Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jul 1902, p. 1

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69TH YEAR. NO. 17L KINGSTON, ONTABIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1902, LAST EDITION. Are You Ready] With Your Hot] Weather Cloth-3 es, or Do You} Our Help?3 Delors in of cool + the matter 4 The oa sold wo ® now. ® find ousv entrance ® ; vet for all ® did so well for the beat rid We never as MORRIS € ROVE'S BIG SHOWS os, [I1Y 24 PERFORMANCES AT Zand Spm. Performing 5 \ Animals 500 Trained Elephasts, Buflaloss, Camels, Lions, Seals, Hea Lions, Zebus,- Goats, Ponies, Doge, Monkeys, Pige and other animale. 30 FUNNY CLOWNS 30 Tents on Union Street grounds. Grand Frew Strest Parade, 11 am. HOYAL ROMAN WIPPODROME, COSTLY - ICAL CONGRESS. LRA JCATIONAL MUSEUM BYERY ACT A FEATURE. . When you want a pound of - good butter, and we'll send it around. Only 25¢. a "1b., no matter how high the market goes. This butter _ pleases every time. Clarified Milk Co., Gov. Bagot and Breck Sts, 70 COIN COLLECTORS. OF US. 8 A SABER, oF 3. WiLvER Comvs_pon ; WANTED. HOUSENAID, WITH REFERENCES, stevet, i. LABORERS, WHO WANT their wants at the ee hat many - A YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND Si , ote who has a fair hoowledye 3 preferred. box 38 Cay. 49 0% &1, Seman Je h aVenings, oN Sh P08 Baron ig ny QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SEC- don Neo. 11, Olden. Avple sisting re ary to Foster, sec _ etary. treasirer, Mclean, Ont, Addington BTIC MAN, WHO CAN FURNISH aed waeon, and deposit $150 position h --- Saving ad No canvassing. Cs -- -------- vo------ FOR SOHOOL SECTION NO. 2, to "tench bainnor of the neust 18th Ap- LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. SE" company, Lith regiment meets 8 pm Frontenae chose boned, 1:30 pm. Theres day. Every good ad is a stepping stone to see Cees Norris & Rowe's circus, 1:30 and 7:30 pm Thursday Millan appesl case before judge Price, 11 am. Thursday. The sun rises Thursday at 4:40 am, sad wis at 7:82 pm Baseball, Jake Ontario Park, Canton vs. Pories, Thursday 4 pm. Excursion to Alesasdria Bav by steamer Now York, 10:30 am., Thursday ~ A good ad, sdvertiemy good goods, in =» good medium will make business good every time. The mas who threatened to thrawh smother for ten cents was called a seb by that otinr for working so cheap. The difference betwen a man with black hair and a baldbended man is plain. One in "erow shade," the other is "nit" This day in the world's history onde ended, 100%; British made a general advance from Pretoris, 1900: Gem. U. 8. Grant died, 19835; Emnwtt's insurrection, 1803; Gibraltar captured by British, 1604. CROWN DERBY DECORATION WE OFFER YOU VERY HANDSOME DINNER SETS COMPLETE. Our regular price was $20. We have a few sets we are clearing at I 2 » 5 oO . ROBERTSON BROS. First oru- Matinees W edaesday ALL THIS WEEK Hvery - Hveniag COATES wow (GRUNGYS COONTOWN CO. 9 Pegple in su Ha Change of § Np ANCRs, CANS WALKS. FRIDAY CHILDRENS DAY {c, BOARD. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, ALSO table board. Gentlemen preferred, at 290 King street. Hell Is Not a Place of Literal Fir e. Montreal, July 23.--Rev. Mr. Steen, rector of Christ church cathedral, and whose religiolis views recently caused such a stir in Anglican circles, is once again the subject of discussion among the Protestants of Montreal. During the course of a sermon last Sunday, Mr. Steen expressed his con- viction that the souls of the departed might be benefited by the prayers of those gn the earth. He also expressed his belief that the condition of those who have reached the intermediate state must by changed by contrition and repentance, and that their final state may be greatly different from their presont condition in the land of departed spirits. Here the speaker referred to the old idea that hell was a place of literal fire. With this view Le said he could not . It was a plate of suffering and of torment, but to his mind the suffering wus to a great extent men- tal and not physical. Sheol, however, was not the final abode of the damn- ed, and a woul suffering torments therein