Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1902, p. 3

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DAILY 'BRITISH ' WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 1s, ' Dawn or the most legant. silk the rib: nN, A nd. 'children. Ed Mis, 4 29s WHIC S FASHION LETTER bon belt is en se Ey Bro ar- NEWS OUR NEICHBORS I . ol wd . x " or ION) $900 0ee® JOO] ee 7 ound the waist and tied either in a Bay on Thursday bow and drawn through 4 gold circle 1 large number from Charle~tin and] § LATEST STYLES PREVAILING and allowed to fall in studied cure. | WHAT ovr CORRESPONDENTS ra spent the I2th in Broes: ithe IN NEW YORK. lessness to the hent of the gown. HAVE T0 T™ir Us, Some of our Youngsters were at = an a ¥ Girdles that are composed hoth of Soleftaiament on Saturday evening ai fo Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian r : bhon and YT-.ce are lovely and found The Prém Vv, ; the residenve of Mr. and M: * : ; This Summer a Record Breaker In the wardrol ay Tidings Arious Points | i ie ang . . : ' of every well-groom 3 & * lood, Sheaton Mrs YW Tens Pacific Railways in the Matter of Producing | the wardrobe of ev Fd In Eestern Ontarto=What Pyo. Ful, re Yawn Eo The Skin of Infants Causes Half Their 15 ---- Novelties--Some Suits That {the . ribbon entirely, as it exténds ple Ave Doing and What They ering from an attack of the mumps Discomfp t | . Be : 5 . Ar: Admired by the Devotees [around the waist, but op the Sere Are Saying: Mes. HUT. Swith and children, Gf 2 i ' ers, there is simply an edge on eit er -- t » are the guests of Mrs. Smith's | | wl y Trains Leave Kingston : v4 Fashion. side, "with medallions at the eo Interferred With The Mail. bower Bt Arist, i » : Rab > New York, July I8.--The summes of : sits tlicate i } 1240 po. Mal, for Ottawa, Montmal, Qo 1992 will go down in the history of Hand-painted belts arg delicate and Ivy Lea, July 17.~One evening this ---- bee, St; Joli, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toromto, ] | wdord-be the jetty. They are worn with more ex week as Miss Edna MoNeil, who car Returned From England. 0 S Chicago, Denver, Revirew, Sault Ste Marie, fucsbicus rt o ard preter a Ie pensive gowns, but embody the ele ries the mail from Lansdowne to Ivy Kepler, July 16.--A goodly . pulser Cl : thes d heals irritation Uuluth, St. Pool, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seat - " ™ fi the Io wy of ie gance which characterizes the Mason =4 Len, had just lef the former village, } i Keplerites attended the celebration RADNSES, : S00 an . N ts Portland und Sar er a EY oe ay ur modes. thee is' ap fk a couple of young secallawags at at Sydenham on the 12th Aykroid Jug Keeps the pores open and feaves a deliciously Nn ay Tp 8 : thong ere is only et over | 4. , 2 'ro. A : ar . . have depended chiefly upon the little a month of Summer et before us, ws ha Sant nn. the ie Ms he had hams om fo fresh SehSation do-the little bodies. : te les for € sma ess © v . ' s 2 ER AS Yinted, 8 gre he » tens Cu » Hegnntle for the smartn t th any White LS are being sade. is the second time fvy Lea' mail has ration Mr 0 fg a Ponte ) DON'T BE MISLED by storekeepers "Mi HSS | & These are of heavier materials, OW: | been interferred with: The first time ere "At Home" c nit people ; hala a ; : Sedo Mg for Renfrew and inter phere have nek heen Xo Jie ¥. ever, and will he seen until very Inte | was some years ago, when Lan wy i Hofue be youuy peop! who to make more profit, sometimes urge the » vereatileer Kit, but she has heer in the fall. In fact it is predicted that IVY was unsuccessfully "held Gp' by Mr. Morrison, Portage la Prairie F ia purchase of other soaps instead of = 2 of Lersatile, accepting only the original ; * i: fs gr er Vogue i 2 me, si - ; : Phawifigse leaving Kingston et 12:40 pe. featurks' of fashions and clinging not light colors will be In greater vogue § tw, of the near ne ighbors young fry Leeman still continues Very ill 3 Arrive in Ottawi at 5:00 Pm; Petorboro, during the coming winter than they | Miss McNeil was a buggy, but My : : 4 ° . : el . 