Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1902, p. 1

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oh ao = Y BRITISN WHIG. PTH YEAR. NO. 144. = KINGSTON, ONTARIO, F ---- RIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902, LAST EDITION. LOCAL MEMORANDA si preg mp ---- ao The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Campbell Bros. for bate Ten page papier on Saturday. To momow will fe the first day of summer. Tomorgow will be the longest day in the year. A man's obd clothes are seldom his omly bad habits. Beouty is a weil that hides muny feminine imperfections. H a poor man has the sand be way win a girl with rocks. The sun rises Safurday at 418 am owl sets at 7:48 pam, Remwol er Jumble sale mext door to Kelvey & Birch on Sagurday. One sewing machine and two phonograph will do ths work of twelve women Mack Watch snd Athletics play baseball, ericket field, 2:30 pm. Seturday. This dav in the world's Mistorv--Actension of «queen Victoria, 1837; Santa Aone died, 1476; Calentta taken Lv Sursleh Dowlsh, Me ALWAYS To five our cusbemers the very best "value thet the money can bay and, we and $1.50 Soft Shirts ) All new patterns for this summer' wear." Your choice of the Tob for - O8c¢. All Biren. $S JENKINS 3% J 414 PRINCESS STREET. Note This Fact You can purchase a bottle of Clarified milk, let it stand all day, avd you will not find any toate of sediment at the bottom. You can't do that with any other milk? You want pure milk. We supmly it CLARIFIED MILK COMPANY Phone $67, Bresk and Baget bts. Seloet and Exclusive Desigos in Woollens. CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILO Cory Princess an Bagot Sts. OU WILL BE SURPRISED Af the rents ket money you can she by Sa. of your old stuff to a reliable second hand dealer. Drop a mand to The Kingston Rag ana Me tal company, 359 Princess street, and ' will be pleased to call upon: you pay you highest prices. sth FIELD BATTERY. A MUSTER PARADE OF THE MEN AND ol Sth Field Battery. will be held at the Armour, Kigeston, on = Saturday, Jute 21st, at 2 en } order E. WALT=f RATHBUN, Capt. Commanding 5th Fudd Battery -------- TO-LET. BRICK RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STREET, i wodera alwo ROBERTSON BROS. (LAKE ONTARIO X_ PARK) Commencing JUNE 16th. MONDAY LATIMORE AND LEIGH , amazing. Perplesing, mystifying, MINNIE GRANVILLE Operatic singer in ber latest sclectiocs. THE GREAT ARENO Marvellous novelty contortion equilibrist. THE HOT AIR BOYS Froest and Bert. Eccentric comedians and parody singers. Now Is The Time TO BUY ONE OF OUR COOL SUMMER SUITS Which we are selling 'at cost. Secure one for the warm wea- ther while they last. JOHN TWEDDELL, Merchant Taller, , 131 Princess st, ENTERTAINED TARTE. He Was In Peterboro and at Picnic. Peterboro, Ont., June 20.--Hom. J. lsracl Tarte visited Peterboro yester day and spent a very busy day. The morning was occupied in viewing some of the great industrial establish- ments of Peterboro and the section of the river where dreaging is required. In the afternoon the minister attend ol a pienic held by Douro parish church, at which fully 1,500 people were present. In the evening mayor and council of Peterboro enter tained Mr. Tarte and his guests, Mr. Julien, governor of St. Pierre Miquelon; and Mr. Duvos, Belgian consul to Canada, at a dinner at the Oriental hotel. Mayor Denne presided and about forty persons were present. In his reply to the toast of his health, Mr. Tarte dilated at length on the transportation question. Referring to the completion of the Trent Valley canal, he said that although it would cost several millions of dollars, he wonla recommend to his eolleagnes be immediate carrying out of the work. The other speakers of the even- ing included Mr. Julien, governor of St. Pierre and Miquelon: Mr. Duvos, Belgian consul to Canada: senator Me- Hugh and Hon. J. R. Stratton. proven te, Soden to M.D. Bibby Co, Osk Hall, Princess street. WANTED TO RENT. HOMSE AND BUGG JULY AND AU- 3 ot Wil be ours of. Apply LOST BROOCH, WITH PEARLS AT "ape Sill kindly offered. 8 ID CATARA- avd Un PURSE, in Ww Whis 70 TAKE CANE OF HORSES AND general work. Apply to Br. Kilborn 35 -- La dr ------------ Fae GENERAL SERVANT, lg 34 Se Wii stro 9 in AND ¢ THE EMPEROR WILL RULE. E prt il : KITCHENER'S FAREWELL URS MILMER'S TRIBUTE IN PROPOSING THE HEALTH OF THE GENERAL. A Corps That Stood Staunch in Danger and Held What They Had Gained--The Chief Lesson of the War, All Britons Stand Together. Johannesburg, June 20.