THE DAILY WHiG. TOESDAY, AUGUST 5 OTHE hp I DITION, TOE SCAEN ThAT FALLD. : rt pher or |THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. accompany them to Clayton: took 4 1 I I A CLEVER GAME PLAYED [a seat up on deck, and was unaware TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR -- a a He ABOU 1 " "oN PAGE FIVE. | A150 ABOARD THE AMERICA. of the presence of myself and friends | QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, EDUCING housekeeping expenses is SECOND EDITIO! until after the America put out from Ti " Prophy's ~ Point, when = he saw us | prt, "That rest Ev - . =f . { . . The ers Inte: bod, : August and September COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Stiiking Madinists v3. Looms [aniing ou the wiatf, fhe fourth 9 Tha o rye not difficult. Always remember . a . : ny mah saw Dr. Harty on the wharf and ; _ will be hot months, and you | what is Going on in the Business tive Works' Company--The | ok alarm: we have since discharged of Everything Easily Read and | -f that three out of four person Ss care World--The Market News. Corporation Won Out--Scotch- | him and I advised him to get what he 'Remenibered. { g will. need a LIGHT SUMMER, pny Adichiig en Were L i the Ci ould out of the strikers before leav- it $2 bi Th adh g - Texas .stockmen purpose establishing a men Were Leaving e City I er Rl beluga Dink Counterfeit. $2 bills are in circula- little about breakfast so long as they have tion; they are good ones, too. . . Hv} ranch in Cunfia where » they will pasture | ° Serruptitiously. SUIT. ~ Why not buy it of us, y ble aboard the boat. As'soon as the | "Farthquake shocks were felt to-day about 200,000 head of cattle. "The fbest laid" plan of mice and 8 ong > i Ss cote hmen saw me, the y. expr essed throu « a Ls : 3 H Lt ghout ~ Central Portugal and g coriee. t €s the mu where the workmanship of In 'New York: state this vear's hop- ¢roP | man aft gangs aglee." The striking | regret for what they had done and | 3) will be the lightest in many years. and locomotive machinists fully realize the | ysked to be taken back. As to what along the: coast. 5 ; every suit is guaranteed, and | many Frowirs believe * the i crop. will | truth of this saying of the Scottish [ill be done with the $33 handed over (At Schenectady, NY. Clemence Pros : & Sanborn'; S high grade coffee is the chen not exceed; when harvest, 25,000 bales, or | hoet, They are accused of attempting | to us, we have not yet decided, but ar defi inte moat. hopper il PF where you can always get a ou quarter viel. to "put u b* he'L 2 | iv has been stgmeste r ute a centh | ere y VS Ot Bm aaa Wii vi Sie pp ND 8 JO Lovowiotive |it has been suggested that 1 be used | Recent legislation in the Us iad est to use because it takes so much less for i embers five worknie i 1 t? Our prices are (of the Northwest, and says Minnesota and : Ine rs to give our workmen a blow out om | States has added 10,000 to the: per- a per eC " LI that finn, turned the tables and the | coronation day. X F . the Dakotas will raise 25 per cent. more | Jyuoh % Gs ra ] Shag on : sion roll, making the present number { : . And that : augh on the strikers, who are out Mr. Bermingham stated further that | over 1,000,000. the required strength: It is is grown on the always down, too. wheat than ever before That would 'mean A ler han : y + bout 300,000,000 bushels for -- th three $33 in-consequence. The, story « f the [criminal proceedings would: be taken | "he troops at Shenandoah, Pa. abo 300,000, : * | sceheme is here agiven : against the. strike The company : : . . Vb " p give . gs. ) sre > i i . Th ake pound means something to you states. . Very adoubtful. The strikers invited the Scotch ma- | has reached the limit of its »atience Woe Jory active yesterday Ju lain richest plantations. ey t every ! nese Ottawa. Yo. "Perth. 9c: Fohinicts. rece EAE Be sp aining order. It was the day of the } chinists, recently secured in Scotland, | ynd endurance. : . Belleville, 9 7-16e. .