Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Aug 1902, p. 1

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lr IE DA 69TH YEAR. NO. 182. © KINGSTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1902. = LAST EDITION. DONT OVERLOOK This Chance to Buy Soft Front Shirts Zephyrs, Percales, Chaviots, Madras, regular 73¢. and $1 qualities. 50c. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 qualities. -98c. This is the opportunity of the sea- son. - Don't mise it. s JENKINS 3% 114 PRINCESS STREET. Keeping Up The Home? Working for Yourself ? Are vou keeping your own lawn in' order or are you caring for that of some landlord? Just 'as easy to care for vour own. Just as easy 10 pay rent to voursell. We have the properties, give vou terms that satisfy, amd are as careful of vour interests as you could desire. . D. A. CAYS, 346 King Street. ----Lawton Thimble Berries ----Pine Raspberries -- Florida Watermelons ----~Jamaica Oranges. : ----Altkinds of fruit --=Can be bought --- Cheapest at A. J. REES', Princess St. MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment J Will Cure Burse, Frozen Limbw, Outs, dant Rheum, Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore Heads, Boils and Bealing Fingers. PRICB--25¢. FOR SALE. SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Street, between Wade's Drug store amd press Hotel In excellent condition, Sicord floor leased for a law term. Ap- Av to D. A. Cays, real estate agent, Ing street LOST --REWARD. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, IN A ROLL OF Bills. between B. Battery Barracks and Barrivfeld Common: Finder will please return to Corporal A. T. Hughes, B. Battery, and receive $10 reward. : TO LET. HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. All modern improvements. Apply to GC. Livingston & Bro. BOARD. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO" TWO SINGLE rooms, with malern conveniences, cen: tral, not far from City and Macdonald parks. Suitable for a party ol from three to five, 195 Earl street: ] ROOMS TO LET. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT Mrs. Yates', 04 William street, with board HW desired FOUND. COSTAINING MON by applying OWNER ie office PURSE have A FY WANTED. . HOUSEMAID. 130 Earl strect. oun TENC Apply Nickle, A COOK. 45 APPLY TO MRS. HORA, King street, i in the evening. STEADY ta FOR Hosiery SMART BOYS, Apply Kingston A FEW work ND ONE TWO LABORERS to 51 Brock street. want work, App TO ACT AS. SUPERINTENDENT. OF II Croft". Academy. For particulars communicate, with the principal LAIN "i ROYS AND GIRLS AT GOBER) Cigar Factory, 'Ontario street der 14 wears of ace, need apply me DORFFER'S None ur MEN TO LEARN I TRADE ir § A ht Pa f * ol mn for pour mer mile Molar Barber Ce cao we ks Tas ( . BALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS. 246 YONGE stfert, Toronto, Ont, also St Lawrence erat, Montreal. PQ. and 16 East Sen- ec street, Buffalo. Flecantly equipped Wages Saturdavs. Terms, moderate. Tools, trial, lodvings, Tailroad t and eata- logue free By our "8 TAL CO. OPERATIVE PLAN™ course given gh- solutely free. Also opportunity to earn money at. your home, by workine for us. Write for particulars to-day. Aldis Owen Hell. . proprietor. CARPENTER | pres | trade | * LOCAL MEMORANDA. | The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Waste makes haste. The race is pretty generally to the swift. A company is known by the man it keeps. It' is a poor way that won't work both rules. Dinner te South African veterans, Congress hotel, 9 p.m. . The wise man considers the ante before he begins to play. | The sun rises Thursday at 4:55 am. sets at 7:16 p.m. Animal show . and vaudeville performance, Lake Ontario park, 8:15 p.m. This day in the world's history: dier guards arrivé at Bermuda, 1890; Alinad, of England, born, 1844; of Englund, died, 1701. Fashion Word from Paris that all kinds of passementeries, especially frogs military ornamcnts, are favorite decorations thin gowns. sashes are tied either at the back, or fastened in front with one of many beautiful sash pips shown Ly jewelers. Vanity is too' frequetitly the: besdtting -sin of busin ss men. They labor under the de- lusion that if they advertise during the few busy months the public will keep them in mind for the remaindér of the year. Yet when the mightiest of earth pass. away, people cease. to talk or think of them after a week. (00L COOL - STORE Come in and examine all the new, prétty goods. 