--Gen. Kit chener delivered a farewell speech at a banguet here last night that was attended by seven hundred citizens. Lord Milner was present as the civie head of the new state. Lord Milner in proposing health to Gen Kitchener, paid a tribute to his will of steel, un- tiring energy and military skill. Gen. Kitchener, replying to a toast describing hima as .the man who had won their freedom, said the army had done its best to do its duty. He prais- ed Johanmesburg for the part its men had played in the war. The re gulars, both officers and men, ad what they had gained. They had tasted the salt' of life, and its savor would never leave them. They should keep their horses and rifles ready and their bodies physically fit but should settle down and work for the empire Their oppouents had shown the abili ties and tenacity of purpose of a vir- ile race, and they should be welcom- od into the empire. They would con stitute an asset of considerable im: portance: The chief lesson of the war was the knowledge that all Britons fought shoulder to shoulder. Those who had helped them, knew they in South Africa and elsewhere, would help their countrymen when jd. The speech was enthusiastically re ceived. Earlier in the day the Im perial light horse, which was at Ladysmith and which was prominent throughout the war, and other hannesburg corps, were reviewed Gen. Kitchener. Jo by Gen. French's Hope. Cape Town, June 19.--Gen. French has sailed hence for England. In a speech upon leaving Middleburg, Cape Colony, he said he hoped the rebels would be met half-way in a friendly spirit, as much must be allowed for ties of blood and smypsthy. PASSED THE COUNCIL. Those 'Who Reside in Eastern Part of Ontario. Toronto, = June 20.--~The results of the June examinations of the college of physicians ana surgeons of Ontario are published to-day and show that among those who passed the final ex- amination are' the following named : H. A. Bowie. Kingston; J. G. Bogart, Berwick: John Collinson, Dixon's Corners; H. M. Collinson, Dixon's Corners: T. V. Curtin, Brockville; J: E. Drury, Shanty Bay; H. C. de St. Remy, Kingston; H. E. Day, Kings- ton: OG. F. Dalton, Kingston: 8. Geng®, Parham; WwW: 8. Grimshaw, Kingston; D. E. Hodgson, Stella; J. T. Hope, Glen Robertson; G. F. Jack- son, Brockville; T. H. Leggett, Otta wa: J. W. Merrill, Kineston: E. A. Martin, Kemptville; 8S. F. Porter, Kingston; CO. G. Rohertson, Hawkes bury; D. M. Robertson, Montreal; E Richardson, Brotkville. STIRS IRISH MEMBERS. Balfour Appoints Committee to Investigate the Case. London, June 20.~The house of com- mons spent nearly all of last night up to midnight in discussing the case ol Irish member Patrick A. MeHugh, who yesterday was committed to jail Jor three months for contempt of the vial court which assembled at Sligo, Ireland, June 6th, under the crimes net. A number of hitter de- nunciations of this act were made from the Irish bencnes. A. J. Balfour, the government lead- er in the house, finally agreed to ap point the committee which it is cus tomary to nominate in the case of the arrest of a member of the house = of commons, to inquire into the facts of Mr. McPugh's apprehension and re port them to the house. Domestic Trouble The Cause. Fort William, Ont., June 20.--Wilii- am Verger, cashier of the CIR freight office, committed suicide hy Frasuing in the Neebing river yes terday. Mr. Verger had been in the Memploy of the C.P.R. for eighteon years. Domestic troubles are suppos od to be the cause of the suicide. Will Go To Montreal. Hamilton, Ont, June 20.---It has decided ith to Montreal, to take if mired the Jobannesburg corps, which | had stood staunch in danger, and held | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Lately 165 peres were added to the farm at St. Vincent de Paul peaiten tiary. The king drove for an hour in Windsor park on Thursday afternoon in a closed brougham. It is expected that the city of Que bec corporation will give $0000 to the Laval jubilee fund. The state of health of Rev. Joseph Parker, minister of the City Temple, London, is occasioning grave anxiety. The Allan lice stemmer Numidian, from Liverpool, for Montreal, passed Cape Race at 730 pm, on Thurs' day. Douglas Brymber, dominion archi vist, died at New Westminster, B.C, where he had gone for the benefit of his health. } Miss Minnie Dindas was struck by a train and killed while wheeling across the G.T.R. track at Pape avenue, To ronto, on Thurslay night. Mrs. Lang, ad old and highly re spectecd resident of Burlington, Ont, was found dead in bed this moming Heart failure was the cause. The wmiversity of King's at Wind sor, N.8., the Anglican college of the maritime provinees, has decid 10 join the big university consolidation | den may get knighthoods, in view of Burstall Recommended. London, June 20.