Domenica prossima ei sara' l'adu- nata mensile del Fascio Principe Um.. berto, il giorno alle ore 2.30, nella sala St. Agnese. Questa adunata ha un'importanza speciale perché si an- mmziera' il nuov0 Direttorio, nonehé: Comitato Maternita' e Infanzia; Co- mitato Attivita' Fascio Femminile; Nuovo Alfiere del Fascio; e altre co- municazioni personali e di organizza- zipne. E CALENDARIO SOCIALE t ii.2cd.-o..-t 23 Febbraio-- Compleanno di Nick Volpe, T. Mari e Angela Napolita- no. 24 Febbraio- Compleanno di Tony Bartello, Giuseppe Tomasicchio J r.; anniversario del matrimonio di A. Mezzavilla. 25 1i'ebbraio-- Compleanno di Sam Costabile. 26 Febbraio-- Due anni or sono Leo Romanelli divenne "papa'." 27 Febbraio-- Compleanno di C. Tu.. rano. 28 Febbraiir--. Compleanno di Silvio Zilli. Abbiamo avuto occasione d'incon- trarei col Signor Dante Vedovati che dopo un giro di affari nel continents amerieano questa settimana ritorna in Italia via Montreal. Egli ci ha in- frmati che fry qualche girno s,sera' a Toronto un giornalista italiano, Gio- vanni Dott. Boscarini, un reduce del- la presa di Macallé e di Askum. Egli trovasi attualmente a Boston. Dare- mo altre informazioni appena ci met- teremo in contatto diretto col confe- renziere . Domani, sabato, si uniranno in ma- trimonio la signorina Palmira Rubini col giovane Gino Scaini. La cerimo- nia religiosa si fara' nella chiesa di Monte Carmelo. UNGUENTO X-RAY. Pulito. Non é grasso. Non brucia. Rileva 1e soffe- renze di Reumatismo, Artrite, Ne- vralgia, in tre minuti. Un dollaro JOHNSON DRUG COMPANY, 165 Marion Street, Toronto. LA. 0628. 2"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' FESTA DI COMPLEANN0 Martedi scorso, nella sala del Cir- colo Colombo, vi fu una festa in om. re della signorina Angelina Conti, della quale ricorreva il compleanno. Vi parteeiparo circa 150 persone alle quali furono offerti copiosamente rinfreschi. Alla festeggiata furono offerti moltissimi doni fra i quali una grande torta che fu divisa fra i con- vitati. Vi fu orchestra e ballo fino a1- 1e ore piccole. '11 BOILETI'INU l'I'ALO-CANADESE Emigpagina di tutti CASA DA VENDERE-- Bellissima A -i dieci stanze. Palmerston Blvd. ,L paulvone la sacrifica a causa di ma- lattia. Chiamare MIdway 3773. Ogni preparativo per il ballo di lu- nedi' a1 King Edward Hotel, dato dai Figli d'Italia, é statb compiuto in mo- do che i1 pubblico possa trarre da es- so la massima soddisfazione e il mas- simo compiacimento. Si prevede una fella numerosa ed elegante; un servi.. zio perfetto malgrado il pubblico at. teso e le molte cose che il Comitato ha disposto. Sono stati preparati rin- freschi e un rieco buffet per tutti, on- de rendere piacevole una serata ai seguaci di Tersicore e quelli che la Dea delle danze hanno abbandonato per qualche piacere meno faticoso. II ballo avra' luogo al prime piano del King Edward Hotel, nella Alexan- dra Room; l'orchestra Busseri ha ap- prontato un programma tra i piu' mo- L---------------- - - - - I' FASCIO PRINCIPE UMBERTO PROSSIMA CONFERENZA, I UN GIORNALISTA ITALIAN 7'IEAST CALL FOR. THE BIG DANCE" Adunata Mensile Rubini - Scaini LIETE NOZZE Ultima Chiamata Per ll Gran Ballo tario Figli d'Italia. 25 Febbraio-U Ballo del Club Royale. 10 Marzo- "Social" a St. Agnese. 17 Marzo - Concerto della Loggia Fascia. . 23 Febbraio-- Serata drammatica a St. Agnese. 24 Febbraio-- Ballo della Loggia On.. Regina Elena. 17 Marzo-- Festa di St. Patrick al Circolo Colombo. Easter Monday-- Ballo annuale del Circolo Colombo. 19 Aprile- Celebrazione del Natale di Roma. 21 Aprile- Recita delle O. G. I. E. 23 Aprile-- Ballo Annuale della Sod 23 Febbraio-- Adunata eieta' Fratellanza. 