7:80 ] 10g to any pronounced style The | a ed i s ~ 2 'Y Laidlaw has improved the looks of 5:10 Pm; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.: Boston, 7:30 mode which retains its hold upon the | Were last season. ivy :. lvy was on foot, when the fracas oc Fhis lawn by erecting a new fence. Vis aby S Wn oap . sau; St. John, NB, 11:35 am dar "3 , the short Indeed the woman of fashion is go | curred, tors! Mrs. H 'Knioht antl daushter ; POE AE popular fancy, longest is the shor ing to make g specialty of color, they ---- ors. Mrs. H. afat and daughter, ) . . . . F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR.. J waist suit. This implies not necessar il uncle 3 rtainly a most' inscis St." "Louis, at Stanard Guess: the Lhe quality and purity of this soap are such Gen. Piwy. Ags. Gen. Supt. J i1v. a Wain skirt and shirt waist, for | te!) us. (It 1% certa a hi Bell Rock Ripples. Misses H. and G. Trotter, Kingston. ' i ---- ihe bodice, like every other feature of nating aad ting Judy lu fie Bell Rock, Jul 157 The frequentfat HF. Johnston's; Mr. "Tomlinson, that you cannot buy a better one for any money, THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY fashion has been elaborated upon un- amp x ey J contemplated showers have been quite a hindrance, | Toronto, at A. J, Sharpe's; L nor as good for the price of NEW SHORT LINE FUR i i has developed non wihusiosful fad, they will experience less trouble, de Jay ho aking. T ye Rr iemic > ne ion, Kingston, nA. % d } ° 'reation, isplaying we itricate fais . H be bette ble t easles AS Dass Qer withou at- ysend's; Mrs. . ealy, a va, ' | Tweed, Napanee, Deseronio and all local § hand work and trimming of the most Sod Joi women ie] lta alities. A little daughter has come to} William Patterson's" Miss Elsie Law aby S wn oap Poin. Train jeaves Oiey Ha Depot at] delicate textiles, 1 idiosyncrntic) and be helped to | the home of John Sagritc. Mrs. Carl, fson, Sydenham, and Milford Law son, | U A. R. J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph " Shirt waist gowns in the finer ma- | 8 . : sr, is spending the summer with ber | Kingston, at J Lawson's; Mrs BG i he wavs and means of developing 3 t : . Ed terials have the blouses trimmed with | ¢ X refore | daughter, Mrs, J. 'y rk. Stanle 1 §(Prof.) Bell," Washington t her bro ; : R d Te : those he highest lines, therefore aug r, 0 raniey and § (Prof.) Ie . a ingtc , at kh a] 1 RAILWAY bands of embroidery, or sometimes, thot Su ers HE on tr oe a Grant Wheeler, Harlowe, visited some [ ther's, Sydney Guess', ® ALBERT TOILET SOAP Co.. NS HL ZR the entire afinir js a series of alter feet dressing. friends here last week, Several from -------- Maau acturers, Montreal. b nating bands of insertion and silk Very few of the summer fashions | Bere attended the celebration at Syd. Cherry Valley Blossoms. 'TIME "TABLE fei; The skirts, in keeping Te phe will be carried over for fall and win- { "oham on the 12th Anat, Visitors : Cherry Valley, July 16.