% 9] (0 fill 'the places of strikers ee ; funeral of Beddal. . ; ' . a ¢ places of strikers, to visit ee > Y i ornwall, 9jc.: Cowansville, 9%c. to] {njon hall, *Wellington stréct, and A STRANGE CASE. ag rad Se WE ame produced. oy - can reduce your coffee i VER. ry v. Odom, > oe HGR make themselves at home. Some of ; minutes, at Orillia, was resuscitated . . ¢. to Yjc.: anten, N. 91c.. Lind- x ), 2 Ss resusc a . : » 93 dc 1 them apted, Jer re i i b . ' S L a a | Tora Cais fe Ee A ills nearly one fourth by ordering this high adtantage of the occasion id advpmee Her Long Lost Husband. Murder is suspected in the case of : ." 93c (Successor to B. Sliver & Co.,) iy : : x | oF : Ca 2 sc > N rontv. f { " in" Tnd Pranse THDortal of wheat for | Epels Base ind to induce the Seatch. | The register of the Biitish-Ameriean Joseph Doherty, aged twenty, found : A PTET) 102 PRINCESS STREET. home. consumption 528,000 bushels, and' oh to desert the Locomotive Works lwstel contains the signatures of Mrs. dead at Ss hy, N.B., with bad - y So : fn lb. ded ab. Tin Cane _. |in the eleven months epded June," he total = s a te 1. L. Griffith, Tor ant wounas in his head Si ted. 0 i i J company. Three of the strancers list |B: 1. Griffith, "Toronto, anil A. L. | T¢o0m] Hardwick, 2nd CM#R., re- | Other high grades Wn amountec § . usnels. ened to the arguments advanced "and Junes, Bufialo, N.Y. The couple came: £ 3 richly-colos parchment corresponding eleven months of the last sea | gocijed to do as the strikers requdst- here, Saturday, and left again for the ported ill with enteric fever at E lands: + RA bags (moisture proof). con the total wns*5,004,000 bushels, and | yo CM Gy, These three were] west Monday morning. The woman fontein and J. Crossland, with rheu- : in 1890-1900, 2,581.000 bushels. =: first offered $3 each, but it was refus-.| was in search of her husband and the | matic fever at Newcastle. ne ¢ ere 3, + 1s - ed. 'The "ofier was doubled, with an |man accompanying her was her law- \ There were earthqunkos today at (lenoa and Pisa. The shocks lasted a few seconds and were accompanied by subterannean rumblings. No damage. Frank Lossing, Norwich, is to be sued fordbreach of promise of mar- riage by M ~Fdith Fish, Otterville. kept company for ten 7 Marine Artivals. on additional dollar thrown in to pay | Yer The woman's story was to the ef- Swift & Co's' wharf.--Steamers l'or- passage on a steamer to Clayton, fect 'that about three vears ago she onto, down and up: Spartdn from | | aking $33 in all. This <um the |"was deserted: by her husband, whom Montreal: Ridean King, from Otta- Scotchuien accepted. The scheme ouf® she has since continued to search for, wa; Caspian, from, Charlotte. "lined for them was to 'take passage and whom she found in person here. M. T Co. -eclevator--Tug on the steamer America for Clayton, | She claimed that the man left her and Hall, from Montreal, with four Sunday morning, thence, to proceed to | a grown up family, to live with an- barges. Steainer 'Advance, from Tole- | watertown, N.Y.. where they were told other woman. do, with 40,000 bushels of wheat. > "The lawyer added that the deserted years, Endeavors are to be made to locate the steamship Boyaca, of Panama, Picnic On The Island. the Anglo-American hotel, and early <he would soon have in her posses- Which, 36 1 jase], has pony Jest, and Miss Evaline Stalev. Wolfe Island, Sunday morning they boarded the | sion. He charged that the man,since aboard which were a large numbei of America. A number of the coming to Kingston, had dropped his and adopted his middle work was plentiful. Saturday night the three spefit "at wife had fallen heir to $10,000, which people. he Cornell university has been enabled : to purchase the Egyptological and or . : . . +*S y > ame. Prosecution or a suit for di- 2 VACATION TIME. large number went over from the city Hi Seote hs hy, dopa fed in jo Iuih. n ne 5 an oo ii oe Assyrological