The writer was offering : memorable tribute to the many mothers of Italy, dreaming be-- side a cradle. An explanation was offered. The mystery was explained. In the memory of the famous son stirred the win-- ged soul of the mother, above a pedestal of love and struggles. How natural then that her arrival on American soil should focus our attention on the mo-- dern women of Italy. This out-- standing woman, smartly dres-- sed with the simple elegance of her Italian sisters, has the stra-- ight, piquant gaze of the intel-- lectual woman. This author had told us, in her best--known book, of a iar--away, obscure school teacher, who toiled incessantly, gladly, that her son's chances in life might be improved by education. She wove. pathos and tenderness around the lit-- tle hamlet of Romagna and the gallant mother who forged a man's destiny and. unconsci-- ously sketched the i symbolical future of her native land. The freshness of her prose has the leaping surge of a waterfall. In that sensitive portrait of Ro-- sa Maltoni Mussolini, the inspi-- rer of an epoch, her son assu-- med his rightful place of a man of the people born to an unfot-- gettable destiny. Margherita Sarfatti, the da-- ughter of Amedeo Grassini and Emma Levi, was born in Venice of a wealthy family. Her gra-- phic style and vigorous intellect stamped her as a woman of the day, when she was still very young. An ardent, progressive soul, intolerant of social injus-- tice, she combined her aptitude for culture and esthetics with a bold concern for the welfare of the masses. She soon found herself an art critic with the Socialist paper, 'Avanti'. The death of Edith Cavell, the hero-- ic Englishwoman and martyr of the late War, upset the struc-- ture of her philosophy. It was her tribute to this noble nurse which lost her membership in the Socialist party. She had commemorated Edith Cavell in' the Milan Conservatory. She went to the 'Popolo d'Italia', the paper founded by Mussolini, a paper which was to have enor-- mous influence in the shaping of modern Italy. But she was ever conscious of her duty to-- wards the afflictions of man-- kind. | =sl @B The brief sojourn in Toronto of Ponna Margherita Sarfatti, lvjoman authoress, on her way to Mentreal after an extended lecture tour in the United Sta-- tes, is the occasion for the re-- production of the following ar-- ticle which appeared in the April issue of "Atlantica" Margherita Sarfatti is an out-- standing figure in the world of contemporary _ successful wo-- men. A writer of deep insight and powerful realism, her name is known far and wide. This representative woman of Italy is also the author of a pictures-- que biography, the official "Li-- fe of Mussolini." The book has achieved world--wide popularity in its many translations. Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice--Pres. Rocco Polito Secretary Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer John Longo In an article that is almost a prose poem in the intensity of style and coloring, she descri-- bes what to her was once a childhood nightmage: stretches. of fields, peopled "by downcast peasants, ravaged by the deadly disease, malaria. The prose has the vividness of a page from Gorky, and the simplicity of Jack London. No wonder that she declares proudly, "The yo-- uth of Italy has bread today, air, exercise, care, and sun-- skhine." Her voice is confused i BOLLETTINU rrALO--CANADESE EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB A MODERN WOMAN -- by Mary lacovella Her Early Life Margherita Sarfatti Gid De Spirt Joe Piccininni Rocco Polito Jas. Simone "Italy," says this great wo-- man, '"asks cooperation from the Italian woman of today, fer-- vid application to the welfare of the race. It will be said, 'What shall \be her reward? She must give all, without ask-- ing anything for herself. After all, realistically speaking, such is Man's destiny and that of al-- most every Woman. The hap-- pinesses of women are reflected joys, reflected by love, marri-- age and motherhood. Italy, mo-- ther of adoration for the Ma-- donna and the Sacred family, pays to maternity a conscious àlqmage of veneration and pri-- e',' Margherita Sarfatti has in-- spired women with the» ideal and goal of a reborn