41 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,N ovem ber 15,2018 insidehalton.com water and will not swim if it is believed to be unsafe," said Barker, also an Oak- ville Masters member. "All swimmers, regard- less of skill, swim with a bright-coloured swim buoy which is for both safety and visibility. We swim in pods of swimmers with similar skills." Some members swim every day; some weekly or monthly and there isn't much that prevents them from their pursuit except the cold (for some) and high waves, said Barker. "The numbers will dwindle now that the col- der weather is co- ming...There are swim- mers who will venture in year-round while others ta- per off gradually. As the water gets colder, the swims get shorter." Barker is aware of the reputation Lake Ontario sports as a polluted cess- pool. "I think everyone is still just stuck in an old mind- set. I'll be honest, when I first heard about people swimming in Lake Ontario I had the same reaction as I am getting from people now; as a kid, I never would have even considered dip- ping my toe in the lake. People just assume with- out any accurate informa- tion, that the lake is un- safe.," said Barker. The water is actually tested weekly at numerous sites and there is even an app called Swim Guide that reports conditions, she said. "That is why we have GLOW. Just being out in the water really gets people talking." Elodie Brunel and her family chose Oakville when they moved from their native France this spring, specifically be- cause of its proximity to Lake Ontario. NEWS Some of the more than 100 swimmers who participated in the 24-hour GLOW relay to raise funds to protect the Great Lakes. GLOW/photo Continued from page 40 See LAKE, page 42 ESP PSychic Fair www.esppsychicfair.ca Top professional Psychic mediums. Find out what's coming up in your love life, work, health and your finances. Mediums, Palmistry, Tarot cards, crystal Ball, crystals, readings, Lectures & More Best Western 161 chisholm Dr., Milton DOOr PriZES DaiLy (Jade Necklace, Bracelet, over $1000 value) FREE gem stone Admission $5: $3 with this ad • Good for all 3 days FREE PARKING & FREE LEctuRE ANd dEmoNstRAtIoN Room NOvEMBEr 16, 17 & 18Th, 2018 Friday: 2pm - 10pm Saturday: 11am - 10pm Sunday: 11am - 7pm Visit ymcaofoakville.org/peace for details Our annual event celebrates peace in Oakville with the presentation of 2018 YMCA Peace Medals. This year's keynote speaker is Melody Hossaini, the multi-award winning Founder & CEO of InspirEngage International. CommunityBreakfast for Peace Thursday, November 22 7:00 - 9:30 am Purchase your tickets today! Tickets selling fast!