DAILY. BRITISH. WHIG, MONDAY. . JURE 16. . BRITIS H MONDAY $.¥ Return Tickets with be lenuod pt SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE. returning 27th, Iss, soo going. Supe 2h oud ech rom destination on we befor Juse iso gered. gg Hiv 5° and July cali lop, return: weil; July Zed 1902, SINGLE FINST.CLASS FARE ASD ONE-THIRD. sed wel Fase Phh Ww Jdly Tet ute, valld Jor return oo or before Ju Full partionlary at K. & Pad CP. RB Ticket! Oe, Ouiurio Sireet. Gen, Pas EBAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY SHORT LINE FUR a Cie Hall Depot at 'p IN, Pi. Teleraph OF tr ------ HERE Lhe | 4 i ' JUNE 26th. DOMINION DAY JULY 1st. Hoturn tickets will be jssusd Between stathons in Candas Blac md to but from. Baflalo, N.Y. Rok, X.Y. Niagara Falls, N.Y. amd Su prenmon 0, NX. at y SINGEE FIRST-CLASS FARE Clos! going "Jane 2566 amd 20th; retorviov al al 27h, int, from destination on or before June vo good going Jue 30th and July Mh for spurs until July 20d, 1902 SINGLE FIRST - CLASS AND ONE-THIRD Good going June 24th to July lst, 3, ?, HAWLEY, Agent, City Passer; Depot. DOMINION LINE. MALL STEANSHIPS, LIVERPOOL SERVIC FRO *Turcomen Baloon, $87.60 and Ww steamer ion, #2. FROM MONTREAL. FROM DOSTON. nwoalth Cambeoman, July Zod, August 18th. Mideblp saloon, electric light, bn iw F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Baeot. all' Joenl SERS ET OVA PRT TION BAY all olf stations tn Canada 10 wel from Detrols aed Port fluron, Mich FARE in elusive, valid. Jor return on or belore July d, : I £5 26 | do 'Suwemers marked" du Bot eaITY Paseng RATRS OF PASSACE--Seleon, $08 and sonvwrding sve we June 20st July 8th . Jung 16th voi dung 26th SERVICE Poigaiasse, on. spacious promennde - decks; J. PB, Hanley, J,'P, Gilderslesve, 43. Clarence 84 juice 00 on. fo, "0 i otha! cERENOY PLACE ON THE 26TH. Proeccedings at Albey Will Begin. Rpio.al to the Whig. 4 A pose] experience is awaiting in Westminster Abbey on it may safely everyone will be be gaid that expected 10 be breakfast. Punctuality, we way will be the onder of the instant that Hig Hen forth his eleven strokes the veremony will begin. The king Iv day. handsome pavilion, which is sow process of erection jnst outside 4 | western. portals of the abbey church, Here the procession will have formed pending their arrival, ster meanwhile singing officers of state, a number men carrying the various articles mistrgus of the robes, the yeomen the guard, the gentlemen of whom will combine in making procession will pass beneath the various members of it fling off k {their respective places; the king just beneath the two thrones mony. The anthem being teiking ceremony The archbishop standing the square platform, or "theatre," be neath the lantern of the abbey, turn to the east, being attended the same time by the lord high table, and the earl eater kingsat-arins, one of the concluded, begins, procession makes its way to all four quarters of the compass in turn, . king turning himself to his people ac the following words: "Birs, 1 here present unto you king. Edward, undoubted king of this realm; where. the same." Immediately the assembled congregation testify their acceptance of a new sovereign by loud acclamations, while this . cere mony finally concludes with a grand flourish of trumpets. The people hav- ing signified their acceptance «of king Fdward VII, the regalia, which had heen carried hy various ecclesiastics and noblemen in the procession, are laced upon the altar by the arch bishop of Canterbury, apd then the wholes congregation unites in a great prayer of intercession amd supplica- tion. Two bishops, vested in copes, make" their way to a fakdstool placed near the royal throne, amd here, kneel ing side by side, the two of them proceed to sing the litany, the choir, at each response. The litany is fol Hamilton, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. Hd feave Kingstom, Wednesday and ING EAST 0 PM. J June let, will lsave as Sunduys. * WORONTO: MONTREAL LINE. leave Kingston Wednesdays, Feidays and Su GOING WEST 5:00 P.M. Movdays, Dur service from att Cou { ~Piston - Belleville " I "Aletha" : Mostar, Avil Jib wi liuve (ermediste Bay HE . | Kingston--Rocharter ~ 1009 Islands Sir. "North King" ambit RY GOING WEST 11:30 P.M trl-weckly worvios above, Wadnesdayy, Fridays and Jane 4th to 15th & : ie js the queen, facing the pulpit, wearing Ay gd lowed by the first part of the com- munion eervies, with, of course, a special epistle and gospel, the Nicene creed being rendered to Weslev's beau tiful setting. The bishop of London will then sscomd the pulpit for purpose of d¥livering the coronation sermon. Probably his discourse will without exception, the briefest ever known to have been uttered on the occasion of a coronation, seeing that he has been limited to a maxi mim length of only eight During the sermon the king sits beside be, hiz cap of crimson velvet turned with ermine. side by the two bishops of