Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jul 1902, p. 5

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THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30. ee -------- ESYAR OF SEAN), ves oop TE APPAR OFTHE HOUR | so nh A ann Re on Tea - | Capt. W. 8 Morgan' V.8. who! re 7 : oy to nity id 55 3 sturned to the city a short time ago, A THUG ATTACKS THREE The Popularity Of Tucks. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR alter serving with the South African A charming aMerfoon toilette is Constabulary, to-day received a letter WOMEN AT CAMBRIDGE. fashioned of cream voile of the softest QUARTERS oF THE EARTH, [rom a ny officer, Capt. F. H. Dor i re § quality and the preference for tucks is ---- { ling, staff adjutant of "BE" division, Bar of Iron his Weapon--Assail- § clearly svidenced. The waist has a Matters That Interest Everybody 8. A. C. The constabulary, he writes, ant Always Seeks to Crush the | VP Yoke effect of horizontal tavks al. ---Notes From All Over--Littls have now been given their regular po h by " . ternating with inset bands of black of Y | lice duties, and, on the whole, there is Skulls of his Vietims--Police lace and below this the lace and tucks Everything Easily Read and |, large amount of work for wa Completely in the Dark. j run lengthwise, A soft rosette of k . t Ithem to do. Since Captain dD 2 ZA Bostow, Mam., July 30 ~ Three cases ' berty satin ribbon ix placed at the Several casex of small. pox have de | Morgan leit two of his, friends, Capts. oh F of murderous sssiult are credited 10 a ¥ side. The elbow sleeves are trim. veloped in Oswego, NY. Tucker and McCarthy, have heen kill- Log man of mystery, who is making Cam. | "ed with ruffles. Ee iden is Sir Jobin. Bolrioot is in a very eri: | ed, and another fellow companion, died oes i bridge his field of operations and se | followed in the skirt h h falls in] tieal condition. He has not taken | of enteric fever. The statement to the 9:78 leoting servadt gitls as his victims. very graceful' and artistic fines Cor food for days: [ effect that the constabulary is doing "even distinet lacerations on the ticelli silk fs used nn the makifig © of | King Edward is now permitted to | regula? police duty, the purpose for head, 'a large fracture of the skull, ex- | this costiime. use his feet, and, with the aid of u {which # way ralied stamps as incor Voile and wilk and wool materials stick, has done a little walking. rect (the report received in the city fp. ¢ aS tending ownw ard four inches . J | I h thiough to the vertex, with a hole | 8 Very thiich liked, etrhroidered, uni. | A sait water sa o 8 Tarity inf ihat the members, some 15.000 now, Tk icp iia ei sulliciently large Lo admis the passage spotted faintly or stripped, in short] these waters, wns 'eaight th the St. | had been sent to Cape Town. towards heating a of the little finger." Such is the re : Lawrence by Peter Fraser, Brockville, edits spe 7 if » sult of the physicians' examination of President' Mitchell, it is helitved, be. Died At Hotel Dien. "9 house fed into a iss Ella Murphy, a servant of No. 21 gan ba tour of the strike region to apo. thred months' illness James +» ¥ Furnace to heat Avon whivet, Uamridge, who is the ay © in"the Schuylkifl district Doyle, 103 "Wellington street, passed ----- S---- t victim of a murderous assault. nw, ing. He suffer ~--one which does not Mics Murphy paised a fairly comfort 5 dis W. R. Pentod, crown solicitor for a Py bse 2 and for send the fuel up the de night, wo meidliting her critical J : So» Stig. hia ud 31,300 sone time had "heen receiving treat Lig ---- condition, bile it wer at fin damages again atrick A. McHugh, Dieu. The deceased, Q: chimney n smoke. thought she had been struck but onee, 4 M.P., at the Beliast = aspizes for libel a Ha sixty years of age, ' is is ow apparent that seven distinct ors EY berlpi : was an tnmarried man, and a laborer ¢ . Umes the assailant swing a three 4 8 "hamberiain, financial | 3. ccdupation. For a number of vears " ' cornered bar of iron upon the unpre ' necretary to the treasury, won of the Be worked in a factory at Syracuse, " tocted head of the woman before he - suloniaf secretary, will, it 'is Announ- | Ny. but returned to Kingston to 9 fled. fed, sucoded Gerald Balour, as presi- nd the remainder