Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1902, p. 3

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Kingston & Pembroke & Caadian Pacific Railways. EXCURSIONS TO CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBITION OTTAWA. dates, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 30th. Going : Aucust 27th and 15. | SPECIAL DAYS Good going Aurust 26th, 28th and 20th, "$3.05 ® All tickets god returning on or before September 2nd sat K. & Pi and O. P. R Ontario St. Full /particuls Ticket: Office, EF. A. ,FOLG ER, en. P JR, F. CONWAY Sup. Gen. Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Dessronto and all local ts. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 ns "RJ. oo al C.P.R. Telegraph OF IRE ESE EXCURSIONS CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBI- TION, OTTAWA. dates, Angust 22nd, 23rd, and 30th, 84 DAYS, August Going 24th, 25th 26th, 28th amd good returning on or hHefore September. 2nd. LABOR DAY, Monday, Sept. 1st Round trip tickets will .he sokl between all stations ONE WAY FIRST CLASS FAl Goind dates, dav, August 1st, Tickets valid returning from 'destination or before September 2nd, EXPOSITION & INDUSTR'AL FAIR, TORONTO. gokl going September 6th, 7th, 9th, 1lth ard' Mon- September Sumdav an. on 3rd: 12th, 2nd, and Tickets 4th, 5th, £5.40 . SPECIAL. DAYS, 10th, $3.85 All tickets valid September 15th. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. DOMINION LINE. MALL STEANSHIPS. LIVE RPO SERVICE 30th 6th September Sth and returning on or before *Irishman Californian *Norseman *Turcoman . : Said Steatmners marked * do not carry passengers. RATES OF. PASSAGE--Saloon, $65 and upwards, single according to eteamer and service, . Sec Saloon, $37.50 and up- wards, single, according: to steamer and ser vice. Third class, $26. FROM MONTHEAL *Ottoman *Roman FROM BOSTON. : Aug Naw England ........ . 4 Sept Commonwealth ton to the NEW SERVICE Bos Mediterranean Cambroman, Sept. 27th light, Spacious 27th 10th Vancouver, Sept. 6th; Midship, Saloon, Fl ctrio promenade decks: J. P. Hanle7, Art. G.T.R. Station, D: TORRANCE & Co, HE LINE Toronto, Chaclotte, Thousand Islands, 4 Brockville, Prescott and Mentreal. ¢ New Kingston and Toronto Steamers LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST--Daily, except Monday, at 6 a.m., Monday, 5:30 am. C GOING WEST, daily. 5 pm, 10:10, . at 7:00. J." P. Gildersleeve, 42 Clarence St. Gen. _ Agta, 'Montreal pe Portland. FO" DAILY Ro except Mondav, at reaching Charlgtte san evening at and Toronto © following morning Hamilton, Toronte, Bay 'of Quinte and Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST, Wednesdays and Fridave at 4:30 pm. GOING Saturday J, P. HANL Ricker" Agent. WES and 1 ¥ Tuesdays, Thursdays p.m J. SWIFT & CO. a Freight Agents. The Only Direct Line to Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE STR, ALEXANDRIA Leaves Craig's whar! every Friday, at 12, midnight, for Charlotte, N.Y., Olcott Beach, N.Y., and Buffalo, N.Y.; via. Bay of Quinte and Murray * Canal, . and cvery Monday at 6:30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, (direot without change). Through 1.000 Islands and St. Lawrenes River - Rapids. Jl.ow passenger and freicht rates. Passenger accommodation unsurpaseed. Ww. G.. CRAIG & CO, A. W. HEPBURN Agents, Xiogaton: Manaver, Picton. Auction Sales. Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. BOARD. ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, " with modern conveniences, © cen tral, - not far from Citv and Mucdohaid parks. Suitable for a party of from three to five, 195 Earl street. 66 LARGE F RONT I TORONTO Liverpool and Allan Line "Ticats Royal Mail Steamers, From Montreal. From Quebec. Numidian, Aug. 2, § am. Aug. 2, 8 pm. Parisian, Aug. 9, 5° am. Aug. 9, 3 pm. Mongolian, Aug. 16; 9 a.m Aug. 16, 7 p.m. First cabin, $65 wnd upwards; Second ca- bin, $37.50' to $42.50; London. $1.50 extra: Third class, $25 'and $26; Liverpool, Derry, B:lfast, - Linagow, London. New York te Siagew & Londonderry. Caribagenian.. . uly 30th 3 .e...Aug. 13th Montreal to Glasgow Disect. 