Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1902, p. 3

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did RR» TR AVELLING. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. re A e-- Trains Leave Kingston 1240 p.m~Mail, for Ottawa, Montreal, Que bes, Bt. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Revirew, Sauk Ste. Mario, Duluth, Bu. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seat tle, Portland and San Franciseo, for Sharbét Lake, cart and whet. 6:30 p.m.~Looal Becting with CFR 810 am Mined, mediate pois, Passengers leaving Kivgwton st 12:40 pa. Active in Ottawa at 5:00 pm: Peterboro, $10 pm; Toronte, 7:80 p.m; Boston, 7:80 am; St, John, NB, 11:35 am ¥. CONWAY, PF. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Pass -. Agt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR span, Deseronio and aff iron Cite, Hall Depot Tolewraph slraes. EXCURSIONS --TO-- * Montreal & Return = DURING SEASUN OF 0 $6 Good going by R. & 0. Naviga- tion Company's Steamer on Sat- urday or Sunday; returning ALL RAIL until "Monday following date of sale. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Sirs. Merih King. & Caspian Bay of Quinte & Rog & Rochester Route Steamer leaves deily Monday) at s pam, for Hochester culling at Bay of Quinte ports. 1000 ISLANCS RAMBLE Steamer leaves daily (exeopt Mon lav), 0.17 am, for tour of 1,000 Islands 8b Alsgandria Hay, Hotkpots ahd Gana STEAMER ALETHA ves Mondays at 8 pan; lor Piston and Mutormediate Pay Pores For A Pafucma tion anily to % ¥ MANET ® os oe, $ Ticket Aednds. ames Swit. Freight Ants. "DOMINION LINE. iia STRAT, LIVERPOOL SERVICE oon for Reulrew and inter Tweed, Napance, local Pointe. Tran at 4 pm RJ, of fon, {except NY, Aug. 80th Sept. 6th re marked * do not carry passengers: oF PASRAG iE~8aigon, $65 and single according to "stenmer and 3 Saloon, $37.50 and up sacle, 'scoording to steamer and mer Third clase, $26, FROM MONIREAL. n Clowian... Hie RAT upwards, ou, a . viow, *Roman, ... Avg, 9h *Manzcman..... . Aug. 28nd FROM BOSTON, New England... Commonwealth NEW SERVICE ve * Cambromen, Aug. Widship, Saloon, vromenads decks = wh Hanley, BOth 1th July wihvm to the Herranonn 16th--Vancouvar, Sept. Mh Eleettic = light, Spacious J. P. Gildersleeve, HSimtion, 42 Clarence St (hyn. Apts 0.7.1 pt Foran & € : Montreal 'w and Portland PRE DAILY LINE Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal, LUBAVE KINGSTON; GOING EAST. daily at 6 pm GOING. WEST, daily, exoept 5 poy Hamilton, Torente, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line, LEAVE KINGSTON DING BEART, Wadnesdays amd Fridava at 4.30 pam. GAMING Raturdays, dP Mossdav, at WEST, if Thorsduys amd FT & CO. | i Avente Piwslays, m. ro Twin WINE Saal, 500 fest to the pound, fn, S60 to for 12}. : ty oie. sold {UES STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Crufses in Coo! Latitudes Twin Saew 1 88. 5 deairia lights, elesirio bails and all molers ETE" [UO MONTREAL ON MONDAYS 28th July, "11th amd Ris net, si Fg a 22: od September, for 8., calli Rog at Quebec, Father Point, Casi, Perce nd Riv Summereide, PEL, and Lil, P. E I The Suest ip of the season for bealth comion ArTHUR AHERN, chet TANT, Py a 25th Pieton bh end Beoretary, Quebec and 'staterooms sroly to J J GILDERSLEFVE Agents, ats, Kineston, . 4 or ton, Ons. The Only Oly Direct Line fo Quebec Without Change THE FAVORITE STR. ALEXANDRIA Leaves Craig's wharl every Friday, at 12 midnight, for Charlotte; N.Y. Olcott Beach, N.Y. andl Pullaie, N.Y. ¢ for Montreal and Quebec, withoug change]. Through 1.000 Islands ond Bt. Lawrence River Rapids. Jow passenger and freight rates Passenger gecommordation dnsurpasmed W. G. CrAlG & 0, A. W. HEFBURN Aotrte, Kingmton. Manager, Picton -------------------- ee . It eal d Allan Lie "i... Royal Mail Steamers. Prost Montreal, From Quebes 5 am A p.m 3 pm 7 p.m ond cor 50 extra Liverpool, Derry, Thi $25 and §2 Boliast, Glasgow, London New York to Glasgow & Lowndonderry. 