Favored by the ladies. and their boys as leading aimmftsarmaments "stocks are Rolls-Royce, Fairey and Hawker-Siddeley. Last week Rolls- Royce was so preoccupied with pro- ducing aircraft engines that swank motorists eager to plank down L1,850 ($9,250) for the new 12-cy1inder Rolls-Royce "Phantom III" were told that they cannot expect delivery be. fore February 1937. Se vedesse i nostri bravi soldati, con quale felicita' partono per la nuo. " meta, come ne gioirebbe. Non 1e nascondo che a riguardo dtlle sanzio- ni e'é stato un po' di aumento sui pro- dotti importati, che poi se me vedo- no pochi; ma che hanng sirinto molto lo syiluppo e la vendita dei nostri prodotti, messi sul mercato a prezzi vamtagiosissimi. Le assicuro Caro Ma. ri, e cié glielo dico sinceramente, in Italia si sta molto meglio dell'Ameri- ca, tutti lavorano, stanno allegri, guerra e sanzioni sono per il popolo italiano cose da nulla; e quanto i gior- nali americani pubblicano per Wtalia sono fandonie dette in proposito, per- ché suscitate da invidia e generosa. gelosia. La guerra poi é concepita, come um neeessita' e il parteciparvi per il po- polo italiano é un dovere sacrosanto e non 1e nascondo che esso parte con orgoglio e con disciplina. Even more spectacular has been the jump in shares of British ship- yards, recently down and out, now all set to build warboats. The disgusted 'Daily Herald', after first severely warning its Labor readers that they will probably lose their shirts if they jump into the market now, tantaliz.. ingly explained that a nest egg of Mio cam Mari, Lascio a lei immaginare, sentirsi nella propria tetra, sentirsi libero dal- le proprie azioni, respirare quell'arigr 1mieamentt italiana, ammirare quei panorami, quelle bellezze proprie no. stre, decantate dalle piu' grandi men- talita' internazionali. Superfluo poi, descriverle l'entusia- smo de1 nostro popolo che non smen. tisce 1e sue tradizioni. This, if anything, increased the boom, and London Stock Exchange gigolos--the well-bom Young Eng- lishmen with wealthy women friends who get 5% commission on orders they put in the way of regular bro.. kers--were chided by the financial editor of Lord Beaverbrook's patriotic 'Daily Express'. Wrote he: "r hear that the 'half commission boys' in the West End are speculating in aircraft shares on behalf of their clients, the ladies. This is always a bad sign." LA VOCE DEGLI ALTRI Le comunico, riservandomi inviarle una parteeipazione ufficiale in segui- to, che ho deciso sposare in Aprile, Lei ricorda, sia attraverso pubbli/ cazioni, sia anche per una sua special 1e esperienza in quale state era ,stata lasciata 1a Sicilia o meglio il meri- dionale; adessq ineredibile, é difficile riconoscere 1e condizioni in generale delle suddette regioni, strade, scuole, palestre, servizi di communicazioni interne, sfruttamento delle regioni ineolte, imboschimento di tenute ab. bandonate per decade e decade, aiuti finanziari anche da parte dei comuni e dal Governo, sono stati i problemi risolti, che di piu' mi hanno meravi- gliato. [ and "It advice . E' difficile per tutti quanti vivono all'estero, vagliare tutti ei6 che i1 Fascismo ha fatto per 1'Italia. 11 no.. stro amato Duce con la sua forza, castanza, volonta' e more per la sua. tetra, ha saputo dare all'ItaIia una nuova vita, un nuovo destino, um. nuova meta. Ed ecco perché egli vie.. ne adorato dal suo popolo, i1 quale con infinita gioia attende paziente- mente un eventuale suo richiamo. _British armament shares were bo- oming at such a rate last week that Labor's irate, pacifist London 'Daily iferald' was able to cite 13 leading is. sues which have risen an average of 207% since His Majesty's Govern- ment started the boom with their $1,500,000,000 program of new arma- ments. Urged to dampen this specu- lative rise by promising that His Majesty's Government will by law curtail armorers' profits, Prime Mi... nister Stanley Baldwin said: "Great as the power of government is, I am in"; Le ean't control the speculator, and it would do no good to give him 2iiiilarnd2i-uroreirgn Policy "BAO SIGN" ENTUSIASTO DELLA NUOVA ITALIA IL BOLL1iyPNN0 1TAL0UJANAD1WE I The grand total is $35,000,000 spent Eduring the past seven months for Pspecia1 measures" undertaken by 'Viscount Monsell, First Lord of the