'Sicilian, 6,284 tons, July 30th, Sept, 3rd, Oct. 8th. cine 5 $50, second cabin $36, third J. P. Hanley, Awa © Hy Passenger De pot, Johnaton ahd On streets, J. P. Gilderaleeve. Clarence 0 QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY 'LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Coel Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS! ' Campana," with ele dire lights, electric bells, and all modern comfor SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS at 2 p.m., 11th and*25th August; 8th and 22nd September for Pictou, N.S.. calling at Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, rand. River," Summerside, P.EI, and Charlotte town, LE. Te finest. trip of the season for health and com! Wi UR AHERN, Scorstary, Quebeg For tickets and fhotstonus PD HANLEY, or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Ticket oy Lake Onfario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Strs. North King & Caspian Bay of Quinte & Rochester Route Steamer leaves daily (except Monday) at 5 p.m. for Rocheater,/N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Steamer leaves deily (except Monday), at 10.17 a.m. for tour of 1, Islands, call- ing at Alexandria Bay, Rockport and Gana- """* STEAMER ALETHA Leaves Mondays at 5 p.m., for Pioton and intermediate' Bay Ports. Fi gormation apply to . P. HANLEY, 5 © P. GILDBRSLEEVE, § Ticket Aeeta. James Switt & Co.. Frome Argenta. tari Kinvston, Ont. 00D FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OM without board, 101 Queen atreat. Hoy sk 191 BROCK modern improvements. fl rer & Bro. STREET, 9 ROOMS. Apply to C. ROOMS, WIT conveniences, at FOUR GOOD FURNISHED poard, wi all 191 University Avenue. BRICK DWELLING, 198 EARL STREET, ten rooms; Illot Water Heating: leo other dwellings, stores and offices. . J. R. McCann, 651 Brock St., ground ii POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE: & le house on the corner of Bagot and Gore streets, near the park. Modern in every wav. Daisy hot water heating and in pericct order. Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot street. + ARCHITECTS. POWER & N. ARCHITECTS, MERCH- ants' Hon Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone 212. - ARTHUR. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, near corner of Queen and Montreal Streets ARCHITECT, Market Square. ETC, "Phone HENRY - Px Anchor 345 9. SMITH, Building; NEWLANDSy = ARCHITECT: OFFICE, second floor over -Mahood's Drug P, corner Princess and Bagot pUrseta. trunce on Dagos street. EDUCATIONAL. ALBERT COLLEGE. PHENOMENAL RECORD OF GROWTH, 302 etudents enrolled last year, 172 young Iadies and 130 young men? new pipe organ, domes tic science rooms, and art oallery recently addid. Two matriculation scholarships won in 1901. Splendid gvmnasiom, large athletic grounds, commercial hall, one of the finest in Ontario. Building heated © by steam and lichted by electricity. Will Te-open September 9th. For illustrative circulars address prin- MUSIC > a RE-OPEN MRS. CLERIHEW WILL HER classes in Flycher Music Method on Septem- ber lst. For terms and particulars apply at 211 University Avenue. PIANO LESSONS Miss C. 'M. Clerihew, undereraduate to College of Music, 211 University KINGSTON COLLEGE BUSINESS KINGSTON. BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Canada. Unequalled facilities for securing positions 821 Queen Street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Buildings, Toronto. UNDERTAKERS. re eee Belleville, Ont. Taron- Avenue CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Street, Kingston, Successor Drennan. 281 to 8S. 8 Princess Ww. M F shan RISON 243 Princess om ~ the best. s--Warerooms, Harrison, 51. T BINDER Sisal, 500 feet to the pound, 1lc., sold elsewhere for 12%. Manilla, 600 feet, 12jc., elsewhere for 15c. - UNDERTAKERS, Quafity and the lowest Night Calla-- C0... Street. Prices 90. 'sold §trachan's Hardware, + EVE? notice flow a song will msked the first-nighter * Tunes nothing éxtra , no sentiment ; ways I can | explain it IR wild Only one | charged "with delaying the mail. «Take that httle song on the New York roof. MET DEATH AS HE BELIEVED HE WOULD. Had Strong Premonitions and & a Result Gave up Mining Went Into a Mine to Assist His Brother. _ Washington. Ta.. Aung. 21.