'We have just opened up hundreds ' of articles; the latest efforts of the European potteries. and Grena- Prince nn, James note : comes and on summer wool sile or the Our. prices are the lowest. You will be surprised to see the hand- some pieces you can get for little money. et. ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ONTARIO {PARK ) + ALL THIS WEEK DANE'S * | vesting | ANIMAL At 8:30. CIRCUS Walker and Edwards, Comedians, '¢« ODDETTA." America's Greatest Dancing Girl; Supported by RENTON AND GREEN, In a One Act Dramady; Entitled, " MY COUSIN ALICE. PICNIC, SATURDAY, August 9th, for, bene- fit of Church of the Good Thief, Portsmouth. Matinees W edaesday & Friday | at 3:30. Bvery BURNED ITSELF OUT. Buildings On Two Streets Were Destroyed. Beliast," Aug. 6.--Fire broke out among the hardware and dyeing es- tablishments at Larne, near here, yes- terday morning. Four rdcently erected buildings also took fire and houses on both sides of the street were envelop- od in. flames. The fire. raged fiercely, and elouds of sparks were blown all over the town. Three entire FHocks were "soon a Blazing mass of fire and no-one ventured within 200 vards of {he scene. Fventually, the fire burned itseM out. Altogether eighteen ware- houses, covering two entire streets, were destroyed. There were no casual: ties. SHANS AND SIAMESE. The Former Resist Troops of the Latter. Bangkok, Siam, Aug. 6.=A body of troops, numbering 2,000 men, has been sent north to punish the Shans, who recently attacked and seized the "town of Phrae. The town is now in posses- sion of six. hundred Shans, who are preparing to resist the troops sent tgainst 'them. The Shans have killed twenty-five. Siamese officials, but have not moleste | any of the other inhabi- tants of the town. mtm---------- International Tennis. York. -Aug. 6G.=Interest lovers of tennis is now centered in the international matches "which began at the Créscent Athletic club to-day for the Davis challenge cap. Great Bri- rain's representatives are R. Fs and H. L. Doherty and Dr. Joshua Pim. America's. players are M.D. Whitman, the unbeaten champion; William A. Larned, the present holder of the title, D. E. Davis and Holcombe Ward: England's tennis experts are represen: tative players and their records are of the best. The * agreement governing the contest calls for four matches in singles and one in doubles, the' ma- jority of the five winning the interna: tional championship for the year and taking the cup. The Davis vup was first, offered Dwicht F. Davis. of Harvard, two vears ago, At 'that time the Eng- lishmen sent over a team composed of AW. Gore, E. D. Black andcH.. R. Jarrett Opposed to them on the American team were Malcolm D. Whit- man and. Dwight F.-Davis, in the, Aes, and Davis afd goleombe the doubles, The howe victorious in played of New by Wa | pers mn both were the i the Longwood near + present English team ed stronger than the on@ that came over two years ago. : SS ---- . |; The trarsport Winnifredian 'sailed this morning for Cape. Town direct { Shes will take troops to Southamp- ton. ' Bath robes iD. Bibby Co. were easily which on Club, I hath. robes, 83. The H. » OX HE URGES EVACUATION Admiral Seymour Writes To The Press THAT FORCE QUIT SHANGHAI - AND ALL NATIONS WITHDRAW AT SAME TIME. International Jealousy Makes the Withdrawal Highly Im- probable--No. Understanding Reached in Regard to Inland Navigation. , Londgn, Aug. 6.--Admjral E." H. Seymour writes a letter to the Times strongly urgintr the immediate evacua- tion of Shanghai by the foreign troops there. He says: "Ut is due, especially to the Yang Tse viceroys, that these troops should now re-embark and, in my opinion, no reason that can diplomatically be ex- pressed demands their continued pre- sence there. It is only fair that all nations should, at the same time, withdraw. their troops. Indeed the keen international competition = in China both demands and justifies the procedure." | The French consul, here, yesterday, told the Chinese representative that France was willing to withdraw her troops from Shanghai, as soon. as the other powers agreed to- take similar action. "International jealousy makes the withdrawal of the troops highly improbable. No Understanding Reached. Shanghai, Aug. 6.