Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1902, p. 8

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Oo ' 0f Cou - THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 y, They Fit | You can afford to have pairs of trousers, many suits of clothes, when you ow 'them here. You save money on every gar- ment, and you note the fit vis perfectly good. These well-made ready-mades. are worth your at- We have some rare bar- many tention. gains this week. a JOS, SILVER. (Successor to B. Sliver & Co.,) 102° PRINCESS STREET. . wv 2 S FLY TIME . Warm weather and flies go together, © and + the only .way to have comfort is to have screens. Deors, complete from $1.00 Windows 25c¢. The most assortment to pick from in town. W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, 81 Princess Street. "Kingsion™ puss To Alexandria A SET OF NEW Bay." Souvenir Post Cards POSITIVELY THE BEST EVER OFF. RED TO THE PUBLIC. Sold in Sets or Singly. JK irkpatrick's Art tore A GREAT SALE - OF COOKED MEATS AT, MYERS' Market, 56 Brock Street, viz, cooked ham, tongue, corn beef, (our own make) pigs feet, (plain pickled and jellied), chipped dried beef, pork belogna, and summer sausace Also pork saus tenderloin, bacon and hams. 'Phone 57 a PORK ROOMS TO LET. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT rs. Yatas', 64 William street, with board if desired. COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Montreal, Aug: 2--Flours receipts tent winter, $3.50 to $4; $4 to $4.10; straight roller, U; wwrong bakers, $3.70 to $3.90; tario bags, $1.70 to $1.80; wheat, Manitoba, hard, 78c. to 8Uc.; corn, Tle; peas, 8c. to Bic; oats, 486, risy, 38¢. to 60c.; rye, . 0 6 wheat, ue. to 67c.; oatmeal, $2.30 tc 2 ; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.60, pork $24 to $35: lard, Ye. to 10a; . to -15c.; hams, 138c. to 14c.; Oheese butter townships, 1c. tb 20c, western, lée. to ig. eggs, 12¢. to l4e. SiH patent $3.60, On- o. 2, T0c. to to_49¢.» MARKETS. Ar Open. oT NEW YORK STOCK 2nd. Ulowe, HOT 1561 Union Pacific St. Paul ; Manhattan ....0. B.R. Pransit . Pref Coal & Iron. Pacer Sonthern Pacific... Ont. & Western Western Union Pennsyiva Texas '& Atchison) X horn Pr - American Loco Amal. Copper sir : Sold Two Horses. On the market this morning William Murray, auctioneer, wold tivo SI oattery horses A. Mcllgubham purchased of them for $67, the other went KJ. McVeen, the Brack streew frait merchant; at $11. square to rse |THE 4 PJ. EDITION. SECOND . EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in the Business World--The Market News. Coul has. been found in Trinidad, and dia- mods in British Guinea. Scotch towellings Lave lately been advanced 74 per cent. for all kinds of linea are firm A gocd trade in poultrv is now being car- ried on between New Zealand and South Af Tica. " In the last thirty-three vears £240,000,000 United States upon 190,000, been spent an the Indian population of Brockville, 9 Picton, -94c.: Madoc, to 9jc.: Winchester, paid its . cost has an 2 Tweed, 9 9- +: Vankleek Hill, 9c. Chaese sales : 16¢.: 9° 1-1tc. Alaska has It was bought for §. plied 8150,000,000 in furs, fish ard gohd The total i of Canada this fourteen, against last weck, and twenty k last In Urugnay sheep for freeine cost an aver of 83 a head, and cattle $23 to $30 in The River Plata furnish 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 quarters of beef i.» twenty times. 200,000, amd has sup- number failures in week, was seventeen this | we vear. age sold, from can easily for export. gon new be was offered a It is expected "that ring viext Totonto Ontario winter wheat will week, The first on Thursday at sider rather b Canadian car 78c. west, which . Prices of prints. for next spring Cynaddian Advances of and summer: just issu d bv 'the the per. or British Sil last wear nt." as 1 are 15 of mills, 10 to ave been meade in + the prices and continental fine wool gouds. Hop growers of Washington the vans wre more with prose erent their twenty-two cents plead from tha profit this vear." Twinty and a Povey are now curs ficures, it being of have heen reached: rently offtnesd as' contracti number vears that The rise wil seems so well founded up she first in a these time figures is so pronounced mo substanti market com ns that many