27 Aprile--- Ballo del Fascio FemmL Le Associazioni sono pregate di co- muniearei subito 1e date fissate per le 1oro feste onde dare informazioni e.. atte al1'ultimo memento, anche pri- ma della pubblicazione del giomale. Tutti coloro che ancora non hanno sistemato il 'conteggio dei biglietti per 1'ultimp hallo del Fascio, 11 febbraio, sono pregati di partecipare alla riu- nione cht avra' luogo la sera di mer- col?" 96 Febbraio, alie-ore 8.30, nei loo. i "il Bollettino". Per detta sera' amente deve completarsi il contest; " gale della festa, sia per le en 9 che per,1e uscite. ilfll,fi1ilMlll tllldllllhif mile a St. Agnese. 12 Luglio-- Pienie del Fascio. 19 Luglio - Picnic della Soeieta' Ca- boto. T Festa Di Don Bosco Domeniea festa solenne di S. Gio- vanni Don Bosco. Alle 11 vi sara' messa solenne con l'assistenza di Mons. McGuigan, Arei- vescovo di Toronto. Sara' inaugurata e benedetta la nuova Statqa. Il Pa- negirico sara' fatto dal Parrpco e l'Areivaseovo tyra' un breve discor- so agli italiani. Dopo il servizio religioso, alle 8, la "Compyrnia drammatica della Scuo- la Italiana" daia' il dramma "S. Gio- vanni Bosco a Chieri". Ammissione 25c Ricordiamo Ch? mercoledi Principia la Quaresima. Le messe saranno ce- lebrate alle 7.30 e alle 9. Le ceneri saranno distribuite dopo le Messe nel pomeriggio e la sera. La sera vi sara' 1a Processione del Santo. II Parroco P. Settimio Bal6 si do... vra' assehtare dalla Parrocchia per 2 settimane per predicare 2 Missioni a New York, lo sostituira' il. P. Raffae- le Ghema O. F. M. . Ieri, giovedi, ricorreva il complean- no del bimbo Vittorio Penna, 600 Con- cord Ave, che ha compiuto sette an- ni. I genitori, Francesco ed Elena hanno arrangiato per il loro figliuolo una festa di bambini, che avra' luo- go domenica prossima, 23, la sera al- le 5, nella Ioro residenza. Vi parteci- peranno numerosi coetanei. demi ", i, piu' eccitanti. Tutte le ulti- me novita' in materia di danze saran- no all'ordine del giorno. Sono gia' state riservate molte stanze che la- sciano prevedere una feconda attivi- ea' anche fuori della sala da hallo. Come annunciammo, 1e signore a. vranno un ricevimento speciale, al quale attende un gruppo della Log- gia Regina Elena. Sono stati dirama.. ti inviti a molte persone della colonia e a tutte le societa"10cali. Questa festa giunge in un momen- to spirituale ottimo perché viene quando i nostri cuori sono allietati dalle notizie confortanti che hanno tanto rianimato gl'italiani: le vittorie che le gloriose armi nostre hanno ri- portato in Africa, sono motivo di 1e- COMITATO BALLO FASCIO FESTA DI BIMBI CHIESA di S. AGNESE Retta dai Padri FRANCESCANI mensile del Red Cross Returns Gratifying The Red Cross Committee wish to take this opportunity to thank the Bridge Club, which is mainly com- potsed of our members, for their con... tribution to the Red Cross social which was held on February 9th. The amount contributed was eight dollars. Thanks! Well done! dollars. Thanks! Well done! The total amount realized at the Red Cross social held by our club was $32.45. Taking into considerati- on the weather and the short notice for the affair, we believe we have dove better than the average. Dance on Easter Monday The annual ball of the Circolo Co- lombo will be held on Easter Monday at one bf the local hotels. You will Be hearing more about this. Schedule For Next Week Lunedi, 24 Febbraio: Spows vs. Angelo's Hotel Martedi, 25 Febbraio: Columbus Coal vs. Pellettieri Mercoledi, 26 Febbraio: Roberts vs. Venetians Giovedi, 27 Febbraio: Squakers vs. West Enders. tizia per noi che abbiamo vissuto e viviamo il continue fuoco d'una pro- paganda subdola ai danni del nostro