Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1902, p. 3

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DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, EXCURSIONS ™ CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBITION OTTAWA. Aupust * Going dates, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 30th. A5. SPECIAL DAYS Good going 'Aucust 26th, 28th god 29th, © $3.05. All tickets good returning on or before September 2nd. . Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St.» F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Pt, os pied al dosed Na Deseron Togla leaves City Il Depot at Bek ey WILNON, ris Telegraph of fice, Clarence street. SA SYSTEM Be "CANADA EXHIBI- TION, OTTAWA. Going dates noust 2: 23rd, 24th, 2th, 27th, rand 3 $1. 1s SPECIAL DAYS, "Aux 26th, 28th and 20th, $3.03. All tickets Gort returning on 'or before September 2nd. LABOR DAY, Monday, Sept. 1st Round trin tickets will he sod between all AT LOWEST ONE WAY FIRST CLASS FARE. id dates, Saturday, Swidav amd Mon dav,' August 30th awd 31st and September Ist. Tickets valid returnitig from destination on d. or before September 2n EXPOSITION & INDUSTR'AL FAIR, TORONTO. Tickets good going September 2nd; 3nd, \ 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th and 12th, h, 5th, 0. [AL DAYS, September Sih and 10th, ; tickets September 15t J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. DOMINION LINE. valid returning on or before MALL STEANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE . Aug. 23rd 30th pt. 6th 13th Californian 20th *Norseman Sept. 27th Steatvers marked * do not carry passengers. RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon, $65 and upwards, single according to steamer ard service, Snloon, $37.50 and up wards, single, gearing to steamer and g2ar- vis. Third clase, $26. FROM MONTREAL. *Wanxman... Ang. 23nd *Ottoman ..... Sept." 6t} FROM BOSTON. Aue. 20th Aug. 27th Boston to the Mediterrancan Sept. 27th NEW SERVICE Vancouver, Sept. 6th; Cambroman, a Numidian, Aug. 2, Parisian, Aug. Belfast, Ciasgow, Carthagenian... Sardivian... Oot class $25. pot, Johnston Gilderalee TRAVELLING, Allan Lire * Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal, 5S a.m. Aug. 9, 5 am. Aug Mongolian, Aug. 16, 9 am. Aug. 16, 7 p.m. First cabin, $65 and upwards; Second bin, $37.50 to $42.50: London. $1.50 extra: Third class, $25 and $26; don. ~ New York te Glasgow & Loadomderry. Montreal to Gla ow 'Direct. » Sdlliew, 6,284 tons, July 30th, Sept. 3rd, First cabin $50, second cabin $35, J. P. Hanley, Agent, City Passenger De- ve, a atreat. Liverpool and Londonderry From Quebec. 2, 3 p.m. 9, 3 pm. ca Liverpool, Derry, third J. P. - Outario streets, - electric lights, comfort. at 2 p.m. llth and Quebec, River, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River and Gulf of SI. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. " electric bells and all- modern SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON 22nd September for Pictou, N.S.. The finest. trip of the season for health and mfor ARTHUR AIIERN, Scoretarv, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apply to J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE Ticket Agents, pana," with MONDAYS 8th and calling at Perce, Grand and Charlotte- 25th August; Kingston, Ont. noque. intermediate Bay Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Mrs. North King & Caspian Bay of Quinte & Rochester Route Steamer leaves daily (except Monday) at 5 p.m, for Rochester, N.Y., ng at Bay of Quinte ports. 