of the waiting growers believe they . in for still Justified higher figures, REV. J. E. HUNTER Had to Undergo an Operation on His Eyes. Times St. Thomas Rev. J. EK. Hunter, the well-known of this city, underwent an operation in 'Toronto, on Friday last, and had a film removed from 'his eyes. The reverend gentleman found his sight affected, and it ne cessary Wo have the operation periorm- ed. A letter received by a relative here on Monday, said. the ordeal was un- dergone successfully, and Mr. Hunter expected to sreturn to Muskoka on Tuesday. evangelist became Skill Of An. Indian. Hurley, ex-M.P. for Fast tines, showed Whig reporter a re markable profile of Sie Wilfrid Laur ior. cut out of a dark, hrown: mineral stone, Joel Johnston, a Tyendin- ava Indian, who used only a common fuck knife to the Lust. ~The reddman is a warm friend of Mr. Hur- ley, and having seen a picture of the Great White" premier, defermined to make « little monument" - of him, and finding ar=tone capable of being whittled, he turned it, like a sculptor, into a piece of art. The likeness is a splendii one. of Sir Wilfrid, and. re- flects tie 1ighest credit upon "'the Boor Indian." Mr. Hurley received it from. his red friend only a few days and "treasures it highly, Mr. Has a hy make ago, Dried Potatoes. Potatoes have been added to the list of "dried fruits and which come in so handy for the housek g The South Carolina Agricultural periment "station has "successtully pro duced them, The potatoes hoifed, perded and evaporated and will Keepin vood condition for vears. The Charke <ton News predicts that the new pro duet will be.a good thing for the far mer: vegetables, Fx- ari. Four-Page Papers. AN the English dailies of La Crosse, Wis. © the Chronicle, Republican, and Leader and have agreed to print only four pages. Heretofore they have heen printing eight. The high price of paper the reason the change. Press for Marine Arrivals. Steamers Alex Crajg & Co's whari: andrvia, from Quebec Swift & Co's 'whart : Steamers: To ronto. down and Hamilton, from Hamilton: Caspi ran. rom Charlotte: Rideau Queen, ups irom (Mtawa. Baseball Civic Holiday. When you to a ball want to be certain it will be a cood i at = fair will do oo came vou one. Posies vs. Gahanogue grounds, Monday, 30 pan. vour heart good. Don't Miss: Seeing The hat bargains at Campbell Bros. THnicht, new licht-weight coats, £3.50. The He D. Bibby Co. : See Window Display a " Made in new in tailoring them. Couts fitting sleeve The Warm Days Remin IT'S TIME FOR OUTING SUITS shades d You of the finest imported wool, flannels Your comfort was considered rather close have full shoulders, shoulder and 5," military Trousirs, There suits 'wh We won Our / dressy as the suits as ecomforia Prices as reasons Ready-to-Wear Department. »e ee at LIVINGSTON BROS, 15-11-19 BROCK 3, vears ago was married few months later they quarzelled called announced der part of the blame, and it nally ARE SEEKING AN ENTRANCE FOR A RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF TORONTO. The American Express Company has Ambitions to Cut Into the American Trade--Machin- ists' Strike Settled. Toronto, Aug. 2--A well-defined re- port is current in commercial and rail- that United States capi seeking entrance into 'lo- west for a railway. said to be disguised o- to to way cdreles tahsts are ronto from the Thé scheméawis under the form of a 'plan to enter 1 ronto as an electric line and Tater operate steam cars from Toronto a connection with United States lines at Hamilton. The cénception of the plan is attributed to the interests packing the American Express com- puny, which desires' to cut into. this territory, and te secure a more direct share -of 'the rich express transporta tion business which originates in the Foronto territe At present the American Expr Co. reaches Hamil tén und operates. practically over its own United States connection' both wavs 'into the States, via the Niagara Falls route and Detroit. It uses the Toronto, Hamilton and Bufialo RR., the Toronto end of which has never been acquired, . The machinists' difliculty over the wage question, which * has extended over several weeks, has been settled. The settlement is in the nature of a compromise, hy which the machinists receive an advance all around of about