~Owing to AN BFFECT JUNE 54h, 1903, ik i are embroidered ane fimishec ter use. The trend of the times is Miss Nellie Close and Miss Annie the heavy, rains fall Crops «are quite with deep flounces of embroidery, York, Tamworth, at J. Yorks; Mrs backward. The berry seaton about J : i : toward originality 'and absolute new- po Trains will leave City Depot, Foot Some very dainty costumes in white ness, with the display of exquisite Taylor, Deseronto, at Mrs. over, Monday being the last day at 28 Johnston : o-railie bids attipn Talitta have yokes taste and' absence of Yengtidics. Amey's. the factory. Misses Nina and Nelle GOING EAST. 3 : ny : Lace gowns and coats though will 2 Lambert gre rusticating at Stanley : joined: by a fancy stitch, and from the he among the few novelties of sum- Arriving For The Summer. McKibbon's, Clover Dale. Miss Eva ¥ . fr 5 " ' : pan on Plyer -- yokes the flounce of the skirt depends, mer that will rage in winter This i Bath, July 17. --Mrs Edward Steacy line Clark, Picton spent Tuesday the tender and tasty, Clark a Lunch - ver 8 & ro ; : . 'int & is ; u --Mrs E Steacy © rk, ' p sda i Local, oe 5 fathered Sy Molt oli wxchuaet to hang due to the fact that it is ever Pos-f and family, Kingston, arrived § guest of her uncle, H. Scott. Herbert | 4 { Tongue in tins is an ever ready nil... serie W Sam. $10. * | sible to find something umaque in this! on Tuesday, and intend to spend the Scott and Miss Minnie Rorarke spent a : Fant, Kayo a m, wr stantly the modistes are vide line and thus the monotony of already | summer here. Mrv. Edward Wemp has § Sunday at McDonald's island. H. 0 and always delicious meal, GOING WEST. dy Prive i 9) ne es shown designs is avoided. Gowns that { returned from Deseronto, where she I Denves and H. McKibbon attended the are not made entirely of lace are ela- | has been visiting a few days. George | hand concert at Picton Friday even B > . Collins and wife, Rochester, N. Y., ling. Mrs. 8 lentley and Mrs. H W € Sure ' ' are visiting at Charles Collins'. Mrs. | McKenzie were guests at Clover Duk You Get | boratelv ornamented with it, and te very dainty model in twine HA Johnston, in New York for a J Thursday. The foothall practices are 5:30 p.o--Local for Sharbot Lake, con fectiog with CPU. cast aval weet Mail wall fluence of physical culture upon the Fast Express 4 feminine mind The very exercises Local... Iternmtional, Lui Mail effect is stunning. that are practised to lend grace and Ohne dignity to the figure are studied, and : : B ay red voile de soie, which, by the wav 8 . o The & Oita . , 4 mr dee 6:08 the result is an effort of (he part of | 2red voile de so )) . hort time, has returned to Bath. The | becoming quite the thing, and the = a : f Fi ¥ wi, ! i" one of the latest and most Popular | Mises Greaves, Kingston, visiting f boys are fast getting in better form 8.1m dhl. cps, Seomiorp Von- § rien an whim into ofc such abil Tenia appliqued "ase, Sok | thei brother, George: Greases, of Hn | hes, Pals Merigk woop. Nis Clark's Pork and Beans arg Delicious aN 12, ia, 5 ¢ nw Sunday : this training. Probably to this tact and plentifully applique d. Phere I a! tel National, have returned home. Ro- J L. O'Neil and Mrs. Bentley, Picton, ul ' 4 Hires rou Ne em hi us to no athe may the long, flow Yoke BY Tate bn 1p hodicn,. gue below hers. Mott and wife Tiajied ot fan Tent hog rect gt 1 ¥, Nokitbone / Re LW : ing, elinging lines ot the ast few | {his the fabric is laid in a series of ison Smith's, Parrott's Bay, on Sun Harry Gibson, Picton, ie spending a \ 3. © John, Halifer. " ®, ging I narrow tucks confined under two | day, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mellow, visit- § portion of his holidays at W. John WwW. CLARK, Manufacturer, - MONTREAL. land, sansons be attributed : York, " ay ' i siast | Pa0dS of lace, On the skirt the lace ed at Mrs. H. Armstrong's, on Sun. | son's. Mrs. William Johnson, this Sl othe a Adu ls r: ac od ori Th a' in a flonnce. A sash of flowered rily : ------ ter-in-law, Mrs. M. Kinney, Manitou -, 'ry re, TT A NLEY, oy Cessories. e are so ¥ : ok" § y ¢ Bes < By $ io Sia. . " bon bordered with black is a distinct : lin Telands. Corner Jobmsion awl Ontario Sis many ways of arranging ribbons and addition to such a gown. Collins Bay Guests. tlay TT -- ---- ra - ~ ---- TE _--_-- -- ------ dil or i N laces about the throat, that it is a a ; bina Collins' Bay, July 16.