--The correspon- dents learn that no understanding has yet "been reached concerning the ques- tion of inland navigation. Viceroy Li kun Yi considers that the foreign demands are similar to those having for their object the gaining of per: mission for foreignérs to reside in the interior of China, only' they are dis- guised under another name and form: The demands for permission seems to be no prospect. of an early settlement. PROVED HIS THEORY That Prof. Koch's Ideas are Quite Astray., Paris, Aug. 6.--Dr. Garnault, who inoculated himself with matter. from a diseased cow, in order to disprove Prof. Koch's theory, 'that it inm- possible for human beings to catch tuberculosis from cattle, writes to the Temps that an examination of pieces of his skin, which "were ab- stracted, last Thursday, by Prof. Tutller, has been made at the Pasteur institute and that a 'great number of large polynuclus cells characteristic of the tuberculosis formation were found. {t is true, Dr. Garnault says, that the presence of tuberculosis bacilli has not been discovered," nevertheless it Linay be considered that he has already proved- his contention, for in ordinary cases the - evidence obtained would justify a diagnosis of tuberculosis. FORTY YEARS A PASTOR. is Never Jook a Cent For Asked Collection. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 6.--The fu- neral of Rev. Jacob Weller; an aged Dunkard preacher, took place at. Han- cock, Md., yesterday. He had been pas- tor of one church in the village for more than forty years, during which time he never accepted a. salary or other compensation and never took up a collection on" Sunday: He mar- ried more couples and baptived more people than any other Dunkard preach- er. He was an orator of unusual gifts. It is said he never wore a cravat in his life. it or SUCCESSFULLY DONE. The Work of Submarine Boats off France. Toulon, August 6.--During a naval sham battle fight, offi Hyvers, on the French side of the Mediterranean coast the submarine boats Gustave, Zede and Gymot, were sent out from the harbor to attack the fleet representing the enemy. Travelling at a depth. of ten feet below the surface, they reach- od the fleet "torpedoing' three battle- ships, the crews: of which were un- aware of the presence of the submar- until the "'torpedoing" was done. May Not Attend. Toronto, Aug. 6.--Diflicultv in secur- ing transportation for their boat mav cause the absence of the Argonaut vicht at the National egatta at, Worcester, Mass. If the Argonauts de- cide to go they will leave to-morrow. Lou. Scholés, the amateur champion, will not be a competitor at Worcester, as his entry was made too late. Scholes intended, besides competing in the singles, to row in the donbles with Fraik Smith as his partner. eet To Welcome. The Duke. Washington, D.C., Aug. 6.--Quiet preparations are being made for the reception of the Grand Duke Boris, cousin of the czar of Russia, who is expectéd to arrive . to-day at San Francisco,' from Japan. He is the son of the Grand Duke Vladimir, brother of ~ the late ezir, and is touring the world. He a handsome min of twenty-five vears, pleasing of person- ality. resembling his father, who is 1 called the most: popular duke in all Europe. a . ines is ---- Wedded At Sunrise. Coles Ferry, Va., Aug. 6.--The Oaks, | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cren- <haw Rice. was the scene of a novel event this morning in the shape of an open air wedding at sunrise. The bride was Mise Marv: 'Blair Rice, and the bridegroom, Charles William Yoehe, of New York. The bride selected the un usual hour. because of the manv at- tractions in the early morning in the old garden on her father's estate. | The again teamsters wages. years ago when many of the men went on strike anc hampered for was ure now. | TO SEEK ADVANCE. Toronto Teamsters After More Wages. Toronto, Aug. 6.