Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1902, p. 4

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'HE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. |THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. TOO MANY HOLIDAYS. ° . [he was Devery. He was very much BUDCET FROM NA NEE Automa tic DAILY BRITISH _ WHIG, published | There is bound to be' a considerable in evidence. What does it matter how : J " . each evening, at 306-310 King Street, at | non-ohservance of the holidays that | much the outing costs, and where the ove : 5 : 39 your. Bdidons - 8% 230 and" 4, are now at hand. The civic holiday money comes' from, so long as the fun TWO CITIZENS WERE BADLY 0' pr : - EOE s Door Clas published wary Thursiay hii 12, Be comes on Monday; and the mavor has |and the refreshments "are prov ided. JURED. 4 -. ohed f the best Job Printing" already issied b proclamation in | The same old game !"Bribiug the peo- " > f ' bas je_one, OF the Joi Psi ple with their own money, and tickl: Bicycle Race That Attracted Loffices in Canada: Jee. _ mylish and cheap | connection with 'it. The king's coro- i ing' them with the way it is done. De- | 7" Attention--A Napanee Boy's work; mah Jmpoved: br PENSE. PROPRIETOR. nation on the 1th (the following Sa- 3 , turgay), calls for another lull or ces- | very is all right. He knows what the]. Success in New York--Personal 1 HE DAILY WHIG sation of business. There is nothing people want--though thev pay for it-- Paragraphs. . compulsory about it, but the request and he is proceeling to provide it in Napanee, Aug. 2.--At the cheese Opiter per Orbemt Dicor.' of the governmentyiy expected to be | his own remarkable fashion. board ye terday afternoon 1,020 boxes =r em | eniitead I yr Nr of chee e were boarded, 1,080 white A QUESTION OF STYLE: © Ea g EDITORIAL NOTES. and 640 colored. Sales: S30 white ile \ rs . x akc Of 5 > SC 'ors , NY vo hohaays 1n Ie one wee are A lot of the hay of the.district has and TUS colored at 4% 9-16c. Buyers o Gs 8 ] i d ved : I fi present': Lhomg son, Alexander, \an- - should Jhave been cut out. The Satur- oon) AIAge 20 much as to un It Luven, Bissell, Mchinnon, Cook and | : . ASv holidiiv is. not, in anv case. con for fodder. But it will make mighty | leall. The "Sunshine" Furnace is C s . ase, con- | : ? ; ' asl. 3 visi vy Yo : ; SON fine Leldding for stock. Mrs. Hinch, Camden Fast, i visit- " entirely Canadian--is not a dupli- venient, and it promise# to be indif- | . ing her son, George S. Hinch, at the : > tate OF hea! ferently" kept. A day later, Monday Had Salisbury any suspigion of | court hou-e.. Mis. Hinch, although . cate of any United States ory x ninety A ears. of age, is as active as if - as most of the furnaces made and sold in Cariada. - but seventy-five; and retains all her Designed specially to meet the varied conditions of our : lb faculdes in a wonderful manner. a ------ The dant was Lot many. years gene: the Gity be set aside ? To be sure. It pear so, yet the shock and awakening Mis Wit Gordanier - and sister. , climate, and to burn all kinds of fuel successfully--wood can be used rally taught. It is taught in most a be suspended, or repealed, since | came pretty soon afterwards. Ws as Nae Percy, . Miss Veta | | in fall and spring, and c coal in severe weather. . ' a civic appointment or a 'holiday ---- = and Miss Alice Neilson spent yesterday Has . gas --- What lesson does the Lebds election | in' Wilton, the gucses oft Mr. ani Mrs. ¥ a self acting as damper no ised to open your doors, etc., f : 13 i tion. 'As it is there will he only a [teach the Canadian protectionists ? 