NATION" DAY INION DAY Wa JULY Bt, Return Tickets will be Issued at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE. Good Sota June 25th sud 26h, rel Koloy ns 30th and - "¥etien until July Zod, ILE FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE-THIRD. Cool goibe June 24th to July lst, in Sst, for return oa oc Lelore July Y OF QUINTE RAILWAY SHORT LINE FOR Deseronto and all locsl Civ , CP.R. Telegraph BI vas Hall Depos st 4 ot § JUNE 26th. DOMINION DAY JULY ist. ANE tickets will be jwsued between all fn Cannda; all stations in Canada [from Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Lbut not from Buffalo, N.Y. Bigck 5 Y., Niagars Falls, N.Y., aod vr en f Bridge, N.Y., at 8 FIRST-CLASS FARE Cool ging Jone 25h and 20th, returning from nation on or belors June 27th, al od going June 30th and July las, val Md for return until July 2ad, 1002 SINGLE FIRST - CLASS FARE * AND ONE-THIRD Cool going June 4th to July let, in Steg valid for returns on or before July J. P. HANLEY, Agent, : City Pasar. Depot. ---------------------------------- Laks Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited, Pagston - Picton Belleville Str. "Aletha" Sg ey = Mae rg On Bim Partin ak Slants will call at Belleville, Northport and Re sta to snd ta . Kingston----Rochester 1000 Islands | "Str. "North King" Ap 1 Te te will arrive Sosdays at 1917 am, slands for 1,009 1 Gananoque. fwormasuon apply Ww Sane | Maken. Agente. . Gliderslonve, James Hwit & Co 39 General Manager, Froigin ht Hamilton, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. Sisture leave Kingston, Wednesday and GOING Rest 11:30 P.M, tri-weekly service we, Fridays and ONTO-MONTREAL LINE. ts leave Kingston Juse 4th to 15th Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundave EAST GOING . WEST AM. 5:00 P.M. B From June Lith, daily except Moodave. Dur hi and Aug iad 1 to Thousend reel J LEY BW L TOMINION LINE. AL STEEP, LVERPOO), SERVICE "FROM PORTLAND. wo Tuly Kh . July 19th VARS PSS BF SPO GENERAL RESUME oF THE SPORTING FIELDS. Winnipeg Association Football Team Coming Here~G. S. Oldrieve Presented Silk Flag to a Toronto Yacht Club. Lorawnll and Capitals play lacrosse in {Niaws op coronation day. THe Australian cricketers easily de foated Cambridge university team baseball team bas won ninvteen out of the last twenty-five games played. Lindsay collegiate institute is ported to have club in Ontario. Stroh, whe canght for last Friday, is likely to Ponies' short stop. A baseball league, consisting of Bar lin, Waterloo, Hamburg, Acton and Guelph, has been for . Schneetady leads in the New York state league, having won tweatly games out of twenty-nine. ert. 'Ambrose, the Ponies' pitcher, is at his home in Utica, N.X., to at: tend the marriage of his sister. (I. 8. Oldrieve, of this tity, doant- ed a handsome silk 'flag to the Queen city yacht club for a dingy race. George Sullivan will again measure himself against Toronto this week. Providence is playing there now. The first of the Minto cup lacrosse matches between Shawrocks and New Westminster, takes place next Friday in Montreal. Wiggins, formerly Gananoque's eat: cher, is playing a strong game at shortstop for the Cadets, of the Tor- vito city league. The city baseball league mawh, bw tween Black Watch and Athletios, did not take place on Saturday afternoon The grounds were too wet. On August "5th, dh and Tih, the Toronto driving club will give ga hig harness horse meeting. Parses aggie gating in all $1,500 will be put up. At the Canadian bicycle meeting in Ottawa on the 25th, Bald, the former United states champion, ;will appear He has regained his old time burst of speed, Brockwilld and the Young Capitals, of Ottawa, are to play an exhibition lacrosse match at Ogdensburg, NX. Y., July 4th. Ponies and Ogdensburg meet at baseball. Toronto maintains a good lead in the Fastern baseball league, Montreal has advanced a peg from its under ground position and may have a con tinued upward flight. London, Ont., continues to hunt abroad for 'lacrosse players, Two Shamrock men have been each offered 2300 and a position to transfer them: selves from Montreal to the west The jockey club of France is inves tigating charges of obstruction in rav- es made by English jockevs against American riders. The French press hgs taken the side of the Englishmen, es pecially in the case of Stern, who has held his own against his Anwrican competitors, and who is ssid to have Voronto re the leading cricket Crananogue beeowe the been picked out by the lager for ob Structive treatment. Baseball On Saturday. National leagie --At Pittsburg, 4; St. Louis, 3, (bret gaine'; Pittsburg; J; St. Louis, 4, (second game). At Cincinnati, 3; Chieago, 11. 