Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Aug 1902, p. 7

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. - Hes THE DAILY Fo "WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST ©. _ _ /; 7 jo pane ys got Fe -- qa rules wo -- THE KING --» --t-- GE pa the waves pe er, pitons | ney og fons to -- a * BRITISH MATRONS who lqve their homes seek to make them the belges spot§ on earth. A snow- white tablecloth 13id with shining cups and saucers, and a bright clean home greets the bread-winner as he returns from his daily toil.- A smiling welcome from a happy wife is his, and the children make music at his coming. > = NEVER, NEVER, NEVER js disorder allowed to reign supreme. Alas, that every matron knows not that such a home may be hers. Some matrons are slaves of dirt, and their homes are homes of squalor. Some are slaves to worry and their homes are in a perpetual turmoil of cleansing tfirough the use of common soaps. Britons never, never, never SHALL BE SLAVES is the music of that home where Sunlight Soap is used. Quietly, quickly, without - worry, without confusion, the 'heaps 'of soiled clothes are purified with Sunlight Soap. The whole house is with one wash of Sunlight > made sweetly clean. There is no discomfort to anyone; there is time for rest 3 there is time for recreation there is time to devote to other duties of the home. = Slavery to dirt and to disorder, to work and to worty is' abolished, and of such freedom and comfort the secret is Sunlight Soap. "Sunlight Soap is used in the Royal laundries. = = FURNISHED ROOMS, 4doon without board, 101 Queen streat. YOUR GOOD FURNISHED board, with all 191 University Avenue. . Wii WMS HOUSES "AND STORE 197. 201 and 203 Wellington Enquire of Mrs. Allen, 297 Division strect. BRICK DWELLING, 193 EARL ten rooms; Hot Water Heating: / other dwellings, stores and offices, J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock St., floor. on the corner of Ba LO! streats, near tha park. Mo every way. Daisy hot water h in perfect order Apply to Fe 15 Ba x got strec WITH OR modern conveniences, at POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE- ot and | MONEY AND BUSINESS. -------- me ee m-- MONEY 10 LOAN ID } UR SMALL sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. _ Lc granted on city and county debent: 8S. C. McGILL, Loan and lInvestmer posite the Post Offi ociety. DOLLARS IN thous TWO HUNDRED. THOU SAND! thousind to ten sums from one and . dollars. For partieularé apply AN GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Express Office; --hinrkoia spare. LIVERPOOL LONDON Company In additic h for security we un all the stockholds rtv insured at lowest re renewing old or AND GG ir: from giving 'w business got W STRANGE, Ag Apply to of Frontenac Ofiice op- FIRE ARCHITECTS. row &' SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH ants' Bank Building, corner Brock anc Wellington strects. 'Phofle 212 . ARTHUR © ELLIS, AREH , OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, rear corner of Queen and Montreal Streets P. SMITH, CHITECT-- ETC, or Building Square. "Pho ARCHITECT OFFIC or over Mabeod's Drug Stor corner Princess and B treots a trance on Bagot street! UNDERTAKERS: SS. CORBI Princess Ww. M JAMES R n 1 S. . FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 Street, Kingston, Suc Drennan. Stroet dd nighr. -- TWARRISON CO., UNDERTAKEI 3-285 I s Street. ity 254 Pri Open dav WE KNOW That this cut is out of season, but it is to draw your attention to the fact that we have a nun- ber of pairs of LADIES' DONGO- LA BALS, regular $4 and $4.0 They're yours for goods. $3. Call and see them. ARMSTRONG'S, "IT PAID ME ALL RIGRT. » 184 Princess Street Stuff that was laying around and of mn sno use to me 1 sorted it' all up box and se a card to the Kin a and st t » in verv h pro ket r ) and Besides | 1 deemea rubbish, TO COIN (COLLECTORS. A CABINET OF US. SILVER, COINS FOR sale. Address as Whig Offion. cessor to ID, THE LEADING UNDERTAK- 3 Telephone al vas rid of , log of what | Our $50" DIAMOND RING. This is the best value in a Lady's Diamond Ring ever offered for $50.00. The stones in these rings are personally selected by usfrom the cutters in Amsterdam, and are absolutely perfect. You will find this and hundreds of other styles