18th ans, Car Chigening J Ar Montrens to Glasgow Direct. 6,284 tor 30th, Sept $50, $35 Hanley, Agent, vot, Johnston and Ontacio Gilderslasve, Clarsnce street. duly 3rd moond eabin third City Passenger De streets, J. FP Are You Going amping This Summer? Getting wet, catching eold, change of water, eating food that does not agree, or eating unripe fruit may cause an attack of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, etc. The most reliable carry with you is DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. Relieves pain and checks diarrhcea quicker and more effectually than any other remedy. medicine to The Laundress knows that her worst trial is the stickin of the iron to the linen 5 This is impossible with BEE STARCH Moreover Bee Starch gives an un- Surfusdable finish with v very little ironing--and requires no boiling, 'Wilson's Fly P: Pads Ore 10 cent paki will kill more flies than 300 sheets of sticky DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 29. IV THE SPORTING ARENA! WHAT IS TRANSPIRING AT MANY POINTS. Bicycle Racing--Arrival Of the Winnipeg Oarsmen at Brock- ville. At Perth, Srockvilie two. The invader of Toronto again de feated the Genesee of Rochester in the LY. R.A. races, held at Cobourg Saturday, At Atlantic Tity, and Boake, tao won the two-mile race in 3:08, The Toronto News thinks Bruce, the clever fe Indian member of the To Eastern League baseball te the at lacrosse home hy team defeate] four goals to oa N.Y.. Thoinpmon Canadian 'eye professional tanden Yt hit ronto am will move faster next son The in society sen Winnipeg row ing club has enter ed in all events in connection with th "A.A.0. regatta, August 2nd th, ex cepting Fhe western oarsmen are en east River 1 two route ague baseball Pon 0 Lawrence Monday At Canton, 4 At Antwerp, 9 called in eleventh Gonvenenr, game inmngs on ac of darkness San aay At count At Montreal, | Uttawa, At Oran Lacrosse Shamroc 6; Nationals, | CUS 2. Duflerins, 5 tharines, Brantford, 4. At Smith's Falis the defeated lacrosse three defeat Smith's ks, 6 Capital ville, 1 hs, St. ( At a home team the Win to on this at by hy first the will Fitzsimmons 75 per cent SMO having ol and Fitzsimmons Cornelius Vander! vacht Rainbow coy ory to-day by mingte August" Belmont's nla, two nr was chester team It was the season hy goals suffered Falls team nt. ani whic h i receipts, $31 d from the sal £14,344 Jeffries receive tH of the 60 per « 22.010, of gate be will HA sen ls Jefirios receive 2 enty-fool elf with the f Yar and fortv-twe ered beating kee one Conds Mise Lon and famous minutes, fg seconds, o cn of thirty-two 11 Island sound I'he race carrving the the Thame and was won hy who cov quartey miles ¢ Wingfield championship of rowed Monda® Hamilton Clo eared the aistance, four mil fre Putney, in ty-four minut thirty-three and three fifth seconds He hy length Etherington Smith The Winnipeg scullers part for the gels amateur was on n uetts and a mm twen won a was second who will take eral event the (CAA. have arrived at Brockvills the first on the They husky lot, and confi making eastern back seats Perfect have heen made the entertainment of the men At gold i se regatta hey a are goes hig vers men are dent of reception and visiting for the a were won Walter 1 the Lake Geneva the thirty-six-hole medal ple of the concluding day nisia annual golf tourna gan distanced his fleld, got of 161 for the round, 79 in the morning and in the afternoon, A sore 169 was so cond, by Chisholm P of Cleve land Probably clé racing States was Y World's hoard in both Chicago Omwentsia cup medal bry Egan, « clul competition the Onw ment F ting a score 1) County , in of couble 82 of