Mr. MacLean, the reporter who always had some interesting details to tell about Tafari, such as what kind of underwear he wore and how well His Majesty, the Lion of Judah, could box, ect. . . . . . had often repe- gated that as long as there would be Ethiopians, no Italians would enter into Addis Ababa. Italian-Telegraph operators now occupy the office from which he wired all his trash. Fortunately Mr. MacLean, that 7nas- fer word-mincer, was, an unimpor. tant correspondent and his articles never went much further than the Toronto public. Had they ever be- came known in Italy, the Mare Aure- lio might have skyrocketed him into ridicule. While the curtain has fallen on the last act of the Geneva buffortery and the ridiculous play of sanction- ism has drawing to a close with diplomats wrangling over a formula which condemn il Duee's annexation of Ethiopia to Italy, the Fascist government is organizing the newly 'acquired Empire with the same ra- pidity and energy with which milita- ry operations were conducted. The world is still trying to explain Ita- ly's triumphant seven-month coloni- al campaign, which to the great regret of all the sworn enemies of il Duce, was concluded when Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Duke of Addis Aba- ba, thundered into the revolution- tornl capital of Ethiopia, at the head) of his 30.anile long motorized col- umn, and put an end to the last savage manifestations of Tafari's chaotic and barbarous kingdom. In a few years, the world will wonder how it was possible to systematize in so short period the political, ad- ministrative and economic lift of Ethiopia. If newspaper readers lend an ear to the same false prophets who fore- casted dismal failure for Italy's African army and who are now vati.. cinating the miscarriage of Italy's colonization plans, they are going to be disappointed once more. It may be uncharitable to speak about these false prophets of Haile Selassie, for they no doubt would prefer, to have their prophesies for- gotten. However, their wild stories which led public opinion astray and made of their authors the laughing stock oi sane people, are worth while recalling so as to make the reading public aware of the fact that their informers are either none to veraci- ous or quite incompetent to deal with certain problems they write about so glibly. prehenslon. He belongs to a class of FACILITAZIONI. AI TURISTI IN newspapermen whose downright dis, ITALIA honesty is only equalled by their Negii uffici di biglietti d'imbarco, pompous self-sufficiency.: Last Ja- o delle ferrovie, per i viaggiatori che nuary he wrote, supposedly from Ro- vanno in Italia, si vendono anche li- me, "I am the only newspaper man bretti di cuponi per gli hotels. I viag- in the world who has an inkling of giatori che arrivano in Italia, con la the contents of Mussolini's new de- esibizi-one di questi libretti, possono mands. These new demands were ottenere anche un oupone speciale lenient peace terms the Duce offered per acquistare la gasolina per l'au- to end the African war which was tomobile a un prezzo inferiore alla going not according to expectations". meta' di quello regolare. Agli stessi And he ended his article thus: "Be.. possessori dei iibretti di hotels si ac- fore the rainy season sets in, the cordano riduzioni ferroviarie fortis- two belligerents will be exchanging sime per i treni e altri mezzi di tra, views." Quite so, except that a sporto di prima classe. WOO."MQ"O"m90"OO"OOOOOOOOO¢OOO"OOW£ Then there is Van Paassen. How the Canadian public can still gulp down his platitudes is beyond com- prehension. He belongs to a class of newspapermen whose downright dis- honesty is only equalled by their pomgous self-sufficiency.,' Last Ja- nuary he wrote, supposedly from Ro- IL "EWING ITALtLt1A2qAINNm "'iooooo-ooo-ot-tooooootoottootoooooto.o" Angela's Hotei 144 CHESTNUT ST. Notes From A Canadian In Italy IN TWTO ll, CANADA SI PARLA ' By o. D'APOLL0NIA . 9845 dell'. A word about a certain Mr. A. C. Cummings who once said; comment- ing upon the Hoare-Laval peace proposals of last December, "Dicta- tor Mussolini was to be rewarded for his breach of morality and interns. tional law by more of Ethiopia than the Italian armies could hope to con- quer in three years." Five months after this assertion, Ethiopia belon- ged to Italy by right of conquest. We understand why Mr. Cummings has quit commenting about Italy and is now telling the Southam news.. papers what is going on in Germa- ny. We hope his comments on Ger... many will contain less guessing and prejudice . Every Sunday an army of wtek-l end travellers invade Venice. Last) Sunday over fifteen thousand exeur- sionists from all parts of Italy-Ro- me, Naples, Milan, from the little towns and hamlets of every region, arrived