4 a Wiis rht! Detroit 11-ki 30 Smit gos Dioes Sheet eee os verter cel rears ars ? ow ios s ¥ 2s erh C, weight! Detroit, well-known N FOR SCREEN DOORS, | ; i oo i aye = oy partial observance of both days, ana Chat the British empire is tiring of |: Napance, having spent his me ~The «Su ins" has more features any rfu 1 wave got, where it is understood, a : , 3 'Ap ; ; 20 tc Lg Ss Cent bh 8 ers the date of the king's coronation will | free trade and turning away from it? | days with Lahey & McKenty, has and no other good furnace is so cheap. i very firm hold upon public favour. = hic § if 1 witiol 'ertisi A : i I'his is not the way it is understood | avcey ted the position, as advertising Sold by all enterprising dealers. Write for booklet. s wm ee ; pass without much notice. 3 : : Try one on your Screen Door, Kingston led inthe general adoption' at 'ome. manager for the, well-known firm of PE : 3 Why it was med for S day re : 4 P - 0 | 25 of it in the public schools, and it i hy > pe hak d ho arbi at -- Siegel & Cooper," New York. Mr. C : : cannot be imagined exce : ; : rice n Y fe C. had "the greatest satisfaction because a oy. 0 Jmagihos except that In Ofie' of the fair directors. was seen Wright was one of 150 applic ants for ' it received. the sheds] attents tol England half the day generally is | Cin pis ear to il . the position; and was notitied by wire ecoive «spec > : . ar te » ear 5 y io speaal attention of the carth last night New York for duty the ) i given to holidaying," ana his majesty | go, y to. rcport in writing master, one who has made a: : JES For. news about the kind of weather follow o week. Herbs many friends desired no wnnecessary loss of time to | {he fair was going to have ? All the | here are pleased to hear of his suc= : 1.otdon, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N. B. / ' ¢ ne for himse i e deve » \ , > Corbett S Hardware. ante for himself in th - levelopment he mearred © in connection with the of his system, one who R8lds the im- The question of penmanship. in the tt ' i ; public schools is occupying a good out of the question. One or the other deal of attention in the press, and not wichout great reason. It-is-an impor- tant subject, and one in which the masses are deeply interested. : » The 'merits of the slanting and ver- week, might have been selected for a | what was going to happen when he tieal ~vstems are. of course, discassed. double purpose. Could the by-law of | ent out of office > It would not ap- the public: schools of the present day. . oT | can be made at any time by resolu- Ihe veitical system 1s an innovation : 1 news of that kind comes by the under- | ©*5%: % . Joe' Pennett, an employee of Ma- portant appointnint to-day of direc- ground wires. dole & Wilson, is walking about with } LEMMON," CLAXTON & LAWRENSON, AGENTS. I~ > v Kingston S tor of penmanship in the Bufialo A PARTY OF FRAUDS. Dioniios R -- : Lis arm_in «a sling, caused by a burn yu ---- » 'as a . ) toss was, at one period of | from. a tinsmith's gasoline pot. The i postponed event. sch ols, . A conservative politician, a présuni- ® °® : the prohibition convention, hissed. | wind blew the. flame a > soline Kingston, by the way, has been-true ed leader of the party since no one 3 s Nin oY he nt and the gasoliy : co : beet | aor Art) IRL But when it came to electing the of: followed up his arm, The skin on his : to the vertical system since its incep- y ole is entitled to have his opinion ficers for another hy hand and wrist was quite badly . vear it was in 7 rl Ny . tion, about ten years ago. It has not, | quotea at such leiigth, has some ad oa ; burned. Joe might have 'saved to re-elect him as one of the vice | ji6li by throwing the pot down, AND " as the London Advertiser alleges, com- | vice to olier It. i that the