Durham and Bath and Wells, whose ancient right it has been to attend his ma- jesty ever since the coronation of Fd- ward I. queen is attended by her own two prelates, . and near them up A ¥o Fake) The Instant That Big Ben Tolls Forth the Hour. of Eleven the Westminster the ----fmajonty do all probability of the pri . vileged Persons. whe are to be prod ah the great day. The doors of the church will be thrown open to holders of tickels at the most unearthly of hours; in fact, nearly w their respective places at or before the time at which they usually take their rest assured, The has boomed grand and queen will be received in a large and in the been Headed by the dean and canons of Westmin: ster Abbey, it will make ite way up the long pave, the choir of Westmin the time-hon- ored wordy of the Psalmist which have for many centuries formed the istro- duction te the coronation service. The procession will consist of all the great of noble of the regalia, the two archbishops, the of #OReTs, und a whole host of other olcinls, all a lisplay gorgeous in the extreme. The or gan screen, awd wo into the choir, the to and queen taking up their position at cert tain faldstools set apart for their, use which they will ocenpy later on in the eere- the of. the recognition on will at marshal," while " chief officinle of the Heralds' énllegé, imme diately precedes the group. This little the cordingly, while the archbishop utters the fore, all you who are come this day to do vour homage, are vou willing to after accompanied by the organ, joining in the minutes. He is flanked on either (Fthe king amd queen sitar cloths, together with an. ingot}. stand the great lords. whose duty it is to carry the swords ; ' As soon as the sermon has been concluded, the archbishop proceeds to alinister the coronation oath to his majesty, which he does knecling, at the slar, with his right band up on the holy gospel in the great bi: ble: after this the king kisses the Book and appends his signatare to the oath. The mos solemn portion of the coronation servVite Bow conumences, the first portion of which eonsistz in the sect of sacred unetion. The king and queen kneeling at their faldstools the ancient office hymn of the church, the Veni Creator, is rendered by the choir, the archbishop of Canterbury having pronounced the first Tie. A collect follows, and the choir thea uplift their voices in the glorious cor onation anthem, written originally by Handel in Bomor Of George 11. and queen Caroline, snd sung at every single coronation, without exception, from that day to this. Whilé this an them is being performed the crimson robes which 'the king has hitherto worn are removed by the lord great chamberlain, He then seats himself in' the celebrated coronation chair, which stands in front of the altar, while four knights of the garter come forward and hold over him a rich pall composed of cloth-oi-gold. Then the anointing tekes place at the hands of the archbishop, while the dean of Westminster holds the spoon and the golden eagle containing the nil, The king will be anointed on the crown of hi« head, on his breast, and on the palms of both his hands. The anointing ended, the dean of Westminster invests his majesty with ceriain of the less important corona: tion vestments, and then the lord chamberlain touches the king's heels with St. George's spurs, and a little later on girds the sword of stale to the king's waist. A most curious cere: mony follows, The king, having un: girded his sword, offers it at the al: tar in its scabbard, after which the price of it--viz, a hundred shillings is offered by. one of the peers, who for the rest of the service carries the sword naked in front of the king. The emblems of imperial dominion now make their appearance, for the dean of Westminster places upon his majesty the gorgeous mantle and stole, while the archbishop delivers the orb or globe into his hand. Two more ceremonion of investiture still re main--those with the ring, or, as it has guaintly been termed, the wed ding ring of England, and the scoptre. At length the splendid climax is reached, The king sits down once more in king Edward's chair, and the dean of Westminster brings, the great crown of St. Edward from the altar and delivers it into the hands of the primate. The archbishop places the crown on the king's head, and the whole congregation burst forth into a grand storm of cheers; while all those who are lucky enough to be the pos sesgors of coroncty or crowns place them upon their heads. A signal, too, is given from the tower of the abbey, apon which the great guns in St. James ' park and the tower are promptly fired off. The king, anointed and crowned, is then presented in the most solemn fa shion with the holy bible, and is blessed with woras of equal solemnity by the archbishop. Directly after this the choir in their distant gallery break forth into a loud Te Denm of jov, the setting of the late Henry Smart