--A sup- plementary issue of the Gazette announces that the following Canadians who participated in the South African war have been re- commended for meritorious conduct : n Fiset and Capt. Ea the Roy- al Cana regiment; Troop-Ser Carly, of the Stratheon now a lieu- tenant in imperial yeo- manry, ani private E. F, Waldie, of the Canadian mounted rifles. 00000000000000000000 3 their services onlbehalf of the trefer- ential tariff, implrial postage, and the War, The Toronto railway company has presented its ultim.tum to the men and the question ' of a strike will be discussed at an émployees' meeting to- night. : The Canadianftroops are taking turn as guard of honor to the coloni- al promiers' quarfers at the Hotel Cecil, London, to the great enjoyment of the crowd. Hon. S. N. Parent, premier of Que bec, was given the degree of D.C.L., at Bi 's college, and the degree of doctor of divinity, was granted dean Evans, Montreal. Dr. Wyatt Galt Johnston died sud- denly on Thursday, in the Montreal general hospital. Dr. Johnston had been under treatment ¢ the past month for phlebitis. The British government is willing to drop the contentious classes in the frish land bill, now before the house, if a general agreement is reached to pass the rest of the measure. The United States senate passed the Spooner amendment to the Nicaragua canal bill which will leave the presi dent to choose the Panama route should the title be considered satis factory. The fleet that will take part in the coronation celebration is beginning to assemble at Portsmouth. The king has ordered the fleet to fire a royal salute: at the hour when the crown ia placed on his head. Emperor William was present on Thursday st a kommers of the Bores suia corps of students. The empress was seated in the gallerv, and the emperor called for "a'strong sala mander for her majesty." It was will ingly given. T proposal to have a 'kettle drum' on the house of commons ter- race in London, for the entertain ment of the wives and daughters of the colonial premiers and leading ve presentatives from the colonies will probably be acted upon. The British Columbia legislature likely will proroyue to-night exactly four months for the session. The ses sion has been the longest in the his tory of the province, The government has withdrawn the hill giving a land grant to the C.P.R. It is reporied that the French have purchased the promontory of Katal from the Chinese government. The point commands part of Hong Kong harbor sid the report adds that the Eiglhsh ar Hong Kong have entered a protest against the sale There has heen an improvement in the weather and this has gveativ en hanced the beauty of all the decora tions in London. Throughout last evening the tops of the omnibuses ere with sight seers traver- sing. the route of the coronation pro- Lord Acton, RC 3 LL.D, profess the British papers describe him having heen the most learned man in {| manded the | Emperor | Messrs. Mulock, Fielding, and Bor- | | once suspend his | and return to Berlin to take part in KING ALBERT IS DEAD Nort THE LAST OF THE GENERALS WHO COMMANDED THE GER- MAN ARMY OF 1870. Emperor William Always Referred to Him as a Fatherly Friend --The Emperor's Tour Will be Abandoned for the Present-- Will Omit the Regatta Fes- tivities. Dresden, June 20.--King Albert of Saxony died at Susye-le-Nort All modern scientific appliances dia not avail to save his life. The queen, doe tors, and members of the court were unceasingly active in his behalf. Berlin, June 20.--The death of king Albert of Saxony is regretted by the whole of Germany. King Alert was the last of the generals who com German army of 15870. William always referred to king Albert as a fatherly friend. It is understood that the emperor will at tour of the Rhine the funeral of the dead king. The death of king Albert will certainly limit the regatta festivities at Kiel the latter part of this month, when it was purposed to hold 4 series of ban quets. It is now not regarded pro bable that emperor William will at tend the Kiel regatta. London, June 20.--It was announced from Windsor, early this moruing, that in consequence of the death of the king of Saxony, news of which was received late last night, a ball which the king and queen were to have given this evening at Windsor enstle, will not take place KILLED ON THE TRACK. James Bartrow Was Run Over by Express. On Thursday James Bartrow, a young man employed in McLaren's Mill, at the village of that name, one mile north of Mississippi, lay down to sleep on the K. & P. railway track, with a steel rail for a pillow. He had not been long in that position when train No. 1 came rushing around the curve, and Bartrow's temporary sleep was changed to ap eternal one. Jt was impossible for the engineer to stop the train, which was moving at full speed. The young man's head was almodt severed from the trunk, and death was instantaneous. Bartrow was a young wan, only twellty years of age, and for some time had bern employed in Mclaren's mill. He was unmarried. Coroner Kilborn was summoned, but he deem ed an inquest was unnecessary. Fuller Details. « Mississippi, June 20.