Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1902, p. 1

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89TH. YEAR. NO. 180. h-- } KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1902. -- LAS T EDITION. _---- C---- RC BT. J. REID Leading Undertaker 22 PRINCESS ST, 'PHONE 577. L - Specials for July. Our Hercules Wove Wire Bed, Regular Price $3.50, only $2.50. "Stuffed Mattress Wool Top' and Bottom. Regular $4.50, for $3.50. Cheaper ones at $2.50. Camp Cots regular Price $2.50, for $1.50. Boat Chairs. Regular Price $3.- 50, for $3. Full Canvas Back. Robt. J. Reid, . Opposite Windsor Hotel, 222 Princess St, Kingston. Home Savings Bank 4% on Deposits MILLS & CUNNINGHAM, W. NEWLANDS; ARCHITECT. OFFICE, SECOND FLOOR OVER MAHOOW'S Drug Store, corner Princess and Bago streets. Kntrance on Bagot street. % tL =] 9 ROOMS. HOU 191 BR( STREET, Apply to C. ¢ All modern improvements. Livingston & Bro. + THAT AIRY "Pk ner of Bagot and Modern in heating and Felix Shaw, POSSESSIONSAT ONC sirable 'house on Strdts, near every, way Daisy in perfect order. 115 Bag street. hot water Apply to = FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, ALSO table board. Gentlemen preferred, at 240 King street. . ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with malern mveniences, cen- tral, not far from City and Macdonald purks. Suitable for a party of from three to live, 195 Earl street. LARGE FRONT ROOM, LOST. TUESDAY. AF TON, with envseent cut out of gold back. Will finder § wt Whip Otlie RAL HOSPITAL GRA- 2 her in opera house or be house and Iofanis' Home: Bell is inscribed on the Reward di left at - Whig NOON. A CUFE. BUT- tween opera pesmi. mii OF EARL AND BAGOT ricky night a SCOTCH TERRIER The party wha was seen picking up on' the above corner, will please re- it promptly to Michael Foley, 97 street. it turn Earl 'WANTED. EXPERIENC ) HOUSEMAID, Mr<. Nickle, 130 Earl street. Apply A COOK. APPLY HORA, King street, in TWO want work. TO MRS. the evening. 45 CARPENTER to 51 Brock street, LABORERS AND ONE Apply STEAMER, MUST Apply 163 Queen LADIES MAID have good street, city. FOR references, A YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN SHIPPING Must be willmg to wprk.: Apply. to the Gardiner Conipguyv. LADY TO ACT AS SUPERINTENDENT OF "Hl Croft" andemy. For particulars communicate with™ the principal : BOYS AND GIRLS. AT. OBERNDORFFER'S Cigar Factory, Ontario street. None un- der 14 years of age, need applv. $10 WEEKLY COPYI home. Either sex. particulars *NORTHE PANY, Box 337, Quebec. A LETTERS Send stamp SUPPLY AT for COM 16 work per GOOD vars ABOUT ~RELIABLE BOY, a nd of age. te~run wm around a store Wa week, Apply at Whiz Offi LOCAL MEMORANDA. ey The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post' Themselves By. Aftend Campbell Bros." hat sale to-night. Remember searchlight Tuesday night. "We're recovering a bit from the umbrella elbow. » . general hospital meet Monday at excursion Governors 4 pm. The Whig holidav Staff Capt. army to-morrow. Prentice Bovs Sunday ' 2.30 The sun sets at 7:21 pm. Read announcement Ontario Pack Ponirs vs. will not be issued Monday: civie Archibald visits the salvation attend service,'Bethel church, p.m. rises at 4:51 and Sunday am. of attraction at Luke next week. ananogue, baseball match, fair grounds, 3 p.m., Monday. Don't flatter yourself to save others trouble. . They won't appreciate it. Lake Park, Boston Merrymakers, high class performance, 8:15 p.m. Some prevented from the, of sleep. at Lake and even- at the Ontario men ling .all the by Y.1.C.R.A. and Ontario «Park -Monday are only time picnic grumb- necessity fireworks afternoon ing. . The daily wrip by North King or Caspian is a treat Kingstonians do not take sui- ficient advantage of. It hole kes a hog five seeomds to get through a the fifty minutes to find ihe gine hole when a farmer in finer into a garden * amd drives him out. "The pared to those of Suwtan" trivini com- the Sorrows are man has to undergo who attempts withe no past experience to. do his own aadvertising, This dav in the workl's history : Boers de- rail train near Kroonstadt, 1900; Canadian China withdrawn, 1870; 5H Presbyterian missionarivs in 1900; battle of began 'first vovage, to. British, = taken by King Saarbuck, Columbus 1492; under Gen. Boers