_ DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 69TH YEAR. NO. 177. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1902, SII LAST EDITION. = -- PS Shirt Sale % 2 « {Jenkins' ---------- 8! Shirts for . You don't need any. § coaxing to come, only to know it is on. - N Is Happiest id a 4 Jove a right elevates in London was prosecuted ot wicht by nid of electric Night. month are the Federal Paint company, LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Operas house musical camivel, 8 p.m "A" Co. 1h Regiment, swets to-night Carnival matines to-morrow --30c. and 25¢ Fromtenae cheese bosrd, 1:30 pm, Thurs day. A fool's Racoments, The sun rises Thurwlay at 4.48 am, end ots at TU6 pm. Lake Ontario Park, baseball, mouth is always open for en Gouverneur va Ponies, 4 pm, Thersday Lake Ontario Park, Boston Merrymakers, high class performance, 8:15 pm The opera house wuditoriom was ome of the cool spots in town lant eveming The carnival towight is » splendid baleomy and gallery attraction, Se. and Ae To fed our whit you really amount to, A beading 10 an ad should tell a story in i wet the opimion of an intelli-ent and honest Oc antagonist ® ftwell, or Le so fmviting as to lead the read er imo the body of the anmuncement. in 1968 the work on Westminster bnidee the American records stand orrected. New general advertisers are Cann Kidney . Cure' company of Philadelphia, National Au- $1.50 Shirts for tomatic Needle compunvy. of New York, Na s, tional Treding company, of Clevelaml Among new atdvertisors in the Whiz this of ew York, Force Food company, of Buffalo; MeClary - Manulactoring company, of London, aod E. B. Eddy company, of Hell Tide day in the world's history : Prince Al fred, Quen Vietoria's seeornd som, died 1900; Wilinm Pern died, hind, rence completes], 1887; be Chicavo riot, nine tv killed, 1877; Prince of Wales arrived Halifax, 1860, 1918; Lachine briige Prince Bismark 1898; over St. Law- at CROWN DERBY DECORATION | WE OFFER YOU VERY HANDSOME DINNER SETS COMPLETE. Our regular price was $20. We have a few sets we are clearing at $12.50. ROBERTSON BROS. ay, August 2nd, / rOows, Sauare, Two Horses, tatrbes he eo Canadian Te Kington Tons Goon : WM. MURRAY, Jr. Auctioneer At 8130. RUCK k Ea WON A CUFF BUT. wut out of guid back. at Whig Ofice. Bvery Hvening Matinees Wednesday MAKERS at 3130. Mammis Wiisen, Emma Zeph, 3 BARTELL 0S. 3 Singing, Das y ase fy, Ja ie Election to the Legislative Az- sembly of the Province of Omn- tario for the Electoral Dis- Tan MURRAY, Agent of Seid ig J. Heanm, n - Ringston, Ont Both duly To INDIANS SURRENDER. .| mistakahle MBERALS ARE JOVRLL They Have Carried North Leeds Election ENCLISRWEN NOT CONTENT WITH THE DOMESTIC POLICY OF THE CONSERVATIVES. A Conservative Member has Se- ceded to the Liberal Ranks-- ~Mr. Chamberlain Speaks About Imperial Conference -- Hope of Canadian Ministers. New York, July 30.--The Tribune's London cable says : The government is beginnin to realize that the po- tency of "khaki" is exhausted, and that, however popular the war policy may have been in the country, their domestic policy is viewed with very differents feelings. The loss of an hitherto unconquerable seat, quite re cently, at Bury, condemned in an un- fashion their determina- tion to maintain the corn duty which is regarded as the thin end of protec: tion. Now, Cathcart Mason, who wrenched Orkney and Shetland from the grip of the liberals over the war question, has seceeded owing to his dapproval of the military ana edu- catiom proposals, and the action of the lrish executive respecting the De freyne evictions. But the most stag ering blow is the result of the North weds election, which, ever since the electoral epoch of 15856, has returned nothing but unionists, and where now the formidable government majority of 29% has been converted into a hostile majority of 700, The election was fought entirely on the question of free trade and the education bill. No more emphatic verdict could have been given, and the liberals are beside themselves with joy. Mr. Chamberlain made sn academic reference to the imperial conference, yesterday, tending to minimize the importance of the proposals under dis cussion. The colonial ministers are re ticent, but studiously refrain from ex- citing hopes which cannot be fulfilled. They assert