Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1902, p. 2

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-------- THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 18 Y 1 pn - ive otgans enabling the stomach to digest erfectlyy Abbeys Salt a perfect corrective ofall Stomact: i * g the effect. Abbe; removes the causes by ¢ 4A mild laxative. 8 i Fo t all druggists. x 2 3 3 4 £ 1 Require furnishing in keeping with their surroundings. We have Mattings in pretty designs and cologs fram 12fc. a yaad. 77 Porch Rags, Frilled Muslins in dainty pat- Those who suffer will find sorders, Dy Jipdia eanhot be cured by d orin, § thie stomach to do its work pres an ideal stock to choose from hb Gg Porch Pillows. terns at 12}ec. yard. R. McFAUL, =v: JULY SPROIALS It Will Pay You to Read Our hot Weather Adv's. 3 Couches Neo. 1 $20.00 we we reduted fo $14.00 No. 2 1500 , reduced to No. 8 4.50 reduced to 3 Book Cases No. 1 of 828 004. i 0 eduged to $28 No 2 ut™ 28°; TS reduted wr 37 No. 8 at »8, (revolving), reducéd to © 3 Hall Racks No. 1 ac §80°00 riddiioed to $82.00 No. 2 a4 15.00 reduced to 11.00 No. 8 at, 4850 .. .. .. rédeced 10 3.25 CARPETS, RUGS, etc. 1 Japaneses Mailing, 40 vards, (Blue),' 880. reduced fo 266. 1 Japaneses matting, 40 verds, (Rad), She, reduced to 28e. 1 Japaneses matting, cotton warp, 15. reduced to 110 Linoleums, Oil Clothe, ete., great renge. 11.00 8.50 YOURS, T. I. H SON C0. NDE a, BTC. 'PHONES RARER 2%. s1.02 w that which ba 4 Eastern league are far STANDING OF THE LEAGUE GANANOQUE HAS FULL CRED- IT MARKS. Defeated Antwerp by Twelve Runs to Seven--Broke Bone in Play- er's Hand---Trouble Over Sea- wanhaka Cup Challenge. Th baseball Toate Thersday at Ga nano twin Garnocks and Ant werp was a comedy of errors, and yet was a {air hibition of ball. Through out the game there were many brilli ant plays, and every moment was full of interest. Features of the game, were the fielding, cailching and throw ing of the visiting bLasewen and short stop, all accepting every chance they had, but Antwerp's fielders were ac countable for that team's errors. An other feature was a pretty catch hy Ross, which be gathered in with his hands above his head, and he at the samy time running backward, The dis tance he was away when be caught ball killed his chance for making a double play. The most laughable in cident of the day was gn error charg ed' to O'Hara, that of dropping a pop fly; there was a hole in "Bill's" mit just large enough for the hall to pass through. It was then that cap tain (O'Hara threatened to get even with that ball. Sure enough, thg Gar nocks' captain, when next turn at bat, hit the ball on the chest for the first homer in the St. Lawrence league, It was a hit that would put Lajoie to blush and Wagner in the background, "going so far over in the right garden that O-Hara had covered the bases and placed his foot on the home plate before the thto® =¥¥is started in. Gananoque clinched the game. by bunching hits in the third, which netted seven runs. R (i anvmnogue 12 Antwerp 7 'wo-base hits, Garnocks, 3; Antwerp 2, Home run, O'Hara. Struck out, by Dfohan, 2; Pearce, 3. Bases on balls, off Drohan, 3; Pearce, 2. Stolen bases, tUarnocks, 6; Antwerp, Hit by pit cher, by Drohan, 1; Pearce, 2. Double play, Antwerp in second innings. Time of game, two hours. Umpire, James T. Sutherland. L10703010x 000220380 2 Standing Of The League. The standing of the St. Lawrence River baseball league including terday's match is ag follows : w L. (Gananoque .. 4 0 1000 Ponics . : hd 1 600 Antwerp 1 } 500 Canton 1 3 L250 Governear 0 1 L000 yes pP.C Baseball On Thursday. Eastern league. --~At Jersey City, 7; Rochester, 1 (first game). At Provi dence, 3; Worcester, 4. At Newark, 2; Buffalo, 4. At Jersey City, 4; Roches ter, 2, (second game). American league. --At Joston, 2; Cleveland, 3, called at 5th ivnings ac count. of rain. At Baltimore, game forfeited to St. Louis, 9 to 0; no ap- poarance of Baltimore. At Philadel phia, 7; Chicago, 4. At Washington, 9; Detroit, 2. National league. --At Pittsk v1 83 Boston, 2. At Cincinpati, 3: New ork, 6. At St. Louis, 10; Philadel phia, 6. rg Sporting Paragraphs. The Toronto cricketers defeated Mon treal, by cightéen runs in a one inn ings match. Puquette and McCarthy are Garn ock's battery against Canton, to-day, in