A large gathering of young Italian men and women accom-- panied by a number of Ca-- nadian acquaintances, gathered at the Circolo Colombo last Sunday evening to bid adieu to old 1933 and to welcome the birth of 1934. For this occasion a glorious setting was arranged to prepare for the dawn of a new and prosperous New Year: The birth of the New Year ar-- rived -- amidst a profusion of southern palms, Boston ferns, zalias and flowers--a veritable paradise. A deluge of confetti. an abundance of noise makers, a galaxy of hats and novelties in the hands of our happy pa-- trons-- and the strains of Auld Lang Syne officially welcomed the New Year at exactly 12.01 Club members and their fri-- ends arrived early at our beau-- tifully -- decorated Club--rooms. However, the majority of the crowd began to arrive at the of-- ficial opening time, 11.30 P. M. and by 12_ o'clock a . goodly crowd had gathered in our ro-- *--~--'a Many seasonal greetings o--~a. exchanged and acquain-- é --« renewed. Five minutes "----elve signalized the ar-- =1 nf . the New Year and ne cathered in our ball to dance to the beautiful s a ins of Loren and his tra . By one o'clock the crowd was at its height and promptly at this point a pan-- tomine was staged denicting the passing of 1933 and the ar-- rival of 1934. This was depic-- ted in the form of a boxing match with Guido Gaglione as +322 and Vincent Piccininni as i924. George Sansone acted as master of ceremonies. After three rounds Kid 1934 was declared winner by a knockout. Following the bout, 1934 was shouldered as the winner and paraded around the hall, fol-- lowed by the members of the band and the patrons. During this parade the novelties, noise makers and hats were distribu-- ted and bedlam reigned for a few minutes, everyone exchan-- ging greetings. s § Dancing was resumed again shortly and once again the boys and girls were dancing to the smooth rhythm of Loren Ca§si- na and his boys. Shortly after the pantomine James France-- schini and his party, including his brother, Leonard, and their wives arrived at our Club, hon-- ouring us with their presence. After a few introductions they were soon in the thick of the celebration . § At two--thirty _ intermission was declared and the dancers retired to give justice to a sumptuous luncheon which had been prepared by Joseph Picci-- ninni and his train of helpers. Many tables were already spread and the huge crowd was (lîl.ccomodated with «utmost or-- er. È i Following the luncheon dancing was resumed with vigor and once again the huge throng swayed to the smooth, lilting melodies of Loren Cassina and his band to continue until five o'clock -- New Year's morning. However, upon the instigation of that generous sportsman and gentleman, James Franceschi-- ni, the band was induced to play farther for the Qel'iod of 5{1"5 ;r;:)fle_"hour much to the delight of the dancers. -- EXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Past Pres. Gid De Spirt President Joe Piccininni Vice--Pres. Rocco Polito Secretary Jas. Simone Asst. Secretary Fred Catena Treasurer G. B. Garbarino In summing up our gala par-- 'v at the Circolo, a most won-- derful time was had by all *hose present. In fact our pa-- trons voiced their opinion fre-- ely that this year's affair was the best ever staged in the history of our Club. Incidentally it was audibly remarked frequently during the night that the crowd attend-- ing Circolo functions is chiefly Circolo Colombo Welcomi 1934 with Gala Party il BOLLETTINO ITALO--CANADESE l Thanks are in order to Mr. Vincent De Vita for his co-- ) operation and generosity in lo-- aning us his gorgeous black 'Velvet curtains which adorned our stage on New Year's Eve. On behalf of the dance com-- mittee, which is composed of Chairman R. Polito, J. Grieco, J. Simone, P. Elia, H. Costabile, C H. B. Battaglia, . F. Catena and R. Renzetti, -- assisted by President Joseph Piccininni and Bill Sansone, House Committee Chairman, and the members of the Cire. Colombo, we wish to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you who helped make this year's event a crowning success. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all. Have you broken your New Year's resolution ? Tony Ricco proved himself to be a real man for the delicate job which was delegated for him at New Year's Eve. Pio Elia -- had one dance and then he is said to have gone into a special conference with his lady friend which lasted most of the night. Frequent in-- terruptions were in order -- by friends. Circolo Colombo's New Year's Eve Frolic is said to be the best ever -- staged in the history of the Club. Youth must be ser-- ved! "Fat" Battaglia is reported to have retired about four A. We wish to take this oppor-- tunity to thank Mr. Frank Gar-- barino for the use of his multi-- color are light which was used at our frolic. M. from the dance. This is ve-- ry unusual for "Fat" at a dan-- ce. Oh no, his "dogs" ran