Others to Aid--Fewer 'Competing = and Struggling Churches in Newly Settled Dis- tricts. Christian Guardian, We opine that our own church at the forthcoming general gonlerence "will advance still further in the direc tion of economizing buth me ans and evergy. This will "involve the closing of all: churches that have been kept ojen since the union simply for senti mental reasons, or as conveniences for the favored few. It will in the combination of small, struggling charges in such a 'wav that the work will be satisfactbrily compassed by fewer ministers than are now upon the ground. This will not only relieve the financial strain where i is felt the most, but will also increase the' stipends where they are at prose nto painfully - small and inadequate, and so add to real ministerial effec tiveness. Here, however, the general conference will not stay. It will not only plan for this immediate action within its own jurisdiction, but it will, if we mistake not, seek to arranve, with the courts of "certain other churches, for & more economic al management of matters on thoge smumerous domestic missions where all ave represented. In the days of their vouth and expan sion, it was probably uncertain what these places might not become. Fach denoniination desired to have a foot- ing there, in order to he in_readiness for the great work it might he called upon to perform... Now, however, it sven that most of these small céntre: have reached the utmost limit of their development. The well-known general laws thai control such eases' render it impossible for them ever (6 beconie anything much better or busier than they are. One church awd one minister would perféctly serve them, and him they might properly sustain with lit tle or no help from elsewhere. But se veral can only be insufliciently ported even by a heavy annual drain upon their respective' mis nary funds It has become a question not merely of economics or expediency, but conscience itself, whether, with the crv of heathendom in our ears, we onght to continue to divide these fee ble communities into little rival Christian. camps at such an tinreason able cost. Toronto. issue sup of INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Hon. Haggart, Perth, visitor in the city torday. The Flower memorial monument John was a in on troubles: that "has | { | { the Carnovs 'onest {The animal was valued | had been ill only President | cand to be this ! and | Fil 19 YEARS, L harvest Nerve Food." R. run | i supply--the. blood js wonderful | new | v: i Michigan Learrving not i Chase's! Watertown, N.Y., will be unveiled Labor Day. A battery deserter was brought from Deseronto last night by Br. Birbeck | and an escort. The storm on Thursday morning was severe in Northern. New York. Barns "has + were burned and live stock killed. Os and Mrs. M. E. wego, NYY. Brennan and children, are guests of Mr) Mrs. M. Brennan, Johnston street. William urton, employed on teamer Spartan, was obliged to turn home owing to severe attack of rheumatism. ALL the decorative ouusing owned hy the city was taken to the fair ground to-day used in i rating (the | buildin the coming fair. Prese pears, dic. per kv fruit stores. Bijou Cleaning Fluid "will 're niove gieise or stains of anv kind, at ho trouble to use it. Costs only S oz, bottles. Mcel.eod's drug the re a to be for ving peck, at The once, Ite. in tore, Mrs. Cleveland, Ohio, is the uncle, Wo I. Pickerine whom she has not Rothig, of her Ridean street, seen lost a valuable Wolie Island farm at 81.000 and day or two. amusement mana imshaw Henry at his hrood mare I'. Prannican, at Lake Ontario Park is off - ing to-day. He declared he would bring home fourteen ten-pound bass, relate the greatest fish story of the season. Plenty of butter" for Baturday, Carnovsky" «, on the corner Mover-Cohen di pte, of certain Jap rs awl the police wi arbitrator in setthny h. cor at as to own ok, "we iy heard chief act he as two parties enltv. by police magiste: + tas! the difhi en between the of assione wl of and Centreville Tidings. Aug. 21. the sting hie ol Jast nearly farmer threshing mm Monday number take in" th bv will number Centreville, ol the harve completed. Cite a already had some School re opened « full attendanee, A this vicinity will excursion to