that great progress has been made wince the jubilee conference, when generalties alone were discussed, and the representative men of the mo- ther country and the colonies were content with the promotion of good feeling. They add that, while no im portant results have been accomplish eid so far this year, practical mea sures for bringing the constituent por- tions of the empire together have been considered, and this is a sign that imperial federation is nearer than it was, . The Canadian ministers abandowed. the: hope of ferential treatment for grain dominion and assert that even smallest concession would much as advertisement of the tural resources of Canada, and be helpful to immigration. There been consultations between the ters and the treasury officiale - ing the possibility of Sandnting preference, now enjoyed by British shippers, more valugble than it has been heretofore. Messrs. Fielding and Paterson have made 4 close study of the statistics on the subject, and are seeking to open the way for a prefer ence in return, which will be useful to the dominion. The margin for any- thing like a mutual preference ar rangement is very narrow under the existing customs and registration du- ties of the United Kingdom. The reports published here and in America respecting the Canadian Pa cifie's offers for the establishment of steamship lines on the Atlantic and Pacific are so circumstantial that the mipteters, assembled at the Hotel Cecil, have been compelled to issue ao short statement disclaiming authority defi have not for them, and Genying that pite conclusion has been pemched They do not conceal the fact that the oy Is have been received and that Tha making strenuous effort to ve at a working arrangement with the British government, They have evidently been annoyed by the con troversies raised over the question of ports of call, the exaggerated state ments of the amounts of subsidizies required, that the Morgan shipping combination has not been worked out and that certain interests are striving to commit the Canadian government prematurely to costly policies, AW Given. London, July 30. The Times warns the pvernment to heed the Leeds election. §t # that the government must make ) ¥ ® to meet the seeds af the country daring the period of rE action that has now eom- mented. It instances the case of Mr. Mason, formerly & unionist member of the Tel vat commons, who has Joined liberals as a svmptom of the changes that are likely to ofeur. Detroit, Mich., July 30.--Misa oui ine Smylie, "y Burns ey Robert W, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The latest reports say that the hing continues to make excellent pro gress. Charles Green, wanted in Bufialo, for alleged murder is under arrest at Deén- ver The Ontario Rifle Association matches will be shot on August 27th, 25th and 29th, Ion. Joseph Chamberlain says that the Transvaal will bear some part of the war expenses The baby panther which escaped from the Zoo at Bronx Park last Sunday is still at large Afiairs are very disturbed at Cape Haitien. Unorganized mob is in charge of the city. Foreign consuls have been threatened. Charles Radtke, Rochester, N.Y., arrested for offences against his fami- ly, banged himself in a cell, using his suspenclers for the purpose. A young Mexican panther gnawed its way out of its eage in the Bronx zoo on Sunday and is still at large. Platoons of police are searching for him. The reported wale of his picture, "The Vampire," is denied by Sir Phil- ip Burne-Jones. It was reported that W. K. Vanderbilt had purchased the painting. (). Martin, of the Royal Canadian Yachy club, Toronto, has been select- hop opofesiehecr dosed Praises Canadians. London, July 30.--In his final despatch on the Boer war, Lord Kitchener warm- ly praises Lieut.