Admiralty, War Secretary Alfred Duff Cooper and Air Secretary Vis- count Swinton solely because of (Eden Diplomacy." All three Minis. lters rose in the House to ask still mo- (re money for their departments. Me. anwhile last week Foreign Secretary Eden replied to the recent Italian note in which Ambassador Dino Grandi argued that the British naval demon- lstration in the Mediterranean is not ijustified under any part of the Le- Da una, lettera che il signor Dome- nico Viggiani, della Ditta Pasquale Bros, riceve dal suo amico Camicia Nera Vito Rella, seritturale presso i1 Tribunale Militare dell'Eritrea, ad Asmara, stralciamo alcuni brani che danno un'idea chiara dell'alto morale delle tale : Qualehe volta se crede mi mandi delle copie de 'il Bollettino' che io leg- gevo con tanto piacere. Le assicuro sinceramente che apprezzavo tanto il suo giomale, sia per l'abbondanza delle notizie in generale, sia per i soggetti di politica intemazionale che lei con lueidita' di vedute trattava ot- timamente bene. "ll clima dell'Afriea g sopportabi- lissixno. Ci troviamo ad oltre 200ir metri dal livello del mare. Di giorno' il caldo pu6 paragonarsi a quello del.. l'Italia, di notte per6 fa assai freddo ed abbiamo bisogno di due coperte. Il morale delle Camieie Nere é altis- simo. Sono sicuro che con lo spirito di sacrificio di cui sono dotati i 301. dati della Rivoluziome Fascsita noi dimostriamo al mondo che 1'Italits di Mussolini non indietreggia di fronte alle ridicole minacce di nazioni che sono destinate a tramontare, e procea de innanzi forte ed orgogliosa, sieura lieu, fedelta' dei suoi figli e dell'eroL ismo sconfinato di cui essi sono capa- ci. La Vittoria arridera' certamente e le armi italiane saranno consacrate a piu' fulgide vittorie future, rendendo.. si degne delle Legioni Romane di quei 'tempi che avevano sottomesso tutto il mondo allora eonosciuto. La sua opera di patriottismo, see.. vro d'interessi personali, é stata sem- pre da me apprezzata e con entusia- smo elogiata. 'Sempre cosi' Mari, por-. ti sempre alto il nostro name e la no- stra fede, vada sempre avanti con ar- goglio e degno dell,a nostra origine. Umberto Invidiata The boldest stroke of British policy since the War is the "Eden Diploma- ey" of His Majesty's Government in filling the seas around Italy with warboats and naval aircraft. This cramming of weapons into the Me.. diterranean had the effect of making the League of Nations loom big with new prestige because at Geneva hand- some young Anthony Eden gave the' impression that if only a few more chips were knocked off the League's shoulder by Italy then Britain would fight. Last week the Mediterranean was still full of British warboats when the House of Commons was startled to learn that the cost of such "Eden Diplomacy" is $160,000 per day. non so la data, forse il 15 o il 18, ad ogni modo lo informer6 in proposibo. Se ne renderanno conto i biondi pa- ladini dei negri e se me pentiranno per aver ostacolato, per quanto i 1oro 0. stacoli che si sono frapposti ai no- stri disegni non ci hanno per niente impressionato. E' riuscito solo a pro- vocare lo sdegno di noi italiani e far- ei accorrere piu' numerosi ad ingros- sare le imponenti falangi dei volonta... ri di guerra." "Ad Asmara i negozianti si stanno arricchendo e non esagero se ti con.. fesso che qualeuno si fa milionario". In excited political circles talk was veering around from the urgent rw. mors a fortnight ago that "Bumbler Baldwin" could not much longer re- main Prime Minister, to the opposite notion that the Arms Boom is creat. ing an elated situation in which, no matter what he does or says, he will be as popular as Herbert Hoover was in 1928. ' $2,500 invested one year ago in three ship-building and two aircraft stocks would today have become a tidy little fortune of $25,500. PIGS IN POLICY L'Altd Morale Degli Italian) in AFRICA nostre truppe nell'Afriea Orien- "Can we afford dangerous Mr. Eden with the European situation rapidly deteriorating? At a time when it is absolutely vital that we should have at the Foreign Office a. Minister whose coolness and diseretL on-qualities which Mr. Eden's gre- atest admirers will not claim for him ---go hand in hand with detachment, experience and a profound knowledge of the mind and temper