Canton. "Dick'* Akey. whe played shortstop in the early part of the season for Garnocks, is playing centre field for Antwerp. Up in Berlin, Ont., where they play genuine association football, the tour ing Winnipeg' Shamrocks were beaten, ito 0 A protest has been made against the skipper of the Seawanhaka cup de fender on the ground that he is a pro- fessional, A new hockey and skating rink is to he built at Peterboro. The stock selling rapidly. The rink will when completed, $7,000, Ponies have a new player, Mulhol land, "of Toronto, who is staying here. He was to have been tried at third base against Antwerp this afternoon. The Oriental baseball team expects to play Gananoque shortly. On Au gust 12th, the dey of the "Prentice Boys' parade and sports, they will play o game in the cricket field. Tony Mullane, who played ball twenty years ago, has returned to harness after a short season as an umpire. He is pitching for Spokane in the Pacific Northwest, and is deing well. Genossee, of Rochester, will take part in the Hamilton and Toronto races of the L.Y. R.A. circuit. What a pretty race Gemessee, Invader, Beav- or, Canadian, Myrtle, and Viking will cost make. Play in the Garnock-Antwerp match Thursday, was delayed a while on account ¢* a bone in the h of Antwerp's 'short-stop, being misplaced from a piteged hall by centre field- er. It was very painful for a few min- utes and caused the plaver to Iain. As a whole, © the catchers in ° and away the weakest hitting crowd of back- stops ever brought, ober in any ing averages in the Eastern are not so str 88 a Season ago, indicating that pitching is better. "There is trouble in sight over the Seawanhaka cup races at Montreal. The skipper of the United States chal Jes x Oshkosh, J cote under the ee Live Seta Jeon. to thirt i 8 water 0 ¥- Gx feat. Hor overall length is only! thirty-eight feet. : gol Due at $3.50, H Mh BE SURE AND SER IT. An Animal Show of Very Much Merit. Rowe's animal trained Kingston next cight Norris & shows will liniom street, performances The show is greater than ever. sides the trained goats, ponies and monkeys, which have delighted the juvenile heart in vears past, they are presenting 'the only trained elks who work in conjunction with two Riber ian camel Fargo, Duke and Hero, the . dwarf elephants, a $10,000 appear in Thursday two giving p.m Be at and whool of edufared' sed!s and® the only trained lions known to perform on horse-back Human and animal tlowng make merry throughout the performance. A novel parade, a mile in length, will be given at eleven o'clock, on the morning of the exhibi tion, when the costly animals will sen in all their glory. In no busi ness are new ideas so eagerly sought after, as in the amusement line, ideas that appeal to woman and children, as well as to the sterner sex. One of the many new features of this really big show is a company of juvenile actors. They give scenes from operas and plays; produce original acts said to be remarkable. By arrangement with proprietors _of "fhe "American rights to the tuneful opera, Floro foro, the company of juvenile actors gives the big scenes from that opera at each performance. No expense has been spared in orchestra or in costum ing and mounting the production That the show will please better than the great Forepaugh circus, the Whig guarantees. be One Member's Opinion. lay's meeting of the Fron » board, when the tion of making a grant to the association was under discussion, a member who opposed the grant said he took the stand because of the selifishness of the management of the fnir association. Last vear he con tributed towards the cheese board's special prize, yot when he wanted to gain admittance to the fair he had to pay the usual fee. He thought the least the management could have done would have been to furnish each one who contributed towards the finances of the fair with a complimentary tic ket. This is the practise usually fol lowed out in other places, and the veceipts do not seem to suffer; at least if they do the associations do not have deficits. fair Burglars At Work. Burglars, like lightning, are not supposed to strike twice in the same place. Rut this adage has been dis proved in the case of Thomas Me- Auley's sumuner residence, Howe Isl and. . Sunday night last hig. place was visited 'by thieves and a large quan