fatherland. The Significance of Margherita Sarfatti She is a contributor to the 'Popolo d'ltalia', as well as co-- editor of 'La Nuova Antologia', one of the most important. Ital-- ian magazines, and of 'Gerar-- chia,' the magazine founded by Mussolini fourteen years ago. She is a director of the commit-- tee of the 'Novecento', an ar-- tists' league, and editor of 'Gli Annali del Regime: Fascista.' Among her books are "La don-- na nella beneficenza -- italiana," "La milizia femminile in Fran-- cia,". "La fiaccola accesa," "I ylyi e l'ombra," "Gobineaù," "Tunisiaca, segni, colori e luci," "Achille--Euni,. pittore," "Dux," etec. Her novel "The Bivg Pala-- Today the women of Italy are conscious more than ever of the importance of race survival. Today motherhood is glorified. The vote is not their:goal. Only the goddess of life is the em-- blem of the New Italy. A new cult is on the land, but an an-- cient cult just the same. Margherita Sarfatti, mother novelist, critic, political writer must be paid a spirited tribute by a younger generation. And sue is, it is clear, a feminist in the universal 'sense that hu-- manity is her 'concern. Like Jane--Addams, her world is the with the joyous satisfaction of Mother Earth. irl of life. Her Concern for the Welfare of Mothers Her extraordinary gifts have sen developed in the cause of society and progress. One of her chief concerns is the welfa-- re of the mothers. "Family life s considered a fundamental cell of the state, the first one," she reminds us. "Of course, in Ita-- ly as elsewhere, by the complex-- ity of cireumstances, often of the economic sort, the solidity, stability, and welfare of the family rest on the woman -- al-- so on the daughter and sister-- uppermost on the wife and mo-- ther of a family. Let us say the word: they rest on the sacrifice of the mother, daily, forever, obscure--." ce" has been . translated into many languages, and her "His-- tory of Modern Painting" has already become a classic. But of equal importance with her literary and political writ-- ings is the influence she has ex-- erted in the shaping of legisla-- tion relating to the welfare of Italian womanhood. While it is true that the Italian women ha-- ve no vote and no "feministic" organizations, they are no less happy . than their sisters in other 'countries. Donna Margherita Sarfatti proves this contention. And notwithstandins the fact that they are considered minors politically, they can give just as great a contribution and cooper-- ation in the uplifting of their sisters and of their people. -- V i [ NP i \'B \'-' oio .'\L\_: ,ill " W: i dit -- -- u a im _ __ l ul dio ul L l "ull i The tribute paid to this great Catholic prelate was tremend-- ous. Thousands of people passed by his bier to view the last re-- mains. Men, women, and chil-- dren from all walks of life lined up for kours for the privilege After a grim struggle to over-- come his recent illness, Arch-- bishop Neil McNeil passed away last Saturday morning. With the passing of our late Arch-- bishop, the Catholic church lost one of its strongest adherents. Fr. McNeil was , well belov-- ed by Catholiecs and non--Catho-- lics alike. He was a fearless de-- fender of right, a great lover of children and administered to his flock in a generous and un-- biased manner. His work in connection with the Separate Schools was untiring, his build-- ing of churches for the foreign people so that they could hear the word of God in their native tongue was outstanding. Last Monday . morning, Mr. Rocco Maroni, well known and beloved Italian pioneer, passed away. Mr. Maroni' was in his seventy--seventh year. He came to . Toronto -- from -- Laurenzina when as a comparatively young man and has lived here continu-- ously since settling in this city. The late Mr. Maroni was held in high esteem by the Italians of Toronto, as well 'as his nu-- merous friends 'of other nation-- alities . A devote and staunch Catho-- lic, he died peacefully with the last. rites of the.... Church : The esteem in which he was held by all those with whom he had co-- me in contact was amply shown by the large number of Mass cards sent. MR. AND MRS. F. TENUTE BEREAVED Mr. Frank Tenute, prominent boxing promoter, was bereaved last Friday, when