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE Steamer leaves (daily (except Monday), at 10.17 a.m., for tour of 1,000 Islands, call- ing at Alexandrid Bay, Rockport and Gaua- STEAMER ALETHA Loaves Mondays at § p.m.. lor Plotom and Ports. For full it mtion apply, to JP. HAN LP s Citispeey E,{ Ticket Awente. James Swift & Co.. Fresphs Agents. . TO LET. 200D FURNISHED ROONS, WITH O12 without board, 101° Queen streat. HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. All modern improvements. Apply to C. Livingston & Bro. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, with all modern conveniences, at 191 University Avenue. BRICK DWELLING, ten rooms; Hot Water Heating: other dwellings, stores and offices. J. 8 R. McCann, 51 Brock: St., ground floor. 193 EARL STREET, Also near Daisy order. Gore strects; every wav. in perfect 115 Bagot street. Apply to Felix ARCHITECTS. THAT AIRY DE- corner of Bagot and' the park. Modern in hot water heating and Shaw, POWER & SON, ants' Wellington streets. ARCHITECTS, MERCH Bank | Building, corner Brock and Phone 212. Midship, Saloon, Electric light, Spaci promenade decks. . J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Act. GTR. Station, 42 Clyténse St. D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agt ontreal ol Portland. Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Breckviile, Prescott and Montreal. camers Kingston and Toront sere. Kingston and Toronto LBAVE KINGSTON GOING EAST--Daily, except Monday, at 6 a.m., Monday, 5:30 a.m. GOING WEST, daily, except Mondav, at 8 p.m., reaching Churlotte same evening at 10:10, and Toronto fdllowing morning at 7.00. Hemlilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. _LEAYE KINGSTON: GOING EAST, Wednesdays' and Fridays at 4:30 p.m. SOING © WEST, Satuilays, 14:3¢ J. P. HANLEY, Ticket 'Agent. days, Thursdays and J. SWIFT & 00. Freight Agents. The Oaly Direct Ling fo Quebec Withou! Change THE FAVORITE STR. ALEXANDRIA Leaves Craig's wharl every Fricay, at 12, midaight, for Charlotte, N.Y., Olcott Beach, N.Y., and Buffalo, N.Y.; via. Bav ol Quinte and Murray Canal, . and every Mondav at 6:30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, (direct without ehange). Through 1.000 Islands acd St. Lawrence River Rapids. Low passenger and freight rates. Passenger accommodation unsurpaseed. +W. G. CRAIG & CO. A. W. HEPBURN. Agents. Kingston. Manager. Picton. Auction Sales:| Save Mouey by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, «Auctioneers. 2 \ --r __ BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern oonveniences, cen tral, not far from City and Macdonald ARTHUR ELLIS, site of New Drill ARCHITECT, OFFICE Hall, Queen and Montreal Strects. near oorper of parks Suitable for a party of from three to five, 195 Earl street. -- ---- WHAT OUR CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL US. spent the lativest Ber a very large crowd -of visitors invad- ed the village. The hotel, and various stores, did" a good business. There were somé good patriotic speeches in the afternoon. All passed ofi'in an or- derly manner without any disturbance whatever. On Monday, last, 11th, Da- The Tidings From Various Points Deseronto. In Eastern Ontario--What Peo- where they spent ple Are Doing and What They three years. He is hiring a large gang of 'men to take back with him. The lawn spcial and dance at Miss Mag- five months, rheumatisn. and daughter, being treated Mrs. George Miss Mabel, there for Fournier is spending work at Buffalo. Mr. the cement Faul and Mrs. Emerson McFaul. Clar- ence Valleau, Toronto, is spending his Northbrook Notes. Reid has purchased a new buggy from |ington. Mrs. Wilcott Huycke is able to : ? ] vi | spending a few days with his daught- Miss Maud M. vesterday, August Ith, sumer months . Hufiman after visiting friends 'in Napanee Mrs. F. daughter have returned from Napanee, couple of weeks. Wisiting re- has rewurced and S. Wartman and Roy