tity of food stuffs, fishing tackle and other moveable articles carried off Monday night & second visit was mauve to the house. This time a large cuphoard was attacked. The door was securely fastened, but the thieves found it easier to take the back off the article, and thus rob it of its contents, Some Amusing Answers. In examining the papers on physiol ogy, at the recent entrance examina tions, inspector Kidd discovered some funny replies. One in replying to a question concerning the use and care of the teeth, wrote that the "teeth should be cleaned once a month at least." And the boy stated that "the brain in the male was heavier than in the female, the brain in the male weighing about forty-two and a half pounds. boy, Were Quietly Married. A young clerk in a Princess street dey goods store surprised his friends by suddenly getting married. Tues day wight he and his lady drove to Sunbury and were 'there united in marriage. They tried to keep the matter quiet, but marriage, like mar der, will leak: out. The young lady resides with her parents on Montreal street. She is well known in 'musical cireles. The young man's father is a pros city merchant. Made A Good Record. Miss Volume, of this city, is the teacher in No. 9, Pittsburg, public school. She sent up seven candidates to the entrance examinations, three writing at Sydenham and four in Kingston. Six of the children = were successful in passing, This is a splen did record, and shows how painstak ing and thorough must have been the teacher's work. . a-------- Will Speak To Hotel Men. Mr. Haverson, Toromta, solieitor for association ibe licensed victualers' of Ontario, will be in the city on the 24th inst, and will address a meeting of the local licensed holders. ---- Trousers To Fit You. If you are extra long, extra wide or extra short, we have trousers to fit you. The IT. I. Bibby C aur [NCIDENTS OF TRE DAY. -- PARAGRAPHS PICKED UF BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Ave Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Wear Oak Hull outing shirts Vineland grape juice at Redaen's. As a rain producer there arm no flies on July either. No man is so selfish as to demand more than his own share of trouble The asphalt walk being laid on Uni- versity avenue and Johnston street is pearly completed; Silk front outing shirts, $1, at Oak Hall. St. John's Sunday school pienie, to have beem held yesterday afternoon was postponed. Tea, that's sure to please, at Red den's Compliments pass when gentle folk meet, as the Inwelligencer remarks to the Kingston Times. Toronto and Ottawa have their civic ays on August 4th, the same day as Kingston celphrates. The wind changed suddenly last ev ening from a cool lake breeze to off land, and the result was a very warm spell. : The officers of Kingston penitentiary have donated £19 to the fund for the Kirkpatrick fountain, and it is grate fully acknowledged. Belleville Intelligencer Belleville delegates say the management of the Odafellows' relief association's affairs could not be in better hands. The repairs to upper William stpeet have left a portion of it in rough con dition. Just south of Barrie street is a hank of earth that dams back the water, The steamer America made a special trip to Wolfe Island last evening with eleven New York and Brooklyn par ties, who will spend the summer at Dawson's resort. Crosse & Blackwell's raspberry vine gar at Redden's . About 150 excursionsists to densburg, N.Y., this morning, on the steamer New York. Triple that pitmber should have beén aboard on such a beautiful day. "Dardanclles," a cigarette. Its quality Try a package. and plain tips. per package. Jarcheaded trolley riding is now fashionable fad among young of the city, who delight to afound in the open cars, minus head covering. They look charming. A young lady tourist yesterday par aded Kingston streets wearing a white hat on which the words "Wood Duck" were printed in black letters The voung men who saw her, said she was a bird. New and nobkby. went pure Egyptian tells 4he tale Sold everywhere, 15c. a ride That's our hobby Haye von seen our new ties, 25c. and I. Bibby Co. The daily trips among the islands by the steamers North King and Cas pinn are growing in popularity. Citi zens find they can have a pleasant outing, a good view of the Rlands and an early return to the city. The boats leave after ten o'clock and re turn at five o'clock. The 140 Utica," N. Y., boys, who came to Kingston yesterday, had a trip down the river on the steamer New York in the aftermoon. They ar rived back at half-past nine o'clock, gnd immediately boarded the steamer America, which earried them' to Cape Vincent. