Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1902, p. 6

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fe = | Canadian Pacific.. pe THE DAILY 3 WHIlG, FRIDAY, "'F 2:0 ¥ rt hry mth 4 Tie ao ~ { oi AUGUST 0f Course They Fit | You can afford to have many 5 5 pairs of trousers, many suits clothes, when you buy them here. of You save money om every =~ gar- and you note the fit is These well-made ment, perfectly good. ready-mades are worth your at- tention. We have some rare bar- gains this week. JOS, SILVER, (Successor to B. Sliver & Co.,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. FLY TIML. flies wo together, | and comfort is: to have Warm weather and the only way to have SCresns. Doors, complete ..... from $1.00 Windows 28c¢. The most assortment to pick from in town. W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, 81 Princess Street. A GREAT SALE OF COOKED MEATS AT MYERS' PORK + Market, 56 Brock Street, viz, cooked ham, 3, (our own inanke) pigs od and. jellied), chipped dried I ognea, and sumpmer sausave. Aleg pork sausages, tenderloin, bacon and hams. Phone 570. ' ROOMS TO LET. WELT, FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET AT Mrs. Yates', 64 William street, with board if desired. ' COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. Moitreal, Aug: 1.--Flour receipts 700 bbls., pater winter, $3.80 to $4 patent spritn, $4 to $4.10; straight roller, $3.00 to $3.70; strong bakers, $3.70 to $3.90; On- turio bags, $1.70 vo $1.80 2, Mamitobu, hard, 78c¢. to 8Uc Te. peas, 8dc. to Bue. © 'barley, 5350. to 6vc.; rye, wheat, 66¢c. to 67c.; oatmeal, coruuical, $1.00 to 81.60, pork $24 to lard, 9c. to l0c.; bacon, l4c. to l5c.; hats, 18c. tp 1dc.: cheese, Ye. to 10c.; butter, townships, 19Yc. to 2Uc., western, 1l6e. to lie; 2¢. to l4c. ex, NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Union Pacific owt luig 108 St Paula INOy INA Manhattan .. 133% 130} Lo, Aras & u Sips erate cueen Feople's Gas Los Suel LS, Seed, Trefi, Tenn Coal & lron Migs. Pancho... Southern Pacific..cew ws Ontario & Western . Westoln Lindon rss A USE 38 OTE--6T4 Na. lod Jud Youis.. & Nash... peel PM Rack I-sland...... 1918. 1H Deansylvauia ty . 189% 1591 Fo Ata WL aciliCa dig. 90 Atchison . 913 91% Cal. Li& B Le AmericannbLoco Leo HEE Awal. Copper vg uh MONTREAL STOCKS. August 1st. : Sell. Bu, 187 © 1363 Canadian ack; Duluth S.8. « Co, Toksto Li. & P. Hapa Montreal Street Ry Torouto Street. Ry Halifax Street... Detroit United St. John's Eleetric...... ...... Twine City i I'win City Rich. «& Out Commergial Cal new N; Montreal Telewr: sit hasten aseian Bill, Telephone 7 . Montreal L. & P, Co... Lake Suprior Dom. Strl-& from Dom & Iron, 1d Le Pulp Nova no Steel, Ogilvie Flour" Mills Ogilvie Flour Mills, Pid Montreal Couion . Dominion ~Lotton x Cand Colorsd Cotton Merchantse Cotton... North Stye 0 4 Dominion Coal / Tntercolonial ofr S Montreal Bank... ... . Molsons Bauk..... Toronto Bank Mirchants Bank Morchants Bank of Ilalifax.. 171% The W OUT . uO THE 5 ¢.M. EDITION SECOND. EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Geing on in the Business World--The Market-News. The C.P.At. shops at Hochelogun will bewin work Monday. vu 1,000 freivht cars. Iidia rubber wid gutta percha trees, Jiave been discovered-in German New Guinea. Men interested in eastern townships copper will. form a smelter company. 'with a capital of $1,000,000. The '¢rop of pears and peaches in Grumslev district, . will be than last year shough net so large as 1900. . The gold mines in the Barré Valley, which the Emperor Menclik promised to grant to a French companv, have becn sold to a British syndicate for $10,000,000. bu The coming peach crop of 'the state of Cou- it predicted, avgregate baskets. It that at 275.000 baskeys will' be shipped. out of larger necticut, is will 683,152 is estimated least the Spever Bros. amd associates are ready find the money for four" London tube way lincs--the Brompton and Piccadilly, the the rail state, to rail- Great Northern and Strand railway, Charing Cros, Hapstead way, and the Baker Street' and Waterloo rail- way The estimated tion of these lines is £15,000,000. Euston, and cost of the construc System. Private Telephone Torontg Globe. Commencing on Pig I<land, adjacent to the