--Yesterday af ternoon, John Bartrow, third son of Alexander Bartrow, Sherbrooke town ship, was struck and instantly killed, his head being almost severed from the body, by the north bound K. & TP. train, about half a mile north of here. Dr. Moore was on the seene immedia tely after the accident, but could do nothing as life was extinet. The unfortunate young man was about twenty-one years of age, was single and employed in Allan Bros' saw mills, on the Mississippi. He was proceeding home, along the track, and had fallen asleep with his head on the ruil. The scene of the accident was on a sharp curve on a down grade, where it was impossible to stop, no blame can be attached to the gineer of the express train The remains were prepared for bur ial, after which his father took them home. sO on on Smuggled Cattle Seized. Halifax, N.S., June 20. Advices have been received here that a cus toms officer named Bourinot, of Cape Breton, has seized between five thou- sand and six thousand head of eatile in the north-west territories which were smuggled across the line from the United States. The owner has de- posited $10,000 and the cattle have been released Mr. Bourinot and Mr. Jones, inspectors, were sent from Nova Scotia by the dominion govern- ment to inquire into the illegal stock- ing of farms in the territories. The seizure was made on Monday, with the assistance of cow boys and mount ed police. A Paper's Opinion. London, June 20--The Daily Mail, dealing with lord Brassey's evidence before the subsidies committee that it would be a sational disaster if the Cunard line passed from British con trol, says it will be a national dan ger of the gravest nature if really im- portant British lines are not emabled to be liberally subsidized or other help given to build much faster ships than they now possess. Pays Penalty For Murder. n, Man., June 20. ~The execn- tion of Walter Gordon took plate this morning at 8 am. Gordon's crime wad the murder of two men named pute over a farm which Gordon wes negotiating to buy from Daw. A Migny Earthquake. une 19.--An earthquake the whole ridge of the Hi- mountaine from Simla to shock wes pot very vio dintorbance so exlemive ke SCORED ADMIRALTY. The Remarks Made by Lord Bereslord. London, June 20--Before a crowd od house in the commons, today, ford Chari: Beresford heavily scored the British admiralty for inefficiency. He declared that the supply of coal was insufficient, that the number of wen in the reserves should be 50.000, while the engine room departments were thousands short, Hoth the French and American ships had superior guns to those of the Dritish vessels he said. When anything rotten was dis covered nothing was done till outside agitation compelled it, becuse no body was directly responsible. Great Britain, lord Beresford said, would blunder on until a thinking depart ment was established at theladmiral tv, and a separate business board in the treasury to control the fatal in efficiency. Nir Charles Dilke supported lord Bervesford's charges A NEW POST OFFICE. Will Be Opened in East End of Montreal. Montreal, June 20, postmaster of Montreal, announces that it is not the intention of the postal authorities to try automobile distributors in this city. He says it has been a failure in Toromo, where it has been tried and would be doubly so here, on account of the rigid win ters. The present central post office in this city is not to be enlarged but another office built in the east end, which will relieve the tension on the head offfice. The children to be entertained by the city on coronation day will nom ber between eight and ten thousand. The programme will include refresh ments in addition to free transporta tion to St. Helen's island and the top of Mount Royal Beansoleil, HISTORIC SITE SOLD. Purchased by Toronto Man for Electric Company. Halifax, N.5., June 20.--The historic Murdoch's Nephews property on the corner of the principal business streets of the city has been purchased by Frederic Nicholls, Toromo, supposed ly for the Canadian geoeral etic company. The company does not fig ure in the purchase, but will have of ces fitted up for its use on the ground floor of the huilding, while the base ment will be used as store The property was once the site of 8t¢ Matthew's church, the first dissenting church in British North America UNITED IRISH LEAGUE. rooms The Way It Will Keep the Coro- nation Day. London, June 20.