Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1902, p. 3

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4 ; Some Notable Exampl Isaac ward Jearned ail the time he was . Morgan, 'Peace, Orrocks, Mr. | ,,.ctising a séries of the most héart- - L., and the Gentlemagp Burglar | less. frauds on his clients, embezzling f of Glasgow, all Hypocrites. the last penny even of his wife and vo > : : kee. sister, and to-day he is a fugitive x . * Lonaon July 31.--It is a curious T fac ad a leading New Scotland from justice in some unknown part of act, h the world. Yard official recently,' nei hbors. This, oddly enough, such as burglary. It werks wince the bh urglar' ? penal servitude, ha! > con most delightful, lar of fellow ccaside houses, pointed. vacht and entertained his manner, and was ct prisons, he England, than wonder, for entertaining his ranging picnics and them, feasting them course, parents. Anyone have told you darling"--and vet the most aaring hotel annals of crime; and, reer of infamy, teen years' Peace, the er and burglar, peachable life that and ful neighbor who had THEY: LEAD BOG DOUBLE - Hi KNOWN AS TT QUiET, ABLE, POPULAR MEN. _ PEACE. many of the most daring and dangerous crim- inals have been known in private. life not only as quict, peaceable men, but 5: as the most pleasant ana popular of that seems to be es pecially the ease with men who go 'in jor-the more violent forms of erime. is not 'gentleman was sentenced to six years Although this man spint 'twelve years' of his life in was one of the yospifaply ana 'popu- it he had his town a sumptuously ap- sume his pair of grays: | Glasgow .° friends in a prince voted by all who. knew him the "'best-oi good fellows." He even had a reputation for piety Some years ago there was no more amiable and respected man in Bristok Isaac Morgan. children simply molized him, his house was always full of them.~He spent a small fortune in friends, ar- "treats" on Sweets young juvenile delicacies of all kinds, captivating the hearts of their | tne who-knew him would was one of thieves in the after a long ca- was sentenced to eigh- penal servitude. well-remembered murder- was a man of unim- reputation burban society, the very type, of middle class respectability--a regu lar church attendant and quiet. Isaac no dissipation beyond his musie--and his pony v SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. writer has ever known was Mr. L----, as quite the must. populdr resi- dent in'a northern suburb of London. He was a flourishing solicitor in large practice, and his geniality and ami- Lability were such that it was impos- sible to know him without in a way loving him. And. vet, as . was after- But jerhaps the most hardened and clever hypocrite of them all was * a notorious burglar, who for years pos- ed as a philanthropist in an eastern county town at a time when he was committing burglaries at the rate'of a dozen a month, many WHEN BARLEY WAS KING. Farmers Are Not Sorry Its Day is 'Done. Toronto Giobe. blessing in" disguise," they call now, but at the time the imposi- tion oi the American duty on harley, twelve or fourteen years ago, was regarded by Hastings and Prince v | Edward farmers as the coming of ruin to. them, For years everything had been: staked on barley, for which the cooled by lake breezes, seemed and soil, and' was a zealous churchgoer, ai- | specially adapted, and this was the though he "would occasionally leave | greatest barley district in Canada. the church before service was over to | Thirty or forty acres were frequently . .rausack the house of of his { sown on & 100-acre farm, yielding of- fricads who had accompanied him | ten 1,000 bushels which in some years there. sold at 81 and more per bushel. "1 can remembet when a string of waggons a mile long waiting to be unloaded extended from a warehouse," declared an old farmer to-day. The sane might: occur to-day were all ef- forts concentrated on one crop and the outlets limited, as they were then. jor | But it will not occur. again. It is now adinitted that the soil would have had to be laid up for repairs if barley cropping had been contin- ued much longer. The energy . thus diverted has found an outlet in cheese- mahing and hog raising, and the two prosper well together. Every con- siderablé" village had its shipments of hogs of two and | three car loads, mostly to Montreal, representing $2,- 000 "or $3,000 weekly, while all sorts of 'grains are grown, the coarser stuff being the necessary feed for the hogs. The and no and | and, of | was a in su- ey How the counties have prospered un- der. a change which sees scéres of peace | cheese factories and new railway sta- "tions. contemporary with the decav and | of old barley warehouses, is seen in trap: and Orrocks, the