DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST ®, 51 0 Smith, th Hs defeat, his investment, | Orange Free State. Cape Colony de- TH E n & g =o 3 p TRAVELLING. UP 0 AFRICA and to 'his relief by reinforcements. clined to assist, yet Sir Theophilus d . = = = * I The Dutch became utterly disorganiz- | Shepstone went from London to Pre- . » ih Allan Lire verpesland ed," however, the republic failed, and | toria, "just as civil war was pending A THOROUGH AND CONDENSED | (hiy in 154, handed Natal over to [und the Zulus threatened fresh trou- i CHURCH AND CLERGY ARE : : : ..- Royal Mail Steamers. HISTORY. the British and with the exception of ble, while the state had no funds and MENTIONED FOR SERVI / R D ' Froth Montreal. From Quebec. 7 500- persops. moved further north to the burghers would "hot contribute : . CES. | CU E Noid Aut bt ad Ae 3 So Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian I . : : BIg } lay. Cape Colony | taxes. The 'ritish ambassador a ivi it Yoic Ax 5 Parisian, Aug. '9, 5 'am. 9, 3pm. the Transvaal of to-da I 1 By Diving ¢ ut Ue Acid Pois v Mongolian, Aug. 10, 9 a.m.> SJ 16, 7 pi. Pacific Railways. Ni i : B s. | threatened annexatic 1 the .dis- + ~~ ys. ineteenth Century a Period of | made both progress in integnal affair thre sotied Elbe ! a t Be Pil Interesting Tvents Culled From From the tystem. Fermaneut First cabin, $65 and upwards; Second War--Trouble all the Time-- Jand "an extension outward . steadily | couraged, Rhe'p oes president weakly ~ Vari D : : re = : bin, $37.50 to $42.50; Loudon $1.50 a gave in. In 1897 the * South African arious Denominational Pa- Cure Can be Effect d Third class, $25 and $26; Liverppol, Dery. L That's Why South Africans for thirty years. cs ns : ; . " $ < io S republic fell aitér roublou Xis- ers -- Local and For 4 Bulfast, Glasgow. London. 20.0 0 Harvesters ] an'ed 5 In 1546 an expedition to punish a} republic {roublous -exi P oregn But First the New York to Glasgow & Loadonderry. are Fighters and Equal to ked, ber. of | tence of nearly ore vears. Church N 1¥ MANITOBA AND CANADIAN Kaflir raid was attacked, a number o i ure ews. . ? x NORTH-WEST Privations in War. men killed and the convoy captured. An able governor, Sir Bartle Frere, Lord, rant us eves to sce, nnd ca KIDNEYS MUST BE HEALTHY. Sattbassniss. FARM LABORERS' Volume ten, of the Canadian Nine A barbarous horde then rushed on the griived at xis June ure Jo perfect a heme, a : bl . npveatin Sinspew Divect. : % - \ : Ys 2 sttlers. < o federation simi o nada's a And, 5 . : inda uf - - rec EXCURSIONS teenth Century series, Linscott Pub- white settler devastati far and Ah ahs wisn) Ho) aR Kora, Awl ois to love, and minds to wider | Pheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and | Sicilian, 6,284 tons, July 30th, Sept. 3rd, Will Be Run From All Statiems én |lishing company, Toronto, is a timely wide. | ry thing but. Fort Loveaaie Ard steadfast faces toward the ¢ La all Forms of Uric Acid Poison Are Re= Oct. Sth. 5 Kingston & @embroke Rallyway, [contribution to an velo h history | in ithe * Zosa country was piliaged. And swadfass faces towan] the Naly Law), Rex First cabin $50, second cabin $35, third government. The practical whipping ith i i : . Aud confidence oi hope, and fidal fear, sults of Kidney Disease, and Can class $25. August 20th, to Winaipeg, being a record of™"'Progress in South J [hi® called' forth a strony British | in of the Transvaal was resented by § Aud ciuzusiup where Thy saints apie: Han gent, Ci aseenger . %a'> 2 qn . - tb rh Si 5 pear $1 or $10 Africa." The author is Dr. George Mc. J {01 a surrender of, the Kaflirs, and | the Puih majorities of Cape Colony, tefore Thee heart -in heart amd hand in Only be Cured by Getting Direct Se i at x 0 F A a. 1 x . George Mc- ; as elsewhere, * as d& wrong. No confed- : One-way tickets to. Winnipex only will be} Call 'Theal, historiographer to the the welding firmer, of European rulc|as € ; iil ong. ho con wd alleluias where their chantife band Kidacys. With De ; at the Seat of the Tro pot, Johnston and Ontario streets, = Pp. hand, ub.e, the ail Oy . wold, but each person purchasing will be fur- | Cape government, whose extended list hy creation _of-a_new colony--Britich he ian is Te except with As¥waters and as thunders fill the sphere. 