being employed for this par pose. All this time the lofty throne upon the theatre has remamneéd- va- cant. The king is now lifted into it by the archbishop, bishops, and other peers of the realm. A. magnificent group is formed around his wajesty. consisting of . the . great. officers of state and other persons hearing the sword and seeptres; and then the cere mony of the . homage. takes place. Fisst of all that of. the episcopal or der, headed by the primate. The lay nobility. then follow iu their order of rank--~dukes,. marguises, earls, vis counts, - -barops----during . which.' the choir, perform. another anthem. The bowage having been completed, an- other grand flourish is made by the trumpets and drums, and the whole assembly cries out once more, "God save king Bdward ! Long live king Edward! May the king live forever!' and the coronation of king Edward will have been completed once and for all. The Queen's coronation then takes place. Te is of a mueh simpler char acter, as well as briefer, while the chief officiant is the. archbishop of York. The latter having offered = prayer, the queen, unlike her royal p whe was seated in king Fd- ward's chair, proceeds to kneel at a faldstool placed before the steps ol the altar.. Four peeresses come for- ward and hold over her a rich pall of sloth-of-gold, during which the arch bishop pours the oil upon her head. After this he place the ring upon the fourth finger of her right hand, and finally invests her majesty with queen Edith's crown, at which mo. ment all the poeresses place their coro- nets upon beads. i The service now concludes with the meal order for the celebration: of the holy communion, though it contains certain number of variations uliar to the coronation, such as the cere mony of _ the oblation, during which coffer two palls or or wedge of gold weighing a pound for the king, snd a mark weight of gold for the queen. At the end of the service their ma: iostios ii behind. the high, aac to rs on eit! wide, the nes of Fdward the Confessor there will he erected a small altar, upon which certain ar: of the regalia will be placed, for | two crowns are only worn during the actual service, In their place two others, termed the crowns of state, sre. placed upon their heals. will then retire to a waiting Vor "traverse." acs i wv wl ® # TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The Mayor of Hythe has been chos- en baron to represent Hythe at the coronation. The Birmingham Town Council has decided ta spend £3,000 on the cor- onation. festivities, to be raised by public subscription. A bed for a patient suffering from cancer is to. be endowed atthe New Hospital for Wonien. Buston «road, in memory of the late Emperor and Empress Frederick. The Marquis of Abergaveany, Lord Lieutenant, of Sussex suggests a line of bonfires throughout the Sussex hills as a pleasing way of celebrating the cerongtion, An ex-olficer of the Guards. who wishes to remain incog., bas given £500 towards the expenses connected with. the erection of the new Sel- diers' Home in London. Far delaying eleven electric tram- cars 20 minutes by driving his van at a walking pace in front ef thew a carman was fined at the West Loo- don Police Court recently. During the week ending May 10, twelve steamera landed st: Liverpool from American apd Canadian ports 3,977 cattle, 8.890 sheep, 50.641 sheep carcased, and 19,730 quarters of beef, A well-iregsed man was = walking over London bridge when his = hat blew: off, and in his attempt to save it he fell over the edge, striking the butiress before reaching the water. Hampstead Borough Council decid- ed. to place a tablet in the Town Hall bearing the names: of all the Hampstead men who have served in the war. Some 450 names will be in- scribed. Thirty pounds was paid in London last week for a presentation copy of "David. Copperfield," bound in red morpeco and bearing the ature of Charles Dickens on the dedication lead. * Coronation robes have been ordered for .the Baroness Clifton of Leighton PBranswold, who is only twe and. half years old. Hex dress will be on the regulation lanes prescribed for peeresses. When the mew elestric cargo cranes are in full operation at both Dover and Calais, it is expected shat some twenty minutes less time will be oc- cupied in the journey from London to. Paris. J Color-Sergt. W. J. Mears 'of the Oxfordshire L. 1., fell out whilst on parade at Cowley Barracks, Oxiord. Soom after he blew. out his, brains with his rifle. A month ago he lost his 1ittlé son. The. . valunteer officers" decoration has been granted by the King to the Dean of Westminster on the comple- tion uf bis twenty years' service as chaplain to the Queen's Westminster Volunteers, The curtain fell the other night for the last time in a London playhouse whighs has enjoyed a number of suc cesses and almost as mdony failures: The (Jobe theatre has had a life" of aver forty years. The. office of Lord Great Chamber- lain