library-of the late > rof. You want Fishing Tackle, Lines, Poles, fon the vacht Wanda. The outing was |! ome 'time before nine o'cloc! the vor « i I v ] i ' Yiconlohr, of Heidelberg uni- Spoems. ; held in Mr. Staley's Grove oppesite hour set for the departure of the I'he alleged much- married man, when 3 ] y 2 love ICKS, fro! hi \- Grove. a deli ful after- | Americe 'ornelius Bermi ¢ an. | een by a Whig reporter, refused to We have some lovely, HAMMOCKS, from | Channel Grove, and a de lightful after Ame ric 2 gon ne ih Beraingham, an oh ye ie ope ed 9 i i) tris dais to' cover > pronnd at the ao ox . . 3 LOC ) y ake ¢ statement. g SKe iging-eirector 10r De HCO OLIV ' speed of 133 miles an hour between gave a private oie to a number of | steamer her friends on Monday afternoon. ' A strikers were at the wharf to see tha; | last name $1 up. . noon was spent. feat youps and' REFRIGERATORS. eo s arrived i otra i the. 3 'e chardes wero true, he dee 33 miles 2 Special Meeting. wharf and boarde we steamer. The Jaded' the : . EC 3 W A MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. To Told Spee! S 2 lof alone came | Dr. 31. J. Harty some "Did you get the note the lawver Opioane are i be put iw operation ¥ . . gre : : eK. y Wt sper ia ue He ; ih Di Y Ny ni minutes later and disappeared aboard | sent you? enquired the scribe. 2 Ne ii ollie reincunt sean ntario is to be he nex onday . ate ay , : od alaps PH : * be replied. 3 At] el § - FOR SALE. ? ternoon. to act upon a report re woard the steamer, Not many minut : lap I did not," he replict dals the British government has de- ; : : 40 i Bs Cl. ed before J. M. Mowat appeared on ee------------ cided to =o to the fullest. extremps to PROPEKTY. SITUATED NORTH WE ST COR- | ine t ie cial nl ul Cl : "Fust the scone and also crossed the dang . Home Again Bereaved. convict the perpetrators of conspir- ner of Portsmouth, contains nine acres, den. far- share in the ergy rus plank thal led to. the steamers deck. On Saturday afternoon at two a | oF 8 New Ribbons For Neckwear, For Waists, near town and cars. It has mew up-to- | fi. > "ol . : date house, good cellar, two wells, good Meanwhile Police Constable Timmer | o'clock, death again entered the home Commodore Joseph E. Montgomery, oung orchard, and good outbuildincs. -- ¢ i g . . : is TT in: Clow. 10 Joitable for market gardener, Apply tc Where Fruit Is Cheap. mah put i an Rye france i of Mr. and Xe Franklin | low, : 4 the aged confederate naval officer, who wharf anc enuage in conversation | King street, Kingston, and remove nearly captured Gor. Grant during the S. N. Watts, jr, Box 34. . : 3 s : + . ® i . . Black. herries, {limble' berries, ras) : with. some of the strikers; just as the | the bricht spirit of their only daugh- | coi" war. 'died in Chicago, Monday, DR. 0. W. DALEY'S berries, ete. irish and cheap, All| Aperica was about to pull out from | ter. Irene Clow, aged two years, three. 4 eighty-five. when he .returns from abroad. Ferguson's, Ringe street. steamer, while those on the wharf the enlisted personnel of the United mee - looked on in surprise. earth. On Wednesday evening ast she | States navy. if Rear Admiral Henry As soon as the steamer was under eyed phon the fountain in the City' oo Taylor, chief of the bureau of na n wav. Mr. Bermincham approached the park. the following morning she | vig tion. can bring it about. three Scotchmen, who were found seat- appeared quite ill." Dr. Kilborn was The French government purposes do- od in the cabin, and intimated that he called, but Jesus, who loves little ing all in its power to protect French understood. they intended deserting childpen, had valled- Irene to His | .ommerce and the interests of its mer- . the A They agate : ¢ bright ng hall home. Tis 3s whe chant" marine against - any discrimin- . : : such Was the ease. Mr. Bermincham | third ceath wi tin four months n | ation which may be made against 'it Your choice of any Gingham striped, checked or