DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5. -- 'FINE HARVEST "WEILER : CROPS ARE BEING GATHERED IN GOOD CONDITION. | Garnocks GAMES AT GANANOQUE. Two Games Were Taken From the Ponies: August 5 (Special).-- won the first game from Gananoque, THE WALLS - COLLAPSED 'AT THE METHODIST CHURCH~ 1 AT ATHENS. | a PRODUCE AND PRICES. The Standard Rates -- Governing The Local Markets. Kingston, Aug. 5.-The following prices prevail in the loeal markets this week : 'It Norrishes' Infants. No other baby food is as nourishing' It is EDUCATIONAL. + "HILLCROFT" ACADEMY, KINGSTON. 'A. RESIDENIIAL aad DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. wholesome or so universally used. a perfect substitute for mothers' milk. Nestlé's Food Saniple (sufficient for eight meals) free. . {Ponies on Saturday by Drohan's mag A Farmer Near Moscow Lost Con- | nificent work in the box, their gréat y ! 3 h siderable Through Fire Caused | speed and judgmenit in running, bases | : Er | I extremely heavy hitting, taking by Lightring-- iden HE x Zo & ring Residents Leav | no less than twenty-one "hits off Am- ing for Winnipeg. brose's delivéry. Ponies were never : es | : ths Napanee, Aug, Frank Thomas. | dangerous, except in the third mnings| Foronto, spend Sunday with his par- | when they tied. the but from ! accident occurred here to-day (Satur- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, | then on Garpocks had all their own day), at the building of the new Me- Dundas street, tupert McCreary and | Way. The second game was won by | thalist church. The masons, 8. Talier A. Ingram left yesterday for Winni- | @ butting streak in the ninth innings, and John Tanner, with their tender peg, the former with,a carload of | when the six men who batted for ! William Hawkins, were' on a. scaffold and settlers' effets. Mrs. (Dr. | Garnocks," all made hits; with { about forty fect High, finishing an Vrooman and three children, and M | the exception of one, who flew out, | nreh over one of th sarge windows on Catherall left, vester oy for Dolu {filling the based and scoring when { the south when suddenly the | Ti i to spend a month or six only one run was required, as the | scaffolding axe away and the masons | etc, A ing her brother, score was then even, Moriarity, up to ! sprang to the wall to save, themselves turnips, 10c. Peter Mair is fuite poorly; he suf: | this innings pitched wonderful ball fouly to. push the fresh mason work Grain--Wheat, Man#toba, No. '1, BUSINESS fered a slight stroke of paralysis last | and. Duquette certainly played the | while Mr. Taber and Mr. Tanner fell | S0c.. to S5e. a bushel; white winter week. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McMillan | game of his life. right intogthe church, Mr. Hawkins and Canadian spring," 65¢. to Tc. a TORONT® - COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. Vigorous and Happy as Others in. August a 3 os 5 Jottle or Two of ton; hay} k interesting the side in a fast double play. "and little daughter came down yester- | Up to the sixth innings fell to the ground with the scaffold bushel: local soft wheat, 70c. 4 bush- day 'from Berlin to spend their holi- | got two doubles, seven singles, on the inside and were buried ¥eneath | oh Northern, 'No. 1, 75c. to Tie. uo days 'with her father, G. L. Mair. Mr. | sacrilices and three to first on-balls, I'ctone and timber. Both men were ter- bushel: buckwheat, 50c. a bushel; p. and Mrs. James 'Gordon are rejoicing | netting eight runs. Ponies had five and riblv hurt. Mr. Taber's injuries are ley, Sle. a bushel; Largest and best equipment in Capada. * over dhe arrival of a son and heir on | added two-in the seventh; Garnocks {liable to prove fatal, but Tanner got bushel td. 4c. Uncqualled facilitics for socuring positions, 321 Queen