Ontario Community Newspapers

Il Bollettino Italo-Canadese, 12 Oct 1934, p. 8

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Leonard Barone and Phil Ma- gi had a nice time fighting over a Yo-Yo during the meeting. In- cidentally, Magi won. A . . . Gus Magnaco, alias "Maniac", will be the star comedian of the Club or I miss my guess. - Our Club still misses a bana- na Eman- What happened to him? i Last year we held a banana party, and now we have plan- ned a watermelon feast. What a long wait! The one who pro- mised to foot the bill is still in The lads are wondering who the Snoopers are. Well, one is Croix and the other is Box. Are you satisfied, boys? 0.. Italy. Vince will have his little io. ke. He went to the restaurant, then-followed us to the show, where he pulled out the restau- rant's toothpicks, container et all, and said: "Have a pick on me, boys." _ _ The members must be wound up. The meeting started off with dramaties, then to the dis- cussion of holding a dance in the near future, then a social and finally of all things, our V. P., Vie Bagnato, suggested we hold a paper sale. How's that for action! One thing is definite though, and that is about our Hallowe'en party. There was some talk about inviting the Sodality girls to the event. (No this is no hint, girls). . I I Who is the blonde some of the boys are gala about? Only seventeen members at- tended the last meeting; we ex- pected twenty-five. No doubt there was a reason for a few not turning up. A full roll is expected for the next session. Where does Leonard Barone spend his tirnel - After the payment of dues, the meeting was officially closed. It is unfortunate that the caretaker of St. Agnes' Club had to spoil Phil Caneilla's chances of being a pool shark. 0.. And why was Carmine Di Pe- de so quiet during the meeting? First, we would like to thank Mrs. and Miss Barone for the use of their home for our first meeting. We would also like to express our appreciation to "il. Bollettino" for their generosity in publishing our column. Last but by no means least, our thanks to Father Patrick of St. Agnes parish for placing a club.. room at our disposal for our weekly meetings. . . O Why did Tony Rico name his eat, Tony Pussy eat? So you won't talk, eh? Don't forget the meeting this coming Sunday, October 14 at 2.30 P. M. ll BOLLETTINU rtAL0-CANADESE Address all criticisms and comments to Box and Croix, clo Henry Barone, 8 Robinson street, city. - _ Things We Would Like to Know by Walnut Windshield We wonder why a certain star saxophone player by the name of Amy was pulling off such sour notes at a certain party one Sunday night at Queen St. E. Was it because he had had too much beer? tsk. tsk. tsk. Phil Cancilla certainly is a woman's man, seeing that all the women fell for him in a big way at said party. Oi! Oi! . . . Our new Secretary, Charlie Racioppa is having a hard time trying to beat Amy E. and Hen- ry B. selling dance tickets. Our new President seems to like girls better than beer. To- ny Rico is vice versa or some- thing or both. VANGUARD CLUB NEWS Cl. Snoopfully yours, Box and Croix. ( In the line of comedy enter- tainment, we can ask you to de- pend upon the efforts of that versatile and popular entertain- er, Nick Perugini. You are well associated with his past efforts and, if I am not mistaken, he is going to be funnier than ever. Mr. Perugini will be assisted with many other comic artists of note, thereby ensuring an evening of hilarious entertain- ment. Past Pres. Jos. Piccininni President Angelo Teolis Vice-Pres. Art. Fattori Secretary Vincent Piccininni Treasurer N. F. A. Scandiffio This Sunday, October 14th, the entire Italian Colony is ve- ry graciously invited to attend the annual concert given in ho- nor of Christopher Columbus, reputed discoverer of America in 1492. This event will be ce- lebrated in St. Patrick's Audi- torium, McCaul,Street. The ad- mission to this grand spectacle is gratis. There will be a collec- tion plate at the entrance. You are not compelled to donate. We merely want your good will and a record turn-out. I These annual concerts have attracted wide attention thro- ughout the entire colony. Each year the performance has been jammed to capacity with en- thusiastic patrons eager to see what the Italian colony has to offer in the line of entertain- ment. This year's concert will be no exception. As a matter of fact, it will be even,geat.yr. If you regard such a prediction with skepticism just cast a glance over the long line of ce- lebrities scheduled for the oc- casion. But that is not all. Consider for a moment the names