69TH YEAR. NO. A-- 176. KINGSTON, UNTAEIO, TUESDAY, JULY 1902, 29, LAST EDITION, -- ROBT. J. REID Leading Undertaker, 22 PRINCESS ST, 'PHONE 577. "Specials for July. Our Hercules Wove Wire Bed, Regular Price $3.50, only $2.50. Staffed Mattress Wool Top and Bottom. Regular $4.50, for $3.50. Oheaper ones at $2.50. ' Camp Cots regular Price $2.50, for $1.50. Boat Chairs. Regular Price $3.- 50, for $3. Full Canvas Back. Robt. J. Reid, Inder Hotel, Kingston. The Home Is Happiest oie Your Property right elevates ha ess she family circle, to own your home if SEE Ne Start you at the you fo your t own is. Exou will have the real home a =P. A. GAYS, fig: ol To era A ser OF NEW Post Cards EBEST EVER RED TO THE PUBLIC, _. Boldin Sets or Singly. JK Irkpatrick's 4 rt tore AUCTION SALE Valsablé City Real Estate, WEDNES. DAY July uth, 12 O'clock Noon, On The Promises, I WILL OFFER Fou BOARD, FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, ALSO bonrd. Geutlomen preferred, at 240 street. BRIGHT, AlRy ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS nent Mebonald park. A to Sard, nr 24 Stuart street. ply LARGE ROO, ALSO TWO 0 SINGLE not. City rg Maodonand Beitable for ty of from three ve, 198 Ear) stress. WANTED. TWO PANT AND TWO Livingston Bros. VEST HANDS, A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. HORA, 45 King street, in the evening HE MA in i TY a MONEY--WILL FAY SIX PER CENT. GOOD renl estate meourity, Box X Whig Twa kato y Rg A I T Toniiours HOUSE AS SOON AS Pos. Avi 8 HOUSE a Amwly to "Box de SL SL bi ies. MAN WANTS ROOM AND, BOARD IN. PRI ate fami dion 2 £2 orem ' BOY FOR LOCAL RAILWAY OF. write shorthand " LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Musical Grand Operas bouse, 8 p.m. A dishonest man suspects every honest man be encounters. Anctivn sale Exchange buildings, noon, Welesday, The sun rises Wednesday at 446 am, and sets at 726 pm. Anythiog you get lor nothing not, worth that much. Even the pugilist who spends his money is inclined to be close fied. The lawyer rather encourages other people to tell him their troubles. Lake Ontario Park, Boston Merrymekers, bigh class performance, 8:15 pm Remember avetion sale to-morrow noom, of Exchange building, Brock street, on premises. This day in the worki's history King Humbert of Italy assassinated, 1900; Po- land dissolved, 1794; (YDomell shot Carey, A man who doesn't blow his own horn generally has to do Which remitwls us that the mblimity of masic must be due to the fact that it out of the little end of the CROWN DERBY DECORATION WE OFFER YOU VERY HANDSOME DINNER SETS COMPLETE. Our regular price was $20. We have a few sets we are clearing at $12.50. ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ONTARIO 1 PARK ) ALL THIS WEFK BOSTON Hvening MERRY At 8120, MAKERS {at 3130. Mammie Wilson, Emma Zeph, Bianche Rice. 3 BARTELLI BROS. 3 Singing, Baseing, medy, Acrobats. BASEBALL oy July 3st, GOUVERNEUR vs. PONIES. Kingston's Big Fair ae Carnival Aug 25th to 9th ($10,000 in Prizes Competition open to the world. Bigger Fad Better Attractions, Trials of Speed, Hotes on all Lines. Be sure amd meet your friends at bis great event, Send for Prize List aad all jolormation to Mayor J. Morgana Shaw, President, due. P, Oram, Secretary. Horses For Sale I HAVE BREEN INSTRUCTED TO SELL by Auction at 11 am. Saturday, August 2nd, At my rooms, Market Square, Two Horses, from the stables of the Roval Canadian Field Ardliery, Kiogstom. Sms Cash WM. MURRAY, Jr, Auctioncer. carnival, 12 o'clock usually is without music doesn't come hom Bvery Faster Railway and LOST, ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ETHER IN THE arn on Road, cHiL's RED BROADCLOTI COAT. Re ward for fits retarn to 140 Johnston street THE HORSE IS DEAD. Valuable Horse Succumbs to Stabbing. valuable horse, owned by Richard Bes, cab driver, died yesterday of wounds maliciously infiicted. Some days ago the horse showed signs of eguing lume, Mr. Boyd decided to nd it a rest, trading with his bro- inlaw, John Mckee, Plum street. the horse could not live, as its injur- fos were veterinary skill. COMING _ CORONATION The King Will Make Attempt To Walk THE POLICE RECULATIONS EVERYTHING 1S HALF AN HOUR LATER, The Litany and Sermon will be Omitted from the Abbey Ser- wvices--There will be no Altera- tion in the Steps as it is Thought the King can Walk. London, July 2.