9 ; nished with a coupon on which, after such | of works is held i high \ > Fe J Rafiaria. The Orange River *sov- [eatly consents of the Pople: The Low, ame bs what Thon wilh, "awd Si WAR F UEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY person has been hired at Winmipem, to 'work Kaa ¢t In high repute. For ervignty. folowea later, for common ninth Zoza war was scarcely «ended in Thou wilt Sas 2 ws a farm lsborer, but not later then: Au. Over quarter of a century he has been revolt of thetburih-] severe punishment of the Kaffirs, Shon Deny, and fold us in Th peaccul fold; : pust lst, 1902, free' transportation will be making researches of books on South protection et A Side oh BUF de Bi jsh invaded Zalulird t so Not as the world gives, give to us Thine - 'LIMITED. riven to holder from Wianiper to any Can- ars followed, and the British resident and Oo pun-} + own: ' 2 3 adian Pacific station in Manitoba 'or Assini- Africa, in Various languages, and =to.1 and all his attendants ~ were | ish Cetéewayo and his forces, but meet { Jnbuilt us where Jerusalem is built Rev. Dr. I. Villars,'a Promineat Meth- River and Gulf of St. Lawrence how, West or South-west or North-west of j this knowledge he has' added an in- Zriven from Blomiontein. Sir Harry ine the - annihilation of Yshndivans With js of jasper and with streets of | odist Diviae, Says Warner's Safe Wianipeg, but not beyond Moose Jaw, Rste-' | timate acquain a wi . J SVE 2 rR " : The yu = r red H heu . van or Yorkton. 4 there of Xi 1 lance hai the people Smith made a march against hem, loss 830. The gallant stand at Rorke's Pel hoi. Thysoli Lord. Christ. for Cure Cured His Rhe matism, Seams Cruises in Cool Latit des RT or oR in honditions. ol vertificetel. Dete 4 all classes. He is a Canadian gallantly won a stout battle, executed | drift saved Natal, however, and other the corner stone. Twin Screw Iron SS. Campana," with which will be given purchasers of one-way!' loyalist descent and having no lo- her burgh- | columns were successful in their oper: : ' Christitia G.. Rossetti. SANDWICH, IIL--"After a delay of months | electric lights, electric bells and all modern two and banished many ot + ourgh +H : ! -- to te sure that my, rheumatism of over a | comfort. £10 tickets, r 1 to cal prejudices 3 3 > tp 2 3 em : . He Yr : an ickets, passengers will be returned to ical prejudices, presents the -truth in § 7 Jeved the Vaal Riverfistrict | ations. Finally Lord Chelmsford, with ns ; : : Veubs printul mull umatism of over a | "SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS Christ Church; Brixton, England eal 8 panful SUICTIM boy si oN: 2 : Sth and Las received oaac i <50.000 = | der "re to assure you that so far 'as 1 know | ot 2 Li Livi amd 250 Avis; Sia and S receives racy : : 22nd Septembe diet o St Gabriela ey a ) oe. Ene ¥ Ci of 'myself 1 Su ey jor Set od 3. A Ste 8 ' aton, bng., s am porsundes i 3 srside LE J = : sto - . im Lo But ere lone has received an ahonvinous donatio Ware Soh Sure River, Summers ide, PEI, and Charlotte dntion on Tourist Cars. vision. In 1850 the cichth Kaffir war began | hut ere Johg thy warred: between ou EN s donation . ie I belive that j town PEL Full particulars: at K. & P. and CI.R. One hundred yeurs ago South Africa | with the usual surprises and ma themselves over 4 and one party of $10,000, melvin wil do a Lh Suest (eip o he. gunson for Iualth 85S Ticket Office, Ontario St. SO » . . = invita eal . ) < clai > iss): as 420 | come Ticket 0 iy Dutar 3 A YOLOER. IR. South. of the Zamkesi yas for the § oc of settlers, defeat of small forces inviting the aid of burghers and be- Monnons Shin Lo hie 3000 missi a leims 10 do it ARTHUR ATIERN, Seorctarv. Quebeo. greater © part an unknown land: the {0 destruction of military villages. ing successful gave these burghers the |Onaries in the field. and to have made the patient will follow For tickets and staterooms apply to J.P Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt fi : Dutch and Portugtese had few settle- Lp, (wo years hostilities lasted, and district now known as Vryheid, but [20.000 converts last year. we instruc toms to Jb HANLEY, of J. P. GILDERSLE ARVE. at ments or military posts; even the | ant of provisions alone lead to | then styled new republic. Strife con- Rev. W. C. Mclntyre, late of Queen's, i Poste. NM. : Ticket Agents. Kinston, ; Tay THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY names of places on the maps were § Kaffir subjection. Meantime the Or tinuing among the Zulus, Great Brit- has been extended a unanimous "call to 'h ites Sn NEW SHORT LINE FOR neyrly olf fictions and disappeared § ype Ri ubjects began fresh trou. | 810 annexed what was left of thay the Bobcoygan Presbyterian church. : oR with 'later exploration: the trade was fhles, and this lead to the: famous land to Natal, exiling the chiefs to A beautiful church, a memorial to y imnt in it, or if it Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto and all loeal | NO fully %500,000 per vear; the places § and River convention, under which St. Helena. : : William E. Gladstone, has been "com- Romy i i Poists. = Trun_jover. Civ, fr penct, oi 8 of worship less than a' dozen: the | the farmers heyond the Vaal River Meanwhile tha Poers of the Trays- pleted at" Shotten, parish of Hawar- To are fice, Clarence street. schools fewer still. There were no f were given absolute independence. The taal sent delegations to England, den. - , eased, - bridges and only one newspaper, and | Transvaal had then 5.000 families, headed bv Paul Kruger to seek restor- | Paudita Ramabai has 2,000 women WARNER'S SAFI CURE is PRG | thot was published at Cape Town inland others at once moved in from atipn il lependene. This was de- in hey Eze va India. She was promis: L NARSERE BY Cine no : IN! TE IIe Dutch and English under. censorship. § British territory, because ol the new] ™ T, ale the burghers prepared for-]ed $5,000 a year, but received last for harmiul drugs: it 18 Te Jsliment I'he settlements were raided: hy 'Hot teedota, afforded. Sir George Cath war, revived their parliament and to | year $70,000, and pleasant to takes does not Fi the 'number of 6,000 took an oath to More than twenty German foreign Prite Holl Dy. sib -deergisis, op o : tentots and Bantus; there being no J cart's fruitless expedition against the | ie RU No went, at Sb . representative government, despotic | Basutos in 1852 dis «couraged the "home | Pe faithful to death, depositing stones | missionary societies are suppor hag Refuse - substituts o There is nome, " just rule:was universal. Gold was exported | zovernment and. they renounced the jin a heap as a witness. The provis about 850° missionaries and 4,000 na- | as good © as Warner Safe Cure A ¥ Ps SR 1 i ional government i i i iv Ss curd all forms of ki during t in small quantities; the great gold and | sovereionty of Orange River, with its Heidel _ established itgelf at | tive teachers. ; last thirty years It is prescribed by all Excursion diamond mines of the world were un- | 15.000 Europeans, (Dutch four to one) ere berg: thy first contlict, a skir- Bishop Clarke, Episcopal, 'Rhode Is- | doctors used ip the leading hospitals. suspected although the people in meeting, beg mish at Potchefstroom; was followed | land has passed into his ninety-first WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowels : : dig : by the ambuch, heavy 1 rear. tl 1d ol 3 | gently and aid a specdy cure, Return tickgts: will' be issued at. A very interesting description is | ced #r continued British rule and pro a oss ands cap- | vear, the oldest prelate in the Angli- | ¥ ture of British at Bronkhorst's Spruit; jean communion TRIA. BOTTLE FREE. 0 aiven of the three great classes of na- | tection. But a convention was sign- | \ ; 3 . a : ' SING E FIRST CLASS FARE tives, Bushmen: Hottertots, Bantus. fed with a minority. committee of y op y so re pales of Sir George Rev. W. J. Herbison, B.A., a gradu- rr AOS SAFE Cu ne Sony i bit Bat 1 3 Ihe Portuguese occupation of three | burghers oranting independence and : Ys at 1. ny ek: and his defeat | ate of Queen's, has ben called to the permanently cure any sed condition of Keeping Up The Home? ctween all stations in, Canada. hundred vears had ended with ereatly | cuaranteed government. 'The British at Scruin's Hoogte and Majuba Hill. | pastorate o e Highl: ark Pre ys, liver, bluckler, or blood" that they : . \ t ! « The British 1 pastorate th ighland Park Pres- | vhe k s 3 ° for Y 1f? Good Going August 8th and 9th | cjuced and decadent sovereignty. The | flag came down in token of another 1 5 ri ih Gases s in killed and wound: | byterian: church. Dénver. Col w rand postpaid, without any pout to No Working or Yourse : 7.3 eX So : , i lv. sotvender for 2 : of ed, , to the Boers' sstcdos 2D : EO TL): a large tr ottle, if you w 8 Ta Valid reluming from destination on or be- | Dutch had found a lodgment one hun cowg dl} Ratrends do w hat the = prisoners, was Pow of 3, Boies 200 Almost simultaneously with his pro- | pers Safe Cure Company. 44 Lombard St. Are' you. keoping your own lnwi in ordee fore Monday, August: llth, 1902. (dred and fifty years before, but num- ppire has had to pay aearly in the Sin Lick of e E of British | spective marriage Bishop Potter is | Toronto, Ont., and mentic n having see 21 ir are you caring for that of some landlord? . bered in 1791 only 20,000, and were | new century. 