Hunter; HL, T3347; of Jennie, : Earl of Aberdeen born, 1847: Mount Blane first x Sue, novelist, died, 1 Steven 1813. sur- JH; Ark- died, render Fxlward discoverer spinming 17 ascended, 1787; Eugene i of Fort son, COOL COOL STORE Come in and examine all the new, pretty goods. We Lave just opened up hundreds - of 'articles; the latest efforts of the European potteries. Our prices are the lowest. You will be surprised to see the hand- some pieces you can get for little money.. , 3 ROBERTSON BROS. ( LAKE {ONTARIO PARK ) ONE WEEK C5050, oe. sin. DANE'S ANIMAL CIRCUS Walker and Edwards, Comedians, '* ODDETTA." America's Greatest Dancing Girl, Supported by RENTON AND GREEN, In a One Act Dramady, Entitled, MY COUSIN ALICE. | macinees | Wednesday | & Friday' * 3:30. BHvery Bvening At 8:30. making the everybody. be and "bank outlet n money natural investoient. The prices begin to for a bomi or It know it . . We ean suit you in terms or price. J. S. R. McCANN. 51 Brock, Street, Ground Floor. to are seems aurpluses growing through timely real estate time to buy is before the go up. If vou are looking investment property ease for us PERSONS OF SATISFACTORY CHARACTER and ene can find lasting worl nd good. pav with us. Those who can make twenty dollars. weekly preferriad The Century Christian«Co., limited," Toronto. . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS "FOR MEN TO Tearn barber trade, new, gfick and thor ough method by free glinic, expert instrue- tions, ete. usv 7 Positions guar- anteed, © tools donaped, wares Saturdavs Write, for particulars. Moler Barber Col le» Chicaye, HALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS. 246 XON( street, Toronto, Ont., also St. Lawrence street, Montreal, P.Q., and 16 Fast Sen- roa o ° iv Wages Saturdave. Terms modern trinl. lodgings, railtond ticket and logue free. By our "SPECIAL OPERATIVE PLAN" course is gi solutaly free. Also opportur money at vour home, bv work: Write for particulars' to-dav. Hall. oronriatar Baseball Civic Holiday. The Ponies are playing very fast ball just now. Everyhsdy should to the fair grounds, Monddy, at 2:30 oO 'HALF HAVE ACTED. And a Big Share of Others® Will Agree. Paris, Aug. 2. President Lubat, pre sided over a meeting of the cabinet; at Rambouillett, to-day. M. 'Comes, the prin minister, explained the situ- ation in regard to the religious and the action of afiected. He said 6.000 'who came under ulat the © as- the that the sociation law cong rations out * terms of of for about one-half ith, believing in st with thé exception ment of acted ih and-order of about have expi willing to 1 hese président 's hig Frwas submit the ne 's await Qa stoned sign the rer ec closed. To-night, new silk front shirts, £1. and sve ahem trim Gananoque. The H. D. Bibby Co. 8 1 Orange HS WIFE SI000 BY HIN And Is Now With Him : In Bosion. ANOTHER WIFE IN SORROW BUT HAPPY SFQUEL TO RO- MANCE IS COMING. A Man Married to a Fashionable Lady--A Brother of His Wife Distrusted His Dashing Broth- er-in-law 'and Soon Showed Him up as a Scoundrel. New York, Aug. 2.--The happy se- quel to the sorrowful romance of Miss Helen P. Hawkes, a well khown soviety woman of Brooklyn, has just been made public. Miss Hawkes will soon wed William D. Malane, of Sy- racuse. Behind the announcement of this be- throthal there lies the pathetic story of a romance that once promised hap- piness, but which culminated in a domestic tragedy, and which found a climax in the civil annulment of the marriage of Miss Hawkes to George Howard and of the banishment of her self-confessed bigamist husband [ Sing Sing prison. : Last week Bishop McDonnell, of Brooklyn 'returned from Rome, bring- ing to Miss Helen Hawkes the papers containing the papal decree which de- clared her marriage to Howard "void from the first." Then followed the™an- nouncement-of her forthcoming mar- riage to Mr. Malane. dy Miss Helen Hawkes is the daughter of Henry Hawkes, supéfintendent of distribution and repairs in the Prook- lyn water department. He is a wealthy and intluential resident ok, that -bo- rough, residing in a handsome) stone front mansidn in Prospect Place. Miss Hawkes has for some years moved in the exclusive social set' of Brooklyn. Two years ago George Ho- ward appeared on the social horizon of this particular set and immediately became an ardent admirer of Miss Hawkes. 