of his days. Two I 8 EN The police of Cambridge searched ali , dt of the board of trade. sitters survive: Mise Ellen, Welling E At Shenandosh, Pa., Thomas Tosh, | ton street, and Mrs. Matthewson, of night stspicous persons, but with hey are completely in in charge of a camp of 'special mine Lindsay. * The 'deceased was a 'member 9 lB Li hk dad out success: 4 : a. 4 the dark as to the identity of the guards, was attacked by strikers and Sy 1 The funeral . urnaces 'assailant. The woman is unable to : compelled to seek the shelter of his tarry adi 1 or give a description of the man, unless 2 home. The strikers say Tosh has been | i104 t to be at St. Mary's ceme- " y it be a colored man whom she saw Active in attempting to induce mine | |" oT 0e0t to be : ~ Biv following her a lew minutes before she Notes bs return to the collieries. : will extract heat was struck. b x wemen injured, two eight : 4 » fre h Men in citirens' clothes have been Storey buildings alasost completely de. A Stegigiutorwasd Soufte ie sir rom a unit of . coal detailed throughout the city to watch stroyed, a number of others damaged | At last night's, meeting of : . uy than any other good for the assailant. : and a property loss estimated qt | council, Ald. Tait, in defending the Fi Tw previous asanlie, thought to $300,000 is 'the result of a fire on Lib, | action of the property committee, a Q urnace. iB tare oon ' : erty street, Pittsburg, = Pa. which | cused Ald. Craig of Jobbery. The last a 2 3 ve wommitted by the same » Which ; h Every square inch han, on sccount of their similarity, raged flercely for seven hours op | named defied Lgl ad es = f he bot of were Upon Mise Catherine McConnell, { N Tuesday, instance in w A. een guilt fo trom {i tom twenly Years old, and Sibra Gustav. i 1 Ww. Reports from Portuguese West Afri. | Of anything . rd. Ald. Hark. fire=pot to top of dome #00, twenty one, 1 1 i here hove have been rumor' of To ray te was works bojler : 5 ' rc fi a : N Jubles with the natives, show es BE is ~ direct radiating CHANGES IN THE CLASSES. : the Sisorters are asndiing a] gras Spuiteust, but AM: Sy elituibed surface, ; ------ fy RN a - wn character. Th the Province of Ic iat ha cotise ; i [The dome is mad. 0! ti Public Setocle-Tamporary | Ne Las fh ctor ais Mery uackslt Ere anid: Jait gave Aid § ome is made Teacher Dropped. or < og tories were burned, A general up . re When of - 4 es way rising fe i behali' of the city at all times. of héavy steel-plate, oe Inatigement committee of tha! iff every farm ahd Shah and * color ng 18 re TSMR . { dard of education met yesterday af- | thes delitlite fabrics hold "their HEMLOCK ¥ Be Sure And See It. which makeg it amore | ternoon, Chairman MeKelvey presid- | own, the~ favorite wislir being a de LoGs. The Carnival of Musical Romances effective heater than ing. Grouped around him were | licate yellowidh-bufl tint shading to Ontario Government Pi ill bo he ing event in the opera the cast-inon dome put Messrs. Melntyre, Meck, Elliott and cream. Gray in always weltoned by bag 0 aces Em. N _ Rong two evenings. The Richardson, and Inspector . W, G. 4 the sartorial powers, just mow of 48° On Their Exportation. ent Ox Yas lv local and Ee bhp in common Furnaces, | Bidd: 'Aber Bue deliberation it was [fait shale of dove color predomina- Foronto, July 30, The Ontario gov. Bh » ai BY Prof ro Agostini g es " decided to make the following chan ting. There is another color in vogue | ernment has passed an order-in-eoun rs a Lvawood' is the ais The "Sunshine" has . 5 ju the aman Smet of the classed | in Pavix at * present which may also Sil Fr heitivig he oxpiort after April doctor: and EF. H. Coates, ' general oa the public schools : take Wore among certdin osprits in th, ; of the lock' logs, cut oF A earn) o the everyimproved féature Miss Smith's class will be removed | coming modes. Te isn very Undecid. The the crown lands of the Provinee. nr in ---- pi ---- and still is so simple from the old 'collegiate building back | ei shade of brown almost running to | The regulation will be submitted to nih pleating 'eatury" 6 i thi se school, ine Barry's senior | purple a trifle heavy perhaps for wear the legislature for endorsation at the | #08500 ~ y I wi i u i be next session. It i a n Lovise school will he In summer, "but certainly