--Rev, Mr. ) * DOMINIO LINE possible to wear a single ribbon sev. an ot a ade pe n . fog da Craig filled the pulpit in the C. M } Killed By The Storm. S---- TO LET. ® 'feral times, and were it pot for the | | uin over 'a lining of taffeta. are | on Sunday evening. Raspberry Verona, July 16.- ame malicious pr HOOD A FURNIS Hip ROOMS, Warn uw Queen stroms, vi wri $wodbt EE | ET T---- color, the trimming would he unrecog- ££ Ona vai d t desia had. | Picking is the order of the day. The person attempted to poison a cow he t board, 101 | STRANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE | ©© i A a ; , mar ne very smart des igh ac 1 : ! : ru \ 10 | i 11 awl nizable. For instance with a shirt the '8kirt composed of a tunic effect, ; "chooner Laura 'D. called at the I longing to Edward Curl, Main str. t: HIDR. GOOD FURNINIED moo waist costume of pongee silk, the | (1. botton! being finished with leer | Wharf on Wednesday. George Marsh [the other night, a quantity of paris Dobrd, With" oi : blouse is embellished at the neck with flounce of platted chiffon edged' with 'bad one of Kis horses hurt by a wire § green and salt being mixed and plac oy 191" Univeraity Avecge TTR, a "wind" of turquoise hue ribbon. | 4 narrow ruching and falling over a fence last week. Visitors: Fred. Fini- Fed in the milking yard, Fortunat.ly ' -- : ---------- -------- . Aug. 20vd 2 i n a on & : 1 . , ¢ Qf x 8 One day the ribbon is brought sim-{ .. i There « gan, Erdesttown Station, at Alexan- [rot enough of the poison was par HOUSES AND STORES. Nos 197, 200 neha * hue. Sot le und the throat od - : Tuite of 4itk id Ther an alo a lac Her Wo deock's; Master Harry Cle. taken of to accom lsh the foul pw Ard 203 Wellingrion street. Enauire of ors marked * dg not carry passengers, ple around the roat, tied in a sim flounce overlaid upon the one of chif ar. Wap ' ; I i Mra. Allen, 297 Division slroag, +S OF JPASSAGE 25a lov, $65 aod Lule how. and the ends allowed to fon ment's, Dederonto, for a few wegks: pose. Mr. Curl, one of our most re . e-------------------- pwn ele according to steamer and wT bine ; i 2 A , {ing- reted residents. is a _ " MR probes : fr, Saloon, $37.50 and wp | hang utconfined, to the belt. The next The hodice was made quite plain, Mrs. Nepuscn and Sau shter, Ang. pected Ie ent ). 1 bhi a loss to Jen Cen uine SE CORNER at REN AND CLERGY wards, single, sooording 40 scammer and ser day, the order of things is reversed the three materials of the skirt being f®ton, rs. John = Purdy Erne Noo bears him such an antipathy ) - streets, yard aod good stable in cow wios. Third cine, $20 and the ribbon is fastened at the used, There was a slight blouspd ef- | Marsh at Mr, Asselstine's; rl Smith, | Mere. F. M. York, ill for some time, is s; Ea FROM MONTREAL. back, all the ends being gathered up I fect at the sides, with q very decided | Millhaven: Mrs. William Bell at Mrs slowing cony aleseing. The Epworth " Carter's 5 » noctiom Apply to Stescy & Swacy, or J. BR MoCann " : y rmera---------- *Roman, .. " Ang, 9h in o huge, but dainty choux. Again pouch at the front and the girdle was | Alexander Woodeoek's; Dorland Cle- | Teague, of which she was president 193 EARL STREET, "Manxman..... Ave. 28nd § (po trimming is shifted to the front composed simply of canary colored | ment, Deseronto, at Bert Clements ; | has not hel 'a meeting since her in Hot Water Satin pu 3 ) R 8 : s : , sther wn. stores and offic J.B. FROM BOSTON. the ends being simply drawn through panne velvet, finished with a buckle | Miss Celia Parroft at Miss Lillie Hiapduivion. Last Sabbath the local MeCans or eo gy ---- floor