Street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Lifa Ruildines. Toremto. Paine's C =|Paine's Celery straw, 85 to 87 a ton. . ; Oo idet---These ices re vp ' a ; play here on Saturday afternoon, oan The : Re a Re i ompound 17; Ponies, S. . between Athens and Frankville the John : cikay, Li Street : le hi ; is : : Miss. Devitt, millinér with the Hardy | The second game was full of excite: Frome team winning by a score 'of 24 Is, Sle. to oh, ely ! hic 5% Nill Give You Health, Full Energy glver loss ia effect. uh : Div Goods Co. left. yesterday, | %r] nent from the first. Moriarity held, 75 Mies W. MeKoniiy, Brockville {20 I. 7c. a Ibs; lab skins, 33c. each; and Happiness y driving ou 1€ poison, an spend the holidays with her father, at | the Garnocks down to one hit in the Lie vicitin tends to I : ; : > does not simply deaden the pain } ; 3 is visiting friends in town, .olm July 28th, did likewise in the eighth and Daley bof lighter. Mr. Hawkins is badly | WE horse hides, 2 to ) each; rendered Berlib. Mrs. (Br. Ming returned vester irst four innings, but after that they | & "wos 4 2 Ce as do so many pre tions Gone 2 t li 0 "| Johnston, Toronto, an © old Athens . a bushel. Miss Bertha Neilson, Wilton, is the [in the ninth received his base on hart, but his injuries gre not so se Flour and feed--Bakers' strong and + sv \ bi > Tamnpre' . 2) . . guest of her Miss Alice Neil- | balls, the only one Drohan gavéawuy. | vere. Mr. Taber had an, arm and leg | 00 four, to. S20 a cwt.: son. Word was received here vesterday | Elliott smashed one over in Ran tallow, Sie, a Ib; unwashed wool, Ge, ; : | A "Dal to 7c. a h.: washed wool, 1le. a lb; dav, after spen oon with. her | whacked the hall : ather harvd. "Dula tt wv ne : > ; taining narcotics. be fer 5 all Sin : hi rh athlete, played with Athens in the | ashed wool in traae, 15e. Ih. x 3 ywother in Rochester. is entitled. to much praise as his work § 006 on Saturday. The funéral of the Abbey's in the morning will Te heb rab oe aost a araditable and he: succesded in} = ay, : : make you well and keep youwell. ihe laviners repent ins [was 'crecitane an late Mrs. A. Roman took place 'on i 82. $2.30 7 4 ; ; broken, besides dangercus internal in- Hungarian patent, 20. to a that duri the thunderstorm on | dolph's garden that **( lave'. Fish. White fish, . a 1h. ; harvest weather: the past | holding the" heaviest batting tear of Sunday to the Roman Catholic could not jur ewt.: oatmeal and rolled is $M to Sunday afternoon, Amos Hafiman, a | reach, Islin few out to brook trout, 25c. a lb; a salmon, ripening most | the kague down to six hits, a' ote eT op es Si ms SG ARR & : | church at Trevelyen. Athens was some: | gale salmon, salt trout, salt' mackerel, ---- Ideal Grounds of Twelve Acres. Upenis Sept. 9th, 1902, T. J. a hh R, B. A., Principal. rn -------- ALBERT COLLEGE, PHENOMENAL RECORD OF GROWTH, 302 students curolied last year, 1 voung ladies 15e. to 20e. each; lemons, 15¢, to 20c. ~ and 130 young men, ew. pipe Jranm, Some Sorre anges, Je LEEMING, MILES & CO., MONTREAL. HE JH rooms, are callery, yecantly a dozen; Sorrento oranges. J ec. to . : addid. Two matricul tion scholarships won . a dozen; Jamaica oranges, 13¢. a . in 1901. Splend: poasium, large athletio : hannpes, 5¢. to 200. a dozen. en, frounds, comui Vege tubles. Green corn, e¢. to ie. Uniirio.so file eee tn ne | A Woed 0 The: Gpeat| 5 os ==" Oth: For flestriiy. circulars L address prin: hae Sc. a head: carrots, beets, cipal Dyer: = bunch; onions, $1 a bag} . COLLEGE Army of Summer Toilers. to 30c. a bag. KINGSTON KINGSTON. If You Are Not as Robust, Poultry pair ; fowl, 60c. to Tic. 25 each. Fruit.--Black * and - red raspberries, 7c. a box: black currants, 10¢. a box; gooseberries, Se. a box: pineapples, One of the Men Injured is Likely to Die--The Scaffold Suddenly Gave Way--Three Men Went Town With the Wall. Athens, Aug. 2.