mainland, and part . of Sophiashurg,, in 1 a Edward, a private telephone sys i has been installed, bv which scores of farmers and the villagers in North- port and Demorestville have communi- cation with one another at thé cheap rate of ®% a year: Picton will shortly be included. : Taking the changed conditions into account, it isZestimated by a close oh- werver that fhe farmers hereabouts are just as well off as they were during the height of the barley period, while the futuré looks even brighter. . Summer Carnival Notes. The receipts of the Op were: First performance, $2 performance, $251; matinee, 8179. ike programme produced, $115. The carnival promoters <eave for Ogdenshurey next then in Sep- tefubet to the bie cities. Only in sum- mer can. places under 50.000 g¢t such attractions. The Tofants" Hpme will benefit tq the extent of at least %200.° The: full force of amateurs was not on at the matinee 'and several places had to be filled on short notice and brief practice. House second "a week, Will Bring Down Many. To-day R. W. Allen received a late poster from" Toronto announcing that the excursion rate to Kingston and voturn, on civic holiday, had been fix- eld at $2.45. The prospects ave that this excursion, conducted under the auspices of the CW. AA he large- ly attended. : The Kingston Players. In the lacrosse match against = Ga- nanoque at -Lake Ontario Park, to- morrow afternoon, the pla; of the Kinston team will be picked from: Fox. ('ook, Watson, Murphy, Hurley, Port, each, Keaney, Jefferson, Grev, Woodrowe, Charlebois, and Taudvin. Inland Revenue Collections. Collections at the inland revenue of- fice on account of excire for July, 1902 © Spirits, $5.4 malt, $5,502; tobacco and cigars, 223.35; vinegy $268.90; licenses, other collec- tions, 83%; total . 412.87. Se---- Early In The Morning. aveen peas, green beans, heans, asparagus, cauliflower, Hibbard squash, vegetable marrows, celery, -parsnips, tomatoes, green peppers, ete, at Carnovsky's, es Panama Hats: There is one place that has a repu tation for having things richt. That Jenkins'. We still have about Don't miss this chance. (ireen corn, wax lettuce, at leit. is six ---- en J Shepherd, 'Ottaw to-day char: toved the stgamer Jessie Bain for one the Ottawa river in laid up month to ran on i place of the: steamer Victoria, ing repairs. veceiy CO. 1. Harta wife and children, guests of Mr. and: Mrs. W. Miller, No.1 fire ~tafion, for some weeks, returned to- dav. to their homes at Baldwinsville, N.Y, Flannel suite for pien, 25 -per cent: reduction Saturday, Grand Union, 122. Princess street, Wianard M. Rea, Almonte, ix the suest of his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Samuel Shiblev, Division. street. ; Collections - on account of customs at the port of Kingston were Zl. 66.75 for July. . Trev Oak Hall for collar buttons, Se., 10c¢.. The. The H. D Bibby Uo, Dr. Diemels h underwear at Jonkine'. linen me arm Days Remind You IT'S TIME FOR ING SUITS See Window Display LIVINGSTON BROS, 75-77-79 BROCK ST. THE NUMBER IS 18,000 But All These Applicants Wily i Not Receive Lands. MANY FENIAN HAID MEN. WILL ISSUE 2,000 DEEDS IN A FEW DAYS. ? It is Expected That Twenty Thou- sand Horse Power From Niag- ara Will be Used in Toronto at an Early Date. Toronto, Aug. 1.--The Crown Lands department is still laboring manfully with the soldiers claims <ts--tand grants. The enormous number of 15, 000 claims have been received from ancient and modern veterans, and it has kept a stafi of five clerks busy in weeding out the unworthy and prepar- ine documents for the deserving. The veteratis who bore arms during the Fenian raid days have all sent in claims, but only those who went on active service to the front will be given land, It is expected that 2,000 deeds will be issued hy the department in a few days, this' number of docu- ments being now ready for signature. Along swith the deeds the deserving veterans will receive much literature and useful information concerning the new country in which their farms are to be located. The Ontario government has _so modified the regulations and ordef-ip- council governing the grant of addi- tiona! water privileges at Niagara Falls sto the Ontario Power company, that wo further "opposition ix antici pated from