ach, the most sensational bicy seen in the United witnessed at Newark, N records went bv the the amateur and pro fessional races. The most remarkable race came in the ten mile Of the fosty men who started twenty five were Jeft in at eight miles. W, S Fenn won by a length and go hali ia the fastest time ever made, 21.33 1.3 Both M. L. Hurley, the national gma teur champion, and Walter Smith broke amatenr recoras Hurley won the quarter-mile * race in M35 cond the best prey time was 29 reconds, made by M. Colley. Wal ter Smith then started in to knock out some more records behing motor pace Smith made poe mile ia 1.26 25, and a little later started again and broke all amateur mweords from one to five miles, making the five miles in 7.18 3-53, former record, 7.40, ever professional Oe Baseball On Monday. At Philadelphia, 4: St. Louis, At Boston, 8; De droit, I. At Baltimore, 15: Cleveland, 3. At Washington, 12} Chicago, 2. National league--At New York, 2: Brooklyn, 0 E stern league ark, 3. 0 'os Rochester, league 9. American At Toronto, 4: Now Af Montreal, 11; Jersey Ciw Buffalo, '2; Worcester, ¥. At 4; Providence, 1 Sport For Kings. It is many vears since as fine a pro gramme of running and trotting races has been offered at Ottawa gs will be put on at Lansdowne Park by the Central Fair directors during the ex hibition, Augnet 22nd to 30th. Ther: will he g trolling race and a running rade each day. There is 5 parse of 20 for 2:35 parce ana 232 trotiers: R00 purse for 2:20 pacers and 2.1% trotters; 8230 jirve for 2.2% pacers and 225 trotters; '8400 purse for a free-for-all. There are four purses for the running events. The Labor dav parse for half mile heats is $123: Coronation purse, for one mile and one-sixteonth, 2200. the third day purse is F125 and is for five cighths mile heats: the ladies" purse is $125 for a mile dash, The latier end of An gust, with its fine weather, i « better tine for x holiday than in September and the hausands who generally visit Ottawa and the Fxperithent, farm daring that month will year vn- doubtedly wait for the fair and | Yacht Race Results--Sensational | | While 4595. | the work under way, will be a failure arrangements | arranges this grand show as well as the many other attractions of the capital ---------- BRITISH MAIL NOTES. | Ttems of Interest from the "Whree { | Kingdoms | The coronation infant has appeared | A little girl has been named "Corona | Alexandra.' | Andrew Carnegie has offered Leicest | ter £12,000 for a public library. | Swallow, Wren, Robin and Sparrow | are the names of four porters employ ed at a Yorkshire railway station. playing cricket at Dover Col lege a lad named Gardner, was struck iby a cricket ball and killed At York, Thomas Hudson and Ron ald Dean, tobacconists, were fined {£100 and £20 respectively for using { their ghops for betting purposes. { The seven new coronation peers bring the total of the Lords up to Twelve of these are under age therefore, cannot take their seats i ae nt e rioting took plac e in Newry, over the Orange celebration the 2th, in which about twenty police {men, a Preshvterian clergyman and } number of rioters were injured withes to have the wording motto restored from its of "Let Glasgow flour "Let Clase of the and, in | | | Fier f on I a Glasgow {of its civie { present reading {ish" to its old form of flouris sh through the preaching | Word." {| At Glasgow w thé coronation dir | the poor, the only event not ca {was given to 15,030 ticket hol the treat. Each got Hook pie, pudding or tart, cake, a quarter of a pound of tea. At Lincolnshire some and i | \ ascizes Willingham [ George Mitchinson, bank manager, of | Spilsby, was sei tancad to five years' |e servitude for embezzling £10 000 which he lost in Sir k exchange gami Hing. A discovery has been made in the oR |e of