liquor Car ni V al ; : : ! i: > 9 J presidents. Some curious things happen | but he saw that it would fall amongst ® . promised hy- reaching the vertica! sys- ' act referendum be made a political is s . ® : : = ¥ S bh e nowadays, don't they a lot of chips and shavings and might v . Aug 25th to 29th tem in the first form and the Spencer- sue, and that it be carriea, if possible, . cause quite a lot of trouble to ox- | 2 : tingui=h. such mixing of styles with good re- ing Mr. Ross. tests against the precedence which it Edward 'I hompson, living near Sel- . = : i as a five-acre field of oats that ro > The kind which .causes people to sults. The 'vertical systém is the y The Worl ives is 's state | is sai ro jals ve discussi ) y : : $10 000 IN PRIZES Fults, iG SeETTICH) Rystept Ju his only i I'he World ive this man's state- | is said the colonials are discussing. | | waver five feet high. It is on |i} | " 1 turn and_ ook ot 9 4 one in Kingston, and it has been suc: ment so fully that one i= amazed at | Brer. Smith will have none of it. He | new swamp land and he expects a i ; i 4 you and say: cessfully taught becauseithere is from his awdadity: The liquor votes the [can't help jt. The table of precedence | Mickd of seventy-five bushels to the \ \ There goes a well dressed man.' ---- A J \ 4 the beginning to the close of the whole of it, was expected to go with [is a court ingtitugion 'our nuTe: bao ju o , Xp g 3 and the Court . ; Ls . : : i ! 4 : ! y + Walter, the little son of C. A. Gra- A ™ ' Yat : school farm special attention given the conservative party. Did Mr. Whit- J of St. James is not governed by Ca- | oqm. John ie i is oie in : = Rp" ase Just as well have fashionable ) oam, street, is 1 of Bs: pir =7 garments when jan ii the others" There can be mo "as a means of embarrassing or defeat- The Bobeagyeon Independent pro- Competition open to the world Bigger Fair, Butter Attractions, Faster ; Trials of Specd : to it. Tt is mortseasily acquired than. ney not oppose prohibition, and say | nadian press opinions. first the trouble was of a nervous na- you are buying. Rxcursion Rates on all Railway amd -- ture, then rhéumatism set in and They cost no more; look better, Ste r hou L Li es ep age . » . ¢ { p RY Rt | Blam sou 4) A prohibition convention, presided | weakened d the little fellow, so that he A A CC wear better, 'yglnbetter, are better. \ . Be sure and mect vour friends at this great | neatly written, and more-rapidly and | bel practically, an end of. the agita- i fi hf I is suffering as mu rom that ak any ; 3 # We have them. 5 the Spencerian. It can be quite as that with him in power there would event. Pe : : legibly. : } tion for it? And supporters of Mr. over by a preacher, announces that it snd for Prize List and all information to Mayor J. Morgan Shaw, President, Jno. P. Oram, Secretary. i : : : : disease. . i - wants money boodle, dough. call it Mr and Mrs: H. M."Deroche. W. 7. . what you like--for the referendum | Derothé "and sons, Hamil and Alexan . Everybody who sees them says" What's up ? What is it go- | der, are spending two weeks at' their i | EES Whig SL ¢ they are the finest in the city. . 