--A movement on foot among the railway to secure an advance in The last effort, was made two 1 traffic was more or less not su Creelman. superintenaent Institutes, who a. Farmers' of apples all over. Peaches ave fairly en of very fine quality. The Crawfords, Albertas, and other: varie ties that come in September, will be particularly good. will be a' good average crop. The past week of warm, dry wea ther, 'Mr, Creelman says, has been o tremendous benefit to the farmers whe have got in all their hay and in western parts of the province, Mr. Cre¢lman was over last, wheat is practically all cut, ana start made on oats and barley. grain crop year promises to he a bumper one. WILL BE WELL FILLED. Big Throngs. London, Aug. 6.--The seat specula rate prices, the stands along the rout of the coronation procession will by well filled. decorative treatment; althdugh th brilliant effect in color, attempted i Buckingham Palace to-day various princes and princesses, the continent for London. The coror ation now seems assurce chance of a second failure. Unfavorable Weather. London, Aug. 6.--The weather, day, is "most unfavorable for th king's jesty's surprisingly quick improve ment has given good reason for th hope that he will suffer no set bac from the fatiguing journey. ---------- ADOPTED WHOLE ASYLUM. aii-- Acquires Twenty-Two Youngster of All Ages. x Qouth Haven, Mich., # and Mis. John Shandrow, of Sout Haven, have adopted a whole orpha asvlum, twenty-two children in all. | The twenty-two children are not a infants. Some of t rosy-cheeked youngsters, already enough to go to school. Mr. and "Mrs. more than g competence on their 104 ol life-long regret that children never been born to them. To please his wife Shandarow wro to the Smith Foundling Hospital * i several children for a summer's ing, with the from t adopt a boy. The Minneapolis inst tution: is. a small one, and the mar tire visible supply 'of -children three years of age, no less, ty-two boys and girls. They just decided to adopt all of them, whom they are excessively-fond. RESIGNS HIS POST. Ti November. Berlin, Aug. 6.--Ambassador Whit mailed his resignation States several days ago. It take effect in November. He is tc nov is main till the end of «the 'month. cerning Mr. White's probable successo and. one circumstantial "story is tha the president intends to transfer Am bassador Tower from to Berlin, Minister Storer from Spair to- be ambassador to Russia and t« appoint Henry White, secretary. ofem bassy at London, Mr. Tower, who has been fied with - St. , Petersburg, exp months: ago a wish to be transfe to. some other, equally desirable post preferably Berlin. > RUMORS STIR MINE REGION Reports of Trouble Unsettled Feeling. Qhenandoah, * Pa., Aug, peace of his troop-protected town re unbroken. The ing apparent for the last few days continues. It was a lively day or Tuesday, at headquarters, where al the stali officers were kept busy ir mains the situation in the entire county There wert, many rumors of trouble but excepting at Girardville, where ¢ workman was shot and slightly jured, nothing of a curred anywhere. serious TARTE AT OWEN SOUND. Called on Mrs. Horsey While Vis: iting There. Owen Sound, Ont., Aug, 6 Mr. Tarte and party arrivedthare, yes from i on the dor v= fn with' and promi menibers ard of trade, the the public works and L Mrs. Horsey to tender in" the loss of her husband, br. E. Chicago, company nt of - inspects min called H recently in the Sun Portland wgrks. The Stanley cleared for Col ast evening. N ---------- lingwood | s, 8 The New: patterns, fancy shirt H. D. Bibby Co. ise everal days. The strike ful. but the teamsters said to be mueh better organized of has been travelling through the province lately. reports; that there will he a good crop Pears and plums the which the a The of the province fpr the The Parade Will be Observed by tors, having. been content with mode- A large force of workmen are employed replacing the standd)and hangings and the route will not lack mn June, will not be reproduced, The king and queen are expected to return to and the con- nected by blood with the Royal house of England, are already starting from beyond a to- return to London but his ma- Aug. 6.--Mr. hem are bright, Shandrow have maae acre fruit farm, and it has been their have te Minneapolis asking them to send him out- privilege of choosing hem in case he should want to agement promptly forwardea the en- over than twen- have of Ambassador White Will Retire in to the United at Hamburg, 'where he is' taking the waters and where he will probably re- There is much gossip at Berlin con- St. Petersburg minister to Spain. dissatis- Add to the 6.