Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1902, p. 1

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69TH YEAR. NO. 141. " THE DAILY BRIT! KINGSTON. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1902, m---- LAST EDITION, N-- DISCOUNT FURNITURE ! LU SALE % OFF. Our business has so increased that we are obliged to enlarge our show rooms rather than remove the stock. We are offering a spe- cial discount. All goods marked in plain figures. R. J. REID. 222 Princess Street. 2 Doers Above the Opera House TELF PHONE 877. You Can Carry It. hotiee may wom like ouite but we have the plan help you to the carrving with Here's a property fit to A the § TO ORDER. 1). J. CRAWFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR TO CONTRACTORS. ARE INVITED UP TO § PM TEN DERS ¥Y, 10h inst, masons and a. for oy erection of an Entrance Gate and Approach to St. Mury's Cemetery Design and specifioations at my office. . P. BMITH, Architecs. . Asehor Pulling, Market Square. ----------. -- TO-LET. RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STREET pe moders vee be, aloo yp Rom 24 Bre strvet, 10 rooms ments. Apoly to the Fs 3 Co. Osk Hall, Princess niroed, BOARD. LARGE, FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE oon with onvenhmony, ot trom CY aad, Makiomabd hs Re Saitials Jou SDertn. of from ree --------------------_-------------------------------------- _----------------- FOR SALE. a COTTAGE, ON NELSON eee t-- WANTED. I en SEE SER YOUNG GI TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE. a work. yd ot 195 Earl Su HOUSEMAID. MUST HAVE GOOD RE A - fetenie. in the i Hora, 48 street. AT OBERNDORFFER'S Street. Nome ne " ANT, THOROUGHLY UN- a SERYAN ¢ Wo! washing or iron : Apply 'to J. Wilkinson, | evening to. Miss. LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Nite Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. ose, sale of shires st Jeokine Ontario syood, Wednesday. 10 am Recklessncns is often mistaken for genuine courage. You hardly ever me hitched up together The errors of one men are the suiding lights of another The sim rims Wednesdny at 417 am, and wis at 7:45 pm The wvouine reformer always commences up- on himself. It is Jucky for the men that women love without intelligence. Tombrs rexived by Power & Son wp to 6 nm, WetneOsday, for completion of farm re sihoes for J. W. Suddard. This day in the world's Chinese Bozers besicge Tien Tein, 1900: Chivese forts at Taku fire on foreign warships, 1900. Jar maica invaded! by the Franch, 1694; John Wesley born, 1703. gall and greatness history : = ---- 4 x. * DINNER. SETS. We can show you hundreds of different patterns and colors, to please any one, Prices twenty per cent. loss thau elewhere. ROBERTSON BROS. CAAKE )( ONTARIO X_ PARK ) Commencing °* JUNE 16h, MONDAY LATIMORE AND LEIGH Perplexing, mystilying, amazing. MINNIE GRANVILLE Operatic singer in her latest selections. THE GREAT ARENO Marvellous novelty contortion equilibrist. THE HOT AIR BOYS Proest and Bert. Eccentric comedians and parody singers. Mesest Butter 25c¢. a pound Comes From The CLARIFIED MILK ~ COMPANY "Phone 567, Brock and Bagot ats. SORT UP YOUR OLD THINGS And make some money out of them. Why let them lay around. Better bave the money. Drop a card to The Kingston Rag and Metal Co., 389 Princess street, and they will be glad to take all the stuff and pay you the highest prices going. It will surprise you how much you can make. FURNISHED HOUSE. 70 LET, FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED, Stone Cottage, central, im pleasant situa: tion. Apply ot 139 William street. LOST A SMALL ROUND GOLD BROOCII, contre pearls, between the Montreal and Sydenham street. Finder will kindly revurn to Mrs. Britton, Swden bam street. A SURPLICED CHOIR. Proposed For Sydenham Street Church--Many Objections. The joint board of Sydenham street Methodist church met last night. It bad before it a memorial, signed by a number of members of the choir, ask- ing that . surplices be provided for them at the expense of thy church, such surplices to be worn on and af- ter September Ist. 