1 - American Jrague~At Cleveland, 9; } Nashington, 14. At Chicago, 3; Balti snore, 2. At Detroit, 1; Boston, 4 (if Aven. innings). At St. Louis, i Phila delphis, 1. i Eastern jeaguc.--At Toronto, % Ne | wark, 10. At Buffalo, 3; Providence, | 3. At Worcester, 6; Rochester, 2, | Sunday's Results. American league -- Chicago, 2-); "Baltimore, 32. At Detroit; 5; Boston, 7. At St: Louis, 7; Philadelphia, 4. At Cleveland, 6; Washington, 4. i National league--At Bt. Louis, Cincinnati, <7. At Piutsh , 3 (nineteen inmvngs). Eastern league~At Montreal, Jersey City, 6. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. % ------ A Baseball Spectator Complains, | Kingston, Jupe 21.--{To the Edi l tor): |i manager Geoghegan hopes for' baseball to flourish in Kingston this summer, he should see that only well behaved clubs are engaged to play | here. The continual chatter and con- | duct of some of the visiting team yes- | terday was disgusting, and certainly | not what the public paid their money to see, Ogdensburg, with its chatter ing "Con." Daley, is coming here soon, ' #0 is the Rochester club and in due | season these clubs should be notified ! that they will receive no guarantee money, if they come prepared to play: "yoouth" ball, instead of the real | thing. In yesterday's contest the Gan anogue team weceived fair treatment at the umpire's hands, and yet these people are allowed to go out on the diamond unrestrained by their man- | ager and make an exhibition of them- | selves hy their windy objections, thus | spoiling an otherwise exciting contest. | 1f manager McCarney intends that his team is to continue gs a drawing card he should sce that they conduct them selves ax gentlemen or else keep them away from Kingston. It is really too bad that a good team should suffer because of the presence on it of a cou- | ple of would-be tough members. By all means let us have lots of good Lall games, but let it be played ip a gentlemanly manner. BYSTANDER. CLOSE PRINTING HOUSES. The Latest Order By The Sultan of Turkey. London, June 23,--Constantinople is full of romors of new developments in the sultan's system of terrorism. There are stories of further plots within the army. It is asserted on Viennese au: thority, that the sultan has prohibit: ed the issue of any more books in the Turkish language, thus closing the doors of many printing establivh- ments. The saltan, it appears, is of the opinion that there are enough books in existence, and that those who want to indulge themselves in reading can | read old ones. The object of the order is, .of course, 'to suppress the vircula-' tion of seditious literature. The effect will be to make that literature mote dangerous, as the authors of seeret % 2 Chi 5! }lithograpbed pamphlets, circulated ax letters, will use language which no ordin ter would dare to print or sell. | Idris OWES LIFE TO CORSET. Shielded Her From Bullet Fired By Rejected Suitor. Richmond, Va., June 23. --Miss Car | rie Kennedy owes her life to her corset which shielded her from a bullet fired Fat her by B. F. Russell, said to have been a rejected . suitor jor her hand. According to the slatcment of the young lady's brother, Russell went to the Kennedy home, and, after being there a very short while, deew a re volver and fired twice at Miss Ken nedy, one ball taking efiect just above the right groin, passing around the | stomuch, inflicting a slight flesh wound, which would have been very serious but for her corset, which caus- ed the bullet to glance. Mist Kennedy ran out of the house, Russell ptirsuing her, but he was over: taken by her Stathers and given a good whipping. Russell is now in jail. | WOULD RAISE MARRIAGE AGE Thirty Years For Men, Twenty-five, Chicago, June 23.