Ontario Community Newspapers

Il Bollettino Italo-Canadese, 6 Mar 1936, p. 8

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a la "i'"iiiiijii/'lii-ui tutti $"NWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' 9 Marzo- Anniversario del matrimo- nio di Giuseppe e Margherita Fat- tori. 10 Marzo-- Compleanno della signa- rina Vittoria Fontanella, Salvatore Cramarossa e Nicoletta Longo. Aarzo-- Compleanno di Caterina "rincipe. 12 Marzo--- Compleanno di Frances Lareschi. l3 Marzo-- Compleanno del Dott. P. Fontanella. cause it could not and did not remain vital and applicable in a world econ- omy more rigidly protectionist than any we have yet seen. May I quotes passage of a letter of Lord Cascoyne Cecil, Bishop of Exeter, in which he says: "The League of Nations is quite in the right lines, but its weakness is that it does not go far enough. I believe that Italy ought not to have been allowed to feel the necessity for expansion. In peace time we should be trying to build up the prosperity of our neighbours. And we should then find that that ended in our own prosperity". These are the real Christian words! Instead of that, what has the Le- ague of Nations done? And I cannot refrain from expres- sing my sorrow to find Canada ap- plying sanctions against Italy, sanc- tions which are dangerous because they can bring another world war, sanctions which at this moment have destroyed the Italo..Canadian Ctms merce, which, some months ago, the Governments of the two countries were taking steps to improve by means of a new commercial conven. tion. _ I will not go on to discuss the Ita.. lo.Abyssinia.n question. But it is im- possible not to be very grieved at the thought that the League of Nations is taking steps against Italy in order to save the last stronghold of slavery in Africa. They will create a new Great Wall between Nations; the economic liber. alism will become even more unrealiz. able and 11topian. The spirit of the Covenant will become even more dif- fieult to put into practice. Economic.. al wars between nations will become the rule. Sanctions, which cannot stop the Itahan enterprise in Eastern Africa. As you know, Italy refuses to ad- mit the judgment taken by the League of Nations against her, considered as illegal and iniquitous, and will stand with all her strength to oppose the effects of sanctions. We believe that international jus- tice must be the foundation of world peace, and that the League of Nati.. ons must be a body, whose dynamic activity should be directed to create the conditions of happiness of the peoples mostly by enforcing new re- gulation-s and proportional distributi- on of natural resources, and of man- dates for civilization purposes of lar- ge parts of the world, which are not yet civilized. We cannot understand a Society of Nations whose functions are to 1se the watch-dogs for the 1Uv4sNations. Misunderstandings ate sometimes necessary for a better understanding. And my wish is that Britain and Italy might very very soon be united again as they have always been through. out their history. It is only a question of keeping in- tact the deep sentiment which is in every English and Italian and to revive reciprocal confidence. 1L ' BtitLLWilTW0 lTALOJCANAzDME Un gruppo di signore ha deciso di tenere per martedi , 24 marzo, 1a se- ra alle 8.30, nella sala di St. Agnese, uno "Seopa Party", per raccogliere i fondi a pro delle O. G. I. E. 11 prez- zo per il biglietto é stabilito a 35 sol- di, per6 a tutti gl'intervenuti sara' servito un ricco buffet e fra i parte.. cipanti verrazmo mama sci ballis- simi premi. _ L The Canadian people is in the best place to cooperate in this undertak- ing for the sake of civilizing man. Consul General At C. of C. Meeteng ( (continued from page 1) SCOPA PARTY 11 Mesa di Mano Dedicate a St. Giuseppe Dopo 1a divozione a Gesa' e a Ma,. ria, non v'hé nella chiesa nessun'altra divozione piu' salutare e piu' eccel- lente di quella di St. Giuseppe, sposo di Maria SS., e padre putative di Ge- su'. II miglior modo di onorare i San- ti é quello di imitate 1e loro