Dalston mur § the many new houses and barns, the derer of Constable Cole, was gu zeal- | excellent roads and the well-dressed ous churéch worker, and, believe, | farmers. used to carry the plate for collections. never was a Then there anthropic man than His name figured organized concerts, played excellently at a prime mover in But, poor man, more Edwards, cleverest forger and coiner of his day. in every subscrip- tion list, he was one of the sidesmen in his church, and rarely failed to put in an appearance at every service. He both sang them, several hig activities came to an abrupt termination when he arrested. on the point of leaving a and One of the most charming men the Don't Forget That T am agent for the Niagara District Fruit Growers Stock Co., which is 4 guarantee that every pack- age of fruit we sell must be as repre- phil- the sented. This is the last week for good red raspberries. Buy now it you and | have not already done so. a. His- was | cock. bazaars. Oak Hall. New Suits. was See our new suits, splendid worsted suite, blue and black and fancies, 810, temperance meeting at which he had $12.50, $15. The H. D. Bibby Clo. taken the chair, and for great : many vears his services have been Three li wn applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cure hard or soft corns. In big boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug store. 7 FAILED TO BENEFIT MRS. POTTER, OF WELLANDPORT. But Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured Her, and She is Now Enjoying the Best of Health.. . It is' no -uncommon occurrence for Dr. Willidms' Pink Pills to restore sufferers to health after doctors, and even the Lest of hospital treatment, have failed to, benefit them, Among those who have ben benefited in this way is Nrs. John Potter, a lady well known in Wellaodport, Ont. Speaking about her illness to a reporter, Mrs. Pottér said: "About three-years ago I was greatly run down. My appetite was poor; I suffered from severe hcad- aches and palpitation of.the heart; I was very weak.and had a constant feeling of .weariness which no amount of sleep could overcome. At night I perspired freely and would wake up in the morning in a very enfcebled condition. To make matters worse my trouble became aggravated with those ailments so common to my sex. I was afflicted with ulcers, and so bad were they that although at different times 1 had. treatment from five doe- tors they failed to cure me. I.then went to .the hospital in Hamilton, and although I received the best treat- ment that could be given me there, I was not benefited. 1 returned home very much discouraged, and it was them that I decided that T would try Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills." 1 got a supply and began taking them, and to my great gratification began to help me, and under their continued usc my appetite -~ returned, the headaches and violent palpitation of the heart disappeared, ny weight increased, and all the troubles that had made my life so miserable van- ished. It will give me great pleasure if my experience will lead some other sufferer to try these pills, as I am sure they will be_Lenefited.' Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills are equally valuable * to both men and women. They cure' rheumatism, sciatica, kid- nev trouble, neuralgia, consumption, heart ailments, female weakness, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. There: are many 'imita- tions of this great medicine and the purchaser should always see that the full name, "Dr. Williams' nlink Pills for Pale People," is on the wrapper around cvery box. Sold by 'all medi- cine dealers or sent by mail post paid at 50c. a box or six boxes for 82.50, by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. Largest Tree In The World. Fresno, Cal, Aug. 2.--What un- doubtedly is the in the world has heen discovered on the government reservation far up in the Sierras. m this county. from the ground it took a line 151 feet eight inches long to encirele the tree, making it over fifty-one fest in diameter. ---------- Owing to the bik bicycle meet in Ottawa on the «Civie holiday, the bi evely authorities in Toronto have can- celled the fifteen-mile road race, which was to have taken place here on that ! date. THE HOSPITAL TREATMENT they soon' largest: known tree : Six feet : LATEST FASHION NOTES. A Two Piece Gown With Princess : Effect: For sledder women, gowns of voile, fullness at the hips and back, produc- ed in various ways, whether by shir- 'rings. shirred tucks, or pleats of vari- ous kinds. We illustrate a frock with the follness. at th: sides and back arranged in side pleats, forming a panel efiect in front. and a box: pleat at the back. The lower portion of each pleat is ornamentéd with an