Benn, visiting Are Saying. vid Woodcock, an old resident of this |ifamily for the last month, has retura- township, passed away. He had been [ed to his home 'in Toronto. Visitors : Prestonvale, Personals. failing for some time. Dweased was Mrs. H. Martin at Hart's: Mrs. Prestonvale, Aug. 13 --Rev. Mr. Ca- cighty-two years old and leaves a wi- E. Garrison at 'A. Ashley's; Mr. and meron, Paris, visiting" friends in this dow, one son, and three daughters. Ys 5 Babcock, Nongresl, at Mes, J. vicinity, preached in the Drummond The funeral took place on Wednesday | Riddell c Mies Florence Ward hos Bapuist church, Sunday last. Many of from his late residence, near the Ar- resumed her duties at Petworth the young people from here attended dehdale station, oh he Temas ig od school. = k vv . erred in the Arden cemetery h -- 1 Yresto fosian so ial 2 baldarson public school in this village was open- Hoodlums In Strathcona. Carleton; --visited J: Richards last ed on-Monday. John G. Morris; of Strathcona, Aug. (19.--The abundant week. Mrs. James Campbell' Carleton Kearney, is the new principal succeed: | harvest is about gathered. ~ Grain in is visiting her many friends here. Miss [88 P.M. Spence, resigned. most places 1s turning aut well. Mr. Alice. Horning is visiting Kingston . Finley has a large quantity of pulp friends. Miss Nellie Ferguson and J. Cox's Lake Items. stacked up beside t _ baper ill, McFarlane, have returned to- Ottawa. Cox's Lake, Aug. 19.--The weather | showing that business is booming. to resume their work teaching school. | continues wet and harvest operations Mrs. B. Rose has been confined to the Misses McIntyre, Renfrew, are visiting [are at a standstill. Everybody sags house through illness and was under A. Shepherd's. Miss M. Fe ruson has | their grain is the best they have had | the doctor's care. She is able to be vetifrned after visiting friends in Al- [for years. Wallace Bell has purchased | around: now. H. Wood, = Mrs. monte and 'Smith's Falls. a new binder, it will keep Him hustl- | Wood and . little daughter, visiting : ing to get his, large crop taken care Mrs. Wood's mother, Lott, left Althorpe Incidents. of this year. W. Shorts has the finesy [ior their home in Chester, N.¥Y., Fri- Althorpe, Aug. 19~The crops in | TOP of corn and potatoes swen in this [ day. Inst: alo 8. Durlin, who accom: this section never were better, Thim- | Vicinity for some vears. The boys ex- Pani la N, x re visi ng a No bleberries are very scarce. Miss Lizzie | ect a good husking bee there | this EE S50 apanee. aten, 1 lon inte Ta : . all. John C. Cox is home from Geor. | treal. is visiting B. Lloyd for .a J. Norris has returned home from m Geor few davs. Maurice Caten has fully re- Carleton, after an absence of about gian Bay, where he has spent the last | '¢W days.) ce Cate s 3 covered his health and returned to his McCall haa his eye badly cut at works on Sunday hy a News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. Amcliasburgh, harvested twenty-five bushels of speltz from thir Tvendinaga, i: seriousy crime. Cousins, assessment mills on the doi- a. one-tenth of 3 mill more than last % Northbrook, Aug. 1S.--A number | holidays at his grandiather's, Willet John Bull, from ~ here attended the picnic at Valleau's. Mrs. Case is stopping this Cloyne an Thursday last. Miss Ftta | summer with 'her 'daughter, Mrs. Grant tv pounds SOW Joynes has taken the Perry Road {| Valleau. Alex. Morton has' returned Joseph Kennedy, school for the coming term. William from attending his brother's funer. charged with a Atkins has secured a'remunerative po at Thomasburg. James Bowers has re- | compliinant is Mrs, sition in west. Mr. and Ms. turned to this vicinity after spending burg. ler Clancy, Harlowe, were