the Canadian Power com- pany, the original lessees of the Yadls power. Both companies will proceed now on a basis of a 50,000 horse poa- er development each, and it is under stood that the bulk of the power has already been arranged for. The To ronto Niagara Power company, which will' bring -the Canadian companies" power to this city, expects to use about 20,000 horse power in this citv and the immediate locality. This will displace <comething like 200,000 tons of 1 soft coal now imported from the Uni- ted' Btates. It is stated that Cyrus A. Birge, Hamilton, vice-president of the Cann- dian Manufacturers' Association will be appointed 'to succeed Mr. Munroe, Montreal, az president. at the annual meeting at Halifax, on, August 13th and 11th. G. 2. Drummond, Montreal, is slated for the vice presideficy. OUTRAGES IN SERVIA. 'Serious Accusation Made Against Turkish Troops. Vienna," "Ang.. 1.--Outrages in the vilayet of Kossove, in old Servia, de- $ ed by a correspondent of the St. Petersburg NOvoe Vremya, writing from Uskub, show that the country is in a condition of anarchy. The cor- respondent that the Turkish instead of watching the fron tier are running riot in the Servian villages, where houses are violently entered, women outraged and projier- tv carried ofi. Myrders ave frequent. A says troops funeral procession was fired upon in fskub itself. A soldier maltreated a priest. during a relitious procession a sacred vessel with the sacrament. Complaints are only answered by flogging or imprisoning the complainants. The Mohammedan population is in a state of fanatical and threw down excitement, and are being incited to outrages upon Christians by =~ Mo: hammedan . priests and notables. A aeneral persecution of Christians is the result. Numerous murders are com- mifted upon the strects and elsewhere without other Treason than religious frenzy. FIREMAN'S ESCAPE. James 'McClurg Rescued by a Fel- low Fire Fighter. Ogdenshurg, N.Y., Ang. l.--James McClure, la member of the fire depart- ment, had a narrow escape from death at the Proctor manufacturing com- pany's fire. With some other firemen McClurg was engaged in tearing down the walls of the shingle mill when he was struck by a falling beam and ren- dered unconscious. The force of the blow knocked him from a staging on which he was standing to the shaving pile below. He was completely. cover- ed by. the wet shavings, and in "his helpless condition would probably have suffocated had it not been for a fel low fireman who witnessed the dent and brought McClurg, who was «till unconscious, out of the shavings and after some time, succeeded in re- viving him. ' E------------------ Seventy-Five Cents A Week. Odessa, Ang. 1.--The * remarkable sivht of a princess working as a day laborer has been discovered here. Thee the Princess Zul acci- police have found helse © working as a builder's helper, mixing mortar and carrying it to the of the scaffolding. The waaes are top seventy {0 eon ives refuse tok 'I'he prin p Her. 1s an Wt vk Death Of Gorrie's Postmaster. Gerrie. Uni.. Aug. 1.--One of Gor: fies olaest residents in the person of Henry Perkins, postmastor, passea away last evening in his sixty eventh? year, Dece had lived in Gorrie contimionsly for the past forty-two vears He owas a prominent - Orange man. having been county: maser. of North Huron for tem years. wed Denies He Is Russian Spy. a : Paris, Aug. 1.--Ex-Captain Dreviuy : Mode of the 'Bnest impdried wool, flannels, has written a letter to the Radical' in new shidue. Your somfort was considered -- ct protesting against and denying the in tatloring: them: = ? statement thats had been Jin eom- Coats haver full sh fall or close munication with® Russis. : He, says the fitt backs, military eug" stioulder and woming whet he will obtain a "sleeves lining only it regain his honor 'iv the Trousirs; « fittihe waists, helt loor | i rt * There is contort und rinse abo i eee we guits which will please vou | Increase In July Customs. Wa would ha pl! to them to vou {| Oitawa, sAgg. 1.-The customs xe Our cuging shirts ar micrtable 1 [vote for REE to 2 dressy as the suits Prices as resonable. an increase of 2 1163 over fast vear. 1 ---------- -------------- Ready-to-Wear Department. Vhers "wosom Jazae wiidadhnee ut = Lake Ontario Park last evening. where ' SWAN ' an entertaining programme Was put non IRIN ON cirens, reinforced and 'a dancing lady. Hin 5 em be an adimal Orie wet comedy | | ar bil | A PRESENTATION nin To Sergt.