-Col. Gir- ouard and other Canadian officers, non-commissioned officers and men. ode fork ode esl deopr oe ed ax the third arbitrator for the Sea- wanhaku Cup races, commencing Au- gust Tth. The steamship Roslyn Castle has sailed from Hamilton, Bermudas, for South Africa, with the first party of returning Boers, numbering 350 per- sone, on board. The woman found dead in a Chi- cago saloon has been identified as Mrs. Ernest Blohm, who disappeared two weeks ago. Accidental strangula tion is now suggested. . "Black Jack" Macdonald, a noted desperado, was shot and killed in his saloon at Juarez, Mexico, an Sunday, by an American. The fight resulted over g game of dice. * The pope has appointed Cardinal Girolamo Marin Gotti, prefect of the Congregation of the Propaganda, in shccesgion to Cardinal Ledochowski, he in Winni- 'A military tournament is likely to be Bell in Montreal in the autumn, to which various Canadian corps will be im ' plans are now in the ba of Dundonald for up proval, M. Lewunive has been appointed gov- ernor of the Telamd of Martinique, in succossion to NM. Moatte, who perish ed in St. Pierre on May Sth, when that city was destroyed by the erup- tion of Most Pelee. Charles Redding. aged twenty, was drowned while bathing at Sea Breese, at the outlet of Irondequoit bay, on Sunday. The young man had lately come into a fortune of $600,000 by the death of his father. Annie Middleton, inmate of one of the western resorts, Winnipeg, shot Herdy Bazil, a restaurant keeper through the breast on Tuesday. Bazil will recover, The shooting was Lhe re sult of a quarrel between the two Winnipeg is experiencing one of the greatest building booms in its | his tory. According to figures furnished hy Building Inspector Rogers the value of the buildings constructed this year, to date, to 81.622 500, ¥ inquest in Toromto, night, J. M. Spencer, of Evans & Sons, stated that a shortage of ninety-nine gal lons of alcohol had heen discovered. Tis may furnish a clue to the tra- gedy. alia McRae, years ago one of Ham- dton's most prominent busines wen is dead, aged eighty-one. A few mor the ago, gangrene set in ig ons his feet and amputation heenme neces sary Ha never recovered from the of Paneer were employed previous io aocident. SURVEY RAINY RIVER Hon. Mr. Tarte Starts Back From Wisnipeg. LIKES PROSPECTS OF C.N.R. GOVERNMENT LINES LIKELY TO SHOW SURPLUS. Eleven Months This Year Have Vastly Reduced the Railway Deficit--General Capital Tid- ings. Ottawa, July 30.--When the ac- counts of the government railways for the fiscal year ending June 30th, have been made up, it is understood that therd will be a neat surplus. For the cleven months ending May 30th, there was a deficit of about $40,000, compared with something over $600, 000 in the same period of 1901. It is expected that June's returns, which are not in vet, will not only wipe out the deficit, but will likely leave a good surplus. Hon. Mr. Blair, last session, stated that he expected to cldse the year with a surplis of forty or fifty thousand dollars. : ; Hon. 'J. 1. Tarte is bound from Winnipeg. himself as delighted at the condition of the Canadian Northern railway, and stated, that in his opinion, the road will take care of its proportion of this year's Manitoba crop duite easily. He has decided to have a com- plete survey made of the Rainy River rapids in order to decide how they might best be improved. ' Major Z. T. Wood, who is in eom- mand of the mounted police at Daw- has been appointed administra tor of the Yukon territory during the illness of Governor Ross. A circular was sent out to.day by the Dominion of Canada Rifle As sociation, signed by the Hon. J. M Gibson, announcing that the annual matches will take place in the wee commencing September Ist. Tpe prize list amounts to $7,807 in monev, ex- clusive of prizes of olher material. Ammunition will be provided free of cost. Hon. J. R. Stratton was in the city to-day. In an interview he said the Ross government could not expect to carry on the government within any degree of ease on two majority, but he was confident of carrying the hye elections. "When are you going te bring off the contest in North Renfrew ?"' was asked, "I presume it will occur simultane ously with any other bye.ele tions, rocaling She parliamentary session." 2 t ply. Front, how sion. The premier, y may think it wise to bring off the contest earlier." Hon. Mr. Stratton stated that Pre- mier Ross will be home about August 25th. The provincial secretary said he was here on private business with the department railways. RUMORED CHANGES, What a Conservative Print Has to Tell. Toronto, July 30.