se pagate entro TRENTA gior-- ni dalla scadenza, facendo reca-- pitare al nostro ufficio $1.50. andate a guardare la data che é segnata al disopra del tallon-- cino -- dell'indirizzo. Quella sta per informarvi che il vostro ab-- bonamento é pagato fino a quel giorno. Se é già scaduto affret-- tatevi a rinnovarlo. L'abbonamento per un anno é di $2.00, ma voi potete rispar-- miare « 9 0 Soldi Chevalier _ Belcredi, the up-- right -- and gentlemanly vice-- consul of Ottawa, spoke in Fa-- ther Salza's stead and acquitted himself creditably. The "coup d'état" of the banquet was the presentation of the finely en-- graved scroll to Chevalier G. B. Ambrosi. It was a truly co-- lourful piece of art. Mrs. Am-- brosi, the charming wife of our worthy vice--consul, was presen-- ted with a large bouquet of ro-- ses. The repast was made more enjoyable by the singing of Miss Moretto and Mr. Tomasic-- chio, and also the rendition of "Song of the Piave" by a group First of all, I would like to thank all the people who atten-- ded our dance in helping to ma-- ke it a success, and I think you will agree that it was one of the loveliest affairs in years. I wo-- uld like to thank the fellow-- members of the Italian Van-- guard Club and the numerous other gentlemen for their co-- operation in the promotion of the affair. To all the disappointed fol-- lowers of the mutterings of this wandering vanguard, I re-- gret that I was unable to sub-- mit my column in time for last week's issue. I am still reviving from the effects of the dance. As you have undoubtedly he-- ard, the banquet and dance was an unanimous success. Father Salza, one of our guests, was to have delivered a message to the Italian colony but was handi-- capped by a sore throat. His short introductory speech was well 'received and it impressed his sincerity. ©90009000090000000000§0004 Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice--Pres. Rocco Polito Secretary Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer John Longo 60009900090000000 000604 !li!llfillllll EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB il BOLLETIANv 17ALO--CANADESE PARIS T A X I WA. 1818 402 College St. Toronto per impianti elettrici di qualsiasi specie. Ripara-- zioni di luce, motori, u-- tensili elettrici, ecc. Tel. MI. 3424 -- Di sera e giorni festivi LO. 3823 THE ITALIAN VANGUARD PERFET T CONTRATTORI Membro della Consolidated Dealers Limited. Gid De Spirt Joe Piccininni Rocco Polito Jas. Simone By Frank A. Scandiffio Roughnecks versus Vanguards According to Joe Lato, the dance ' was on the second floor and not in the Banquet Hall. There was no Martha to take Sam home from this dance but … : .....oh,, he got there just the same! Rico and Sisto, the banana twins, stuck together through thick and thin, even dancing together. Was every-- body happy?.... uh: huh.... .. Abysynia. Monday, May 7th, marked the official opening of the Van-- guard baseball season. They were presented with the key to the city by the mayor of china-- town; passes were handed out freely, in fact they wére given to anyone interested in boccie. Mayor Stewart and Premier Henry were conspicuous by the-- ir absence. By the way, our op-- ponents were the roughnecks. The game ended in a nine--all tie. The Vanguard team is stil] undefeated. Now for the dirt amongst our own members. We were all the-- re in . our "soup and fish" . To work up an appetite, the Baro-- ne, Rico, Natale, Adams, Rac-- cioppa, Novaco, Bartello,, Scan-- diffio, 'etc.