popolo. Pare che il Comitato abbia preparato per questo qualche cosa di speciale e non si voglia lasciar stag-. gire si' bella occasione per rieordare gli avvenimenti che dominano nell'a- nimo di tutti. At the general meeting of the Cir.. colo Colombo last Sunday, Messrs. N. F. A. Scandiffio and James Simone were appointed chairman and secre- tary respectively for the Confrater. nity of Christian Doctrine, an orga. nization that is being formed in every parish in the city by His Excellency, the Archbishop of Toronto, to pro- mote Catholic action. The two gentle- men above mentioned are already making arrangements in this regard and further announcements will be made in the near future. Il R. V. Console e il Grande Irene.. rabile dell'Ordine, presenzieranno la festa. Era state esteso invite anche al Console Generale, ma mentre Seri.. viamo non si sa ancora s'egli potra' esservi presente. ll hallo s'iniziera' alle ore 9 e a.. vra' fine all? pre 2 a. m., salvo com- plicazioni. Falagario J. Bernardo 45, ' De Zorzi 42, . . . _ Falagario 43, . . . J. Starr 41, .... A Belli 43, ..... Elia 42,........ C. Viscardi 46, . Perugini 38, . . . ' John Ponessa 33, A. Pellettieri 45, Garbarino 81, .. Rossi 45, ...... V. Bernardo 45, J. Pellettieri 45, Giuffré 36, . . . . . Tassiello 45, ... Lobraico 15, . . . . Flavio 27,....., E. Pellettieri 37, Costabile 39, . . . Giuffré High Game For Team Angelo's Hotel ........... 1353 High 3 Games For Team Pellettieri ................ 3680 High Team For February: Pellettieri m............... 3455 Stankiing February 21 Columbus Coal ........... Pellettieri ........"........ Angelo's Hotel........... Venetians ................ Spows ................... Squakers ................ Roberts m................, West Enders ............. CIRCOLO COLOMBO Nel High 3 Games High Single Average .. 846 374 238 237 215 214 213 213 213 212 211 211 210 210 209 209 207 207 203 201 201 201 35 34 33 27 26 15 39 In your position, however, you can- not be ignorant of the fact that they represent propaganda, carefully pre- pared by complacent advisors of the Ndgus, and all news relating to such bombings were denied not only by Italian Officials, but also by British, Egyptian, American officials an d newspapermen, and by the Ethiopian Emperor himself. As to the copies of the dispatches sent to you, I agree that they were cabled by several news agencies, and published in many newspapers. You certainly know what misuse the Ethiopians made of the Red Cross sign, and this will explain the mis- trust of the Italian aviators towards the Swedish Hospital, which was car- tying twenty thousand shells of Bel- gian make, as the Swedish Minister in Rome admitted in an official com- munication to the Italian Government made on February 12th. In this matter you failed to give me an answer, and I hope that you will be fair enough to allow your many readers to draw conclusions from what I wrote by inserting in your newspaper the whole of my letter and the pictures I have sent you. l, It clearly appears from the text of my prior letter to you that I do not object to the publication of dispab. ches unfavorable to us, but to the SUPPRESSION of all important news, that throw more light on cur- rent events. It is unnecessary to deal with poli- tics; my countrymen, in the future, will clearly show you that your pre- diction is groundless. Editor, The Toronto Daily Star, King Street, Toronto. Dear Sir: I thank you for your kind reply to my letter of Friday last. Jan. 15. . ' . Sweden formally protests attack on Red Cross hospital and ambulance at Dolo. The Italian Consul and the "Star" Jan. 10.... The Egyptian govt. de.. cided to-day to