--The Mail and Empire's Ottawa correspondent says that Sir Oliver Mowat, whose tertn of office as lieutenant-governor of On- tario expires in the course of a few weeks will he succeeded by Hon. R. W. Scott, secretary-of-state, Mr. Scott's successor in the cabinet, according to the correspondent, will be Hon. Wil liam Templeman, Victoria, B.C. The correspondent further states that itis more than likely that Hon. William Mulock will be appointed high com- missioner for Canada, in London, be fore the end of the year, Lord Steath- cons having intimated a desire to retire when all the important business of the year had been disposed of. The retirement of Sir Willi wlock, the correspondent adds, pre will re: sult in a readjustment of the several departments and the creation of an- other portiolio, that of minister of mines, homeward He expresses son, OUTSIDE DICTATION. Company Would Not Allow Such Interference. Toronto, July 30.--Elias Rogers, managing airecfor of the Crow's Nest Pass Coal company, who has just re turned from Fernie, says. the strike at that point was due to the of outside parties, which was a form of aictation which the com could not permit. He looks for an early set tlement of the rhe ii "denioni the Mr. Rogers emphatics! 4 charge made that the terrible gecident of May 22nd was due to the of inadequate appliances. He that offty the = most improved apels- aml two other evidence showed that Lieut. Gregeson's arpet was torn up, his kit was dam- aged and his uniform the annual meeting this morning » ' he impres-, superintendent of the Winnipeg wion of the C.P.R., has been appoint ed superintendent of the Ontario divi sion succeeding F. PP, Brady, appointed sup- erintendent of the road gt Fort Willi- am. will tendent in Winnipeg turbanees in Macedonia will not he revolutionary attempts and Turkey's military precautions are sufficient Jaity the hope that the trouble can LOOKS FOR GOOD FIGHT. In The Coming Referendum Con- test In Ontario. Toronto, July 30.-The council of Dominion Alliance, for the' sup- pression of the liquor traffic, began its In his address President John KR. Daugall, Montreal, said the past vear had af forded another! illustration of the il lusiveness of hopes based on good in tentions of politicians. He alluded at length to the situation in Ontario dnd Manitoba, and expressed gratilication that there was the prospect of a good fight for prohibition in Outario that, whether resulting in victory or not, would reflect credit on the temperance cause. In Manitoba when the recent vote took place, there had been dissen sion in the temperance ranks, and many had stayed away from the polls, His view was that a good fight in every ditch was a good rule in a war of this sort. The president in closing paid a tribute to the Scott act, as the best piece of legislation for the pro- motion of the temperance cause that had yet been secured and said a great mistake had been made in letting it drop where it had been abandoned. He urged, and the executive joined in this suggestion, that amendments be sought to the forthcoming session of parliament for the better enforcement of the Canada temperance act W. W. Buchanan, Winnipeg, took ex ception to the reflections in Mr, Dou gall"s address on the action of the prohibitionists of Manitoba. They were not less astute than these of Ontario and Quebec and they knew the condi- tions surrounding the vote as people in the east did not. STRIKE MAY BE ON. Ultimatum Delivered, but Tarte Cannot be Found. Ottawa, July 30.--The employees of the government telegraph line to Dawson notified the department of public works yesterday that if their demands were not complied with Le fore six o'clock Tuesday evening they would go on strike The department declined to agree to the men's request or to take any other cowrse than that already decided upon without know ing the wishes of the minister. The aepartment has been endeavoring to locate Mr. Tarte ever since the men sent In their ultimatum, but wp to noon to-day the efforts had been un successful. He is known to be some where between Duluth and Sault Ste, Marie, and telegrams are being sent to intercept him. As the minister could not be found, the department wired Mr. Crean, who has charge of the men, to try to induce the men not to take any attion until Mr. Tarte turned up. Toromito, day and variable winds, fise amd doondodiv WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Om. , on Thursday, Joly Sih, (10 am )-Tee light to madorate, warm. LADIES JACKETS