--A very Lhe kong, S0r. to 60c. a Pe. varie. a pair; ducks, a Pe turkeys, 81° to SL. REV. T. J. Belleville, Ont. disirpssing score, stock safe Headache. i Pain across the forehead or at back of head is dangerous. It slowly but surely weakens. the intellectual powers, impairs the vitality and will. - Headache is sometimes, from the eyes but more frequently is caused by a disordered condition of the sto- mach and digestive organs. Do not suffer, The pain ean he cured by the harmless remedy Abbeys Effervescent quantity of hay and other things were | consumed. There was an insurance on { thé. barn, but none on the contents. weeks visit- Garnocks wer to Hoe peas, a bushel; oats, le, cousin M.D... a former graduate of the hich town on a visit. An game ~of baseball was Ponies' vetived Score, scoring . 4 x : ! plite on student and a .ewl.: : Tn a 923 barn by [ire caused by lightning. A | Hunt's drive to centre, Brennan bran, $2, ie | st $9 to S10 & school, is in to 825 a SU to S10 a last run. Burke and Garnochs, Many men toiling in offices, stores and workshops 'during this hot sum mer weather, and womeh © weighted with the works and cares of home, ar critically near the breaking point. The symptoms of coming and disease are manifested in sleeplessness, nervousness, tived feel languidness, ifritability; failing appetite and hlood . circulation. Paine's Celery Compound is a pre boon to the ailing, and rundown in this August weather. A bottle or 'two used at will quickly bestow the needed] strength to battle 2ainst the wenakening and en ervating effects of the oppressive heat, and will enable week delightful week, and ¢ satisfactort 3 Another weather will Rm | ste the harvest in this section all tak not in vears has general erop down sick Ross, and "Bert" - MeCauly. 85.50 a bbl; corn meal, 41.40 to S1.60 farmer living near Moscow, lost his 1 Daley got to the home 2 and Seattle salmon, 25¢. a 1b. wk of this | a n record. at enlivene Saturddv nid ; 3 s i Wi gn what enlivened on Saturday night by | joe. a Ih. salt codfish, Te. to 1ar. Ib; During the first six innimrs only | oe 10 bal Tor Ge band music furnished by- the Lyuod- kippered herring, 30c. a dozen; perch, hurst band. They encaoed to jo . 3 ! ; ot 3} os = > pay 0 120¢. a dozen; Spanish mackerel, 15e. a | nanoque and in four of those innings play for the the tennis |q1,.. pike, Ge. a Ib.: halibut, 13e h.: | nt out one YR three. A run was is : hicl Sh . Se 2d , be, © 3 hi » 1oe. a lh. bh y ' if grounds, which was a fine success. bloaters. 30¢ dozen; finnan haddie allied hy them, in the fifth. . alia oh ll ol oaters. J0c. a de : wan he % aed - ! hs 3. Bullis and family are at their Lig. a 1h. salmong erout, 12. a lv; Ponies.-- Easton, H.; Filton, rf: hone at Charleston. Mra Le ec. a lh; o , 12¢. a lb Quivlev. z.5& :. Paley; c.f: Elliott e. ; OMS AL aariesiol), So blue fish, 124c. a lb; frog's legs, 30c. Juiv ii 3 0 a 5 pels Yelp 3 visiting her wr at [2 Ising 2h; unt, y.: . Mawtholl, 4b. \ tv x . i . IA i. . 1 Moriarty. p Connerty. © head Meat hindquarters, 6e. to Se. A\nibrose anc orianty, p. : taking his Shs Bfequarters. de- vi Ue a Garnocks.--Brennan, 1h. Ruthie, 2: Saturday. Ih.; ehapve rt 1! to 15¢. 