of his own and other nations, is Mr. Eden the man for the job?" "We have seen our ancient friend- ship and our valuable trade with Ita.. 1y disappear, never to return. Who knows what else W. Eden is up to? Who knows what meddlesome trouble Public Liability No. 1 is hatching in the seclusion of the Foreign Office? What may he not be saying to this Ambassador or that? What folly or danger is there into which the egocen- tricity of a somewhat superior person with no discretion and a sharp tongue cannot plunge us? "This bribing of other nations to blockade Italy economically in the name of the League of Nations is a. gross and unprecedented breach of the laws of neutrality," continued London's 'Evening News'. "The Gar.. den of Eden, as everybody knows, was ruined by a snake. The saactioneers' Eden, it would appear, is to be saved by a pig-and a Yugoslavian pig at MATTER FOR INDIFFERENCE. _ Meanwhile at the Foreign Office last' week Anthony Eden faced the start-i ling fact that Benito Mussolini had somehow obtained and made public in Rome a confidential report to the British Government on the Ethiopian situation made last June by six ex- pert British civil servants: two from the Foreign Office and one each from the Admiralty, Air Ministry, War and Dominions Offices. These experts were chairmanned by Sir John MU.. fey and the official character of the document was so self-evident that the British Foreign Office. was eonstra.. timed to admit its genuineness, altho- iugh deprecating it as "old". "PUBLIC LIABILITY No. L" Me- anwhile in several London newsor. gans deep rumblings in regard to Anthony Eden had begun. The In.. dependent Conservative 'E v e n i n g News' called him roundly "PUBLIC LIABILITY NO. I" and remarked that His Majesty's Government are "bribing" the Government of Yugo- slavia to "pretend" to support Sane- tions by more than doubling the num,. ber of Yugoslav pigs permitted under British quota restrictions to be sold in the United Kingdom weekly. 1y similar in character and portent to those before 1914," he went on to point the Conservative moral that "whichever course events may take, one element which appears essential for every course is that Great Britain: must be shrong". 1 As for Sanctions, Mr. Eden expls. ined, "there has com? to be attached to oil sanctions in certain quarters something of a symbolic quar1ty.'... To my mind oil is a sanction like any other." P The gist of the report by Sir John Maffey & experts was that absolutely no occasion would exist for filling the Mediterranean with British forces, even in the event of successful com quest by Italy of Ethiopia. In the dry and dispassionate words of Sir John Maffey & Experts: "From the viewpoint of imperial defense an in.. dependent Ethiopia is preferable to an Italian Ethiopia but the threat to British interests seems very remote and would become real only in the event of war between Britain and Ita- 1y, which is an eventuality that pre- sently seems very improbable. ague Covenant and asked His Majes ty's Government how they' account for their "unilateral action" which Italy protests. P.'s to ask him whether His Majesty's Government are in earnest about so- oner or later screwing up the League of Nations to the point of hurling re- ally drastic Sanctions against Italy. In his first formal speech to the House of Commons since he became Foreign Secretary, Mr. Eden this week left this point unsettled but he gave most of his time to an ingrati- ating sales talk for the League of Nations. Exclaiming sorrowfully that "eighteen years after the war to end war, we find ourselves confron- ted with the same problems dreadful- Replied the British Foreign Office last week to Ambassador Dino Gran- di: "Mr. .Eden has the honor to in. form His Excellency that. . . . . . His Majesty's Government. . . . do not feel that any useful purpose would be ser- ved by prolonging the correspondence on the subject." This indication that Mr. Eden fa, vors maintaining the tension between Britain and Italy spurred Labor M. "The chief British interest in "No vital British interests exists in Ethiopia or its neighborhood suffici- ent to oblige His Majesty's Govern., ment to resist a conquest of Ethiopia by Italy. Italian control over EtihL opia would from some viewpoints be