Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1902, p. 7

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE - oe : MONSOON is sold "only in Sealed Packets, Never in any other way, Get a packet from your grocer and fry it. It is delicious, i : i | : j h Ht ok 3 tHE Hegh 8 thi d % §s8i g i i ; Eel g 5 § SUNDAY OBSERVANCE FALL- ING AWAY IN NEW YORK. Rs is 88 gs 4 i Eg: : : E it ] ig : fel £ i 3 ® § it ol. i A The Summer Season Has Begun |i ih boy's death. Among the num- and New Yorkers Are Of £0 |erous pursuers who sought to dis the Cool Retreats--The Coro- cover the kidnappers' mil was : nation of King Edward VIL sharp Newspaper reporter. 18 sight, Ch as keen and his nomenal, (Special Correspondence: Letter 1,309.) and it was not * honstng Phe he ran New York, June 20.--A few yours } foo be Lid " ago a leading lady in the cy wf [LON Fe RE avared the | Relic of the Time When Kissing brooklyn, desiring to keep penanee | round the city to assure the people Was General in England. 4 D £, A it £ " ! 1 Hit f i ilk § 3 i i § £55 $1 2p! inl iil =k Hii : ¢ during the season of lent, requestésl | ho was still alive and safe. The return 3 k Losdon Lancet. her maid to stop in At dim Joh Wan § of the boy assumed the character of a| Sir Francis Jeune and justice Gorell thelr work would | given her something and order some halibut for dinuet. § peace , the only drawback to! Barnes have bad posted outside the ce. they are very | " Sunlight Soap." About how much will you require ? he i that the murdering} two courts of the probate, divorce, ; 3, their little houses. | back and say, " I'll ha inquired the lish waf. "Oh, about punishmeat. The next Tadmiralty division notices to wit- Straight Front Corset I and faces, and their | but Sunlight Soap, octagon bar. three or four! will be enough. Qur | great sensation occurred in Omaha, | nesses calling their attention to the . . | ~ That little child running fomuly is not large." It is unnodl then here in New York the stealing of | fact that they may be sworn in the that one there with her road with a packet is returning sary to say that the lsh man as | 4 child in Central Park, by a con-| Scottish manner before giving evi- This new approved corset is un. he , and her knuckles | shop say amazed aL the extent of the order, 8s | spiracy with a nurse which was fin- | dence. That is to say, they may Le Bho did that trying to clean | the puialicat halibut he had that makh- | 4lly restored to ite patents without | sworn with uplified hand, repeating » g 2 surpassed. It gives the upright . and she did not need to | ; ing weighed one hundred and twebly Juerious loss. The great sensation of | solemn invocation to the Deity, in- = <% poise, sloping bust, extended walst I she known. LX pounds, but he - was not much more | the week, however, has been the at- | stead of taking a book and kissing a 00k af that one rubbing the clothes surprised than | was when giving but }¢ assassination of one count | it, after listening to a form iepoated y . line and graceful round hips so for a fish dinner for my | ge va, '8 Spanish grondee, who | by a minor official of the court. The much sought after, un and down on that board! She an order does that week by week. She wears family, when | learned that codibh, | is now the claimant to vast estates in | notice to which we refer is repeated Sway the clothes more in the washing the commonest of all of the denizens | hig native land and who has boen fol- | outside one sf the courts of the chau- CE than he does in using them. y of the sea, the one fish that ever and | owed by murderous thugs from Spain | cery division, and we have every hope SOE D & A Corsets a thet one hurrying to the bar- | selv always was within the reach of #he | (5 the United States to induce him to | that it may become universal. S ! gah cotter ! She did the same a poor man, had suddenly jumped when | sion papers renouncing all claims to| We have for many years contended i » -- matt ago; made a good bar- aided by the fish trust, to a price®X- § his family under penalty of death | that the oath hg, kissing a book has 3 are approved by " society." Most but she wore out the bar- i ceeding that of the finest