seven ahd one-half instead" of the ff teen: per. cent awhich was asked, which brings the minimum to about twenty Gents an hour. The hours of labor remain the as heretofore, fifty-five per week. . same pe ------ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Ponies leit to-day for Gamanogue to play "baseball. Nn bargains to-night Me- Veen's, Brock street. Mrs. William Nigkle an outing at Old Orchard. Dr. Anclin and family; Montreal, are ouests of Dr. Anglin, Earl street. conard- Gi. "Williams, Toronto, is visiting friends Sin the city for a few days. To-night, vy imported worsted. The tailors' at homé from new line of #15 suits, hea $2 kind. The H. D. Bibby Co. Miss Nellie: Milroy, JRinebeck, NY. is a at the Yome of J. A. (ioedearle, University avenue. The Benjamin wheel factory at Yarker. has shut down for a few weeks, during which time 'repairs will he made. A. C. Scott, of Yorker, a special avent of the Tmperial life insurance company, was in the city to-day on a business trip. At Antwerp yesterday the home team defeated Canton by "six runs to one in 'the St. Lawrence International Baseball league. liles Menim, Westbrook, yecord for memory. He John Carrington, Sr., of Picton, after Sixty wears intermission. William Abernethy, contractor for painting _the roofs of city buildings, has already: completed the roof of the Ontario fire station. A large crowd of excursionists from Tweed and Napanee arrived! in the city This morning over -the Bay of Quinte railway, and embarked on the steamer: Varung' for Thousand island Park and other river points. They will return on Manday morning. Rev. Dr. . Courtice, editor "of the Christian Cuardian, Toronto, suffered a paralytic stroke which rendered his tert arm® and left leg temporarily use He ix now recovering at. Morti- mer's Point, Muskoka. The statement that he had resigned the editorship of the Guardian is denied. guest has the recogonized street 1 AUNN, IR PARENTS UNITED. David Parent Did Not Know he Was a Father. 3 Ont... Aue. 2--Twchiy David Parent' of this city to young womat, A and separated. The wife went to live in Detroit. She drifted entire lv. out David Parent's life. \ few ago "a man who continued and his business, The voung man himself as David's son. He had never heard that he was a father. After some conversation voung Parent told father that he wished his parents would live together He pléad srt--hard--with_ the father, and. finally oained his consent to a reconciliation with his wife. The son brought his mother back to Windsor. Explanations followed. "Both were willing to shoul was fi Windsor, a of days Parent, Windsor young had carry on live 'in on cardening to his that Mrs. to her 'husband's arranged should comé hack home. which she-did yesterday. er------------ Memorial Service In Old Church. Duviestown, Pa., Ang. 2. The annu al service in the ancient edifice! belong in the Augustus Lutheran church, oi Trappe. will, he hela to-morrow. The Rev. Henry Mel hoir Muhlenbure. oread the = Freentennial September 26th, 10 Since church, will officiate. church the this of on 15403 service has J \ and finished in oldest remaining in edifice « projected 174 it} the church in America, orivinal condition.'« NOW Saturday's Good Market. atirday's WEMket was on largely attended 'by the farmers and ers. and great quantities, of fine veget- ables and flotvers were temptingly ex posed forsale. The buyers, however, not out in as large nnnbers usual. The hot Kept them at home. i ditele chan¥e bron were as 1% wi ather The prices show last Saturday en eo comasinarm-- w York Clergyman Drowned LIC NITE > Chia Church ie Ascen was downed in H verboard went oft rowing The body At Campbéll Bros: To-Night. Big reductions in fine hats. 7 Parent' creat grandson sof the founder of | the | memorial | been" held, As this umgue Lutheran | its | garden: evidently | Boot | BARRIEFIELD BRIEES. Protection Should be Afforded the a Farmers. -. Barriefield, Aug. 1.