'The only argu- went advanced: was that-of uniformity of dress, and that the surplices would look pretty. : This matter came up at a previous meeting, but was shelved by the board. The "inmovationists," as they are called, are still persisting that the gowns be adopted. Quite a fow members of the board favored the proposal, bot the more conservative olensent wok strong against the innovation, saying that it was out of harmony with the genius, the ivit: and the simplicity of the form worship of the Methodist church. A discussion followed matters as this rest ontirely minister of the urch, and , if he fit, take it ont of the hands WITH A Bank « with d. he BECOMES LSS DEADLY Gratifying Statement From Statistics Gathered. BECOMING IPERIALISTS BOER AND BRITISH TO STEM DEVASTATION. The List of Casualties Compare Favorably With Those of Most Recent Campaigns -- Modern Conditions Have Made War Less Deadly. London, June 17. lishes an article on South African casualties from is actuarial corres pondent, which says that, excepting the first year's fighting, when losses by battle and diseases were very hea vy, the casualties in South Africa comppre favorably with those of most recent campaigns for which trustwor- thy figures are obtainable, \ In the last year of the American civ. il war the total death rate of officers and men, which previously had been much lighter, was reduced to 49.49 per 1,000, and in the Franco Prussian war the total death rate was 46 per 1,000, In South Africa, during the closing months of the war the total mortali- ty has been 30.03. These figures show how war tends to become less deadly under modern conditions, expecially when these con: ditions become understood by experi: ence. Iggis noticeable that not many more 1 of disease in South Africa during the last eight months than would have been the case if there had been no war. The average death rate of the British troops in foreign ser- vice is fifteen per 1,000, and in South Africa it was 15.1. The Times' correspondent at Pre toria says it is surprising how intim- ate is the friendship which has sprung up between the British officers and the Boer leaders, who joined hands in order to put an end to the devasta tion in South Africa, which was rap idly being brought about through the obstinacy of the guerilla leaders. It certainly would be difficult to get to- gether a finer body of men than these leaders of what already is an imperi- alist movement among the Boers, An official despatch received from Gen. Kitchener, to-day reports that the surrender of Boers in the Trans- vaal has been completed. Lord Kit- chener further reports thst the South African constabulary will be finder the direction of the civil authorities, His dispatch reads : "The surrenders since I last reported have been 915. This completes the Transvaal. The Orange River Colony will be completed to morrow. French reports from Cape Colony that there are only 150 more to come Wm. 1 have handed over the South African constabulary to the civil authorities, as the necessity for furthes, operations has ceased." | MURDERED BY LADRONES. Soldiers Cruelly Mutilated By Philippine Outlaws. Manila, June 17. ~The bodies of the sergeant, two corporals and four pri vates of the 5th cavalry, eaptured May 30th by Ladrones at Binangon an, Rizal province, this island, have been recovered. Most of the bodies bad been hewn limb from limb, and it was found impossible to recognize four of the dead men. A number of arrests in the matter have been made, and nine men have bedi absolutely recognized as bhelong- ing to the band of Ladrones which captured the Americans. The identi fied men include two members of the police force of Teresa, Morong pro- vince. The American soldiers were burial Monday together: It was im- possible to make separate interments. The '..mes pub A VETERAN DEAD. 1 | He Signalled Advance Into Lea- gured Lucknow. Halifax, June 17~The man who blew the call for advance of Sir C. Campbell's forces into Lucknow, died in hospital here, on Sunday night. George Price, janitor of Dalhousie un iversity, an Englishman by birth, who served in be Indian mutiny and was a bugler during the siege of Luck- now, away after a short ill- ness, aged seventy. LIBERAE CONSERVATIVES. The Ontario Association to Meet : "ia Toronto. . Toronto, June 17.~~Notices were sent out to-day, at request of Mr. Whit ney, calling a meeting of the Ontario liberal conservative association for ednesday, the 25th of June, at 3 p. m., in Victoria hall, this caty. The executive committee will meet the day before in the Mail building. Reached Liverpool. Montreal, Jupe 7.