1b McCarthy, c¢.; Ross, el; Drohan, Seling hs Shue of % TC : returned to Washington from a |and ss Randolph, Li; Cont: 3b. AL gry of El i savs that in. that te | Corrigan, r.0.; Duquette, pf and ss ca dbs = : y : . | ' R earling ¢ ¢ the and other west tes there is J me R Bi iia bi Slinrday. alleiio vearling lam 3, by - 4s | 1 Theres i | Asis 271 } 2 x17 Mi itl il ? bac i > *- | Se. to Ye. a lh; forequarters, i tor lana . wre nooo 01 i anv of the residents have town to 5 5 vriars . Ts community in : wrose and Elliott, Dro the ) to the verv hol wea oe, 8, hs ol naiarers, Je, 1 ae : which has! an « Lillie. dentist bis 12 2} hogs: weight, zac, a's Pup dundown systems in hot weather perat me RH 1 nt * dressed, to Sc.r a Ib.: veal, by the Mrs. Mossop, of Mimic uperat clegan rooms over Z og : 4 J b . : a lh.; tongues, 35c. each. Than . Canada. Thompson's grocery. He and Mr. s 3 L have much ple asu specilutive Roberts i Lamb have dissolved partoe ship. testimony in favor of ascribes the movement of from | & Mrs. PY. Compound. | the vist to the west in aavanee-of the nig. her household effects te a r= \ : y down bv hard Henny w here she is taking up hous farmers' in prints, 7c. to 20c. sleeplessue s, and Our coveral trotting horses ha a | in rolls? LGe. to lie. a th. through my body. Doctors' chance their speed in the new Cheeser-94c. a Ib. had no effect, and nothing race tracl training for case until T used Paine's Celery. Com the fall fairs. Mrs. A. Foley, Welling pound. This melicine has done won f airs. s . Paley, Q - 2. Moriarity., 2. 1ton street, very low with consump t ders for me, and 1 would stro lv Am r }: Pui Jeon. i failing rapidly prints, 18¢. to 20c. a 18.5 in Jurge all sufferers to use it, as it is the wose, 1: . on, is fs aor v. : A Umpite. Watt -- 1h. hest in the world. * npire, Wa \ Raising 0ld Bottoms. ------ -- For th as few days Clarev, and} partner, Mr. nes, have been er d in searching the bottom of aqui river for the The propellor In lian, burned to the edoe on west side ofr Belle's Island many one of the objects of located the and some were such a year il en care of there been Diamond Hall | = wasn of Canada. | ie y : ines good social "on = poor summer cious sick vi Wilson is Frankville. AV. B. clerk in Arnold's store, holidays. returned on Frank Wiltse, Brockville, Saturday and Sunday at home. Paylor held a very successful sale at once [It Will be a Question United Sta- tes Will Force. eof, West Our SHOES ! No persuasion is neces- Tribune. z i > pl \ . Mint Roberts, who futtion. Be. to to 13¢. a lb; carcase, men and women through the ne essary routine of daily toil with heart, soul and Paine's Celery Compound is especially distinguished for its ability to build has to pro visit to our business has experienced a steady advancement until the fowa. enerov. present day. Our stock of Diamonds, Tox Fioe Jewelry and Silverware not orvanized a in lands in the lake owing ther, ir. C. RB. removed to his a Crossroaas savs Mr. Reherts, : 7 svndicate to : eG arcase, Ge. Dakotas or carca fever Mr. nmoney 2000010 oo Loe 0l 02 Morarity und | i t, in givin Paine's entirely work, anxiety aud had pains , all is universally conceded to be A . Dairy Wholesale. Merrick is this week mov ' > Butter.--Creamery, 22¢ to x a 1b; i nd McCarthy was heals en the largest in Canada, and our ! 5 Bases on reputation for fair treatment balls, off Drohan, 1: Moriaritv, 1... Struck Ambrose, 2: Duquette, : Passed, ball, Elliott. Wild Hit hy pitcher, Fas Drohan. Randolph. Drohan. 11 Am hrose, 6: Drohan, 6: Moriaity, 3. Ambrose. Daley, Hunt, hase hits, off oon Duquette, be. Three hits, off quette, 2: Moriarity, 1. Time of first gan, second game, hour minutes, would have heen if Quigley had Dalev when the MeCammon wn around in a | the vears ago, was their They and hauled it ashore near the mill. The vessel was once the vertv of Samuel * Fraser. The "re wrmins" of the steamer City of Kings rot | ton. which lie the cotton mill, not he so long be: | that many. but his all-round work in will ; claimea by these rescuers. butter, creamery, per th.. Se. to X have . when noney is sent for remedies Crops. met my activity in , has oiten illustrated [1 | i... feartron es: the price of { cood demand . Tor | promises to Teo which are w heat of our patrons is such as to the paepose of moving the i ba K of thi woniatinve ahich to show command