9: my : iz sr yesort.. Shar! ie fe ing to do? The conservative party wmmer resort, Sharbot Lake. Miss the outset is somewhat alike. It is sg Wower sir loader . ahh : : : 3 Po Here S a argain 1! nuts 8 SC : ey al bls i that they wer with their leader. he all] 3 Eleanor will join them in a few days. H ik ; , : in very humble imitation of the head- Chey were - after the liquor 'men's | 12d better callin those Pinkerton nen Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Costigan and ¢ $ X Owing to having an over supply | lines. But in time it changes, though votes, and all of "these votes they did again. . two children are staying in town dur: % RAR RTT \ of nice dry MILLWOOD, and in ]its general symmetry is preserved. This not get. Exegpting Mr. Corby i - ine their parents' absence at the HE ; Re : trodficy tt to ATH tribute to ihe sar i ay alii FROM EDITORS' PENS. ... | homestead. ; | % . Ls \ ar : ao delloville ~ KReaors . ; . ¢ . ; = ¢ in order to introduce it to new con is a tribute o the early o Belleville, and Mr. ecagram, of at W. I. Bonnett expects the following -- IY § ($5 4 =a $8, $10, $12 sumers, we will sell for one week | the schools, a training which is ap- 'erloo; according to this same oracle, . Sometimes. members of his family, who live at a only our MILLWOOD delivered for | preciated but not to the limit which "the big distillers and brewers were Galt Reporter: distayce. to be with him durin Au- : I'he fewer the words the better the | oust: Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bennett, its importance demands. not out for Mr. Whitney, and so they ? . Fru: . os shed. : he X * | prayer. { of Winnipeg: Mr. and Mrs. = A. EK, ee BE \ $13, 4, $15 per COt . must Dunshe 2 it party must ind Eennett, Gladstone, Man; Richard i Bh Nene > . . vote for prohibition in December, in Who's The Offender ? and George, of Richmond, Ind., and a THE COAL MEN'S CRISIS. y LD y a re ---- it looks as if the miners have done | connection with the referendum, and | Montreal Herald. John, of Deseronto. 'ynust carry it. That will fix the li: I'he man who cheats at cards may Georoe Lewis received a nasty cut : i 3 i his Monday vs THE RATHBUN Co their cause an irre paigble injury by " Corl wl S includ he an officer, but hes not a gentle- | on the top of his head last sorting to violence "and bloodshed quor men, Lory ane Sengram nelue yan. while ut his. work in Difoe's Pour : Shenandoah. Thessupreme moment ed. It will hurt irviends as well as -- mill. A large spout fell upon him, ONE hes iG HOUSE, OAK HALL. came when, under stress 'of want, of foes, politically, but it cannot be-help- Or The Youthful Romancer. cutting a g sh about two inches long. I'he shade trees about town are re ig fi ii J Outiueation Hepat of wir privation, ous they canfiot hs divided ! Te a the latest olace where | ceiving quite-a trimming up: Fr--=ome Sale 2 Furniture Whatever i n lost control of themselyes nd re- What do you think of it; reader? the ot serpent has heen Zien, This is | cases the improvement is better, but » 1 What do vou think of these fellows aL ti Gi ore ny think they are too se- . t mee ; ¢ se s refle Kingston, a great many thin v a rt They did not mean a serious reflection on Kingsto Carpets, u ai : e C. Presi- | who have no principle at stake, and verely dealt with. . bli ' i lo it, "had given, through I % e to do it, had g > ' : : ). P smwood andl wife, of Syrs A 1 . S ashiona dents Mitchell, a pledge that they who, in the exercise of the franchise, What Are Dog Days. on . TN Te pa Cor a Ye Dr - 901 le Was the lnoveet wa "a ; ? 3 ; 2 : J . St Jul Tel Se, *¥ oy AE 1 S 1H Ou appre od our prices G92 we wi In Tweeds or Worsteds } would avoid it, but in an'evil hout 4 are influenced only by motives of re hig Le officiflly beaun-- the 4 visit=with his-father, -B; Henwood. | do even better. Everything in our three stores i . A o or this_ureas - sale. ue o is to be had here. Ahey lost their heads, and .a stormy | venge ! They hate prohibition, but days when a dog wears his coat and | John street. a eet i; conte "Wo Fly bes i ; they will 'vota for it so that the lo- | pants, and wishes he "didn't s One thing has, of course, to be re- j Whitney in the house, nien who had niembered, cof -alb-writing--that-it takes } been formerly identified" with "the tem- on one's individuality. All writing at ! perance cause, rose in their places and | 'ampaigh. sorted to violence, have to. James Hosey. Lowell. Mass. 15 | ford to book, at these prices. Manv custom: spending his holidays with his moth- pers have ench year, hou bt and had us hold N." Hosev. Dundas street. | roods until n weded, we will do the same this : J vear. . counllict followed. . itche \ » we Werv al government will have to enforce m-- Mr. Mitchell, enable to be every ce Q bt hav ) O Ti bee Di Votes ~ A E™ where, and far from the scene of dis it! With the "prohibition and con rn . *" *: as he je fannliarly- called, : : rit iL EL . Lomlon News. h i B turbance when" it did occur, realized } servative parties united" they can There was nothing - clammy about looking as if the eastern states were crisia carry the referendum, "but not prohi- | pevery's picnic, even though he did Jo ke his liking CL . vox o . Lt ¢ . g 'he bicycle races last evening crea i i SSO oo anpenl ford bition: That, says the oracle again, | provide clam chowder for 30,000 per- aeieee Te a k J, R. JOHNSTON, TAILOR. 3 had arisan, and issued his appeal for h o . 1 sa ora avai) provide ¢ « 1 fT a en peace. He asked © that public judg is an impossibility, yet the govern Bons: vounger members of the devotees of RO Od DONO OA ORO ment be suspended till the trouble f ment must try it and faili That is A Popular Toast Silent sted. The races started at eee | h ani Bn deterniined. He is making a jthe expectation. And then, what ? The i Herald. seven o'clock and were from W.. .L 15 #i ' i Hamilton Hora Normile's shop to. Long's schewol heroic effort to hold: his followers now Whitney crowd will be called on © to The welcome report comes that the o | : : so | on the Belleville load. Seven bovs, king «in now use both his feet. Here's : hoping that he" get there with both | raved in racing outfits, took the ; = road. and were cheered as they:apade This Desk and Book Case. | Regular 84 $ OUR == : is the mischief not already done 2 15 | platform and" go to the people, and, Jf them oe, 8 wt ps } : Tel i i 4 a - the start: In about tiventy minutes > Oiir ANigust sale only COTY 3 in wtoek: . xtrike actically 10sU to the | advertising itself as a party of hum *.BOTTLED MILK : the trike Hot practicnly, la vr : party A -- they came in in the following order . Some slightly damaged and used furniture. ted b winners ? bugs and frauds, of course it will TO PAY PENALTY. . oto Pope' "Wadden: 2nd. = C. Cesar: Rh 4 lL Walnut 'Bexd Suite, cost 855. August sale : nde ne yh Si ; st... Pore) 2nd, C. are: = SE & | gol Is recomme ¢ y Public opinion. has been, to a large | succeed ! -------- Sed. H. Storms: 4th. H..Pristol: 5th. | This Pater Suite, 8 Pi handsomely | 1 Sols, aw Silk, Cost '$20. Awsust-sale best physicians. This should Hall is to Die in Electric| Ww 'funier: 6th... Kelly. Fred Wa- Carved, Upholstered in Yelour. westry amd | : = be comélusive proof of its su- ! Silk Covers. Regular $2 August sale | + Couch, Tapestry, Cost 85. August salo * ® . TICKLING THE PEOPLE. Chair. . par broke the righ of his wheel and | g17 50." We huve only 6 at this price. perior quality. ° 3 ° e ® ® : 'We import direct, and. al- ways have the newest - pat- terns to select from. Our stock is now complete. by press reports what "a serious 884988064444999999048 5 : : : formal ® | in check, and hes may succe d. But |] form a government, to formulate a extent, on the side of thet men. Theirs i= a slavish life. Theirs is "an inter- and it is poorly paid. I Sart York, Aug. 2.--After counsel] came in too Jato Hor anv show. = 3 White: Enameled Tables, cost $1.25. Au- : . 