2: oh Roe exposure as compared asking for a co- adjutor. Thus he will liberal offer oi the Whig I . Just as easy to care for vour own. Just FAR ' but a chain of independent .comman- In 1853 Cape Colony' was granted ihe Priti h hes ot Jeehing cover, ile welk helped at home and outside bin ke re t spartmen act | as ensy to pay. rent to voursell. We have " : 3 he at sci ! S wee & 2 Pp . ou . " tical m ; : h dos, or settlements. having revolted much desired responsible government, for the 4) ig : € an plisurdly small The - American Board of Foreign Mis- | vice. medical booklet, dingmosis the properties, give vou terms that satisfy, 3 > 3 7 ph ¥ arliame Jecte 3 Ork In han ree of the i 3 re chic il be sent vou free of abarge. 1 are as carciul of vour interests as you ¢ the Fast India company. rul- | and a parliament was elected. In 1856 Lh 10 Dsidne claims t > : - i : Jowhich will be sent ve and are as ¢ To Manitoba and Assisibeia © f the colony. The rule of this Joceurred the remarkable infatuation of four towns to which British had fled : ns to be the oldest oryamiz > X 3 : > Be i oe ithin the Transvaal hel = ation of its kind in the United States Gi . ord ' . sf + broke the Kaffivs in killing their cattle, 200. |! aal held out against : : : . ? A C A S FARE $1 0 Going Date powerful company wa finally broken |e : a! % : BE al corn.) somes, dating its foundation from the year eo eads, and u orn, D. . » August 20th by the British expeditions of | : ne iy yr. Although 12,000 tre 1810. , 1 { which captured Simonstown Muisen- | in the superstitious beliel that" count Botte te Jo stoops artieed fram The Anglican diocesan synod of What Dan d oman 0 346 King Street. For fyll particulars applv to : logs des attle | wo herg and Cape Town, leading to the J less hordes of wattle and amazing Q mn Orange Victor 2 : . & o . led o SE I : : : a > ori s J N 8 2. HANLEY,. Agent, surrender of the colony, the burghers telds of orain, with all the heroes of tate and Cape Colony were in deep toria has admitted ladies to mem . ! as x bership in vestries, | Roof 27 City Passenger Depot. taining hair viehts subiee the past, would rise up to heip drive vmpathy with the Transvaalrs and Pa ETRE I MN ? 19 190 : retaining their rights, ubjiect to the whites into the sea. As a result j 8 troublous time was in prospect. to 11.. That's advanced séntiment, uP d dll (lapriages Carriages ; sna aen-------- starting point by same routg on or belore \ nininest ear is a" ponds yr reinf , i November 30th; 1902, on none of 818. iP € garb, 2 sature the reader of and completed the British Ordhge Co- heavy reinforcements, _ invested sand TICKETS ARE SECOND CLASS and ARE | contemporary history will appreciate. §1,,v afterwards. the Orange . Free overthrow the main Zulu force, cap-, NOT GOOD ON "IMPERIAL LIMITED" and | leaving Jeductjon to writers of later | &., = turing" Cetewayo and ending the war will not entitle holder to purchase accomo | vopps and clearer State. ~ : or : could desire. 3 ivich o a ar rule < ruly > oo itis governors. Thole Ful ea tens of thousanas of Kaflirs perished Readily the British accepted the Boer tly, | bi \ . " % or ate, ¢ ble: re » t . - { 3 wl oo : 4 DUMINION LINE ort ig M1802 7 ot Cape of _hunver, while the rest were scatter- proposal of an armistice and conven- na ole LxsibAny of the London 5 ) ) e peace « 2 res A : : . 'i : - inition. This ve alo society in China says that it is esti- fe . ale Yk riae Sed: peace and cessation from raias jor ery celebrated settlement ; bn oA 8 OSU * ; N Colony to Holland. But the i Word of atte wont anourd.. The incident al- § provided for complete self govepninent. mated that C hina spends - annually in In [limes of Suffering and EVERYBODY MALL STEANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE | Wor hrought he permanent british re- So ancouracedl settlement: ih the nowy Under British suzerainty,_of a teri. ancestral worship one hundred and Critical Illness She Can : . . Ahel Calfomini. +... ang IG conquest of 1 5 Sith a Ni jew i Jor ict district, and precipitated the f tory smaller than that the British then fifty millions of dollars. : Who has rubber tires on _ Norseman on Aue: 23rd i ve Kahle 3 Rey to nia Anne¥ation of FEafara to Cape Col held, with a British rosiltnt control A Huguenot congregation has. wor- Honestly Recommend carriages are well pleased wi aa Aur. 30th | and seasoning ground for troops, . ! ! y thirty afl Colonia i oe li a. wih 0 LF . A . an : Md be and ony. . ing exter nal relations. No legislation shipped for thirty years in the crypt - 'ily the ease and comfort they enjoy Sirhan he hens oth fests ving a French base fc pping Li 1858 the war hetween the Omnge ting. the African tribes wis to he of Canterbury sxvhedsal A manse for Pai ne S Celery in driving, if you have not got iforni is 3 Se 2 u1s., Mee Stators i +. Bas < was dis. » i Fh sida? the