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, Ih---- 0c. The H, What is Happening Along the Wa- ter Front. Steamers Melbourne Craig's whari : Alexandria from Que from Montreal; hee. The schooner Kate is at the peni tentiary wharf, loading stone for Co bourg. The steamer Calvin ana consort cleared last night from Garden Island for upper lake ports. Crawiord's wharf : Schooners Fleot wing, Acacia and Fradewind arrived from Charlotte with coal. Swift's wharf : down and up; Spartan from Hamil tow; Ridean King irom Ottawa; North King from Charlotte WM. T. company elevator : Tug Hall cleared for Montreal with two grain laden barges; steamer Glengary ar rived, light, from Montreal. Light Weight Coats And Vests. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has a splendid as sortment of light-weight coats and vests; the proper garments for sum mer wear. His summer coats at $l and $1.50 are special value, sizes MU" See his window, great variety to 46. to choose from. During Warm Weather. You will want a lunch for the house for picnics, ete. cakes? AH Genoa, Sultana, enkes, 20¢. 5 Ib. also of cakes at lOc. each, at Fergu son's, King street. or kinds Citron and ------ Campbell Bros. For Hats. Largest variety of men's and boys' straw haus. All styles and prices. Out Summer Trousers. Are cat right, made right . priced right. The H. D. Bibby Co. on fami Hat 2 Fy E Packed in silver, cork ladies Steamers Kingston Have you triea Mountain, Seed A large assortment and PERSONAL MENTION, Movemexts of The Peopie--What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss - Jessie Phillips, Quebec,' Que, is in the city visiting friends. Miss Fthel Toner, Gananoque, spending a few days with city friends. John Nicolle has been elected DD GM. for Frontenac distrigt, AF. & AM. Mss B. Robinson, St. Catharines, is on a short visit to relatives in King ton, Mrs. (Dr.) McArthur, the guest of 'her Wright. Mrs. Thomas of Picton, are and Bunbury. Miss Greem, Athens, popular music teacher, is spending a few days with friends in Kingston. Miss Macnee, Perth, and Miss Camp bell, Kingston, are guests of Mr. ana Mrs. I}, C. Macnee, Picton John Gilpin, wine clerk in the Brit ish- American" hotel for some years, has feit that famous hostelry. Mes. A. K. Mills, Ottawa, arrived in the city on Thursday, and left for Wolfe Island to visit Mrs. J. Irwin. On Monday next Miss Morrison and Mrs. Hamilton, clerks in the Kings ton post office, will Jeave on their holidays. James Nicholson, who passed the entrance examinations and credited to the public schools was a pupil of St Mary's school. Mr. Patton, manager of the Clarified milk company's plant, has rented P. Jenkins' dwelling at the corner of University avenue and Earl street Rev, Eber, Crummy, wile ana fam ily, Kingston, are spending a few weeks, the guests of the former's par ent, Mrs. R. Crummy, Frankville Aba Burpham, the genial bootblack of Rochester, N.Y., who spends his summers in Kingston, has again ar rived here, He spent the winter in \'a- rolina, Mie Libbie Marshall, Westbrook, has passed, with her first year examinations of the Toronto col loge of music. She is a pupil of Miss Mabel Bailey, Queen Mrs. Heury Dier and two who have been visiting Pittsburg, were in the city yesterday en route to Newboro. They went out on the steamer Rideau Queen. In his last letter to his parents, Sergt, Guy, AM.C., who went to South Africa, with the last conting ent, said he would remain in the dark continent, if he could obtain his dis charge and secure employment. Thomas McKay, a messenger boy in the employment of the GNW. tele graph company, was yesterday remoy to the general hospital suffering from an attack of appemdicitis He will be operated on this week The lad has many friends who hope for his speedy recovery, Freeman William Abernethy, of Kingston' oldest and hest machin ist#, and greatly esteemed by all class es of citizens, left on Monday for Car leton Place, where he has obtained steady employment. He of the