advantageous for Britain. . . . . From certain other viewpoints it would not. Speaking in a general sense, as far as local British interests are concer. ned, it is a matter of indifference whether Ethiopia remains independ. ent or is absorbed by Italy. . . . JOHN-. Non darti pensiero: la So.. cieta' delle Nazioni legalizza tutti i miei contratti. "By (the Treaty of 1906) His Ma- jesty's Government recognized almost the whole of Ethiopia as pertaining to the Italian sphere of influenee." REAL REASONS? Rome's sensa.. tional news break of the Maffey Itts port had the effect of sharpening in Landon the question of why Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin and his National Government ever embarked on a policy which is costing millions for "a matter of indifference." A double hypothesis considered widely in London to fit the facts last week was: 1) To create a British Bea- re which would enable the Conserva.. tive Party to win the general elets. tion, Party Boss Baldwin simply til.. led the Mediterranean with warboats; 2) The Mediterranean is being kept full of warboats to perpetuate the scare at least until the Chancellor of the Exchequer gets through the House of Commons the great pro- gram of $1,500,000,000 for increas- ing British armaments which last week had London's stock market in the flood tide of a Munitions Boom. Challenged again and again to give a frank accounting of the real reasons for "Eden Diplomacy," His Majesty's Government remained quietly snug this week in the position that, after all, they won the election. After all, too, the honest English workman, is eager for a job, even if his new work is on a $1,500,000,000 order for u]. timate War. opia is Lake Tana and the Nile Basin. These represent also an interest of Egypt, which His Maiesty's Govern. ment are bound to protect. In the event that Ethiopia should disappear as an independent State, His Maies- ty's Government should seek to SeC11- re territorial control over Lake Tana and an adequate corridor joining this lake to the Sudan. . .. NEGUS-- Ma cosa diranno a Gims vra se scoprono questo documentot Lord Phillimore, uno dei piu' auto. revoli giuristi britannici, parlando aL la Camera Alta Inglese sulla questio- ne italo-abissina, ha detto fra 1'tyl- trd: I J OHN--- Firma la cambiale caro Negus e cosi' potremo saldare i Instr! conti. "Se norriteniamo di avere interes. si in gioco nella eontesa abissina, " lora, se vogliamo la pace, dovremmo rassegnarci a fare delle concessiom'. Se invece siamo dawero disinteressa. ti, allora la parte di pacitieatore do- vrebbe riuscire piu' facile. Ma prima di tutto noi dovremmo oessare di agi- re in modo da farci giudieare non so- lo dall'ftalia, ma da tutto il mondo co.. me la Nazione che dirige e incorag. gia tutte 1e forze ostili all'Italia. Le incoerenze del Governo hanno reso perplessa 1a nazione. Noi vogliamo sapere dal Govemo in modo chiaro o definitive se ha intenzione o no di lasciare che la Gran Bretagna venga. trascinata gradatamente verso um guerra, pur senza avere da difendero gli interessi de11'impero britamtieo". INnghilterra G fatto un prestito di $30.000.000 all'Abissinia. Di qua. sti, $15.000.000 servono all'imperatore per sostenere 1e spese interne della guerra e gli altri $15.000.000 restono in Inghilterra per pagare 1e fabbriche che hanno fornito 1e armi al1'Abissi.. PAROLE CHIARE NELLA CAMERA ALTA INGLESE I 'oo-ot-tttot-tttot-tot-o " ".0..HHH0H.HH.t-ot0.....ot6.t.4F9t.H.et. t Be volete acquistare A__"_,____," _. a) chiamate l ichRB0Myrttc,ts1itaats KI. 9276 ', Aecettiamo i buoni del municipio in pagamento i o0006000600000600000000009.0009.0.0060900000606000... ZC'lrd,r]r-1rrl, _ M W o----'---.------'"-. A iAngelo's Hotei 0.00900000.000999000OOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONO. swoon" -ooooooo-oo'-o'otiiei'o'6oure. SEI NUOVAMENTE AMPLIATO Perfetti Electric Co. C0NTRMTOR1 per impianti elettrici di qualsiasi specie. Ripara- zioni di lace, motori, u- tensili elettrici, eoc. 402 College St. Toronto Tel. MI. 3424 - Di sera e giorni festivi LO. 3823 Membro della Consolidated Dealers Limited. RlNNOVATO ABBELLITO Assicurandovi elettriei per case, uffici, renali ed abbellimento a la vostra abitazione. AD. 9845 APPARATI chiamate JOHN N Y VULPE fi Mann nae "my; Chd