--The township council meets on Monday. Some of the money used 'in paying for council meetings would 'serve the public bet- ter if paid to am constable to protect peoples orchards and fenceg, and cut 'down the weeds that the roadmaster leaves to flourish all 'over the stree and to inspect the pig: pens. Those 'things are an every day annoyance to the tax payers and public. What are the council put' in for if not to check h community nuisances? . Farmers are stacking their hay amd are badly in need of more help. The women have turned out bravely and are assisting' all they can on every farm. The strawberries and raspber= ries have been a washed out crop and are not like the sweet fruit of a drier nor as plentiful either. Mr. Bartieficld, who carried "the recora for fall crop of rye, has a se: cond crop now, measuring five feet two inches. 8S. McKain is harvesting R. Dunlop's crop of hay on shares. The greatest erop of hay in the me- fwory of the oftlest resident is on the ground this year. : The last three who could go down the river. Two vans returnea from Kingston Mills, loaded with boys oné night, shrieking like come-at-the- Indians, waking up all the "children and tired residents disoraceful manner. J.D. McCall, of the treasury de- partment, Washington, is visiting his sister, Mrs. © James ; Moran. John Bailic and danghter, of Saginaw, are at his mother's, Mrs. I. Bailie. Mrs. A. Dedgnan, of Montreal, on a short visit: to Miss" Ryan. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Clark, of North Au- usta, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. D. MeLean; Miss Dinnihan, Montreal, at Miss McCallum's; Miss Toner, nanoque, at W. Taner' Mps. Pug left for a visit to Quebec. Mrs." Skii- fington, of Detroit, is hereto see her brother, R. Dowler, now very ill. Miss Woods is visiting Miss Katie Allen. Miss Bella Hutton, nurse-in-training, returned. to Watertown; and Miss Maud flutton visiting in Toronto. Serot. Jordon, wife and sister, ®vis iting from Quebec, are camping at Barker's Point. = season, 'Furner, is is THE B. OF Q. EXTENSION. New Connection Between Napanee ! and Deseronto. Napatee. Expisiss. The line had been surveyed between Napanee and Deseronto for the build- ing of a piece of the Bay of Quinte railway, direct from Napanee station to Des®ronto. This oives a direct and level road-bed" between the business part of Deseronto and Napance rail- way station, avoiding a grading which now exists of forty-one: foot within about two miles, between De seronto and Deseronto Junction. They purpose to dg away with Deseronto Junction as a:station and the line hetween Deseronto and Dpseronto Junction, and the rails and siding will be used in completing necessary vard room at Napanee and in the building of the road. Napanee will become the .only junction between the railway systems and Deseronto. It lis proposed to continue a service he- tween. Napanee and Deseronto. similay to that which is now maintained be- tween Deseronto and Deseronto June- tion, a suburban train meeting and connecting with all passenger trains at Napanee, taking all passengers through to Deseronto. This will give twelve or thirteen trains a day be- tween Napanee and Deseronto. i -------- Some Surprising Questions. News. --Ke- also new Can 'a saw buck.?--St. Joseph You bet ! Can a horse fiddle okuk Gate City. Sure: Can Chicago Tribune Certainly. Ever hear a ginger snap? "Topeka Capitak . Yep. Ever sce a bed spring?--Kansas (ity Journal. Of chimney swallow." a course. Can a rail "fence ?--New York' World. To he sure. And wouldn't a rail- %.oad tie 2 How about a crash suit ? 4 Baltimore American. First. rate. Jut isn't" the wether vane ?-- Philadelphia Telegraph. Mavbe. Balt did vou notice the hose reel %-- Hamilton Herald. Verilv., "And were you surprised to the water spout or sce a-bun- dance on the plate ? coe Visitors At The Y.M.C.A. J. McLaughlin, secretary of © boys' work in the Buffalo YMCA. i spending a week asathe ofiJ. A. the "local secretary. The claks-mates at eollege. Stan: Brooklyn, N-¥o who association work, city YoM.C.A. is ouest Lawrence, tWO were Tov Foster, also interested in was a yisitor at the building yesterday. Took Good Precaution. The "undesirable clement' were' ex: from the moonlight 'excubsion conducted "hy "A!" Co., 14th Regi ment, last evening. A number who had tickets were refuse admittance at | the gate, and their money refunded. This action on the part the man- agers was appreciated by the hun dreils of hiohly respectable people who attended. . -------- Don't Forget ihat I am agent - for = the Niagara District Fruit Growers' Stock Co, which is a guarantee. that every pack- fruit we sell must he as repre sen This the last week for I good red raspberries, Buy now if vou not already done so. J. Mis cluded ol age of have \ COCn. Baseball Civic Holiday. ) Gananogue vs Ponies, at fair grounds, Monday, August Ith, at 2:30 Admission, : o'clock. 