Haverill, Suffolk, of la number of fossil remains of mam ! hippopotamus, and Th {hones were found ina brick pit, | dently an old river bed |. A master stonemason, named | Catchpole, was to have appeared at | police-court for discharging la revolver on the highway, but com | mitted suicide by shooting himself | | | bison | moth amberley with the revolver. The Dublin main drainage scheme which bas laready cost £300,000, with complete | £100,000 more required to {unless £30,000 more ig spent in re medving a defect in the construction of the precipitation tanks. There was an extraordinary Phoenix Park, Dublin, « a recent Sunday. An organized crowd of rowdies hooted a military band . which was playing selections of music | and the band was compelled to legve two occasions recently per hissed the Na of Reene n dirorder in On one or sons of the same class tional Anthem. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. Gananoque"s civie holiday is August 7th, W. A. Lewis, has donated a medal to be awarded at the next commence ment in the Athens high school. R. A. Grabam, Pembroke and I» Channonhouso, Eganville, are out as independent liberal candidates in North Renfrew. William Beach, oldest citizens, passed from paralysis. Deceased was News one of Ogdensburg"s away Sunday, aged ED BY A FALL. Had Reached Xhe Age of Eighty- five Years. Game of Cricket Between Napanee and Deseron- | . { It Parifies to--Personal Notes. Napanee, July Miss South Napanee, who fell down ago, fracturing her leg, urday froin the effects of the She was in her eighty-fifth year She declin 209 Briggs, stairs far and a much respected resident, was tenderly cared for in her g vears by « her niece, Mise Hurst, » funeral took place vesterday, the | remains being taken to Cataraqui for mterment, J. F, Empey returned Sunday from a wonth's stay with his sisters, Mes Sinclair and Mrs. Carseallen, Vancou ver, B.C. The funeral of the late Rich ards took place on Sunday aiternoo was very ly attended by who wished to pay the last their wmrted friend who associated the builaing Kingston George and citizens «ad tribute to The workmen were § in process came up t v funeral W. Relvea Lahey who purchased the to remove Yesterday this « abou K Co's mntends Prescot it the warmest thermo degrees Sposa day stood aho the eight v-five Edith Downey, hor many Bissonnet te Miss Maggie E In a meter in the Whitby, friends in t Stirling, is ards cricket, Deseronto Napanee ronte Napanee on hv and thirteen runs For batting honors carried off Walters, CO. Maybee, GG. Mayhee F. 8S. Richardson, obtaini 25, 16 10 De: Alum top figures, ( excellent, seventeen shade is Wh the guest plated | at and Des an inning Napanee the by ( and In, tive For gar obtain. I Mavbee's bowling was eight wickets for Napanee first ar 17 game of between were PUBS Fespax and E and eronto obtaining first ings Score Deser ond innings rune innings, Us mto, WN; Deseronto Prison Was Home. New York Sun Old an mn been a whimsical and original philosopher, died Thursday the Tombs prison, where he had happily immersed most of the time for / He liked the piace It him He couldn't be itsicke Whenever his would have himself a vagrant, to be in peeling potatoes quiet and blamele virtue could wish, of the prisoner the turnkey's il he aidn't earlicr when may have are timid fondnes the wal good enough fe discipline not oldest prisoner has res and honors He should a happy man if his conscience is erably casy and his digestion fair A jail is by no means g place of pain for all. Some folks like freedom and like gentle constraint and never with to cut their leading strings. Si, rung or walks the world away To lead armies to peel potatoes, it emounts to much the same thing, nod "there is one end of one and all." George Bfteen years was home to comfortable o he up again as endled