--1he Times is en- couraged to believe that the king's transterence to a wheeled chair, in which there is presumably some ap proach made to an upright position 15 a prelude to an early attempt ut walking some distance. It says that the vague rumors of a probable possible further postponement of the coronation, which have been lately in circulation, are effectually disposed of by the publication, this morning, of tue police regulations for the appoint- ed day. Everything is a bali hour later than was originally arranged, which time is saved by the omission of the litany and sermon at West minster Abbey. It is noticed with sa- tisfaction by many that fewer barriers are thought necessary in the streets, The arrangements for the coronation continue steadily. Most of the pre vious arrangements still hold good. It has been decided not to alter the sieps at Westminster Abbey, which shows that the officials have no fear of the king's ability to walk to his appointed place there. Early Uneasiness Felt. New York, July 29.--The Tribune's London cable says : Coronation seats cannot be sold even at reduced prices and there is a steadily increasing feel ing of uneasiness respecting the king's condition. There are, unfortunately, strong reasons for believing that the queen, the Prince of Wales and other members of the royal family are dreading the necessity for a second postponement, and yet are not pre pated to assume the responsibility of advising it since they fear that the mental effect upon the patient will be serious. It cannot be doubted that the offi cials at the court and abbey are ex pecting the abandonment of the cere monial and are wondering how the surgeons will justdy their own con duct in misleading the nations. Their apprehensions may not be well-found ed, but it will not be a startling sur prise for the public if a second post ponement be announced in the course ol the week. Various explanations of the king's condition are offered. One is that of symptoms of a recrudesence of the malady. Another is that the wound is not bealing praperly, and that blood poisoning is feared. Another is that the king s physicians, baving found it necessary to comply with the patient's wishes respecting an early date for the coronation, are now forced tg ad- mit that they have over-rated his recuperative powers and yet are un- willing to disappoint him. The list of explanations involves the theory that the king will be crowned as a final resource, but with a greatly reduced ceremonial adapted to the requirements of the invalid, who is incapable of enduring any pro longed strain, fatigue or excitement, The, king, according to this forecast, will not drive with the queen from the palace To the abbey, but will join her from the Confessors' Chapel, and only remain in sight during a few passages of the ceremonial. King Will Go To Balmoral. London, July 29.-8oon alter the eorvnation, their majesties will go to Balmoral Castle and remain there for a few weeks. The air there is expected greatly to assist the king to recuper ate. A French Opinion. Paris, July 29.-M. Baudin, midister of publie works, in an ticle on thé shipping combine, in the Figaro, to-day, declares that = the trust weakens the British navy and takes no notice of the French fleet The article continues : "How is dip lomacy to deal with an association which disregards with such audacity the general relations of one nation io another and with a commercial con- tract which resembles a treaty signed by ambassadors and drawn up by a notary." Riddled With Bullets. embroke, Sa. July 29 John Wise, who committed an assault spon Mr. J John Smith, a young white woman, former ar iny, was | here ama night. He was arrested near Poller, Ga. after a desperate fight with a posse. He was browght back to this place and positively iden tified as the assailant of Mrs. Smith. He was then hanged to a telegraph pole and his body was riddled with bullets. Expert Counterfeiter Caught. Chicago, July 3.--Alhed 8. Cun- said by or! | FOOLISHNESS COST DEARLY. ALMOST DRAINED BANK. What Cal. Evens D Did When He | Drew Men's Pay. July 25.