might possibly reach the final abode of the righteous, Change Of Business. H. B. Taylor has purchased the drug business lately carried on by me at 124 Princess street, and | would res for him the liberal (LAKE )C ONTARIO )_ PARK ) EXTRAORDINARY STORY, Dark Side Of Life In German University. BARBARITY OF STUDENTS. AN EFFORT MADE TO HUSH UP MATTER. The Lot Fell to That of a Young Medical Student Who Had the Chance of Four Methods for Ending His Existence. Berlin, July 23 --An extraordinary story of stucent life in Heldelberg has just come to light, in spite of the o- forts to hush it up. Six students met in the room of one of them on the afternoon of July Ist to settle some matter concerning a woman by means of an American duel. A black ball fell to the owner of the room, a young medical stu dent, nineteen years of age, the son of a high official of Carlsrube. The other five decided that he should take his life between six and eight o'clock the same evening, signed a sort of death certificate, and left him alone, with the choice of four methods of putting an end to him- seli. The "condemnea' youth decided to open his veins and bleed to aeath. At eight o'clock the landlord, ap parently suspecting something un usual, knocked at his lodger's door, who replied that he was too weak to unlock it. Finally he was persuaded to do wo, and to his horror the landlord founa the floor covered with blood, which had flowed from the incisions which the youth had made in his arms and neck with his lancet. Two physicians were at once sent for, and while the landlord was keep- ing watch over the would-be suicide, one of his five comrades appeared to see if the "sentence" had been carried out, Seeing that the "condemned" youth was living, he kicked him, saying scornfully, "Faugh, the fellow is still alive. He has only pretended." The student was taken to hospital, where he now lies, with every pros pect of recovery, The facts have been reported to the public prosecutor. SHOULD HAVE HELP. The Post Office Staff at Ottawa Overworked. Owtawa, July 23-There is consid erable dissatisfaction gmong the city post-office employees over an order cancelling the summer holidays. The stall is apparently not large enough to cope with the work if the holiday allowance is made and the men have been asked to take their vacation in winter much to their di A fact worth kmowing is that the mail of ten years ago had the same number of men to handle it as that of to-day, yet the city has increased its popula- tion forty-two per cent. or nearly 20. 000 inhabitants since then. The staff thinks that the demand for an incregse of help, therefore, is but reasonable, and should be granted so that those who toil for one solid year can enjoy a brief holiday during the summer, ------ WELCOME A TEST. To Ascertain if Operations Are Lawful. Montreal, July 23.--The police have made a raid on the colonization com- pany of Canada, a concern which re- cently got a charter from the domin- jon government, as it is sus rected of being a gambling concern. The police waited until the drawing was well ub der way before executing the warrant. All the paraphernalia was seized. The company was ostensibly organized to conduct a colonization scheme, the chatter permitting drawing for shares. The president of the concern states the raid was expected and that they welcome a test, case to determine whether the operations are lawful. Exceptionally Fine Crop. Winnipeg, July 23.--Crop reports re- ceived by the Canadian Northern rail- way corroborate the general impres- sion, already current, that the crop this year is likely to be an exception- ally * fine ome. The general yield is likely to be twenty-five to thirty- five bushels an acre for wheat, while barley, probably will run as high as sixty and oats seventy-five. In the Dauphin country, where the damage by rains was supposed to be the greatest a good gverage crop of twen- ty bushels to the acre is expected. ------ Premium On Beauty And Piety. London, July 23.