illustrated in our catalogue, a copy of which will be sent you free. DIAMOND HALL, Established 1854. Ryrie Bros., Yonge and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. A 10 a packet a Wilson's Fly Pads has actually Killed a Bushel of Flies who have not yet used that Eng- lish 'Home Dye of high quality, Maypole Soap, can save time, money and patience, by discard: ing the oldsfashioned powder dyes and buyftg Maypole. Quick, . sure, brilliant, fadeless. It washes ~)° and dyes at the same time. Ww Maypole Soap Dyes Ww, 10¢. for SR emmine Black. S333 Sss EEL" The Liability To Breakage With - ° Rimless ~Spectacle-ware can be raduced to a minimum by following instructions as to their care. And see how much is gain- ed in style and neatness of ap- pearance. We have attractive and lvrable models always in stock at economy prices. - SMITH BR.OS.. Jewelers and 350 King Opticians, St. THE COSMOPOLITAN CHAR- ACTER OF. THE VISITORS TO THE MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS DEMONSTRATES, THE WIDE-SPREAD REPU- TATION OF THESE GREAT CURATIVE BATHS AND WATERS. - 2 THROADBRIN'S LETTER. A Fierce Etectricab Storm Ex~ perienc. d. FARMERS IN SACKCLOTH RUIN AROUND THE HOMES AND FARMS. : Politics are Beginning to be Live- * ly--Another Explcsion in the Subway--Contractors Nearly Ruined--A Panther Escapes From the Zoo. * (Whig Correspondence, Letter No." 1,316.) - New York, Aug. S.--Un Sunday last, the third day of 'August, this city wag visited by one of the fiercest elec trical storms that it has ever experi enced within the memory of hving men. For half an 'hour the thunde rolled in a wild and continuous ex plosion and. the Blinding lightning stashed as if the-order of nature . was reversed and the heavens were on hire instead of. that other place, where everlasting punishment is meted out to sinners. It was a wild carnival of the elements which, being once seen or felt, leit no desire for a repetition. At noonday the heavens were, as black as an ondinary midnight, dles, lanips and gas were lighted in every direction, and a heavy dread of something out of the usual course, and. it seemed for the time to paralyze anything like mortal action and one could only stand or sit and watch and wait for the destructive bolt that can brought lite and death in such. close commune. While the thunder rolled incessantly and the lightning flashed without cessation, the windows ol heaven were opened and the rain pout ed «down and torrents, 1 minding one oi the story of Noah and the ark, whéeh for forty days and forty nights he was the sole link of the world's salvation | cen the present and the past. idea of th extent of the caused hy this . phenomenal evelone would - Fe literally The farmers, whose summer crops were just comib in sheets To give an destruction impossible. to the perfection that would make them marketable, are bowed to the earth in sackcloth and ashes, crushed wy the svorm, which has left black rain around their homes and farms. [he loss has also been quite heavy in ditierent parts of the city. All calm while 1. write,. but it will be many days, perhaps months, before the ruinous marks of this. terribk tempest are effaced. It ix evident to the most casual ol sciver that politics are beginning to tr and that slates are being formed which will lominate the next ale tion. A little while ago it looked though: Senator Platt was about to retive from politivs, but if we may (rust our ears and eyes nothing ea be farth@& from his intentions. QL day we hear of him at Sagamore Hill holding conference with the president a~>to the future combinations in th state of New York, and all refractory politicians who attempt "to destroy the peace which now reigns univer need expect scant mercy when settling dav comes and the loaves and fishes are to he distributed." Next day we hear of Senator--Platt--at Manhattan Peach surrounged by a bevy of the tried and true of the grand old party, who, like tien. Jackson, the sheet a [ swear "hy chor of democrpey, used to the al, the he preserved" While talking on politics let us not than on \ unfon must and shall that therd is more state of Nev the hat 2 echo will ical party in While peace is tle ery, of the republicans to In he taken up hy the democrats gnd the will he rune from Chautan Montauk. The