his daughter, Dorothy, died in Weston sani-- tarium in her twenty--second year. The funeral was held Wed-- nesday morning in Mount Car-- mel Church with Rev. Father Auad officiating. Interment took place in Mount Hope Ce-- metry. May his soul rest in pe-- ace in the arms of Jesus! Rocco Maroni Laid To Last Rest -- At the funeral held last Mon-- Thousands Pay Last Tribute to Archbishop Neil McNeil BOQOLLET TINO George F. Sansone, R.O., Editor DEL The funeral which was held Wednesday morning, was the largest held in Toronto. Loud speakers were installed outside St. Michael's Cathedral so, that the overflow crowd could hear and, follow the services. Civic, state and government officials a t t e n d e d while ecclesiastics from all parts of Canada and the United States attended in creat numbers.. » The Pontificial Requiem Mass was celebrated by His Excellen-- cy Most Reverend Andrea Ca-- sullo of Ottawa, Apostolic De-- legate to.Canads, in St. Micha-- el's Cathedral, where the rema-- ins kad lain in state since Sun-- day, following which interment of the widely loved prelate was made in St. Augustine's Semi-- nary grounds. Tt ;. of seeing for the,last time the beloved Archbishop-- eio ge gathering composed _ of re-- presentatives from all branches of sport, attended Mass. The late Miss Tenute . had been ill for some time.--She was very popular and held in high esteem by her many friends. His work is completed. Now he goes to claim his reward in Heaven. Rev. Father Balé -- officiated at the Mass after, which inter-- ment took place in Mount Hope Cemetry. 1 Il Bollettino extends to the sorrowing parents its profound sympathy -- day in St. Agnes church, a lar-- A special meeting will be held for all the members of the Cir-- colo Colombo in the club--rooms, 202 Bt Patrick Street, next Thursday-- evening, June 7th at 8.30 P.. M: sharp. Ed egli risponde: --Ma io voglio anche il 'Cor-- riere' dei grandi! --Ma tu sei piccolo! E allora perché nel 'Corriere dei Piccoli' ci sono anche i gran-- di? Arcibado é grande, Bomba il cuoco é grande e Fanfarino é diventato srande anche lui! Special Club Meeting The purpose of the meeting is to hear the auditors' report on the Club activities for the last six months. -- It is imperati-- ve that all members be present. Secretary Il mio Luigino non si conten-- ta mai. Io gli dico; -- Ti piace il 'Corriere dei Piccoli? Mercoledi sera, al City Dairy Auditorium, gentilmente offer-- to da quella Compagnia, ebbe luogo l'annunciata serata musi-- ale pro Opere--Assistenziali del Wascio, sotto gli auspici delle Ciovani Italiane, diretto dal Sig Ruggero Sperapani, --membro del Direttorio del Fascio. Il concerto era di violino, pia-- noforte e canto. La prima parte fu svolta dalla Assunta Sperapani, che suond "La Fol-- lia" di Corelli, la 'Sonatina XI', i1. "Capriceio XHT" 'e il "Moto Perpetuo" di Paganini. Il sig. Tomasicchio stoné, non nelle note, ma nella scelta del programma, perché in un pro-- Nel dare a merenda ai miei due bambini una fetta di for-- maggio enmenthal, ho voluto fare sfoggio alla mia competen-- za... casearia spiegando come, di solito, sia migliore quello che ha i buchi piu' larghi e piu' ra-- di. Ma di li' a poco, sono stato richiamato dagli strilli del piu' piccino. Accorso, ho visto ch'e-- gli aveva sul suo piatto tanti cerchietti di formaggio, mentre il fratello piu' grande aveva. .. tutto il resto. La Sperapani brillo ancora una volta nel "Moto Per-- petuo", in cui rivelò la sua abi-- lià tecnica pregevolissima. An-- cha ne "La Follia" é piaciuta as-- sai. Suono, con non meno im-- pegno di questi due brani, an-- che il Capriccio e la Sonatina. La_ prima 'fu felicissima in "Mattinata" di Leoncavallo, e piacque anche in "Quando m'en vo", aria di Musetta della Bo-- héme, anche se non fosse per-- fettamente appropriata per la sua voce. Canto con non meno impegno di queste due "Un bel di' vedremo" della Butterfly e la "Serenata" di Toselli con una certa precisione. {a Betty Grobba fu ottima -- accompagnatrice della Sperapani e si distinse nella "Sonata in Re Maggiore" . di Scarlatti; piacque di piu' al pub-- blico in "Mickey Mouse" di Ca-- stelnuovo--Tedesco. Suonò inol-- tre l'"American Step" di Mon-- tani. 11 canto venne eseguito dalla