virtu'. Avviciniamoci dunque a, questo esem- plare d'ogni virtu', e fissiamo 1e no.. shre attenzioni sopra quelle, che dob- biamo riprodurre in noi. S. Gidseppe é patrono e modello dei padri di famiglia. Padri di tami.. glia, guardate dunque a S. Giuseppe e imitatelo: domandategli la sua as- sistenza per govemare santamente le vostre famiglie; chiedete i suoi aiuti, affinché regni sempre tra 1e pareti il buon esempio, Pordine, la disciplina, la pace, la concordia, 1a earita'. Che 1e vostre famiglie siano come éuella di Nazaret! Nelle ore tristi della sventura fate ricorso a S. Giuseppe. In certe congiunture intime di fami- glia, p. e. quando i1 cuore é amareg- giato, quando i figliuoli vi creano dei grattacapi, quando gli affari non van- no a secondo dei vostri desideri. . . . . jallora, "Ite ad Joseph." S. Giuseppe é modello dei lavorato- ri. Buoni operai! che guadagnate Es. ticosamente i1 sostentamento della vi.. ta, i1 pane quotidiano, guardate anche voi a Giuseppe, e prendetelo come v0- stro speciale protettore. Anch'egli lavor6 ogni giomo per mantenere Gesu' e Maria; ma ha saputo santifi.. care il lavoro affrendolo a Gesu', fa.. oendolo per amor di Dio, sopportando S. Giuseppe é patrono e modello do. gli infermi e dei moribondi. . .. La malattia, veduta cogli occhi della fe- de, é una grazia, un done, una visita di Dio. Ma é anche una prova formL dabile, di fronte' alla quale molti e molti cristiani soccombono. Quando si prolunga, fa nascere lo sbigotti. mento, pol la triatezza, 1a malinconia, l'impazienza, 1e mormoraziom', le la, mentele, e. . . . diciamolo pure franca- mente. . .. anche 1e imprecazioni e 1e bestemmie. . . . Cari ammalatl! Avete bisogno di coragg'io, di pazienza, di conforto e di fidueia? Date uno sguardo inmmzi tutto a1 Crocefisso, e con pazienza e con rassegnazione, tutte 1e fatiche, 1a poverta', 1e priva- zioni. Santificate ancor voi il vostro lavoro, pregate S. Giuseppe che vi ottenga la grazia e la necessaria for- za di schivare quei vizii che attirano si tante maledizioni sul capo degli o.. perai: l'ignavia, il libertinaggio, lo spirito di rivolta, i1 giuoco, la bestem,- mia, il turpiloquio, l'ubbriachezza, il furto, ecc.... Quando si lavora da buoni cristiani, ogni mestiere nobilita, santifica ed é mezzo per acquistare la felicita'. poi aha. Madonna Addolorata, final.. meme ricordatevi di S. Giuseppe. lil' pieno di bonta', di compassione, e non mama mai soccorrere coloro che Yin- vocano con fiducia. Quanti ammalati sono stati da lui consolati e anche guariti! De) moribondi. . .. Tutti noi dob.. biamo fare questo passe, che chiama- si morte. . .. "O momenta terribile in eui dipende yeternita'." Come morre. mo noi? Tutti noi invidiamo la san.. ta morte di S. Giuseppe, assistito in quel supremo istante da Gesu' e da Maria. Ebbene se la vogliamo, pas- siamo ottenere un'eguale felieita'. Siamo buoni, siamo fedeli ai propri doveri, siamo santi in vita, ad imita- zione di S. Giuseppe. Siamo sempre fedeli alle grazie del Signore, amia.. mo Gesa' e Maria, amiamo il nostro prossimo ,come noi stessi. "Ibe ad Joseph." Andiamo dunque a S. Giuseppe. Padri di famiglia. . . . '"Ite ad Joseph", andate a S. Giusep- pe Egli v'insegnera' a compiere con fedelta', con costanza e religiosita' tutti i vostri doveri. Operai. . .. "Ite ad Joseph", andate a S. Giuseppe Egli V'insegnera' a santifieare i1 lavoro, le vostre priva- zioni, 1e vostre pene, e a convertirvi in altrettanti meriti pel cielo. Giovani e gimme.... "Ite ad Jo- seph", 'vi aiutera' e v'imsegnera' a serbare intatto il giglio della purezza. Peccatori.... Sit. anche voi, "Ite ad Joseph", vi aiutera' a spezzare 1e catene del vostro servaggio e a con.. vertirvi sinceramente. Andiamo tutti da S. Giuseppe. Sia- mo devotissimi a lui. Ci ttiutera' nei nostri bisogni. Facciamo ricorso a Lui mi nostri bisogni temporali e CHIESA di S. AGNESE Betta dai Padri FRANCESCANI Tutti noi dob.. spirituali. 