1 rupted service, Aug. 2, ; : Delivered in clean, steriliz- every The Judge and Mrs. Wilkison ox = f ust 50 - . ed bottles. A news item of some considerable New Clarified Milk Co., ' : ; : : od note was the report of g sre , | had anavatlingly exhausted } ot i cport of g great outing pect to start on' Monday next fo 2 asd . \vimin: Rn on Peuseols 'PHONE 567. The advance of wages was a reason : 4 1 { § : , 1 Si . m ich dove New Vor ' means hnown to the law to save hi : able one and peaple- generally would which Mr. Devery, of New York, pro irom the electric chair, Aaron. Hall | their annual outing. at Old Orchard > Th eT re Specinl WIL TON (UG in our Furnished though vided for the woinen and children of | {he murderer - of Mamie Brannigan, | Beach. Maine. ; ? Yatior, si7med vard ihe Ty 4 \ re on , ) : on Sol Ce Jamo - or. sith, ds hes by, 4 vi the | the Ninth ward. If is estimated that | will pay the penalty of his crime at | Harry i nn en No of Jame : -- hes, Olive Border to" match, Regular between 15.000 and 20,000, persons Ring Sing this week. Though the | Storms, formerly © ilton. now of Pr 0 | 30. August sale £30 : customary secrecy is maintained re Waterfown, N.Y., has accepted a posi Pair Lace Cartwins in Parlor, Regular August sale $1 ard the precise time, \ it is thought CTR cr , : IN - 2 Pair Lace Curtains, samples, $2.25. Aue the largest excursion boats, and? probably the. execution will take place i 2 wat sale SI. 50 " 1 drawn' the sympathy of the people, ©! : P Loe *Curtning, samples, $1.50. Au- > the crowd was landed and picnicked ! yht h 5 i tint is of=those who love peace and ¢ 1 eked | to-night. LS x ust: = | Brannigan was cuployed in as 10 ure den ET IN Fvervrhing redid Yor may not need : : i # at certain wint, ana feasted and | Mamie : 0 see maintained, and it has Jal a cl I t y ik ! 2 want to see it | amdepartment store on Third avenue old SHR these now, hut it will pay vou to buy and aroused that -scllish_ feeling that _ the gras at His one pan i Expense. 1 nl Hall. who was in love with" her Eczema 30 Years s 9 : =Z wt ! have them held for vou. 0 ho is he? Devery 7 The names is and jedlous, walled =into = the store " . 7 dl | Pda | Yours, the coal consumers' good. The peo familiar: He was chief of the police | and shot her on May 10th, 1900. - On . Rei) EY : Fees ; rs ago, R ee. ire other de rend ire + : aepartment during Tammany Hall's | August 6th, "nearly two yea o - 4 i ve FT ple, Jr ather words, vealive thi try | PAVRRRAE: lo | Hall was firkt sentenced to death. [Lh A Dreadful Case--Itching Almos - . xu a = of 4 are pavingsindireetly for everything jresme Lon Wa a led to the © higher |= ran A . . ase < ipealed t : SL I = Unbearable--The Flesh Raw hie Fut tak Sieben. "plieniv "PHONE NO. 90. in 'connection with the strike, im lud sessions each day, and his trial of of | conrte--which cortirmed the judgment fending © "OL he as" i bi nr n i show op 0. 4 st sale $4( ing the call out of troops, and they | nding blu : coats was 6 uninue | of the lower court. Sotho ant 2] agd Flaming. ; hown, Regular $33.: August le 81 ard turning away from it. as" to afford. frequent contributions to | was taken this time to the Toe . I i ; { 2 : | States supreme court, but that tri- - {ion ax head salesman for & large AL VING ENTITY. ANGLIN' : th T! Hall t} r | esx . awl { » < responsible 1 Press, & i ; oo YARD, : Phe question of who, «is respon ibl ! Jammany Hall thriv on Lbunal also reatfivied the decision and Dr. Chase's Philad liga furniture house, Xi | J ------ Feot of Wellington Street. : for the crisis cannot be settled easily. the Si kmail of the people, and TTT, appeal to Governgr Odell, for cle : Coprioay $B. Clark, wife and Mi ter = This is-iPelicy Chamberlain Has 0006 ~0000000000000008 | Ininaily the Strikers are to blame, | plinderines. are estimated to have | jency was likewise futile. - Ointment rit Taronto, will spend a day or For Empire. ; ' re: with Thomas Caton, Kroes . i : : o lions. This black: AN the aliens who so ladgely compose the [amounted to millions. his blacks. ee ---- twa Ww Lomlon. . Aug. 3.