coming to be a walkover tor changes juga to elec tion is not going either party. Midasured Dy presci : wrances "thé majority 15 not i y b 1 either way. The She har, contingent is being pat in pe feet order so that in the ficht for it lite. when it expects to meet Fam many, 10 nav hate some show fort: victory. I have alwavs considered Fammany Hall as one of the best o vanized political 1 ines in the Unit Jd States, 1 whine that d ion y the this ee the overnnent | gree of pert ws chanced wt abrolute d wuntry has ever foundation of th on' whic democrae poticm known since wall ho unguestion the they means into th the nit nmust oO t- defeat at ns. so the | he, from now follow the have neace explosion i swertheless mad i tunnel foo The "sho vicinity-of- the amiortable in the gw lx at Murra a brok: all over the neig i looks hough the heavy damages which th 'IRON-OX TABLETS are by far the most attract- ively pat up remedy I have ever sccn, and the immediate favor they have found with my customers surpasses any- thing in my experience. I can also speak most highly of the medicine itself. I heartily wish you the suc- cess which I am sure you will have." --Wn. H. GARDNER, Druggist, Bridgeport, Conn. They Cure Constipation and Indi _cstion. ' . 50 Tablets, 25 Cents. 'out great as ner contractors will have to pay will mean ruin to theni, and I can hardly see how they will continue the.work with- tance from the city. v. the city was treated to a wild excitement last week, when thousands oi the irhabitants in the upper portion of the city were tremb- ling with fear. and they' had haraly red from their fit when the wild By the w reco storm of Sunday almost took' the roofs from the houses A hurry call was sent out to every police precinct irom the Battery to the Bronx that a wild' leopard "had escaped from the v00 "some tifne during the night and at that very moment might be mak- ino a breakfast on some unfortunate milkman: or. gnergetic baker who weie making their morning calls. A tiger is a bad animal to meet1when he is looking about for a lunch, but he has a bold defiance about him that eives him a «quasi respectability: but the leppard is a sneaking cur; he has gu hangdog lpok which places him outside the pale ofr himan mercy;e his appetite always 'seems whetted to a keen edge, and, though he may have a preference for pickled missionary, he has no persanal objection to a _black- smith or a hodegrrier. But I am not now telling yvouw-6f the conaition of nis appetite; at was enough for the people to know that the leopard had escaped from the zoo and was then in the wildest jungle of Bronx Park. The reserves were hurried out from the dii- ent, precincts, pistols were examin- 1. billys were made ready for use, the night sticks -were firmly "grasped atl ed, there was hardly a man in the service who did not think that he ought not to .be called upon to hunt savage ani- mals in their native wilds, la It was no use for talking reason at such a time. "A savage monster had escaped from his cage and the ques- tion was how to-get him back. Ser- vant girls put an extra bolt upon the : old ladies looked fearfully out of their third storey windows, mounted policemen with revolvers in hand ex- pected every moment to meet this wild forest denizen. When the excitement was at its height, Patrick Casey's daughter Biddy, who is very fond of cats, larce and small, was in her back yard with a saucer full of milk intended for one of 'her favorites. Looking up on the fence she saw Qa nice, wood sized kitten all covered with spots, and she said, = "Kitty, Kitty, Kitty." holding the saucer up in = the most tempting manner. Kitty had evi dently had no breakfast, for it requir- ed no further invitation, and without doors, the least sign of fear went to the saucer and lapped up its contents in less" time than it takes tos tell the story. An old lady looking out from her back window saw' the monster and cave a scream. It was the miniature leopard that had escaped from the Zoo. A number of policemen rushed in and secured the monster, who was carried back" to his cage in the Zoo, | where the mother leopard was impati ently awaiting its return; and if anv one ever witnessed-a display of hum an alifection where a mother had recov- a lost child it could never! be