'Howard was an electrician, with a salary that did not seem at all commensurate with his expensive tastes. He dressed in the height of fashion. Automobiles were then the possession of the very wealthy only, but Howard was the fortunate posses sor of dne, and in it he and. Miss Hawkes were conspicuous figures ab- out the bhoulevar "When Miss. Hawkes™ engagement to (George Howard was announced all Brooklyn sogiety looked upon it with congratulatory approval, all. save the brother of Mess Hawkes, who dislike l and distrusted his dashing prospective brother-in-law. > On" September 17th, 1960, © Miss Hawkes beeame Mrs. Howard, and -af- ter an extended honeymoon the couple settled down to housekeeping in Brooklyn. The suspicions, however, of voung Mr. Hawkes, regarding Howard orew, and he began to make unpleas- ant enquiries about his" brother in law's career. He engaged a private de tective and in Hast. Cambridge, Mass. they found a Mrs. Howard No. 1 and two children, 2 «Howard at first stoutlv denied his marriage to the woman in Cambridge, but there was convincing evidence awainst him, and at last he-confessed. Hé was arrested on. New Yéar's-- Eve, 1900. a little more than three months after his marriage to Miss. Hawkes. An interesting feature of the case was-the attitude taken by wife No. I. The first Mrs. Howard stood by him. and although she had been grossly de ceived and- wronged by Howard 4 she firmly refused to come to Brooklyn and testify against him and would give no aid in the prosecution. How- ard pleaded guilty and was given an indeterminate 'sentence. Some months ago he wad paroled and is now heliev- ed to be living in Boston with the wile who stood by him Jpn, The marriage of Mrs. Howard No.2 was annuled- in the supreme court cight 'months ago and she was given permission to name. lt was at this time that Mr. Malane became acquainted with Miss Hawkes. It avdis a mutual attachment apparently from the first, but the te- nets of Miss Hawkes' church forbade a public announcement of - their engage ment without the papal decree: Bishop McDonnell took thé papers of the Ho- ward case tor Rome. Pwo audiences with the holy father finally resulted in the ecclesiastical" tribunal pronouncing the decree deelaring the Howard mar- riage void. ¥ The bishop's return brought the eagerly looked for news to the young couple. The wadding of Miss Hawkes and Mr. Malane will be a duict event of early fall, An Excursionist Drowned. Parry Sound, Ont,, Aug: 2.--- William Lewis, of Port. Perry, was drowned off the: whari at Parry Sound last night. Lewiz- had come in with "a small éxcarsion party from Depot Har bour," 'where he was employed, and was returning to the steamer when he fell offi the wharf. A despatch to the London' Daily Mail, from Tokio, says' that the Jap- anes treats the Marquis island tion calmly. Public opinion is evident tv convinced that the United States may be trusted to act with strict jus tice in the matter. The so-called no 'desposits ave illusory, the island being mostly covered with vegetation, Nes cua Toreatest factors in breaking up resume Her=fiatien | COAL BY SEPTEMBER 1. Big Operators Say Strike's End : is in Sight. New York, Aug. 2--It learned that plans have been agreed on by the coal operators to break up the strike of the anthracite miners, but, none of them would say "what the plans were. Vice-president ~ Loomis of the Delaware, En hon and Western railroad said : ) *1f people think the operators are not active enough, they are mistaken. I myself have been back and forward to and'from the mines constantly since the strike began and we are keeping close tab on the situation. We have our plans laid, but it would be bad generalship to give them away at this critical stage of the strike." John B. Kerr, vice-president New York, Ontario and Western com- pany, said he expected that there would be very little leit of the strike hy September Ist. : "Coal will be mined again on .Sep- tember: 1st," he said, "but little will Le done before that time. No at- tempt will be made to rush matters. The miners will be put. to work as soon as enough will come back to op- 1s of the en collieries. A representative of the Erie rail road said that he believed a week or two would end the strike. One of thé the strike would be the relief was being distributed. "I'he man who saved -his money and "owns his house made an equal sacrifice wheri he went on strike with the et er who saved nothing," said this Erie official. "Yet the loafer gets paid for striking, while the man who saved his money by making sacrifices which _the loafer would not Make pets nothing. This has created such dissatisfaction that it will soon cause a break in the strike anyway." CANNOT TAKE ACTION. way Officer Who Cheated Did Not Hold Canadian Commission. Ottawa, Aug. 2.