--Nearly 33,000 new sovereigns have just been brought inte Canada. They were minted in Australia at the Sydney mint, and bear the king's head with- out the crown: When, on the 25th June, Colonel Evans received only four hours' potice to entrain his men at Johacneshurg for Durban and home, there wae very little time to procure supplies at Durban The principal thing which the commanding officer did was to go to the Standard Bank and present the pay cheque. A demand for ready cash to the amoant of £32600 almost swamped the bank, coming as it did so suddenly. The manager had no bank notes, and told Colonel Evans that he would have to take it in gold. Accordingly Colonel Evans sent for a guard of five men with revolvers. The gold was transferred to a cab in charge of the guard, put on board the steamer, and when the Winifredian was well out to sea it was paid over to the men Ottawa, Faglish Nixon Tells that he is Tracy, the Outlaw, Seattle, Wash., July 29.--William Nixon tried to win a woman's con- fidence in the guise of Outlaw Tracy, and is nearly nd as a result of his act, He told an actress in a music hall that he was none other than the des- perado, and threatened her life if she told. Later, when he re-entered the theatre, he was attacked by police men and the proprietor, Joe Williams, a brother of Deputy Sheriff Jack Wil liams, who was wounded in a battle with Tracy, at Bothell, July 3rd. Nixon was pounded into insensibility and has not fully regained his facul- ties yet. The mistake was discovered when the man's features were compar ed with a photograph at police head quarters. It is almost a miracle that thé policeman did not shoot first and investigate afterwards, as he was told positively that the man was Tracy and a reward of nearly $7,000 is ofier- ed for the desperado dead or alive. RIOTS SERIOUS IN GALICIA. Gendarmes Attack Strikers and Are attacked in Return. Lemberg, Galicia, Austria, July ~The strike in East Galicia of more than 100,000 agricultural laborers, most of them Russians, ana which de veloped into 4 rising against the land ed proprietors of the district, is be coming more serious. CGendarmes at- tacked the strikers and were attacked by them in return. Crops apd-Jurius have been destroyed. Several peasants have been wounded and others arrest ed. It was reported from Vienna, July 26th, that during the rioting in Fast (Galicia extensive stores were burned down near Lemberg, while excesses were reported from other localities. Russian students in Galicia were said to be joining in the movement, thereby adding political to economic disturb ance. FOUR SLAIN ON A TRAIN. 2. Whites Shoot Negroes and are Killed by an Officer. Joplin, Mo., July 29.--Four men, two whites and two negroes, are re- ported to have been shot and killed on a Missouri, Kansas & Texas ex cursion train at a point in Indian Territory last night. The negroes are said to have been shot by the whites, who were in turn shot and killed by a deputy sheriff, who was accompanying the excursion. P' A Young Girl Drowned. Barrie, Out., July 29.--Miss Norma Leroy, seventeen years old, daughter of D. W. Leroy, manager of the Queen's hotel, was bathing with three little girls in Kempenfeldt Bay, here, last evening, when she got beyond her depth. She eried to her companions, the oldest of whom made an attempt to reach her, but without avail. An alarm was given but Miss Leroy had sunk before assistance came. The body was recovered. To Meet The Rate. Toronto, July 29.--The city council vesterday adopted a by-law providing for the items illegally struck out of the public school estimates for this and last year. According to the by- laws the total tax rate for the city will be-20.37 mills, the highest in the history of the city. The amount re quired for the school estimates is £109,910. Have Ordered Steamers. Hamilton, Ont., July 20-A. B. Mackay, Willium Ma and W. G. Walton, have returned from Furope, where they ordered several freight boats for the Ontario Steamship com pany. The steamers will run between Montreal and Fort William. Kruger's Top Hat, Ottawa, July 29.