salmon or | He was struck down at might while | nothing to commend it, while it is 3 merchants sell them, if your dealer for want of just add that exquisite delicacy the mountain lin the mct of opening his own door, | nasty and may become a means of RR \ does » hon here she is hurry- brook trout, the crowning glory of a | (hen dragged to a carriage and tak. | propagation of disease, 'and 'we have Nall not, send to us. Price $1.00 bargain founier again, Sonstolsseur y ot, a when, 1 tadk o to a safiroad on the ve of the | seen with regret that the Hotwon p] i to $3.00 per pair--made in White, * y paper ol ty and fast to the rails, where isgion to swear in the Scote Otica low old looking some of them b ed that a fish trust was about peilig or more than two hours he lay in | fashion was, as a rule, not known by | Grey and Black. . r Sma iat w roaily ' formed I laughed in mv sleeve he the horrible anticipation of being | witnesses, and frequently, also, that A J re on ie 8 ly § think of the Juimmam job shat i ground to pieces by some approach- | judges, coroners and magistrates ware oy Wl Note. shore may sem. aad fh trust had "undertaken. The Al 1.0 ¢ ain He was not aware that no ignorant of it. $he fancy ; but 8 | on wn tighty inthe' plentitude' of His power | 5ins were run at night on that sec- | The form of swearing by kissing a wo Are sweating their lives out ! nd d the 8 1 metey had i Se 1 hh Odour s Hon of the road, but the terror he | book i purely gue of fustom. There ! " " ' vo- ing the time was enou; is no direct authority for »t in an - - ------------------ you see that little square plece of buff- a" al thirds as an ocean trust for the poor § 4 unseat ay Jet He was fina h act of parliament, OT or book of Tp man. Here for thousands, or per} ood from his perilous position by | practice. The dete also of its intro- CHAIRS Last week wa¢® such a su . Bpfi £5 fi f " haps millions, of years, was a game § ono ho ties wh heard hi for | duction is unknown, but thi not THE WORLD 8 BEST SUMMER RB 8010. rare I nT om Oe re heip. Rn Aube ory, for because it has been lost in the 'mists cessful week that we intend A---- ocean, an ie = won ol X i So aut oid " Hh : : ¢ Bishop Dumoulin Condemns It In | the feeding grounds, he could so time The hegira has begun, the bhurches | of antiquity, for it is fairly certain a special for this week in MEDICINE. ; eg ; are to close their doors, | that, so recently as the end of the it that almost any day in the three § oof 100 settled on the window sills | "venteenth century, if the form exist the Synod. b p: } Bishop 'Pusioulin, in his char at | hundred and sixty-five, he could catch § 4 doorsteps of many fashionable | #d it was not in any general use. It P ge h of good fish to furnish him an houses, giving notice ny the world | has been pointed out that Coke in his [43S an fon 0 3, i ------ / , the opening of the Niagara synod, | *0¢ : : : Paine's Com thus be 8 y axeeliont, substantial dinner, or if he J op oii occupants are no longer in | Institutes makes no mention of kissing "I take occasion here to refer to a | desired to go farther and hed shel oun and the Whito Mountains, Adir. | the book, but writes of the "corporal | . means to do it, he could load his ship oath" as thus named because the wit LE Thairs Hall Racks very wide departure from church or- N : N ondacks, Saratoga, Newport and not Has Made People Well When | ie: which has established itslf aif | With a cargo ol vl that would bring | fovetting the Thou Islands, the | ness touched with his hand 8 portion Every Other Remedy over the land. The church, in her him 8 Tespociable fortune AS Soon 89 J grand resorts of which ave anxiously | Of tha scriptures and this aspect of Hf; ) L wisdom, has prescribed that the priest "A fish trust, a ry trad in the awaiting the golden harvest which | oath no doubt survives in the fawiliar a. Fancy Bubossd Back Dinlng-room Chairs. Has Failed. "shall begin the offertory by saying of all 'that is good bad 'or in fromises such abundance of good ening of the Jhon So the, withess / Golden Oak Finish, Only 50a, or uf eatiain rv molt different, what are we coming to! of Sih 00d appatites, and dunk Sutament for oe sng of