ela- borate applique of white cloth, stitched wit pale blue Corticelli silk, the ma- terial of the frock being. biscuit color- ed canvas. Upon the upper part of each pleat is stitched a strap of taf- fetas of a peculiarly soft shade in biscuit colored sewing™silk. True to the one piece idea, by 'which so many two Fete gowns carry out' the Prin: cess style, the same trimming, is car- ried up on the ~bloused basque only the order her ig reversed! the white cloth applique forming the yoke, and the stitched straps the lower portion of the blouse, as well as the basque. A great Louis XV knot of pale blue pannel is placed at the left side of the vest, which is overlaid with the white cloth applique: Light Weight Coats And Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has 5 splendid as- sortment of light-weight coats and vests; the proper garments for sum- mer wear. His summer coats at $1 and 31.30 are special value, sizes 34! to 46. Sec his window,\great variety to" choose from. ssn i -------------- Olives at 20c¢. a bottle. Olives at 25¢. a bottle. Olives at 30c. a bottle. Olives at 35c. a bottle. Oliver at a bottle, Olives--ut 60c. a bottle. | Olives at 90c. a bottle. Jas. Red- den & Co. To-night he in for the new ties, He. The H. D. Bibby. Co. ik ]3 16608 3 090a ve Ie 20s SR ECEE I cam us. and foulard are made up Be ka. 5 OVER THE. TEA COPS. Miss dren Irene Mason, Miss Muy Walters and Miss Gail Hawley returned to Syracuse to-day. after spending three weeks at Ms Joseph Swift's: i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce in left 'on Wednesday for St. Patrick's, where they will join Mr. and Mis. Martin and Colonel and Mrs. Rutherford, Miss Kerr, of Englewood, N.Y.. re turned to Round Island on Wedres- day, after a short visit at Mrs. Brownfields. Mrs: Micon, Mrs. R. KE. Kent.and her daughters are at Tremont Park Hotel. Mrs. Brownfield and her daughters leave to- jday for Tremont Park. Miss Mamie Flaws, of jhe guest of her sister, Miss Flaws, at the Kingston General Hospital. Toronto, is Mr. guests Wm, Kirkpatrick, has gone to Toren- on to, where she will join her sister and |sion together they will go on to Musko- the ladies Miss Jereie Henderson, of Perth, re- turned home on Tuesday, aiter a vis- Montreal, who is spending the summer there, nve.-Gleveand, Donough, - entitled "Among Those Miss Jessie., Gartshore, who was Mr. Hyla Betts, of London, Ont., is Present." It is a story of contempo= Miss Beatrice Tandy's guest, returned J the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. B. Wal- rary life. The play will have its inis to Hamilton to-day. kem, "Calderwood." tial presentation on the road, and tha Miss Gabriella Roy returned to --GERALDINE. tour' will not begin until later than Montreal, yesterday, after a visit ree usual. \ with: Mrs. 'and Miss Swilt st "Eln- | BEFORE THE FOOTLIGHTS. |[ Kduund Breese is to succeed James colt." il as Edmund Dantes in "Mon | Miss Agnes Davis, of Ottawa, spent | Latest Theatrical Notes in Con- Gristle est season. There will ba a j this: week at Mrs. Sullivan's, and re- densed Form. chance lor comparison, gro vray to Wo ie S17 | iy immer bon rebar Torti Garden op ony at Hiroe kville. Miss a Sullivan and | oF "The Sleeping Reauty. and the Lexington opera house, New Yark, 3 | Misa Mabel Brownfield accompanied Beast" = at Knickerbocker theatre, Vale's Forever Devil's Auction' *Miss- Davis' to "Wood Island, "and" \will New York, last Monday. Ernest sounds about right. The old piece bes. D'Auban, ballet {master of 'the: Drury I'gins its twenty-first annual trip soony 'be her guests there. | Miss Lola Henderson, who is spend- ying the summer at Mrs. Drury's at Tremont Park, was in town this week, the guest of Mrs. Walkem at "Queens- cote." Miss May Smythe is expected home 'from Old Orchard on Tuesday. Mr. Stanley Cunningham and Mr. Le Roy Grant, leit yesterday for Mont- real and environs, where they will spend three weeks. - - nois Joseph in "Ben theatre, Mrs. Hague entertained the Sketch Club at Yates' Farm, on Wednesday afternoon, when the fortnightly jaunt | proved particularly pleasant. I'he hostess at the next meeting will be three Goodwin { Low, Union street. Miss May Bolger returned yesterdav from a visit at Deseronto and Napa- nee. | Miss Mona Knight, Alice street, was hostess at a girls' tea yesterday after- noon. i Nrs. year in Beast." Lesslie, George street, return- tour of wp ed yesterday from Halifax, where she has been since June, the guest of Mrs. English and oi Mrs. Weatherbe. Mrs. returned - on Monday from a trip up the Saguenay and are united and Tuesday evening next. promises Refreshments are intérested in Home. The _ boat will stop at Ganano- que for one hour. ladies of "the Infants' Macleod, of 'Dorchester, ' is the guest of Mr. W. St. it with Mis§ Loraine Lesslie. be the 4. 