visit a year in Deseroiito. W. H. Post, V. ihe rate of friends in this vicinity' lust week. Miss |S. has sold his farm to Mr. Murphy | Falls is ny-four May Peterson is at home again, Jae |]and bought a house and lot in Well- W. Hepburn has thirty Bores of vicld at E. McKim. Master Perey Campbell. | be out after a few. weeks, ilness. Ottawa, is spending his holidavs at a oats at his farm at Yerexville, his erandparvents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster Sigrals. it 1s chamea will Preslev. Thomas Cassidy, Araprior. is Sangster, Aug. °19.--School opened hu<hels to the acre. Holmes, ~~ Williams' Grove on the 12th. A dinner day morning with Miss Margaret NEWS FREN 00 0b NEGHBORS was provided under the direction of | Caldwell as teacher. Mrs: Charles | ? the "Prentice Boys of this village. { Ward and daughter, Florence, have tae There were several visiting lodges, and | returned fran Winnipes where they Penn and I 3 5 few" days -in Perth. Anthony Kean, Jie Gatrelt's, on Monday night, was piss of pwtals Moy Rewento | Scoteh Line, spent a couple of eve: | Well attended; Syerybody says it was Kingston 'for treat Mas Ken- : ie Ace Tis Fes pr he best social ghey attended this sum- | Ningston "for treatment. Master Ken ing8 here. Miss Tena Fournier return. | the best sou y 8 ol t YW 1 eth Richards is spending a few days ed to Perth. Mrs. Chaklin and Miss jek ih 3 J ion Driskcied 8 fie at Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Mahar, Bath, Bowes, Glen Tay, are visiting fiiend monn St. or 8, den, on Sun- were at Mr. McGuire's on Sunaay. S. here. While Georwe Bygrose was on his on itors: SW ai Wise York. Deseronto, spent Saturday with way to Perth he met with an aceid- _ ey at ] Ih I Lot cKuight, at R. his friend, Roy Way. A well is being ent. He was driving a broncho, which | Cw#zier's; Alired Lewis at D. Cox's; drilled at the paper mill. - Murray became frightened, upsetting the buc- ulm and J. NM. UX at J. Coulter 85 | Foster and sister, Allie, of Caledornie av, but luckily not much damage was Yin Dixon and Mis§ Crozier at R. Springs were the guests of done; Mr. Bygrose has a sore shoulder. MeKnight's their aunt, Mrs. Rose: . Al- : len and daughter, Syracuse, N.Y.. G Enterprise Episodes. Allisonville Doings. 8. Madden, merchant here, attended Enterprise, © A 19.--The Sunday | Allisonville, Aug. 19.--Rev. Dorland the funeral of his aunt, Mrs, Deroche, school picnic at First Lake, on Fri- |Mordan, wife and family, have been | Néwburgh. young son at W. day, August 15th, was well attended. | rusticating at his father's, David Mor- | Wild's, and a daughter at J. Assel- Leroy Weller spent pn few daysrof last {dan's, Christian street. They, "with |~tihe's. EK. Lasher paid a flying visit week. the guest of Bert. Reid. The | other friends, spent last Thursday, at | to Empy Hill Sunday evening last. Sons of Temperance picnic, held at | Consecon Lake, fishing and boating. | As a couple of ladies were driving First Lake, on August 16th, and 17th, | Mrs. James Boyd, was away last week through this village one evening last was. a vrand success, yu good percent- | at Belleville, visiting friends. Miss they were attacked no less ave of the lodee attending. Garnet | Biggs, Bloomfield, visited Mrs. Charlie | than three times gangs of hood- Cox left here, Sunday, for his school | MeFaul a few days last week, return-' | lums along the street. who shouted near Erinsville.: One or two of our |ing home on Saturday. Miss Howe, and yelled, aud heat . the covey voung citizeps left for' Manitoba this | Picton, spent a week with Miss Lena | of their huegy. using' all-kinds of lan- evening, Mr. and Mrs. William Loucks | Burr. They attended quarterly servie- | 2uage. 4 Strathco A + stems to be a