soprano Eileen Kelly e dal te-- nore Givuseppe Tomasicchio. Giorni fa, avendo persone a pranzo, avevo detto alla mia piccina di 4 anni che se voleva rimanere a tavola con noi dove-- va essere brava, non chiedere niente e attendere sempre che la mamma la servisse. Rimproveratolo, mi ha ob-- biettato: --Vedi, papa': Peppino pian-- ge perché non vuol capire che se gli ho ritagliati i buchi del formaggio l'ho fatto per dare a lui... la parte migliore! Tutto and6 bene, ma alla tor-- ta, impegnata in una viva di-- scussione, dimenticai di servire la mia piccina la quale stanca di attendere si volta al suo insepa-- rabile amico, il cagnolino, € gli dice seria seria:.-- Va' via, Bi-- by, che mt mangi--la torta..... quando la mamma me la dà. .Ieri parlavamo, fra amiche, di una signorina nostra cono-- scente che aveva fatto il voto di non ballare per due anni se a-- vesse ottenuto una certa grazia. Era presente la piccola Marisa. Stamane come al solito vado a svegliarla per condurla all'asi-- lo, ma appena aperti gli occhi mi dice: The Italian Vanguard sub-- mitted his manuscripts too late fox publication this week, but --Non vado a scuola. -- A THE ITALIAN VANGUARD Serata Musicale AL CITY DAIRY AUDITORIUM By Frank A. Scandiffio Tanto vale: schermaglie, ap-- procci, tutti buoni propositi di cui é sempre lastricato l'Infer-- no dei ritardatari. Si é atteso per ci6 molto, on-- de raccogliere il massimo pos-- sibile dei consensi, ma ci si bra che il volere inviare di gente in Paradiso a dispetto Dio e dei Santi, sia un erroré~ e che invece valga meglio segui-- , re la rettilinea politica traccia-- ta dal Console Generale nel suo discorso del 6 Novembre u. s. a Toronto, quando disse: "Noi non rinuncieremo a un bricciola della nostra coscienza fascista". EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Manager Joe Grittani Chairman H. C. W. A. Sansone Councillors: M. Tassiello, V. Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, N. F. A. Scandiffio. Father Auad Club Chaplain. Molti ben meritati applausi si ebbero gli artisti tutti. ----Glie l'ho detto io al macella-- io, che se fosse stato per me mon l'avrei mai preso! gramma di musica prettamente italiana introdusse la bellissima romanza "M'appari !", <che ;can-- to con molto impegno. Riusci' a s s a i meglio nel bel brano "Canta pe' me", di De Curtis, in "Torna 'a Sorrento" e in "O Sole Mio" cantato, quest'ultimo, a richiesta del pubblico quale chiusura del programma. --E perché? -- chiedo io. --Questa notte ho fatto il vo-- to di non andarci piu' per due anni. Lezione di --Signorina, il mi giunge nuovo. verla già vista... Effetto della correzione Un monello aveva l'abitudine, passando davanti alla bottega del lattivendolo,di gridare al pa-- drone: ---- Buon giorno! ho visto che avete messo dell'acqua nel latte. ' Seccato, il lattivendolo andò a lamentarsi dal padre del ra-- gazzo, che s'ebbe una solenne correzione. Il giorno dopo, ripassando da-- vanti al lattivendolo, il monelli-- no, infatti, disse soltanto: -- Buon giorno! Ho vistoi … quel che sapete già! Poesia igienica È Un giovane, 'che nutriva una passione non corrisposta per le Muse, aveva scritto una poesia in lode di un Ministro. Prima di spedirgliela, la portò a vede-- re a un illustre poeta. Questi, dopo averla letta, digse: _ Dopo il concerto, le Giovani I-- taliane servirono un lauto rin-- fresco offerto dalla City Dairy per cortese interessamento del Sig. Tomasicchio, Questo avvenimento, oltre al-- la cronaca, merita qualche pa-- rola di rilievo per il fatto che esso é 11' a dimostrare, la neces-- sita di creare a Toronto un Do-- polavoro che sia palestra di di-- porto e educativa per i nostri Italiani. --Si', in tram. Lei stava se-- duto, e io in piedi, davanti. La serva che non si lascia infinocchiare --Come hai fatto a prenderé questo pezzo di carne? Non sen-- ti che puzza ? e I cantanti furono accompa-- gnati al piano dalla Signora A. S.\ Coffey e dalla D'Q:-- razio. Il simpatico trattenimento la-- sciò grato ricordo nell'animo de-- gl'intervenuti. --Va bene. Solo modificherei la dedica. --In che maniera? --Cost': "A Sua Eccellenza il Ministro per il suo gabinetto". but his column will appear in next week's issue. 1 Giugno, 1934 galateo ? suo viso rmon Mi pare d'a--