--~Comrad Conlin, a young miner * of California, this county met death in a mine last week, "as he believed he would, being crushed by a, fall of slate. Owing to his fear of death voung Conlin had given up mining as an occupation; and only weft into the vigilant wine for a few hours to assist his brother to finish some important work. Conlin's father wag killed in*a mine eight years ago, and several weeks aco (onlin had a dream. in which he saw his lifeless body egrried from the mine. The premonition preyed on his mind, until he' became a victim of his own nervousness. He gave up his w rk at the Stonv Hill mine and told his mother that he would never = again 'go underground. Mrs. Conlin shared her son's fear of. death and was delighted with his de- cision. His brother had an urgent job on hand in the Vigilant mine, and asked his brother to 'help him finish it. De- spite the protests of the nother, Con- lin agreed to go. Just at the close of the dav's work 'a blast was put in. It dislodged a mass of slate. which crushed out the voung man's life. ------ THE RHODES BEQUESTS. Oxford Will be Shaken to Its Foundations. Toronto, Ang. 21.--"Rhodes' hequest will shake Oxford to ite foundations." This was one of the telling sentences of the Rev. Louis H. Jordan, D:D. formerly pastor of St. James' Square Presbyterian church, who, as a student of comparative religion, has been resi- dent at Oxfora and Cambridge for come time, and who is both a gradu- ate of a Canadian university and of Oxford. « Having but recently = come from Oxfora he. could speak of the feeling there. Oxford. he said, was in a very 'doubtful 'condition of mind in veoard to this matter. He had neler «cen anything dike enthusiasm for Mr. Rhodes" scheme, Some were in doubt as to how it would affect Oxford, and come' wire dead opposed to filling the university with Americans, colonials and foreigners, Charged With Delaying Mail. Denver, Colo... Aug. .2l.--Thomas Devitte appeared Chetore a United States commissioner 1qQ- -day to answer to the charge of conspiracy to delay the United States mail. Devitte is a machinist, ana secretary of the local union. of that craft, which is now on strike, against, the Union Pacific rail road, it charged that Alexander Allison ana James CC. Wood got aboard the engine of a passenger train on the Union Pacific at Deer Trail two weeks ago and disarranged the machinery in such a manner as to cause the engine to break aown. The two men were arrésted on. complaint of an- agent of the railroad and were Later a complaint on. the same. charge was sworn out against Secrctary Devitte, The charge is similar to that brought against Debs' and his fellow-officers of the American railway the big strike of 1504, and the result of the hearing awaited with much interest In organized labor eireles: Hartington Happenings. Hartington, 2 harvest about ~The abundant oathered. A good yield is po yi Mr. Oliphant, = re- presenting _ thé Philadelphia mining company, has moved his family hore and have taken up residence in the house occupied hy the late Mr. Moore. Visitors : Miss Emma McQuade, Ren frew: Miss Aliee_ Clow, Toronto; Mis. L Williams, (astelton, Ont: Mig Clara "Wood, Violet: Mrs. Marcelis, Chicago: Mrs. McQuade, Kingston. Julia Sigs worth is home from her visit at Mos cow. Miss Winnie Claxton has re- turned to Verona after spending a few days with Miss Mildred Clow. School has begun with a good .at tendance, Aung. MacArthur-M'Calla. NewPort, R. 1, . Aug. folk turned out in full force witness the weading of M Mary Me- (Calla and Lieut. Arthur MacArthur, U.S.N. The bride is the daughter of Capt. Rowman H. McCalla. of the navy, and the bridegroom the son -of Maj.-Gen.- MacArthur, of the army, and prominent officers: "of both Liranches of the service were among those in attendance." The ceremony was followed by an elaborate recep which 306) invitations were 2].--Society to-day .to tion. to issued. Worry And Late Hours. Worry fect the. nervousness, sleeplessness. great blood the | nerves, store wasting constitutional contains Price store. and late hours seriously al- rsvetem causing exhaustion: general debility and Iron Tonic Pills ave makers. T'hey strengthen invigorate the system; re vitality and cure ali irregularities. Each hox seventeen divs' treatment. 25¢., for sale at Wade's drug Inventor Shirk. Lancaster," Pa... Aug: 2l.--Joseph Shirk, the inventor oi. the Colt revol- ver: dna of the grain cradle, died yes- terday at his home in East Earl township, this coungy.. He was eign- ty-three years of aze, and besides be- ing 4 noted inventor; was a surveyor. Death Of go wi Everybody's awful good to me. Doncher know I'm as sweet as any giri can be, Dencher know They tock away my oatmeal, But instead they gave me ° Everybody's awful good to me> "DAILY BRITISH WHIG, DISREGARDED BIS DREAN/, union. during. ith an audience if it arouses the memoty of a pleasing taste?" Goes something like this : othin particularly funny in 1t-- et every night the house ' 'FORCE ' is a mighty good breakfast food ; MADE QUITE A SHOW. Charity Coffers Received GooG Sum. London. Aue. 21.