5c. Everybody -Pleased havi sans to-day. hit igh Searchlight Excursion. at evening. jue. Tuesday / Bove' races, girls' races, two base: ball matches, awleville ment, band coneert, dancing and fire at the Y.[.C.B.A. picnic, at lake Ontario Dark, Civie holiday. For particulars see small bills. 'works, 1 t hot days started all in a THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE. EARTH, Matters That Interest. Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Redd and Remembered. : No second operation will be perform- ed on the king. . I. A. Miller, manager of the Galena oil company, it dead in Toronto." . [he "theory of robbery and murder Jin the Toronto drug mystery has been abandoned. . . Hereafter automobiles will be ex- cluded from the parks and boulevards of Omaha. The new torpedo boat Grampus, of the United States navy, was launched yesterday. : : The 8.8. Oriedian, from Montreal, for Glasgow, arrived out on Satur- day afternoon. W. C. Vanderlip, a: Boston lawyer, admits embezzling $100,000 from = tates he managed. . According to the pope's plan, the friars will leave Manila in small num- bers at different times. J. Pierpont Morgan has purchased from the Countess of Dudley her hand- some London house. ' At Shenandoah, Pa., perfect quiet continued among the strikers last night and this niorning. Eugene Mason, Oak Corners, Rochester, N.Y., was killed by a pas- senger train on Thursday night. The S.S. Sarmation sailed, Satur- day afternoon, from Glasgow, for the St. Lawrence, with 145 passengers. Col. Arthur Lynch, the nationalist, M.P., accused of high treason during the Boer war, has been committed for trial. . . The Great Northern elevator, capaci- ty 3,000,000 bushels, has withdrawn from the Western Elevating Associa tion. . , Alfred Lyttle, London, Eng., will ar- bitrate the claim of Mr. Reid, con: tractor, against the Newfoundland government," £ * : The boat chosen as the Seawanhaka cup defender is the owe with the two hilge"boards and she will be known as the Trident. Dr. A. H. Tickell, son of ex-Mayor Tickell, Belleville, has been appointed hospital. physician for Nevada county, Cal., at a salary of $1,500 per annum: A train has. been derailed at the Khataul Station, at Meerut, India. Sixteen natives were killed and twen- tyv-ope natives and nine Europeans in- jured. The firm of Dey Bros. &. Co., Syra- cuse, N.Y., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $700,000, divided in- to $200,000 preferred stock and $400,- 000 common stock. Three months' leave of absence has been granted to Justice Richardson, of Ir is on the road to re- covery. frorg the stroke of paralysis he suffered some weeks ago. In New York, Police Commissioner Partridge, has reduced 106 detective sorgeants to the rank of patrolman and three to the grade of roundsman. Fifwen hundred boilermakers. of Chi cago, have struck, they want thirty- five cents and fifty cents an hour for inside and outside work, respectively. The Allan line steamer Lgurentian, «ailed on Saturday afternoon from Glasgow, for New York via Moville, with thirteen cabin -passengers, seven: ty intermediate and twenty-five steer- Lage. The steamer Blaamondon, from New York, for "Bergen, struck on White Point ledge, five miles west of Canso, N.S. a dense ' fog this morning. The compartment full. of water. Despondent over money matters and ill-health, .De Witt Clinton Foote, who forty: vears age was the leading ®cig- ar and. tobacco dealer in Syracuse, ended his life by a revolver shot Friday. . Explorer Baldwin has returned Honningsvaag, Norway. He "We have been baflled, but net His men are in good health. He a large dash es in forward is on to said, heat en." has paved the way for to, the pole in 1903, Mary Ann Hamilton, wife of Robert * Hamilton, of Parry Sound, from whom she had been separated for seme years, was burned to death in her howe at Novar, Ont. The - cause of the fire is unknown. "A very severe engagement between Herrera's forces and the government troops has "been in progress since 'Puinschay;--~fuly 29th, when the re- volutionary forces began to attack Agua Dulce, in Colombia. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flinn, Syracuse, N.¥., are in England looking up in- formation re a large fortune, involv- ing vast properties in South Wales. They claim to ho descendants of Lori Thomas, whose estate worth. mil- lions. The second from South Cestrian ar o'clock this jrom Halifax, afl the them went west hy dificrent this morning. At the Salt Lake City, Utah, palace grounds, early this morning, dd. C McCaslin, a well-dkiown mining man, <hot and killed: Lottie Russell, seri ously wounded F. Max Peters and then committed suicide by shooting himself through the head. Iriday four, severe re elt in Los Alamos buildings not a cracked badly: belonging to Is trainload - of-troopers Africa by the troopship ived at Montreal, at onc morning bythe LC.R., eater part of trains Durinz shocks of earthquake were calley. and several ready destroyed, were One immense structure, : Juan Carcaga, Ns short djrtance from Alamos, was turn) partly its foundations. . matter of rain-fall Los around on In Montreal in the the month of August in a way that bids fair close run with the exceptional fall of July. Both vesterday and day have an ea tional heavy rainstorm deluging city and surrounding country is commencing to make a heavy to- op the heen every wet, entertain-, . Mav Yohe, in London, cried for Put of robb { man forgiveness fie has gh it thi neil Miss | and that tween bun avd matter of a f(T Now i: the 1 me to have them f McVeern, 60 Brock" styeet. near" HOW IS YO . + on er P For Billous and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, ness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness dnd Drowsiness, Cold Chills, vi Giddi Flashings of Heal y heath, Blotches on the Skin, , and all Nervous Trembli Tho Disturbed et rd Fin et These iti an ® sulferer is earnestly invited to ti x of to be ** WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." BEEOHAM'S quickly restore Females to complete health. They frrogularity of the system. For a : Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver they act like magic--a few doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs; ing the muscular system; restoring the long-lost Complexion ; bri edge of appetite, and arousing with the Rosebud of Health the Energy of the human frame. These are 'facts' a miifed y thousands, in ail classes of society, and ona of the best Flarancs to th ervous and Debilitated is that Pilis have the largest Sale of any Patent Medicine In the Beec: s World. Full directions with each box. Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, England. Sold Everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25c. fo -- #H New Ribbons i For Neckwear. For Waists, For Sashes. VTP VVTVTTVTVVVLRPTTHVLVLVLVBTVLEIVIVS VOPR - Taftet.a Ribbons, Black, White, Cream and 16 New Shades to choose from. ry Dychesse Ribbons, Black, = White, Cream Shades. Fancy Ribbons, Many Novelties received within the past few days. and 14 - New New Valanciennes Laces and Insert.ions, . 2C.,.3C., 4€' 5C., 6c, yard. % . It has been a very busy year in our HOS- JERY DEPARTMENT and well it. might, be on account, of the extra values we are now giving in Children's and Ladies' Stockings. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON RE attains arse iietaetee Y BARGAINS | BARGAINS ! THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE All Ladies' $1 50 Walking Shoes Saturday only $1.20 All Ladies' $1.50 Oxford Shoes now..............§], 20 VOT LTT VLLVLTLVLRLTLTLLLRTTVLTLTTLTRLTTVRVRD mt 1 A lot of size 3, 3%, 4 Ladies' $1.50 -Shoes down to... -$1 A lot Ladies' Free Sample Shoes, Good Year Welt Soles, all "Size, 4 at about. .... ai. on -Half Price $4 Ladies' Patent Leather Lace Boots, now... .. $2.50 $3 Ladies' Patent Leather Low Shoes, now...... $2.00 $2.50 Patent Leather Lace Boots, now... a, -$1.50 Ladies' Patent Leather. One Strap Shoes with Bows only ..... ti. ovis: SSA -- $1.25 You knqw the early buyer has the best of it so come soon and coms, often, : The BARGAIN TABLES are full of good 'things at speaking prices, Hut they're going fast. °

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