-Maj! James, Late of the" S R.M.C. Secgt.-Maj. - James, gymnasium in- structor at the Royal Military col- love for the past five years, left to-day for his home in England. Last even: ing the sergeants of the.l4th Regi- ment, who~have been instructed by 'him, waited upon him at his residence on Johnston' street and presented him with a gold-biajed, solid black ebony cane, as a tokef of their esteem for him. Stafi-Sergt. Swain read the ad- dress, and Sergt. Stafford made the presentation. The address is as fol lows . - To Scrgt.-Maj. James; We the un- dersigned sergeants of the 14th P. W. 0. KR. Regiment, knowing that you are about to leave this.country for your native land, after faithful service as gymnasium instructor at the Royal Military college, Canada's foremost. military institution, take this: oppor- tunity of showing by a small token that we are not unmindful of your ef- forts_to make us good soldiers. We were delighted with your' class in- struction and will rgnember in years to come, that had it not, been fcr your own military education, we would have been lacking in many respects. "Our association .with you has been with profit to ourselves, anl we hope that in the years to come, vou and vours will prosper and this cane while in hand will serve to bring back re- ccllections of the pleasant hours spent with friends in this good 'old Linie- stone City. Signed, . "Stali-Sergeants Crowe, Twigg, White, Band, J. Robinson; Color Sergts. KE. "Sleeth, W. G.: Davies; Pate- man, A. Jamieson, and Hamilton ; Scegts. W. Swain, H. Swain, F. Phil- Partridge R. Stafiord, F. Ludlow, Ba E. Béaupre, W: Moore, E. Manhard, James Twed- dell. H.'Ward, G. Birch, Pratchett and Moxley." hips, PF. A REGULAR FOXY QUILLER. ¢ Something Seems to Tell Me I'll Die Tuesday."--He Did. New York, July 3£--1 will die o the twenty-ninth of this month. { am just positive of it as L am th atl am here now. SGmethiag 3 to toll me. 1 feel it in my vones." Jules Anderson, a fish dealer at Bay Side, "Ib made this prediction about two weeks aco and died Tues- day in the evening just as he had foretold. Anderson was so convinced that the end would come as he pre- dicted that he sold his business: and property to save his wife the trouble. as M'ADAMS HAS APOLOGIZED. British Columbia Judges JRecom- mend His Release. Victoria, B.C., Aug. l.--It is under- stood that William 'Adams, com- mitted for contempt, is likely to re- main but a very short timé longer in jail. A written apology has been ten- dered by him to the judges for his at- tack on that body, and it has been accepted by their lordships, who have wired tp the minister of justice, ro- commending MacAdams' release. This will likely take place ina few days. 1s HAS BEEN FOUL PLAY. Thought a Captain has Been Made Way With. Detroit, = Mich., Aug. 1.--A Cleve- land+dispatch says iv is feared that Capt. Edward Gatfield, master of the steamer V. H. Ketchum) who has been missing gince Sunday afternoon, has met with foul play. Capt. Gat- field's home is at Amherstburg, Ont. He a son of Capt. William Gat- field. . the well-known vesselman of 5 Amherstburg. SAYLES-WEEKS WEDDING. Event Brings Three Anuiversaries on One Day. Watertown, N.Y.. Aug. 1.--Miss Te: Tena Bs Sayles, daughter of George N. Sayles, was married Thursday aft- ernooh to John NM. Weekes, no well: known 'business man. The wedding was on the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of the bride's grandparents, and the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of her parents. Off On A Swim. Dover. Ang. 1.--+Holbein, the swim mer, started at 5:40 o'clock vesterday in an attempt to swim the channel fromethe French coast to Dover. The con was in excellent condition. Hol- hein presented a vellow appearance, his hoay being covered with a nrepa- ration of oil and ® iodine. His were 'shaded with a mask. A tug, with his wife and sistqr-in-law on board, was neat shim to attend. to his feead- eves ing. Starves Herseli To Death. Ran. Francisco, Aue: 1.