in the lagoon city, with lunch-baskets under their arms and cameras over their shoulders. Ele- we have often refieeted upon the slowness of people to thank editors for the favors which newspapers do for them. Individuals and organias tions are constantly asking for pub- licity to assist them in promoting various kinds of worthy causes. Space is the only commodity aside from circulation which publishers ha- ve to sell, and this is a fact which too many seem to forget, Some are even critical of the favorable notices which we give them and their pro- jects. A still greater number forget to make any acknowledgment of the courtesy extended to them. We have le mind a biblical instance of ingra- jtitude in which only one in ten was 1houyhtful enough to return with ithanks on his lips and in his face. As for Vernon Bartlett, we shall leave him with his illusions and con.. irietions that Mussolini's days are counted. Being in Italy, we know better. i month before the rainy season the Italian flag was flying from the top of the Imperial palace in Addis Aba- ba without any views being exehan- ged. We wish to draw the attention of our readers to the following editori. al which appeared in the Mail & Em- pire on Monday, July 27th and which speaks for itself: When Newspapers Do Favors For People TORONTO gant young ladies from the capital' mingle with simple country folk, andl Italians from the Abruzzi and Pie- monte lean over the two sculptured bronze fountain-heads in the coure. yard of the Ducal Palace. St. Mark's square is alive with people; the pige- ons eat corn till they. can hardly imove about. An endless procession of people rising like waves over the 1white bridges, move up and down the gRiva degli Schiavoni. The boats for the Lido are crowded. lee cream 'vendors are kept busy giving out cones among the happy, earedree crowds. Visitors climb to the top of the Campanile "of St. Mark or to the summit of the Torre dell'0rologio and take pictures besides the moors who strike the hours. The golden Basilica is filled with gaping, as- tonished crowds who are probably witnessing for the first time the mosaic covered vaults and domes of the richest church in the world. Young couples have their pictures taken on the Rialto, at the bridge of Sighs or in a gondola. The lagoon is dotted with white sail boats. Out. boards roar by in front of Isola San Giorgio and around the white ships of the Lloyd Triestino, anchored near the Piazzetta. Life, laughter, sun- shine, variety, music, beauty, blue skies, glittering marble palaces, bar. conies and gothic window-s decorated with gay flowers covered with ivy or wistaria, shaded by golden brown or blue and white awr1ings-this is Venice on a Sunday afternoon, when the "treni popolari" bring their ca, ravans of happy Italians, anxious to spend a day in the incredibly charming city of St. Mark. (From "The New York Times") From the heel of its boot to the sandy beaches of its Riviera, Italy is en fete for the resort visitor. Bimini, Pegli, Rapallo and the fas- hionable Lido are attracting many tourists. Smart fashion shows fe- aturing the latest in beach clothes, festivals and racing meets are the order of the hour in small as well as large watering places. Italy's lake region, too, is receiv- ing an unusual number of visitors for this season of the year. The fu- nicular from Lake Como up to Bru- nate is crowded with sightseers se- arching for panoramic views. Como and Lake Maggiore, always popular with the foreigner, are dividing 'honors with other lakes-Garda, d'Iseo and d'Orta. The 50 per cent reduction in rail rates to the lake region and ocean resorts has en- couraged tourists to visit many his- toric spots. Mentre stavano procedendo al ri- cupero di un battello traseinato set- timane fa dalle acque in piena delle caveme, che costituiscono il corso sotterraneo del Piuca, afcuni operai si accorsero di una grande fenditura, che si apriva a circa sei metri sul livello del fiume. La direzione delle RR. Grotte disponeva subito per l'e- splorazione, addivenendo cosi' alla scoperta di una nuova bellissima grotta, estendendosi a destra del cor- so del Pluea. _ La grotta é ricchissima di forma.. zioni calcaree e gareggia per la bel- lezza con la grotta del Paradise, ri- tenuta fino ad oggi la piu' bella del mondo. Si sta studiando ora la pos- sibilita' di costruire delle strade e delle gallerie, per renderla accessi- bile al pubblico. Con questa scoperta L'Italia che ha combattuto e vinto una guerra di civilta', che ha soste- nuto e respinto 6tto mesi di assedio economico, che ha dovuto e saputo imporsi una rigjda e salutare regola di vita individuale e collettiva, I'Ita- Lia offre oggi agli stranieri di mmi ua offre oggi agli stranieri di ogni parte del mondo la piu' larga e bene. fica