reminded them that they had signed a Mr. and Mrs. Clow' famiiy. On Ap- by the combination, : » I5C., 18¢c 5 two-vear agreément with the company til 21th ! Mrs. Clow 8 father, J. Bol @. Yiittlefield, assistant superir and 'that it would be a serious matter Moore, of Hartington, died. On May tendent of the Adams Express Co., is jor them to attempt to jump it. Thes "th Mrs, Clow mother had come to | udder arrest for stealing $17,000 from anl | visit her for some times when she was Taftet:a Ribbons, Black, White, Cream and 16 New Shades to choose from. plain, regular values 12% C, Duchesse Ribbons, Black, White, Cream and 14 New Shades. , acknowledued their arene doing : . patrons of the company. Three years cuddenly ill and died on- the ; . volunteered to return to the: city and taken i Mav Ith. To Mr [| age he was a drivers' helper. ° ° continue in the company = émploy Si of AY 1 q oe Tr. am Lichtning: struck the house of 'Thom- < ment: They thereupon handed over the rs. ow are extended the Geepest| oo yycen, near Monticello, N°Y., kill- : cvmpathy of their many friends in the nr i ¢ 8 \ 10 country. © ra : + : ne strikers, and each, in cabin of the cap Sy od ft kro nity tl ol Nn hembers of his family into insensibi- : : ; . WV. atte : : nies vo ' tain of the steamer America, hefore onday afternoon the httle girls 1 litv. The house was shattered. withiesses, made aflidavit of the whole DE laid te ost among the Aaron Halle was put to death in proceedings leading to their attempt, Seti owers of Cataraqui ceme- | ypo glectric chair in Sing Sing prison : od desertion - of the company. giving | tery. on Monday, for the murder of Marv ' v : . » a the names of the strikers implicated 11%) " McCarthy, whimi he shot and killed the matter, ete. These affidavits "were Preparing For Labor Day. in. a New Nauk department store to, properly, signed and wit The painters' union met last even- | May 17th, 1900. : Any Print, dark and light designs, large variety, |svor to proaeatonnd and SG od a resolution. statis regular 12}C. and I15C., money, the mumbers of the bills, de- | thei willingness to co-operate with IDEAL SUMMER RESORT. whichs thdy had reedived from the ing Jansen and shocking four oiher Fancy Ribbons, Many Novelties received within the past few days. New Valanciennes Laces and Insertions, 2C.y 3C-, 4€ yo5C., 6c. yard. nomination, ete after whieh the | the other unions for x hig Labor day nrog A special committee was bank notes were place din an-envelope | programme. A speci ¢ : ee " appointed to seleét and purchase suits George H. Daniels Laments Lack and sealed up, and placed in the keep- 8 os ! and caps for the parade, and another Of Enterprise Shown Here. ine of the chief of police. | t ® * afore "THE Stéamer, Ameticn Real | special. gommatien - was ordered to |° (George H. Daniels, general passeng- : Tong Island Park; the whole purchase a fine Union Jack to carry | op agent of whe N. BO Al who reac hed 1 1 1 } . oe I 1 of the proceedings were over and the | at the hea of the procession. Invita- f¢pent last week in the city as the c = eTquite satis wl to_ return to the | tions will ha btendnd to fone r | guest of Henry Folger, to a Whig re- ¢itv. The Ametica, therciore, turned | Be in other places--to-spend the POTter, exp d- his delight with pic- into 'Brophy's Point, where the 'men | Cavaliere. turesque Kingston; he considered it ® . | : wore landed, bag and: haut h, | i an ideal summer: resort and was sur- 4 OC in S : At Brophy's Point it ow und that | Targest Bass On Record. prised that some effort had not been : Works py had |W. H. O'Brien, 367 Brock street, and | made to advertise it as such. He was the Locomotive It, has been a very busy year in our HOS- [ERY DEPARTMENT and well it. might. be on account of the extra valyes we are now giving in Children's and Ladies' Stockings. provided «a comfortable steam ypeht | W. J. Kenny, this city, son of the oi opinion that a properly conducted . with which to