nce ptable K10n seems that since th Syracuse Excursionists Here. Sent 10 Central school. Miss Fraser's | for the variable "damples" of weather | Passage of the order preventing the " gino fourth class (Boys) will be | we may yet be treated to, export of pine logs, a 'considerable de. | At noon today «the steamer New wily transferred from Central to Cataraqui ------------ mand has sprung up for hemlock lum. | York brought to the city about 606 wid school. A new kindergarten close. will AS OTHERS SEES US. repulnic mills of Michigan. The ny a, ssompunying, the be establi in Sydenliam school, --. regulation is intended to secuie the |.uual outing of employees of Witherell's ; in ed with Misa May Martin in charge. To | Sabbath Observance--Let People | "sing of thi lumber in' Canada R large dry-goods store. The exctivsion- We were never better prepared to protect your eyes from make rooms for this Mics Scott will be Enjoy Ives A ------------ ists were giten ver three homty . mi sun or your new suit or hat from rain. Our RAIN OR iven { nior rt «fing 4 y . Themse . Al A ity 1 chich t i the wights, . » 1 Sooond vapid In Reni art Kingston, July 30.--(To the Editor): | Charles Snvder oe she ing lor Pome a three o'clock. SHINE DEPARTMENT is brim full of good SEASONA- 'Yhis wil necessitate reduction in os attention has buck galled to a let: OY ', sioue, sh, tad eclipse > BLE UMBRELLAS for man or woman. . . i or in your issue 28¢, uy 8 eyes » A ' i : t : : the taf y BS rmputary jeacher helg onrint i. of 28th te Migned Aon wee 1+ - Under Surgeon's Knife. Rain Umbre'las, with gold, silver, natural crook or * ny » 3 » * v theak ., Pe m, A * Wh no * | hob om school, will take Miss Hriggs' | more appropriate had he signed him The murmur of the Solel Sie ruin, L don, July 25 3 ty hun, knob, wood hand'es, good tops, guaranteed not to fade or class at the Depot school, while isp | Bell "Fousil." In that letfor be asks sl sid voion the sad refrain, ou ddad: and apa Yond leak, at 5 riggs, 'who is © 8° temporary tegcher. 4 bimseli the age he lives in, and with Alone, alone ! but subsequently released and who | leak, at 50¢., 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, will: be retained ng occasional tedcher. all due pect io a ousiar> il ot tin form, where, inthe trite Be ag and surly, this-mioith, $3 $3 25 to $6 each. "yo : . hy >) t o 3 3 3 lo & ' ~ pr : a < . . . - » bey so ee | Br or ne REE pe fr so enc of ln Toa | Sun or Shine Umbrellas in fast color, willed, Gloria, ers will assist each other, The parry. | Wi¥ ideas are of the fourteenth or per But, on the. buch a. eS dunt: log. -- Mercerized Satip, Mixed Silk and Pure Silk, in black, . brown or navy blue. : ing out of these changes js in decor. | Bape a century or so wartier; 1 would The soul bas lute the srumbling crust, wWingue. . A very fair Sun Umbrella for 50¢. of ance with thesrecomméndation of In. | *trongly advise the Re \dluan ig buy The sitent Baseball spector Kidd, and under the authority | ® cheap memorandum boo and. mite elements Gouver '8. Ponies, Lake Ontario | the different towns and' cities as he i iouverneur va. Ponies, Lak : ri tee. passes through the county, and when ' { Park, Thursday, 4 p.m, Admission 15c, A A fine rade for 75¢. of the board us vested ih the commit he gets back to his native heath, com oi 1 i pare motes. and he will find the til hi Mayor Low, New York, has appoint: Beauties ranging from $1 25 to $5 each. on ; MARINE INTELLIGENCE. which enacts laws giving the ei From rm Phe © pd fy ed Joseph M, Deuel, Le Roy B. Crane . » and Matthew P. Breen city magis Many with the new patent runner and handles made of ' bot freedom 'tb carry out thei . gra, hat ve w w No 1 1 y out their own pecu The id globe, o 3 i w tes Regarding the Movements ot | | Wi insured rouioms of wen, ~~ | trates for ten years, at a salary of plain black wood, natural rustic ood, box wood, crockery, ar Views aw to Sabbath observances, : . onsels. a prosperous and 'thriving city: while i Di ieht, $7,000 o Year each, beginning Janu i At Swilt & Co's wharf, Steamer on the contrary, he will fing the city ; bay ary lst, 1903, ivory, cut glass, metal, gold and silver, oa Kingston up and down, which has blue laws, o tend place, of | Kom, Snes Ban in n speech. at Glasgow Hon. George Boys' or Girls' School Umbrellas, made specially with : Sotumad hat, tho wap inl handle 2 3 AL Cralg & Co's. wharl.