---The papers in the case of the ofticer of the 2nd C.M:R.* who is stated to have been guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer in play. ine with marked cards, have been ex- amined by the militia department, and it has been decided that the depart: ment can take no action in the mat- ter. The oflicer did not-hold a Cana- dian commission, and was consequent- ly net.mwler the jurisdiction of the department "at the time the alleged affair took place. The Canada Gazette contains the fol- lowing notices of promotion in the outside service : Richard Young Douglas, Toronto, lieutenant. of the active militia, to be inspector in "the North-West Mounted Police. Zachary Taylor Wood, of Dawson (ity, Yukon territory, superintendent in the North-West Mounted Police, to be assistant © commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police for the Yukon territory. . Michael Maloney, Toronto, railway mail clerk, to he assistant post office inspector of the Toronto postal divi sion. George Ross, of Toronto, assis- tant postmaster at Toronto, to be chief post _oflice superintendent. Capt. F. St. J. Hughes, South Wales, Borderers, to be. aide-de-camp on the stafi- of the governor-general from the 12th inst. WANT TO DO IT QUIETLY. U. S. Travellers Are Swarming English Towns. New York, Aue. The Tribune's London cable says: The commercial traflic between England and the Uni ted States bas become more impor-- tant than the tourist traftie. . If steamship managers can be believed, the United States commercial travel lers are swarming in the great Eng- lich provincial towns, but are doing their work quietly: One of the best informed consuls reports that they do not wish anything said about the new enterprises they represent, but prefer to escape observation and sell their coods without creating alarm and jealousy inc trade circles and. starting i discussions in the 9 news papers, Kaiser Goes To Cowes. Jerlin, Aug. 2.-- Though the visit of En "ys Ilham to king Edward g » be without political sig- ance, it is nevertheless attracting considerable attention in view of the interchange of which has markeds their ions for some months past. The 'emperor sailed from Kiel, to-day, on board: the im- perial yacht Hohenzollern. He is ex pected to remain at Cowes through the regatta aveek, when his American- built yacht Meteor Til will compete for the King's cup. courtesies \_ A Perpetual Injunction. Toronto, Aug. 2.--Justice MacMah- on gave judgment, -vesterday, declar- ing Robertson and. Henderfon's "High School History of Greece" to be an infrincement of Prof. Oman's copv- righted "History of Greece." He 'has granted a perpetual injunction to pre vent further infringement and directed delivery to the professor oi all such in Robertson and Henderson's possession with a reference for dam: ages' for those sold. hooks Sure Koch Is Wrong. Ang. 2.-=Dr. Gaghault; states selffinoculation. with tuber culosis virus seems likely to lead to the infection of the ganglions of the arm-pit if not the whole organism. He wortain © of the fallacy of Prof. Paris, that his It" is subject to heavy rains, which ist vear the S00 the. guano. Last ca y port ven orth ® Sev, X Frea State, ix Oo arrive | Messrs. toer | wl | id Mr at Nt uthan { 1, Piech'r and Wosselt former deleontes, hg from Holl: Thev intend to tea Mr. Rtn | { the harbor to a Dutch steamer, which | | will take him- to Sceveningen, w here | Prof. Winkler, a specialist, will treat | him for sun stroke and paralysis. i Lip | naval Koch's theory, and resolved upon continn ion until the of 4 uiingter Foreign governments have not \been invited to their ships ito retiew, connection with the h tion send in WL wtion, with: "a si Javan--and but for this it British demonstration. To-night. new 'sospRnders, 25¢. Se. The H. 