--Because Rev. T. G. Mosier, pastor of the Watch Tow er Evangelical church at Mishawaka, Ind., has dared to declare that no man should be permitted to marry before the of thirty, and that wo- men shold be twenty-five before they can éntér the matrimonial state, a great disturbance has arisen among the members of his flock, Pastor Mosier advocated a law re quiring « id physical examination 'of couples jore marriage licenses were granted. The "women openly condemn him for his alleged unreasonable theories, and a number have withdrawn from the' ehureh. Women An Alderman's Opinion. An alderman points out that if the residents of lower Albert stredt are to have the road way fronting their resi. | Jerry Donmelly, of Lockport, ! received word on Thursday that organized" under WHIG, MONDAY JUNE 23. TE AFARS OE TH OL QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody Remembered. It is proposed to connect Warsaw with the Baltic by a ship canal. The tourist travel between Montéeal and inelee ix very large at present. Ninety per cent. of the 128,000,000 people of the Russian empire gre farm ors, Sunday work on the treadmill is to be abolished in thirteen British pris- ons, 4 The holsting of the black flag after exacutions is to be abolished in Eng land, g The estimated loss in the six 'weeks of the anthracite coal strike is $35,.- 395,000, The king has completely recovered his health, and has arranged for the court to returns to London to-day. ' The Maple Leal saw works at Galt, owned by Shurley & Dietrich, = were burned on Saturday, The loss is Worn out by overwork, Albert Say- der, of Oswego, N.Y., has had four days and nights of what the doctors say is natural sleep. An explosion on a Chinese warship lying in the Yangtse river sank the vessel in thirty seconds. Only two men escaped out of 150. Donald Eddy fell beneath a train at Winnipeg on Tuesday and had his arm and leg badly crushed. He cannot survive fhe accident. PW. Leste, a prominent sutveyor and a direct descendant 'of . colonial governor Leéte, of Connecticut, died at Sylvan Beech, aged eighty-seven vears, George H.,Roberteon, of Gouverneur, N.Y., has mysteriously disappeared. Foul play is suspected. His wife and a farm labourer are under police su pervision. A Philadelphia moving newsboy named N.Y., he had fallen heir to $5,000 left by a re lative in Toronto. Lord Milner took the oath as gov ernor of the Transvaal in the presence He of a large assembly at Pretoria. was heartily cheered and a salute was fired from the fort, Corea is, going to have her 'army the supervision --of British officers. "King Edward has given permission to his' officers to look after the Corean army. The British bark Fannie Keérr was was burned at sca on June 14th, The rew were rescued. The ship was worth $80,000. She had 3,780 tons of coal on board at the time, The United States post office depart. ment has refused free transmission of secomdl-class mail matter having the imprint of the union label of the Al lied printing trades on the cover. Count Von Waldersee, one of German representatives to the corona- tion, has arrived in London, He and the German officers with him wére en tertained at dinner by lord Roberts. A telegram from Eydtkubben says that {wo Nihilists shot and killed M. Lote¢, secretary to the governor Warsaw, as he was passing through Coswollin, Neither has been arrested. The electrienl workers in the employ of the Hamilton electric light and cataract power company, who been on strike for some time, be submitted to arbitration. Arrangements are being perfected for the 250 Welch emigrants" from Pata gonia who are to settle at Saltcoats, Assiniboia. It was impossible for theses Welch people to live under the rule of the Argentine government. Owing to a #tation master's mistake two electric trains, on the light rail- way from Varese to Port Ceresio, were utterly wrecked in collision