protest formally to Italy against the bombing of an Egyptian Red Cross (Crescent) ambulance unit near Daggah Bur. Jan. 20.... About 30 persons were killed when Italian planes bombed an Ethiopian Red Cross caravan at Wuldia, north of Dessie, a re- turning British Red Cross convoy said to-day. The dead included 6 servants of the Red Cross detach. ment. - Jan. 27.... Red Cross unit, directed by Austrian and Poles, reported by telegraph that it was bombed twice near Makale on Jan. 18, saying "The Italians aimed specially at our plainly marked Red Cross emblem". Three women and two children 11n.. dergoing treatment in an ambulan... ce were injured by bombs. Jan. 6.... British subjects were members of 'the Red Cross (Cres- cent) unit attacked by Italian air.. men near Daggah Bur on Jan. 4. They bombed and machined-gunned the hospital. Jan. 6.... Italian planes bombed the Swedish Red Cross hospital on two occasions, Dr. Hylander says. G. Tiberi, Esq., Royal Vice Consul of Italy, 72 Queen Street West, Toronto.' Dear Sir: I am sorry we are not able to find space for the publication of your As one could easily expect from the fairness, the appreciated and known kindness of the chief editor of the "Toronto Daily Star" and from the high standard of such an IMPORTANT newspaper, the requested publication was DENI. ED. pital near Dolo bombed and 2 Swedes and 50 Ethiopians killed. Dr. Hylander, in charge, says "there was absolutely no excuse. There is no doubt that the Italians intentionally attacked." The planes flew low, bombed and machine.. gunned the tents so that one tent had 400 bullet holes. The hospital was plainly marked, Italians fre- quently had flown overhead and the camp was a mile from any troops. With my best regards, I am Yours very truly, G. Tiberi (continued from page Toronto, February 19th, 1936 Royal V. Consul February 17th, 1936 I) One of the members was fortunate in winning first prize at the raffle held by the Royalettes on Valentine day. The club will make it their duty to christen the sandwich grill in the near future. Watch out, Henry, lest they break it on you. How would you like us to hold a dance at the Royal York Roof Gar- dens? You would? Swell! If you want this wish fulfilled, co-operate with us by attending our pre-Lenten affair at St. Agnes hall next Tuesday, Februa. ry 25th. If it meets with any success, we promise you a dance at very re- asonable prices right after Lent. Tony: "What colour is the wind, Nick?" Nick: "It has no colour". Tony: "That's funny, in my book it says 'the night was dark and the wind blew'." The new member introduced to the club last Sunday was Fred Sorretti. He is well known to most of the members and they speak well of him. Get in with the boys, Fred, and have your say. - Jimmy: "Well, empty some of it out, you sap!" Each year the C. P. R. sends a hockey team to Windsor for an ex- hibition game. Our own Frank Madott is on the roster. Last season the American cigarettes he brought back with him didn't last very long. Will he have to dish them out as fast this year? Bill: "Fred has seen a lot of the rough side of life". Frank: "How come?" Bill: "Oh, he works in a sandpaper factory." Louis: "l can't get this big flask of beer in my pocket." Armand: "Here, have a cigar, Hen- ry 1' Due to a misunderstanding between Louis Belvedere and the club, Louis sent in his resignation. The boys are sorry to see him leave because he is lively and humorous. We are sure that if he hadn't been a little too hasty the matter could have been patched ap. . The boys whiled away the time before the meeting was called to or.. der, at a billiard table. A minor tournament between Bill