convey the party "hack Inraptietor of Hotel De Kenny, Jones' | summer hotel if judic dously advertised, § : to * Simcoe Island, whither they went | Ie alls, while lishing in Sand Lake, | would pay handsomely. But in the ab- am ec without delay, Janding there about. | near Jones Falls, on Monday, landed | sence of such a hostelry, gp considered ! half past ten o'clock: La Deautiful hass w hich tipped the that thousands of. tourists could be learned for | sciles at 73 bs. - They are having it | attracted here if advertisements -- were 0 ¢ 0 ¢ ¢ 0 ¢ ¢ | ® ® ¢ 0 i 4 ¢ : ¥ kinds of California fruits, at T. H. the slip, "Nick" stepped aboard "the | months and twelve days.' No sweeter ortv olise = . sian DENTAL OFFICE WILL BE RE-OPENED | 7. " ' ] { | or brighter girl ever played upon the Forty thous and men will comprise ' For Sashes. ¢ ® i : ® 0 ' ¢ ® 0 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ® 0 ¢ ¢ 4 0 ¢ ¢ 0 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 0 ' 0 ¢ 0 Although it could not he i it was intimated that mn EL JOHN LAIDLAW & SON formation ahout the 'matter wag con mist. the largest bass, of | pames and addresses of boarding houses , coved to the offisials of the locomo- | which there is any record; caught this | rates, ete., boat liveries and suc -h like 3 ee ro tive works company by a union. man, | year. OM _ fishermen on the Rideau | information. For-a_ place poss 3 ASAT TVR. ATT TTT TTL VV LAB RTA AVAS ' . lL declared that they never saw a | sue -h erand natural advantages, h Kut. whether of not by a"umon ma ! chinist could not he stated. The re: | prettier bass. considered that the inhabitants were . . 3 3 tovery of the men was cleverly plan- | ---- wasting their opportunities. He is & Never fade ! ht excellently ? wear splendidly in any a and carrica out hy the company's | A Toronto Alderman Here. firm believer oo Das advertising; B BARG AIM 3 * BARGAINS | size ; every style; all doubled in heels-and toes. representatives." Had the mén got | Alderman and Mrs. Bell and Mr, his company spends aver half a mil- 1 1 away suceesstully it woulda have been iand Mrs. James Claxton; Toronto, Lion dollars yearly in this respect, and ; : . » a victory for the strikers, who show- | ihe guests of A. E. Elmer, Divis ion | the amount is yearly growing larger; ---- -- "0 by their tacties that they haa not | ctroet, for several (days returned home | the result is foufid in increased traflic PAIRS FOR" $ 1 given up the fight. The three Scotch to-day. Alderman Bell occupies the and Treicht. Over 900 trains run over men thus influenced hy the strikers | came ion in Toronto as his mame- | their lipe every day. Mr. Daniels was THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE are =atdl to be among the cleverest ob | «yk w in this city, viz: chairman delighted with Kingston and said he ' $ | of the lot recently brought. out fro | of the civie fire and light committee. | never enjoyed such sport as he had mounted by James Stratford, taxider | prepared and sent out containing 'the --Okt + Country. They confessed | Alderman Bell was |, delighted with | here in fishing, but he lamented. the - that they did not have any grievance | Kingston, and thinks it a most beau fact of the s lack of enterprize. | All Ladies' $1.50 Walking Shoes Saturday only $1 20 ? . ainst the. company, but wer talked | ijl city, Mr. Daniels {eft Sundgv~for Chautaun- $ 1 into gone away -hy the strikers. i qua to deliver a lecture. Mrs. Daniels ---- t | © Capt. Lafferty's Appointment. find daughter are still in the city? All Ladies' $1.50 Oxford Shoes NOW......o eevee $1.20 > Mr. Bermingham's Story. An order hlusancl i heer n pis po \ ! : ; . hie arrdne tC. Be al: appointing Capt. F. 0. L& 7. RC. ++ A Fine Park Concert. :17 fies' \ $ 1 > Ski oe Hovsninghus, Works ! i Kirzwion, to he wg al jtant, The pavilion at Lake Ontario Park A lot of size 3 3%: 4 Ladies $1.50 Shoes down to... -$1 Co.. was askid if, he had any thing to Sth Military District, Montreal. with | was over-crowded last night, when a $ 1 cay rewarding hd patter, and © he | the rank of Major. The appointment | plendid programme was put an. Wal | A Jot Ladies' Free Sample Shoes, Good Year Welt Soles, all ated the story' substantially as fwill date from July Ist ter and © Edwards, the quaint rural given above. "Fhe Stotchmen told | : : .