--the harmony te-- am--gave a rendition of "I like Mountain Music'"' with "Moun-- tain Music" Novaco at the pia-- no and Vic. Bagnato at the harp (I never found out why) . They refused an offer of 6,000,000 pesetas to sing over the air. Thank you, Messrs. France-- schini! i of young Italian girls, ably as-- sisted by Miss B. Palange at the piano . The dancing began at ten o'clok and continued until "I don't know when". This was due to Mr. Franceschini's generosity. He was an able master of cere-- monies and kept the dancers in high spirits (?) throughout the evening and the following mor-- ning. Highlights of Opening Game First ball pitched by L. Mis-- sori.... A. Morello at bat, hit a home run to the catcher.... Game started. ... Maniscola fe-- atured at bat and in the fi-- eld... Home runs were plenti-- ful... The nine umpires were putrid... Ercoli's dazzling spe-- ed stood the opposition on their heads... his best delivery was his "consumption'"' ball. .. both spectators cheered wildly..... the water--boy went on stri-- ke.... so did the score--keep-- er.... she went to sleep... so did everybody else.... Hum... Good--night. Nothing went wrong that night -- Natale met Yvonne; the "Crashers" got in; Frances-- schini's folk--dances met with success; Amy : Ercoli got his "break"; Miss Kay Altilia won the pastry; and several well known Italian girls made their debut at the '"mike". It was e ver y body's night -- Johnny Roncetti's night as doorman. elettrici per case, uffici, regali ed abbellimento a la vostra abitazione. ELECTRIC COMPANY APPARATI BSE 5 3 4 3 E E E 7a e s 9 BOLLE;:ÎTENQ After wrestling sensationally in Toronto for the past few months, Gine Garibaldi, favori-- te son of Italy and idol of wrestling fans over the whole North America continent, has finally been rewarded by Pro-- moter Jack Corcoran who has arranged to give him a shot at the world's championship in matching him with Jim 'Brown-- ing. Promoters in all the large wrestling centres have been bidding against one another to get this bout and Jack Corco-- ran, fully realizing the drawing powers of this match,. raised the anti a little higher than the others. At the Conservative nomin-- ation meeting of the Bellwoods Riding for the pending provin-- cial election held in the Orange Hall on College street last Wed-- nesday evening, Mr. Thomas H. Bell, who was acclaimed as the-- ir candidate said in his speech that Mr. Arthur W. Roebuck 's reported to have said at an Italian meeting last night that the Conservative government had closed the immigration do-- or to the Italians and that if a Liberal government were retur-- ned the door would be opened to them". Mr. Bell stated fur-- ther "Elect Mr. Roebuck and get another 26,000 of them. Mr. Roebuck is also reported to have said that if they were elected, they would give the Italian people their own schools and their own language." Mr. Bell went on to say, "The time will come when our big open spaces will need more people and Canada will welcome those who wili appreciate -- Canadian citizens, but not now." _ d If the above was said by Mr. Roebuck, we heartily congratu-- late him. This is an opportune itime for the Italians of Bell-- woods riding to get out and support such a splendid and ca-- pable representative who has the interest of the Italians at heart,to the Ontario legislature. Where is the Italian in Mr. Bell's riding who does not want Garibaldi has wrestled in To-- ronto for a number of years and it is noteworthy that he has ne-- ver failed to give the cash cus-- tomers plenty of action. He is known from coast to coast as the "strong man" of the ring. His ability to extricate himself from holds through his super-- human strength and extraordi-- nary knowledge of leverage al-- ways creates a great amount of interest in his bouts. Garibaldi is equally at home when wrest-- ling against either the scienti-- fic wrestlers or the tough ones. His battles with the Greek "bad man", Zaharias, will linger long in the memory of the fans as also the clever displays against Ray Steele and Jim Londos. In matching -- Garibaldi with the champion, . Jim Browning, Pro-- moter Jack Corcoran is fulfil-- ling the / wishes of the public who have been clamoring for a bout between these two men. At the present time Garibaldi GARIBALDI MEETS BROWN-- ING FOR CHAMPIONSHIP is at the top of his form and there are many who think that the breaks being equal, he will have a good chance of dethron-- ing Browning from his lofty perch. There is no need of com-- menting on Browning's ability, he is perhaps one of the best men to have held the champion-- ship and has proved his capabi-- lities by meeting and defeating all.and sundry. 