~The SS. Lake Champlain, from Liverpool i passed Ci Allan line steamer Parisian, from Montreal, arrived at Liverpool, on Monday afternoon. The Allan line steamer Buenos Ayer an sailed from St. John's, Nid. at 7 am. on Tuesday. The Allun line steamer Siberian, from Boston, sailed from Halifax, east bound, st 10:30 p.m., on Mon- Sard - Glasgow Hot Father Point, : . wt nt, a Tuesday. inwards, at 1:40 wom. on -------- Kills One; Stuns Four. Middleton, N.Y., June 17.--During absence of Fred. Wolf of Upper A HAND IN SETTLEMENT. -- The Toronto Board Of Trade Will Offer Aid. Toronto, June 17.---This morning, at four 'otlock, president Ames, of the hoard of trade. gave out the follow ing statement of the situation in re gard to the street railway surike "After 8 conference with the commit tee of the board of trade, it was re solved #0 have a masse meeting of all the employees calle by the commit tee of haard of trade, to be held in the ar theatre at midnight. The officers of the company bave agreed to receit® a committee, appointed by this meeting, and discuss their differ ences with them. In the meantime the compiany agrees to take off during the negotiations all the spare men they have put on the cars since wok ago" Dr. J. Howard Hunter, the regis trar of loan corporations, has issued his annual report. that Ontario loan and trust panies recvived, in 1901, from borrow ers, in the form of principal and inter est, 844.511 468, compared with $37 - 910,748 in 1900. Deposits receivea show an ierease from $23,733,065 a trust companies increased from $7.- 500,608, isn, to $9,700,000, in 1901, that total enpitalization of $125 236.015, of which £71.38 .973 is subscribed. The largest convention of a trade organization ever held on this conti nent will held in Toronto July, that, wely, of the iron mould ers' union « North America. The anion has 415000 members who will be represented im this eity by between 530 and G00 delegates. The delegates will be herd two wecks, Dr. Bryce, tary of the provin cial board of health, has heen advised of five new eases of smallpox at Hawkesbury, in Prescott county. REVOLUTIONARY HEROES. A Tablet Unveiled in Syracuse in Their Memory. Syracuse, N.Y., June 17.--Under the auspices of the Syracuse chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution there was unveiled, to-day, a tablet in memory of the soldiers of the Re- volution. The unveiling ceremonies were of an interesting character and were participated in by Edwin War field, 'president general of the national state society, amd other persons of note. The tablet occupies a conspicuous place in the federal building. It is of bronze and is a bas-relief, showing a line of revolutionary soldiers over which floats a female figure symbol zing patriotism and freedom. Above are the words "Pro Patria," and be- neath the ingeription, "To the Sol diers and Sailors of the American Re- volution Who Lived in Onondaga." On the base are the words," "From Onondaga Chapter, Daughters of the Anierica Revolution and the Syra ouse Chapter, Empire State Society Sons of the American Revolution." The trblet is the work of the celebra- ted arvist, Isadore Konyi. Financial Concerns Amalgamate. London, June 17.-It is announced that t firm of Smith, Payne and Smith, nkers, is to be absorbed by the Union bank, of London. It is probable that several provincial bank. ing businesses, allied with the Smith- Payne concern, will join the amalga- mation. These include banking houses at Nottingham, Derby, Lincoln and Newark -On-Trent. The aggregate de posit and current accounts of the business mentioned would consider ably exceed £25,000,000. Filling Up Northwest. Wintipeg, June 17.--J. Obed Smith, immigration commissioner, has re turned from a trip west as far as Fdmonton, and reports that the rain fall "there is. the heaviest . in sixteen years. The crops, nevertheless, are doing well. Mr. Smith estimates that 35,000 Americans will settle in the north-west territories this vear, and that the total immigration to mani toba and the north-west will be be tween 75,000 and 80000. The Climbers Killed. Vienna, June 17.--Frans Gothemann and his two friends," who attempted the ascent of the Rax Alps, yesterday, fell over a precipice 300 feet in height and were killed, Rix is a favor ite ascent" with. mountaineers. -It is an extensive plateau bounded on every side hy precipicitious slopes, its high- est point being the Heukuppe, 6.593 feet. The ascent is in places easy, but some of the routes are dangerous and can only be followed by skilled climb pa : -- : To Protest The Game. Cornwal!, Ont., June 12.