- Secretary Cham finportation | meil-is-aleged to have heen contribu A Gradugte's Success. nL fitown. The doctor 3 i orl anne Loo hone OI tefandk Prk ane lore berlain and 1 Kitchener received ' mining force and whose : Ne I . " i Fores i ed By ani ONY © ore foo or | Spokane, Wash, Cheomick ; - }. : McConnell, "engineer, in 2 orester et 5 ES arora" the S RAIGHT BUSINESS bas always disturbed the labour mar tel By oid throtich the grens force mi | 3 \ A. Brisco, MAL has resigned | pote fomdry, Aurora, Ont, states: | returnin thoy will sake a trip. down th LL I ms ? th | Spey fot ' ide Ory i s : + Sury 3, , * > - 1 od London, at g angi & Were ket. These are somgtimes unthinking which Devery was the head! He knew from his position 'as teacher in the Lo Lijeve that Dr. Chase's Ointment {| the. Rideau to Ottawa and hack in onto a hanyuet ip t evens het. Q t i . Brockaile vin the St a v= Mrs Chamberlain made a specen rackyile Ad ° AN Tence, ; . | all abo course maviibave | Eneli Di . ¢ Spokane | or Ww. Murray, Jr., and unfeeling. The only attempt to al Lal wt it, of course. He may have | English department at (the Spokane foo ith its weight vid. Fon re He Ee had iB vadich he said that his policy aiw ; : bh school and has entered the about thirty viars "Fwas troubled WwW. H. Miljer, ¥ aL : givatg wud, Jmpusee thes siioh an an interview with Mavor Ruttan in or : aking d, hn a id, on ' . : v IY: In whien "ean my WO con . ? | was reelected to his position at the curr. J was so unfortunate as to | rete : : t Ad gives some : ¥ | d . ur ¥ tribute to the neces< and secur ELE ome. token of Cit now BY [wjd of The school véar, and his sued we ihlood poison dnd this developed | canninu factory in Napanee, 8 ON Ye vehul ™ . ! bh . i aenny ul : i tus 7 { W" yale Cre Wer WO Imi Ahk most dread uP BE SKin [OR THos mpm sw thems A Mac. Maller a 1 reach' this end--imp a 4 3 i 1 Mies LO rea < end peri ae into the, thousands ' . the board. di<onses . . he : a} ands, : . Ew ; fence and imperial trade. He was i Prof. Brisco has heen an instructor "1 was so Bad that I would getup | stock. a A a in % ¥ Head a ' © Sdnred hil ennah yh at the Spokane high se 'hool for thé} at. it and scratch myself until ee em Be ore alvancol TE Fagland Sere at elolge ' Lore ol ; <M 5 oda v i i i u ' i gh t4 he removed-ir. yast year and has m ade himself « a floch was raw and flaming. The tor. Chinese Emperor Has Birthday. ON mo o_o tice lL h i i h th | } ! : ' hb nattars than in the colonies. it ee, and he Wop! be retived. -He | favorite. with the students: besides Fool 1 endured is admost" bevond de | '®Kin. Ane. 2---The Emperor Kuang would ne ¢ wise' to toreesthe pace en bring 0 capable fistretor he hos | ery in and mow 1 cannot say ans yy ge" tires old todas snd Hen that firemt. Biren | allied himself prominently with schoo oil Tor Di Chases OBI]; | ] 1 uld 5 $ The ave | the contrary? he " & oceupn- 1 3 Eo ors tno ge o . : Bl Ahe anniversarys wi lahorately ak must. be willing to bear a greater pro 19 Le - Re that couki bring Sh They byw as Ya he chan I" his « Pas | athletics, and has alwavs ak=sicted the » It has cured mé and | recom Lygten in. 1} { r pr BRICK RESIDENCE. 