Sunday. Forty-nine persons were kill ed or injured. fied to F. G. Switzerland. Almas was found guilty selling liquor illegally at Portage-la Prairie on Tuesday and fined $220 and costs. The case has heen appeal ed and the magistrate reported to the minister of justice for exceeding bis authority by the crown attorney. ndrew Carnegie has for a library at Merthier, Tydville, Wales,. In making the offer Mr, Car negie: says + "I do this because of my indebtedness to the Welsh element in America. The Welsh are a great peo- ple. I bracket them with' the Scotch." Mrs, Frank FE. Batler, who, in pro- fessional life, is Annie Oakley, the champion woman rifle shot, has un dergone a dangerous operation necessi tated by injuries sustained i a railroad accident vears ago. The op- eration was performed af her home at New Ye Americans are striving daily at Peterhoro' en route to Burleigh Falls on lishing excursions. If is reported that 'lunge are plentiful in inland waters and some good cstches are he- ing made. An Ametican lady caught a twenty-eight pound 'lange on Thurs- day last. bsonin PARDON FOR J. D. EDWARDS. Toronto Broker, Sentenced to a Year, Regains Freedom. Ottawa, June 23--Jobn DD. Ed ils, the Toronto broker, who was the ol of the assassins have have returned to work and their claims will on The station master has of offered £6,000 [~ FORTY YEARS ABSENT. Mason Phelan Returns From Tex- as On a Visit. ; Over forty yess ago Mason Phelan left Kingston for the United States, "and until last week he had never re turned to visit his pative land. On Friday, be came back, spent a day or ko in the lmedtone city, and then left for Picton, Yarker ami Napasee 10 sist the friends of his boyhood days or. such of them as have not passed to the great beyond during his Jong absence. Mr. Phelan was bora in Picton six- ty-one years ago. When a boy of fifteen or sixteen years he drove the stage between that town and King ston. This was before the Grand Trent, the first railway in Canada, was buils, 'and traffic and travel by stage in those only days were large and important. Many were the hard ships he experienced during the severe winter storms that blockaded roads and made travel almost impossible. Mr. Phelan well remembers the old stone building on lower Brock street, now called the Clarendon house. It was then a well-kept restaurant, and every day, as he reached the city, the young 'stage driver ate his dinner within its solid walle. The post office was then situated on lower Princess street, in the building some time ago pocupied by Milne's steam laundry. The stately city buildings had not yet been aréctod on market square. In their place stood a small, dilapidated building, the lower floor oceupied by butcher shops. . After driving the stage for a few venrs, 'Mr. Phelan decided to go to the United States to make his for tune: Mr. Merrill (oow judge Merrill), of Picton, accompanied him. Mr, Phe lah says that he can well remomber the cold winter's: day on which = they drove across the ice from Kingston to Cape Vineent.: They had letters of introduction to Horace Greeley, who was then prominent in many phases of American life, to A. T. Stewart, the millionaire dry goods merchant, and to other prominent Americans in the New England cities. They visited in New York some time. Then Mr Merrill geturned home, and Mr. Phelw continued his travels throughout all the western states. Finally he located in Texas, where he opened 'a large foundry, which he has since success fully managed. And now after forty vears of ab sence he has returned to visit the friends and scenes of his earlier days. But a vast change has taken place since thén, and it is doubtful if be would know any of the cities, towns or villages he knew when a hoy. He did not recognize Kingston, so great had heen the change, but he was more thas delighted with the progress the old city had made. When he left Can da Deseronto eonsisted only of a little wharf, an hotel and one or, twe small frame buildings. It was called Indian Mills in those days® Mr. Phelan has gone to Yarker to visit a relative of his, Mrs. Connoly, whose