--The Corn wall lacrosse club , decided to pro- test Saturday's matgh with the Sham rocks. The Cornwafle claim that they heat the Shamrocks by four goals to three within the hour and a ball of actual time allowed jor a match. The Cornwall timekeeper, they further claim, shouted and waved his hat to the referee, but without avail, before the fatal scoring was' done. Will Be A Record Trial. fionna, June 17--The Arbiter Zei- sung says a record trial will be held at Reiff, Russia, shortly. Six thou sand persons, of both sexes, will be tried by court martial for participa- tion in the recent riwings in Poltava and Kharkoff. The revolutionary movement, the paper says, is spread- ing in the province of Tamboff. He Is Now Dean Houston. Hamilton, June 17. Bishop Du moulin has appoioted archdeacon Houston, Nisgara Falls, dean of Nia- and canon Clark, Ancaster, of Niagara. : The employees of 'the Hamiltcn elec ie Ti and the cstara=t The report shows | com- | to | £26.554.158 The authorized capital of | ing the only change in a | next | DERARD UF NOULDERS {Onc Party Agr.cd ; Others Will Not Comply COANGE IN POSTAL RATES NEW ORDER COMES INTO EF- FECT ON JULY 1ST. The Postage That Will be De- manded For The Carriage Of Various Classes of Matter -- Advances in Various In- stances. Ottawa, June 17-The following changes in pustal rates will go into | effect after July Ist, by order of the postmaster-general. |. Un legal and commercial papers and {all other matter either wholly or | partly in writing (except the matter | mentioned in the neat succeeding see tion) the rate shall be two cents per ounce or fraction thereof. Un manuscripts or books and news papers, wholly printed or lithograph | ed the dominion and provincial gov ernments and of municipal authori- ties, now subject to one cent per two { ounce rate, the rate shall he (wo cents for the first four ounces or fra thereof and wpe cont for each additional two ounces, or fraction thereof. Un maps, prints, drawings, engrav- ings, one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. On maps, prints, drawings, engrav photographs, plans (without specifications), sheet music, visiting cards {not written), printed forms, without writing of any kind, botani cal entomological and mineralogical specimens, the rate shall be two cents for the first four ounces or fraction thereof and amt for each addi { tional two ounces or fraction thereof Seeds, cuttings (but not cut flowers) | bulbs, roots, bedding plans, scions or | grafts, and patterns and samples of {| merchandise shall be subject to the rate of two cents for the first four ounces or fraction thereof and one cent for each additional two ounces or fraction thereof. Merchandise, or miscellaneous mat ter in general, including stationery and blank books, dry goods, grocer hardware, ete., ete, shall be sub- ject to the rate of two cents for the first two ounces or fraction thereof and two cents for each additional two ounces or fraction thereof. On all matter passing between Atlin and Yukon districts and any other part of the dominion (except such as is paid for at, the letter rate of two cents per ounce or fraction hereof, circulars, not exeeeding two ounces in weight, and newspapers from the office of publication), the postal rates shall be double those charged on the same classes of matter passing in any other part of the do minion. The moulders' union, have filed a demand for a minimum wage of $82.40 a day for stove plate moulders and $2.43 a day for machine moulderst The demand of the stove platers has been granted, but the other employers object to establishing a union minimum wage. They offer a raise of ten per cent. on present scale, all around, but the union is holding out for the uniform scale and a strike may ensue. Canon MeCarthy," pastor of St Bridget's Roman Catholic church celebrated, today, the twenty-fifth an niversary of his entering the priest hood. Archbishop Dubamel assisted at the jubilee masse and the popular priest was the recipient of many pre sents and addresses. A new case of smallpox was discov ered to-day. A Miss Rov, who came from Gloucester