in likely to be merged in some other or given, td someone = whom the King selects. Lord Ancaster is said, fo have, spent nearly £10,000 in advancing his clan against' others. Sir Bdwartl | Bradford has invited pensioners Who have left the Metro- politan Pollee since 1890 fo . serve for a period of fourteen days cer: tain, or one suonth, to assist in pro: serving order in the streets at the coronation. Memorial tablets have been placed in St. Andrew's Church; Keatish Town, to Pte. F. Li. Davenport, Roy- al Fusiliers, and Pte. W. R. Angel) Sussex: Régiment, two members: of the congregation who have died in South Africa. An: inmate of the Lambeth casual wards . threw: her baby: out: of the window. It fell a distance of 15. feet on to some stone siftings, bub escap- ed without injury, a shawl wrapped round its body breaking the force of the fall. An unlooked for incident occurred during a matinee performance of "Ulysses," at Her Majesty's: Thea try, London. One of the workmen em- ployed in the flies missed his foot ing, and fell. with.a thud on the stage. Though badly bruised, he es- caped further injury. The coronation medal has been is. sued. The obverse bears the por traits of the King and Queen, and the reverse a seated re of Prit- annia regarding the towers of Wests minster Abbey. The medal is issued n gold, silver and bronze at prices - from, to. 1s. " At Lambeth Coulity Court it CANADA IN ENGLAND. The Wolverhampton Exhibition a Great Success. The Art and Industrial Exhibition at Wolverhampton was recently open ed by the Duke of Conusught The site of Wolvc iamptoh's Jatest and best Industr and Art Exbibi- tion is West park, which, possdssing many natural advantages, and being guite close to the town, has readily ledt itself to the charming designs of Messrs. Walker and Ramsay, of Glasgow, whe have decidedly opened out a new field in the way of exhibi- tion architecture. The whole of the main building forms a crescent. In this will be found an Industrial ball, the Canadian Pavilion, and the Ma- chinery hall,' the main front being an open arcade which has been pret tity arranged as a tea terrace, and from which a charming view of the grounds and large lake meets the eye. The main entrance his been recessed and decorated with a bold stencil in color, while the towers, which are some 120 feet high, are capped with highly ornamental lanterns. Quite a novel feature is a muscians' gallery placed over one of the entrances, which will be used for band perform- ances in wet weather. In the Indus. trial hall local manufacturers have made a remarkably good show of the industries of Wolverhampton and the surrounding towns. They range from expensive and. elaborate silver work to musical instruments, iron work of every description, cycle mak- ing, dress goods, looms worked by electric motors (also a local indus try), and a fine show of locks and safes by Messrs Chubb There are in addition industrial exhibits from In- dia, Japan and Denmark. Our own colony of Canada has deservedly a a building to itself, and fills it no- bly, says Lloyd's Weekly. In the Machinery hall, some 850 feet by 150 feet there are boilers of quite & new type, which will be used to gen: erate the stem for the motor pow: er necessary. in the exhibition, both for lighting and driving the machin ery. Mamunoth engines, dynamos, motors, weaving looms, lathes, ven- tilators, warming and lighting appli- ances, and many machine tool and other exhibits are shown in actual work, Some labor-saving machinery by Messrs, Alfred Herbert, of Coven- try, is especially worth notice. There are a large concert and two commodious restaurants, so that re- creation and refreshment may help to a fuller appreciation of the merits of the exhibition. 'The grounds, which are particularly worthy of nos tice, will be lighted up at night by electric and gas light, the large lake, on which there are a number of mot- or launches and swan boats, which are driven by a water bicylcs ar rangement, being also profusely decorated - with fairy lights. The at- tractions consist of a new spiral rail- way or toboggan and a large. water chute: while on the lake has been planned a new fairyland river. he Fine Art section contains a sélection of pictures by the old masters, most notably fine specimens of work by Gainsborough, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Hogarth, Sir Peter Lely, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Constable and Turner, a coliection of prints of Japanese art and 4 case of Renaissance jewelery, lent by the South Kensington Muse um. These are on view in the Town Art gallery in Lichfield street, and do not form a part of the display in the exhibition grounds. Mr. H. A, Hed: ley, who Successfully managed the Glasgow Exhibition, is at the head- of affairs, and with the help of Mr. J. H. Cundall will, if first ap- pearances prove anything, be quite as successful at Wolverhampton. ------------------ Old Londen