confidence. Many are in piteh, ton, Two Dairy Retail. Our handsomtly Creamery, 25¢. a. 1b. farn- 'catalogue will bring you in touch with our present stock " he | Hakots | and a copy of this will be jj: ght after praduce u 3 th land in thé Canadian | of Canton, land in t} hours; with the | twenty-five lands in lowa. The price of The last i Canadian covernment lands is | rorless for Ponies low. Hence the surprising Brennan's ly to farmers to - 'the Canmling lision occurred. Dr. armers their | ob hand, but "Joe" and go north minutes internation Hunt. Rendolph and cestinmated | had four hits-in the firs and Corrigan divided Be i ing. "Jerry had, in the two twenty-one chances, and acees them all. while "Frankie" hal Butter.- ers' in rolls, 16e. to 5c, a brose, "3: nds hase good Established in the year 1854, [ll | Director of the two Eggs Whaldale--1%. to 1c. Retail --13¢. to 17¢. a dozen, Bit , % . and cheerfully forwarded you upon erthonedi, Tha price 'of one and a tens ication. if | Bal lo : applica , . price of RYRIE BROS. the fin ely Yonge and Adelaide Sts, TORONTO: Uf YibWeet log a fioure SHOE STORE. compared onme , Carling's Half-and-Hal! im is a®delightful drink, bY tL | [ este destegi a Ta. whel : ening properties of porter with the milder sen, sh.," T8¢.; wheat, goose per bu: oats, per bush., 3le. to hay, per ton, S17 to $19; hay, new, per ton, S10 to S12: straw, per exhilarant of g ale. It's for sale by most dealers, put up in pint and quart bottles. wrecks of vessels: el . . water s rusn of came fon = evch searchs Hunt ream ame We prepay charges and retund meney if desired. of them crossing the line. , I is acres of Canadian land Americans every day Ir) silos are kept up at this rate anc the purchased are brought under many 2 cotton I 75. 'to Tie. pro \ y al boundary that 25.000 are sold to . ton. $10.50 to S11; dréssed hogs, 89 to lana near £0.50: butter, dairy, per lb. 3c. to cultivation, at will also be eves, to Soc over splendid GIS oo was Strength of desire of the wood contain. neapolis have tossed sea and dmve Faoemory ever ing _in cour soul jump once more as in "our boyhood 's swimmin But davs of vore in ~hole ! she ny low was goes to +h trestle, unl as th mat fast | near y : Is from the warm shor prime them nhs cher < were we then, playing The Dandy Shiner NICKEL PLATED rool the common stock and the for the dozen to 31. per th; 184 Princess Street. leaner stock Large weeks old dropped oll spri volun r hopped from the hurn shor moment Rec that mement wh question' EERE 2, ug swept HOLDS SHOE RIGID. FITS ANY SHOE. A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. It holds any sized shoe. Three lasts (man's, woman's, and child's) go with each shiner. IT PREVENTS BACKACHES. If not obtainabie from your shea or hardware dealer it will be forwarded en-receipt of $1.00 = L. H. PACKARD & CO. MONTREAL. 5 to Great hy thor g : ; hikes wad of wing I in barns, ete. wer valuable trottir Conroy, and in Stock Farm. animal valued at many. vears, houses, 2 ES ERRRRER Odes8a Occurrences. Odessa, Aue. 4.~The Mabee's house is completed, workers are doing the plombing roofing. dt will be residences in the formerly of the old evervw here struck. mare "owned by trang at ih. Killed. The the 1 and] and metal in rear | the finest Brouse.-| Mr. Bennett, shtly | hotel, has purcha «l "the rails | Day proparty and has opened La o's | cery and tin . Dr. Day ope yout asmonth ado, withs his venpurs camp meeting n nro ph work on stone BRANFORD % WALSH'S, ¢ TAILORS. J Princess and Bagot Streets. 