-- The unsettled feel connection with the movements of the troops and"in keeping 'in touch with in- nature, ocy Hop. masor his sympathy Horsev, M.P., who met a tragic death Cement ARE IN BAD SPIRITS Everything Is At Sev ns BAD TEMPER ON BOTH SIDES "BALFOUR IS HESITATING BUT ( THREATENING. Sixes and Revival of Faction Feeling Among the Liberals and: the North A Leeds Victory May be a Bad . Thing in the Long Run. *| New York, Aug. 6.--The Tribune's London cable says: **Everything is go- ing at sixes and sevens in parliament, "| where there are sources' of irritation L| and 'bad temper on both sides. In the > | house of commons Mr. Balfour is he- sitating to apply the closure to the troublesome clayse seven of the educa- tion bill, and threatening to keep the members over coronation day and de- prive them 'of the privileges of shoot- season. He is also hampered and: em- barrassed by the necessity for making more serious changes in the cabinet than he had contemplated when he be- came prime minister. : "Mr Balfour's opponents are not - | in much better spirits than the gov- ernment benches, demoralized by the education bill, which fails to satisfy any section of the party. The North Leeds election, which was a source of liberal 'encouragement,' a few days apo, shas caused a revival of faction feeling through the unwise action of the liberal league in claiming undue 'eredit for jt. "Both parties are in an unmanage- able state and the threat of the prime minister to prolong the session anoth- er week has caused much irritation. "The colonial ministers are also finding their stay in London irksome, when there is no likelihood that the results of the imperial conference will satisfy" their: constituents at home. The conference -will be rounded out with 'neatly phrased resolutions on many subjécts, but the business side of imperial federation will not be tak- en up. "Ihe. practical, Sir William Mulock's steamship sidy arrangements are still promising results, otherwise little has been done by the prolonged consultations." e e € 1 progressive spirit of sub- © k e------------ s HOLDING A CONGRESS. Working For the Advancement of Negro Race. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 6.--The Negro Young People's Christian and kdu- Jhional Congress, for which prepara- ous have beem making for nearly a year, opened in Atlanta to-day with an attendance exceeding the expecta- tions of the most sanguine. The great auditorium in Piedmont park never held a larger audience than that which filled ®it this afternoon at the formal opening of the eongress. Representa- tive negro men and women, including bishops of the church, presidents of and industrial institutes, bankers, lawyers and merchants, filled the large hall. Prof. W. B. Matthews called the gathering -to-ovder and Pre- sident C. H. Parrish, D:D, of Eck- stein Norton university, led the devo: tional exercises. The first speaker was Bishop Gaines. The congress hopes {o impress the nation with the firm reliance of the negro upon God, and to call attention to the superior: ity of the spiritual an moral as a basis for the best and" most helpful use of the "intellectual, the social and material. The congress is to give the young negro a larger vision and quickening «uch as only large bodies of this kind can do. "lt brings the awakened together with the unawaken- oil at home, and thus evervwhere it is » | hoped to make the great: gathering of V | christian negroes felt. h n i d y- n colleges i i e CAUSING CONCERN. ; Will Harvesters be Secured y Manitoba. z Winnipeg, Aug. 6.--The question of the procuring of harvest hands. 'from 1 | outside to in gathering this , | year's big crop is giving the farmers | of Manitoba and the Territories much concern. As usual the C. P. R. is ad- vertising cheap "rate~excursions, from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime pro- vines for the harvest season, but it is | feared that, despite all excursions, "there will be a shortage of men, wages being good in the east. "John Franklin, Dominion immigra- tion agent, in an interview, said, he did not think the 'province would get more than 10,0005 0r 12,000 men from the east this year, for assist eee i Unprecedented Run. Victoria, B.C., Aug. 6 Salmon are running 'on the Fraser river at arate unpre Tented ii the "Kivtory of the canneries. The boats are mostly lying at "the canneries waiting to un- load. One fisherman took in S76 yes- terday morning. and other boats 600 | and 700. Men claim they could have \ | got a thousand if their craft could have been navigated with that weight. 