that As chief 'speaker of the even- ing, the Royal V. Consul Chev. Giorgio Tiberi will reveal many interesting highlights concern- ing our mother country, Italy. It will also serve to make the T.. talians better acquainted with the gentleman who has replac- ed Chev. Ambrosi, former re- presentative of the Italian go- vernment in Toronto. Mr. V. Piccininni has assumed the task of master of ceremonies and has promised to turn in an excellent performance. __ -. Has Vie Bagnato solved that riddle yet? (The one about his father's son, I meah.) We wonder if our new mem- bers are going to like the Club? . . . A. Rossi was seen walking along Queen St. one evening all dressed up with a girl hanging on each arm. Wonder who they Vere, Mr. Rossi? . l . Vic. Bagnato and L. Federico are accomplished card sharks. tsk. tsk. tsk. Columbus Day Celebration Vanguard Thru a Keyhole Where was Louie on the night of Oct. 5th. Poor Louie! O I . We would like to know what happened to our past president --too much school, or what? . . . One member of our executive is that-a-way about some keed. Is that so, Mr. Secretary? . . O Why does Amy make so ma- ny trips to Hamilton? What happened to the Van- guard baseball tearn-and the coach? If Bill Bagnato wears more colored sweaters, to the meet- ings, we will have to wear 1smo, ked glasses. Cut it out, Bill. .0. Where did Jimmie learn to play pool? He's never behind an 8 ball. What's the matter with Sam Adams. Surely he can come to a meeting. Haven't had time to hear any news, but wait. EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB St Patrick Hall, Sunday Oct. 14th, 8.00 pm. DAT\ lg MB i)E CO als-Lg,, "itiiiJ :w adorn the roster of the musical program for the evening. Mu- sieal direction is under the ba.. ton of Prof. Michael Angelo. Chairmanship of the musical entertainment comes under the wing of Cosmo Lattarulo,who has contributed much time to assure us fine entertainment in this line. There will "be several featured artists such as Willie De Laurentis, Cknada's young- est orchestra leader, saxophone The fall season has officially taken hold of us. Fashionable young ladies explore the better gown establishments for some- thing unique in evening wear. Sleek-haired, dark-complexion- ed young men are out shopping for dress suits and top-coats. What could be more character- istic of autumn? Perchance, this preface has served to remind you of the ma- ny social events that are the just reward of us all after a rather long, drab, tedious, swel- tering summer. These social 'events such as dances, bridge and scopas, banquets etc., are the due property of autumn. Ave, Autumn! Dispense thy joy about the colony! I was cornered! Escape was futile! What was I to do but capitulate! Pardon me for lead- ing you on so much. I almost forgot to tell you what it was all about. Although the incident occur- red a couple of weeks ago, I am certain that it still remains en- chained in the hearts of the pe- ople who were so fortunate as to be guests of the occasion. I refer to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ro- vegno, a pair of beneficent and generous folks, who on Septem- ber 30th last, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary amid the presence of many well- wishers and friends, far and near. Guests from many parts of the States were entertained royally and in true Rovegno fashion. Such infinitesmal hos- pitalityl. May I, on behalf of the many colonialites, wish the happy pair a hundred years of happiness!. Delayed, no doubt, but most sincere. It happened on a Sunday night/I am peacefully patrolling the streets in search for news. Two young ladies are rapidly apprpel1ing me. I recognize them and vice versa. They co- me to a sudden stop in front of me and off goes my hat. They are the Sansone girls. 7 LWill you be id town for No.. vember 5th", says the younger Cusimano - Liotta Mercoledi, 10 ottobre, nella chiesa di St. Clare, si sono cele- brate le nozze della signorina Mary. Cusimano di Salvatore e John Liotta di Vincenzo. E' stata dama d'onore la si- gnora Mary Badali; "maid of honor" Josephine Cusimano, so- rella della sposa; "Bridesmaids" le signorine Elena Calderone, Lena Cusimano, Anna Caldero- ne e Mary Schillaci; "flower girls" Anna Comella e Josephi- ne. Bonelli; "page boy" Joseph Cdsentino; "groosman" Frank Liotta; "ushers" Cosmo Schil- laci, Samuele Cosentino, John J'usateri e Vincent Liotta. La cerimonia festiva fu cele- brata nel Royal York Hotel. Dopo il viaggio di nozze gli spo- si risiederanno a Toronto. 