2] IRR) and event' of Feciproeit) was instgntly one of county, Royal James fap rl a RA 0 CURE YOURSELF { se Big @ for unnatural discharges, inflammation ii itationy or ulceratiol mucous membranes, i oe ahd HOt patria. tn lee cia ee ri to. ip hg : ce oered <0 by citve it or ion in Dlain wrapper, was showing great Loi, A' barn Henry struck and sh of ciche street sped Go i On Working. JIxOb Wn r 1 Sti the. | Mo. ves. ot ix bard, 4 ey Po > 1s ind of yore. _inbof the res . _ : : pus : ond the dear old. sWiRIR Stuart strect, was an -- wl. A catarrh, : A Ava : \ operate, | ne of Kins =o th was disease-- Act ion Sales. ~ Save Money by Employing moto | ALLEN & BROWN, by Ha oe 3 Sotsion, 0, Auctioneers, of James a - FOR SALE OR TO-LET, W. NEWLANDS, ' ARCHITECT. . DETACHED BRICK DWELLING, 118 : . Stuart St; 9 rooms: Hot Water Heat | OFFICE, SECOND FLOOR OVER MAHOOI'S Drig Store, corner Princesp und Bay rob party near numbers. 'The experts i tre most careful TO-LET. ERICK 'BES iNCE, 201 11 rooms, modern improlemen i 5 brick resicasses 244 Brock . ors A viear-ol BROCK STREET died turned sary when they ar You are always sure of quality atthe lowest p o { Comparison prove Compare and save. "HOW MUCH [10 10 th rt wot ml ol ee fore Canada wit =--he-raising-25t000 roth anes was a feature--andd hh Chey: their Loo. on CH icke per_ | a IS BABY (ir bushels 6F wheat a vear Te ple iF drew applause. Tilton plav- a Srher fois "N ie Vichy > per pair. $90, Fees, ber That our stock 1S. NEW and of the SO 000.000 hushels raised now. «1 star fielding games, "Tilt tis all} which they will raise. - Mr. Clapsy de doz., lie. to 1Nc.; potatoes, per Jush. , : ir. As the volume of Canadian wheat when a hit is mate and Le has Pare: Hay bi ol famine el at ee hu Jeary 3 ap-to date, but everybody . increases the reciprocity seatime adel other him any. e see - 1 don 6.5 yeef, yindquarters, WORTH ? De North Nomi he Siete 2 judient have to buy any coal," he remarked. | $10.50: beef, medium, carease, h doesn't know that -this week : : x 7 - The « wsels are worth conginerable | 87. beef, choice, 83.50 to $9; lamb, $9 ill ff all struck hv Yhe esent ji : The old ve are worth congicera ST: beef, choice, ) : | we will run off a NOBODY KNOWS! hg Sentiment a on The Old Swimming-Hole. forthe "thes to 810: mutton, $6 to 87; veal, choice, . sa millin nterests of, Min] Colorado Springs Gazetts, bar $7.50 to SO. / . But it's worth taking ana St" Panl to secure reci-) We Jaye 4 thie he ie . Women And Jewels. Montreal, Aug. 4, There Mere abanut $ i : Sars or, A far iy with Canada. Ro the Canadian {We plunce hon To Ue LF Le os Jewels, candy, flowers, man--that is «0 I riod Jo eal Ay precious little ® wheat lands mav supply grist tor their dived in the salty mane po Slap of a woman's preferences, | Yes. and 1, Sheep one BO J a ee takes us back, with lone Loo 3 : bso cals he Fast End Abattoir. to a agent for Kingston, 8. :hreatened from CHOLERA, DYSEN. [© Av present none of 7 thi" Cana 1 Kvén that greatest "of all jewels; [Hor saweat_the hi ind_Abattoir. - TERY, DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA INFAN- gin Sho is made into flour ii the | 10 heeith. is often ruined. in the strenuous day. The hueghere Sere present" in | Henderson ted States. I all Eng- | efforts to save the money to purchase | 111g¢ numbers, ate : TUM op BOWEL COMPLAINTS of any | |... Ye ; he ; JOEY Eo improvement the At a Discount of and, to English. millers. A= it is] them. If a woman will risk her health with no improvement on ; « kind give it > thrown upon the market there to get a coveted gem, then let her for- frees prevailing on Purely * DR FOWLER'S as it can be shipped the price of com tify herself against the insiduous con- ket. Fhere als i ey Y . . peting American wheat is much mor Sequenc of coughs, colds 'and bron: braves A . me A : seriousiv. affected than it would he ir | chial affections by the regular use of } three of the best eatile hrouy om EXTRACT OF the duty on Canadian wheat were re he there atthe | ye Boschee's German Syrup. Tt will per Ih. and from that How Li : moved and considerable