1 1 | almost 1 ee eee Not After Editorship. Ottawa, -Aug. 6.---Pbr, 'S. Pp. denies the accuracy of the. Toronto Telégram's report to the effect. thiit he ie willing to accept the editorship of the Christian Guardian. He says he has neg-ambition to be an editor, and hopes that Dr. Courtice's health may "| be fully restored, <o that he may con- Fl tinue to fill the: position of editor. lose Summer Suspenders. patterns, Co. vobby, neat and nice, new and H0c. The H. D. Bibby (/rowning event, Conmmercial Travel- lets' excursion, Saturday, August th, "steamer Swift's wharf, nine 1 o'clock am | Let us fill yveur pres-riptions. | will do it carefully. H. B. Taylor, | cessor to E. C. Mitchell" J 78 en leaves 1 - We suc ! ing grouse on the opening day of the' ira WANTS HAND IN BARGAIN. Liberal 'Member Hopes Discussion " Will be Allowed. London, Aug. the consideration 6.--In the course of [ of the naval estim- ates of the house Tuesday. Edmund Robertson, liberal, alluding to the statement that J. Pierpont Morgan had offered the government the right to utilize the vessels of the ship com- bine as British cruisers, said he hop- od that neither the admiralty nor the government would make a conclusive bargain in so serious a matter with- out affording the house an opportuni ty to. consider it. Hugh 0. Arnold-Forster, secretary to the admiralty, in reply, said he was not in a position to make a statement oh the subject, except to sav that the admiralty certainly was not relying on any plage. made by foreigners. The subsitlies to which the admiralty was not committed, however, would be paid. 5 With respect to the subsidy ships, Mr. Arnold-Forster said they were absolutely under govlrnment control during the subsidy period and the ad- miralty was not in any, 'way depend- ent upon so unsatisfactory a security as the promised aid of which Mr. Ro- bertson had spoken. r, : Continuing, the secretary to the ad- miralty said he was not in a position to state what might be thé ultimate decision of the government on the larger question of subsidization or in regard to contribution¥ toward the establishment of new lines between the United Kingdom and the colonies. ---------------- WHALLEY NOT POISONHD. No Evidence of Foul Play Found in Man's Body. Toronto, Aug. 6.--1 have examin- ed the stomach of the. late George Whalley, submitted to me for that purpose. 1 have not found anv pois: on or anything avhich throws light on the cause. of death." Thése sentences constituted the evidence of Prof. El lis, the provincial analyst, at the in- quest last night. : A number of other cluding Alban BE. Rage, the ex-man- ager of the warehouse of Evans & Sons, were examined by . Crown At torney Dewart, and when it was ap- parent that practically no new light had been thrown on the case Coroner Young, adjourned' the hearing until September 12th. KILLED witnesses, in- A ROBBER. He Was Aiding to Hold up a Train. Dubuque, Ta.. Aug. 6.--Two masked men held up thé Chicago, Burlington & Quincy limited, north bound, two miles north of Savannah, IL, about midnight last night. They cut ofi the Adams express car, forced the engineer to run up the track and then blew up the cars. : One of the hichwaymen was killed, being shot above the eve "and also in the leg. He met instant death while in the engine and his body was dumped to the ground by his com- panions. Express messenger Bye claims to have done the shooting. Six sacks of money were stolen, but the amount is not known. The passengers were not molested. MUST ATTEND CHURCH. ------ 'Otherwise Methodists Will Forfeit Their Membership. Ottawa, Aug: -6=At a meeting of the Ottawa district. Methodist church a memorial, pre :nted by Rev. Ernest Thomas, Westhoro, was passed un- animously, asking the general confer: ence_to_make it an.explicit Taw that non-attendance at church as a regular thing. shonld