11 caro santo ei difendera' d'ogni sorta di pericoli - ei aiutera' a vivere da santi in term, e a fare una buona e santa morte. Abbiamo per S. Giuseppe una divozione Spe- ciale, offriamogli ogni giorno della nostra breve vita qualehe preghiera, e ei fara' meritare il beato paradise. Ogni mattina dopo le messe duran- te i1 mesa di marzo preghiere a S. Giuseppe. _ Sabato scorso, 29 febbraio, alla Messa cantata di Requiem alle 9 nel- 1a chiesa di S. Agnese funerale del fu Umberto Pagliaro. Funzioni durante la Santa Quaresi- ma nella chiesa di St. Agnese: Do.. menica 7.30, preghiere e Benedizione del SS. Sacramento; martedi sera 7.30 predica in inglese e Benedizione; Devozione di S. Antonio a1 mattino e alla sera; mereoledi 7.30 P.M., predica in italiano e Benedizione; ve- nerdi dopo pranzo alle 3.30 Via Cru,. cis per i fanciulli della scuola, alla sera alle 7.30 Via Crucis per gli a- dulti e Benedizione. Avvisiamo che ogni Martedi e Gio.. vedi alle 4 P. M. nella scuola di S. Francesco catechismo per i ragazzi che frequentano la scuola pubbliea. Rieordino i genitori del grave obbligo d'istruire i loro fanciulli nella santa religions. In St. Agnes Hall Bazaar and Drawing March 10th. 8 o'elook for benefit of church. lc. G. Power, Ministro Federale delle Pensioni e della National Healt, non- ché altre notabilita'. L'on. Power Si i,eongratul6 col nostro oratore e gli disse, fra l'altro: "mi congratulo con lun figlio discendente dalla tetra di A well attended meeting of thel Holy Name Society of Mount Carmel; Church was held in the sacristy last Sunday. The meeting was very en. thusiastic and upon the termination of ordinary business, an election of officers was held with the following results: Joseph A. Cosentino, Presi.. dent; Joseph Leo, Vice-president; An- gelo F'ierro, Secretary; Vincenzo Co... sentino, Treasurer; Prank Glionna and Salvatore Merlocco, Marshalls. The next assembly will be held on Sunday, April 5th. A more detailed notice will be given out by the secre- tary in due time. I NOSTRI GIOVANI PATRIOTI Sotto gli auspici della "Soeieta' del- la Lega delle Nazioni" di Toronto, un'associazione locale, il giovane stu,. dente universitario Francesco Molina.. ro, dietro invite ricevuto,'1unedi pros- simo, 9 Corrente., terra' una conferen- za sulle "fond6zioni storiche, eeor10- miche, politiche e etiche del li'ascisq1o d'Italia", trattando in maniera specis. Ie 1e giuste aspirazioni nostre per una espansione e il eonflitto italo.. etiopico. II giovane oratore parlera' anche degl'ingenti lavori pubblici e lo sviluppo italiano dal 1922 ad og- Cristoforp Colombo e Giovanni Cabo.. ,to"._, 7 V , . A Lo stesso Molinaro ad un dibatti. mento nell'Art House della Universi- ta' di Toronto, mercoledi della scorsa settimana parl6 del contributo italia- no a1 Canada, della cordiale amicizia fra 1e due nazioni e della civilta' di Roma. Tra i presenti notammo l'on. MT. CARMEL HOLY NAME OFFICERS ELECTED Avv. Joseph Cosentino Pres. del Santo Nome The unexpected happened last Sun.. day-our president, Vie Bagnato, missed his first meeting. Not Jmow- ing at what time he would show up, the boys got under way with the re- ading of a statement of our dance, which proved very encouraging to the members. Returns were made and the executive was able to enter all ex.. penses and the profit for the affair. I Last week the members asked their friends if they would purchase tickets for the big dance we contemplate tholding. A cheek-up revealed the ple- asing fact that more than we expect- ied would attend. Now that we know how we rate nothing but success can {be ours. Many thanks to those who helped make our dance a success. The or- chestra was fully appreciated, judg- ing from the disappointed look of the dancers when the affair drew to a close. Members, a few of you have not yet made returns for the dance. We urge you to get this matter cleared up before next Sunday. We leave it to the dance committee to decide. Next Sunday, March 8th, is the second Sunday of the month. It is the day on which the Club Royal re- ceives Communion in a body. Every member is requested to be present at the 10 o'eloek Mass at St. Agnes church. Do not fail, boys! Another definition of a bachelor is a man who doesn't make the same mistake