sur- ed hyv--the caresses bestowed by wild "beast little forest darling. . Our worthy Episcopal bishop, Henry ('. Potter. in the course of his Biblical studies, has undoubtedly read that it is not good for man to be alone. For a high priest who has to. receive dis tinguished company every day in the vear a house is only half a house un ess it has a lady at the head. Many of the most eminent members of his church, knowing the vast labor he has undertaken, for his work' is continuous and to himself is unsparing after long periods of labor he returns to his home, needing rest more than all oth: or things. and there are none hut ser- vants. to receive him, nv kind and gen- tle wile to anticipate his wants amd to, assist him way that no vant can. In the course of his travels eminent divine has met a lads who all the requirements: "of a bishop's wife. Mrs. Clark the widow of a forrger. multi-millionaire, has many vears made her headguarter K.Y. She is a lady attractive manners but on its every this has ('ooperstown, Tovely and rich, 1 won't say hor fortune is away up among, the mil- presence, as Croesus, lions. the greater portion df the year, occupies the magnificent homes to he found in the state of New York. Whenever our beloved hishop was called to that part of the state this Tady resides he was always the bean In Cooperstown, where she tive she one of most aN here ne visitor hy made a we tiful and fa ating widow Clark. Se- voral times 4%. hax been reported that the bishop was engaged to be marri od to this lovely lady and for some reason--which---amunable to fatically Nn oComes oive, It denied to us cannot be was quickly and em But now the inforn from such a source that it i for the date 1 believe is the 1 HET will for ied aut adv _dixed when and take place at Cooperstown, the second time this beantiful widow will be led love' itive to the alta It is" hardly ne 'v to gay th among the, millions « i women. of the. United another eculd he found could He ard lv wine all the ibly be de requisites that sired in a ns wife, The invita tions to the me ce ccdemony will the most distin embrace | many onished people in Encland, where «he in the United States: wys born, and where she he tion of her them to the we-hayve: ne cent and hay with God' the pra) mililic Wl co with 0 wish th hem jov. --BROAXDBRIM. Is Increasing. viams Do < 1 k 'headack 1 i 1% necessary Carte Little 1 r Bills will VOIP. ] 1 pill St pri =r 1 Camb) { & a h ' carried. to 1h 4 Miller's . Headache Powders cure boxes headache ingfive mimiitps: Jn l0e. and 25¢c., at Wade's drug store: { from your grocer. Dodson START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. «= gris If you are not already using MONSOON Tea, we would ask you to get a packet It is the most delicious : : ~ 'INDO-CEYLON. TEA : Taek 8 of all teas. BEETS A Ea ECHOES OF MIMIC WORLD. | as Actors and Actresses--Singers and Instrumentalists. The announcement is made that Mittenthal Bros. and Kronberg have encagell Madame Eugenia Mantelli to the Mascagni Opera company, which opens sing the contralto "roles with at the Metropolitan Opera house, New York, on Ogtoper Sth and afterwards' makes a tour. of the continent. George H. Summers, an old Taron- to boy, avho stars next season in U4 Hot Scotch Major," is spending the vacation with his mother in Toronto. Lester - Lonnergan, who played the leading male roles in the Cummings' Stock company, during its 'last sca- son here, is running a stock company of his own during the summer at Kansas City. Alice Huiit, another, ex- member of the Cummings company, is playing with kim. Joseph Haworth will head a special cast, with a chorus of three hundred, in' »the production .of Orestes H. Bean's medieval play, Corianton, to be made at the Salt Lake theatre, Ralt Lake City, on August 11th. Thomas Grady, remembered for his comedy work, has heen engaged to support Murray and Mack in. "A Nicht on Broadway." Nat. C. Goodwin announced his intention: of gappearing as Nick. Bot tom in a production of "A Midsum mers Nicht Dream," he purposes mak ine on his return to, America. It is agnounced thyt Jamet K. Hac kett, now in Paris, has purchased a romantic comedy by two French thors for Is ter she finishes her tour in the Crisis. Oneée more American are to. have the: pleasure of