Bagnato, Tony Leone, Vic Bagnato and Henry Barone kept the boys in an exciting state. The onlookers tried to coach each contestant in playing his shots, and victory went to the latter Armand Rossi and Bill Bagnato were asked to help distribute the dodgers for our dance at the diffe- rent Italian affairs to be held before Tuesday. "Don't forget to put your dues money aside, boys. It's more impor- tant than a game of pool." lengthy letter of February 14th or the photographs which accompanied it. I am therefore returning the Pho- tographs to you as you may have further use for them in some other connection. The Italian Recreation club extend- ed to us a hearty welcome last Sun- day, and have placed a room at our disposal for the weekly meetings. The main topic of conversation was our new locale. The boys are quite satisfied, particularly because it is centrally located' for our members. Henry: "Whtrt's wrong with CLUB ROYALE Believe me to be, Yours very truly, J. E. Atkinson it P. N.--. Sistemato seeondo la sua ri- chiesta. Grazie rimessa. L. M.--. La sua piazza 1rffre molte opportunita'. Si dia da fare e man.. di sempre notizie. C. C.-- Potrete ottenere i1 giornale con soli 52 soldi se siete nel 'relief'. A. w..- Ricevuto talloncino e altro. Sentite grazie. Procurateci altri amici. P. C.-- I suoi apprezzamenti incoragJ giano il nostro lavoro e non man.. cheremo di fare sempre meglio. A. D. A.- Ringraziando per gli un.. dici abbonamenti ei adguriamo ri.. tfevere molte altre liste del generrr" Turn the spotlight on Fred Asta- ire (Frank Genovese, Jr.) and Ben Bernie (Nidk Daquanno). The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Mildred Genovese at 502 Crawford St. We will when: nate until then. OH.--- EY neeessario farci pervenire due dollari prima che si inizi yin- vio del giornale. We were sorry that our new mem..) ber, Fanny, could not be with us ow- ing to her dad's illness. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Dominio-- Le vostre osservazioni so- no giuste e 1e abbiamo passate al- l'interessato che provvedera'. What's the matter, Mildred? Can't you take it? We phoned you at 11.40 on Saturday morning and you weren't up yet. Parties don't agree with you apparently. " iiii/ 0; 3 Any time you want your table de.. corated in a fancy way, send for Rose. She made a nice job on Friday with all that red and white paper. Kay and Bimbo "hit it off" alright, He even took her home. [ Minnie (our Ha-Ha girl) sure is a swell dancing instructor. At least Nickie thinks so. Helen was there with a new flame and she wasn't the only one who tho.. ught he was nice. Here we are again, folks, bringing you the sensational news of the week concerning the Royalettes. Friday was a big night for the club. Our Valentine party which was held at the Recreation Club met with a large measure of success. Our floor-show boasted such cele- brities as Bing Crosby (Jack Pesce Joe E. Brown (Duckie Etwell), Sal. Rand -- without her fans - (Bimbo) and Rudy Vallee (Tom Thompson). Many thanks to them for a delight- ful hour of entertainment. Congratulations to Henry Barone for winning first prize in the raffle; now welll have to find someone to toast sandwiches for him. Who was the "belle of the ball" who attracted all the fellows? Maybe they fell for her curls. You never can tell nowadays. Where did the girls find those at.. tractive fellows to bring to the par- ty? They were real good-lookers. C.-. Non sembra anche a lei che quei comunicati siano troppo pro- lissi? Ad ogni modo gradito I'inte- ressamento. THE ROYALETTES iii1cs)r iiiiiiii't" 1 The Little Gossiper. , M " e I My, N "lt Et" . ah , , _ - " n . I" RI FralibrNo 19.36 l