--The Beckenham Journal printed an advertisement the other day stating that Lady Raglan, "the wife of the former under-seeretary of war would wear her coronation robes and exhibit herself with her cor- onet, vesterday. at Copers Cope House. The object was the raising of money for the Cottage Hospital, and the admission fed was fixed at three pence. According to the programme Lady Raglan exhibited herself. garbed in all the splendor of her coronation robes. Five hundred of her ladyship's neighbors, _ and many families of country people and tradesmen in Bock- enham=and Bromley took advantage of the opportunity offered. Lady Rag- lan sat by an escritoire in. a far corn- er of the drawing-room. She was dressed in her white stain state robes, with crimson cloak, her coronet, and the rope of pear Is. The guests stood cilent, in open-mouthed wonder. at a respected distance. Now and then her ladyship wonld rise and sweep 'her train across the floor. giving a view of her scarlet cloak, and causing a mumur of admiration and laudatory comments. The guests then went to the lawn where tea was served at small tables at an extra charge of three pence. Tt is likely that the ex- ample of Lady Raglan Will be followed by several peeresses in aid of chari- table undertakings. SOLD HIS BODY TWICE. Contortionist Still Owns it==RBoth Purchasers Dead. Mass., Ang. 21.--Walter a famous contortionist, seven years old, who lives in Medford, is wrestling with a legal problem. Physicians have marvelled at this wonderful little man in his de- fiance of the laws of nature in dislo- cating joints never intended to be dis- located, and two eminent gentlemen of the profession actually. bought and paid for his remains after nis death, cach" paying the price of 2100. Mr. Wentworth first received 8100 from a Dr. Cowe, Detroit, Mich., but Dr. Cowe died shortly thereafter. Some time ago Dr. H. L. Wilder, then in charge of the King's County hos pital; New York, became interested +n Wentworth. Another contract =~ was made with him, in which was included a clause: stating that the physician "does hereby = agree to set up the skeleton of said body in a glass ease in his private office in such a manner that it may be exhibited to my many professional and: other friends." Dr. Wilder died recently, and vives Wentworth hope that that con tract is void, because of the inability of the physician to keep that portion of it allnding to the setting up the skeleton, thus thwarting any claims of Dr. Wilder's heirs for Wentworth's hody. Boston, Wentworth, now sevent this A CRITICAL PHASE. The Political Problem Africa. in South London, Aug. 21.--The political pro- blem in South Africa is entering upon a critical phase. The Cape correspond- ent" of the Daily Pelegraph says that the members of the legislative assem- bly, in favor ofthe suspension of the constitution, have decided not to re- cognize Sir Gordon Sprige as their leader, though, they will support him in all = measures necessary to secure the result of the war. Presiding Judge De Villiers has in- formed the legislative council that he has forwarded to the governor a pro- test against the proposal to suspend the constitution. The sugeestion that the debates of the last session were <0 heated, as to lead to a second rebel lion appeared to Judge De Villiers de- void of foundation. He thought that a policy founded upon deep-seated dis- trust of one European race would never tend to efface race hatred. At the end of the period of probation the feeling of the district would be greater: than ever. The best wav. of promoting peace was to take' "parlia- ment into the governor 's confidence. The Fall Fairs. Kingston's big fair, Aug. 25 29. Ottawa Central, Aug. 22-30. Morrisburg, Aug. 27-29. Sherbrooke, Aug. 30, Sept. 6. Toronto Industrial, Sept. 1-13. Frontenac, Harrowsmith, Sept. 4-5. Iroquois, Sept. £10. Peterboro Central, Sept. 9-11. Addington, Tamworth, Se pt. London Western, Sept. 12-20. Napanee, County. Sept." 16-17. Newboro, Sept. 15-16. Brockville, Sept. 16-18. Hamilton Central, Sept. 16-18. Perth, County, Sept, 17:19. Prescott, Sept. 23-25. Hinchinbrooke, Parham, Sept. 23-24; Delta, Sept. 23-24. Merrickville, County. 