hearing Gabrilowitsch, one of the greatest of the modern school of piano players. au concert goer Riadyard Kipling is at last to ap pear before the public -as a play wricht. He has written a drama that Mrs. Lewis Waller will produce at the Rovalty- theatre, London, in Septem ber. Frank L. Perley has purchased the production richts and the complete spectacular production of "When Knichthsod Was In Flower," from' Miss: Julia Marlowe, and will present Pie Ellsler and a strong supporting cast in thiz famous romance of = six teenth century in England. Joseph Brooks' new stars, J. E. Podson and Annie Irish, will sail for America on the Minnehaha' August jth When the announcement of the ending of the season of "Ben Hur" at the Drury Lane theatre was made. 3h many offers to re to create parts m lined them from a week received main in London new productions, but he de The remarkable, transition chorus girl 'at fifteen dollars a 10 a- prima donna at two hundred and fifty dollars a week in a single jump in one nicht has never occurred in theatricals except in the' case of Miss Kathervn Hutchinson, who is Starting this season in--E-- tr Rice show" girl company. Campers At Calabogie Lake. Renfrew Mercury. The shores ot Jarevyvale, are Calabogie 'Lake, at is week enlivened "by the happy members of Camp Eady. Among those present are: Messrs George Eady, Jr. JJ. H. Walford, and William Ringsleben, 1. 8. Bowden, Was. Bowden and children: Mr. and Wve Tames Camphet and BE LA Mann and = childrens Dr. Ward, Ida Eady, Jossie Faichneyv. Edith Airth, Kate Reid. Jennie Reid, Vera Devitt, Gra cio' Ross, Lena McAdam, and Masters Harold Devitt, Saminy and Allan Mc Pongall. Fred Deprato attends to the wants of the inner man, ee Qeamers North King and Caspian Kingston, "daily 7 (except: Mon at 10:07 am. for I.UWY islands, for Rochester, NOY Campbell, Mrs. Misses Andison, at Hh p.n., and commencing 20th June. W. J. Devlin: istruek by a ILondon treet ear, «lied on Thursday -of his injuries. Whinee he came to London i= mot known abell Irving to star in af-- reater por" Could Scarcely . . Straighten Up On Account of Severe Pains in Smail of Back--Deranged Kidneys dhe Cause of Trouble. KIDNEY- LIVER PILLS » who suffer from cat many peoj backache, lame back ana pains in the limbs think they have rhewnatisin and that there is® no cure for them. At nine cases In every ten can he Ty the use bi Pr. Chase's Kidpey-Liver Pills. Mrs. Lessard was badly "crippled before. she began the ~ : this great Kidney medicin the sever in the that my of pain small o derangea ciitment with Di er Pills, and to . 'This medi ctlv. on the act her J. 150 Aqueduct 0 dae. tates Ty was with my hack. rv weak; and whenever wuld hardly straighten up atlmetit kidneys | result improved my a. . "HAD SPOOL A WA eA FOR dressmaking and family sewing Corticelli Silk is the. best silk made. . For hand or machine use it has no equal, Corticelli Silk runs smoothly in the needle ; it is al- ways even in size and always full length and full strength. Ask your dealer for *'Corticelli" and politely but firmly refuse all substitutes which some clerk may say are 'just as good." You may be sure they all lack the many excellent qualities of the genuine Corticelli Silk. If your dealer does not keep Corticelli Silk it is probably because he makes a little more money selling you some other brand. As Corticelli costs YOU no more than poorsilk, why don't you try it ? Ask for "CorriceLLr'--the Dressmakers' Favorite Spool Silk. : J ©OOO@ ©VOEHOOO VOOCOOO O@ A LEAKY ROOF CAN BE MADE PERFECTLY WATERTIGHT BY PAINTING IT WITH DERAL ROOFING PAINT Guaranteed for 5 Years 0OCPeOe® ~ 8 MANUFACTURED BY THE FEDERAL PAINT & OIL CO, DETROIT, MICH. COICO CORICTOIOOI000) \ J ; Hardware, Paints, @ A. STRACHA » Oils, Glass, etc., Corner Princess-and Montreal Streets, Kingston, sole Agents, | 0ST LOCOOOE POOOOIOO OOO mp----, EVERY DAY _ sr BARGAIN DAY | ABERNETHY'S. | Boots, Shoes, Trunks and TE VANSeSy | COOCOOe00® (CIO KEEP COOL. We Carry a Large Assortment of the Following Goods at Reasonable Prices. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, a Window Screens, Screen Doors. : Coal Oil Stoves, 05¢. to $9. : : Garden Hose, etc, 77 PRINCESS ~~ °° STREET. ELLIOTT BROS.

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