mister se ro i Ste -- marked * do not, carry Sot ah The troubles with Kaflir, Hottentot Frog States a : the: Basutos was di ted -withons Britain's consent. i i» Ber an 5 musenn for anti * % them on your carriage you RATES 0 PASSAGE--Saloon, $65 and I-burehor. made: Reltish rul diffi. Jastrous to the Boers. to whase reser] This wag no higher independence .than | AUities is 'now being built, . should send to LATURNEY and 2 : AN ora ade p x 'aln . . e ' VE nN wor E.R AN N upwards; single. Bmardine. io fener > od | 205 burgner mince: Tish rile 4 of + British governor came. They again | that of self-governing colonies. The Revs. J... Mercer, E, F, Every. ail om ou nd have them - on--and- enjoy - your wervice, Second Saloon, $37.50 and. up- cult task, culminating »in the rebellion to be admitted back to Bri- | farmer parliament reluctantly accepted Archdeacon Churton were consecrated : P 4 drives wards, single, accordi ig to steamer and ser- of Slachter's Nek; then hangings and { Sovereignty, but the policy in | this convention rgther than go to war Bishops of Tasmania, Falkland Isles : view, Third class, $20. : s Es > : | imprisonments, memories of which are | pyeland was directly opposed to" in | again f le and Nassau, respectively, in St. Paul' \ M MONTRE 3 2 torte reealed. 'The: Kaffe war gana was o 1) i'l d to mn 1 for complete independence: th Sau, respo v, St. Paul's A : Diy EAL 23nd stil} bitterly recnlled; The Kaffic wars | crease of territory; the Cape frontier | British i cancelled the toe cathedral, on Sunday, Julv 13th. S d aver 0 1 8 ab d dll . » wore incidents in which Briton and | lone was desired. The Boers were | ation. proclamation, Paul Kruger was Rev. Mr. Leggette, pastor of C alvary Sep 1341 r . . ve Ht SU Burcher joined hands, however, with engaged again in IN68 with the Basu | elected president and the South -Afri- Cong tional church, has ro ed isher of Disease. ; CARRIAGE MAKER, | success. The influx of colonists be: b,c and defeated t) The Bi i : x t Wt 1 I Commonwealth en or el Rug YER : - 8 s mln os and defeated them. The Basutos fean republic was afloat again in a sea |"% "diceept a call to the congregations h vn r Aue 20th | tveen IS17 and 1830, under plans of § (ioht Pritish protection and were of difliculties. The upshot was another ofe Burford: and New Durham, Brant m---- 390 Princess St. + Kingston, the home government, was substantial «li ve heir ace : 3 , a roanti Boston to the H granted 1t to prevent their scattering appeal to England, & 5 County, Congregational churthes ; il wv hath # . . I ung , and three vears Fr iy RS , ; : NEW SERVICE Mediterranean | and they were a sturdy lot, overcom- fn infusing other tribes. Their ter | later a new convention was Sey yo Rev. Canon Pelham has* succeeded to Woman's power for good in the | ---- Lawton Thimble Berries 5, % . fro 3 wa er Te e avsiY Par veseits . « z SE x . Fr Uree ) gs Sh : Cambroman, Aug. 16th--Vancouver, Sept. 6th | ing frequent hardships. Repre i ritory + British lana. and this | by Earl Derby. withdrawing tho oR the rearldoth of Chichester. The other | home can-never be truly estimated. In Main Saloon, Electric light, . Spacious assemblag <. were instituted sud & 3 incatsor] afresh the Boers. The Tri erably and toidincy, cxiending oF five peers in the ministry are the Mare-f Limes of sadiering_and danger, her | ----Pine Raspberries le de i \ 5 sustoms. re : ak FAVE . ) 3 : 2 i ¢ i : ; "i IVE . J. P. Hanley. J. P. Gildbrsl 18h polis: aml customs. rep pom a vaal gave the- Orange State much | boundaries and reducing the debt 5 quis of --Normandy, Earls of -Devon,+-dgment and__expericnee an invalu 7 ildersleeve,; | Dutch, increasing the lung Hien pathy hut meagre help. The form- | Britain--a virtual granting of | Strafford aid Bessborough and Lord | abte; -her--smiles;--words---of cheer and | -- _ Florida Watermelons ou T. Be Station, + 42 Diarenics St. | satisfaétion of the burchers. The Zulu state | its own troubles, in fre: | pendence Sin 8 Ww 2 inde Scarsdale : comfoit. help to dispel gloom and . T( NCE & , Gen. } . : 3 ' : : AER ] pendence, se Iv as regards treat- | S50 re. i ; BispL ee Mor et god Portland. | Var of © ext: ation. b. mancipati n quent wa with tribe : One of these ing, with foreign siates. I'he first Protestant -conver{ in Ja- | saaness. I'he faithiul, discerning ----Jamaica Oranges. of slaves, and sixth at Ir Jun, ish was tragic. =A party of twenty-three Suoinlig Arius pan was baptized thirty-six vears ago, | Wife has a full know Sludge of the value : : ; ineficctive government, lawlessness 0 hunt was massacred near Maka by Biltain and the di vos annexed and the "first