kissing E Dusmitully Corved Hall Racks, with Bevel consciences of the Es. The | Why, in our Javorite Bailiwick of fhe able to return bome as the ape Yo it. It is also observed that in the . a » ., riches of holo eripture are untobled | "38 he' Boor oman from, the te | tenet: thousands diseipminied with | "ook of Gaths," of which un edition | : rane], "Rroi rer Fort fe "fn yin . Nothing more appropria ' aa < r the emjo t t ] EC » 8 A y v and altogether effective could have and i you wam lo gt 3 dip to get coronation, while those who stayed in | Mention of kissing a book. How the \ at $4.60, been dunigned to suit the solemn oc- ar rh Sou Too Cr '% | their native land and took in all the kissing originag ns we believe, cd Springs aod Mattrasses to 85, only $2.50. easion. Instead of this excallent way, cents, but when the fish trust brmly wonders between Eastport and the | - pte 4 ' Thess are fast sellers. what is the prevai tice 7 The | ON Golden Gate will tion as is ithe date at which it became prevailing peas site in the saddle 1 look to see a cool | 92 a4 will uta to thelr on | irequent or universal JANESS REI The Leadin ' clergyman is content $0 say ore text " gular homes BY ¥ drop of ocean anywhere from fifty the full worth of their money with a | The laying of the hand on the gos degree of satisfaction not ex: pels in swearing is, no doubt, of great U ertaker, "Let your light so shine before men," cents to $2.50. Already the great ocean is allotted by those who crossed . jontiquity, while the laying of the a ---- ete, and give the remaining time and opportunit; who : 3 : a. Dy rth out to a few men; an ingenious in- : : band on the altar of a Diety in § ; vestor, with his submarine destroyer = tp ia at ¥aking: the Juity vo. wit oie ] Patent Leather gation a selection , of enjoyment afte 3 h or prayer book, or hymn book-- some Statls, slong on the Bota of ah all, when care, sorrow and er rh meni or. promise is older than the y song. most inappropriate to a few hundred ] abave a on the | ment are pitched to. the demnition gone». The laying of the hand on the he ------. p oo of such surface and puts up the toll gates on bow wows. As far as the coronation Ee 0. Turn lel in. cther vumn, . t rundown ' and Jength onto ach tion bi ye every foot of his claim, along which Rn Jou of ha thous the book is, ey we Torri J 00 S omen is that Rain's Celery | it leases hs singer 10 desist. 1 have Sis ote ay be ary could expect to Lave a sight of the culline to England, or to England and and ting: Gest without eins able to dissingt ROSS; ook out for the savage dog, be thesi ng nto uohy and ae id a assign ite origin to the kissing of / - ! Se. I per sus | th. authsk ngs a have fo Dave had oconsion uring the ast few | 44100 of Edward VIL, which was mot | ois, when we spparsatly bud it in hoes Paine's Riery nat Ni decd, thet 4 ave oh mieiithe 32 caution my Readers a inst Squat he 0S he faye pi his Das tion for relics Bad been swept poses ] permanent} i tion should be so generally made for | FUsts- coms in such athunng } "107 : and rade illegal. an ¥ nings | tion shou oid wif i | shapes that it is almost impossibleYo | bard LiL in the tower. Westminster |®7 TRE SGT LL py 30s. Walla, Jr., of She, Shel Slexaed_ingtrietion ad resist temptation. Where you knock | abbey is mot a great building, though people. were more addicted to kissin B d 4 ne AEE ave oY the head off of one trust the hydea | Penesth its sacred roof repose the th hey Kiss ' eh A Splendid Assortment this has its ceffect upon the-inclina- Jo MOE G0 @ O46 LOC Le spring | ashes of Groat Britain's mightiest | 000° than they are mow. Kissing ws y ' tions of our people to give, as it cer- up to supply the place of ome you | dead. Sunshine and tears are mifgled a form of sal iitatiou was 0 omon \ tainly would have w my own, and have destroyed. About this fish trust Jin its memories. It is a shrine to | "ON u em t a it excite : te inter: ------ i Ow R I cannot rvesist ¢ strong feeling which the nation turns when thé angel | © 80d amusement of foreigners. - Erasmus rvelers to it, and a Hun: oh i 1 ithi : heart. | there is a shameless crime; it is not n fe she best | oncking. words of. Christ" and Hin | Jong since T recorded the. destruction | of death sounds the call. Victory and | [S's (ome 'whe' vinted "Lowion After but two bottles of Palne's | apostles, arranged by the church for | of tsarly forty barrels of decayed fish the po ed throne on which and miivid in good baat in 1663 Was much struc with the way mn reland, and it is not quite easy to to keep the price up in the market . a , I find myself as | that purpose, would move moe our and virtually to exclude it ftom] meny of Great Britain's kings have | Tio "0 kissed ladies when they as over before. 