striking machinists of the locomo tive works London, is brother, ex-mayor Hopkins and family, visiting in Kingston honors, street children friends in ed one was one . A Valuable Relic. There reposes in the offic of the city engineer a large framed engrav ing of Portland, Me, showing that flouri€hing city as it existed in 1855 The engraving badly dilapidated, but not utterly bevond repair, It is a relic that should not be destroyed At a small cost it could be repaired and made to look almost as good as new. Ald. White chould take the mat ter in hand and see that the picture is restored 8 Was Shaken Up. While proeceding to work this morn ing on his wheel, John Asselstine, Alfred streef, received a nasty tum ble at the corner of King and Brock streets. By the slipping of his wheel, he. was thrown against the pavement His forehead struck the hard sub stance and was badly cut. He receiv ed a severe shaking up. Fell Into The Ditch. While trying to get off a car at the corner of Collingwood and Union , streets, last evening, a lady fell and rolled over aml over till she landed in the ditch, where the long grass saved her from injury. The passengers on the ear, while regret ting the lady's accident, could not forbear a laugh at her expense moving Injury To A Boy «on of John Driver staff, delivery Stanley Driver, of the office by a heavy grocers last evening He was out wheeling when the accident occurred. The hin wheels of the wagoon passed over his body, injuring him, though no bones were ---------- Lake Ontario Park. The warm evenings continue to in coease the attendance at the Lake On tario park performance Last night, the pavilion was ¢rowded, many be 4 ing unable to secure peats. The street railway company has secured a clever pianist in Miss MeGlade, whose play ing is greatly admired run over waggon post was quite severely, broken McLeod's Cream of Rose and Almonds. Will make the skin smooth, soft and white, and preserve it fom the ac tion of trying winds, and bright sun shine. 33. per bottle, at McLeod's dritg store, | Money Left To Her. Anva O'Leary, the Syracuse; N.Y, girl, acrested on complaint of her mother, states that the 3300 which she is acensed of stealing, wax loft to her by her father, and that she had a perfect right to take it. A ---------------------- The best ones are at Campbell Bros, 84 Princess stovet, Spring Flowers Are no fresher than these ties 50¢. The H. 0. Bibby Co. at 1 John q United Siagtes syndicate 5 templing offer for his cornndum mine, toated in the sorth country. He is consider: Panama Hats. : nnélly has received from a, THE, STEAMBOAT RIVAL BOAT LINES SURE OF VICTORY. of Pleased With the Decision Justice Andrews -- Former to File $5,000 Bond. Syravese Post-Standard Walter L. ane H.W, Visger, who control the steamyachts Captain Vis ger, Idler, Castanet, Sophia and others, state that they will mupedi ately deposit a $5,000 bond in accord with justice Andrews' decision, and that, hereafter, dntil the inj tion case setiled before refares Charlés L. Stone, of Syracuse, their steamers will land at the whari at Fite View, and at the Crossmon and in Alexanaria Bay, ance is Cotnwall docks N.Y. The hond is to indemnify the Thou sand island steamboat company for the use of the docks in case referee Stone, upon the evidence and law in the ease, detides against the Visgers The latter think that the decision which justice 'Andrews baw handed down is virtnally 5 victory for thew 'Certainly we will put up the bond," said W. Li Visger, when asked abow the matter. "What is more, we intend to see the finish of the business also.! "Do you consider the decision of the judge in your favor ?"' was asked. 'We certainly ao. What we have been after is the use of the docks pnd now we have that use." Mr. Visger further stated that the bom! would he deposited as soon as they heard from attorney Hancock, Syracuse, who represents them in the case. On the other side is stated that the Visgers could have obtained the of the aocks men tioned "hy the pavment of a sum of money to the Folger company, as they will have to do in ease the final decision of the referee is against then In their gffidavits the that not being allowed the use of the docks in question was a serious in jury to their business and should re feree Stone's decision be in favor of the Folgers, these