--After hav- ing fasted for ve days Mrs, Kath- erine T-Ball ini of a family hotel, dead of starvation. Mrs. Ball was fifty vears old and hefore her fast commnienced weighed 258 pounds. She undertook the fast for fifty days. Brigade Called out.® About eleven o'clock to-day the fire department was called to the residence {of a citizen named Graham, residing oh Colborne strest near Barrie. X coal dil stove exploded, but did not cause any damage. ma that are melons! large and plump. OF course there are lots small ohes. ut vou _dowtwant them. The best is the cheapest, and we have it. In California fruity pears, plums ana and Canadian- brown tomatoes, fresh at 'W. J. Crothers'. Misses Mae : Hawley, Mrs. N Gr, after visiting Watermelons pea hes! all Walker, Irene Mason, Mason and danght | friends here conta «ioral weeks, returned. to-day to their hous in Syracuse 2 ¥ A registered letter rived for the Yhic ning. twenty-five coven ante! 1s this post office or this irnal ? Poi ue haseball match scheduled for'-Lake Ontario ork thisafternoon, had to be can- onnt of wet grounds. Cc. general superinten- dent of the eaktern swivision of the Canadian Pacific 'RR., was expected in the-citv-this afternoon. ti le: celled on tac Spencer, I "By counsel Yum, in Chicago, Midget tics at Jenkins. THE AFFAIRS OF THE HOUR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. | Several cases of smallpox at Oswe- go. There are forty cases at the Roches- ter, N.Y., small-pox hospital. The total 'winnings of the Canadian Biclay tenn amount to £314 14s. oh" : President Roosevelt has accepted an invitation to visit Montpelier during the last week in August, A second regiment of 1,500 iniantrv and artillery has been sent to the Italian squadron at Tripoli. Further reinforcements are contemplated. Minister Wu will not leave Washing- ton for six months yet. The new min- ister will visit China before coming to this side of the ocean. Rev. Canon Matheson, Winnipeg, has been appointed dean of the Anglican diocese' of Rupert's Land, succeeding Rev. D. O'Meara, deceased. . Albert Sinclair, convicted of bur- glarizing . the store of George And=y- son, Weilman's Corners, has heen sen- ténced to nine months in the- Central prison. i The Birmingham Post states that the Kaiser has extended a pressing in- vitation to Gen. Lord Kitchener to visit Germany and to inspect the Ger- man army. 5 Miss Anna D. Collier, a school teacher, of Worcester, Mass., and Miss Jean Brown, Detroit, both summer guests at Bayside, Mass., were drown- el in the surf while bathing. The un- dertow -was responsible fop the acci- dent. re The Morgan shipping trust has of- fered to make Southampton the ter- minus for all perishable freight if the dock board will agree to widen the channel to thirty-five\ect "at Jow tide. The dock board is the matter. % Authorities on extradition were cit- in the Gaynor-Green case to-day. Justice Caron was not ready to render judgment on the mo- tions to quash the habeas corpus writs and the accused were again re manded until Sth instant. R. F. Sutherland, Windsor, member of parliament for North Fusex, was held up in his" home on Thursday night hy a burglar. He hurled a chair at the intruder's head, but the burg- lar escaped. Detroit detectives later arrested the man, and he will also be tried for robberies committed in St. Thomas. . Wo Chong, in Cleveland, and Tum were married on Wednesday night though hundreds of miles apart. At the same hour at- tendants combed the principals' hair and poured rose water on thei heads, and the ceremony was over Hin Lung, -Chicago, bought the girl in Omaha, and sold her to Wo for £500, Matinee Performance Good. The matinee performance of the Musical Carnival at the Grand Opera house yesterday afternoon was not largely attended, owing to the exces- cive heat and the abseice from the city of a great many Kingstonians *who' usually patronize such eyents. The programme put on consisted of the numbers presented on the two prez ious evenings, and they were splendidly executed. The audience voiced its appreciations in frequent ap- plause. The carnival has not been as well patronized: as it deserved. ---- The Veteran Laid To Rest, The funeral of 'the late James Woo- ton took place this afternoon from his late residence on: Queen street "to ('ataraqui cemetery. - The obsequies were conducted