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Store Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-8pm Sat: 9am-6pm Sun: 10am-5pm (905) 257-4611 Ancaster - Aurora - Barrie - Barrhaven - Burlington - Cambridge Downsview - Guelph - Kanata - Kitchener - London - Nepean Oakville - Scarborough - Waterdown - Waterloo - Whitby - Woodbridge "I have been swimming in open water almost my whole life because my grandmother lives on the north coast of Brittany by the English Channel," said Brunel. "I didn't know that Lake Ontario had such a bad rep- utation. This lake is such a beautiful body of water. The more you connect peo- ple with the water, the more likely they are will- ing to protect it." Swimming in open wa- ter gives you a sense of free- dom and a different per- spective of the land, she added. "In addition, the condi- tions are never the same: air temperature, water temperature, waves, wind, clouds, sun, everything is different each time." After a swim in the lake, she feels completely ener- gized and refreshed, said Hughes. "We all say it changes the course of your day com- pletely. A bit of a fountain of youth." The best way to dispel a myth is to go by your own experience, said Hughes. "My experience tells me what's healthy, what feels amazing and what adds so much to my life. When that alarm clock goes for the sunrise swim, there's no pause, my feet hit the floor running. I'm in because I know it's going to be amaz- ing. What a gift Lake Onta- rio is to my life now. Who knew?" NEWS LAKE ONTARIO IS 'A BEAUTIFUL BODY OF WATER' Continued from page 41 Meet the PeoPle in your neighbourhood. 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