24-25, Renfrew, Sept. 25-26. Lombardy, Sept. 27. Spencerville, S Beachburg, Lansdowne, Oct. 12-13. Sept. Ladies Look Younger Which is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend's private show rooms at British American hotel, Kingston, ! August 20th, Friday; one day only, land sce the many beautiful inventions lin styles of human hair coverings, wigs, bangs, switches, ete., and in- spect his new patent structure. Kingston And Ottawa. Rideau Lakes Navigation Co's steamers leave Kingston every Mon- day and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every Tuesday and Friday at 1 p.m. James | Swift, & Co., agents. v -------------- . * Harry Keen, a member of the third | Canadian contingent, was drowned at! Hamilton's Point, Lake Erie, on Sun- day last. * "ve breakfast from force of habit the memory of that pleas 'idigestign and assimilation. Ith. Malt isthe take place in both thi and healthy digestion This as a dainty, organs of the body sufficient dove of bee, J Millhaven, + FORCE " is-a combination of the whole of the whea ~glements necessary for the sustenance and proj fthese elements in such proportions that no or, fect food for the overwol natural tonic. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 WIFE OF VANDERBILT HEIR NOT SEEKING TERMS. port--Dces Not Ask Alimony--- Husband and Wife «4n Seclus- ion. New York, Ang. 21.--A rumor voung Elliott F. Shepard, grandson of the late William H. Vanderbilt, had been in Greenport visiting his' wile's relatives, and that there was a strong probability that a reconciliation would he eficcted between the young man and hig pretty wile, Esther "Wiggins Potter Shepard, is authoritatively denied by A. H. Hummel. Mr. Hummel has been retained by Mrs. Shepard as her counsel. He said : : "No conciliation will be attempted or will take place. Mrs, Shepall has begun a suit for, divorce and the case that possible. . We. think we have a perfect ease. ~~ . "There has been a castiron agree- ment between the lawyers and the parties directly concerned in this suit not to breathe a word of the details, therefore, my lips are sealed, I cannot disclose the whercabouts of Mrs Shepard." ? ¢ Those in : position to know assert that Mrs. Shepard is in. seclusion not ten miles from the city hall, but that the place of her residence is being kept a profound secret in order that she may be spared the necessity of answering unpleasant questions. Her hushand, for similar reasons, is rusti- cating within easy reach of the me- tropolis. One of the singular features of this mysterious case is that Mrs. Snepard has not madé any application Jo a justice of the supreme court for either alimony or counsel fees. It is report- ed in 'Greenport that some of the near relatives of young Shepard among the Vanderbilts have promised Mrs. Shep- ard g large sum of money--8$100,000 is the figures stated=~for her support in the event of her being successful in severing the honds that tie a - member of their family to her. This state- ment; however, cannot -he verified. Odessa Occurrences. Odessa, Aug. 20.--Mrs. Benjamin Ma- who met with a serious accident last week in Kingston, was able to re- turn home, but is still confined to her bed. She slipped in a cellarway at her niece's, Mrs. Philip Stover, and i serious injury about her head" and shoulders, being rendered un- conscious for over twenty-four hours, The sound of the merry-go-round is still in the air. This is the most popular institution that has struck town in a long while. It's a shekel- gatherer sure. On Saturday last, Messvs. McCaul, Odessa, and Day, 'of Wilton. exchanged pulpits. Mr. Day delivered two very thoughtful and instructive sermons here to large congregations. School resumed on Monday morning with a fair attend- ance. Last year's stafi are again on duty, Principal Adams and Misses 'Dawson and Parrott, assistants. Dr, H. I. Day has become telephonically connected with outside places. He has a thoroughly up-to-date office. Sidney Clark left on Saturday for Brock- ville, where he has steured a position in the G.T.R. freight department at that place. . His mail route was taken over by Elton Hartman. Stanlev Ma- hee, Washington, Penn, is spending a couple of weeks vacation with his family here visiting relatives. Thresh- ing is proceeding ata lively rate. There are a number more machines than last vear. Visitors: John Lee and wife. and danghter Pearl, Brown- ville, N.Y., with friends Warren Meacham, Warsaw, at Frederick Mont- gomery's; Mrs. Wood, Westmdunt, at her mother's, Mrs. €hadwick. Mrs. (Rev.) McCaul and children have been a couple of weeks visiting relatives at Petorhoro. Mr. McCaul leit on. Tues day to join them. , Revs. s Cole Lake Notes. Cole Lake, Aung. 20.