employed kitchen. As a life as cloistered Sam Weller's anecd who was so terrified by threat to lock him ont get back from the "pub" hay leave to out, heen founded on fact. There lazy that have the scrambils outside fare i the prison The ally in the rte he 1 or souls no for The prison them; hard "w too ola om some or seventy-two years. Mrs. KE. 0. Gilbert, died on Sunday at the family residence, 05th conces sion of Thurlow. Deceased was horn | twenty-five years ago. On Tuesday, of this week, Miss Ger tie Stevens, formerly of Delta, now of Chicago, was married to William Blanchard, New York, formerly of | Athens. Mrs was on Nrockville, be at large. to her sanity. The death | Adeline Turner, Gananoque Monday committed to jail in | as a lunatic, dangerous | She will be examined as | of Myre. (Dr) Armenia | Clark occurred on Thursday, July 10th, at Glen Elder, Kansas, She was born in Prince Edward County, near | Wellington, in " Virgil Thompson, Mountain View, had his barn burned Saturdav even- ing, together with contents. The barn was struck by lightning, The loss will amount te abouy $3,000 F. A. Schoen, Pittsburg has added 825 to the subscription for the benefit | of Capt. Daniel Duclon. Alexandyia | Bay, N.Y., who had his hand blown | off the forepart of last week. Samuel Brisbin, a native of Picton, and one -of the most efficient engineers on the lakes, has had the honor con ferred on him _of being placed in charge 18 engineer, of the magnificent new steel steamer Muronie, the largest and | finest vessel ever built in Canada. Menford Ralph, Seelev's Bav, kent a | watch belonging to Thomas MeCle ment, of the same place, in payment of an old debt. The Gananoque magis trate made him hand it over. Just as he was leaving the court, MeClement waa rearrested, charged with stealing hens from William Comer. He pleaded that he was drunk at the time, and was sent to Jail for one month, Wants A Wife. Nmiths Falls News + urs Chief Constable Sweet, Smith's Falls, received a orate of strawberrics from Brockville a few days ago and in the te was the following note "July, Lyn<dear sir, any person please wright to John leader Macon tosh Mill and tell whare be will pet » wife ana oblig Good hye." Boys' shirt waist, with collars to | 756. The H Bi bby Co. | Honor | he went | never going to the village except -- es at King Humbert's Memory. Rome, July 29.--The second anniver- | sary of the tragic death of King Hum | bart, who was assassinated at~Monza 20th, 1900, by Gaetano Besci, an was observed to-day | hy services throughout the kingdom. Rome was the centre the observances, there being hundpeds of visitors here on a pilgrimage to the tomb of the dead monarch in the Pan theon. There were music and religion services 'and the delegations filed pas the vault containing the remains King Humbert and there Jeposited magnificent wreaths in the name of the various provinces of Italy and of civ July anarchist, commemorative of of lil, military and labor organizations -- Rural Mails Hurt Trade. Washington, D.C., July 29.--The ral wail delivery was bailed with light when it was first placed opegation, but there promises to velop a lively opposition to its furth extension. The country storekeyer rd de into de | declares that iv is ruining his business and he is calling vwpon his congresanen for redress. Under the old postal re fulations the farmer went to the vil lage for his mail, and just so sure as he left some money with the Now he remains at home, in storekeeper of necessity, enlisting the ser ol the mail carrier to do some little chores which be desires That Pallid Complexion. In both sexes the blood becomes im poverished, the system weak and worn out, A pallid, sickly, complexion is a sure sign of thin, watery blood. Iron Tonic Pills add new, rich blood. strengthen the system and make the