Mexion. Ga fe tisalis Julv 23rd} a ring 'at the throat, then tied at the of brilliants. The stock wag formed of | Woodeock's. L.O.L., No. 995, assembled at the Me 1 Li r Pills rt meres ecsmmrm-------- JOY, New Fnilond ., 7.7 July 30th bust line, and the ends doubled inte the velvet and lace, then at the very W---- thodist church and were addressed by e 1Ve [ON THE 1s OF MAY, THAT VERY ng NEW SERVICE hig » 36 the small tigh knots which are pierced edge of 'the collar there showed a Pip Hartington Happenings. Rev. Bro. T. I. Richards. Nearly all : | Grable house, Park, Pt rent, Corner of an P 0 : : . > re 'membe: nce " Cambroman, Aug. 16th--Vancotver, Sipe. sth | With stiol 'pins and secured to the bo- | ing of pale blue satin, sandwiched be Hartington, July 16.>The patrons the. home lodge members attended and Must Bear Signature of all modern conveniences, lnege Duley het Mideliip.: Sadoon Elodtric tight, Spactons ] dice at almost bny desired spot, With tween two folds of chiffon, Such an have regpived their cheques for June, . . | | HA | Promenade deck the adldition of a fle or chiffon hg; effect is Slwars Dleasing and nltra-f and are well pleased with the returns. vane. oul. Biecadiliy. The apeakés Ll] Hacot Sire » P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, |it is there ore possible to accomplis smart, and the mode may be copied Eddie Fréeman has left to accept a v 5 of » ac J.P y _ oY wonderful results with very scanty | in less expensive materials. with splen situation in Deseronto. Edith Jeffrey fMerence to the constitution. His | MONEY AND BUSINESS. | | | { were supplemented hy brethren from weiter furnmce. Apply to Felix Shaw, Agt. G.T.K. Station, , 42 : i ' - Ie wrote directed not. aly te - otis. wing ORRANCE & CO, Gen. Acts material, did resalte d Clow, of this school, were fords were . ly : -- : ~~ hi Montreal "and Portland Quietly, but to the evident satisfac- The cold, repellant, blue greys gare ny red in SE a exam Orangemen, but to prospective mem See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below, ONES To oay In LAURE Oh SMALL tion of all, the ribbon belt is taking going out of style and will probally inations at Sydenham. Lilke Cars ers, and were much appreciated R a Tow ro aniarent Lon witw the place of the leather one, expt in tbe replaced with some very soft shades | youllen Newburgh, is visiting at her | McCullough, son of Jokn McCullough, Very wmall ana as onoy ! 87 dn it ity a of A ns outing or athletic costumes. 1 here is | of green. Many new tints in blue are grabdmother's. Overton Babeock ad Ka. marshalled the } | * 3 HLL, manee stich a soft beauty about the ribbon i} also promised {or early fall and win family, Wilton, spent Sunday with uring Monday afternoon's storm . posite "the Done amt affair, so much feminity and grace, | ter. and a few more "weeks will 80e: 4 friends here, John Babcock bas pur John E. Watson, a farmer residing ear -- that it makes n specia appeal to the | them among the advanced modes of | chased few buggy. . Mes. Carscallen, § "ear here, had two fine cows killed A { TWO HUNDRED THOUS DOLLARS IN woman of fashion who this year is.) these approaching seasons, sr, is improving slowly. Effie Free ! : Toronto, Charlotte The elimivating as 'much of the masculine ~MAUDE GRIFFIN. man and Lily Dennison are anticipa ae Se #trye kb re lursage \ vi GODWIN IN: Ara Brechville, Prescott Montreal, | in dress as she endeavored to take on et ting a two weeks' visit with friends ay hall yun Lark, ba ovor Express Office, Market Sousre . Going va NOSTON eres past. Gn the Shon ren Nate B Ronosed So tga oo linsie Compal inde here oder re Herbert . | Mverjoer; Sendie' and Globe ot nexico City, July In the come "re ry ; eling (formerly Tillie Trvon or | ire Insurance Com any. ing