--School has re-opened with. Miss Hamilton as teacher for the remainder of the year. Farmers are pretty well on with their harvest. (. Fitzgerald has gone to the United States. The celebration on the 12th at Westport was well attend- cl: A picnic will be held in the Sa- crea Heart church, Bedford, on-Satur day, 23rd. Miss Edna McMahon has hone to Chapleau 'on a visit. re. Killins -and daughter, Lillie, have turned from Maberly. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Campbell at Parham; Mr. and Mrs. Peters. at David Hannah's; Hamilton at her brother's, J. Hamilton: Miss R. Peters at Benson Peters': T. Peters at" S. Martin's; W. Switzer at T. Coulter's re- Miss Millhaven Memos. Aug. 20.--School re-open- Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cert- Kansas, are visiting relatives in this neighborhooa. Mrs. Hester For- ward is yisiting friends in Kingston Miss Mand Amey Jeit last evening for a visit with friends in Manitoba. Mrs, Robert 'Rickey's sister, who has 'been visiting her for the past week, left for hier home in Montreal on Monday. ed on well, Light Weight Coats and Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, bas a splendid as- sortment of light-weight coats and vests; the proper garments for sum- mer wear. His summer coats" at $I and 81.50. are special value, sizes 34 to 46. See his window, great variety to choose from. 4 Miller's. Headache Powders cure headache in five minutes. In boxes 10c. and 25¢c., at Wade's drug store. 3 = and not because he wants to eat. Because malt 1s In the manufacture of '"FORCE' food, therefore, is quickly and easily exercise to keep them in perfect condition "FORCE" equires no cooking, and is delicious cold or wart, will' be pushed throngh as speedily as | | | 4 ] Have a look when there at the Exhibit of SOL DER, ant taste that causes the audience to appreciate so thoroughly that lit t and barley malt. regulation of every organ of-the Ds phn yorked OE in tL ended with the whole of the wheat, FORCE' rked or under-exercised stomach, as well as for tne stomach in gy various chemical changes wheat and malt which ordinarily are brought about in the first stages of normal Similated, but still gives the vanous - May Receive, $100,000 -for Sup-+ LAE ~ A Woman Dearly Loves A Bargain We believe however that very few ladies can be induced to buy old shopworn shoes and feel that they have secured real bargains. For the balance of this week we are going to cut our really fine stock of LADIES' SHOES - to such' temptiag prices that the ladies will feel bound to tell their friends that the real headquarters for genuine BARGAINS is SUTHERLAND'S *"g Store: ~~ rr e-------- GETTING UP EARLY To Light The _ mii Fire... Is the Cactus plant in love's conservatory, but our 'HAPPY THOUGHT' range makes your work as easy as lighting a cigar and from an economical. stand- point. Well, you can save enough over the price of fuel to buy the cigar every day anyway. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, COO OIOOIQODICIOTIOOOIOIO ABSOLUI E SATISFACTION Phe stickiug 'of the iron --the ecorehing of the linen and the troubles @® and worries of washing day ara things of the past if you use BEE STARCH No worry--littte work and absolute satisfaction: Try it. ® : y ® 10 CENTS PER PACKAGE. SAVE THE COUPONS. N ® SNOWDON, FORBES & 00 , Agts., 449 St, Paul 5t, Montreal. ® 000000 ICe® 00 coeee see @ce® a -- OCOORO0 9 o ® ¥ ® No » ESTABLISHED 1890. "PIONE MAIN 4303. WwW. F. DEVER & CO., STOCK & BOND BROKERS. Wi EXECUTE ORDERS IN DOMINION COAL and DOMINION STEEL on Yoston Stock Exchanye for cash or margin. BOSTON, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. 19 Wellington St. East. Toronto, over our private wire, We solicit mecounts for the purchase g of listed stocks and bends. Toronto Exhibition BABBIT, VY ZINCS. » TORONTO. ONT. STEREOTYPE, BA THE CANADA METAL It leaves a mighty plain taste, and 11's tle song." Wheat contains all It combines Oe of

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