husband once conducted the mills there. He has fridgnde in Napanee, Picton and other poists, whom he will also visit Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridienlous food fad has been branded by the moet competent authorities, A correct dist will not only nourish a icular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigeation or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their ay or pre vent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the {favorite medicine of the healthy mil lions. A few doses aside digestion, sti mulates the liver to healthy action purifies the 'blood; and mdkes you fee! buoyant and vigorous, You can get this relishes remedy at Wade's drug store. ---------------------- Knights Of St. John. Rochester, N.Y, June 23. Every part of the United States and Canada is represented at the twenty-fourth an nual international convention of the Kniihis of 8t. John, which opened here to-day to continue until Friday Large delegations are here from To- ronto and other cities of the dowin jon, California, Colorado and New México have sent commanderies to en ter the competitive drills * for the world's championship. Fifteen Years For Manslaughter. Amherst, N.S... June. 23 -James Spicer, of Advocate Harbor, was sen tenced. to fifteen years in penitentiary for manslaughter, Race riots are greatly feared in Chi cago. Colored men and women an daily insulted on the streels of Chi cago. and the colored citizens are de termined 0 revenge the insula. * One Day's Work Without Being Laid Up For Two iz 5 ! = -t , Salar mats and 3 { Brass : AND A : fr ten etd ne time. In Varicooels ib sheorbs the oF wutmy i Si BE PE TE ep ES WHEN CURED ' Spm ns SRR TI REET PAY ; Each fime call you ees py pete a mh 7 0m mh T my Chairs, Hall Racks. STRIGTUR m-- - Treatment to bs & permanent and - see me Personally, Cure Te A -- ssi Last week was such a su. cessfv] week that we intend * a special for this week in and lon Bods, - wney E k Chaire, Golden Oak Finish, Ooly SOc. Beautifully Carved Hall Racks, with Bevel Mirrors, only $6.50, Brass and Tron Beds in all Shades of Enamel, Apple Green, Pure Hive awd White, al $4.50 Springs and Mattrasses to 84, only $2.80, These are fast sellers. "JAMES REID, 'The Leading © - Soft Era JAS. McPARLAND, ¥ PREVENTS: BALDNESS Tt beautifies the bair while renewed on A] o MONEY BACK 7 IY PALS TO CURE DANDRUFF Sold by Drupyists AR. PREMER 00. Limited TONONTO CHICAGO I Want Money ! : You Want Rubber Tires. Having special prices from the manufacturers, will give you a discount of 25 PER CENT. of all tire from mow till July 1st. If you want Rubber Tires now is the time. < For full particulars apply to JANES TATURNBY, THE CHEAPEST CANNOT BE THE BEST. LABATT'S Best Ale On The Market. it Is Remarkable for Its Purity, __ AGENT. WOOD FURNISHED without board, 101 FOUR GOOD FURNISHED board, with Tanase ROOMS, WITH ON Queen etre. HOOMS, WITH all modern convenisnoes, ab 191 University Avesus. 197, WW Kauire o HOUSE CORNER QUEEN AND CLERGY streets, vard and good stable in tion. Apply 10 Steady ik Stamey or J. B, RR MeCsan. HOUSES AND STORES, NOS, amd 200 Wellingion sirest, Mew. Allen, 297 Division street 18 STUART STREET, water heating also of buildings, stores and offipes. 4 8B. NK MoOpyn, &1 Brock street, corner Kine ? ROONS, HOT her NAN THE las OF MAY, THAT VERY DB boss, 117 Bagot corner of 2H Hhaw, MONEY AND BUSINESS. MALL on IN LARUE OR rates of mterest - Property gran ty debentures. Apply to of Vrantenas , Offies WONEY TO LOAN sums, af low and farm of Cc. WO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN shousand Por INSU sume bois eos w tee thous SobWINA + INSURANCE EMPORIUM rer Hires Ofics, Mathes Bamars Liverpool; London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Avallabie which AE SLA tt EAT EE Ro Rig righ of STIANCE & RANGE. Agents, ARCHITECTS. STOREY Arcan OFFICE 179 EM Wo a ar mit a OWER & SOM, ROHITEOTS, WRROH. te' Bank sorpar rock Wallington strects. "Phone 318. ht 'RTIUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT. sry site of New Deill Hall. soar core Qoesn and Mouvtreal Streets.