church of nine members | of Paine J Celery, Compound as'-- a} ___ Aj] kinds of fruit Laks Ontario & Ba of tinte Kaflirs" and lack of sympathy from fpan's all. whose people joined by ite Fo i districts of Gor- | was organized twenty-nine years ago. | banisher af disease; she has had a per . } England, disheartened the colonists | other ela yeean thefts and burni \ ated t ruman, Taung, Vryburg and] Now there: are-42,450 Protestant con- | Sonal expe ewith it: she--has not-4 Can be bought : } a 3 ot iorati The + .g ¢ i ng are 3. safe- da): yy : . ; 'Fos: Ee Steamboat Co., Limited. and "in 1336 set in general © migration |The PR raised two commiandocs, | 0 the eo ¢ set up as safe-guards | verts. Protestants number one to | vd its wor riul effects and cures: she ' . . north, the foundation of that doer 101Y Makapan and his 'army to take 1 Jobstice of the Boers. This | avery 900 of the population hag faith in its virtues, and recom Strs. North King & Caspian and late! conquered at 4 frightful Lreiuce in a cave till all were killed' or in | 3a inning of extensions, Archdeacon Brooke? of Halifax, Eng mends it with full confidence, J. H. Cheapest at pe : al re 5 : astened 'b > ress X, h.ng S ' : : cost. The trials and massacres gave fstarvea, 2.900 in all. v German aggression. The land, was recently presented with £1, Brown, Port Perry, Ont., says: . : " ; . : oT - | cold" discoveries | i |A EES. i the settlers the courage and hardiness The burghers of the Transvaal haa : ib rought wealth to | 000 fr » of Halifax " was--tronblenwith kidney. com J P St : : 5 i the South 'African republics, greed ! from the townspeople of Halifax, : i . ofa > ' rincess . 2 \ Oo sp ondi frequent dissensions and formed three BS t 3 3 le + the doctors called it, an en rig & Ro hester Rout seen in their descendants. | ons. al nel three . bot eche mini) » greed 10 [aq appreviation of his work. Mrs, Jamis the doctors tat : Bay of Quin e e In 1839 the republic of Natal was | separate dates in I1S38. but re-union its oflicials, despotic rule, and vilest | Brooke was given a silver salver and fare coment of the neck of the bladder ; : > tof nro we the riiimnad i 360. : treatment of Enolishme AY DP acl > h = : : itor sulle s Seamer leaves daily (except Monday) at formed, bs ith, Pe tefniiaurg as the yoeHTh 4 n 16 ae tual civil war now being 'given to their pen, expression | £100, The gifts were subscribed for hy | | at as it may. I suffered the most . 8 p.m. for Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bav | capital. The govefnment was bv a frose over the election of president : 0 i g heir feelings" in the both' Churchuieh and Noseoniopmist intense pain. | app died to my physi i 2 ; Iver 1 p sts. 4 ! Ne 3 ot Quinte ports. parliament of twenty- four elected, © at Schoeman attempted to drive Grob Th al a ed and weak Jameson raid. In a mission in West China, two | cian for relier with but little encow 4 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE ores e, with a president elected quarter helaar out by force. when Panl Kru i I eels ener red--- precipitated} ho usand mites upethe Yanh-Tse Kiang ment: he thought the only way tor 5 Stanmor--loaves--daily(escept--Mondari--at lv. But the burchers objected to. taxes por defeated him insteac, besieged him | the long-conceived design of the Boers | it was aeported that at the last An. + to obtain relici was to submit to . . R je i exc] ondav), 2 F Er : : ho capt and fore Lo | to oveér-n SSENS 2 oe t i iy 8 \ wv . 10.17 a.m. for tour of 1,000 Islauds, call and there could he ne police; anarchy Jat capital and forced him. to tl a Tn and POSS all oF South Tia) wiseting there were 372 niomlors LEY 1. 1 went home very much ing at Alexandria Bay, 'Rockport und Gana: | was the result. Their encroachment up the coantry. - Hes soon returned and ¢ re the invasion of Natal took fund probationers; "at the end of thir discoura andewidprevaied-on-by 4 t acqu v Y to art i ny and? ¢ ace by a e it i ; of he i 8 ¥ « nv wild ee C fr : 9) on Cape Colony lead to the attempted OOK part an a m election, and" all ¢ by a confident army of hurghers, vear thefe wore 922. an increase of 330. | 1 i" try Pam Celery Com 1f they do why not give them 2 : Sot . '> romise 0 ¢ ons The he d secretly storet EE = ie 1 ! . STEAMER ALETHA reprisal' of the British under Fapiain compromise "on Van Rensbn . i who hud ecretly storeil arms and am or 250 per cent. There are besides nud 1 did, hat with very finds the best that can be had, when Leaves Mondays at § p.m., for Picton and cE . election was disported ana fichting Humyon for a lone war, wand promis over. 2.000 inquirers. faith init purchas