4 * + | committpe. Mrs. Charles Moss returned vester, Mr. -W. day to Toronto. Mrs. Reginald Brock | N.B., has gone to Iroquois, where she will [ Hughes. visit her sister, Mrs. P. H. Gilbert, of Mrs. Hughes is Mulhern, at 'Shady Cove," Lane. theatre, ballet of the 350 people. performance will be given in the 1h theatre, August 30th. Brooks' Dodson and Annie London, last season, will sail for New York on August 16th. The new piece in > langer will present the Rogers Bros. the coming season, thers In Harvard," acts. Naurice Levi will conduct the orchestra. During the season of Joseph Cawthrowe, the noted come- dian, has signed a seven-year contract with Klaw & Erlanger. season he will "The Sleeping Beauty and the Two years hence he will star. ' Klaw & Erlanger Alice Neilson ih a new Ef CRIT ab She will remain abroad Albrce and their The excur- | Colorado. It promises to be a popular one. being provided by the Infants' tion. pi Hy Mr. Fisk the The. chaperons will "Mary of Magdala.' Home weeks' pP. | new "gags" and they will go on the roaa. the: guest of Mrs. Lake Ave- London, is training the The opening Chicago, commencing \ o% a i . | 25, 81.50, stars, J. EB. 1,749 chest measure. who played |, Drury Lane new Irish, * at 'the 'he H ich Klaw & Er- |. Rideau Lakes "The Rogers Bro- will be seaged in Swift & Co.. agents. 1003-4 N. C. "Bottom" in a The best play fire works at night. The coming | bring your families. play his part of last of a beer famine. direct the demands of their comic will 1400 Light Weight Coats. Have you one ? Our prices for black lustre, alpaca a) ned serges, $l.= $2.50, ve. rie 1 50. AlL sizes up . Bibby opera by Victor Herbert a, 'Har B: Smith, opening in September, 1 this summen for the purposes of study and rest. Colin Kemper sailed ior" England to day to confér with Stanisiaus Stange, Mr. Willie Woods, who has just re- i their praise of the wonderful beau- who is writing a play for Misa 'turned from South Africa, is staying of 'scenery all along "the route. Blanche Walsh, to be produced uncer with Mr, and Mrs. John Strange. Nr. LA Frank Worrell, returned on | the = management of Wagenhals* & Woods is an old Kingstonian, son of Thursday. after spending his holidays ! Kemper. The play is founded on the Mr. Samuel' Woods, formerly of King- pat "The Rector) . Oakville. story of Salammbo, but it will hava ston. . another name. Miss Mary Kirkpatrick, of Peter- Phe steamer America will leave Fol- Hamlin © Garland, the author, borough, who was staying with. Mrs. | ger's wharf at half past seven o'clock' writing a play, the scene to bé laid in to be a pics turesque version of western lite and acy James Young and Rose Eytinge will coming season Pri & Dockstader began a twa engagement at the Manhattan Beach theatre" on Monday night, wi new songs. Sarah Cowell LeMoyne will star thd coming season in a play by Glen Mes Harola Gordon is singing with the Kingston And Ottawa. Navigation steamers leave Kingston every ro } day and Thursday, at 7 a.m., every Tuesday and Friday at 1 p.m. * James 4 picnic of "the season will undoubtedly be that of the Y.I.C.B.A4 Mrs. Cartwright at '"Hazeldell.' . | great scenic production of "A Mid- | at Lake-Ontario Park, on Monday. Al Miss Mildred Low, of Ottawa, is | summer Night's Dream," staged by | splendid" programme has, been prepars 'the guest of her cousin, Miss Edith | Klaw & Erlanger. ed, which will furnish eanterwminm from early morning until after Come early and Chicago may soon be in the throes Tha forty-three Chis cago breweries will be shut down if the engineers for an eight-hour day are not conceded. Per 20c: | BRR VV TTVLVLATTAAVTLAA TATA TLL TLL TRVT TITRA VVECVVTVLT ERTL CTTLTTELTTVVTTLRTTLTTRLLT TTT TTLLTRLTTTTTT TTT TTT LTT RTRTR TO "Discount ~~ FOR TUESDAY ONL 208, single and double beds, them to our customers at very low prices. 'We procured these Blankets at a heavy discount and now offer i The store that has the "best goods at regular prices is the store that , has the BEST BARGAINS when these prices are reduced. Sava ae RR. | 2050; * Z. a 300 PAIRS PURE WOOL WHITE BLANKETS Every pair warranted perfectly. new and fresh. Made of beautiful soft Canadian Fleeced Wool: scoured and cleaned Fancy pink and blue borders. In as plendid variety of sizes for At 20 per cent discount off regular prices. z POECSTeTSY Sey fen tisd a a You Can Pay for the Blankets and Have Us Store Them for You Until Desired. Cy $H99868555588¢ { WE INSURE THEM AGAINST MOTHS AND DIRT E Discount rT See ESTE TUT ANSON Per 20¢ent. SEIS IFLLLEV- 38S uses = : » "Corner Brock and Wellington Streets, Kingston, * > Discount . . Discount Thoroughly % -y » aed Seecee hed enh

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