out. Jos. Battaglia had the honor of being the first cash cus-- tomer at our New Year's Eve frolic. A hole ets, perhaps. The utmost co--operation was received by the members of the committee from the members of the Club. In fact, everyone did his part whether he was a committee man or not. the vounger element. Youth must be served. There will be a special meet-- ing of the Circolo Colombo Hockey team on Sunday, Janu-- ary 7, at 3 P. M. in our club-- rooms. Members of last year's team and any Other -- players wishing to make a place on a fast intermediate team are requested to attend this meet-- ing. OQur hospitable p r e s i d e n t Joseph Piccininni gave another entertainment at his home on Mt. Pleasant Rd. last Monday evening in honour of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Masiello who came from Rochester to attend our New Year's Eve Frolic. The few intimate. friends present were royally entertained. Lady's compact, link bracelet and a key. Owners may have same by calling at Club any evening. LOST The following check room tags are missing from .our check rooms: . Nos. 8, 68, 112. Finders are requested to return same to the Club as soon as possible. FOUND AT THE CLUB CLUB NOTES in his pants pock-- ì i ?f:v l,/ 2 DEL --a ; & & B A P LE u * e A = ' o d d -- . <ieg c -\' t ? o;0 i e e W . i \/ Res January 9.-- Past President Gid De Spirt celebrates his birthday. Bro. Gid has been a bulwark of strength in Club circles for many years. He has held office for ten years and although his business affairs have taken up much of his ti-- me, he has always been an ac-- tive member. Lately he has had another _more important La sera di lunedi ci sarà un pranzo in casa di Mrs. Harece T. Hunter e martedi, 9 gennaio, le distinte visitatrici saranno o s piti dell'Heliconian Club. Mercoledi,10 gennaio Mrs. Lau-- ren Harris intratterrà le visita-- trici per un té e il giovedi suc-- cessivo Mr. Robert Fennell of-- fre il pranzo. Venerdi e sabato, rispettivamente saranno ospiti di Mrs. Frank McEachren e Mrs. A. L. Ellisworth. January 6,-- G. B; Garbari= no, one of the older members of the Club and also one of the most esteemed. and beloved, celebrates his natal day. Mr. Garbarino has always taken a keen interest in the Circolo Co-- lombo and has made several donations towards the recon-- struction work done in the Club--rooms. He is at the pre-- sent time treasurer of the Club. Stante l'interesse che ha de-- stato questa settimana italiana al N. C. of E., si ritiene che il numero -- delle _ conferenze non saranno sufficienti e si pensa che gli ospiti si tratterranno a Tor o nto un'altra settimana quindi proseguiranno per Mon-- treal e a Winnipeg. Domenica, alle 4 p. m., il R. V. Console Cav. Dott. G. B. Am-- brosi e la sua signora offriran-- no un té all'Alexandra Palace. Lunedi, alle 3 p. m. la signo-- rina Bernardi parlerà al Round Room, Eaton a College, avanti al Club delle Donne Canadesi, sul tema "Le donne nella nuova Italia'", quindi seguira un rin-- fresco che l'oratrice ricevera insieme a la Duchessa di Rigna-- no, Donna Abelina Colonna. January is a popular month for -- birthdays _ amongst the members of the Circolo Colom-- bo . 31 Gennaio -- Ballo dei Figli d'Italia al King Edward Ho-- tel. 23 Gennaio -- Ballo al Circolo Colombo . 15 Gennaio-- Ballo Sodality Girls of Mt. Carmel al Circo-- lo Colombo . CALENDARIO _ COLONIALE Hanno preso parte al concer-- to i seguenti artisti dello Stu-- dio Carboni: il baritono K. E. Spencer, la soprano Evelyn May Hughes el il tenore R. Judge; vi erano inoltre la pia-- nista signorina Gertrude Labo-- vitz, dello studio Clough e la violinista signorina Myrth Bowman di quello _ Chuhaldin, accompagnata -- dalla signorina Frank Murch. CARBONI DA' UN CONCERTO La settimana scorsa il Mae-- stro Cav. Carboni ha dato un brillante concerto nel suo stu-- dio, 4_ Alexandra St., al quale sono intervenute oltre 250 per-- sone che hanno gremito la sala, con eleganti toilets da sera. GRANELL SI DIVERTE In occasione -- dell'entrata del nuovo anno il sig. George Gra-- nell ha voluto ingolfarsi nella pazza gioia assieme ad un grup-- po numeroso di amici. Per chi conosce il non comu-- ne buon umore del sig. Granell lasciamo immaginare con quale gioia sia stato accolto l'arrivo del 1934, La Settimana Italiana (seguita dalla 1.a pagina) Successo pieno. BIRTHDAYS BOLL=TTIRNO George F. Sansone, R.O., Editor ' What a bout this will be! Londos has not appeared in To-- {ronto for over a year and a half \but he has drawn the largest gates in this city. He is a mas-- terful and resourceful wrestler with tremendous strength. He has had only one reverse in the past few years and that was last year when Joe Savoldi ga-- ined a surprise victory over Jhim in Chicago. There is no 'need of writing about his abili-- ty a§ all will remember the lstirring bouts in which he defe-- ated Ray Steele, George Zaha-- matter besides business to take up his