-Some sixty years ago Holsworthy, in Devonshire, be came of a strange bequest through the munificonce of the Rev. Thomas Meyrick, The interest on money invested had to be paid to the prettiest young woman in the Pig who most «l s Chay fom been selected orthy's queen of my. sum of Se. is also given to the oldest spinster who is the most frequent attendant at church. Death Of A Captain. Toronto, July 23.--C John Pir: ritte, formerly one of captains LD ---------- , Now Toront a TUBERCULOSIS--COW TO MAN. -- Dr. Garnault Has It And Dis proves Koch's Theory: Paris, July 23. --Early in June Dr. Garnaslt inoculated himself with tu berculosis virus from a cow infected with the disease in order to test Prof Koch's assertion that bovine tuber culisis 'will not infect human beings. He carefully refrained from injecting any. contaminated matter into the vems. On July 1th the doctor made a fresh intravenous . inotulation in his left forearm such as kills guinea pigs in eight wogks. As a result of this inoculation the doctor has de veloped tubercular temors. Dr. Garnault seid (0 a visitor to- day : I way be deaa in seven or eight weeks. As soon as the nerve tissues are attacked I shall got a great surgeon to operate. | may lose | Ordered To Cape Town. Ottawa, July 28.--A let- ter from a member of the South African comnstabul- ary states that the corps have been ordered to Cape Town to remain until or- dered home. The consta- bulary enlisted for three years under the Cape Col- ony government, and has served seventeen months of its time. deb obbbsbob bob bobpb ed TTT Belt a a enn att eid raTTTTTTYYTYTY my arm, I do not wish to commit suicide, but 1 wish towprove that | am right." Dr. Garnault is beginning to suffer from his arm, which he himsell inocu- lated with tuberculous matter from a cow. The wound is inflamed. He is calmly awaiting the result. He main tains his disbelief Th Prof. Koch's theory and regards a definite solution a# being of paramount importance to mankind. Dr. Garnault took ten centi- grammes of virus from the surface of the liver of a cow suffering from tu berculosis, which had been seized as unfit for human food, and injected it under the skin of his left arm. AGENT IN LONDON. Canada Will Have One as Soon as Sir Wilfrid Returns. Ottawa, July 23.--It is understood that on the return of Sir Wilirid Laurier and the other ministers from England, there will be a commercial agent appointed in London. The name of James Cumming, Lyn, who went to Africa as special commissioner, has been mentioned as well as that of Peter Ball, Toronto, There will be mo public holiday throughout Canada on coronation doy, August 9th, but royal salutes will be fired at Victoria, Winnipeg, Loudon, Toronta, Kingston, Montreal, | Queber, 84. John Charlottetown. Unless special observances are ar ranged for by the municipalities this will be the only exercise of the day. Mrs. Duncan MeDonald, Vankleek Hill, gave birth last Monday to four children, two boys and two girls. All are doing well. Th. revenue from Chinese immigra- tion for year ending June 30th, amotnts to £364,972, compared with $178,704 during previous year. The poll tax last vear was increased from £50 to $100. The number who paid the tax was 3,525, compared with 2,- 518 in 1901. TEACHERS TO VISIT CANADA. Trip Will Be Taken Shortly -- Seekers After Information. Toronto, July 23.--Canada is to be inspected by a party of English school- masters and school-marnis, who are to take a trip hither before the end of this pseado-summer. The in- formation was conveyed to Hon. Rich- ard Harcourt, minister of education, and acting premier, in a letter from Hon. G. W. Rows. Mr. Ross was unable to state how many teachers would join the party, but he was assured that the number would be large, and that "the tourists would be enthysiastic seekers of in formation. Mr. Harcourt will undertake to let the touring teachers see all that is best worth seeing in Ontario, and especially in Toronto. The same letter from Mr. Ross con- tains the information that the pre mier will remain in Loudon for the coronation. a nr d-- THE KING'S SHORT STAY. He Will Go to London For Cor- onation Only. Cowes, July 23.