Wen, dally, except Monday. TRAVELLING. tery of San Ferdinando, to-day, an- jay at Florida, Hin Pu Woll, ea Emerly of this place, now of St . h » J ke | Available. avnte: 801 Tarps OP RY iio : niversary memorial exercises were | POT, 18 Keeping 'house ' N.B., is the guest of Mex, W. " > | to whieh the policy holders have for se writy i Mrs. Wood has returned from visiting 4; a y | the wolimited liability of all. the stock ol TT -- Memilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and h Only i Ling fo 0 he held in honor of the, liberal party pro Percy." N, Wartelsky, Montreal in FARM AND CITY Poop ok Montreal L 0 Me hivin ue C sident, Benito Jaurez, A long pro her daughter at Violet. here at ts nding his brother's store dus [ lowest possible rates. Before renews Wert-------- b eflicie ody. efficiently Lonn and Investment Society. Ofhes. on barn in the winmediate neighborhood sung liom one gi " o vou Shura and dollan o o sty S§ INSURANCE EMPORI NM, ing, 5 -------------- LEAYE KING TON: os " céssion marched to the cemetery, ing the latter's absence at Montreal tent | OF Giving mew business got rates {rom COING EAST Wen 447s 8 Friday, 3 wherein lie the remains of the ilh., Severe Electric Storm. George Stedman, a former station | mtANGE & BTRANGE Bows; t 413 =m, det - trons soldier; who led the successful Morven, July 11.<The severest elec J pent bere, visited his home here re a | ARCHITECTS GOING ESTs Thardare a THE FAVORITE struggle against the Maximilian em tric storm of the season, accompanied § cently: he is now conducting a large y \ a es YP. HANLEY, J. SWIFT & 00 pire. The procession included work by a heavy gownpour of rain and hail store at Smith's Falls. 7 RJ -- a sox, ARCHITECTS MER Hi of Ticket Agent, Freight Agents Jigmen's societies, menibers of the measuring two inches or more in cir -- 4 (44 | ants' Bank Building corse Brock and re --_-- STR A EXA D ferleral district and city government, § cumference, passed over this section VICTIM OF EXPERIMENT. / | Wellington streets, Phone 212 Lake Ontario & Bay of 0 IA scientific societies, officers of the gar this evening, The hay harvest was : rover PILI, ARCHITROT, evica { wite , 3 } oy 3 AR ison, surviving signers of the prosent | well under way, but' it will be tome | Girl Inoculated With Consump- ' New Drill Hall, wear corer of » Boat Co. mited, | Ledves Craig's Whar! every' Flay, ot 12, } constitetion, amd members of the lbe days before farmers will be able to do i i Queen and Montreal Sispers $i 5. Nor Ki a 0s midnight, for Obarlotte, i Beach, | ral patriotic committess. Orations anvthing more at it now, J, 8. Fra Diver tien Germs is Dead. i -- re --_ N.Y, and Buflsio, N.¥.; vie. of Quisie ore i io f pro-1 lick* : x 4 iB July 1%. ~Miss Emma ; ] » were delivered by public men of pr ick's new house is well under way. K Wein the Young woman who oo) i UNDERTAKERS o% a Nemieal ot {direos posited magnificent wreaths and other | M. Smith's new drivehouse is about mitted to inoculat th th No] - . i y " ne 8 Cid . 4 € 0 Inoculation wi e germ . " | without change). Through 1,000 Islands and | Minence and on the tomb were ompleted, Visitors : ~ M. Davey, of consumption : 8 8. CORBETT, i floral emblems sont by masonic lodges | Peterboro, called on frienas last week t less than a year ago 5 | pu - » TRIN CF 58 Bay of Quinte & Rochesier Route ne iver Rapids, rates. and. liberal societies throughout the Mrs, J. Palmateer, Erimsvillg, accom. [in order that Dr. George 1. Barney % n mL Kira, Wd RA "a d te ¥ atcommodation unsurpassed. republic, »anied bv her daughter, Mrs RK. Brooklyn, might prove the theories he | Deennan. Seats. Yara daily (excep Monday) SQW. G. CRAIG & CD, ~~ A. W. HEPBURN, Bickeon Brockville, 'spent a fow days held in regard to tuberculosis, diéd in [ee S Ba oc uchestur, N-X.o culling at' Bay Agents, Kingstop. Manager, Ploton. AG ---- with "Ber daughter, Mrs. D. R. Hicks, J circumstances which the county auth JAMES REID, re Brain Food Nonsense. last week. 