have returned from their honeymoon. | es at "Burr's church and "Miss = Burr match tor the Cross Is in Booth CW Keech and family are "visiting [sang a solo which was highly appreci- Farkington's story : Lhe Gentle- relatives near Frankfor Our brass ated, Miss lda Boyd has returned | man From Indiana. The law needs hand > coing to atte nd the Roman | home after a two week's visit at Cher- | to step in here, 'atholic picnic at Erinsville on the | rv Valley. Dr. D. -F. Lucas, Brook- 26th. Sidney Littlewood is visiting: it lyn, N.Y., and Miss Essie Lucas, "Sel- IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. 7. Fitzmartyn's. by, visited his sisters, Mrs. Bruce Mc- The Thomas- in Smith's whicn least sis Brockv le & Loti SATA ia fhe . aot wy oe Wad du saiae'™" Furnzce is entirely Ganadian=-is not a dupli- § cate of any United States heater, as most of the furnaces made and sod in Canada, © : Resigned specially to meet the varied condifions of our climete, and to burn aitkinds of fuel success filly --wiod can be used in fall and spring, end © <oal coal in severe weather. ? Hos a self-acting gas ry -- need to 'opel your doors, etc., X mit gas cdors after lighting fire, as with common furnaces. ! The *Sunshine" kas more good features than any other furnace, and no other goed furnace is so cheap. . "Sold by ali enterprising dealers. Write for booklet. naar | London, Torents, Montreal, Winwiges: Vatcouver, "St. John, N. B. gf toc DANII - 'Balds ness, ------ re Thin Hair and Discolored Hair, etc. 8 PROF. DORENWEND COMING He will be at British Ameri can Hotel, Kingston, ON FRIDAY, Aug. 20th, last -- day of the fair. aN With samples of Sait Goods, Ladive' and Gents' Wigs, Toupecs, Bags. Wavy and Plain Fronts, Switches of every description, ety. can improve your personal appearance. Plain features and disficured heads cuused through the loss' of hair made perfection. Thousands owe their . fine looks to the skill of Prof. Dorenwend. Human heir Adorss and Protects the head. Don't fail to wee his mew DPatent lair Structures, patested all over the world. . Se roan cut hair, especially grey and white bulr, taken ln -ex- ange. Private aparia ments sccured at hatel. Remember for Only 1 Day, - Friday, Aug, 29th For discussing now your purpose heating your house this winter, whether by Hot Water Furnace, Hot Air Furnace or Stoves. We are in a position to give you the very best results for the money you pay. Can't we talk furnace to you for a little while ? McKELVEY & BIRCH, 3 69 and 71 Brock Street. The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S x | .ondon Porter Full ofthe Virtue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable to the Most | Delicate Palate. ! LAND: AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. HENRY Dhaai, HAROHITRCT, rg. ert Mrs. George Shier: N Bartlett is. { Lennon being engaged as teacher ie Was mrsied to Daniel J. Kennedy, 345. visiting -her mother, M Kellar. Mrs. | the 'remainder of the year, the former valued employee of the James Smart ree - = Site Presley, on the sick list for some | teacher, Miss Rivers, resigning" her smanuiicturing company, on Poesday, Ww. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. 3 OFFICE, time, is comvaloscent. Mas: Rotuforan Ficsition: The remains of the ™ late Lo Maine re ceat hats use Scot] Door ver Inood' Hii] tore: old and respected lady of this neich- {John Murphy, Watertown, N.Y., were Ki 2 Po | ps Sie o ll Ne trance an Bagot street. borhood, departed this life on Mon- brought here for interment Tuesday. ae Hye of the Ferry hotel, Bellevall day last. : i ef hic Mi a | Deceased was fifty-eight ye of nee. y la A number of his friends went to Bed Hetherb dooke thot od Sib y EDUCATIONAL. =~ #3 ford Station to convey" the remains to : a i 5 a Ares oa : HL = = Sand Hill Happenings. the home of his brother, James Mur- un fel Wh al ~ior BRap, ed Sand Hill, Aug. 19.