township, a week ago, was. sent-to -Parter's- island suf fering with the disease. A charming society event marriage, this afternoon, in Christ church cathedral, of Miss Ethel Dav- ies, daughter of Sir Louis Davies, jus tice of the supreme court, to James D. Hyndman, barrister, of Portage la Prairie. The ceremonv was performed by Rev. Cecil Wiggine, rector at Sackville, N.B., and uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. Henry Kittson, rector of the cathedral. The bridle was given away by her father Min Mary Davies, voungest daughter of Sir Louis, was bridesmaid, and Harry Burbidge, barrister, of | Burbidge, of the exchequer court, sap ported the groom. The only relatives { of the family present from a distance Daniel Davies, Virginia, brother of Sir Louis, his wife and daughter, Mise Frances Davies i | ction ings, one jes, the of Ottawa, was the son justice were INSANITY EXPERTS. Are Meeting In Conference In Montreal This Week. Montreal, June 17.--Experts on in- sanity are gathering here to-day from all parts of America to attend the convention of the Medio psychological association of America. The formal obghing took place this morning, when Lieut, -Gov. Jette and Dr. Arm- strong, president of the Medico-chirur gical society delivered of welcome. After the formal opening of the convention, Dr. J. Preston, Marion. Va., delivered the annual ad 4 city to the city by the mayor, after whih they were guests of the city at loach eon on Mount Reyal. To Have A Celebration Toronto, June 17.~ King Edward Le ing u patron of the Royal Canadian yacht club, it is the intention of that dub to celebrate the corogation on an extensive scale. On the evening June 25th a Bouse dinner is to be held and qn June Soh the race fox the pri alex cup, over Take course, will take place. fn the party will be held i eluly house and in the thera will be a display of fire PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. A seriovs drought exists im Texas The outbreak of smallpox in Cana dian Labrador A pew scale of postage rates classes, except letters, comes fect on July Ist The man who plunged from Brook tym bricge on Sunday is supposed be William Pietschman, the bridge Jumper. A calbie 9 TIOus on all into of annonces the death of trooper George E. Stirling of the SAL His father is John Kiirling, Grimsby, Ont. Troop-Sergt. Maj. Melville, died from dysentery at Vet River His wother resides at Gordon Lode, Lit tehampton, Surrey, Eng Constructor Hobson gppegled to-day secretary Moody for a three months" leave of absence on account of the condition of his eves Rev. Prof. Halliday Douglas, ap pointed a vear ago to the chair of apologetics at Knox college, Toronto, died suddenly at Cambricge, Eng The marriage of archdeacon Norton Montreal, to Mrs. Joseph Mulholland "Tara Hall," Sherbrooke street, is to take place in Christ church cathedral message to 'Lin June 21th. Queen Wilhelmina, of Holland, is convalescing at castle Schaumburg, in the valley of the Lahn, She drives out daily with the queen mother and is recovering her color The degree of doctor eof jurispru dence will be conferred upon former president Cleveland Hurmg the mencement the Augustin Thomas, at Villa com exercises of ian college of St Neva, Pa. Mrs. Martha Jones, ship, died on Sunday. She was a daughter of the late Thomas Eyre Harlem. One son, Charles W is a student at the Brockville collegi ate institute J. W. Simmons, one of the oldest and best known residents of Newboro, died on Friday In 1538 he was a lock laborer at Chafley"s Locks; he afterwards became lockmaster, which position be held until 1504, He leaves a grown-up family In the suit of Amanda Cox against the New York Central for damages for the death of her daughter, Aman da Florence Howard, who, with her husband, was killed in the Park ave nue tunnel accident, a verdicts of $15, 000 fer the plaintiff was returned Abe Rothschild, alias 'A. M. Gra ham, the alleged New York diamond swindler, who had by assuming the name of George H. Stewart, of Ship it 1s alleged, planned m town a 8500000 diamond haul, Harrisburg, Pa. He lastard town Jones, penshurg, that was arrested at admits his guilt Over 31,000 men took part in the Aldershot review an Monday, the bulk of the force being militia and volun toers in nine brigades There was a brave display of mounted troops, well horsed, Lancers and Hus sars, and remounts had been provided at 'Aldershot for a brigade of Imperial Yeomenry. There were eighteen bat teries of artillery with a brigade of marines, and every Brann of the ser vice was represented Dragoons, MAY BE DISQUALIFIED. Held at His Election Office Postmaster. Toronto, June 17.