complexion healthy. Each box econ tains seventeen days' treatment. Price 25 cents, at Wade's drug store. Washing Vests. Fine lot of washing vests, neat pai terns, latest colors, KI, $1.50, §2, $2.50. The H. D. Bibby Co. Use Ariiot's Arnica Anodyne for all sipuner troubles, for eplds, neuralgia and rheumatism. Meleod's cases Vices ! drug store, 25¢. per botile. A ---------------- wh ¥ } rss BRIGGS FATALLY I'JUR. : { { i i died | daayer J {dna . = MAPANEEAN JED Paine's Celery! Compound 'NATURES SUMMER REALTH = GIVER. ihe Blood avd Multiplics the Number of Vital Red Cory us. ¢'es, Focils the Nerves and 14s. tus and Gives True Physi cal Strength, Weak nerves, exhausted tissue. thin blood, impaired digestion and sleepless nights, account for much of the present existing swimmer misery and sufiering Dear reader, if you are unfortunately numbered amongst the sickly and weak mortals of to-day, it is now time to awake to a true realization of vour I'he weakening and depressing weather will only add to your if you s and dif poop {hot Wiseries farent There are careles relief and in is absolute a Paine's Ceol i conquering t dav. it is a fact able physicians and thousands of testimonials that Pej e's Celery Compound new, pure blood, builds ws stern egulates digesti the appe tite and gives combat the term. Mes. | avs "For vears I have suffered from con stant gick and at times | heen have to sheep have posi you is wonder wor cessfully Vours every such los as verited by m th v whets up $y vigor discomforts Wilcox, of the Creemore heated Ont headache have been unable for « hary so bad weeks, | tried doctored a g received a hand from them that many med and deal, but neve of the value ed from Panes Celery fer uring g three bottles 1 well, mv headaches have feel healthier and fresher done for: years." NO RISK... There is absolutely no risk in purchasing your watches, fine jewelry and silverware from us. We guarantee safe delivery; we prepay charges and cheerfully refund money in full if desired. Our handsomely illus- trated catalogue will assist you very materially and may be had upon application. I obtain Af- sleap and | have Compound can ceased than | DIAMOND HALL, Bstablished 1834. RYRIE BROS. Yoage and Adelaide Sta., TORONTO. and strength to | ousness; | that | | = two hours a | CAUGHT THEM FISHING General Enforcement Against all Law Breakers Kineo, Me., July 29. Game warden Templeton, who too quick for Pete Fontaine, the notorious Cedi an poacher, has another clever piece of work credited to him in the arrest near Jackman, of the Rey Joseph Forest and John Blair. for fishing Parlin stream The Rev. Mr charge ofthe Catholic church at man. companion priest da was also implicated, but he was not arrested and his fine was paid hy the Rov. Fr. Forest. The priest amd his companion were arrested while in the act of fishing the stream, which is closed at all times They pl that the stream lemplston hat when lisheruen saw the warden coming put up their lines qui kly and an paddling away penalty cost the offenders in the vicinity of 850. The henring was at Dover before Judge Smith. Warden Templeton save he believes in a general enforcement of the law against all lawbreakers regardless of class or condition ------------ A Test On The G.T.R. Brockville Times I've longest train e pulled into Brockville vards reached here Wednes day night about eight o'clock from Montreal. It consisted of seventv-nine cars and a caboose, all empties ex- cept twenty-four, which were loaded They eovermd a streteh of half a mile and were drawn by engine M2. The Gtand Trank authorities are at pres ent testing the hauling capacities of their engines, and this wae one of the test trains. was Forest is the priest in Jack from Cana not but aod they cle aded know Warden the they begs was insists The er Three