--Farmers are phy. "His funeral took. place on _Wed- | "FI nur. and a hali hours. I'he - ; - crop was grown on cighteen acres of CHILLCROFT" about through having and have begun | nesday to the Sacred, Heart cemetery, en s ACADEMY. KINGSTON. pareusting The crops are very good. | where deceased requested to be buried. "Inigations R¥e-Oith Tor. the Murrians A RESIDENTIAL and DAY | lhe moving bec at J. Gray's was well | A requiem mass was sung for the re-] CINUAREGTS ave but fon the 1 of Mr. attended. A. Lewis and family have pose of his soul. He leaves a wife WM Archic Walker 5 hi : SCHOOL FOR BOYS. moved to - their new home. George | and grown up family, one daughter, Atl \ ys. Tl N Ly toNnsID HM Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. Conboy is still very ill. Public school | Mis. Tansey, of Brownville, N.Y., and \ Sal is monn MN : on. gepten Opens Sept. 9th, 1902 has re opened with Mics M. Fox as|iour boys, all holding good positions ne wi A field M lay, Miss M REV. T.J. GLOVER, B. A., Principal. | (cacher; also the Lewis school he as | in Watertown, N.Y.: also a mother, |." P anhicle, on. J a > Sage heen opened with Miss Pavhc ped ioe brothas ad thice sisters Lere ) ie atterson, a daughter of oseph hehe Ane. engaged 14 roy Bue . | Patterson, passed away after a linger- ALBERT COL LEGE, Belleville, as teacher. Alired and Robert Lewis, | He was formerly' a resident of this ine dh She ~v fenty-iw PHENOMENAL RECORD OF HOT "soz € hemlsford; are at their <home: Ar new place until. about fourté vears ago. years i sue. oe ai peng students cnrolled last year, 172 voung ladies | arrival at Robert Soles; a boy,, W. [when he. moved to Watertown, : bata longing to Thomas Wright, and 130 young men, new pipe organ, domes: | Barker and family ' have moved" to | where he Hid resided since. He was al fliok oo ain Sonhinst } lo Ho Sheuge rooms, and sri, vallery recently | 'Neuutain Glove: Mes. W. Bonner is vie. 3 ry amiable disposition and { High Square, Sophiashurgh, was J added. Two ' matriculation scholarships won | © OUnta reve. +. Wa nner 1s vi man ol a very amiable po nh a stroyved by fire. together with the con in 1901. Splendid gymnasium, large athletic | iting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Soles. highly respected by all who knew tents, on Wednesday Loss partially grounds, commercial hall, one of the finestin | Visitors : John and Miss Hattie Laid- | him. A number of cows and sheep Conared by on ay: LONS ) YE he pr lv spent Sunday at George Lewis: was given in custody "to the pound: James Sawver Johnson Boston, son 9th. or illustrative ciroulars address prin- | I). McDonald and. family at George keeper here by a woman from Glen- § William "Johnson. Belleville i cipal Dyer. Conboy's: Harry Lewis, Sharbot Lake dower, whose garden was damaged by Miss H. Mabel Martin onlv danehier z T spent Sunday at home: Miss Mar "them. The owner has since reldased FO 00 Edna artin, Joston KINGSTON COLLEGE and Carrie Gray at: H. Lewis, also .J. | his property. Visitors : George Ham- Mass Were hari on Monday : BUSINESS A, Cox at MH. Lewis'. George and«-Al- | ilton and daughter, Lydia, at William | ° Yeo Pr H. Sproule and. Ais. KINGSTON. fred Lewis at 1. Cox's. Snider's; Godfrey: Mrs. T. Young, and Sproule, Frankville, will spend a cou- TORONTO LLEGE - Mrs... J. Barrett, at Mrs. P. Corcor ple of weeks with the Corrigan fam BUSINESS CO % Wagarville Waits. an 8.3 lve Cleveland, Ohio, who have a TORONTO. : Wagarville, Aug. 1S.--Farmers have - beautiful summer home on Dry island; ol 5 a nearly finished their harvesting. Thev Had a Sore Hand. | neak Waddington, N.Y. Jtatet ond host Scuinmnl. i Quan say that there has not been such a Colebrooke, Aug. | 19.