English Tailor-made. Three-quarter length. Made o Priestley's Cravenette Cloth Raglsh ; Waterppoof Cloaks Made of same material. Inspection Invited, NMeac As Mr. Crean' has not set any fur ther word, it is supposed that he was in hie negotiations and that the strike has boon postponed for a day. In the event of a strike taking place, the communication with Daw son by telegraph will be cut off, and the public will be inconvenienced. The department is in a quandary and are afraid that the employees will make trouble if the minister remains in the background toe long The Wamen In Favor. Topeka, Kan, Jaly 30. Women may practically govern Kansas next year I County conventions of both parties are putting many of the fair sex on their tickets. Heretofore only the of fice of school superintendent has bean gnen to women. This year women register of deeds, and, at one point, republicans nominategl Miss Kate Beering for treasurer. Her three un successful men rivals immediately of fered to furnish her bond of $200 000 July 30. James Manson, divi Winnipeg, with headquarters in Toronto, J. T. Arundel, car service agent, siceeed Mr. Manson as superin Macedonian Troubles Not Serious Vienna, July 30.-The reported dix come serious, as Dulgaria desires to muigtain order, Russia disapproves of tw eaxily localised and suppressed PARISH--Ia Flimbothtows, July 28th, oe, Bley ban Fingers. the the which contains » high perventage the ihe have been named for county clerk and ti delay eid Swat tloek this expeet off by four, and possibly a smeond one loter. Nome of the men wire allows ashore this morning Convict Tried To Kill Guard. Philadelphia, July 30. Edward PV. Laskey, a keeper in the county prison at olhnesburg, i= suffering from wounds resi" ed in a fight with an on raged convict. By patient, secret work the man had fashioned a rude wi from a scrap of hand iron I hie cot. He wields! it des perately until overcome and dragged toa cell. He Had To Retire. Perlin, July 30.--The marriage of Privy Councillor Lovhning to the daughter of a lormer sergeant in the German army. has caved Herr Look ning 's compulsory retirement from the chief directorship of taxes for the provinee of Posen . At Bpringfield, Mass, in the post ole. el Fannie Neurcler, Brook jvm, struck with her fist Edward H. Joung, kicked at hing and finally sain he insulted ber in Worcester. om ¥. . Young said be sever saw the woman before. This the woman Bow 7 The cigtion favors line of mail and trea! Corn Bichange Awe the wabwidiving of a. pevengey wlegmors fastest « New the, giving of the for Vv interests ay Odell, of for gil ¥l. ber umbrella over his head. Shel DIED. Teva Poe yonrs, -_ MOTHER HENDY'S All Healing Ointment Bore leads, Hells sad PRICE~28e, Deadly Illuminating Gas. It is asserted' By 8 weiter in an Airican medion weekly that cases of visoning by illesdinatiog gas are on increase, ad be attiibutes this to use of the socalled water deadly gue called camhon mono- In avsnchusetts a Jaw witing the proportion of this wo «nb dance as practically to exible water gas from use was repea bod about thir wen yeurs ago, that time there have | frome inhalation of ges, while in periond of equal Je preew Changes In The C.P.R. sy Jn vight deaths fiom monoxide iw not only fatel in quantities, bat it produces un general condition of ill health in very slight proportions, and that many pusgsling eases of decline in vhysieal vigor are fo be attributed to ahnost inappreciable gas leaks SAVE I. peal of the law Sn ower CR large the writer belioves Left Vessel To-day. Halifax, N.8., July 30. Owing to n paying the men, the Cssirgin atten to dock till afternoon. The | to have a train load of men The steamer had a good pasenge aud the 1,640 officers and men are all well, None of them saw active service, Ask For A Serutiny. Om,, Culy 30. The Owen Sound, petition in the matter of the protest ngamst and weking for 5 scrutiny of the bal iote In the North Grey election, was frind with the local registrar yester- day the return of A, GO, ackay, Summer Yacht Caps. Nobhy yacht caps for men, for boys, Prices run 20, We, Tie, The H. D. Fibby Uo. : & Souvenirs Esnamelied Belt Buckles, § Hat Pins, Cuff Brooches, Links, Stick Pins, Pocket Spoons from T5e.10 $3507 Largest Selection in 4 Ontario. 5 A GC. JORNSTON & BRO, § JEWELERS, = §