--The king will make a very brief stay in London, when he goes there to be crowned. He will ar rive there on August Sth, the day be- fore the coronation, and will return to the roval yacht on Angust Ith. Itis possible that o dais will be substitut- ed for the throne in Westminster ab- bey, thus saving his majesty the ex- ertion pf mounting the steps. The cere- mony will begin at 11.30 o'clock in the morning, the king leaving Buck: ingham palace half an hour before that time. The king has given permission to the Salvation grmy to hold an open air convention im the grounds of Os- borne house, to-morrow. Over 3.000 persons will take part in the conven- tion. -------------- Will Come To Naught. Berlin, July 23.--Angered by the ,t- tempts of the representatives, of the kinguoms i the NEWS OF THE WORLD What Comes To Us From AN Quarters. CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Deas Public. The Toronto firemen's fund is over $44,000 'The Australian team won the Kola pore cap at Bisley. W. L. Woods, the much-sought-after check swindler, was arrested in Toron to. The Boston Herald says the coal strike up to date has cost the people $50,000 000, The Winnipeg hotels are unable to accommodate the throng of visitors to the exhibition. W. R. Robeson, of North Bay, has been appointed English master of the high school, Picton. A counter petition has been filed in East Hamilton against Dr. Griffin, the liberal candidate. The Peary steamer Windward sailed from Sydney on Tuesday night, in search of Lieut, Peary. A university is to be established in Jerusalem for the Jewish students ex pelled from European universities A fire in Camden, S.C., on Tuesday night, destroyed the post office and ufteen Business buildings. Loss $100, 000, Armour & Co., Chicago, have ab- sorbed the Hammond packing com- panv and the G. H. Hammond com pany. Senator Foraker says that for the republican presidential candidate in 1904, nobody is seriously thought of hut Roosevelt. Victor Roulliet, a Philadelphia stock broker, killed himself by gas on Saturday, at his home in German town. Financial troubles the cause. At Huntington on Sunday evening, July 20th, there passed awav William W. Dalgliesh at the age of seventy years. He was a leading Methodist May Yohe, the actress, formerly lady Hope, has caused a warrant to be issued for Capt. Strong, her com panion, charging him with larceny of 8250,000 worth of jewels. The general contract for the erec tion of the new public library build- ing in Utica has been awardea to J W. Bishop company, of Providence, R.1., at $162,000, lelgign twenty-frane bank notes bave been forged very skilfully in New York by means of fragments of genuine notes, so as to make one bank note out of every ten. J. W. Newman, dairyman, has sold his farm (the old Buell place) to Mr. Connell, Brockville street. Mr. New man is now manager of the Purc milk company, of Sault Ste. Marie. Capt. E. A. C. Lohman, a well known steel expert, died on Sunday at Bethleham, Pa., where he was em- ploved by the Bethlecham steel com- pany. He invented the process of hardening steel. At a meeting of the executive board of the United mine workers of Ameri- ea, at Springfield, I1., on July 22nd, £30,000 was voted in aid of the strik- ing miners in the anthracite fields of Pennsylvania. The Lord's day alliance has suc ceeded, temporarily at least, in sup- pressing the Sunday sale of ice cream soda by Toronto druggists. One of the latter has been fined $20 for his offence. He will appeal. The deaths reported from all locali ties in the province, last month, were 1,795, as compared with 1.608 for June of last year. There were 202 deaths from tuberculosis as against seventy -four last year. The estate left by the late Hon. Frank Smith will yield $1,300,000, The succession duties will be about $60. 