11 matrimonio della signorina Norma Eaves, 177 Palmerston Ave., eol giovane Filippo PizzoI- Social Highlights Pizzolla - Eaves NOZZE BOLLETTINO Isolo; Leo Romanelli and Jack Curry, celebrated piano-fiddle duet; Ed. Pellettier and Cosmo Lattarulo in a flute and horn rendition; Sid Lorraine, magi- cian of note, and Gordon Wat- Ron will contribute a recitation. These are but a few of the many artists scheduled to play and sing for you. Each and eve- ry one outstanding in his or her class. What more could one ask? What better way to spend a Sunday evening? Come one and all. Bring your friends and re- member, it is St. Patriek's Au- ditorium, MeCaul _ Street, on this Sunday night,' October 14. one. I am at a loss to explain. Why should these girls be inte- rested in my whereabouts next month! I am not sure of them myself. I reply that I might be and crack-bang, they take ad- vantage of the situation. V "If you are in town" says Te- resa, "don't forget to get your tickets for the Combattenti dance from me. It is being held at the King Edward Hotel on November 5th. Seriously, judging by the ad., vance sale of tickets, the affair is sure to be a huge success. With such charming ticket ser, lers why wouldn't it be? So get your tickets early. How's that Dr. Sansone? Chirp, chirp! Psst, psst! Peek, peek! What is it all about? Man, haven't you heard the screams yet? Well, listen. The Question Marks have officially started their bowling season. The yo- ung ladies have promised some of the club's best bowlers re- cord-breaking scores. Who knows? Stranger things have happened. Haven't you see the results of the Little World Seri- es? Here's to a good season, girls! Don't forget my coffee and sapg-wiphes. . - I have always maintained that this certain young man would go far in his chosen field. My beliefs are substantiated by the glorious strides he has al- ready made. I present, Dr. M. Scandiffio. Doctor "Mike" has opened his offices at 86 Gerrard W. after having had wide expe- rience in various hospitals. He is truly worthy of any support we can offer. His success is guaranteed. Not because of his professional knowledge but be. cause of his congeniality; his ability to make and keep fri- ends. Our best wishes to the "Doe." Wonder how long it will be before we see the other girl te- ams in action? Come on, Kay; round up the Sunshine Susies and the rest. We're waiting to see the first scores in order that we may sign, up any prospective bowler for one of the men's te- ams. ,1 am also anxious to know whether your coffee is as good as last year's. la, avré luogo mercoledi, 24 ot- tobre, con cerimonia nella chie- sa! di St. Agnese e ricevimento nella sala St. Agnese, la sera alle 7 . "Addio America" alla fine ha dovuto esclamare Carlo Ponzi, il famoso fabbricanti di miliona- rii, che é state deportato saba- to scorso da Boston. Egli lascia la moglie. Ida De Luccio e due sue com- pagne, hanno dovuto scegliere fra la tassa di $10 o il riposo forzato di 5 giorni, per aver al, zato troppo il gomito, facendone mostra al pubblico in Queen St, La settimana ventura si ini.. zia la enumerazione di tutti i cittadini canadesi che hanno di.. ritl'go al voto nelle elezioni fede- ra 1. Brevi di Tutto DEL The bowling league for the season 1934-35 will officially open up on Monday next, Octo- ber 15th. Chairman Gid De- Spirt, Secretary Albert Pelle- tier and Scorer and General As- sistant Joseph (Maggie) Alta- vista have again organized an eight-team league which pro- mises considerable action. The league last season was a decided success and it is hoped that it will be, at least, equally as good this season. Two new teams ha- ve entered this year in Rhein- harts and Tip Tops - the for- mer team under the captaincy of John De Rose and the latter team in charge of Emanuel. Monday October 15th. . . . . . . . Tuesday October 16th. . . . . . . Wednesday October 17th. . . . . [ Thursday October 18th. . . . .. Some members have evinced a certain displeasure at the ap- pointment of one or more of the new executive, asserting with- out equivocation, the unfitness, the alleged unfitness of the in- dividuals for the positions to wAich, appointed. What is more shameful in this day of so cal- led enlightment than to see so- me of our boys act in a manner unbecoming good sports and to such an extent that friendships of long standing are being en- dangered. Why not be tolerant? 