'D. Bibby Co. exee; will be a ond the} NEWS OF THE WORLD What Tomes To Us From. Au Quarters. CONDENSED. PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By «= The Dear Public. : Lord Paunceiote only £63,700. The last coping stone of the, Nile dam at Assouan was laid on Wednes- day. The Canadian representation at the coronation will be large .and will. in- cludp st least sixty Canadians. igs left an estate of Crathan _ has been re-elected representative on the harbor commis- sion of the Montreal board of trade. At a meeting of 'the tarifi. commis- sion of the chstag, Berlin, it was agreed to. continue the existing duties on steel rails. , So far qighty-seven bodies have been recovered from the Mount Kimbia col- liery, at Wollongongong, Australia, where. an explosion occurred on Thurs- day. : Official figures of the United States fiscal year closing June 30th show a decrease in exports of 106,000,000 and 'an increase in imports of over 350,000,000, . Sir William Mulock cables that he is arranging for a shipping service from Canadian ports to South Africa, and ashs by what date Cahadian manufac- turers can fill the first ship. The final meeting of the eotonial premiers, it is expected, will be held August: Sth, after which the proceed- ings may be submitted to parliament in the form of a blue book. There another hitch about the shooting = for the Palma trophy at Ottawa. The English team find it im- possible to arrive by August 26th. September 13th has been suggested. The rehearsals for the ceremonial at Westminster Abbey have been resumed. Officials assert that the procession to and through the abbey will be con- ducted without deviation from the original lines. v It is the prevailing opinion in Lon- don . that the terminal port of the fast Canadian line must be Sydney or Halitax< No. grevhound could main- tain ocean speed on 'the St. Lawrence viver to Quebec. Dr. 6G. Carlin, to lialy. has late Swiss minister n appointed minister to Great Britain, replacing Dr. C. 1. Bourcart, ordered to Washington, to relieve J. B. Pioda, Swiss minister to the: United States, The kaiser has sent a pressing invi tation to Lord Kitchener to visit Ger- many. The imperial letter states that entive Germany' would esteem it a privilege to be allowed: to welcome so distinguished a soldier. At a meeting of _ship-owners, = at West Hartlepool, it was resolved 'to protest against pad¥ment of subsidies by the British government for a fast Atlanti® line, except for the purpose of securing an efficient' mail service. The Wai-Hu-Wu. the foreign office) Pekin that the govern- ment troops have killed between 300 and 100 rioters. in... Sze-Chuan, ani have restored perfect order in that province. Lord Kitchener will go to South amnton to meet Botha, Delarey and Dewet on August 16th, the day of the naval review there. The king will ret ceive them and Gen. Roberts and Gen. Kitchener immediately the Boer lead- arrive, I'ne anti-Morgan shipping combine has not yet heen formed but consulta- tions 'are still in progress. The best information obtainable. is indefinite and indicates that the Canadian Paci jie raihvay will not _be the main re- source" of the .comhination. The Armstrong=Orhing wireless tele- ark company has been formed for the purchase of the inventor's patents and--to sell the instraments. The-com- pany will . be registerca next eck. The capital of L175,000 was obtained privately. It was over-subseribéd hy £100,600, ated that the £250,000, voted 3 Jritish government for the re- i Go" She West Indies, will be dis- tributed on a sliding scale in the form of bounties, varying from 150 to thirty shillings on home-grown sugar, Planters" taxes will be refunded and loans granted. Holbein, who started from Cape ez, France, to sim across the ish channel to Dover, was obliged after a plucky effort, and when in sight of his goal, to abandon the at tempt owing to unfavorable eondi- tions. Holbein was in the water thir: teeh hours and was beaten by the strong tice * D. minister, at ors . wickleton, a member of the labor party, has been elected to the British house of commons, without opposition, to fill the vacancy in the seat for the Clitheroe division of Lan- cashire, caused bv the elevation to the peerage 'of - Sir Uchtred James Kav- Shuttleworth, who sat