forfeit membership. The motion stipulated that the offending member should be given a month's no- tice. a The memorial is aimed at what the pastors say is a constantly increasing evil, namely. irrégular attendance at service on the part of people whose names are on the membership roll. -- » TRACY SURROUNDED. A Long Range Rifle 'Duel is in Progress. Wash., Aug. 6 Tracy, the escaped convict, sur rounded 'in a swamp near-the - Eddy farm, eleven miles south-west of Cres ton; Washington. Four hours hefore a special "messenger left for reinforce: ments. A long range rifle duel, be tween Tracy and the posse of eight men, headed by Sheriff Gardner, . has Been in progress. a ------ That Chinese Rebellion. Toronto. Aug. 6.--Dr.. Sutherland, general secretary of the Methodist missionary society, yesterday) receiv ed a letter from a inissionary in the province of Sze Chuan, China. It i= in' this district that the supposed re Lellion is raging. Newspaper: cables statpgheshe rising tovk«nlace over a month back. "This létter was written since that date, and contains no news oi the affair. and Dr. Sutherland is of the _opinion. that news of some small Jooting has been, magnifjed into: a serious ontbregk in *the of transmission. Spokane, .--Harry. course Bicyclist Has Terrible Fall. "Aug. Gi--Diavolo, the Am cn<tained a terrible fall just after turning. the loop in his at the Aquarium Jast night. Hi was taken to 'Westminster hospital.un conscions and is believed to have con cussion of the" brain. London, -., erican bieyrlist, 'act Cyclone In Russia. Aug. H--1 pV Ince pig Mo vri in. the ited bv a « iT houses wefe levelled to the 300 others partially destroyed Twen killed. : COW, he tow: dK i and . forty ground and AV-tWo persons vy At Cowes, I5le of Wight, Sir James Perider's "Brynhild won' the race fir the King's cup, with Emperor Willi ams Meteor 111 second and the Gloiy third, - pe . " 'WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Aug. 6, (11 am)--Fresh Taronto, , Ont. fair and comparatively to north west winds; ool. Thursdaw, 'west to south west « winds; fair and a little warmer. Special values in Ladies' and Children's Vests, at 5c., 7c., 10c., 12jec., 15ec, 20c., 25¢. vet » Ladies' Lisle Thread Vests at 35c.; 40c., 50¢. Ladies' Silk, Vests, extra value, $1. See Steacy's special line of Open Work, Fast Black Cot- ton Hose, at 15c¢.- By Open Work Lisle Thread, Beautiful Fine Quality, at 30c., . 385c., 40c., 50c. per pair. Received this morning; the Latest Style in Ladies' Lin- en Collars, very narrow; on- ly one inch and 1} inches deep. The most sensible and correct thing for warm weather. - : New Taffeta Ribbons for Neck Wear and Sashes." i Moire Ribbons, Black and Colors, for Sashes. i New Lisle and Silk Gloves and Lace Mittens. BORN. FULFORD--Alt Brockville, "August 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fulford, a daughter. The Best ® Condition Of all conditions desired by men, tlw owns a bit lamsl, large or small, is condition. There's something sure ership of ol thie to "build on. WE HAVE THE LOCATIONS : want is a litt: talk with you. J, SR; McCANN. best All we 7 Trouble Over Enforcement. Paris, Aug. 6.--There intense ex- citement in Brittany over the enforce- ment of the religions associations law. Commerce there is at a stand still-and ihe peasants openly 'avow their deter- mination to resist the éxpulsion of the Abbe Gayvrant. in g passionate nuns, Sisters government in touching the In de- attackeil the Christian faith. fending their | religion the peasants were defending France. The govern: ment nevertheless shows that it is ae- forming to take action-against © all who mteriere with the conrse 'of the law. ¥ Appointed Delegate. : Rome, Aug. 6.~ It is reported that Cardinal Guidi, prefect of the compres vation of the propaganda fide, has been appointed apostolic delegate to the Philippines to negotiate with Gov- arnor Taft concerning the friars there. ouvenirs Fanamelled Belt Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pecket Knives, etc. Spoons from 56.10 $3.50 Largest Selection in Ontario, A G. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, Cor. Princess and Welllagfon Str, : 5 dh oh : | speech at Ploudamel, declared that the \

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