affidavits may be used in determiping the amount of damages due the latter out of the &5 000. bond. ' When atked what he had to say concerning the Howard S. Fol ger, general manager of the Thousand island steamboat company, said "We are quite satisfied with the de cision hauded down by justice An drews. Also that our is a strong one and that the ultimate de Jcision of the referce will be in our fa vor,' of the matter it use Visgers stated cane, CASO FAMOUS ORANGEMAN DEAD. Visited Kingston Twice Was Capt. Gaskin's Guest: William Johnston, M.P., for South Belfast, from 1585 to 1900, whe died on Thursday at Ballykilbeg, county Down, Ireland, was one of the world most famous Several times he visited Canada, Kingston in 15366 and 1591 Capt. Gaskin 'was a personal friend of the great Irishman. He said My Johnston was a. popular leader, and gave his life for the promotion of the Urdnge order. In all parts of the world he was revered by the Orange men, his faithfulness. His determination to procure for the loy alists of Ireland the right to hold en nual demonstrations endearad him particularly to the northern Irish pro vinces. He demanding for all, equal rights About the vear says, Mr. Johnston cricket field of this city making a tour of Canada, getting in formation about Fenianism. In 189, he attended the meeting of the grand lodge in the Orange bulking on Prir cews street, and, during his stay hers was the guest of Capt. Gaskin The latter called upon him when he was in Ireland in 1803 and 1805. My Johnston, on his last visit to this section, laid the corner of the Methodist church at Tweed The late Mr. Johnston was born in Downpatrick, February 22nd, 1820 and received his education at Trinity college, Dublin, where he graduated B.A., in 1832, and M.A. in 15%. He wad called to the Trish bar in IN72 He was clected MP. for Belfast, in the Protestant interest in 186K re-elorted in 1871, and sat for borough till 1878, when he was ap pointed inspector "of Trish fisherigs. He held that office till 1855, when he was dismissed by lord Spencer for a speech in the general Ireland Mr. Johnston had been [S45 a member of the Orange institution, aml two months, in in an connty Down, presious vear, of the novels Orangemen anid was in boeause of persisted in 1866, the captain spoke the he being then stone was that nee wad imprisoned for 1868, for taking part procession at Dangor, on July 12th, in the He was the author "Nightshade," 1857; "Freshfickl,"' and "Under: Which King?' 1872. In J885 he was returned for South Belfast by a large majority, and wae agahn elect ol in 1888, 1902 and 1805. He had long been identified with temperance movements, both of a social and a political character, and had been for many 'years a total abstainer In i098 he was unanimously elected pre silent of the Irish temperance league. In the house he was the leading re presentative of the Orange party. Orange The Best At 50e¢. We have the Best 50c. working shirts in Uanada at The H. D. Bibby Co. You won't need fo circle an ioe house to kefp déol A flannel from the Grand Union does it Oak Hall for bows' capa SPECIAL TO CORRESPONDENTS On and after July lst, owing to the changes in the postal rates, unsealed up tg. four ounces, four times the weight of an ordi- SE. Both the Visgers and Folgers Are ynod of the Church of" wait, You've heard In Sunlight the fact. 1 N d R-- Puge soap!" "the "Words. Soap you have 3 GHT TO0EE SOAPS 5 CENTS. ROCHE'S'QLD STAND, ; MARKET SQUARR, E. C. MITCHELL, CHEMIST end OPTICIAN, | Hetabbintipd 1819. © © < APAoug 120. +0090 sesssareres $ Swift's Sn Our Coal is: as Clean jas Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOON solid fire. After cond Thereniter it. ia it reaches vou, a have no chavee, # the We are very oarehul, Foot. of Queen S§t.-- Phone 9. A COSY BRIGHT 0) FIRE Is an attraction lor every ome (low and intense heat of onr Con! will make iteell foit with vlensure during # L owld wenther It's just the kind to occok with, You Lat we Mi your bin with BOOTH'S COAL Whos HB Fool of Weer Street OTICE Is hereby given the public I purpose making it warm fo persons using my coal next ter, Your order- is solicited, FA The chasry ¥ a i» Ts supplied tiv the FLECTRIC FAN ns them in Dining Koos, Parlor, fie, or Srove d al tian 3

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