time, and it is rumoured that it will not 'be long before genial Gid will join the ranks of the benedicts. SODALITY TO _ HOLD S O CI A L JANUARY 15th Once again the Sodality girls of Mount Carmel Church come to bat with one of their famo-- us socials. This is to take place For these three brothers, we extend our sincerest wishes for many happy returns of the day. On January 8th Anna Baro-- ne, daughter of Bro. Joe Baro-- ne, celebrates her birthday. We extend to the happy parents our sincere congratulations. Not to be outdone by the, Shamrock Club who have been forging to the front by promot--, ing feature bouts, Jack Corco--' ran of the Queensbury Club has been diligently -- working during the past few weeks to secure Jim Londos to appear in Toronto. This he accomplished yesterday when he received the signed contract of the "Golden Greek" to meet any opponent selected. After the manner in which Rudy Dusek handled | both Blue Sun Jennings and Wee Willie Davis, last night,{ Corcoran did not hesitate to sien Dusek to meet Londos. _ | Januaty. 10..---- Another old standby, Harold Fattori, arriv-- es at another milestone of his life. Bro: Harold too was a very active member until he was married. He has however, al-- ways managed to take part in the bowling tournment. LONDOS TO MEET DUSEK HERE i --In matching him with Rudy Dusek, Promoter Corcoran has given him an opponent whom the wrestling faternity think is capable, in his present form, of defeating anyone in the game. At last night's bouts several of the fans were so enthused at his remarkable stamina and strength that they dubbed him | ""Pop Eye" of comic strip fame. He is the master : of several gdangerous holds, the step--over toe hold and the rolling cradle [ splits are his specialties. He is i fast and rugged and can absorb 'punishment better than any | man in the ring. It will be so-- | me battle, in fact, one of the |best matched bouts to have been arranged in a long time. rias and -- Gino Garibaldi. He \will be welcomed back to the lring by a large crowd of fans 'who will turn out to.see wheth-- 'er he was as good as he was on his last appearance here. RECORDS FOR THE MONTH Dec. 16 -- Jan. 15 High Score for Team 5 Pellettiers~.;;.:,...". 3259 The balance of the card will bring together _ several new wrestlers. There will be no ad-- vance in prices but it would be well to get your tickets in ad-- vance as on his last appearan-- ce here Londos performed to a sell out Maple Leaf Gardens and the Maple Leaf -- Gardens holds a vast crowd. on Monday, January 15th in the _ Circolo Colombo!. Those who have attended their past social functions will greet this announcement with great ple-- asure as they all know what a good time is in store for them and as a word of advice to tho-- Monday January 8 .... Tuesday January 9 .... Wednesday January 10 Thursday January 11 .. Standing January 5, 1934 -- >Pellettiera -- .. … e 933 Columbus Coal …… : . 532 SPo n en e. 90 Priull -- s ne des F7. Iucky Strikes ...~..... 18 Columbia;...~...;.".....316 Fatons--. /. .~..;.:%;.;5 4O Mookers=.ys>_sla 22.3 _ 4 BOWLING NEWS Columbus Coal vs. Eaton 9. Lucky Strikes vs. Hookers Columbia vs. Spows" 5 Pellettieri vg. Friuli , FENXECUTIVE OF THE CLUB Manager Joe Grittani Chairman H. C. W. A. Sansone Councillors: M. Tassiello, V. Pellettieri, Sal. Cira, N. F. A. Scandiffio. Father Auad Club Chaplain. Quest'anno ricorre il decimo anniversario della sua fondazio-- ne e per la' circostanza verrà pubblicata un'edizione straordi-- naria della rivista sociale: "Ita-- lica", con speciali--contributi®dei soci fondatori. Il prossimo "con-- vegno sarà tenuto in dicembre venturo a Swarthmore College, in Philadelphia. Giovedi, 18 corr., ai Friends of Italy sarà rappresentato un lavoro sacro, da un gruppo di studenti d'italiano. La rappre-- sentazione avré luogo nella Gal{ leria Ridpath a Yonge St. Il 22 corrente si celebreranno le nozze della signorina Rosa Borsa, figliuola di Thos. Borsa, 326 Markham St. RECORDS FOR THE SEASON RIUNIONI _ _D'INSEGNANTI D'ITALIANO Il 29 u. s., a S. Louis Miss. s'é tenuta l'annuale convenzio-- ne degl'insegnanti di lingua ita-- liana nel Nord America, della quale é presidente il chiarissi-- mo prof. cav. Emilio Goggio della nostra Università. L'as-- sociazione va fiorendo in =do, incoraggiante; fanno parte di essa circa 300 membri. RAPPRESENTAZIONE _ SA-- CRA AI FRIENDS OF ITALY High 3 Games Garberino ........:..... 808 High Game For Team Spows--...n.....lavli.syc<1969 High 3 Games For Team 5 Pellettiers.....--.=...-- Bd40f 3 Games 700 or over E. Pellettieri .. ……… .. 7898 MarciahQ (i; … s.o ..o iI se who have never had the ple-- asure of assisting a Sodality social, do not miss the next one. Keep January 15th open. You will not be sorry as the Mount Carmel Sodality certainly know how to arrange a programme of fun for young and old. High Single Game Cadorin … . = .. n e PROSSIMO MATRIMONIO 5 Gennaio, 1934 ----.----301