1 re- | congregations to give than the vapi : iv ' und at ery I hanes of poe Bo Haul rendered se the wholesome food supply oi the poor Kausityed dhs. emblem of Puwes is ad ted them, when Hungarians would tion.' Has; i aateves excuse t nav be plain Fo ob which: J 's head | Bove shaken hands. Even Frenchmen Trunks AND fo 1 foot, rt om land whe when 1 a" vsti lee hn |. he sil og hed ming 3 €rne A One-Sided Battle. where cattle are raised to meet the | ho saw the angels ascending and des- ge Fe. remark i Hig ' Valises. Ii attacked by ild beas beef demand of all the nations of the | nding the ladder which led to the | U0 OF "0 FERAL EPOR TE PON & Id try. and defend himeslt. If ai | 08*éh, where coal is garnered from the | home of the Almighty. least possible. that the kiss beatowed a THE CHEAPEST CANNOT ficted with theumatism fight the dis. | mines where the Almighty planted it ~BROADBRIM. | upon the book in taking an oath may | ZH AIR case. With Dr: 'Hall's' Rheumatic Cure millions and millions of years ago. have been not so much a kiss of vene / BE THE BEST Wealth, Happiness, Health. ration as a form of salutation or ac 7 ) . § P e pl are to. so: She battle is all one-sided. Thomas | APSISCS JURE G7 Betuteary (do 3 v . haw ) is- | knowledgment by bodily contact, | (8 0 with | of thousands are imperilled every day A, RL IAay Sa a somewhat more ceremonious than aN ; 9 and at | to secure them, but the fish of the anaemia or general debility. Health {| manual contact, but still not associa: CN times, could not work or dress himself, | 00880 need no guardian either in the} 0 happiness are assured by using | ted with any grest feeling of solem. | \{iR J ' Eight bottles: of Dr. Hall's with Cli- | polar seas or under the equator. The {proc "pM CHALE TCE Y nigy, \ i max Iron Tenig, Pills, aloo a _-- Almighty bas given these rich blood, cleanse the system and } --_--ly/ | U nd edl The manent cure. great blood puri- herds L ; tone up the merves. Each box con- Sunday Assassins' Day. : 7 loubt : fier is put up in bottles containing + taing seventeen days' treatment. Price | of ny ang jay during 7 ro 3 » y Best Ale ten days Price 30 cams a trust to claim the mi 25 cents, at Wade's drug. store. last two decades, four met their doom | /& Aa ; On The Mark liarly his own. Me on Sunday, and the other two on Sa- Fe : ro : et, faced man back ahd p We are reaching out after hie soda Yarday. Dn Blesantee IL. president ' 7s ty price for ero ver | water business this section tl Jarnot, king Ham were all] \ Lot Sowed, but of which he is town, and are serving the best drink | lain on Sunday, sud, though shab| Sire" It Is Remarkable For Its Purity. this store ever knew. Roche's old | Nasred-Deen wpe killed on Friday, . k stand. E. C. Mitchell. thet is the Moslem Sabbath, and Benjamin Sedore's barn, at Bridge | was actually shot while kneeling in st] water, was destroyed by fire on Sa- | the mosque. On Sunday, too, senor turday morning. Hay, a new cutter } Canoves, the 8 premier, was fam ee ve ee fl te de Ti JAS. MCPARLAND, AGENT, or forty years it must be day, 1896. Next to Sunday is Satur : : t however much w day, and on this day Gen. Garfield, . n A vp min on crab [ou wa van ow Jip i of Zi) SUPERBA CABLE | t Want Money ! s ] of hie ks toriais hail the oid You Want $a Yh Dleawors Ee Woven Wire Be S Ri bber Tires: Patenid Ist May, 1900, | Sorouse SLRS PER ood uf Guaraniond by Manwtacturs, |; = "7 TT JAMES LATUBNEY, MAKER, "Elephant" 8EST READY-WIXED PAINT os market. You get it at ra i BEE en Siac AROWARE | I ii Ligh ill stgsiber: oe i i i i : fis i a i i ti I

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