once. Two small boys, who had been fighting off and on throughout the evening, were eventually sent up to "And don't forget to say your prayers", said the mother. There, was a short silence and then me of the boys called out: "Mummie, will you come up and speak to Jim,. my? He keeps on asking God to bless me and then says things under his breath." A young man coarteously offered his seat in the street car to a lady passenger. As the car started jerkily, he lunged forward clutching wildly for a strap, His hand closed firmly on the nearest one, which happened to be already held by a young lady. Looking up the charming young species of the weaker six, said: "Evi.. dently we must hang together." The young man, looking down at the owner of the little band, replied: "Capital punishment." At the last competition held for the prettiest nose in Paris, France, hun.. dreds turned up. In altra parte del giornale pubblichia- mo notizie relative alla soeieta' di as- sicuraziom' "PRUDENTIAL", per la quale il connazionale Rocco Grittani costituisce una forte eolonna fra gli agenti ed é il solo rappresentanbe ita- liano per Toronto e vicinati. UN CONNAZIONALE CHE SI FA STRADA Rocco Grittani si sta facendo una strada quale agente di assicurazioni e ei6 si deve parte alla sua abilita' e parte al fatto che rappresenta una compagnia che é fra 1e pia', e forse 1a piu' quotata per le assicurazioni di ogni specie: vita, fuoco, matattia, in. fortunio, ecc. ' ll successo della eompagnia si ri,. cerca nel fatto che i profitti vengono ripartiti fra i detentori di polizze per cui tutti gli assicurati sono azionsti della comptrgttia stessa. Basti cenna- be che per il 1936 le polizze per l'asi- sicurazione a vita hanno ricevuto un dividendo di $23.00 per mille e quelle a dotazione un dividendo di $20.00. Rocco Grittani, che ha il piacere di rippresentare una compagnia di pri- ma classe, sa fame tesoro ed in poco tempo é riuscito a costituirsi una clientela per cui spesso riesce a gua- dagnare premi e speciali eneomi fra il numeroso grup-po di agenti, sia per la citta' di Toronto che per tutto l'ontario. Sempre avanti e sempre meglio, e noi ci rallegreremo il giomo non Iontano in cui lo vedremo enter... gere a capo di tutti gli agenti. CLUB ROYAL When Noah sailed the ocean blue, He had his troubles same as you He drove and drove and drove his ark Until he found a place to park Schedule For Next Week Monday, March 9 West Ender vs. Spows Tuesday, March 10 Pellettiers vs. Venetians Wednesday, March 11 Columbus Coal vs. Roberts Thursday, March 12 Angelo's Hotel vs. Squakers Our St. Patriek's day dance is the only Lenten activity scheduled for the Circolo Colombo. This day is conven. tionally set aside, as it were for the dear old Irish. However, being that our Club is located on the premises which were formerly known as St. Patrick's school, situated what's more on St. Patrick street, and finally that so many good Irishmen belong to our club, we have decided to join the St. Patrick day festivities by holding a real St. Patrick dance under the Cir- colo Colombo's genial hospitality and cordiality. F Do you remember our New Year's party? Well, the committee promises to duplicate that jovial event with a. St. Patrick dance on March 17th. 'ihis affair is really a forerunner to that stupendous Easter Monday ball which is held annually under the aus- pices of the club. Incidentally, the Easter Monday dance is again being directed under the chairmanship of our past president, Angelo Teolis. With this selection, the dance is as- sured of its usual success. The big-. gest and best dance of the year-and remember our St. Patriek's dance promises to be a miniature Easter Monday ball. Our regular bi-monthly bridge and scope. was held in our club-rooms last Monday evening and, believe it or not, the games actually commenced on time. The committee, heaaed by Jos. Po- nesse and Dr. Scandlffio, were some- what disappointed with the attendan- ce which was only fair. However, this may be due to the time of season and we expect our regulars back in the fold for our next event