1Why convict a man before he is guilty? Bowling League Opens Up Monday, Oct. 15th Let he that has no sin cast the first stone The success of the Circolo Co- lombo in previous years has been the result of earnest ende- avor as a body - without out.. side interference and attempt at domination. Let us get back to the good old days where our efforts will be directed to the advancement of the Circolo Co- lombo and soon it will become evident that this policy will bring back to the Club, the glories which have become so- mewhat dim of late. We must not be a door-mat but on the contrary virile and aggressive but fair to all-we cannot serve two masters. Therefore, let each member take stock and ask himself if he is playing fair, if he is exagger- ating some imagined wrong, if he has been led to adopt a bel- ligerent attitude by some one else and if he is, working in the interests of the club we all so much love. If this is done it is felt the tense feeling will be dissipated and the sunshine of friendship will. again shine Now that the cooler weather has arrived, an increasing num- ber of members are making use of the club rooms to indulge in their favorite pastimes such as cards, bowling, reading etc. There is no better place to spend a pleasant evening. forth . Some needed improvements will be undertaken in the very near future such as installing brighter lights and new globes on the main floor, redecorating the wash-room, etc. ... Mr. Arthur Grossi has offer- ed the club a set of 12 volumes of modern authors for use in the club library.Needless to say the offer was accepted with alacrity and the books will soon be found in our library where all members may make use of them. Our .sincere thanks are extended to Mr. Grossi for his generous gift. _ The bowling alleys have been renovated and put in generally good condition for the opening of the bowling league next Mon- day. Judging from scores made in practice games so far, the cum NOTES The Columbus Day Concert will be held in St. Patriek's Hall, McCaul St. just north of Dundas St. next Sunday even- ing, October 14th at 8 o'elock. Everybody welcome. The Chairman of the bowling committee wishes to emphasize particularly that teams turn out regularly and with full te.. ams on scheduled playing dates. Games are scheduled to start at 8.30 o'clock but a half hour's grace will be allowed which me- ans that all games must start not later than 9 o'eloek. If any team be short of a man at this time games will proceed with absent member being allowed 15 pins per frame up to the ti- me the delayed member arrives for, bowling. sthrted sometime during the present month - a definite an- nouncement will be made in the next issue of this paper. The Bridge and Scopa parties for the 1934-1935 season will be Standards vs. Ponesse Pellettier vs. Spows Tip Tops vs. Rheinharts Columbus Coal vs. Angelo's (formerly Lucky Strikes) The World Series has ended. The memory lingers on and bit- terly so-for N. Perugini. He is woefully reminded of this ye- ar's baseball epic wh enever the occasion presents itself. It seems that Fiek, backed the wrong team. Hence all the gib- ing from the rooters of the Dean team. Never mind, Nick. The boys are "ribbing" you be- cause they know you can take it. Just taking advantage of, your nature, that's all. -g The schédule for the week of Monday October 15th. follows: scores of last year will be sur- passed this season. There is always one way to know that Tony Riccio is in the club. That is by the presence of his motor-bike outside the club rooms. That holds true for the present. But what are we going to do when anti-freeze time comes along? Allow me to introduce Lundy.. Lundy, as you know, is the ju- nior club steward and all-around mischief-maker. He recognizes himself (Ahem!) as the club's ace checker player (when Lou Gorassi is not around); the crack-est snooker player (when J. Piccininni is absent) and the best pin boy the club has ever' had (whenever J. "Davis" Gis- mondi is missing). Far be it; from me to disillusion Lundy; John Longo and John Pones- se are duly credited with the playing of the first game on the newly polished bowling al- leys. The scores indicated good scoring possibilities for the coming season. Both boys of- fered excuses on the first fra- me but none were excepted thereafter. They gradually ca- ught up with their stride and turned in a fair score. The game of hearts is still waging a desperate struggle for existence in the club rooms. Bridge fans are gradually fore, ing the game into a we0adeser.. ved grave, much to L. Cassul- lo's chagrin. Where, oh where, are the Costabile boys? Come on, fel- lows; let's see you around. We are " coming 'round this se- ason. Let us make it a big one.. THE MEMBERS' CORNER By Sam Masiello 12 Ottobre 1934 Ponesse Spows Rheinharts v_s. Angelo's

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