for the divi sion as a liberal The London Daily Express announce that the American Fobagco- trust has paid £30,000 ag its first quarterly instalment of bopns to its customers, The Tmperial Tobaeco company, the rival of the United States: concern: has not fulfilled as vet its promise to pay to its who soils: the Ameri the lo Aquariam, 1 noon, fell rionsly GE honns customers, only buv its : an hievelise, at the West Friday after wheel and was The bicvele . was the second 'accident met. with within sg [ week. Heo doll last Mohdav = night | while. givine his formance. but. hi: heavy padded clothes saved him from | serious injury. i while luonin Wi ! from ininred whoa, This "Piavito" } » fn has notified Mrs Conger; the Americans RESETTLING BOERS. Already 9,000." Families Placed Back on Lang. Pretoria, Aug. 2.-- Excellent nro- gress being mace in resettling the loer farms. AWeady 9.060 families have been reinstated on their lands, although the work.of ieplacing: the farmers - has been ' accompanied by many difficulties, especially in secur: ing and feeding horses and cattle. Much complaint was caused by the military authorities auctioning off live stock, which was hrought up bv spec- ulators who resold at large profits at thé expensé of neeay farmers. The disposal of army horses has been ac- companied by an' epidemic of gland- ers, which is now raging in Cape Col- ony. '"" BILL' TAYLOR CAPTURED. Train Robbers Arrested and Much Money Recovered. El Paso, Texas, Aug. 2.--Two more of the robbers who held up a Mexican Central train and secured $530,000 from the Wells Fargo express car, have been 'captured at Gomez Palacio and nearly $30,000 has been recovered. The first robber' to be captured has been fully identified as "HRY Tavlor who held up a Santa Fe Pacific train in Texas and killed two men. He was sentenced to death for that erime, hut escaped to Mexico.' Fifteen thousand dollars of 'the booty secured in the re- cent_robbery was recovered from Tay- lor. in ------------------------ WILL BE MANY SUITS For Damages Against the Crow's Nest Coal Co. Nelson; B.C., Aug. 2.--Seven writs were issued yesterday by Taylor & O'Shea, lawyers, at Nelson, clamming damages against the Crow's Nest Coal Co. Twenty-five more are to be ser ved to-day, making the first "batch of thirty-two claims, amounting to $210, 000. These lawyers 'are acting for ghe widows and- orphans of the victins of the 'dizaster at Coal Créek last Mav. Altogether eighty-four suits are to be brought for claims amounting to over hali a million dollars. The cases are to be tried before the supreme court, TWO ROPES USED. Calmly Awaits Until Sheriff Gets Second One. x Richmond, Va., Aug: 2.--George Robinson was hanged at Wise court house, Va., yesterday; for the murder of another negro. On the first drop the rope lgoke. He was brought up the steps on the outside of the scaf- fold for the second drop and had to wait until the sheriff went to a store and secured another rope. He was conscious throughout the whole time and did not show the faintest sign of a collapse. A thousand people wit- nessed the execution: > CUT HOPPLE TOLD TALE. Grand Circuit Judges Unearthed a Fixed Race. Columbus, 0), Aug. 2.--The judges at the grand circuit races yesterday. unearthed a job in the $5.000 stake for 2.20 pacers. and by prompt action sav- ed innocent' speculators who had backed the field a large sum of money. Severe punishment was meted out to the guilty party, Driver Stiard and the horse Elderone being suspended for one year, Landlords Condemned By League. Aug. 2.--A aespatch from rs the Nenagh branch of the United Irish league in the county of Tipperary = has © adopted a resolution condegning -the "hideous conspiracy of the landlords of reland in forming a trust for the suppression of the na tional organization of the countrv." The resolution also condemns the privy councillors who, it says, "have lent themselves to such vile and con temptihle methods of trying to sup press the United Irish league." The resolution promises | that the privy councillors will ha more to conteng London, Dublin se "Twith than "they anticipate. Terrible Death Of Lineman. Quebec, Aug. 2.