--Steamer | most too slow for faneral, with His nobls The. W, Hous ; otra ron Td; steamyabht | frase growing in its publie thorough weeping mist South Africa was prolonged to the ey pan tom; Thousan Seign | fot ¥ © halo "shroeuh thesasa ; | Pxtent it had been because thera wore Fancy Stripe and Plain Colored Parasols, clearing at points, Men who 'work wix Tong dayé in the 2pbye's tone #0 few colonial troops in the field. half pri At the M. T. Company elevator. | week want some recreation, 'and s, Awake trom ite Automual sigh McQuade, wife and family, Ro- rice. ; jiuther lod % otter and eatubit img a hf Sots ih, an Sedu way, Te amor ant ona, the a. Shistér, RY are in the sity to, Hp ry us for your Rain or Shine Umbrella or Parasol and oledo, wis A000 What 'objection should there be rived' Klome, shone | # their annual vacation with relatives : { on Colborne street. see if we can suit you, (sabella bushels of wheat. Tug Thomson and | If our street curs wire rifining on ¥ three light barges, from Montreal. Sunday afternoons, to give men with What, nattats | h , Prof. and Mrs. Connor, Belleville, Tog Thomson cleared for Oswego with | their families the chance of going out The skv n throne, are in the city. barges to load coal. together to woink of the parks, what While yet that wall disomsoln te ° ' ¥ i et -- two light - The steamer India, with consorts} more innocent Pastime can there be Nonns thectizh bullae. of his state, COMMERCIAL, af B Burmah apd Ceylon, from Spr Abad? 1 am not intormed whether the With anguish hat will not abate, R are in Lake Ontario hound down. Fhe #treot "car Company has the right to MARKETS. : Fake P---- -- So-- Any womitl whosenter- B-Liirst two: mentioned are laden with | run their cars on Sunday or not, but That thauch the b MONTREAL ROYCE ARK. prising' h to Mreak ton ow for Deseronto, and the Inst | it shows be made compuldry for ans " biol. os. eh : enong named with deals for Montreal; these] them to give a' street car service on , Voids . : £83.50 away from old habits and will be transhipped at Garden Island al least Sunday afternoons. FOR bake J into barges and taken to Montreal Chere is «another very important on her Dext TF day, nae J The ladia and Burmah procoesied oi Bo at ho aistn X the year a - 2; o ] . Sa' Cait aL tect 0 Deseronto while the Ceylon | which applies to the workin man, the Ohe-=the universal erief ; : $2.40. ra * was towed down from the upper gap | same a ' She stiest car, 8 is the Brings lor ge heart velie. s 0; p26, Reefrige tors. by. a tug, right otal stdamers fo ent The pomp, pageantry i 380.1 > . -------- leave port. - Now, nobody Ye ne n Cannot i a. Penal A ow, i bo 10a; Ice Cream Freezers, The Girls W. Prett be hurt any more by taking an outing No balm, Rico iaan ay bestow: z ' y r re y. on the water than by going down ty . Tu Water Coolers an ge of Jnplo ees | sea the line stemmiers coming in. In Alona. Hus glory "ath the wod " . » railroad, from n- | conclusion, give people the ri , one ? . Yes, alome with God, : frew and way. points to Kingston, | do as they ease os your right In wavs -- in whe Sell. Screen Doors and Windows, took place to-day, about 500 attend: | the palice court on Monday mornings Some solate message from the dead, , S| ane Cs y ing. After enjoying a 308 rund on | will be lighter than it is now. There R Benediction on her , : . . i Oil Stoves in- the street cars " Lake aria Fat will 'he less drinking and more Api A "bleuned: cgi. Bom A . Ww and retin, ving rin thef néss all round. --Yours, N ) Alove? when through fon' y city, the & ipnists | Ford Lh ET at EW CONE. Prim, wma stain wal mnhosds | fun Sues : Gas Stoves. palatial stéamer New ) ; 5 2 on ; ; among the Thousand islands. The re-| sx; . Breads, on Thal oor: strand, Rinoiper. Elseisc...- Ya We have them all in good assortment. ney hy train will be under That braite the hem of Benlan Tard, ut 1 i 3 That she oid woe and and Fee Sn ERE =gese-BRES 58 MCKELVEY & BIRGH, . 69 and 71 Brock Street, *' Don't Forget - ABERNETHY'S GOST - PRIGE SALE Boots. Shoes, Trunks ' and Valises. Ladies, ask to see the _ feel 3 k A Sab¥ase E5the : i i i} = 23 HT F30858s} pa8d - g Fifa oh

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