of the kind which is set for March 16th, the night before our St. Patrick Day dan, ce. The prize winners last week were: bridge, Mr. E. Pellettier and Mrs. Perilli; for scopa, Mrs. G. Grittani and Don Romanelli. The lucky prizes kind which is set for March 16th, the John Marani, house committee night before our St. Patrick Day dam. chairman, and our jovial president, 'ce. Joseph Piccininni, have again gone The prize winners last week were: on their annual liquid diet for the bridge, Mr. E. Pellettier and Mrs. Lenten season. We hope that their Perilli; for scopa, Mrs. G. Grittani perseverance lasts throughout the se- and Don Romanelli. The lucky prizes ' ason in this act of self..denial. mooooowwvowooooo"oooowoooowooooooooowmo §SOSSIN'S PHARMACY 'oo-ooo-e-ot-oe., Pellettieri . . . . Columbus Coal Venetians . . . . Angelo's Hotel Spows .......' Squakers . . . . _ Roberts ...... West Enders . Falagario Giuffré High 3 Games For Team Pellettieri ................ 3680 High Team For March: Angeio's Hotel........... March 17th is the first date. Gala Event Planned For St. Patrick Day " e1 ti,rufiilltiC1r,r,s, clRC0L0 (iv',).'),':,.);',;),):'-,'::-.-,,-), i, COLOMBO 'liaitiititgf ll vostro dottore raccomanda Illt la " FARMACIA SOSSIN Noi portiqmo subito a domicilio Dundas and Bathurst Sts. " Toronto Nel Standing N01 ABBIAMO ON DISPENSARIO MODERNO Bridge and Scopa per prescrizioni accuratamente e propriamente preparate. High 3 Games High Single WA. 4341 March 6 . . 3503 374 We). 44 43 38 38 35 33 29 15 were drawn by Mrs. Mary Moth and Mr. Hall respectively. The younger element of the club and colony is conspicuous by its absence at these affairs. We are sure, however, that with a little per- suasion they could be induced to at. tend these parties, and most certainly enjoy them. Folks, we are appealing to you. Please co-operate. Notes and Comments This year being Leap Year, many of our fair young ladies are con- templating dating up their boy fri- ends for the St. Patrick dance. Yes sir, she will call for you with her car and to the Circolo you shall go for I real night's fun! The Lenten season is the time of mortification and self.denial for our members and their good friends. Ma.. ny are planning for the conventional respite allowed on the 17th. This is the Irishman's day end surely 1" Irish should celebrate. Tickets for our St. Patrick ar dance will be ready for distribution by the end of the week. Same may be obtained from R. Polite or any club member. How many? The subset. tion for this gorgeous Irish night is only fifty cents. The West Enders, a group of ener.. getie young men, bowling in our league this year, have assured us of their support and are bringing a lar.. ge delegation representative of the Crowe's Beach crowd. Incidentally, we are sorry to he! that this group of fine bowlers ha dropped out of the league. They have been informed that the season has been extended for five and s half weeks and we trust that this will ma.. ke them re-consider their decision to withdraw. _ . The Wednesday and Friday Night- ers, composed of the ladies' bowling team, have promised their full co. operation for our party on the 17th by attending in a body in typical "Erin go bragh" style. Thanks ' million, girls! ' The teams in our bowling league are so closely bunched together that anything is liable to happen. Even the teams with a lower standing havi a chance to get into the p1arofad Do not become disheartened, boys, you all have . chance to annex the championship. Recently the doors of our club.. rooms have been kept locked to bers in arrears. This method]: proved a boom for the Cireolo because many of our good members are now keeping up-ta-date with the pay, ment of their dues. At the last meeting of the fxeeu- tive held on Sunday afternoon it was unanimously decided to hold our an- nual bazaar in our spacious club- rooms on April 30th, May lst, 2nd and 4th. Definite arrangements will be made within a week when we shall have more details for you. _ Bazaar at Circolo ' Marap ' i

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