- Kruger's state top hat is in Ottawa among the re lies in the possession of Vivian Bart. ram and his brother, Quartermaster Sergeant J. Bogert Baruram, who bave just returned from South Africa. A Political Rwinour. Winnipeg, July 20.04 is reported on wpparently good authority that Premier Roblin contemplates an early appeal to the electors. It is stated that Hon. T. Mayne Daly will enter his cabinet as attorney Lord Dundonald's Probable Policy Dtawa, Ju 2. Lord Dundon ald's Jolley will likely be decentraliza- tion. is will mean a thorough org anization of the different districts wn- der district staffs. Chang Chi Tung. viesrov of Han kow, has been appointed director of rend wp a I » upon 13 Hung ng adore his death. NEWS OF THE, WORLD What Comes To Us From Au Quarters. CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Zasily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. Farthquake shocks were experienced in California and South Dakota. Oil and gas wells are reported in Caledonia township, Prescott county Over 12,000 members are in attend- ance at the sixth triennial festival of German singing societies at Graz. Jean George Vibert, the painter and author, is dead, at Paris He was born in Paris, September 30th, 1540. Inspector Langlais, commanding the police in the French Congo, has been asvassinated by natives near Libre ville. During a great downpour of rain in New York om Monday night, Dennis Cash, sixty-two years old, was killed by a bolt. All of the prisoners of Guam who take the oath 'of allegiance to the United States will be returned to the Philippine Islands. Richard Beamish, a pioneer of Ham iota, Man., is dead, aged ninety-five vears, He was said to be the oldest Orangeman in Canada. Gen. Delarey's daughter is married to Mr. Ferriera, the secretary, in the Dutch church at Cape Town The monument, at Ottawa, for the soldiers who fell in South Africa, will be unveiled on Avgust 11th, on which aate that city will celebrate the coro nation. As it is not necessary to maintain both Syaney and Melbourne resi dences as acting governor-general of Australia, Lord Tennyson will reside permane| mtly at Melbourne. The National Zeitung, Berlin, states that the kaiser will visit the czar be tween August 6th and Sth, in the roadstead, at Revol, on the occasion of Russian naval manoeuvres. Leonard McBride was accidentally killed while cleaning a gun at Bede- que, P.E.1., on Monday. The contents entered his nose, penetrating the brain, He did not know the gun was loaded. As a result of a premature blast in the Rapid Transit subway, on Park avenue, New York, at Forty firs street, to-day, four men were seriously injured. Two of them, it is thought, will die "It is reported from French sources that after the recent massacre of con. verts in Sze-Chuan the anti-Manchu standard of rebellion was raised at Cheng-Tu, and that it is evidently gathering support At Chicago, A. M. Rothschild com mitted suicide hy shooting, the wound inflicted causing almost instant death. Acute insomnia, which probably caus ed temporary insanity, is said to be responsible for the deea, Chief Rabbi Jacob Josephs, of the United Jewish congregations, New York, the highest official in the ortho- dox Jewish religion in the United States, died on Monday of paralysis, aged #ixty-two years. There is great activity among the managers of the Elaer-Dempster and Allan lines, and Sir Christopher Fur ness will support them, without a doubt, in offering tenders for the At lantic and Pacific service, The annual statement of the C.P.R shows gross earnings for twelve months, up to June 30th, of $37,503, 054; working expenses, 23,417,142; net profits, 814,085912; an increase of net profits over 1901 of $1,976,537 In an interview, vesterday, the man ager of the White Star steamship company stigmatized the statement that a dead-lock had occurred in the transfer of the company to the Mor gan svodicate as unmitigated rubbish It is stated at Brussels that the Dutch prem who is visiting Berlin, Vienna andl Rome, is charged with the mission of negotiating a special trea ty with the powers of the triple alli ance for the protection of the Dutch colonies, Seven fresh to be general's Reformed mn of cholera and thirty-eight deaths from the disease were reported at Cairo on Monday The outbreak is apparently subsicing The sanitary committee has suspended the sittings of the native court of ap peals during, the epicemic. It will al so close the Azhar university and the native schools, The Feho De Paris reports the arrest