000. This is the largest sun which has been contributed to the provinee from ont man's estate under the act. Albert Sinclair, arrested on Friday, on a charge of burglarizing the gener al store and post-office kept at Well man's Corners hy George Anderson, was on Tuesdav committed for trial by magistrate Flint at Belleville The Toronto city council did not approve the proposal to sue Mr, Booth for return of the 250.000 honus to the Central station. But aldermen seem to he of opinion that its con struction has been sufficiently delayed. Under the cirenmstances of dissatis faction the Australians have declined to accept the Mackinnom eup, which they were awarded on Saturday, and the match will be shot over avain next Monday, all the teams competing. Montallon and Felizardo, the Lad rone chiefs have broken through the constabulary cordon at Cavite pro vince gnd have escaped to the moun- tains. A n of Ladrones were killed in earlier attempts to force the now cordon." Geperals Botha snd Delarey, with their sectptaries, left on Monday for Cape Togm, en ronte for Europe. Gen. Dewet will accompany them on the journev to the coast. The date of their return from Europe has not been de finitely fixed. Writes a Letter to Broderick De manding a Hearing. London, July 23.-Gen. Buller has written another kiter to William Bro- derick, the seeretary of state for war, in which be complains that Mr. Bro deriek's accentuated charges in the oy onan him oo officially against him to which he was ordered not to reply. In his communication to the Sar -e t ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY. Threatens to Forsake Punishment. Paris. July 23.-The guillotine seems to be doomed. A war of wonds now waging in the senate threatens to ex tirpate capital punishment, ana with it France's grim and blood stained in strument of public vengeance The crisis was brought on by the case of a man named Bidaux, con demned by the courts to death. Form erly the place of execution was La Roquette, near Pere la Chaise, but that has been voted too public, for it is conceded that such exhibitions have no salutary effect upon the worals of the people. The prisoner is confined in La Sante, and it was suggested that the execution take place within the prison walls, but La Sante is hy no means anxious for the distinction. Hence the matter was referred to the senate and the chamber of deputies Several senators have demanded to know why, there should be capital Capital carefully concealed. The argument fo: and against has grown so strong that the decapitation of Bidaux promises to be indefinitely postponed. WARDEN GILMORE HURT. Was Petting a Mastiff When The Brute Bit Him. Toronto, Julv 23. Jt was stated in the city, last night that Dr. Gilmour, warden of the central prison, was petting a big mastifi in his room at the central, when the brute flew at him and fastened its teeth in his hand, severing the bones between the third and fourth fingers. He dragged the brute from one side of the room to the other, it hanging on. It is said that no one has been allowed to him since, and that yesterday he was very ill in bed. see ADMIRES SALISBURY. Japanese Press Eulogistic on Sub- ject Of Resignation. Lontlon, July 23.-'The Japanese press, says the Tokio correspondent of the Times, is sympathetic and eulogis- tie in discussing lord Salisbury's re signation. It regards the retired pre mier as a model of a great statesman, who leaves office when his fume is at ta zenith, and his vital task has Leon achieved. The papers point out that lord Salisbury was 'the first Euro pean statesman who appreciated Ja pan, and who was ultimately willing to accept her co-operation as an ally ttt SLAYS HER BABE. Attempts to Kill Others, Then Ends Her Life. Madisomville, Ky., July 23.-Mrs Fllen Turley, of Depoy, near here whot and killed her four-year-old child yesterday, attempted to kill iwo other children, and failing, shot herself, dy ing instantly. - She was temporgrily insane from long illness. Her hus bal was absent, having gone to se cure medicine. Boasted He Would Enter Hell. Greenville, Miss., July 23.