I '0 UN EhidllPlllMMinMiEN'r' JlSN POSSHBLE REME- DIES m THE 1lN'rERNATllONAlL 1ii'liElLllDtir . f ,T 9399890 . 490*": to , '" 90$§JQ><9 '3) tl I) E Hence effevtive and lasting solutions must be sought in a field of which the dimensions As a rule, when reference is made to a world unemployment atteeting 25 or 30 minions of persons, only the inaction and the sufferings of the individual workment are taken into account and it is forgotten that the ti- gure must be multiplied by at least tive (so as to cover the family groups represented), in order to arrive at a just idea of the true proportion of the popu- lation which is today suffering from hunger and distress. V and alarming increase as, com- bined with the normal cyclical influences, there are others at work traceable to that scientific progress in the various industries whereby an increase of product- ion is accompanied by the un- emiiloyment of large masses 'of the working population. Hence unemployment is not only a re- sult, but also a cause of the ag- gravation of the world economic crisis, inasmuch as, by reducing the purchasing capacity of the working class, it renders more acute the maladjustment of pro- duction to consumption. The usual remedies of a na-iworking classes, thus mitigating tionail character have already, the effects of the terrible scour- been aNied on a more or Iesslge of unemployment up to the genecmus scale by a number of' point of elimination. It was governments; and among them however only at the time of the the most important are unem-lmeeting of the Council of the ployment insurance schemeS, the International Labour Office in estab11%ment of employment January 1932 that such a tho- bureaux and the organisation ot roughly "Italian" conception of public works. Despite, however, a form of "totalitarian" CO- all these well-meant efforts, the operation began to permeate in- number of unemployed persons, to the international public con- Justified his plea of urgency on science, even though in this case regarded from the world stand- it had only a limited objective, point, has shown a progressive] consistingin a duly regulated The earl for his special meet-) ing is based on a highly prac-i tical appreciation of the serious- gegs uirrthe y_tyttr,y?,l9_putrkt pro: bier svfitfg""1shtirfsiTiit'iiiriai field, that is to say, in that field whe- rein it is pre-eminently possible and desirable to take action with I a view to the discovery of "et'rul-) tive remedies policies on the parti ot individual States. I The Representative of Italy the grounds of the serious na- ture of present unemployment. His proposal was most favour- ably received and a special meet- ing of the Council has been call- ed to meet at Geneva on 21 September. " The proposal of the Representative of Italy is closely connected with the resolution adopted by the XVIth Meeting of the Conference whereby the Coun- eil was requested to consider the question of the in- troduction of the 40-hours week in all industrial coun- tries with a view to the adoption at an early date of international regulations in the matter. 1 the Administrative Council of the International Labour Office wrote on 25 July to the President of the Council and made formal request that the impor- tant question of the reduction of the length of the working day should be brought before an early meet- ing of the International Labour Conference. THE Representative of the Italian Government at the Administrativp Cmmm'] of tho Tneornsseinnstl ANNO XXVI No. 6 ":,0 ct PATRIAF - an fe I Such then was the position of the matter in January of the present year, a year which has been marked by a striking wor- lsening of the situation; at the, Isame time it is clear that a pro- posal of such vast magnitude [was made, not so much from the joint of view of providing im- _mediate remedies, as of setting (up a current of ideas which Would facilitate in the future the 'creation of a moral atmosphere (favourable to the realisation of such a policy. In itself the proposal is limit- ed to a request that the recom- mendations and enquiries of the Conference on the specific point of the reduction of working hours in industry in its relation I The same representative of ithe Italian Government main- !tained the necessity of finding Ian international solution of the problem at the Labour Conte- rence in 1925 and at the Ittter- national Economic Conference of 1927. The td11owing Labour Con- ference declared Kthat only the wqoréliatliiaollamllefla sgt,,ss,tiuyi,t,,s, countries which t 'iiriidiiiieg'tribii I ot the three fundamental factors of production -. land, capital and labour -- could be effective 'for bringing about any stability iin the world economic situation land in the conditions of the .working classes, thus mitigating 'the effects of the terrible scour- Ige of unemployment up to the I point of elimination. It was however only at the time of the (meeting of the Council of the International Labour Office in January 1932 that such a tho- roughly "Italian" conception of a form of "totalitarian" co- operation began to permeate in- to the international public con- science, even though in this case it had only a limited objective, To-day, however, it is neces- sary to initiate measures which can be rapidly applied and pro- duce equally rapid results. The proposal contained in the letter ot the Italian representative at the International Labour Office takes the immediate present deed as its fundamental justin- cation. _ i policy of public works carried out in the international tiield on the basis of agreed schemes. are My proportionate to the extension of the evil itself. Telefono: CReseent-8446 FONDATO NEL 1906 to the possibility of an extended re-entry of workers into employ- ment shall be speedily brought to a concrete issue. to the possibility of an extended detailed proposals. that the re-entry of workers into employ- i re opportune, a reduction in the ment shall be speedily brought coming Conference should make: to a concrete issue. lthat is to say, whether it may For the rest there is no limit- _ prefer to suggest a reduction in ation sate as to the practical and the length of the working day Suo Onore ii Sindaco di Montreal, Fernand Rinfret, ha ricevuto sabato mattina i rappresentanti dell'Uttione dei racchettieri intemazionali, ed ha loro consegnato 1e chiavi della cittit. Nel nu- meroso gruppo di cultori del bellissimo sport inverna non mancavano 1e rappresentanti delle sezioni femminili. ' La giovane Germania chiede il diritto alla vita. Ecco Hitler, nominato Cancelliere, con il suo stato maggiore e decine di migliaia di brane, pronto a ogni audacia per rialzare 1e sorti del paese. IN GERMANIA LA MAREA POLITICA MONTA I RACCHETTIERI AL PALAZZO DI CITTA' MONTREAL, SABATO, 11 FEBBRAIO 1933 - ANNO XI 'i' -ir-rrrr-rp-t-rr-r- 'i"ijii'i"ri,"r"ir""i"f"'i'iiii'- or, as eertainly apears to be mo- working week; whether it is pre- ferable to make general or par- tial suggestions according to the various types of industry, and (Seguito alla pagina 5)