---- Hote > comedigns, furnished plenty 'of amus 0: size, 4 at about. ss deny aie vs nei Half Price us. that they © were treated By the Convicts Th the ~ennesses 2. pri ment, while Oddetta, Americ | «on on. Monday night blew a hole .in | oreatost dancing girl,' was 'very popu : : i mion strikers Satirday, morning and ; . ; . 2 g ork, ) : AT TRATI gu To They alte te--peion call with dynaipite.. Sie lar with the large audio. Proi. | $3 Ladies' Patent Legther Lace Boots, now-.....- $2, 50 Special Reductions : one of them hy a | man named Bob' teen : She mL escaping. | Bares of { Davis' trained dogs, monkeys and cats Hokie und the other two by a man | Ue have heen recaptured and one, {were very amusing, and could alope ." nated Kpowlés, Inthe hall the men KE ward Carney, sent up for sale | furnish a géiod programme. The - one- $3 Ladies' Paterit Leather Low Shoes, NOW..o0 ee $2 00 ON ' claim to have been' told all sorts of | blowing and highway robbery... was |uet comedy, "My Cousin Alice," was . : : things as to the 'evi or their remain { killed: . also a good attraction. X : s ing here and hat wohld happen to | The schooners Clas. Youell ¢lhared : A i rttront] . $2.50 Patent Leather Lace Boots, NOW, ves see $1.50 them if they did not get ont Phev to-day for Charlotte'.to load coal for : : - were asked to return Ratweday even the K.i& P. railroad compa i. PB. CC. Vanderfeen, Toronto, a : . ® y ine and to bring with them as many Charles Me ullagh, clerk in Steacy's | specialist in "the decorating Aine, ar Ladies' Patent Leather One Strap* Shoes with Bows ; 4 aE tir friends us possible. © They { dry:goods stot, 1s epee his. holi | rived in/ the city to-day to do ithe . 1 , hh ann hie ram with toys in Hamilton. and il \ | frescoing in Svdenham Street Metho- only ...oviviiennnnns vermrasvrisnegr in), 35 : by a : thon Jd Sere per wesc). Nr. awl Mis W. #5. G. Lambert, of ¢ £'dist church. W. J. Savage. and men, % of monev and positions in Watertown | Toronto, dare visi : rs | of this cit . are associated with hin f moi and position n Watert n | Tore te ar «iting at Mrs: N. Wil 1 ity, are a Soa with 1 . You know the early buyer has the best of it so come to. skip out. Arrangements were made | mot's, re street. ing the work. The of improving . > » : Light and Dark Grounds. for them to leave Tn 1 ecial boat i J. 3 Wilmot: Ottawa' gent a a wd decorating this he sautiful edifice 1s soon and cone often, : ; rs i for Cape Vincent gt k Satur- | al days with his mother, N. | now ne aring complet on. i : py 1 Warmineton aml Pic. Taylor. ». The BARGAIN TABLE.S are full of good Wags a > day night, but they 'missed this at | mot. Colborne 1 of Juev-& Birch'® plumbing de 5 ve plumbing 1c | speaking: prices," but they're going f fast. - ang stoppyd for Hi nicht-Ft-the-An Stuart Anderson, Ottawa, is spend glo American. hote Meanwhile infor- holidays with+his mother -in Aya Rave returned fron Deser / . mation reached us th time Ro enable | onto, where they placed a heating sys- : Jus te. be on the Aweri av | "Ks \iser . Willian views the suggestions [tem in the Rathbun Co's Mfices., ; ' morning. I was in a staterofn and | of disarmament as a dream: of the John Bollard, wife and é¢hild, Ot- : caw the men brought - down b the | future. C : i tawa, , are guests of Mrs. Bollards - ol | @ ah < @ |atrikers; the" names of these jhors | Lloyd Moore, Otfawa, spent Satur- | parents. ex-Alderman and Mrs. Wil : ® ty ) ® will. come out: later. = They werggput day and Spnday in the city. liam Adams, University avenue. ig : 2 4 . ait a - Ty Fai 3; i = ods 2 5 " = ah ol yd ial