2s From all appearances this bo-- ut should be the outstanding feature of the local season. In addition the three supporting bouts will feature several new-- comers. A large advance sale is No Schools or Italian Language For Italians, Says Thomas Bell George F. Sansone, R.O., Editor predicted and it would be ad-- visable to make reservations early. There is no increase in 'prices. Should the weather be warm next Thursday, the Ma-- ple Leaf management has ar-- ranged for the cooling system to be put in operation. It is high time that such nar-- row--minded and prejudiced in-- dividuals whose duty it is to represent all creeds and nation-- alities, were eliminated entirely tfrom public life. Canada is a cosmopolitan country, composed of many -- nationalities, _ who helped to build this wonderful country. We were all welcomed with open arms by the Liberal party, then led by the late Sir Wilfred Laurier, to build Cana-- da's railways and roads, tunnels and canals. Those were the days when Italian people bought their _ homes and paid. their mortgages, when relief amon-- gst us was an unknown thing, when everybody worked and was happy. _ x Preparations for the annual social and dance of the Daugh-- ters of Savoia Society to be held at Columbus Hall, Sher-- bourne and Linden streets on Wednesday, May 23rd. are gra-- dually taking ~form and the charming young ladies of this club promise that this social will surpass their previous ef-- forts, which were crowned with such great success. b What are the conditions ex-- isting to--day under the Conser-- vative government? You know them only too well as you have had four long years of their rule.. Not »satisfied . to put us through all this misery, Mr. Bell is against our children speaking our beautiful tongue, against I-- talian schools, against opening the gate of immigration, aga-- inst everything that is Italian. We shall leave this question for the time being, but rememiber, a vote for Thomas Bell is & vo-- te against the Italians. » Arrangements are now being made on a much larger scale--a larger dance floor, the Colum-- bus hall, a snappy orchestra-- Russ Barrecca and his band, and an elaborate floor show, all for the admission of fifty cents. Activities will -- commence at 8.30. ; PADRE SALZA AL CIRCOLO COLOMBO his children taught the Italian language, where is the Jew who forbids his children learn the Jewish language, and the Ukra-- inians theirs ? In occasione della sua visita al Circolo Colombo, domenica scorsa, il Rev. Salza, richiesto dagli ufficiali del Circolo stesso, ha scritto queste brevi parole sul libro ricordo del sodalizio: "Perché il Circolo continui ad essere degno, come é stato fino-- ra, del nome del Grande Italiano a cui si é intitolato, esprimo i miei piu' ardenti voti col mio piu' profondo _ compiacimento per la Fede e per la Patria, sem-- pre piu' avanti e sempre piu' in alto."" C'é sempre chi si occupa di voi e dei vostri affari, nei gior-- nali e nelle riviste, per offender-- vi, per lodarvi per burlarvi. "L'ECO--DELLA . STAMPA" (Via Giuseppe Compagnoni N.28 Milano 4--36) può dirvi esattamente che cosa gli. altri pensano e scrivono di voi. ABBONATEVI e lo saprete! DAUGHTERS OF SAVOIA SOCIAL ' AND DANCE P. Salza 6 Maggio 1934--XII A. E. DYMENT "RacINe" -- 'Steeplechasing WORLD'S CHAMPION QUEENSBURY BOXING AND WRESTLING CLUB World's Championship MAPLE LEAF GARDENS JIM BROWNING vs. Prima corsa alle 2.30 p.m. ogni giorno IL FAMOSO "KING'S PLATE" CORRERA' NEL GIORNO DI APERTURA AMMISSIONE 1.000 oltre la Tassa Thurs., May 17th, 8.45 p. WOODBINE PARK GINO GARIBALD] Maggio 19 a Maggio 26 Three Sensational Preliminaries Jack Corcoran, Promoter and Matchmaker. Presidente ONTARIO JOCKEY CLUB NO INCREASE IN PRICES EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Manager Joe Grittani Chairman H. C. W. A. Sansone Counecillors: M. Tassiello, V. Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, N. F. A. Scandiffio. Father Auad Club Chaplain. PALMER WRIGHT ITALIAN CHAMPION Segretario_Tesoriere 11 Maggio, 1934