ed one bottle, but T . : ed to inflict on Great Britain a price iy ! : the results. were man ellons, as 1 rn it costs no more than milk of utormedinte Bay Porta ocenrred under Viljoen and Kruger, : ¢ . At tt bl ana 8 « : . x ; i we age of seve 5 \ mer : EE RANEY ation wy oe SUFFERED 0 yi ARS with disconifiture. of the latter. The that would stagger. humanity. The JahleApostle--of the ar Het ceived immediate relicf after taking it. | doubtful quality and purity. . HARLLX ovis, | Ticket Aeente. new' president fled, but Kruger with id is too récent a history to eall for Jolin C1 th I = ; ; : ie The pain $= all gone, ana inv skin in For pure, rich wholesome, fine DERSLEE en de er L . : on. has been so far o 3 » » ' James Swilt & Co.. Freight Agents. new force met Vilioen and drove him [© ail. The Boer hus paid 2 stacy : > wv beinel«dry and harsh as Dwi D:_[reig 5 y paid the stagger stored" to health as to return, with ' : flavored, drinkable milk, there is From Kidney Trouble, Pain in hacks A truee and new election --ol ing prico-of his national existence. He his devoted wife, ta his work ow the |: eB aft a Yolen; H lowed, when Rensburg was out-voted bdid not. know wh : : . ihe t I ney It . eel We uo as ¢ © en he was well treat 1 : : m Li Y wt, | oa new man, and ney f none equa o the Back and Hips. hy friends of Marthinus Pretorius. To] od and well-off us the! veherims" Gaul nissnd of ive, I'he enthusia Hl jolt © hetter v life than 1 do = rernal disputation here ceased hecawse J convention placed him. ; > ne en a natives ep present." Clarified Milk. the savages in various directions were Chis history is remarkable for its}. om oy deeply Dr. Paton was- beloved)" ; 5 An Ingersoll Lady's Remarkable Tivine troubled in the midst of which feomprehensiveness and wondeviul' tom- |; I'he 'fordicth anniversary of the lay con- fing of the foundation of St. Joln's Recovery by the Use of Dr; Jilsvotrenies of gold tempted the | pilation of facts and events in one : . . B " x 9 - Totonto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands Pitcher's. Backache - Kidn ransvaalers to attempt to forcibly | volume. It is the simplest of recor - church, Pittsburg, will be celehrated " Here sa Bargain Brockville, Prescott and Montreal : ) €Y | annex wide ranges of territory of na- | vet perfect and reliable. No ane \ te Septainher Bith. The congregation New : 3 Tablets. . : tives. Fhe British authorities pro- | fail to be struck by the despotic - was organized by the late Prof. Mo a Owing to having an over supply. £ een dex e sqaev of S10 a Iv hee ' oN 20 : : Steamers Kingston and Toronto n 3 Tad Nii oo Haste. : rors of British rule in the earliest uA Soguey of a Ia Aes i A oi nice dry MILLWOOD, and in : o not let any lady who is safferi 1366 the dimnondudisonvorics dave and ite weakness i de o the church to be expended. as 8 re ¥ s _ LEAVE KINGSTON : the miseries of backache: and derai pe : eakness in the war of fyha Rev. Mr--Muedonald--mey=see fit : order to introduce it to new con for. the. benefit of-thé church. --- sumers, we will sell for one week SATRIN ae creat excitement and influx of | ISS] and conventions of 1581 ar S835 GOING a a TT x A ; : ns o and I1S85 ha lar a $ pt Mandax, at 6 meat of the Kidneys, hesitate one mo- | speculators to a part of the Vaal d two extremes that pave the Boers A ch. . : : : : | there-are retired ministers, 213 only our MILLWOOD delivered for © widows and 67 children dependent | on nt i rOCHEITDG ~.. Piteher's Bae i i ' or ' ip oan en FIST daily. except Noodus.- nt ment ip procuring Dr. Pitcher's Back- | trict from all over the world. their grievances--encouragements and re Ted, Te overt x g are the formula 'of Dr. Zina Pitcher, las alto by Capt. Waterboer, who «ff fest lesson a powerful empire ever re the Suheranpuation fund of the Meth ; e the éminfit Kidney specialiast] Fioved fe to Britain for ar i iv The fichti i 0) ; odist church, which necessitates an ex- | : ~~ a ache Kidpey Tabtets. These Tablets § part was claimid by the Free State | opportunities, and imposed the costli- anid ww an annuity. | ceived. fichting. os "of the Pai I 3 gualiti of "the penditure of 8125,000 yearly. This dee Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte ana | have cuy wl hundreds of cases: of the Arbitration was proposed 1 earried | burghers "are readily traced to a cew ! : ; : = not include © the' maritime provinces, \ which"have a fund of 'their own. Dur Montreal Uline. Vojosty i) 0 of kidney disease, which font by British, top natives wit tury of almost constant recourse 'to LEAVE KINGSTON: ordinary reyiedies conld not benefit. J out regular defence by