at the house, under the 'auspices of the Masonic order, as. was .alko the service of the Metho- dis church by Rev. Dr. Antlifi. A large number of prominent citizens walked in the procession, including » detachment from the Royal Canadian Field Artillery. -------- Will Proclaim 9th A Holiday. The mayor stated to-day that he would proclaim Saturday, ~~ August Oth--coronation day--as a public holi- dav and request citizens to observe the same, A number of the merchants would have preferrea to see the fol- lowing Monday observed instead. The mavor, along with a large number of citizens. decided. "it would be wise. to fall in line with the government, and proclaim Saturaay a holiday. Two Veterans Return. At noon to-day troopers E. Roberts and. Hatton, of the 5th C.M.R;, re: turned from South Africa. They. were passengers aboard "the troopship Ces- trian which landed at Halifax on Wed- nesday. The two veterans looked well- fironzed after their ocean voyage, burt were healthy and vigerous. At foar o'clock other returning veterans wno had been delayed on the road were dne 2 arrive. The Appeal Not Allowed, This morning the * appeal case of John H. Milli, against the decision of Police magistrate Duff, inflicting a fine of £50 and costs for interference with the license inspector ih pursuit of his was argued before Judoe Price The appeal was dismissed Mr. Mills will earry the appeals in Tor duties. in chambers without costs, case to' the court of onto. Banana Bargains. nicht at Carnovsky's "On Butter *Raturday the Corner." From 7.till '§ o-clock, good butter, 3 pomids for 5fc., and 15¢. bananas for 0 till 10 best in from S tf 9-o'clock, 10c¢. a dozen, and, from o'clock," 20¢. hananas or the our stores for 1c. a dozen. Cieneral Passenger Agent George E. Danicls, of the New York Central, with Mrs. Daniels and Miss "Daniels are guests of, Henry M. Folger: "To lav the party went on. a fishing cruise up the Jattoan channel on the steam wach" Viager: | They will remam in Kifgston a week. It is estimated that 'there were be tween 6.000 and 7.000 people at Mac donald park last evening to listen. to the band concert. These included manv who expressed - great" delight tourists, the excel at the beautiful pavk and lent music, how considering 1 x I" E. B. EDDY'S 0g LCT --_-- 'Matches is ..~, The best and most economical on the market. For sale by all the principal dealers. "Use Eddy's Toilet Papers. : Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. J. A.H PRY. Agent. ~ rap PA ans To-morrow, Saturday, WE WILL OFFER A An importer of Fine American Muslins found himself over-stocked and being anxious to turn part of the lot into cash, we secured over four thousand yards at a_prige below their ac- tual cost. As we are now just as anxious to turn the lot back into cash we have marked these .at a price you cannot afford to miss. gz Remember every pattern is new this sum- mer. BATISTE muslin about the weight and texture of a fine J . 8 ARE : White Grounds with Blue Designs, small and larga) Black Grounds with White Design. Linen. Colored Grounds with Blue or Green Designs ; a'so Fancy Col- The width is 81 inches. » oringi. The Regular Prices are 15c:, 18¢., 20c. Every Pattern New This Summer. | a | y Q YARDS MUSLIN | | $ 'Sale Price To-morrow 10c. Yard. Sale Opens at. 9 O'clock and Lasts All Day and Evening. BARGAINS | BARGAINS | THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE All Ladies' $1 50 Walking Shoes Saturday only $1.20 All Ladies' $1.50 Oxford Shoes NOW ....eeeeerens -$1.20 A lot of size a 3%, 4 Ladies' $1.50 Shoes down to.. 2) | A lot Ladies' Free Sample Shoes, Good Year' Welt Soles, all size, 4 at about. ..... i.» ee ees JESEH Price $4 Ladies' Patent Leather Lace Boots, now..... $2.50 + ", $3 Ladies' Patent Leather Low Shoes, now...... $2.00 $2.50 Patent Leather Lace Boots, now. .... vis $1.50 : Patent Ledther One Strap Shoes with. Bows wire SL 25 You know the early buyer has the best of it so come soon and come often. The BARGAIN TABLES are full of good things at speaking prices, but they're going fast. . Ladies' Ly F. G. Lockett. B ABBIT mid Metallic, : ~~ Hercules, Star. For all work, All grades. * They are the best. THE CANADA METAL CO. TORONTO, ONT.

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