Manitoba and North West Wednesday. Misses na and fivdie Fiich have returned visiting friends in 'loronto, Bus Fric-and other western points M. C. McKenty returned on Mon from an extended Yisit with iends in Toronto and Winnipeg, Vis itors ft Mr. and "Mre, B.S. Kellar, 1 Miss "Aggie Metiuire, Svaen Miss Lena Dromeould, Wallace down: Miss M, Ingoldsby, and Master Currie, Kingston. v week have done. with hen oi in the on A Canadian Killed. Detioit, Aue. 22. Charles a native of Hamilton, Ont. the past ten vear Gilmore and' for ovee of the lelophone Co, : killed at Edmore, Mich., ve-terdav afternoon. While unloading poles from a moving car a pole crushing him badlv and him under the moving cm has been married ody 7 ix His home in Detroit. an emj Gilmore was 89c. in fine Gieorae Men's Felt Hats. 1 | 89c. hey nine cents Har hoe & wi Liuy to-morrow at t hat sale. "Raincoats. special tine oli-h lines We onions mar 'arnov- potatoes, Spanish snash, vaegetabl puwiphins, ete, at ( [CAURCAES MAY COMBINE tered Parliament, SIR OLIVER MOWAT. Lieutenant-Governor Passes 82nd Birthday. ; No citizen of Toronto is more wide- ly known or respected throughout the Dominion than his Honor, the Lieuterant-Governor Sir Oliver Mow- at, K.CM.G, who was 82 years of age on Tuesday, July 22, 1902. Sir Oliver was born in Kingston on July 22,1820, his father, John Mowat, of Canisbay, Caithness-shire, Scotland, having settled.in that city .in 1816. At the age of seventeen, having pick- ed up as much of an education as the best schools then afforded, he en- the law office of the late Sir John Macdonald, who was a few. vears his senior, where he diligently studied the profession he had taken: up, and in 1842 he was called to the Bar, commencing his. practice in the city of his birth. Before long. he realized. that Toronto offered a wid- er field, and removed to that city, where he has since made his: home. He became a prominent member of the Chancery Bar, and in 1856 was made ' a Qugen's Counsel, and .ap- pointed commissioner for the consgl- idation of the statutes of Upper and Lower Canada, . In 1877 he was el- ected to represent South Oxford in and held the seat until 1864. 1le was Provincial Secretary in the Brown-Dorion Adminiseration from August 2 to 6, 1858. In 1861 he contested Kingston, but without success. He held the portfolio of Postmaster-General in the Macdon- ald-Dovion Administration from May 1865, till March, 1864, and occupied th» same position in the coalition Government. After the fail of "that Government he was' raised to the Bench as ~~ Vive-Chanccllor of Upper Canada, having previously been a member of the Union Conference which met in Quebec in 1864 for the framing of the confederation scheme. In 1872, in consequence of the retire- ment of Edward Blake and Alexander Mackenzie from the Ontar- io House, owing to the provisions of the dual .representation act, he was called" on by the Lieutenant-Gover- nor to form an Administration, and resigned his Vice-Chancellorship to do so. He became member for North Oxford, Leing elected tg that constit- nency by actiamation, and assumed the office of Attorney-General of the Province. 'terwards he was six tims retur Bd for the constituency, thrice by acclamation, and thrice af- ter a battle at the polls. He 'was Premier for 24 years, the ldangest continuous tern of oflice as Premier ever accorded to any man in Cana~ da. He resigned in 1896 to join Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Cabinct, and left it later to become Lieutenant-Gover- nor. For two years Sir Oliver was a member of the Toronto City Coun- cil, where he rendered great service, representing St. Lawrence Ward in 1857 and St. James' Ward in 1858. Sir Oliver is a member of the Pres- byterian Church. and for many years was president of the Evangelical AE liance. Ile has alwavs taken a deep interest in social and religions mai- ters, and has contributed 'on several occasions to religious literature. In nition of his public .services n's 'University in 1892 conferred him the degree of LL.D.. .and ¢ University paid him tho in 1889. The reco ng. pon Toronto same honor Lots of Good Catches. A gentleman in Pittsburg wishes to inquire about the lakes, and asks what-there is to he caught. The gent- leman is requested to