Signs te Reappear, The decision of the Lombard street bankers: of London to celebrate the coronation of King Edward by revive ing their ancient signs is. likely to restlt in converting that home of money changes inte a picturesque thoroughfare, says ~The Newcastle Chronicle, Sowe: of. these signa. are quaint, apd there is quite a stere of interesting lore nnd legend associat- ed with the origin of at' least a large proportion of them. Among them are the halbert aud hart, the ram, two bells and siren, bellows and bull, three angels; Bible and crown, fox and fleece, golden anchor, golden key, golden bottle, golden cross, three golden balls, and many others, there being upward of 100 altogether. These devices are to be shown by means of electric. light during the coronation week, but the idea is to keep the signs up permanently, and there is no. question that they will be a welcome relief to the some what too sombre stone fronts of the large banking houses, The Yirtuss of Cold Water. Lord Bulwer-Lytton was & pro- found believer in the efficacy of the water cure for everybody, but, in particular for overworked literary men. Whenever he was tired out and felt the need of recuperation he would £6 to a water cufe establishment for a few days, drink. water Bi unlimited quantities and be sweated and soak ol until he had lost half a' dozen pounds in weight. When he felt suf- ficiently reduced, he would go back to business or pleasure, generally with a horrible cold, but under the conviction that 'he had bésn greatly improved by the treatment. He even or book on the $3 § i The selection of a food for the Raby is of vital im noe TU mult be Bourishing, easily as- similated, readily digested, and must pever vary in quality. Nestié's F. bas wil these re 3 es. Bt is made from cow's : --the most noutishing of all sul ces--and reqitires only the aa tion of water to be ready TO ak LET. J D FURNISHED KOONS, Wirh withous board, 101 Queen surest. POUR 191 University Aveswe. PRET GOOD FURNINLIFL with wil "modern son wire ne --------------------------" AN THE 1st OF MAY, THAT VERY DE OF A ai Dae WONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE at low rales A olny dete DILL Investasent Ay. o pie eesti WO HUNDRED : THOUSAND DOLLARS IN SE na Ho A on -------------------------- Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurange Company. Arallebie whe In additha which ave our be the unlimited re afl he whosln FARM AND CITY PROPERTY inwered lowest pousible rates. a business 3 or giving sew row BE, Agents. SOWRR & SON. ARCHITROTS, ante' Hark * Building, Wellington streets. 'Phone TR. ARTHUR FLLIS, AROHITROT, site of New Deill Hall, wear Queen and Mootreal Siroets UNDERTAKERS. 8. 8. CORBETT, LW Kingeton, eR FUNERAL Bureet, t Surpasses All Others MALT BREAKFAST FOOD The Best for Young and Old, For the Strong and Weak. nr THE BREAKFAST DISH OF ROYALTY. ; Malt Dreakiast Food rich in Malt, Gluten and Phosphates, predigested and free from insoluble stacch, ix the one perfect cereal food for the nour ishment of the body, nerves an Brain. Its marvellous building up vir tues bless the young and old, the strong 'and weak. Ask your grocer for a paokage. Goes to the very roots of the hair and stimulates the glands It absolutely cures Dand- ruff or money refunded. . . . Sold by Druggists A. BR, BREMNER 00. Limited TORONTO CHICAGO SHEET OOIROTod ot Ready Summer. jo. We have light-weight goods that Save Iabions, and quality. The best we can Tuy. Meally cond material, worked lato Srel-cinse guile by works men who know how to get fdionnlde poflects, is what you wami. N & BROWN, | MEAL ESTATE. CSTE ERA ii JAMES REID, me ADING © AKER, a - Pel Hureet, p ri oe ions 147A. Ups T. ¥. HARRISON ©O0., Undertakers, 233-235 Princess. 94, Quality and efliciency the best. Prices te 'Phones Warerooms, 90. Ni BEIT An 18 2. sie You want something pretty swell to wear during the summer with your summer suit, Well, why not try a pair of our Golt Patent Oxfords Also Made Blucher Cut Price $4. These are certainly the swellest thing in existence to-day. It won't cost you anything to see them, so why not give us a call--we"ll use you right, ARMSTRONG'S ---------------- I Want Money! : You Want Rubber Tire. Having special prices from the manufacturers, will give you a discount of 25 PER CENT. off all tire from now till July ist. H you want Rubber Tires now is the time. For full particulars apply 184 Priscess J Street, to JAMES. LATURNET, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Piincess St, A COSY BRIGHT > FIRE Ja an sttraction for evervons slow fotenbe bent of our make! fied felt with plessurs dering the void weather! "TUs Just the Kind wo woul with, too. 4 we Bl your bin with BOOTHS , COAL. The New Incandescent Light YTTO LAMP _ RIVALS THE SUN. The cheery Coal will | BRECK & HALLIDAY, SOLE AGENTS. | . KINGSTON. Dominion Besiness College, TORONTO Lanmet and best sqm a -- 22) Guan Seen, p SEND POR CATALOGUE. T "