--Some weeks Thamas Fitzeibbop, who = worked oy tb i vield for a number .of vears around | aeo Stanley Bovee cut his hand sev- | with John Shannahan, of Ashdod, 1 Quod iy aL UE. ' ote, Berries were not very plentiful feroly. This apparently healed over, mysteriously apie ad on July Confederation Life Buildines. Toronto. were this year. Quarterly service was | when later he had the misiortune to | 27th. His hody was found on Wed- a= held. in the Methodist church last Sun- | catch the same hand in a bicycle | nesday, in Fillator's lake, near, nis UNDERTAKERS. day. E. Storws, lows is spending the The wound broke out acain and | tmployer's place. He had been drown eee =e | summer with his brother, Allen of this | threatened. becoming very dangeroms.4 ed while bathing. : . : S. 8. CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 place. Mr. and Mrs. C, Ball and fami- | br. Ruttan was called in and. al- Hav Donald McDiarmid, spendin Princess Street, Kingston, Successor to ly spent Sunday at C. Wagaris. Rob- though Mr. Boyce suffered greatly, he | some weeks in Carleton Place, the | V.'M. Drennan. Sib Yensoiinlviry : has movel back.on is now gradually recovering. Mrs. So- faust ol by i dni Mr. Hugh us farm. Sonie decided im wovements | lonion Ball, who had stroke s ° Simipson. ied suddenly. on. Sunaayv of ! T SPARRISON se DERTAKELS, have been made at the rs house | time ago, is very ill. vv and og paralysis. "The d was scventy | hy Deincest Bir A during vacation. D. McCumber, iW Hime-Tario- have a new daughter {-$i¥-year of , A was. a-retired | hones--Warerooms, 90. Night Calls-- J to leave this week for Marfoha, "Miss to brighten' théf¥ home. Misses -Min- | minister of the 1 p church. His | T. F. Harrison, 51. Nellie Cronk is days [ni¢ Boyee and Edna Cowdy held a f howe was at rdfpaane, Glengarry | I ER at Echo Lake. Mr. a Mrs: | picnic in the grove last Tuesday for | COUN. ! BIND D. . Smith, -of Long Luke, at M. | their Summer Schaol classes. The chil- : a i INE Cronk's; Mr. and Mrs. E. Vanvolkin- [dren _all veport' a good. time. Mrs, Caras Below Cost. WwW burg at 8. Cronk's; Mr. and Mis. A. | Garrison," Mrs. A. C. 'Warner and We want to seli off our present ion Sisal, 500 feet to the pound, Howes, of Parham, at G. Howes Mr daughter; Georgie, spent'a few days before the i ot h a B. Taylor, 1lc., sold elsewhere for 12}. ad 2 ising i 3: in. Brighton lust wo k the guests." of siceyssor to E. C. Mitchell. : Sharbo ake, * agar I'S. Mclrae. 3 So )! Mr. -- Manilla, 600 feet, 12jc., sold ------ and Ne uh a Te oF Sori Hat Sale. | elsewhere for 15c. ~ Arden Announcements. ously ill" Br. Vrooman, Napanee, | $2 felt hats for 81 §trachan's Hardware, Arden, Ang. 19.--The celebration of {and Dr. Lockhart, Harrowsmith, are - closings the gates of Derry was held in in attendance. School re-opened yester- Jenkins i bs or sion, o| JAMIES RIETDD, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, y eS g er TOR is Bball Po PARLOR. SET THIS WEEK. 3 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. Providence, R. I, Nov. 6, 1901. * "FORCE" FOOD CO., X Buffalo, N. Y 5 Gentlemen :--The "FORCE" came safely to hand. | am "i greatly indebted to you for it. Some of the packages have been given to my friends and he others have beer used in my own household. | hear but one opinton expressed concerning the new food. The" verdict seems to be that FORCE" 1s the most nutritious of all the cereal products: One friend tells me that a small quantity eaten just before retiring seems always to- insure = him a a 590d night's sleep. 'Yours very truly, he : fms wane

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