-It that W. R. Smythe, the candidate in Algoma, was disqualified when he was electea last month be cause, at the time of his election, he whs postmaster of Rydall Bank, in Algotaa. According to statements on ceived from Ottawa, where afi investi gation was conducted, Mr. Smythe did not resign before the election, This renders the seat vacant gecording to the liberal law advisers. The extra men put on the street cars, in gnticipation of 5 strike, this morning, withdrawn from servi for the dav, in compliance with the arrangement made by president Ames, of the board of trade, at the meeting of tha union at four o'clock this morning. The mass meeting called for to-night by the board of trade will appoint a committee to wait on man ager Keating and to seek to remew negotiations, The union has not given up its demand for recognition, how ever, and this is the danger point Mr. Keating has no power, it lieved, to recognize the union without the content of president Mackenzie, who i= in Winnipeg The general assembly of the Preshy terian church, this morning, ratifiea the nomination of Rev. Dr. McLaren Vancouver, as home mission field se retary for westérn Canada; Rev Dr. Huordman, Calgary, as saperin tendent for British Columbia, ana of Rev. J. A Uarnichadl, Régina, as sip erintendent for Manitoba and the north west. Dr. Mclaren and Rev. J. A Carmichael at once accepted, ano Rev. Dr. Hurdman did so also, sub ject to the consent of his congrega tion hiv release from pastoral work. A deputation representing 'the Christian Chinese of Canada waited on the assembly and retorned thanks for the work done hv the Presbyterian church in their native land Building operations are very hadly erippled in the city by a «trike of the plumbers, Peru Seeks Boer Colonists. Lima. Peru, June 17. The Peruvian press urges the 'government to adopt energetic measures to get South Afri can Boers to immigrate to this coun try. of is announced conservative were is be ol to Try Our White Shirts The next time, perfect fitters. duet a trial of our shirie. That's all we ask. The H. D. Bibhy Co. An engiveer's tripod. reported to the police as being owl, was redovercd to day at the" office of the street railway company, baving been picked up by one of the company's employees mish tarned in to the office Capt. Andrew Dunlop is again in ' d of the st Porhemi pling between Montreal and Prescot, Soft shirts, ¥e., this week at Jen ---- Toroerto, Out, June 1ith, porthwest ad west tly duy woderate winds, war foe Silk Special 75¢. yd. New colorings, terns, at 28¢c., 45¢. per yd. see. purchase of most fashionable Fabrie, $1 quality, 35 inches wide, for In the latest designs 120 different pat- 30e., ye oe Srone, WEATHER PROBABILITIES, (10 am i=Fresh winds, fam Wednew amd wwoderately Real Shang-tung this French Organdys and 35e¢., White. Organdys 20¢c. to $1 per yd., accord- ing to width and quality. Come and see if only to - BORN. ARTHUR-AL Gongnogie, Mr, sed Mrs. Fred LUTZ--AL Gaseous, on Lats, on M D. On CLARNONT ANDERSON Mary's Cath Hev denl, by P. LL. Clermont, ( Lizzie Anderson, DIED. Kiosgston, i rele ira Kinuwton HOHINSTON 1902 Farnes Fomral on T RICTIAHDSON Kipywtorn, 1902, Rev. James E Famral from bis late wireet, Kingston » wm Wola on anadian A. J. REES, FELIPE TITRIIIRIOITYY FOR Bon Bon Spoons Sugar Spoons .. .. .. Sugar Sifters . .. .. Cheese Scoop .. .. .. Fruit Spoon ., .. .. June Arthur, a dangider, Jue a dav hier Jupe lth Muibtigan Lith inst, virhinrst on Th, ta 7th, to Mey to Mr, a daugher, jn St Father Kohos, to iu. 17th, late Jona of the 23 vm Privgte June 16th, Brock 230 Hichardeon retin Mo day, as If You Have Not Yel (een Our COLORED (INCSTON HARBOR Call and See It. [Kirkpatrick's Art Store 4454490009990 0940044 Strawberries Arriving at Rees' daily from S. M. Culf's fruit farm at Beamsville, Ont. Fresh and sweet. Princess Street. | PEEP PHP 4 000604000 Small Presents one Weddings Sterling Silver: iwian wn ws ae Sugar Tongs .... .. 2... 4 Dos. Coffee Spoons .. # 4 Dox. Tea Spoons .. ..

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