201 BROCK STRUET. | j., teh et it be keown that [JU ' aking speech y the pu art] tie Is that Jnsti a end it 'hecanse | know "there is no- Toor it ' : i ' i ed te nin n ' ing good for itching shir [ Gey sat ion , n ambass voce would mark 4 considerable be glad to see it paid, even the slight increase were added to cost of voal. The *rioting' has; how easiest ecel Casa natens avi Wack its --effects--H--has--with-f were carried down the Hudson by six 0000000000000 000000 Carpenters' Furnishings t # i . FOP ® COLLAR TIES, ® STUDS, SASH, ® FURRING, u ® ® » : » @ SsQo00PGOORIANGeed ~trugule has pone on tong enough" for WAINSCOATING, ETC.; AT LOWEST PRICES GO TO ent a few days benefitted "from it At anv-rate he] hig ° : | brokerage business in Spokane. He with eczema -and gould not obtain anv Auctioneer and Commission Mer- went out' of oflice 4 very rich Man. | chant. Market Square. comes from the labour organization, nee to the Sstablishimer ® and it is not always suceessiuly "The . FOR SALE. A] operators must bear, their share of KTY SITUATED NORTH WEST COR-| (he "healt of a sicoe which might ner of Portsmouth, contains nine acres, | | 114 near town and cars. It has new up 1 haa e ben avoided or dite house, good cellar, two wells, good | ST i . 3 oe : young Orchard, and good outbuildings hore 1 had there been a 2 tte suitable for market gandemer, Avoly to] jppfitration. They would not have it, kt PE 54 : 1 : ; SN Wan Tes YT and there i n law. unfortunately, di-l not go into regeat, however? On | i public outings whose expey rup® ay | cessor has not Let been appointed by sting. thi purpo-cs pushing along | the sale of considerably he point is that Degery was con- as arithmetically re 11 rooms, modern improve nts also : brick residence 244 Brock sirewt, 10 rooms hey are re ty n vs demands e euires fro is late} p modern improvements. _ Anwolv to the Pelli i WO realise the suffering HD inorder give th ublic fuel at the] Pie. and 0 ab, uf a i ; 2. | position mo a ucratiy Cansed Vv dczema and othe itching cand mamdters called Bibby Co.. Oak Hall, Princess i } | i it wel to gms, the papers: Deveéry has a 38 od i + . ne amt present therr cont - street. ordinary. rate. anes. 8 i ong. He an honor graduate. o Lint disease This is" an example ; : nt . i : : ¢ SK Cl=eases SIS example oli} 4) ime of their respectis " Altogether, then, th outlook for | new ambition som member geen's Unversity. J what Dr. Chase's Ointment is doing in 3 a ! o ~ Oak Hall. Oak Hall. ---- t of Liev suffering man . TT For men's outing clothes. The--H. 1. $ PERFECT IN. Ro way relieving 3 ; ted, to spend all dav! Bibby Co STRUNENTSIa 1 ¥ ho. IINGTE 8 omy 'onough. What [of the-conncil t assembly, . er and Cal " : : oe 1 i 1 e with i 2 i . O " \ Be eR es irom : Bance thew. Fall. of winning Jpresedt ibe he. SAnd a0 he b | "No campinr kit is complte with. . Many of the cures it brings You are ini . 1 rife! u : ¢ : h the YM.C.I8A. at Lakd rooting. Makes ¢S different ear marks all A i I " bite ta sklot re hv _entertainr ol out a package of our Special Ble nd about. 'are more' Jike: miracles ---than Monday w it 1 the } at Lake raets Horns, air real ddd p VV X = task of oet ¥ we nternts i y : > Tk : o JFate § i ' o ERE i veal Fdds and -aWEy onich sKoof getting Ee Yo |" tea, put up bv ourselves at the popu- anvthing else. 60 cents a box. at all | Untavie Park. Fhis 1s th lat ol If vou appreciate a real good cup of Fo ii t works, send balance Pad to Jing the women and bies. There was | jo. price of 33c. a lb. Jas. Redden & dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co.,'| their big piegic. Lots of fun. coffee. trv our Java and Mocha blend. : Toronto. New suits. Oak Hall. Jas. Redden & Ob. dc ermined syndicate appears S. May, '02 for 17 yrs; Canada Dee 17, : ; Jone. PAVE SENET, Birt Me 0: ) a only one man at thg@big picnic, and | Co.

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