the. Froo| the rifle. against savage raiders. or}? P! ! ; AST, Wednesdays and. Fridavs at] They are small in size, chocolate-coat: | Sta a de fo h tish was | European rivals, whdannt d hv casaal ng the last year over 820.000 was ) -- : ed apd © mild, yet thorough-going in ved by proclamation of ghe pros fies. When all outwardly was peaceful ig to the capital account ~of THE : RATHBUN CO. ST, by * : the fund. Tueduvs, Thursduva and | (hfe jeuon st tuited to the re vinge of Grigualand est, ancluding | this armed Tarmdr vearned. for civil Tt 1 i the United S fF = ' lirennts of a lady's delicat® or ran Kimberley. The pr State office "AP He wi 5 atural hor 1 people of the United States gave » - J SWIFT & Co / a : u aa oY. 8 0 war. e was a natural-born fighter, 1, har fan ny ai Re . h . a Freight Agents. | S11 ' were driven ont, to bee ry laced wv | and again it is true .that those who fast Sri I Joreigte mission the sum The Ale t at S eee JERE RE Mrs. W. Wallace. whoge home is Bell | Cape Colo ol The States. hoy : . : : of &H[25316; England gave NT, -- pi -- 1 allace, whose home 1 ell aj s ny police we States, how live bv the sword will perish hv it. ) ] : aa - y , Street, Ingersoll, Ont, «peaks of he f ever, had the trade of the provin we : 61%; Scotland, 31.18 Wales, S51, always good. © We Have Some The Onl Direct Line § b benefits, she derived_as follows without the care and cost of protec The Fall Fairs 685, ard Canada 3900.573.. while Ene y 0 Ug 8c "For mans ears, some ' tion of a'l lot, and they Teo tars Bis Ihr. Nog. Dear lish speaking people in Asia, Aust Tu ® 3 oy 1 ay tx w. 9 bi a gre : i : evedt : aN - Kine i! ry fi i 30. 29. lia and Africa jointly contributed AT ALL DEALERS. ro . Without Chan 8 trouble wit my hack ar dnéy the land g Ven in 1 Morrisburg, / £100,650. The contributions of ° the --. J d ] 1g 5 i : i) a 8 a d . i yo Cr u es Rettman. or Ser : oh oy "1 Enerlish-soeaking world for missionary Sole tt Ei + J. 5. 2] : li SAV = we doctored and doctored, anil tried | Water) ney It . Ther " Fron Harrowsmith, Sept. 4-5. purposes sihgle vear amounted to #4 agent for ngston, & THE I AVORIT E a oc oF As Rest 3 > 1 fh We ate prosid Hrand went . 1 Bop ©10 oh; Bem i os a Tr ara ; | Hedderson. : To Show You. reinetlios pt" S10 oi oro Central; Sept. @ : ' ; oe try 8 pr 12 . 0 anadian Methodist church Y ar. ACHE K 1 w ; able 1 : . t as 1 le bie f Na \ > iu ¢ 'Sept. 16 3 I + are 3.418 churches, -an.incre eof Ho > { ) CRAWFORD & WALSH STR. ALEXANDRIA Hottie § Gavfer, dsagist, Sete lylibocand Brith Teal feoling |. 5 eis Sept. : cor das wear The nudes of A HOT WEATHER LIFE SAVER. iy : ' : . | and must sav 'they hs done me at it R52 con tion was amilton Central, § p-1 } ages 1 id an anerease 2. re Tallors aad Importers, saves ( ri 6 rics » xen Lol goo ) ai n ni : x ! \ Frace : Sept . ah. t CRU ns * Lactate} Food als te --_-------- wha fy Fray, a PE a nin he the Ridne TB Jalve it ; Inch inte "arham, Sept. 232 ; AGAIN an fered ob yn : hain n | Cor. Princess & Rugot Sts. N.¥Y., afid Buffado,; N.Y.7 via. 'Bay of Quinte ritatio wved, "and Yea wo } ransvaal thoubl anita Et timtv. & ok 3 0: { parsonag wd fu vet Cd alhatitate Bar doh | Pemem : El ARERR anil. Murray Cand nd every 'Monday at wont nicht 1 am plo wit hie the Bapedi triby inst whow.1 ombardy; Sept®.27 - nishings, : , increase, SHS, : dics ' 6:30 pm. for Montreal and Quebec, (direct te nt. ' hut at thy § servile S pts eghueof arial rounds SF ER0G54 whi : - without change Throngh, 1.000 _lslands and : . Sh hos vi hic | I a t. 23.1 . aig 1 : LS ee Y » ' cnolvrn ' 3 t A 1 ! ) thal, ns then increase; i total vale of th Bianiits i } A . . To- LET St Lay rater iver Rat ide, J ST L Liev Ta lacked demu in They i ansdofrne, yo u yroperty. X14.190,903, incre a ; Feoy FAL. Yi, BEE agICK "RES INCE. 201 BROCK STREET, ow passenger and cht rates er ack (ney abn ' Lh. 3 ; . . Tu eat de * it ng Ve | rooms, mode ADrOVemnen ta, Passencer acpommaodation unsurtmsaed hs HH a ix LH ve : 3 } uw miss hall the pleasiyes "of ont: s The total church 'and pwr op. ay fr . v Lactate Brick _ aE i Pres air roe W. G. CRAlU»&. LO, A. W. HEPBURN. | 31.25 at all draggists or by mail. The Hy » e cal door without a camera. A onage debts amount. to ¥2.230 510, | poad will do: for it. L your dru modern iuprovements to bd P, r 3 T AA ) > 1 2 » 1 3 1 . z Bo bg ® . . ' h. Agents, Kingston. Manag, Picton. vr, Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Unt. i dation 'of South Arica, refus sed to the J Taylor, successor to. E L. Mitchell, which ig $350,171 less than 1901, "i gist for Lactated Food, ky Bibby Co., ons Hal, Prinoess ' v 2 - ? ' : c i i hn BOSTON. pn BY oe