pack his grip and come right along, for there is more catching done here thin he ever dreamed of Why in the canal alone, only a short stretch that runs in front. of the office of this great Journal, there is all the catching any man can wish for. To commen~e with, and it commences at' 6.15 a m., there are three hoats to catch, and the efiorts made by fully twenty per cent, of the catchers would make a horse laugh. A Washington lady the other dav caught seven perch thirteen sunfish, and two mudpoitts and. little Tonuny Schoener wot into | the river to his meck 'and caught the | tarnationist old larroping of his life Ife. has been lying on his little tum- my' ever since, and it happend | three days ago. A gentleman fron i Bufinlo caught four fine bass in less than ten minutes on Monday last and the lockmaster caught a and a half of fine driftwood season a young lady, none too vou either, eaunzht a hushand while ting on the.wharf waiting Saturday night boat She glind to trade him off for hand carpet sweeper, or mostly any old thine now, but sh» caught him ul the same, and. vou wouldn't have classed her , as much of a catcher Yhen a gentleman from Syracuse got into a boat the ether morning on hid fishing expedition. He was real 7 to look at C'ostuime was the © thing, aiid hrand new He v dajsy, and said'he didn't see anv why he couldn't row He canght a erab on the second stroke, and when he came up from under the boat he wanted to know if a water had struck then, or what was arvhow. It is all right, dear if catching is what vou are af- Go to your nearest railway sti- and ask for a Kawartha Tourist ticket, to Dobcavecon. and vou can velv on 5 round of catching that will herp you wondering for- a year or more.--Bobeavgeon indepen dent. Sit for the wot Lo a second first as a reason spout it boy, ter tion resem The Trappists, » letters come to the monas- the "death of these at Many tery announcing tives of the monks; the abbot only, and chapter he may simply announce: "The mother of one of our number is dead: prav for her soul." Never to his dving day does the he- reaved Trappist learn that "he was praying for his own mother. rela- wre seen hy let us A Choice of Fvils "But why does he allow his wife to fo extravagant ii he can't afford wel, T suppose he would with his credi- wife]"--SKetchy be it?" rather © have trouble tors than with his "sh Underwear 50c. wool, - Fnzlish halbrigean | mercerized, regular $1 Jenkins. ' | t nnes | atte to he "pn has we Gitnner Rice, battery, long futlouyh, turned duty agegey ¢ Ci by. weak unhealth It you ki multerizg than Donos omen rin Sees cared on Sea oured--BALUre Dever exouses--no Matter = KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. wa ER Jo wren quantey eit jn tha reuion at pn Ee FR as My treatment guaranteedass a ---- PAY WHEN Cu Joon sts *sanot oui rice rs a LYgu run no chances. LTO LAR. FRET i ET 'DR. 'GOLDBERG, SEs | oc 704 make ent; tions olored. mn. You need vinced thas » pay nothing un - cannos.call. BOO! 11 Ca nd fro indsor--4 uy at al 24 trassgort We Don't Believe It Pays You to Buy Cheap Shoes. If by so doing you sacrifice wearing qualities. Wear is the most essential requi- Se necessary in shoe buying. Without wearing qualities you are as much a. sea as a ship without a rudder. That's the strong point in favor of the SUTHERLAND SHOES. We give you lots of style and comfort, but we sacrifice everything else to wearing qualities. That's why our shoes "wear like iron.' Shoe SUTHERLAND'S gz... 50 dozen swell PACKARD $3 50 and $4.50 SHOES are Jiow on the way from Boston, Mass. Fo a Prepare | for War Ih time of peace. That's good Sgnse, Prepare for winter in summer time. Ee 4 hat's s just as good sense. YOU TAN BEST PREPARE 'By buying one of our Famous "Sun~ shine Furnaces." They are cheap, burn very little fuel, and better heat- ers were never made. Call and see them ; Lemon, Claxton & uo, KINGSTON. KING RE Do You Wanta Pair of | 0ANUAS BOOTS AT COST? YOU CAN GET THEM AT COST. A. ABERNETHY, TRUNKS and. VALISES. The ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S a» [_ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Deficate Palate. JAS. I'cPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. /

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