~The United Irish league is prepuring to "keep corona tion 'day as a day of mourning for Ireland." The district council of Clare-Morris, Mayo county, has re solved to hoist the black flag over the council chambers on June 26th and 27th, and bas issued an invitation to other councils to join in thus celebrat ing the "coronation of the Eoglish king, to whose government the peo ple of this country are so much in debted for famines, coffin ships and castle rule." LOOKING FOR A BONUS. Hope Coronation Precedent Will be Followed. Ottawa, June 20,--The civil servant are expecting a coronation bonus equa! to one month's salary. Une of the historians in the service has dix covered that a bonus was given to the officials of Canadg in 1537, on the o casion of the coronation of the late queen Victoria Women Cannot Vote. London, Ount., June 20.--The of Huron in session here, has adopted the report of the commities on tem perance, recommending the adoption of some system of public ownership by which saloon competition would-be removed, such institutions becoming houses of refreshment; also that pres sure be brought to bear upon the pro to bring about the of Loenses synod per authorities reduction of the number and a more strict enforcement of the license laws. A motion to admit women to Vote in vestrios was defeated after an adi mated discussion. ------------ Burned To Death. Hamilton, June 20.-A fire Lroke out at 102 North McNab street this morning, and burned to death a col ored servant by the name of Mrs. De wart. She was in the employ of Mrs Gallagher, who owned the house. She was preparing to retire, when the lamp in her room exploded with fa tal result. The fire was extinguished before the house was wholly consum od. The decensed was forty years of age. ------------------ Sudden Death At Carp. Carp, June W.James Johnston, one of the most respected residents of Carp, died very saidenly on Thurs day. He was as well as usual at two oclodk and lay down to rest, and shortly afterwards his son came in and went to his room and found him dead. Dr. Groves wae summomoned dnd said death wax due to heart disegee, with which Mr. Johnston was affected. He was in bis seventieth year. - Lomlon. June 20. Presier Seddon, New Zealand, favors a system ol pes ferential defence, hot seen greet & culties in the way of the aceomylich- ment of these desites. Both propos tions, Mr. Seddom declares, are wor thy the closest investigation amd div cussion. -------- Oh! Boys! Boys ! Fine straw bate for boys from 10. up, at Comphell Bros. ¥ cho Toronio, nnd moderately WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Out., Jose th, (10 wm.) Sa ~Faie wap wday. tarde wdy aed cvoler, showers before Fu + * + + * + > + + + * * ' * + * A w a I onl i ¥ GALLAGHER lown the worih weight hats the largest &' OPEN WORK HOSE, | $e, 0c. Me. RIRRED COTTON guaranteed; all MoGill BOYSR' HOSE; sizes of wear the Stockings, 28. celebrated pair, THREE SPECIAL LINES OF GLOVES, 18. and 13je., He colors and sizes, 15 for pair; all CHILIVE WASH DRESSES, T8c., We, $1, $1.25 up, Pretty colors, new designe, latest New York styles Friday, the 20th just, Mess , formerly of Amberat Toland, paral Poly the residanie of es son-in-law Counine, 274 Univers sity Avenve, Matarday afternoon nt £80 o'clock Y In Kingwton Jom 30h, Ann Conley, asl meventy years, veliet of the jote John Gallagher sera from her late tow'dence, 208 Moms iroal weet, Sonday wlternom sf 290 yelosk, tor St. Mary's Cathedral, whos a sfemn hers will Be sung. ami nomaintances are respectfully invited 0 attend SEPA 4 04044404044 anadian Strawberries: Arriving daily from Prince ' Edward County. We sell the best berries at the cheapest price See ours before buy- ing elsewhere. i A. J. REES, Prinses P4444 0000 5000006054949 Pleasant Moonlight Sail. Over 20 people took the steamer werica's moonlight trip down the river last might, many of them being isitors who attended the Royal mili- ball A plessant sail side of Howe Teland No hinding wos made, returning to the city at hour wy college a enjoyed, steamer seawonghle The Best. find ow stock of lights and best in You will ingston, Campbell Bros. The boys of the ¥. M. €, A. will to-morrow go to Belle's island on an ing and flishiag expedition. oratary will be in charge of A Princess street young lady, them. re- contly employed in Deseronto, will on Tueeday next wed a popular mans of that town. young Small Presents FOR June Weddings Sterling Silver Bon Bon Spoons .. . . .. .. $1.18 Sugar Spoons .. .. . Sugar Tongs .. .. «. + . Cheese Scoop .. ~ 1.38 Dos. Coffee Spoons .. Doz. Tea Spoons .. .. Fruit Spoon .. .. .. .. .. A.C. Johnston & Bro. | JEWELERS. -

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