of it entered J promptly arrest consumption in its x for pretty animals, w ii WILD STRAWBERRY, this country "to he heid here till the | The big: bovs dived from "the tres early stages and heal the afiected brought. from 2 2 re PER CENT. NATURE'S OWN SPECIFIC. foreign demand warranted its ship f } lungs and bronchial tubes and drive |! ; canners. pai ; ment. the dread disease from the system. [It [irom 1 re) ARMSTRONG A household remedy for nearly | Reciprocity with Cuba is th fe nt--n--enrcall, hot it Is on certafn] THEE were over 'a calves : > fiftee that sixty years, ng question of the n o thrill of cure for coughs, colds and all bron [vom ten ty : 0 oe er tener tei ti Pleasant, Harmless, Reliable, and |!" di with Canada is a rat ity die ar chial troubles. You can get. this: veli- [80M To iy to on 20 oer oR FERRE RRR ic 11 come to y SOO . rromitin pln 8 head 7 x rowedv "die ier a vea's ninging Ol 52 to Sb oes 3 Effectual. . his I pitt « I > fs nen gi of the others who were dra able remedy at Wadé's drug store. Shippers paid 3. per Ih, for good YOU WILL FIND A Every mother should have it in the Ty cul HI SW Tr ere : & lara wp and the butchers paid CHOICE ASSORT- In witv an JGch } : . | wre the barbed wire ; aluab orse illed. froma Jes i the others: Liaunbs 3 house. lv petty and selfish, in its native, to |p 4 ty > i I Te jews be = Val ble H Killed yehy I hers band MENT OF PRICE 35e. freer trade relations with Canada, thes_rock. where the 1 nhs st The electrical storm which sold at po i A hi nest 81 cach. 2 <uch relations "will be of vredt valu ve rer he 7 \ ity and northern district" Sun Fat hogs sold at from- 6c. fo near the United Sane Next ot i afternoon, was one-of the-sever- ve. per li, weighed off the cars oolisns in and Germany the o von Trees, 5 pens Faradic ho Jaros prvhunel of oven t It will he a still lay aR in the Batteries Used in every hospital inh world for "the 'cu » of paralysis, 1 treed the Basilics creat window in the Basilica ! asthma, Ste 2sy Lo ! Pominican Church of. Jt. Joh ixland, took = o : ofiice then and edsy .to because the |Thn id a Tho and St. Paul, Venice, fell in as on Backers point. Another eo i= avell ati eo > > h Ist TC t on . a it ' ary 3 price is low. mm §¢ to 31Z : Pa {pusnlt fi hay heen. shaken Sf ree loss than LOO feet from them we Free Me A . Call in and see them Nyti ht t will clap of in I'he church WI (rick nd shy t hire id attracting large : ng ut has. heen dec: hy en were dase 1 for i wom Salvation Army ga BRECK & HALLIDAY, Princess : : complete 1 | or. of collapse. . » no > nd Kinoston a cial with string Jrom the it the of doutt hear proseriptions will receive our als shattered hy lichthing Was SHeCess. of Toro. tention. H. B.-Tavler, 3 ih ¥ghi : to, and 'her grand Yong \ cuceessor to Mitel > ? Ward, - "are guests I The mavor of Cork } weived "ay Would Look Here First, Sproule. Mrs . K. Cooke and_<on, cheque for 850.000, from Andrew 2 154 \ i lo ve | Jack, have to their home | A modern improvegonts. from the elects of ery 3 towards thes fund for buildir Cobourg, after spending a few : San x a oy? ) tow: aft : iw. Apply to J. S. R. McCann, 82 Bibby Len. Princess by a mefquito bite eo library. | ~ thi ; . Th . bo .Bibb i with her father-in-law, J. Cooke. eile St Trent" Wade's hing i Sirests. on Bagot street. Fatranc -- - Doylestown, € Ohio,-April 26, 1953, "FORCE" FOOD 0, Baffalo, N. Y. - Gentlemen :--Sgeing a package of FORCE" jn my grocer's yesterday, | purchased a package and tried it the same day. The entire family united in pronouncing it much better than any of the, cereals on -the market. - Being fond of cereals, we give almost every new product of the kind a trial. | can truthfully say that it is seldom we find one that is as unanintously praised by everyone who uses it as "FORCE." Yours very trily,