-With curses on his lips and with the ex pressed wish that the people of Green ville perish in the fires of hell, Ashley Cocke met his death. With him, but silently, Tom Lauderdale also met his end. Both were convieted of the mur der of engineer G. M. Wray and were hanged from the same gallows by the swing of a double trap. Cocke died boasting that he would be in hell in a few minutes and cur sing everything and everybody. He said that those who had planned his murder would meet their end and that £11,000 had been deposited in bank, £1.000 of which would be paid for the death of each of the eleven men who prosecuted him. The execution was witnessed by 6,000 people. To Make A Division. Toronto, Julv 28. --Rev, John Mc Lean, of Carman, Manitoba, one of the veteran home missionaries of the Methodist church, at the meeting of the Methodist summer school this morning, said that at the forthcoming gencral conferdnee steps would be tak en to divide Manitoba and the north west conference ito three parts, con sisting of Manitoba, Assiniboia and Alberta, with g» superintendent for each. Only in this way, said Rev. Mr Mclean could the church hope to cope with the work involved in the great rush of immigration Accidentally Killed. Wilkesbarre, Pa., July 23.--James Thompwon, a deputy at the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre coal company's Sugar Notch colliery, was accidentally shot and killed on Tuesday, by William Jones, also a deputy. Jones was trying to take a cartridge out of hi gun when the weapon accidentally discharged. Thempson was on a bridge forty yards away and the hal et struck him near the heart. He died in a few minutes. "Cuba May Go To Pieces." Cincinnati, 0., July 23. When ask ed for his opinion of the new Cuban government, Gen. Lee was disinclined to talk, but finally said : "I bdieve the Cuban government will go te pieces on a financial rock unless the ship of state of the new Cuban repub- lie is sttéred very carefully." Alcoholic Poisoming. Montreal, July 23 -Sarah Jene Huston, five years of age, lies at the general hospital in a critical condi tion, suflering from alecholic poison: ing, the result of whiskey given to her by her parents whem théy were both drunk. Loubet To Visit Rome. Parise, July 21 --1It ie practically de cided that president Loubet will visit the king of Tialy at Rome, despite the probshility of offending the pope. Vegeinble marrows and Hubbard squash, at Carnovaky a. punishment at all, if it must be so | WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Oud, July 28ed. (10 a.m. )-Fele and muockorately warm, th a few local wi thombe storms. Thursday fair and warm, Odd sizes and makes, including W.B., P.D, C.P. and Magnetic, worth $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Your Choice For BC. ; Pair. Sines, NMeac BORN. LOGAN--At Trockville, July 20th, aad Mrs, ¥ Lagan, a daughtor AVLEN--In Kingston, on July 22d, the wile of Dr. Ayln, sirgeon, mounted poles, Fort Saskatchewan, NWT. of a son, ---------------- MARRIED, SHEARER-NOWLAN=At Lonsdowse, July 19th, Thomas Shearer to Rhoda Marin Nowlan, both of Yonge CUNSUMERS ! Have you waxened up to the fact that summer is here and that you need something in the wood line that will make a quick fire at small expense. Our mill wood is just what you want. Give us a trial order and satis. {y yourself. [HE RAIHBUN CO. ELECTION PLTITION NOTICE 18 HEREMY GIVEN THAT JOHN 8. Gallagher has prossted a cross petition v the Comrt of Apgwal lor Ontario, sehr the Cort ruverted Fieetions Act Shibley, Keg, a coulidete for Provineial Legislative Asx whstriet of Fronone at the 22nd avd 20th Mav, THOMAS DAWSON, Retarsing Officer, Dated ot Kingwton, this, 280d July, 1902 TE ---- CLAIMS INFRINGEMENT. to Mey Ontario nminst W. J election to the wanlily for the ky ion heid 1902 on the Company Says Its Patent Was Copied. Windsor, Ont., July 23.--The Cana- la water and sewage purifying 'com- pany of thus eity, through counsel, has commenced proceedings against the city of Winnipeg, which threaten to cit off the water supply of that city. Ihe Windsor company alleges that at Winnipeg the system in use which was installed by the Pittshurg tedting la- oratory, mvolves the patent process of the company and that the specifi- cations were copied fram the Canadi- an patent. It has formally notified the city of Winnipeg to desist from using tae present plant anti! the matter can be decided in the courts, JEWELRY REPAIRING send Yours to Us, We promise you satisfaction 2 in nestnese, promptiess and ¢ small . Our work-room § is equipped with the | gst mind: ¢ ern sad mackinay. Tie workmen are experts The

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