'The Misses Asselstine, J orities think need investigation, at eo frum LEADING UNDENTAKER 254-200 1000 ISLANDS RAMBLE : $ COMPANY Another Kingston, are visiting at Mrs. Kel. [the farm house of Alfred Shuman, at 4 Bi 0 | © Prissess Sirset, Telephone MIA. Open Tewvon "dnity" (ux Moudayi, at po bo ee ; fh atided by "the 8 | Ter's. The Misses King, Kingeton, are | Shuppenport, on Lake Hopatcong, 4 z ne. | dav ad night. 30.07 am. for tour of 1000 Lo i les | h f x m, ir o slands, call ie : ' : ee, on 8 y wv . or at Slexauicia Bay, Bockiprt md" Gol Pond visiting at Mrs. Gibson's. Miss Anna jlive mi rom this place, on Sunday Seme People Are Fond Of Expert. | T. ¥. HARRISON OO. 2 To Gulf 2. emi 4 ha partieilar pa } Gibson is spending 'a few days wich § night. Ki ied ( 4 liad menting, i FAK e mvale Miss ing dies iSO « | UNDERTAK ERS, s STEAMER ALETHA Riva md ve ol St Lawrence oY Your food! ber brother at _Glanvale. ministered, , Br it in a aad Wo know a man who desided 10 ot bs | Ganlity aod df Frioce oT Ae re 1 , Lo te Hay P. eo Te tL : , ; ; sonal at another place; the result was a big | he lowest ' »--Warerooms, 33 bm, for Picton and Su amer Cenlses in Cool Latitudes, nutriment is destroyed hy The 12th At Centreville, she meant to kill On the con BL for_bis housbeating dood big | Night Cam y Harrison 1 ; Twin , with or'. You muss . ' i trary, the arsenic t which kill dealt elie oH NT Prepare for their appearance or pre- | Centreville, July 13. ~Hayihg has ed her was o medicine received, ac- | ™ thon Be Bad ever paid before for the | 4 FROM SAS PuOM MONTREAL ON eC A) rons. deal oF orn m large crop. ste Bei i Biman, fo, festore | une bark of ima te ot cmon | (4 |e WE GE i oti TR DE El arte fhm ts Cont NL | ddd | \ 1) ET and Sviotitos 2 mg ul o a igo. tio ute here on Dxiday. evening Cy = Bene cpa nes but which she 2 THE RAT HBUN CO. i es ip of 'the season : #1] fuciten uh makes yor Ha of Jnprein. selebrand "in | ey opecated on her, EE a a ow : Jie 3d | amon Catone Mon pie" | AUCLION Sales. Friday £ 3 fii 2 they co - only pl by the Philadelphia, Pa. July 1% William Sate Money " : t 3 Enterprize brass band Still, widely known as the father of "57 Employ wah HEY Fs St. Andrews Honors Carnegie. and a number of fife and drum vands | the ground railroad," 3 : y ubleying } d S t d Londou, July 181g recognition of | supplied" music for the occasion. All | of the best educated members the ALLEN & BROWN an a ur ay liberal donations to Scotch Miniversi- | the. lodges throughout the county Hegre race, died at his home here. Mr. fr 9 awe . 3 ties, the municipality of St. Andrews. | were in attendance. Miss NM. Mo Syll was about eighty vears old and Auctioneers, i a . 3 oa lady today, bestowed the fe. Bonty left, on Friday ats wor | doaues 8 A ara mad. between Everything in our up-to- dom of the ¢ity on Andrew Carnegie. | Winn to spel a mon wi 750, and FLOM 0, He was born | i Joint redipients oF the honor with iriende Fisitors . BE. and J. Haw- | in Chemung. NY. "Both his father , date stock will be run off at 'araegie wens the warl Ch 5 Mrs. A. Reid, § and 'mother had been slaves, but the hi fF 4 3 dobn Donovan, Forest furmer bought his freedom and the 4 ; i M. James, Ma-{ latter e-caped from her southern mas- | Sarnia; "Wiss § ters. . S---------- = . i H i Ji ' Tr au #1 «lk from gn whist, h : eS INCLUDING OUR TWo Noth the them in town, : CM Cine $08 i 1 Thee, D, Bibig: Cor = SPECIAL LINES : Steamers North King and Cangian been dome a at & Rochester, N. Y. FC. Dunlop & Co. ; aor. Jiep Grand

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