of a Chilian, of the name of Arriagha ba, who . confesses that he was im- plicated in the robbery of the £10.000 worth of jewelry from the Marquis of Anglesey last September. Julian Gault, the valet of the marquis, was arrested a month later and confessed to dealing £20,000 worth of the jew. ele. For this he was sentenced to five years penal servitude. The first decigion. in the matter of liability for the return of monev pal for coronation seats was given on Monday. The plaintiff in the action claimed £21. which had been paid for four seats, refusing to accept half that amount, which the defendants offered to return to him. Thé judge ruled that the plaintiff could not recover. hut granted leave to appeal, hoping that the case would go to a higher court. Colonial Reerstary Chamberlain hae #0 far recoversd from the effects of injuries he recently mstained bv being thrown from a cab that be will at tend the house of commons to-day. when the colonial office vote will be discussed, hut it i= improbable {hat he will attend the horse for another Imeinees before the adjournment. He still sometimes feels the sfects of the areident and thinks it prodent to reserve his attention for the business of his own department. eases HAT PIN PIERCES HEART. A Strange Illness Which Puzzled the Doctors. Providence, July 29.--After an ill ness of two years, Miss Leonie Jodoin, twenty years old, died at her home in Jericho. A part of this time was spent as a novice in the Roman Catholic convent at Flushing, I1.1.. which she was forced to leave on account of ill- health. The case had baffed New York and Rhode Island physicians and a post: mortem examination was required to clear up the mystery. Al first hemorr- hages were frequent, and Miss Jodoin had heen treated for consumption, Several months ago a hard lump was detected in her stomach, and -an oper ation disclosed a common sewing needle, one and one-half inches long. which was removed, This operation gave her great relief and recovery segmed certain until recently, when the old pains returned. The examination to-day piercing the outer envelope of the heart, a steel hat pin, four and one fourth inches long, without a head, and in the stomach another headless hat-pin, one and one-half inches long Miss Jodoin never gave anv explana tion of how the needle got in her sto mach, and Dr. OC. E. Chagnon, the family physician, expressed the opin: jon that while in a fit of hysteria Miss Jodoin forced the hat pins into her body revealed, PITTSBURG VICE SYNDICATE Startling Story Brought Out by Dealer's Suit. Pittsburg, Penn. July 29 a suit a story has come that Pittsburg police are giving pas sive consent the syndieating of vice. The svndicate, at the head of which is said toe be-a member of the city council, has not only taken over a number of the leading establishments of disreputable women it is asserted, but operating luxurious 'speak ensies,"" the locations of which are known to police officials. David Wurhaft, the proprietor of the People's Credit Co, 136 Crawford brings suit against Police George B. McClelland to re cover a balance of $25 due on 4 nots for 850, dated April 3rd, 1002, and payable one month afier date Wur hait has boen selling goods on the in stalment plun to inmates of alleged disorderly houses. Recently his cus tomers were told to buy from certain persons Some women who continued to buy goods from Wurhaft because they wen in his debt, arrested and sent to the workhouse heavily fired He lost about 8700 in five recent arvesis That naturally made him angry and he called upon Capt. Mel lelland pay the overdue note. Wurhaft claims that none but the svndicate's licensed venders can sell goods of any kind to the women. TEMPLE OF SOLOMON FOUND. Through out indiggting to is of street, Capt wer to Professor Discovers Walls and Gateway of Ancient Building. Vienna, July The Neues Wiener Tageblatt says that Dr. SBellim, 4 pro fessor of the Vienng university, who is exploring Palestine in behalf of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, has lis- covered the walls and gateway oi the ancient Temple of Solomon, in the neighborhooa of Janohah, in Sa maria. The famous Temple of Solomon was that built by the king at Jerusalem After its destruction it was replaced hy the