applications of Peck's Corn Salve will eure bard or soft corns. In big boxes, 15. at Wade's drug store EDUCATIONAL. RR Yio COLLEGE, rite, nt, PHENOMENAL RECORD OF GROWTH, Wg tudents enrolied last yous, 172 young Indies sod 130 young man, MW pipe orgun, doses Ue somos rooms, and art mally recently aikko Two ma tewais tion sebolarships wi in 1900. Spleadid gymossium, jance athietio wrownds, commercial ball, one ol the finest in Ontario, Bailing beited by sicam and | hte hy electricity, Will reopen Seplomber poh, For illesirative chrculars sidross peiue thal. Dyer. y Kingston Business Colloge, KINGSTON. Dominion Business Coliagy, TORONTO Largest and best souipuwst io Caands Unequalled facilition for securing positions. 821 Queen Street, Kingston SEND FOR CATALOGUE Confederation Life Buillifes, Toronto. 00D FURNISHED without board, 101 ROOMS Quen --_-- ROTIME, WITH conveuienes, ab #IUR GOOD PURNISHED bonrd, all m 191 University Avenue. ee ---------------- -- | | (IOUSHS AND STORES. NOS iv, 20 { and 208 silingion street. Eoowre of | Nea. Allen, #7 Division surest, I EARL STRE vr. Water Heating: stores and offices. Brock St, Ist OF MAY, THAT 17 Bagot street Park conveniences, z Apply Street. i | Bric K DPWRLLING ten roows Hot | oN THE | virable house i Gore, near all moda water furnace. 11 Bagot VERY DE- corner off ww SITY pois, large Daisy hot to Feliz Bhaw, MONEY AND BUSINESS. A ONEY TO LOAN Tw LARGE OR SMALL sume, at low rales of interest om ity and farm property wane granted om city and county debentures Apply ts B. ( MeGILL, mensuer of Fromtenas | Loan and Investine nt Sodlety Offies 0p- | posite the Post Office. 2 i stt-------------- [Two HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN } sims from one thousasd to ten thous asd dollare For partisulars avplv A } GOPWMN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Express Office, Market Souare, | Liverpool, London and Globe { Fire Insurance @ompany. | Available asscts, $61,187,213 In addition to which the policy holders have for menrity the unlimited linhility of alt the stoskholders, FARM AND CITY PROPERTY insured nt lowest possibile rates Before i od or giving new business got rates STRANGE & STRANGE "Rewse ARCHITECTS pa, ARCHITECTS, MERCU corner Brook and Phone 212 OFFICE Sorper o te POWER & SON, ta' Bank Buflding, Wellington streets, ARTHUR FLLIS, ARC TITRCT, site of New Drill Hall, near Quecn and Montreal Streets HENRY P. SMITH. ARCHITECT, ETC ANCHOR Market Square, 'Phove UNDERTAKERS. BUILDING, 8. S. CORBETT. Fu NERAL DIRECTOR, 28) PRINCESS Kingston, Successor to W. M. JAMES REID. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Princcas Siseet, Telephone 14 day and wight. ----, T. F. HARRISON CO. UNDERTAKERR, 233208 PRINCESS 8ST. Quality awd efficiency the best. Prices the lowest Phones --Warerooms, 20, Night Calls--T. ¥ Sl. EVERYS0DY KNOWS That our stock is new and up-to-date, but everybody doesn't know that this week we will run off all banvas Boot At a Discount ¢ 20 PER CENT. ARMSTRONG'S, SECOND | HAND GOODS Bought and Sold chsh price paid for ested slsthing, boots snd whos, furniture, a ie we will a . I. ZACKS, 271 and 273 Princess Street. Betond door belew Corbett's sodertaling 3 Jace aan dhothing: get's fare at dose ¥OR SALE OR TO-LET. 4 HED BRICK ne DETACHED Juick DRL i Te AT oa 254 264 . Dpem Harrison, 184 Princess Strest, stoves, pose ¥ gavin nis Wilmore, Ky., March 29, 1902. ' "FORCE" FOOD CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Gentlemen: --| am a teacher, Recently, in Baltimore, | first met | am very much pleased with residing at Wilmore, Ky, with "FORCE. the food and would ike 1g know what rates you would quote on from 10 10 S0 packages, ¥ Awaiting your reply, | am, Yous very truly, ---- Boe lulhad co dpiiiatin, --

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