ospitalita'. The pageant of illuminated sail.. ing' craft competing for the annual Larian prize will add to the gayety of Como's August season. Flower and fruit shows in the villages and excursions to well-known villas are part of the early Fall program in the hill towns. Una nuova importantissima SCO- perta é stata fatta in questi giorni a Postumia, nell'interno delle celebri Grotte. . . ~~~ "tr'"""'" il complesso sotterraneo di Postumia aggiunge altri due chilometri e mem. zo di grotte ai 28 finora conosciuti. Its Beach, Lake and Mountain Resorts Welcome the Visitor Italy's Season Gay 'UNA NUOVA GROTTA SCOPERTA A POSTUMIA Adesso S. E. Parini, direttore ge-. nerale degli Italiani all'Estero, ha inearieato Padre Salsa di un giro di assistenza religiosa nei campi estivi ove sono ospiti per il periodo delle vacanze i figli degli italiani all'este- ro, Egli si é dichiarato molto Iieto di compiere quest'altra missione fidata.. gli da Parini. , II valoroso cappellano, decorate e mutilate di guerra, ha fatto un vivo elogio del comportamento, del valore, dello spirito patrio e religioso dei vo- lontari di Parini, specie quelli prove- nienti dagli Stati Uniti. Il problema del carburante nazio- male, é ormai risaputo, non va consi- derato con carattere di provvisorie- ta', né studiato per contingenze im.. mediate ed improrogabili; ma come base di una nuova importante e ne- cessaria attivita' industriale del Pae- se. ROMA, 1. - E' ritornato in Italia reduce dall'Afriea Orientale, Padre Salsa, che fu a1 fronte Somalo, cap- pellano della Legione, coman-' data dal Console Generale Parjni, che era composta interamente di Ita- liani all'Estero. La Legione si copri' di glo- ria a Birgit e ad Hamanlei combat- tendo nella colonna del generale Frusci a1 centre dello schieramento delle forze del maresciallo Graziani. L'eceezionale momenta che l'Italia ha vissuto nei sette mesi di sanzioni ha portato alla ribalta della pia' viva attualita' questo problema, ma esso, ripetesi, era gia in diseussione da diversi anni poiché fa parte del com.. plesso e vasto piano studiato ed in grande parte realizzato dal Regime fascista per l'indipendenza economi- ca e, quindi politiea, della Nazione. Ed il problema dell'autonomia, com'é note, non é problems dell'ogg1 ma di sempre. ' _ Egg" Gli studi, le tricerehe, le reiii?zTaT. zioni industriali in questo settore tendono anzitutto a trovare dei ear- buranti che siano migliori, sotto de- terminati aspetti teenici, della benzi- na, ma sopratutto tendono a trovare prodotti che possano assicurare. in caso di bisogno, la sostituzione coin- pleta della benzina, indipendente- thente dal fattore economico. E di- oiamo di proposito, "indipendente- mente dal fattore economico", poiché nessun carburante succedaneo pu6 fin'oggi essere fabbrieato a prezzo Linferiore a quello della benzina. Il problema, dunque, é sorto molt. tempo prima della febbrile discussio- ne sanzionista e rimarra' di conse- guenza in tutta la sua importanza anche dopo chiusa l'assurda parente. si aperta dalla decisione ginevrina. La nuova Italia saluta nella don- quista africana la tetra che sara' la- voro, pane e fortuna. E saluta nelle leggi che si preparano ad immettere gli etiopici redentl nel granue cercmo della piu' civile realta' mondiale: la sapienza di Roma, che ha la missione secolare di creare, fra uomini e uo- mini, quei rapporti di pienezza mo- rale in cui la dignita' del vivere e il vigore delle opere diventano midollo di storia e luce di pensiero. (Arturo Fad.) Bastare A Noi Stessi IL CARBURANTE NAZIONALE WWWOWWWO m99999090990ooonouooooooonomoumomooom "oo-"-""--------...' PADRE SALLY Fra I Nostri Giovani Nelle Colonie Estive Locali ampi, fresehi e comodi che as. sicurano il conforto per famiglie, coppie, singoli, gruppi e per qualsiasi occasione. CARUSO 129 DAN FORTH AVE. CONFORTO is-e-res-re-es-""---"'-"-'""-"'""'-""- Eccellente cucina italiana, eanadese e francese, con una specialita' di dol- ei e pietanze rinomate per i buon- gustai. Judge-- "You are accused of shooting squirrels out of season. Is there any plea?" Nut-- Yessir, judge, I plead self-defense." ABITI LONDON CUSTOM TAILOR SYSTEM AD. 1754 Belvedere Restaurant Specialita' 'Di Ogni 'Genere P. Palange WATT! ITALIANE " 576 BAY ST. AD. 7782 CUCINA Dove Potete Gustare Con Poca Spesa I Veri FRATELLI FAZZARI Proprietari RESTAURANT e ICE CREAM PARLOR Un abito su misura per uomo 0 per donna, fatto con buon gusto, non vi costa piu' di quello che dovete paga- re nei negozi locali. Provateci alla prossima occasione. 18A TEMPERANCE ST. Per la vostra Famiglia, BU Oltre il piut perfetto servizio per i clienti, assieuriamo soddisf saion.e completa per banchetti, matrimoni, battesimi, feste private, ecc. SERVlZlO MISURA GE. 5885 Aperto ' giomo e notte 7 Agosto 1936 G. Guido $22 "gl