Temple of Zerubbabel ana the Temple of Herod. There is no record of Solomon building a temple at Sa maria, the town thirty miles north of Jernsalem, which did not come importance till after the revolt of the ten tribes, when it was made the capi tal of the northern kingdom by Omri I) into A LIVELY TORNADO, Did Much Damage About the Gulf of California. San Francisco, July 29. <A special from Tocson, Arizona, that a tornado visited the Gull of California, on Thureday night, wrecking and damaging many buildings in the const cities, At Guayamas, five ves sele in the bay were dashed ashore and sunk. Two of them were large ste. mers. The public buildings, con taining the offices of the harbor mas ter and collector of customs were de I'he residence of the English vico-consul was unroofed, and other wise 'destroved At Mazatlan a large passenger steamer was driven ashore and somk. Five passengers were drownea. Bays stroyed OFFICE FOR THE DUKE. One of Social if Not Political Distinction. Liverpool, July 29. The Post to-day states that the Duke Marihorough i= about te be appointed to an office great in social life, if not in politicgl character. 1f he is not made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Post save he will get the governor-generalship of Australia. of Decree Of Absolute Divorce. Watertown, N.Y., July 29.In the action of Theda Presley ve, William Presley, Justice Merwin has grantad a deever of absolute divores in favor of the plaintiff. The parties to the tion were married December : 201k Jat, By a justice of the peace a1 | Belleville, and lived together wimtil September 15th, 1551. Tt was alloued in the papers that the defendant is living with one Allie Maitland in the town of Henderson What You Want at the Price You Know is Right. Granvleted sogar in 100-pound bay» at Mullins grocery. In the British parliament on Man day the nationalists protested against | the ennmmission to vivit South Afries. The liberals sustinined the govern ment and its position. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, ©------ Ont, July 2%b, Wodnewday, light fie and worm (10 am Today Torout Ww modern ie, var ad on able winds, LADIES JACKETS English Tailor-made. Three-quarter length. Mace o Priestley's Cravenette Cloth Also latest styles English Waterproof Cloaks Made of same material. Inpection Invited, eacy DIED, DOYLE Kingston, Julv 38th, James Doyle Funcral will leave the Hotel Wednesday morning at ¥ St, Mary's Cathedenl, whare quien mess will bo sey nee fatten wre rospestiully fn Hen Lo OTTO, wk sharp low on solemn Frionds nad wvited 0 Mills, om July of the late Jobn years Wodnostmy Me KEADHY As Brower's A ni ; wed etghty-ome wm ber late residence James steent, oh Miss Mund Phelan, Phelan, apd vi Kingrton, 47 July 28th sughter of Thomas twelve yonrs Funeral will tuk nb. at wim thedral, where sane WOLFE ISLAND SUMMER RESORTS the near [us in pros Wednosdav July to St. Mary's Ca requiem will be place o'clock a solemn bovotne poping in improved lorry servios Are sure bo ture with an peck, Now is the there before We sle Ale wm shares J S. R. McCANN, 81 Brock Street, Next to Wade's, ------------ time to Dav a summer cottevs prices ada me throw benutifnl sites for have two of al a barge two fers for to work sale and one TO LET. HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, All musders improvements. Apply Livingston & Hro. 9 ROOMS, wo GU CONFESSES MURDER. Moved By Excitement, Unbosoms Crime "hiladel; hin, 28 Mudor, a eripph hall, tel's th Cripple, i Henry locked up at truth, he murdered Thomas in Lexington, Ky., two He snid that about two had murdered 5 woman homes, with whom he in Lexington, Ky. Ho Thomas we - several July now ity Mary cerks Ago weeks ago he wmed Mary had been living also said that be and the man had been implicated in rimes -------- Rochester, NY, H. Harmon young attorney, wis ar sted ofr on charge of petit larceny in obtaining 212 from PBuorke, Fries. ans, Hone & Co., by false represcatos hone, At Seofitd, o ! ouvenirs Enamelled Beit Buckles, Brooches, Hat Pins, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Pecket Knives, etc. Spooas from 75¢. lo $3.50 Largest Selection in Ontario, '4A GC. JOHNSTON & BRO, JEWELERS, Cor, Priscess and Welllngion Sia. BEB LAVT AVR VVTVIAI IDEN v ¢