- Thomas Lemieux, o linenfan employed by the Jacques Car tier Electric company, met a terrible death at five o'clock Thursday after noon. He was drawing up a wire or a pole. on Fabrique street, facing th dasilica, when it crossed with a live wite, sending a voltage of 20,000 volts through him, and killing him instant Jy. He fell to thé Stone pavement be low from a height of thirty feat, a1 full sicht ~of crowds of people who were passing at the time, fracturing the skull. TT Modernizing School Teachers. Toromto, Aug. 2. The education de partment has issned new | regulations to the eficct that in the comrse of "a year or two public school teachers will not have to qualify on Latin on other classical languages, but will all have to a chemistry examina tion. Next wear there will be no pub lic school! leaving or part first juniof leaving examination. pass The Editor Pleased. Victoria, . B.C. Aug. 24 William MacAdanis, editor of the Sandon Pay Streak, is-again a free man. He cam before the fall court, vesterdav, when, on téfideting his apology and. his law vers undertaking to have it appear in the' Sandon Pav Streak, he wa relegsid. Chief Justice Hunter severe Iv Me. MacAdam for his con duct. Good Wages Offered. Witnipeo, Aug. 2 month board for farm laborers felt that there' will snot be sufficient hélp in the west this, fall. Arrange ments have 'heen made hy the provin rl gover with the CPR. whereby laborers can travel cheaply. Forty dollars # are Beings Apprehension is waned Lol ere ment Tomight fancy hose, 23¢. and 506. }ibby Co. ) The H. D. WEATHER- PROBABILITIES. Toronto. Out... Aug. "2nd, (10 a.mi.)--Fine and warm Sunday fair and warm but a few scattered thunder storms, likely by night. 5 Spécial values in Ladies' " and Children's Vests, at 5e., 7c., 10¢., 12jec., 15c., 20¢., 25¢. : Ladies' Lisle Thread Vests at 35c., 40c., 50c. Ladies' Silk Vests, extra value, $1. ° HOSE See Steacy's special line of Open Work, Fast Black Cot- ton Hose, at 15c. : Open Work Lisle Thread, Beautiful Fine Quality, at 30c., . 35¢., 40c., 50ec: per pair. Received this momming; the Latest Style in Ladies' Lin- en Collars, very narrow; on- "ly one inch and 11 inches deep. The'. most sensible and corréct/ thing far warm weather, New 'Taffeta, Ribbons for Neck Wear and Sashes. Moire Ribbons, Black and Colors, for Sashes. New Lisle and Silk Gloves and Lace Mittens. MARRIED. HART-STORMS--At Jollivite, N.D., Jufy John W. Hart, 'North Dikota, to Leia Storms, @augdhiter of "Mra. Storms, formerly of Napame, Ont. LOAST-BROWN--At Napanee, July 20d, Mar- tin Loyst, Deseramto, to Effie Brown, Na- panee. DETLOR-CUTTS--At Napanee, July 9th, Brit. ton Detlor, Napanee, to Annie May Cutts, Jescron Lo. LIDD! GREENE--At Napanee, July 30th, es Hl. Likdel, New York, to Mabef C. Greene, Nupance, 5th fla Jane DIED. CLOW--In_. Kingston, Mary. Madeill, only Mrs. Franklin three' months and twelve days. Funeral on Monday at one o'clock from her fnther"s residence, 164 King | street. PERSONAL. > August 2nd, Irene dangher of Mr. wid Clow, aged two' vears, LADIES : OUR HARML for delayed or suppressed not fail. Trial free. PARIS CO., Milwaukee, Wis. S REMEDY i iv ean- iod; CHEMICAL RETIRED MERCIIANT, « MIDDLE AG worth $00.000, seaks at onee poor, t faithinl wile, Address Mr, Hamilton, 40:3 Omaha Building, Chicago. INTELLIGENT AMERICAN Lag, worth $85,000, will marry' imme ately and assist kind "husband financial v. Address Belle, 134 Van Buren street, HANDSOME, / Chicago. ET Proclamation. In accordance passed by the with-a reselution City Council, I hereby declare MONDAY NEXT, 4th August, as a public holiday, and respectfully request the eciti- zens to observe it as such. J. MORGAN SHAW, 5 Mayor. Kingston, July 31st, 1902. MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Will Cure Burns, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt theum, Broken Breasts. Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore Heads, Boils and Bealing fingers. PRICE -2Kc. Miss Maggie MeColl, Guelph, was killed in a runaway aceident on Thurs day. She was twenty we f 3 of age. o Son N Souvenirs Enamelled Bet Buckles, B ooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pecket Knives, etc. Spooas fem T5e. fo $2.50 Largest Selection in Ontario. TER CE CBT TTT UNL TTR RIOD A ©. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, Cor. Princes d Welitagton Sts, | [| BrrsesredeaIvvssssseanl

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